How to turn on the light with your voice. Voice control for the home - an overview of the possibilities

The system was designed to voice control X10 home automation devices, which I have in sufficient quantity to completely control the lighting of one room. After the home automation controller and timer burned out, control was carried out from the X10 remote control. I wanted to make control of devices using voice commands.

The following equipment was used:

  1. A computer ( ASUS netbook Aspire One) from the operating room Linux system
  2. Enough good microphone(preferably directed)
  3. Arduino microcontroller
  4. Appliances X10
  5. PSC05 device (two-way communication module between the X10 network and other systems)

Briefly, the X10 home automation system

X10 is the very first home automation system. The X10 uses a frequency division multiplexing method to transmit data in a typical household electrical network. The advantages of this technology:

    easy to install;

    no additional wires in the apartment;

    common standard, many executive elements;

    the system can be controlled remotely;

    the system can be programmed;

    relatively low cost and simplicity of components;

    does not require additional power supply.

The X10 system has two main components:

    module - receives signals from the X10 transceiver through the wiring and controls the device connected to it;

    controller - sends signals to modules.

Modules are different. Here is a standard module for light control.

The modules can also be wired or built into the instrument.

There are three types of controllers:

    transceiver - connects to an AC outlet, receives signals from the wireless remote control, and sends commands to the modules.

    desktop controllers - plugged into an AC wall outlet - sends commands to modules over the network.

    Universal remote remote control - capable of sending both conventional infrared signals and X10 format wireless signals.

Each module has two settings: group code (A-P) and device code (1-16). The following X10 system configuration rules exist:

    all modules controlled by the same transceiver or controller must use the same group code, the group code switch has positions A to P;

    the transceiver or controller must be configured to use the same group code as the modules it controls;

    the remote control must use the same group code that the transceiver and modules use;

    each module that you want to control separately from the others must have a unique device code 1 - 16 (these codes do not have to be consecutive).

The X10 system can be controlled remotely, for example using a telephone controller or computer interface. To combine the X10 system with other systems, use the TW523 or PSC05 controllers. We will be using the X10 to control our fixtures with the Arduino.

Bilateral interface PSC05

A separate direction in the development of x10 technologies is the creation by third-party developers and OEMs of their own devices (microcomputer systems) to control x10 modules. These devices connect to x10 systems using special interface modules. An example of such a module is . The PSC05 plugs into a regular power outlet and external devices are connected to it via an optically isolated interface with an RJ11 connector. The PSC05 module converts the commands generated by the control device into signals transmitted through the wiring to the x10 modules. This module can also transmit signals in the opposite direction - from x10 devices to control computers.

Connecting PSC05 to Arduino

To interact with Arduino and PSC05, we will use the arduino-X10 library, which allows you to send commands to the x10 network. The website offers this library. There were problems, errors were given in test cases, but we managed to win. Connection to PSC05 module via RJ11 cable.

The library has not yet implemented sending messages from the X10 network, so one of the middle outputs is not used yet. Solder and connect to Arduino. It turned out like this.

Download the library, copy it to the libraries folder, launch the Arduino IDE. We select the X10_Multi example, correct errors, slightly modify (we do for devices with codes A2 and A4) switching every 5 seconds, connect, check, everything works - here is the video

AT Everyday life often there are situations when even a simple action - turning on the light in the room can be a problem. This is often associated with children, the disabled or bedridden patients, for whom reaching the switch is very difficult or impossible. In such cases, an acoustic device becomes indispensable. It works on the cotton principle.

Application of acoustic (cotton) switches

Such devices are gaining popularity due to ease of use and practical utility. It is enough to pay attention to the dirty spots around the traditional switch, which appear on the wall soon after the repair. A non-contact device eliminates this unpleasant effect.

It is also useful for the younger generation, if the lighting control devices are installed in a traditional place for Russia, and not below, as is customary in Europe. Just by clapping your hands, the child can easily turn on and off the light in the room.

In the same way, an acoustic switch will be useful for wheelchair users and bedridden patients. In addition, it can become a signal system for them to ask for help if necessary. A slight alteration of the circuit will allow you to supply not only light, but also sound signal.

The popular name of the device "cotton" is most likely accidental, because the device can also respond to other sharp sounds, including whistling, knocking and other signals.

It can be assumed that devices of this class will become indispensable accessories of the housing management system called "smart home".

Principle of operation

Light switches on cotton are one of the varieties of devices for remote control of lighting. In this case, the signal to change the lighting status is a sharp sound in the form of a handclap. Of course, a microphone is an indispensable element of such a control scheme. When making the device yourself, it is not at all necessary to run to the store for such an important detail. You can use devices from old phones, tape recorders, headphones and other devices associated with the use of sound-sensitive elements.

The algorithm of work provides for turning on the light with a clap and turning it off at the next same signal.


As an example, consider the data of a standard instrument

  • the device is powered by standard network voltage 220 volts;
  • the permissible total power of connected devices is 300 watts;
  • sound signal adjustment range within 30–150 decibels;
  • operating temperatures ranging from 20 degrees of frost to 40 degrees of heat;
  • housing protection class IP-30.

Various lamps can be used in the load network:

  1. Standard incandescent or halogen lamps.
  2. Fluorescent or energy-saving lamps.
  3. Lamps and LED lamps.

Such characteristics allow the device to be used within the requirements federal law No. 261 concerning the rational use of electricity.

The dimensions of the device are comparable to those of a matchbox, which makes it convenient to place it in close proximity to the lamp. Can be fixed to any surface using double-sided tape or mounted on self-tapping screws.

Device Components

You can offer several schemes for the device device.

Option 1

This is the most simple scheme. It is distinguished by the use of a microphone with a multiple amplification of the sound signal. It will require several KT 315 transistors and one powerful KT 818. From the microphone, the signal is transmitted to the KT 315, amplified many times and passed to the KT 818, which controls the relay for closing and opening the load contacts, be it a light bulb or any other consumer. The sensitivity of the device allows it to be turned on / off at a distance of 4–5 meters, which is quite applicable for domestic use.

The optimal choice is electret microphone, one of the conclusions of which is connected to the body. Electricity consumption is low, the voltage is 4-16 volts.

Option 2 device

The device circuit in this case is more complicated, but it is also more reliable than the previous one. To implement it you will need:

  • resistor;
  • capacitor;
  • zener diode;
  • controlled thyristors.

The transistor trigger must be connected to a voltage divider and a resistor. The trigger receives power through a diode and a resistor. The capacitor and zener diode are designed to equalize the voltage.

Stable operation of the trigger is possible when one of the two controlled thyristors is turned on. Reacting to the sound from the microphone, the voltage divider puts them into another state.

The load on the switch does not exceed 100 watts. If it is necessary to increase this characteristic, it is necessary to use diodes of higher power. Transistors are mounted using heatsinks.

Connection and installation

The device is mounted on a single-key or two-key switch in such a way that it receives power from a 220-volt mains. This can be done like this:

  • A typical light bulb connection diagram looks like this: the switch is powered from the shield through the junction box. The neutral wire is fed to the light source and connected in parallel to the switch;
  • It is necessary to break the power circuit to the key switch and install an acoustic device in the gap. The controller is installed in the luminaire housing;
  • More often, the switch is equipped with two pairs of wires, white and black. Power is supplied on white, loads are connected on black. The connection is best made with terminals or simply winding. Soldering is not used in such schemes.

The principle of operation and operation of the automatic soft light switch

The device is designed to increase the life of lighting fixtures. Innings maximum voltage in salvo mode is often the cause of their burnout. As in the case of a cotton switch, the signal to turn on the light bulb is a beep.

It is fed to a microphone that converts the acoustic signal into an electrical impulse. The signal is amplified in the operational amplifier and fed to the capacitor to charge it. When the charge reaches higher values ​​than on the capacitance, the comparator is triggered and the output instead of zero value a signal appears. As a result, the transistor generator starts, which directs the pulses, and the symmetrical triode thyristor opens, which supplies voltage to the light bulb.

After some time, the voltage across the capacitor decreases, which leads to a decrease in the frequency of pulses on the symmetrical triode thyristor as a result of an increase in the phase delay. At the same time, the lamp slowly goes out. By selecting the ratings, you can achieve the extinguishing time of the light source up to three minutes.

Deserve attention and special devices intended for public places of periodic use. These are places such as entrances, elevator platforms, basements and other similar places.

During daylight hours, an optical sensor disables the device from operation. With the onset of darkness, the operation of the device in standby mode is turned on. When sound exposure occurs, an acoustic sensor is triggered, turning on the light in the room. The built-in time relay turns off the light after 40–50 seconds of burning. If during this period the sound signal is repeated, the countdown starts from the time of its receipt.

Such a lighting control system saves up to 50% of the electricity used for lighting public walkways.

Test procedure for cotton switches

After installing and connecting the device, it must be checked in real operating conditions. The test consists in simulating household noises and reacting to them. installed system. Common house noises include:

  • the noise of a household vacuum cleaner;
  • work of an electric drill;
  • clatter of cymbals;
  • sound from working with a hammer;
  • phone calls, etc.

By creating such noise effects in turn, we check which of them the device can trigger. You can try to eliminate unwanted reactions of the device by adjusting the sensitivity of the microphone. This feature is implemented in all device models.

The manufacture of such a switch is shown in detail in the video.

To make an acoustic switch with your own hands, you undoubtedly need solid knowledge in the field of radio electronics and electrical engineering, but installing a standard device is quite within the power of a performer with minimal wiring skills. I wish you success!

There are many different solutions on the market today. remote control some kind of lighting device. For example, you can control a lamp with a smartphone and special application, you can control from the remote control, etc. Each has its pros and cons.

The Russian company ARMiSoft approached this issue more fundamentally and, I must say, diversified. Over the past year and a half, the company's specialists have been working on the creation of the Voicer voice light switch, which has an elegant design and voice control functions.

Voicer allows you to adjust the brightness of connected lamps via mechanical influences(dimmer ring and button), infrared remote control signals or voice commands (the last, most interesting solution). Voicer is the world's first device that combines original design and intelligent control of separate voice commands. It will be a pleasure to have it in every home as a logical replacement for traditional light switches.

And in the light of the gradual development of the “smart home” direction, this decision will be in demand, especially since there are no analogues. The sensitivity of receiving voice commands turned out to be high level which can be clearly seen in the video.

Main characteristics:

  • Ergonomic design
  • Built-in dual color backlight
  • The compactness of the outer part. The height of the case, measured from the plane of the wall, is only 5.5mm.
  • Convenient mechanical control via button and dimmer ring
  • Voice control through custom-trained commands in the chosen language. In the future, speaker independence is possible on an already purchased switch!
    IR control
  • Scheduled device operation
    The device is connected to a break in the circuit 100 - 220V (50-60Hz) of the lamp power supply through a two-wire connection
  • An LED dimmable lamp or an ordinary incandescent lamp can act as a load.
  • Does not require technological equipment to flash the device: Like any device that uses complex processing algorithms, the device can be easily flashed new version programs. Voicer is flashed through sound by playing on any multimedia device (for example, on a phone) an audio file in WAV format (this file is a flashing for the device), offered for download from the company's website! Firmware time sound file will not exceed one minute. This technical innovation currently patented by the company.

ARMiSoft is currently looking for venture funding. It is open to discussing this issue with potential investors. An attempt to place on the crowdfunding site did not justify itself.

According to the authors of the project, this is due to the small number of active audience of the site - only 106 views of the project were registered after a week from the moment the project was published. This is clearly inconsistent with indiegogo's claimed monthly audience of 15 million. human. Representatives of ARMiSoft do not lose optimism, expressing confidence in the future of the Voicer voice switch.

In case of timely financing of the project, its entry into the market is possible by March next 2016. The authors almost guarantee that by the time of the serial release of the product, it will use speaker-independent recognition and a significant expansion of the command dictionary.

Below are videos for those who want to see in more detail how the Voicer switch works, its capabilities and how to control it.

This type of lighting is actively used in residential, office and even industrial premises. The most popular today are control systems implemented using radio switches, motion sensors, controllers with control panels, smartphones and computers. Modern technologies allow you to manage or on the adjacent plot, being hundreds of kilometers away from them. Some of them will be discussed in the article.

Remote Control Advantage

The use of remote control devices allows you to solve a number of problems:

  • Save energy;
  • Make the process of turning on / off lamps as comfortable as possible;
  • Protect your home or apartment from intruders (presence effect).

Types of remote control

Remote turning on of light can be wired and wireless, manual and automatic, with the ability to manipulate light from devices operating on the principle of emitting and receiving waves of certain frequencies: infrared, microwave, radio frequency, sound, ultrasonic, voice (control of specific commands). In this article, we will dwell on lighting control using various types radiation, voice and sound commands.

Infrared and radio wave control of light from the remote control

Infrared lighting control using a remote control is extremely rare. Basically, such systems operate on the principle of signal transmission over a radio channel. To be able to manipulate light devices using an IR beam, a lighting remote control unit, for example BM8049M, is connected to the circuit break. It allows you to turn on the lamp switch with a regular TV remote control. To do this, point the remote control at the unit, press any key (which is not used to switch channels), after which the command is recorded in memory and now you can control the inclusion of the light without getting up from the sofa.

The main disadvantages of using IR light remote controls are the need for their accurate aiming at the signal receiver, since they only work within the line of sight, and the short range of the beam, but in this case repeaters can be used.

Much more widespread are light control systems using a remote control, in which a signal is transmitted from a control device to a controller that regulates the process of turning on / off the light at a certain radio frequency.

Radio control of light is more in demand for several reasons:

  • The ability to control the light not only with the remote control, but also with a computer, smartphone and other devices;
  • Signal range - about 100 meters in the absence of obstacles, 15-25 meters in the presence of obstacles;
  • The possibility of installing signal amplifiers and repeaters for better transmission of commands from the control device.

Remote lighting control system via radio channel using a remote control consists of:

  • Console;
  • battery;
  • Remote control controller connected to the network and load.

Install the controller into the wall or glass of the chandelier (see photo). It can control incandescent, compact and conventional fluorescent, halogen, LED lamps, and not only single lamps, but also their group.

Overview of lighting remote control units, made in China, using a remote control, via radio, video:

Remote control of light with infrared and radio switches

Infrared switches are a rarity in the lighting market, as it is more reasonable to control the light using radio devices. One of the most popular switches is "Sapphire" by Nootekhnika (Belarus). The same company produces a variety of radio lighting control devices, including those mentioned below. The switch is controlled by any remote control, for example, television or manually. Receives signals from a receiver located inside the device on touch panel. A light switch with a remote control is shown in the photo.

Overview of the IR switch "Sapphire", video:

Light switch with remote control located in any place convenient for themselves, power blocks - in a junction box or a glass of a chandelier.

An example of "binding" a lighting control unit to a radio switch, video:

Using sensors to control lighting

The lighting market has a wide range of various sensors movement, for remote control of lighting. The most common of these are infrared. They are devices that close or open the lighting circuit with an increase in the level of infrared radiation in their "visibility" zone. As soon as a person or animal enters the field of action of the sensor, whose body temperature is higher than the background temperature, the light turns on. As soon as a person leaves the sensor's coverage area or is in a stationary position for several seconds, the light turns off. Motion sensors are mounted most often in the entrances, above the front door, less often - inside the apartment.

Disadvantages and advantages of infrared sensors

The disadvantages of using motion sensors include the possibility of false positives (reaction to warm air, sun rays), deterioration of work outdoors due to precipitation, no operation of the device in the case when a person’s clothing does not transmit infrared radiation, constant switching off of the light after 10-15 seconds, as soon as physical activity decreases.

The advantages of sensors include the ability to control the consumption of electrical energy and, as a result, reduce cash costs, safety for human health, ease of use.

Connecting motion sensors is not difficult; the installation diagram below is very common. For its implementation, a three-wire wire is required, with which the lighting control device is powered from the network and connected to the load. The phase wire of the network is connected to the phase wire of the sensor. Zero conductors of the lamp, power supply and sensor are connected together. The luminaire is connected by a phase wire to the remaining wire of the sensor.

Selection of infrared motion sensors

When choosing IR sensors, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Place of application. Sensors are available with degrees of protection from IP20 to IP 55 and are built-in and mounted. For use in an apartment, a built-in sensor looks more profitable, and the degree of protection practically does not play a role. To install the device on the street or in the entrance, it is better to choose a model with protection against dust and water, mounted on a bracket;
  • Maximum range. IR sensors capture changes in background temperature at a distance of 10-20 meters. Those of them that are planned to be installed on the street should have a larger "coverage" radius. Indoors, this parameter is useless;
  • detection angle. In the vertical plane, the viewing angle of the sensors is 15-20 degrees, in the horizontal - from 60 to 360 degrees;
  • Load power. Before buying a sensor, you need to know the power of the load connected to it and choose a device according to these indicators with a margin.

Using other motion sensors to control the light

In addition to infrared controllers, microwave, sound and ultrasonic, as well as combined sensors are sometimes used to control lighting.

Microwave sensors

Microwave sensors work on the principle of emitting and receiving electromagnetic waves. In normal mode, the frequency and length of the waves emitted and reflected from objects are the same. When a person enters the sensor's coverage area, these parameters change, after which the light circuit switching mechanism is activated. The advantages of microwave sensors are that they are highly accurate devices, they work perfectly even at bad weather, and the disadvantages are the possibility of false positives, high price, harmful radiation from sensors with a large coverage radius.

Ultrasonic sensors

Ultrasonic sensors are similar in principle to microwave sensors. Inside these devices, a generator of sound waves is installed, with a frequency of 20 to 60 kilohertz, which are emitted and reflected from objects located in the field of action of the sensor. When a person or animal enters the coverage radius, the frequency of the sound waves arriving at the sensor changes, which the device immediately registers. Disadvantages of ultrasonic sensors: may not respond to smooth movement, cause discomfort to animals. Advantages of sensors: low cost, they work in conditions of high humidity, temperature changes, they react to movement, regardless of the material of which the person is wearing clothes.

Combined sensors

Combined sensors combine several motion detection technologies. They can use microwave and ultrasonic radiation or infrared and microwave. Such devices most qualitatively perform the tasks assigned to them.

Sound sensors

Sound sensors respond to sudden changes in sound, the level of which is set by changing the sensitivity of the sensor. Most often, the light is turned on and off by clapping your hands. A variety of sound sensors can also be considered voice switches.

Voice control of the light

Voice control of lighting devices in the apartment is implemented using voice sensors-switches, often used in Smart Home systems, as well as computers or smartphones on which a special program is installed.

Light switches with remote control (voice) are divided into two types: with the need to configure and without it. In the first case, you need to teach the device commands to activate, turn on and off the light, in the second case, all commands are already written in memory and indicated in the instructions, you just need to use them to control. Often such switches can be controlled not only by voice, but also by any remote control. These include Jaco and Servi. You can get acquainted with the features of their work on the websites of manufacturers.

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"Smart home" is controlled in several ways: through the control panel, desktop computer with preinstalled apps. The latest innovation in the world of smart home technology is voice control. It allows the system to instantly respond to your pre-recorded command without having to search for the remote and press multiple key combinations on the computer. The main condition is the presence of built-in microphones in the smart home system. This solution is implemented in Home Sapiens. There is voice assistant with a female voice named Eva.

Implementation of a smart home

Slave subsystems

  • lighting. The voice-activated system responds to a simple hand clap, finger snap, or human voice. Of all the interference and noise, the built-in microphones recognize the pre-set sound in the settings and respond only to it. In view of this, it does not matter how noisy the room is - the complex recognizes the necessary commands;
  • climate control. On command, the air conditioner or radiator turns on or off. The regulation of the mode of operation is provided;
  • intercom (relevant for entrance doors or gates). When a certain command is given to the smart home complex, it will open or close doors, gates or even windows;
  • security alarm. She not only responds to extraneous sounds, but will also turn off at your command.

Smart home control with Android application

What does the expert think?

In spite of obvious benefits, the smart home voice control system has its drawbacks. So, in particular, you will have to carefully consider a signal that cannot be reproduced by chance and that the system can clearly recognize without confusing anything. This is not a trivial task, and it is worth taking it responsibly.

Konstantin Kotovsky

control mechanism

The complex with voice control is controlled using a single word or phrases that are set by the owner of the premises on the control panel. It is also controlled manually - the control panel is launched both from a computer and from a smartphone and tablet. The main condition is access to an Internet connection.

Asked not only key phrase or a word, but also the algorithm of actions of the "smart home" with voice control. Among the examples of commands, they note: “Turn on the computer”, “Make it warmer”. Voice control solves several tasks at the same time, which is possible as follows:

  • you preliminarily set a command to the system, as well as an algorithm for its actions in response to it;
  • you give the command “Movie Viewing Mode”, and the “smart home” at this time turns off the light in the room, closes the curtains and turns on the TV.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • selection of the desired phrase to activate the functions;
  • writing and executing scripts for multitasking teams;
  • assigning the execution of functions by timer;
  • the same efficiency as when controlling a remote control or a computer keyboard (achieved due to the ability of the microphone to distinguish the desired phrase from extraneous noise);
  • the ability to listen to everything that happens in the house in real time.

  • the need to purchase powerful microphones;
  • the need to set commands that you do not pronounce in everyday life, in order to avoid false triggering of the system.


Scheme 1. Speech Recognition with Arduino - voice control

  • BitVoice. This product works exclusively on the operating Windows system, which excludes its use on many devices;

Scheme 2. Speech Recognition with Arduino - voice control

  • Arduino Voice Recognition. It is a proprietary device for recognizing voice commands from the Arduino company. Among the shortcomings, experts note the limitation on the number of commands, the long process of learning how to manage the system, as well as the need to reflash the device to record new phrases, which is inconvenient with the existing well-established complex;

Scheme 3. Speech Recognition with Arduino - voice control

  • Speech to Text Library for Java/Processing. Acts as a solution for everyone operating systems, since the application is written in the Google Speach API language. Among its capabilities, it is worth noting tracking a person’s voice in real time, specifying a volume threshold, connecting external microphones, setting a speech recognition language (the full list of features is written on the application website). The disadvantage of the utility is the impossibility of processing more than 50 requests in 24 hours (as the manufacturer claims, although practical tests have shown the processing of 500 requests per day).