How to disassemble a laptop yourself: step-by-step instructions. We disassemble a laptop at home How to open an asus eee pc netbook

SC "ABEKOM" is not responsible for damage, loss of warranty or any other damage caused by actions taken after reading this article. The material below is for informational purposes only.

The main rule when assembling and disassembling a laptop: not a single action during the assembly and disassembly process requires the application of physical force! If something doesn’t work out, make sure once again that the actions taken are correct!

Any laptop owner, at least once during their use, has had the desire to disassemble their laptop. Some are driven by curiosity, others want to upgrade their laptop without paying for the services of service centers.

We chose the Asus A7 model. This laptop is average in terms of the complexity of its internal structure, its components are quite universal and the disassembly algorithm is suitable for many laptops.

    1. Turn the laptop upside down. Here are covers that cover most peripheral modules: hard drive, RAM, modules wireless communication.

    2. First, remove the battery. Even though the laptop is turned off, many components are under voltage. Unscrew all the screws and remove all the covers. You should pay attention to the screws hidden under the covers and under the battery.

    3. Next, remove everything visible devices. Let's start with the hard drive. As a rule, it is removed by moving it in the direction opposite to the connection connector. On many hard drives A special tongue is made to make it easier to grip. From it you can determine the direction of the displacement.

    5. Disconnect the power cables for the processor cooler and the antennas of the wireless communication modules. The antennas themselves are located along the matrix of the laptop, so they need to be disconnected to remove the top cover of the laptop.

    6. Remove the cooler of the cooling system. If you're taking your laptop apart to clean it, now is the time to do it. A laptop needs preventative cleaning, even if it is used very carefully and in a clean room. Why - you can read in the article “Why does the laptop get hot? "

    7. However, cleaning the cooler alone is not sufficient for normal operation of the cooling system. It is necessary to clean the radiator and replace the thermal paste on the processor chip. We unscrew the 4 screws securing the radiator, one of them is always under the warranty sticker and remove the radiator. If the thermal paste is old, the heatsink may stick to the processor, then a little force will be required. But you should be careful not to damage the processor itself.

    8. The laptop can now be turned over to its normal working position with the keyboard facing up. The remaining case mounting screws are located under the keyboard, so we need to remove it. Methods for attaching keyboards are different. Most often, on one side there are protrusions that are inserted into the grooves of the case, and on the other there are latches that finally secure the keyboard. Sometimes instead of latches there are screws that are hidden under the housing panel. Then you should first remove the panel and unscrew these screws. In our case, latches are used.

    9. Disconnect the keyboard cable and all other visible cables. The fastening of the cables in almost all laptops is the same - it is pressed to the connector by a bar, which opens either by moving or lifting.

    10. Next, you need to remove the top cover of the laptop. To do this, disconnect the cables connecting the laptop matrix. These connectors are located either under the keyboard, or under the housing panel above the keyboard, or under a special cover. In our case, the last option is used.

    11. Remove the covers covering the hinges and unscrew the remaining screws securing the hinges.

    12. Now you can remove the top cover of the laptop.

    Please note that this model has hidden screws under the cover. They also need to be unscrewed.

    13. Now the laptop case can be separated. There are latches located around the perimeter; you can handle them using a spatula used by radio amateurs or a fairly thin flat screwdriver.

    Greetings, Dear friends, readers, subscribers, acquaintances and other individuals who happened to read this material. I am glad to welcome you again to the pages of the project and its website " Notes from Sys.Admin"I think that many people remember various articles about all sorts of computer hardware and internals (namely, about assembly, selection, configuration, etc.), as well as

    Today we will continue this interesting direction and talk about such a thing as disassembling a car down to the cogs in order to return it to life and expel all dirt from it (namely, the aforementioned dust). How is it? Yes, it’s simple: laptops are the most harmful devices in terms of assembly and disassembly, and at the same time, they quickly become clogged with dust (wherever they are carried and placed) because, in fact, of their purpose.

    Moreover, laptops tend to get noticeably warm due to weak cooling systems and poor air circulation, which leads to the most tragic consequences, ranging from slowdowns and ending with the skates being thrown off, usually immediately by the laptop itself (rarely only some specific detail). In general, cleaning must be carried out, albeit less frequently than with a regular desktop computer.

    However, aside from the lyrics. Go.

    Preface or what we have and why we need it

    It just so happened that I had a need to clean another laptop, and therefore it was decided to finally write an article, so to speak, along the way and without delay. Therefore, I armed myself with a camera and personal example I’ll tell you what’s what, making comments along the way about what is necessary, how to do it correctly and what mistakes there are.

    Attention ! Before you begin, read the entire material several times very carefully. If you decide to disassemble a laptop of another model, then look for the service instructions (more on this at the end of the article) for your model and carefully study it as well.

    Attention ! By disassembling a laptop, in 99% of cases you will lose the warranty from the manufacturer and store.

    Attention! The author disclaims all responsibility for any of your actions and the consequences to which they may lead. When disassembling or assembling a laptop, mentioned or not mentioned in this article, you act at your own peril and risk. The final result depends on you and only you. If you are not confident in your own abilities, then do not start or stop at the moment when it seems to you that further actions may lead to breakdown.

    What we have:

    • HP tm-2100 laptop with a touch (and rotating) screen, which lasted about 5 years without hardware maintenance (that is, it was not disassembled or cleaned). After 5 years, it began to buzz very loudly (it works almost 100% and copes poorly with the task), warms up, turns on on its own (doesn’t really go into sleep or hibernation), slows down even when opening pages in the browser, and so on and so forth.

    What they were doing:

    • Software cleaning, . Does not help. The problem is clearly a hardware issue.

    What you decided to do:

    • Disassemble, clean, change thermal paste and, if possible, the cooling system.

    Actually, I’m writing this article using this laptop as an example, because it’s quite tricky to disassemble if you don’t know the nuances. Therefore, I decided to analyze the conditionally complex option, so that it would be easier for you to deal with less complex solutions later.

    Now we can get down to business.

    We disassemble and clean the laptop in order to bring it back to life

    We will need:

    Disassembly and cleaning process:
    Before we begin, one more comment for beginners. Take pictures for yourself of the ENTIRE disassembly process. This will help you put your laptop back together. Believe my experience - this is VITALLY necessary. No instruction will help you at first as much as own photos. Assembling is often more difficult than disassembling.

    • We take the laptop and put it on workplace, where we will analyze it:
    • Turn off naturally ( Start - Run - Shut down):
    • After waiting for it to turn off, close the screen and turn the laptop upside down:

    • The first thing you need to do after turning it off is to remove the battery in order to completely cut off the power to the laptop. To do this, you need to pull the latch with some force in the direction indicated by the arrow and pull out the battery:
    • Having done this, we need to extract HDD and RAM. There are special bolts for this back cover, which, as a rule, are signed or marked with drawings:
      What's important here:

      Firstly, often, if the assembly is good and the company is adequate, the bolts do not come out completely. More precisely, they unscrew completely from the groove, but you won’t be able to get them out with a screwdriver or shake them out, because... they are secured with a ring that prevents them from falling out, which is great, because the bolts are small and it’s quite easy to lose them. However, due to inexperience, you risk, at best, sitting for an hour or two, thinking that the bolts are turning in the groove, although this is not the case. Therefore, there is this warning from me, because once upon a time I myself fell for this “trick” :)

      Secondly, one pair of bolts does not always hold one cover. It happens that, as in this case, the second pair of bolts is from another cover (for example, random access memory) participates in clamping the first cover (from hard drive), and then it turns out that you need to unscrew all the bolts and remove everything at once, and not partially. This does not happen on all laptops, but quite often.

    • Next we need to remove the hard drive. This is done first by moving in the direction from the connector (see red arrows), and then by pulling the disk up from the laptop:

      There is nothing difficult about this, but be sure to exercise caution and accuracy. Just in case, as they say. Don't pull or yank if it doesn't work. It is most important. It’s better to measure ten times.. In short, everyone knows this saying :)
    • Next we remove the RAM. To do this, you need to pull the side white (in this case) pressing clamps and move them apart at the same time (see red arrows):

      After which the memory bar, in most cases, will rise up and it can be removed manually without any obstacles.
    • Having removed the memory sticks, we need to remove Wi-Fi module. This is done as follows:

      First, we pull out the contacts (wires with roundels) from the grooves of the Wi-Fi board (blue arrows in the photo), and then unscrew the bolts (red arrows) and remove the board, putting it aside.
    • Before continuing, I recommend that you take the A4 piece of paper mentioned above and pen(s) or marker(s)/felt-tip pen(s), as well as a camera or camera on the same mobile phone. For what? Then, so as not to get completely confused in further steps and during assembly not to get lost in the number of screws, bolts and other things.
      What's the point? The fact is that it would seem that we are all so smart, we remember and know everything, our memory is perfect and all that stuff, but... Believe me from my personal experience, when assembling it, it turns out that there is nothing like that. I assured myself many dozens of times that everything was sensory obvious and it was impossible to forget where this screw and that bolt came from. Yeah, yeah :) In fact, it turns out that the bolts are different, located in the most unusual places and for different parts, there are really a lot of them, but memory is not the smartest thing and tends to be harmful. Seriously. In short, everyone who is naively confident in their abilities is 100% like Superman - I’m very happy for you, really. For the rest.. Distribute all the screws that can be unscrewed on paper as they belong to something and circle them with a signature where they come from. If the circles are multi-colored - generally ideal. Once upon a time, in my youth, I even drew a sketch of the motherboard circuit, saying where it came from - what, but these are already unnecessary details. And, yes.. Try to photograph every step, so that even if the diagram fails you, then from the photograph you will know exactly what is coming from and why. Believe me, this will come in handy when assembling.
    • The next step is responsible for unscrewing the bolts, but before that, let's remove the battery from the motherboard (by simply pulling it out of the connector):
    • Next, we unscrew all the bolts available to us. That's all (the photo below is just an example of legs, deep grooves and other things):

      Keep in mind that very often the bolts are hidden under the legs (you will have to tear them off and then re-glue them) or under labels, be it labels with the name of the laptop model or serial Windows number. Usually they can be easily felt by hand, but not always. One way or another, keep in mind that it is better to search than to break. I repeat that by disassembling the laptop and, even more so, violating the integrity of the labels, you lose the warranty.
    • After making sure that we have unscrewed all the bolts, we turn the laptop over to its normal position, i.e. "belly" down. Next, you need to be careful, because...

      Attention ! Further steps to disassemble the laptop are often associated with breakdowns due to negligence. Be careful and attentive.

      The thing is. In 95% of cases, after you have unscrewed everything, you need to open the surface of the case, and it is secured with plastic clips and latches, which tend to break off, resist in every possible way, and so on and so forth. In my case, I had to pry the surface with two screwdrivers and very carefully pull it with my fingers so that the lid opens:

      Again, don't pull too hard if something doesn't fit or open. Often you either forgot to unscrew the bolt, or you press and pull in the wrong place. Be careful, feel where it opens, where it doesn’t and why. IN otherwise By getting impudent and tugging at the plastic, you risk damaging the case. Plus, you don’t have to immediately drag everything up too much. Be patient. Under the cover, as you can see in the photo above, a touchpad (a surface that replaces a mouse) and a keyboard are usually attached by a cable, and they must be removed as calmly and adequately as possible.

    • Further, for understanding, just an exploded view photo, i.e. without top cover+ those same trains:

    • Then we need to pull out everything that is stuck. Here, too, you need to be careful, take pictures of every step and remember what comes from.
      We turn off the on/off switch, i.e. laptop power button:

      Something related to cooling in some way:

      Two cables from the monitor (it is very important not to forget to pull it out, because then you need to remove the monitor):

      Other things to suit your taste (in my case it’s a connector for a stylus, but yours can have whatever you want connected to the motherboard):

    • When all possible cables have been removed, then we are, in fact, interested in removing the monitor. In ordinary laptops, this process occurs in a variety of ways, but if you have already turned it off and all the false panels have been removed, then all that remains is to unscrew it. In my case, the process looks like this:

      Three bolts on one side, three on the other... And the monitor is removed:
    • Next we have the bare board, which is still screwed to one of the remaining parts of the case:

      We actually unscrew the bolts and carefully (as a rule, it is fixed) pull out the motherboard. Keep in mind that you may need to unscrew something else, depending on your laptop model. Look carefully for bolts and fasteners before trying as hard as you can.
    • Now we finally get to the cooling system by turning the board over:

      As a rule, it consists of a heat pipe that transfers heat to a radiator blown by a fan. The tube is strung on plates responsible for heat transfer and pressing function. In the photo above you can see an interesting point - on the chipset on the left there are two bolts missing, which are listed in the service manual, but were not screwed in by good assemblers (they steal, save, something else?). Such is the romance.
    • We are interested in cleaning this entire system. First you need to remove the fan, which is easy, because you just need to unscrew a few bolts, which you can easily find:
    • Next, the fastening of the heat pipe and its plates is disassembled:

    • Well, then it’s a matter of small things.
      • First, remove any dust you find from the radiator and fan.
      • Secondly, you need to remove the remnants of the old thermal paste with a napkin. If instead of thermal paste, what I call a pad of pseudo-thermal paste is used and it is not damaged, then it is not necessary to remove it (the pad). If damaged, it is better to replace it with a layer of good thermal paste. In the photo above you can see that one pad is damaged, one is intact, and in the very middle there is just a print of thermal paste. In this case, I removed everything unnecessary (i.e. the pillow itself) on the left and in the very middle, and left everything on the right as is.
      • Thirdly, all that remains is to apply thermal paste to the cleaned surfaces (there is an article on how to do this here - " ").
    • Well... The most important thing is to put everything back together. This is done in reverse order, exactly the opposite.

    In a nutshell, something like this.


    One more important point that I simply must mention. There is such a thing as service manuals. In fact, these are instructions for service centers in which (instructions), in fact, describe how to disassemble and assemble the whole thing (with pictures and other things). You can find it in (most likely) or Yandex (not sure here) by searching “Service Manual + n”, where n is the name + company of your laptop model. In most cases, if you wish, you can download either this very manual (though, as a rule, on English language), or find instructions made by someone (like, for example, what you just read on the HP tm-2100). I strongly recommend searching and trying, just in case, as they say. If suddenly your specific model is not available, then look for related ones - often the disassembly process is identical.

    Well, as for the rest... I tried to simplify the text of the material as much as possible, simultaneously making comments on the most key points. If anyone has anything to add, correct, etc., I’m always glad to see you in the comments. As always, I welcome questions, thoughts, thanks and everything else.

    Stay with the project. You are always welcome here.

    At some points in time, it becomes necessary to disassemble your laptop or netbook for preventive maintenance: clean the cooling fan from dust, add RAM, replace the hard drive. In some cases this is easy to do: just unscrew a few bolts. In other cases, this is more difficult to do - in order to get to the right place you have to disassemble the device down to the last screw. You can entrust this work to professionals, or you can, if you have some skills, do it yourself, saving a little money. In this article I will tell you how to disassemble the Asus Eee PC 1015 netbook.

    Warning: Use of this manual is at your own risk and will void your warranty!

    1. Disconnect the netbook from the network and remove the battery.

    2. Unscrew the screws (1) and move the latches (2).

    3. Remove the top cover together with the keyboard from the latches and disconnect the keyboard cable (3).

    4. Unscrew the screws holding the bottom cover (4).

    5. Disconnect the touchpad cable and remove the lower part of the cover (5).

    6. In order to replace the hard drive (with a working one, either a more capacious or faster SSD drive) - disconnect the cables (6) and unscrew the screws (7), remove the hard drive.

    7. To clean dust in the cooling system, you need to unscrew the screws (8) and disconnect the fan power connector (9).

    We perform assembly in reverse order. At the same time, we make sure that there were no unnecessary details left(for example, in this particular case, the previous “disassembler” completely forgot to secure the hard drive, which subsequently led to its destruction), cables are securely fastened(which otherwise could lead to either unstable operation of the netbook or its complete failure, accompanied by pyrotechnic effects), nothing is mixed up and that's all the latches are secured back.

    For dessert

    Video from a foreign colleague about replacing a standard hard drive with a faster SSD in an Asus Eee PC 1015 netbook:

    In this guide I will show you how to disassemble the Asus Eee PC1015PX netbook.

    My the main task Initially, it consisted of replacing a hard drive that had failed and had to be replaced with a new one. In order to replace the hard drive in this netbook, you need to disassemble and remove the top cover of the case, the one to which the keyboard is attached.

    The hard drive is installed and secured deep inside the case and is difficult to get out.

    Before starting disassembly, make sure the netbook is turned off.

    STEP 1.

    We remove the battery.

    If your laptop has a “weak” battery (battery) that only keeps the laptop running for a few minutes or doesn’t hold it at all, then it needs to be replaced. You can purchase a battery yourself from an online store and install it in your laptop.

    STEP 2.

    We pull out the plastic cap on the screw of the compartment with RAM memory.

    We unscrew the screw. Lift and remove the cover of the RAM compartment.

    STEP 3.

    Under the cover you will see one memory module installed.

    The Asus Eee PC 1015PX netbook has only one slot for installing RAM and a maximum supported memory capacity of 2GB per module.

    Type of memory used : DDR3 PC3-10600 at 1333MHz or DDR3 PC3-8500 at 1066MHz.

    STEP 4.

    Unscrew the 4 screws that were hidden under the installed battery.

    STEP 5.

    Begin to separate the keyboard from the top cover of the netbook.

    To successfully perform this operation, any sharp piece of plastic, such as a guitar pick, will do.

    There are several small latches on the two parts of the case that need to be released during disassembly. Walk around the entire perimeter and separate them all.

    STEP 6.

    Remove the top part with the keyboard and place it with the keys facing down.

    Be careful not to tear off the cable that connects the keyboard to the motherboard.

    STEP 7.

    You can now access the keyboard cable that was hidden under the keyboard.

    Now you can unlock the clamp on the connector and disconnect the cable from the netbook motherboard.

    If the keys on a laptop keyboard do not work, then with a 99% probability the keyboard will need to be replaced with a new one; cleaning the keyboard usually does not help. You can purchase a keyboard for your laptop and install it yourself. For example, a keyboard for Asus Eee PC 1015PX with delivery will cost less than $10. Be sure to order a keyboard for your language.

    STEP 8.

    I'll show you how to unlock the connector so that you don't break it, God forbid.

    Using tweezers or a sharp screwdriver, pull the white part of the connector to the side as shown in the photo by about 1 millimeter.

    The connector clamp must remain on the connector; do not try to remove it.

    The keyboard cable is sandwiched between the clamp and the connector itself.

    STEP 9.

    The next photo shows the connector in the already unlocked position.

    Now you can remove the keyboard cable by pulling it to the side towards the LCD screen.

    STEP 10.

    Remove the cover with the built-in keyboard completely.

    STEP 11.

    Unscrew all 12 screws holding the two parts of the case, top and bottom.

    Disconnect the touchpad cable from the motherboard, it is shown with an arrow in the photo.

    STEP 12.

    The next photo shows how to unlock the touchpad cable in the connector.

    Use your fingernail or a sharp plastic tool to pry up the right side of the white connector.

    The clamp must be open 90 degrees so that it stops pressing the cable against the connector contacts.

    STEP 13.

    In the next photo, the touchpad connection connector is shown in an already unlocked state.

    Now you can take tweezers and pull the cable out of the connector.

    STEP 14.

    Begin to separate the upper part of the body from the lower bottom.

    As always, I use a plastic guitar pick for this.

    STEP 15.

    Remove the top housing.

    STEP 16.

    Under top part case you will find such components of the netbook as:

    • Cooling fan;
    • Wireless network card;
    • HDD;
    • CMOS battery (clock and non-volatile memory);
    • Memory card reader and USB port card.

    As you can see, in the Asus Eee PC 1015PX netbook the power connector is soldered to the motherboard. If it is broken and needs to be replaced, this will require removing the entire motherboard and re-soldering it.

    Due to the carelessness of users, the power connector often breaks down, the laptop does not receive power and because of this the laptop does not turn on (does not respond to the power button). In this case, you need to replace the power connector with a new one. A new power connector for your laptop can be ordered from the online store.

    After the top cover is removed, carefully inspect the cooling fan. If the fan is covered in dust and dirt, blow the dirt and dust out of it using a compressor or compressed air. Blow on it lightly; if it does not spin well or you hear noise or increased vibration when the impeller rotates, replace the fan with a new one. You can also buy a new fan in our store in Mariupol.

    STEP 17.

    The hard drive is secured under two cables that connect the motherboard to USB board ports.

    On this page of our magical website we bring to your attention detailed and illustrated instructions for disassembling a currently quite popular netbook ASUS EEE PCX101CH. This netbook model from ASUS is interesting because it does not have a cooling system as such (!), which, however, does not affect its performance at all. Apparently, ASUS still managed to somehow solve the problem of heat generation of the CPU and chips during their operation, therefore, the cooling system itself is absent in this model as a class - the netbook does not heat up at all during operation :) This became possible thanks to the processor Intel Atom N2600, which has a maximum TDP of 3.5 W and is based on the Cedar Trail core. Well, at this rate of development of nano-technologies, ASUS will soon probably have at least a PERPETUAL MOUNTING machine or a TIME MACHINE :-)) Well, enough of the fantasies - let's get down to the actual disassembling the ASUS EEE PCX101CH netbook .

    Disassembling a netbook itself is no different from disassembling full-fledged laptops and naturally begins with removing the battery.

    There are not so many screws - there are only 11 of them, but still, in order not to miss anything, we unscrew all the screws sequentially, moving clockwise along the perimeter of the case to its center :-)

    Usually, when disassembling any laptop, the engineer puts the screws in two boxes - in one the screws turned out from the bottom of the case, and in the second he puts the screws from the top of the case (this is done so as not to get confused, because it is impossible to remember all the types and lengths of the screws that he unscrewed disassembling this or that laptop). Thus, when reassembling a laptop, the engineer insures himself against incorrect assembly, in which quite often it turns out that instead of a short screw, a long one is screwed in, as a result of which very unpleasant bulges are formed on the front surface of the laptop, pressed down by a long screw, which cannot be removed even when replacing the screw. succeeds, which leads to forever spoiled appearance laptop :) With such problems sometimes Laptop case needs replacement, which leads to unjustified costs when repairing a laptop...

    Now we unscrew the screws from the end of the case in the battery compartment, there are only two of them.

    Well, all the screws are unscrewed - now you can begin to delaminate the netbook case. The easiest way to do this is with some sharp cutter, for example: a surgical scalpel. This must be done extremely carefully so as not to damage the case latches, and the netbook case itself is quite fragile (the budget plastic used in the manufacture of laptop cases is quite Low quality therefore, it breaks and cracks even with little force, this must be taken into account when disassembling laptops)

    We layer the netbook around the entire perimeter of the case carefully and leisurely :)

    When separating the top panel (topcase), do not forget to disconnect the touchpad and keyboard cables from the laptop motherboard.

    Here you need to be extremely careful not to damage the connector clamps (they are also quite fragile and easily break if handled incorrectly)

    Using thin tweezers, slightly pull out one corner, then the second, and then remove the cable from the open connector.

    As you can see from this photo ASUS laptop EEE PC X101CH does not have a single memory slot - all RAM chips are soldered directly to the motherboard. Thus, there is no possibility of increasing RAM. In this laptop model, for some reason, the manufacturer installed only 1 gigabyte of DDR3 800 MHz memory (which is soldered to the motherboard), although the Intel Atom N2600 processor also combines a north bridge and a video chip (by the way, it is also soldered to the motherboard and about upgrading it you can forget) easily supports up to 2 Gigabytes of RAM. On the other hand, what can you expect from a netbook for $270? A budget option as a rule, it always has a dead-end configuration for an upgrade...

    Well, let's finish our short review possibilities, or rather, the impossibility of upgrading this netbook model from ASUS, and, let's return to the topic of this article - DIY disassembly of the ASUS EEE PC X101CH netbook .

    The keyboard and touchpad connectors are identical in design and differ only in their sizes, so there is no need to repeat the process of disconnecting the touchpad cable.

    Now the netbook is disassembled into two parts, all that remains is to remove the hard drive, module wireless network and motherboard

    We very carefully disconnect the matrix cable

    When dismantling the connecting cable of the motherboard and the communication ports board, you must pay attention to the fact that they have a slightly different design that differs from the keyboard and touchpad connectors - the cable lock opens upward, and not horizontally. It is important! These connectors are even more delicate and are much easier to break, so in no case should you try to open them according to the left-right principle. Here it is best to use a plastic card to lift the latch by the entire plane, and not by one of its edges.

    Toshiba 320 GB SATA-2 (5400 rpm) hard drive is secured with four M2.5x6 screws

    Under the connecting cable there is a Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n module. It has only one antenna wire connected to the “MAIN” connector.

    We dismantle and remove the hard drive manufactured by TOSHIBA of the SLIM form factor with a capacity of 320 GB with a SATA-2 interface and a thickness of only 7 mm, which again indicates the impossibility of upgrading the netbook with a more capacious hard drive (on this moment The maximum capacity of drives of the SATA-2 SLIM form factor is limited to 320 Gigabytes). So, this netbook has a maximum capacity hard drive installed. Of course, if you wait about 3-6 months, then most likely larger capacity SLIM form factor drives will appear on sale - 500, 750 or even 1000 Gigabytes... Well, let’s continue with the simple disassembly of a netbook from ASUS.

    The WI-FI module is attached with only 1 screw, it has a class "N" with a data transfer speed of up to 300 Mps, this is ATHEROS AR5B91 802.11 n/b/g PCI Express MiniCard

    We disconnect the last cable of the 0.3 Mpx WEB camera with a microphone going from the laptop matrix to the motherboard.

    Now we dismantle the netbook motherboard:

    We continue to sequentially unscrew all the Windows that are attached motherboard in a netbook case (there are only 7 of them)

    All the screws that secure the netbook's motherboard are marked with a small white triangle or square, so you won't unscrew an extra screw by following the tips from the manufacturers of this netbook :)

    Now be sure to disconnect the CMOS battery (energy independent BIOS memory of the netbook)

    That's it, now you can remove the motherboard from the netbook case:

    This is how the motherboard looks “naked”: at the top we see four RAM chips, just below is the Central chip Intel processor Atom N2600 made on a single chip with north bridge and a video card, to the left of it is a power microcontroller, which provides power to all components of the netbook. Just below the power microcontroller we see a black square chip soldered to the motherboard using BGA technology, this is the so-called. The “SOUTH BRIDGE” of a laptop is a key chip responsible for almost all of the laptop’s ports, keyboard, touchpad, hard drive and CD drive (if equipped). Below the processor and to the right of the south bridge, a rectangular chip is visible. This is the so-called CLOCKER - a chip responsible for the frequency at which each key chip operates, including the Central Processing Unit, that is, as you know, a computer has several buses and interfaces in its structure that are connected to certain key chips that operate at different frequencies. Thus, this rectangular microcircuit provides all the important elements of the computer, in this case - the laptop - bridges and the CPU, with the frequencies at which they must operate in order to together ensure the uninterrupted and correct operation of the computer.

    Next in line is disassembling or dismantling the top cover of the netbook in order to remove it from matrix and cable of ASUS EEE PC X101CH netbook . You need to start this work with a certain tool, in our case it will be an ordinary surgical scalpel (it is convenient for this type of work):

    You need to carefully walk around the entire perimeter of the netbook screen with a scalpel in order to disconnect the latches on which the two halves of the netbook display cover are attached. This must be done extremely carefully so as not to break anything - the plastic from which the top cover of this netbook is made is of rather low quality, so it is quite fragile and there is a high risk of irreversibly breaking the hooks and latches, and then, when reassembling the top cover of the netbook display, certain problems may arise The problem is that there will be large cracks and gaps in the matrix cover of the netbook, which can only be removed by gluing the two parts of the top cover with Super_Moment super glue and similar adhesives. If you do not need this, then you need to very carefully peel off the display cover when disassembling it. If you can’t do this and you’re not sure that you won’t break something, then you shouldn’t risk it - in this case, YOU’d better contact our service center for professional display replacement by our engineers. Believe me: this work will cost you MUCH CHEAPER than disassembling the display cover yourself and unskilled :)

    Breaking is NOT building :-))

    Well, the frame of the display cover has been removed, now we proceed to further disassembly of the display - we dismantle the matrix of the SLIM form factor and the diagonal 1024x768 10.1". The matrix is ​​matte, which is not very good for watching multimedia and movies, but it glares less in the sun and under artificial lighting.

    Here we see a small rectangular 0.3 megapixel WEB camera board made together with a discrete microphone

    Now all that remains is to remove the matrix from the display cover - it is secured with four M2.5x5 screws

    Now we unscrew the four screws that secure the matrix (display) cover to the main body of the laptop

    Of course, when separating the display cover from its lower part, do not forget to disconnect the 40-pin cable of the LCD matrix with LED backlight. The cable is secured with a piece of transparent tape; it can be easily removed with tweezers or sharp nails :)

    Now the ASUS EEE PC X101CH netbook is completely disassembled, there are not so many parts, but they are all needed for the netbook to work properly :)

    Author of the article: Dmitry Winchesterov, please respect me and my colleagues: This article is UNIQUE and when copying the content of any articles from my site, I ask you to put a hyperlink to the copied material. THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING TO ALL SITE ADMINS!

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