Selection of smart watches Smart watch on Android

But are all watches equally useful? What is the difference? Now we'll tell you.

Based on the characteristics and prevalence of watches, we first made a large, large table, and then, according to this table, we placed the watch pictures in the form of a cloud, guided by 2 pairs of parameters: functionality-simplicity (the functionality is determined by both the declared/existing functions and applications for this platform ), and sports-phone functions (of course, this is not quite a contrast, but I have not found a watch that simultaneously has both a GSM module and works as a fitness tracker).

The full version of the picture is available by clicking on it.

I’ll say right away to avoid accusations in the style of “your picture is garbage”. This picture was born in the throes of “show accurately”, “show correctly”, “make it not look like shit”, “to fit on the screen”, “so as not to shrink” and other often conflicting requirements that arise in my brain. So it does not pretend to be correct and accurate in any way, but is only the most obvious way to express relations in the watch market, taking the functional as a starting point. If there is criticism based on characteristics, not feelings, and specific thoughts on what needs to be changed in the picture, write in a personal. In the meantime, this picture remains the most understandable of all that I have seen.

In what direction are the clocks moving?

If we take ordinary wristwatches as a basis, then “smart” ones are obtained by adding the following functions and their combinations to them:
  1. telephone module

Nothing new from the developers did not work. Let's go through the points:

Ability to run third-party programs
The easiest way to implement the first point is to build a clock on one of the platforms that support Android. In this case, the watch gets almost "free" user interface (albeit practically not tailored for small screens - both in resolution and physical size), and an SDK for third-party developers.
If you don’t get too into the insides of the system, then even applications from the big brother will run and work tolerably on the watch (by this term I mean not at all what was meant in the days of the PDA. Then the big brother was a computer, and now for the watch the big brother - this is a phone). This is an advantage, watch users (unless, of course, the developers have blocked the possibility of installation) immediately after launching them on sale immediately receive a bunch of programs without waiting for the developers to write them.
Calculators (although not very convenient, but still), readers (you give a device for cheating on the exam), functional watches (stopwatches, timers, alarm clocks in various variations), weather, mail, Internet, and so on, up to navigators and maps .
But this approach automatically means that the watch must use a high-resolution screen (minimum 240x240, compare with Pebble's 144x168), color support (although, theoretically, this is not necessary, and you can get by with a monochrome display, in practice I don’t know such), and touch panel. All this increases the cost of watches, which has a bad effect on sales.
In addition, no matter how you optimize the system, powerful processor and the sleep mode system in Android still makes itself felt - it's hard to get a long working time, usually it is limited to a maximum of 3 days with not very active use, and trying to do something active in the watch will drain the battery in a couple of hours.
Another of the negative factors of this approach is the presence of a screen that must be turned on even in order to look at the time on it. This means either pressing a button, or making a very specific hand gesture (shake or turn quite sharply), which does not add any convenience to a watch, a device designed to observe time.
Although last year Qualcomm already showed Qualcomm Toq watches using a new type of screen that can show color and is active all the time, there are only a few ready-made projects with this type of screen on the market (we do not take Toq into account, because they do not plan to sell them (Though everything can change, as in the case of Sony, which at one time also did not seriously think about selling their first watch).
On the picture: Scattered evenly across the map, any type is made on Android - from simple notifications to sports trackers and phone watches.
Android Wear
An all-in-one smartwatch platform developed by Google. Based on Android, albeit somewhat simplified and undemanding. The disadvantage of all Wear watches is their short battery life - the watch will have to be charged in the same way as a phone - every day. In addition, we get a touch interface and a color screen that does not work in standby mode - you have to touch the screen to show the clock. Pluses - a universal interface for different models and native support for all watches on this platform in Android starting from version 4.3. For example, here you can read good review Android features wear.
Own platform
Another way is to develop both the platform and the SDK ourselves. The upside of this approach is that you have complete control over both the hardware and software of the watch, and you can optimize energy costs quite a bit. For example, Pebble live with me for about 6-7 days with a constant connection to the phone, and without connection - twice as long. Not much, but not a one-day Samsung Gear either.
This is achieved, among other things, by the ability to put any type of screen with any resolution, and without a capacitive sensor.
But on the shoulders of developers, the work of writing and maintaining both the firmware and the development kit falls on the shoulders. I can only guess how much effort it takes to write completely all the documentation with code examples for development for the device, it is hardly much less than the effort to write the firmware itself.
On the picture: Scattered evenly across the map.
telephone module
Although it is not only, and not so much a telephone one, talking by the clock is not so convenient that it becomes a replacement for the phone. This is more of an Internet module, since Chinese Mediatek chipsets are now cheap.
This is done mainly in order to get away from being tied to the phone, to make the watch a separate self-sufficient device that does not require a phone with BT turned on within 5 meters.
It's also quite interesting, the ability to leave the phone at home (for example, leaving for a workout where the phone in your pocket gets in the way) but at the same time receive messages.
Minuses? Yes, there is too.
In this case, you will have to use Android, because there is no other alternative. Of course, you can write your own OS, but it’s quite expensive, long, users are deprived of the opportunity to run ready-made programs, and in this case, you can’t expect battery savings, constant connection to the network is still guaranteed to kill the battery in a day.
On the picture: Evenly on the left side of the picture.
Ability to display notifications from the phone
This functionality is most often associated with the concept of "smart watch", and as a rule, watches are bought specifically for use in this form. A notification comes to the phone, and is displayed on the clock - no need to get the phone out of your pocket, unlock it, and then put it back, just glance at your wrist.
But how the watch implements this functionality is different for everyone. Some work using the standard headset protocol, which is described in the BT standard itself. Pros - such a watch will work with most phones, even non-smartphones. Cons - they can only notify about the call, show the number and name of the caller (and only in Latin characters). You will have to forget about notifications about SMS, chats, Facebook, contacts, and other things. I did not add clocks with such functionality to the table and picture, because I do not count them " smart watch in the sense that is now invested in this concept.
Smarter watches require their own application on the phone, which receives notifications from programs on the phone, and why transmits them to the watch.
Here the quantity and quality of these notifications can vary quite a lot. Cogito Original (nee Cookoo watch) show only notification type icons (calendar, call, mail, and so on), the older model from the same manufacturers - Cogito Pop, also has a small screen.
The line of watches from Martian can do about the same thing, only a small one-line screen is available to the user.
Finally, a truly "smart" watch receives most of the popular notifications (calendar, calls, sms, mail, chat messages, social networks, and so on) on the phone using its program, and transfers them to the watch. For example, pebble with the help of Pebblify or Pebble Notifer can show all notifications in general, up to system ones, such as “system update available”

On the picture: The top of the picture with rare exceptions (Leikr, Motorola MOTOACTV, Adidas miCoach Smart Run), and the bottom of the vertical arrow (Cogito Pop, Cookoo watch, Casio G-Shock Bluetooth, Martian)

Sensors to detect user activity
Another use of smart watches is to track user activity, work as a fitness tracker. The simplest devices of this kind simply tell the user how many (kilo) meters he walked per day, how many calories he burned, and the like. In fact, this is just an evolution of pedometers, a more advanced version of them. Yes, some of them can upload readings to the cloud and share them in in social networks, but they still remain pedometers.

Devices that are evolutionarily higher can not only count steps, but also measure distance using GPS, measure the pulse, and based on this data tell the user whether to move faster or slower for the best training pace. And with a barometer, they can even count the number of flights of stairs.
Such devices can also take data from external sensors (using ANT + technology) - the speed of rotation of the wheels of a bicycle, pressure, weight, temperature, and so on. The device stores the values ​​that came from the sensors and superimposes them on the track. Like this:

On the picture: The entire left part of the picture, in the lower part - a watch that can simply show some parameters, in the upper part - real wrist trainers that record achievements, a load schedule and the like.

Who is who in the world of watches?

Adidas miCoach Smart Run

A very advanced gadget from Adidas, a smartwatch that is entirely aimed at a sports lifestyle and training. Includes GPS and heart rate sensor in addition to the standard accelerometer, which is now in almost every smart watch.
You can create training plans or choose ready-made ones - cardio training, flexibility improvement, strength training, training of certain muscle groups or just relaxation. The watch can even show short clips on the screen, suggesting how to do this or that exercise correctly, and give advice on increasing or decreasing the pace, based on the user's heart rate and data on the optimal and maximum cardio load.
Unfortunately, this functionality also has its drawbacks - the battery charge is only enough for a workout lasting no more than 3-4 hours.
Reviews and information: Review from Hi-Tech, review from
Price: from $400
Availability: recently appeared on sale in domestic online stores.
Alpha MIO / Alpha LINK

Not exactly a smart watch, but a smart heart rate monitor. It was the first device that reads the pulse without requiring a chest sensor - instead, a light sensor works, which determines the heart rate by looking through the skin and blood vessels.
I already wrote about how they work in, but I duplicate it here:
How does he work? Just. Relatively simple. Tissues without blood do not have a pronounced color, therefore they pass the entire spectrum. Blood, unlike them, is red, which means it absorbs the entire spectrum, except for red.
When you shine a flashlight through your hand, you see only a red glow. This is due to the fact that most of the spectrum, except for the red, is absorbed by the blood. Subject to the proper conditions (a dim lamp, a dark room), the human eye can also catch small changes in brightness, in time with the heartbeat.
This means that when there is a lot of blood in the tissues of the hand, they reflect the radiation of the rest of the spectrum worse, and when there is little, they reflect better. I'm not talking about the reflection from the skin, which changes little, but about the translucence of the upper layer of the skin and the reflection from the internal tissues.
Now it's simple - we shine a green LED under the skin, and with a photo sensor we remove light fluctuations. We filter from all interference that goes beyond 20 ... 200 oscillations per second, average over a dozen or two seconds and get the pulse value.

Alpha MIO is a watch that is able to show the time (surprisingly!) and heart rate on its screen, Alpha LINK is a version without a screen that has only an LED showing the cardio zone. The heart rate data, just like in the older version, is transmitted to the phone, it is simply not shown on the watch itself.

Reviews and information: Review from , from appleinsider , from , from mobile-review , from .
Price: 7,990 rubles for Alpha MIO and 4,990 rubles for Alpha LINK in the store
Availability: produced and sold.

Basis B1

Not so much a smartwatch as a personal fitness tracker. The watch collects data on activity, movements, sleep quality, heart rate (although they do not do this constantly, as in Mio Alpha, but once every five minutes), skin temperature and humidity and transfer it to the cloud. where this information is analyzed and presented in a beautiful form.

Reviews and information:, another review from MobileReview.
Price: 7 990 rubles in MadRobots
Carbon Steel version 7,990 rubles at MadRobots
Availability: sold
Epson Pulsense Watch PS-500

Despite the fact that Epson is known to many of you primarily as one of the leading manufacturers of printers, scanners and other office equipment, Japanese company also decided to release a "smart watch". Let me remind you that Epson is a structural subdivision of the Seiko Group, whose main specialization is watch products and precision mechanics. Presented at CES 2014, the Pulsense Watch isn't Epson's first foray into the wearables market. Back in 1985, the RC-20 Wrist Computer watch based on the 8-bit Zilog Z80 microprocessor appeared in the company's portfolio. Among the standard features of which were notes, world time and an engineering calculator. Almost 30 years later, Epson smartwatches have learned to track your heart rate, activity level, calories burned and sleep quality, but the display has remained monochrome. The built-in memory should be enough to record 480 hours of training. To provide information in a digestible form, the manufacturer promised an application for iOS / Android and a Web interface.
Reviews and information: Page on the company's official website, announcement on
Price: At the time of writing, pre-order is open for $200 per copy.
Availability: pre-order.
LifeTrak Zone R415

CES 2014 is a storehouse of smart watches, bracelets and other wearable electronics. The LifeTrak Zone R415 showcased at the event featured a round-shaped monochrome display, a standard set of fitness features, smart phone pairing for notifications, and a smart alarm that senses when you fall asleep and doesn't require any extra body movements before bed. The system of interchangeable straps is very similar to that of Apple Watch. One of the main advantages of this device is autonomy, which is 6 months of continuous operation from one CR2032 battery + the ability to swim with this watch (diving to a depth of 30 meters). They also know how to measure the user's pulse, though they do it not with a photosensor, but by capturing contractions of the heart muscles (like an ECG). This scheme is cheaper and simpler than a photo sensor, but it has its drawbacks. Firstly, unlike the chest sensor, you need to stop for measurement - otherwise the watch catches skeletal muscle contractions while running and cannot separate them from the heart ones. Secondly, for measurement, electrical contact is required simultaneously with two hands - you need to touch the finger of the other hand (not the one on which the watch is on) to the second electrode (in this watch, a metallized button acts as it) and wait ten seconds. You can synchronize data with your smartphone using the application for Android and iOS.
Reviews and information: official website, quick review from CES by c|net and SlashGear.
Price: 130 dollars.
Availability: the start of sales was scheduled for the second quarter of 2014, but the official website still displays the “Coming soon” plate.

Leikr is the creation of a Danish group of athletic developers, and even natives of Nokia, who launched their product to the market through a Kickstarter fundraiser. Given the size of the Leikr, I can’t call them a watch, but rather a wrist / mobile navigator. Developers position their product primarily as an assistant in track and field training. Leikr is a completely independent device with a 2-inch color display (320x240, 65K colors) covered with glass Gorilla glass III, 300 MHz processor, 8 GB of user memory, GPS, Wi-Fi, BT 4.0 and ANT+ for connecting external sports sensors. The operating system is self-developed and runs on Linux. Such a large size does not initially imply everyday use, and only a sports orientation is confirmed by low autonomy (up to 6 hours with active GPS and no more and up to 24 hours in the target mode). For even more convenient display of training data, it is possible to synchronize the watch with the Endomondo app, which is available for three major mobile platforms (Android, iOS, WP).
Reviews and information: official website, Kickstarter page, first look from Runner's World (eng).
Price: 350 dollars.
Availability: sold in Europe and the USA.
Motorola Motoactv

Motorola in this category has been the instigator of the wave in the smartwatch market. Sales started back in 2011 at a price of $249 for the device itself and $30 for the strap. True, wrong positioning and enough high price did not bring success to the American company, and by the middle of 2012, Motorola had reduced the price to a reasonable $149 for the 8 GB version. The lack of a strap in the delivery set meant the use of a standard clip for wearing the device on clothes. The watch has a 600 MHz processor, 256 MB of RAM, Bluetooth 4.0, ANT +, GPS and Wi-Fi on board. The role of the operating system is a highly customized Android 2.3, i. despite the possibility of pairing with a smartphone, Motoactv is a standalone product that could be used purely as a pedometer, music player or, having worked a little with a file, at all. Regarding autonomy, Motorola already at that time was doing quite well, with active pairing with a smartphone, the clock lived stably for 2 days, and only the activation of the voracious GPS reduced the operating time to 8 hours. I still I think(by the way, subscribe) MotoACTV is the best fitness tracker I have ever used.
Reviews and information: Review from MobileReview.
Price: The price on Amazon ranges from $100-150 for a new watch.
WearIT by Si14

WearIT is primarily positioned as an electronic assistant for people leading an active lifestyle. The watch was presented as part of the CE Week exhibition, which was held in New York in the summer of 2013. The WearIT features are very similar to the Motorola Motoactv: 600 MHz processor, 256 MB of RAM, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth 4.0, ANT +, and an operating system based on Android 4.4 KitKat. The device has 4 GB of user memory and the ability to play audio files via Bluetooth. A 1.54-inch display is used to display information, and the manufacturer promised an iOS application for synchronization.
Reviews and information: official website of the product, announcement on c|net.
Price: According to archived news, Si14 (manufacturer) planned to sell WearIT for $349.
Availability: in this moment on the official website there is no information about the start of sales or the price.
TomTom Runner / Nike+ SportWatch GPS

Similar to above this device primarily aimed at "runners". The clock works on the basis of its own OS and does not have the ability to synchronize data with a smartphone. For convenient viewing of the collected information, an application for Windows / Mac or a web interface is available (there is no binding to the native service, you can use alternatives). The TomTom Runner has GPS/GLONASS and an accelerometer in its arsenal, while the older model is also equipped with a heart rate sensor and Bluetooth. Thanks to the use of an LCD display, the autonomy of the watch without activating GPS reaches several weeks (depending on how often you run) and up to 8 hours with active GPS. There is also such a device as the Nike + SportWatch GPS, which is produced by the same TomTom. Nike-branded watches differ from the junior Runner model in design, interface and connection to the service, and a slightly lower price.
Reviews and information: official website, express review from / Official page Nike+ SportWatch review by rosetted.
Price:$150 for the younger model and $269 for the older one or 8190 rubles at the store (younger model) / Nike + SportWatch GPS for $140 on the manufacturer's website and for 5990 rubles at
Availability: are sold.
Polar V800

V800 is not a smart watch, but a real wrist computer for athletes. Polar is not new to the market for such gadgets, and other things being equal, I would give preference to this particular company. The watch can track not only training, but daily activity, determine the optimal time for training and recovery after it, support a large number of heart rate and speed sensors and have GPS to calculate the distance traveled.
Reviews and information: description on
Price: from 28990 rubles
Availability: sold
Wellograph Wellness Watch

The developers at Wellograph have focused on design, using a leather strap, sapphire crystal to protect the display, and a case made of steel and aluminum in their watches. They certainly managed to attract the attention of at least the press. The Wellness Watch has a 1.26-inch e-paper display with a resolution of 168 x 144 pixels, similar to the Pebble. In addition to the already standard capabilities for calculating the distance traveled, measuring overall activity and sleep quality, the watch also can measure heart rate using a sensor located on the back. You can synchronize the received data with smartphones based on Android, iOS and, notably, Windows phone. Autonomy is declared at the level of 7 days with a constant connection to a smartphone and up to 4 months without pairing. The standard package includes a docking station for charging the watch. Among other things, the watch supports immersion in water to a depth of 50 meters.
Reviews and information: product official website, quick review with CES by c|net and Engadget.
Price: from $349 when buying directly from the manufacturer. In Russia from 13,500 rubles.
Availability: Pre-order. The first deliveries are scheduled for September.
Pebble/Pebble Steel

The device that is perhaps most suitable for the definition of "smart watch". I mean not so much the part that is "smart", but the part that is "watch". The reason for this is a constantly active screen and a long (relative to the rest) operating time - from 4 to 9 days with a constant connection to the phone. But at the same time, the operating time is implemented not at the expense of "smartness" - they can show any notifications, including those from third-party messengers (though only on Android). And under them, you can write real programs that will be executed on the watch absolutely independently of the phone:,.
Pebble is a kickstarter project that has raised a record (until recently) amount of 10 million dollars.
Pebble Steel is also iron, packed in a more beautiful and “premium” case - the versions are no different in terms of characteristics, except for the tri-color LED in the older version.
Reviews and information: Review from Excel, review from MobileReview.
Price: Pebble from 6,490 rubles in the Madrobots store, Pebble Steel from 10,990 rubles in the Madrobots store.
Availability: produced and sold.
Agent Smartwatch

Another Kickstarter native who raised 10 times the amount requested. The watch is somewhat similar to Pebble: e-paper display with a diagonal of 1.28 "(128x128 pixels), and the heart of the device is the Atmel microcontroller on the Cortex-M4 architecture (the differences between the MK and the microprocessor are available). Otherwise, the Agent smart watch- this is an absolutely self-sufficient device with its own "chips" and shortcomings. First of all, the development team focuses on autonomy (7 days with BT enabled and up to 30 without) and support for three major mobile platforms: Android, iOS and Windows Phone. For automatic activation backlight provides a light sensor or an accelerometer (turn on by shaking), and the watch is charged wirelessly from any Qi-compatible base. The OS is yours, like Pebble's. While creating third party applications C# is expected to be used in an MVS 2012 environment (appropriate SDK available).
Reviews and information:
Price: from 249 dollars.
Availability: to this day, the watch is in development, although delivery was originally scheduled for the end of 2013.
CooKoo (1st gen) / CooKoo 2 Watch

Fundraising for this device began in May 2012, a month after Pebble appeared on Kickstarter. The developer of CooKoo Watch, Peter Houser, initially had the goal of making a simple and stylish device for constantly displaying the current time and notifications from your smartphone. You have to admit, he did it. With the requested $150,000, Peter was able to collect twice as much and already in December 2012 the first devices fell into the hands of the backers. The notification system and the watch itself are independent devices and are powered by different sources. Thus, the clock should work for about 3 years without changing the battery, and the electronics that are responsible for pairing with a smartphone up to 1 year. To inform about notifications, 6 fixed icons and a vibration signal are available. Among the additional features is a programmable “Command” button on which you can “hang”, for example, setting marks on a map or controlling music on a smartphone. In the summer of 2014, the second generation of CooKoo Watch was introduced, even a new website was created for them with the “eloquent” address The companion app is available for Android and iOS.
Reviews and information: review from Mobile Review, video review from rosetted.
Price:$130 / $150.
Availability: the old version is actively sold all over the world, and the new one can only be purchased through off. website.
Cogito Original / Cogito Pop

In fact, Cogito Original is nothing more than CooKoo 2 Watch. The watches have the same manufacturer (CONNECTEDEVICE Ltd.), and the rebranding, apparently, was made due to not the most best reviews about the first generation CooKoo Watch: production delays, terrible software and constant loss of connection with the smartphone. What has changed in the second version: added a small monochrome display to display the number or name of the caller, a new design and an application for iOS and Android. Separate power supply, 6 information indicators and dust and moisture protection have not changed. Along with Cogito Original, the manufacturer released a cheaper model with simplified functionality (electronics remained independent) and a completely plastic case. There are 6 colors to choose from, and in general this model is more suitable for girls, it is smaller and lighter in size. The display, of course, was removed, and the number of indicators was reduced to four. The watch still only works with iOS and Android.
Reviews and information: review of Cogito Original by and Cogito Pop by Mobile Review; official site .
Price: and rubles in the store.
Availability: are sold.
Kreyos Meteor

A completely successful campaign on Indiegogo, which raised one and a half million dollars, instead of one hundred thousand for a project of smart sports watches, which, according to the promised characteristics, were supposed to outdo all existing smart watches, ended not very well - a year passed, and only a few lucky people received watches, and then, they are dissatisfied with the poor quality of watches, breakdowns and low functionality. And then the founder of the company is accused of unexpectedly buying himself a Ferrari with the backers' money.

It turned out that he did not buy a Ferrari, but rented it not in the USA, but in Italy, and indeed, it was in 2010, but the sediment remained.
Reviews and information: the first reviews on Kickstarter are extremely negative. Raw software, poor watch build quality.
Price: $129
Availability: sent to backers
Kronoz ZeNano

Smart watch from the Swiss company Mykronoz. Pretty cheap and not too comfortable - screen Bad quality and with a resistive sensor. But from them you can listen to music and answer calls (both using a headset and through the built-in speaker). The truth is uncomfortable and with some strange feeling of a small calculator.
Reviews and information: review from, review from
Price: 129 € on the official website, 5650 rubles according to the Yandex Market.
Availability: produced and sold
Qualcomm TOQ

Quite an interesting watch that Qualcomm made as a demonstration of its Mirasol screen, which compares favorably with the usual low power consumption in standby mode (you can always keep it on) and a special substrate, thanks to which it is well readable even in very bright sun. This comes at a cost of less vibrant colors, but who needs RGB coverage on a watch? Very interesting watch, both in terms of hardware and functionality. Only Android is supported, but the standard program has really great functionality, as opposed to the Pebble program, in which half of these functions are implemented only by third-party applications. Included is a fun wireless charger.
Unfortunately, Qualcomm is not going to actively promote the watch, which, despite all its advantages, will remain a demonstration of new technology.
Reviews and information: Review from Hi-Tech
Price: from $230
Availability: produced and sold
Appscomm Fashioncomm A1

Immediately after the presentation of TOQ, the Chinese company blew up and issued a press release saying that they want to make a watch on the Mirasol display. This happened in December 2013, and after that there is no information about them. However, they said that the watch will have a GSM module, which kills one of the main advantages of the display - low power consumption.
Reviews and information: News on 3dnews
Price: from $213
Availability: not produced yet
Sonostar smartwatch

Nice watch from the company of the same name. Remarkable, perhaps, only with an electronic ink screen, the rest of the functionality does not differ much from the average on the market. However, in order to evaluate the functionality, you need at least a working sample, which is not observed. They promised at CES that they would go on sale in the first quarter, but it's already September, and the Coming Soon sign is still hanging on the site.
Reviews and information: news on
Price: pre $180
Availability: not sold yet
ZTE blue watch

A strange watch from ZTE, which almost completely copies Pebble - right down to magnetic charging and menu icons. Despite the fact that they were the same as the previous ones, presented in January, there is no sales data. I have a feeling that it was a copy for the exhibition.
Reviews and information: news on
Price: unknown
Availability: not for sale
Casio G-Shock Bluetooth GB6900AA

Watch companies are also getting in on the smartwatch craze and are also making watches that have the ability to communicate with your phone. The watch uses BT 4.0 and turns off to save power if it senses that it is not on the wrist. All this made it possible to achieve an impressive operating time from one battery - from one to two years. Of course, for such an operating time you have to pay with the available functions, but all the main notifications are present.
Reviews and information: Review on
Price: average price 9190 rubles on Yandex market
Availability: produced and sold
martian watch

Another watch that comes from a completely watch company. This time, the part that shows the time is an arrow, “analogue”, although a quartz oscillator is used there. This part is powered by a separate battery, which is designed to work for two years. The digital part - an OLED display with a resolution of 96 × 16 pixels does not work for such an impressive time, but by the standards of smartwatches it is also not bad - a week.
A distinctive feature of this watch is a microphone and a speaker, which allows you to not only use them as a headset when talking, but also as a wrist terminal for Siri or Google Now.
Reviews and information: Review from
Price: $299
Availability: produced and sold
Archos smart watch

Another watch with an electronic ink display. The news speaks of three different models but no details.
There is a watch page on the site, but there is no purchase or pre-order.
Reviews and information:
Price: $130
Availability: not for sale
AT&T Philip

The joint development of AT&T and FiLIP Technologies is a children's watch-phone, also known as a location tracker. You can put such a device on a child and always know where he is and be able to contact him - the phone on the hand is much more difficult to forget or lose.
Price: $99.99
Availability: produced and sold
SmartQ Z Watch

The SmartQ Z Watch is a smart watch from a Chinese company that is powered by the Ingenic JZ4775 single-core MIPS processor. An update to Android KitKat is already available for the watch. RAM 512 MB, user - 4 GB. A battery with a capacity of 300 mAh in the mode of constant pairing with a smartphone lasts an average of a couple of days (this is partly due to MIPS), and when Wi-Fi is activated, autonomy drops to 5-6 hours. A 3.5 mm jack is provided for synchronization with a PC, charging and listening to music through headphones. The Z Watch has a fairly large base of Russian-speaking users, thanks to which a lot of enthusiasts are sawing the watch firmware.
Reviews and information: SmartQ Z Watch review from China-Review and discussion on
Price: $100
Availability: produced and sold
Omate Truesmart

Truesmart is a product of the Chinese company Umeox, which decided to try to partially finance the development of its new product through crowdfunding. The campaign was successful, and the watch raised more than a million dollars instead of the minimum one hundred thousand. Unlike enthusiasts, a large company already has enough experience in the production of devices so as not to miss the stated deadlines or cope with a large number of orders, which crowdfunding companies sometimes sin. Omate Truesmart is a GSM/3G watch phone running Android 4.2. There is also a camera, GPS, and dust and moisture protection according to the IP67 standard.
Recently, Omate announced the release of a new model Omate X, already without a GSM module and made on the basis of Android Wear.
Reviews and information: review by MobileReview , review by siliconrus
Price: $299
Availability: not produced, leftovers sold.

But Umeox's main business is not in the production of smartwatches, but in the development of devices, which are then sold to other companies for release under their brand. For example, a development previously released as Omate Truesmart was sold to iconBIT, which released it with minor changes (by the way, subscribe) in a housing (protection according to the IP67 standard disappeared, which affected the price down) under the iconBIT CALLISTO 100 brand.
The older version of CALLISTO 300 - "work on the bugs". The new processor is slightly larger clock frequency, enlarged RAM, returned protection, true IP56.
Reviews and information: iconBIT CALLISTO 100 review from 3DNews, and iXBT / iconBIT CALLISTO 300 review in the magazine][aker and portal.
Price: 6000 rubles for the younger and 8000 rubles for the older model
Availability: are sold.
Explay N1 Watch

In pursuit of the world leaders in the mobile industry, the Russian company Explay has also released smart watches. True, under the same name, the manufacturer's portfolio contains a 3.5-inch smartphone and tablet, so when searching, you should specify what exactly you want to find. The device is completely self-sufficient and does not have the ability to pair with a smartphone ... Yes, from this watch you can call (GSM 900/1800), write SMS or listen to music (only through headphones), but the closed operating system (based on Linux), lurid design and deplorable autonomy reduces all these advantages to nothing.
Reviews and information: official site, review from Hi-Tech.Mail.Ru.
Price: 3000 rubles in Russian retail.
Availability: are sold.
Asus Zenwatch

Asus' new Zenwatch (introduced at IFA 2014) isn't exactly different from other Android Wear watches, but it has its own flair for style. Due to the leather strap and the metal edging of the screen, the watch does not create the feeling of a cheap trinket on the hand, and looks expensive and stylish. Zenwatch has an impressive speclist: 1.2 GHz processor, 512 MB RAM, 4 GB of user memory, though it's not very clear why this is needed in a wristwatch ...
Reviews and information: news from
Price: about 200 euros
Availability: sales haven't started yet
Moto 360

Moto 360 is the first Android Wear round watch. The first mention of them appeared in March, and the watch went on sale only at the beginning of September. The number of people who want to get this far from the cheapest gadget has not decreased to this day.
Maybe it's the classic round shape of the watch?.. The watch case is made of steel, and a huge (by watch standards) 1.56-inch IPS display (320x290 pixels) occupies the entire front panel, except for a small strip at the bottom of the case, where the light sensor is located. If the functionality of the Moto 360 is at the level of other devices with Android Wear on board, then Motorola definitely cheapened the “stuffing” by installing an old (45 nm process technology) third-generation OMAP from TI. There is also a pulse measurement sensor, the possibility wireless charging according to the Qi standard and dust and moisture protection according to the IP67 standard.
Reviews and information: review by Engadget.
Price: from $250.
Availability: sold in the USA.
LG G Watch / LG G Watch R

LG has become a pioneer in the camp of smartwatches on Android Wear. Announced at the same time with the Moto 360, the watch produced by the South Korean company hit the market at the beginning of summer and has already bypassed the hands of most local, and even more so foreign IT publications. Testing the waters, LG introduced the G Watch R, a new smartwatch model now with a classic round design and a steel case. In comparison with the main competitor in the face of Moto 360, LG’s solution loses only in the diagonal of the display, but otherwise: a less “gluttonous” and more productive Snapdragon 400 processor, an OLED display, a 410 mAh battery (against 320 mAh for Moto). The model without the “R” index, in addition to the difference in design, lacks a heart rate sensor. Both models are protected from dust and moisture, and also have a system of interchangeable standard straps.
Reviews and information: video review G Watch and G Watch R by Rozetked, G Watch review by and iXBT.
Price:$229 or ~8000 rubles according to Yandex Market for G Watch. There is no information about LG G Watch R.
Availability: The LG G Watch is manufactured and sold, and the LG G Watch R is scheduled to go on sale in October.
Rufus Cuff

Among the "standard" smart watches, it is already possible to single out a separate group of wrist computers. The futuristic Rufus Cuff, funded through the Indiegogo crowdfunding platform, has a large 3-inch display. It seems to me that such devices should be equipped with a flexible display, but, unfortunately, this technology is not yet suitable for small companies. Otherwise, it is a standard tablet (GPS, Wi-Fi, BT 4.0 are available, a front camera, but there is no module cellular communication) on a modified Android 4.4 OS, representative of the budget segment. Rufus display resolution 400x240 pixels, battery capacity 1000 mAh. Like other similar devices, Rufus can connect to your iOS or Android smartphone to display notifications.
Reviews and information: official site , news on .
Price: from $279.
Availability: still in development (pre-order for March 2015).
Neptune Pine

A mobile computer is what the press called the next device that raised $800,000 on Kickstarter. Neptune Pine is somewhat similar to the Rufus Cuff described above, with more modest characteristics, the first one was equipped with a GSM module, which made it more like a smartphone ... with a strap for wearing on the hand.
TTX: 2.4" display (320x240, CGG III), Qualcomm processor with two 1.2 GHz cores, 5 MP rear (why?) and 2 MP front camera, GPS, 3G, Wi-Fi, a standard set of sensors and protection against dust and moisture according to the IP67 standard. As an operating room Google systems Android version 4.1 without access to the Play Market. 16 or 32 GB of memory is available for storing user data.
Reviews and information: official site, video from CES from Geek Satellite.
Price: from $349.
Availability: the first copies go to backers.
Samsung Gear 2 / Gear 2 Neo / Gear Live

The starting point in the camp of smart watches produced by Samsung should be considered Galaxy Gear, presented just a year ago at the international exhibition IFA. And then Ostap suffered the Koreans. Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo are the second generation of smartwatches, now on Tizen OS (the first generation ran on a modified Android). It is noteworthy and sad that watches from Samsung only work with smartphones of the company, other Androids, and even more so iPhones, are not supported. The performance characteristics of the 2nd generation are as follows: 1.63-inch AMOLED screen (320x320 pixels), 1 GHz dual-core processor, 512 MB RAM and 4 GB user memory, 2 MP camera, standard set of sensors (including heart rate sensor), BT 4.0, IR port, interchangeable straps and protection against dust and moisture according to the IP67 standard. The model with the prefix "Neo" is devoid of a camera and weighs 55 grams (against 68 for Gear 2). The battery with a capacity of 300 mAh is enough for 2-3 days of work, depending on the load.
In turn, Gear Live is all the same Gear 2 Neo, only on Android Wear.
Reviews and information: Text review of Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo from, video review Gear 2 / Gear 2 Neo and gear live by Rozetked.
Price: 12,990 rubles / 9,990 rubles / 9,990 rubles - official prices in Russia.
Availability: on sale.
Samsung Gear Fit

Gear Fit was introduced at the same time as Gear 2, but then Samsung decided to experiment and made the display, and accordingly the shape of the device, curved. The experiment was definitely a success, the watch (?) quickly gained popularity and was discussed on the Internet almost more lively than the flagship Gear 2. 210 mAh. In addition, the Fit was deprived of the speakerphone, infrared port and S Voice (the microphone was cut out. Dust / moisture protection and the heart rate sensor remained, and the weight dropped to 27 grams. I think it’s not worth listing the functionality again , because everything is standard: steps, heart rate, notifications, etc. Third-party applications are gradually appearing under Tizen OS, but the joint development of Intel and Samsung cannot be compared with Android Wear, at least until the watch can only be used with smartphones Samsung.
Reviews and information: review from Mobile Review and iXBT.
Price: 7 990 rubles.
Availability: are sold.
Samsung Gear S

We take the Gear Fit and stretch it wide, and spice it all up with a cellular module. It is clear that the Fit was a trial, experimental device and everything went to the fact that the next full-fledged watch from Samsung will be c curved display. Traditionally presented at IFA-2014, Gear S is equipped with a 2-inch Super AMOLED display (360x480 pixels), 2-core processor, 512 RAM and 4 GB of user memory. In addition to supporting 3G networks, the watch also has a GPS / GLONASS chip (in the watch!), As well as a whole bunch of sensors (accelerometer, gyroscope, compass, light sensor, barometer, ultraviolet radiation measurement sensor, and also a heart rate monitor). A barometer is needed to determine the height indoors, for example, to count the number of flights of stairs climbed.
All of the above turned out to fit into a compact beautiful case, and even with protection from dust and moisture, but a 300 mAh battery in such a device frankly scares. Will they make it to lunchtime?
Reviews and information: preview review with IFA by rosetted and Droider.Ru.
Price: 14990 rubles (300 euros).
Availability: pre-order (October).
Apple Watch

Perhaps everyone who is at least a little aware of what a smart watch is was waiting for smart watches from Apple. It is even rumored that some particularly impressionable person experienced an orgasm during the long-awaited presentation. There is not very much information about the product of the apple company yet, because. they will go on sale only in the first quarter of 2015. From what is known: contact magnetic charging (like a MacBook), a heart rate sensor, Wi-Fi b / g, BT 4.0, a button, a wheel and a touch layer with pressure recognition to interact with the watch interface. The display is covered with a no less long-awaited sapphire glass (in the Watch and Watch Edition models) and some “Strengthened Ion-X glass” in the Watch Sport model. The case of the device is protected from moisture, but the possibility of immersion in water is still questionable.
Reviews and information: news on
Price: from $349
Availability: sales will begin in early 2015.
Alcatel Wave

Alcatel decided to try something new, bringing their first smartwatch to IFA in Berlin. The guys decided that there was nothing for them to sit on the same platform with such big uncles as Samsung, LG, Asus or Motorola and announced that they were developing watches on their platform. The watch has a slightly smaller screen than competitors - 1.2 '. On the other side of the screen, the Alcatel Wave has a heart rate sensor, like the Mio Alpha. Another interesting solution was the USB port at one end of the strap, like some fitness bracelets.
Reviews and information: news on
Price: pre $129
Availability: sales haven't started yet
Sony Smartwatch 3

Unification is in full swing - the new smartwatch from Sony also received Android Wear as a platform. As expected, this leads to the fact that the characteristics of the watches become approximately the same, and it is no longer entirely clear what exactly makes this watch stand out from the rest of the som of watches on Android Wear? Well, except perhaps an interesting strap design.
Reviews and information: news from
Price: $296
Availability: sales haven't started yet

P.S. We still opened a new one in the Mega Belaya Dacha shopping center. You can find out how to find us on our website.

We are waiting for you!

P.P.S. We also invite all people interested in the topic of wearable devices to the Wearable Tech Conference 2014, which will be held September 23-24 at Artplay. You can register to take part in the exhibition.

Good day to all! Now there are a lot of interesting gadgets, necessary, cool, stupid))) To be honest, I always looked with some skepticism at all sorts of bluetooth bracelets, companion watches, special key fobs to notify the owner of an event on a mobile phone. Causes are another thing to charge and not forget in the canteen after dinner. However, from all this variety, Android smartwatches are of interest. After digging around on the Internet, I realized that there are two options for the existence of this device - companion watches and independent smart watch android. It was the last option that I chose. So, let's begin…

Choice of smart wrist watch on Android fell on the SmartWatch QW09 Bronze model. I will say right away that this is not a review of the watch, this is a short story about some of the difficulties that I encountered when setting up the device.

Here is their picture with 2 rubles next to it for an approximate scale and a selected dial from the many built-in ones:

This watch comes with an operating Android system 4.4 (not Wear, full-fledged) on board, kernel version 3.4.67. Specifications:

Another photo of the watch standard menu:

They lie quite comfortably on the hand, they have a standard metal clasp, like many wristwatches. The strap is really soft. When charging, the watch can not even be removed from the hand, since the USB connector is prudently placed on the side. Comes with protective film, the factory one almost fell off during the day of close acquaintance with the new product)))

The manufacturer in the instruction manual that comes with this device on English language, it is stated that the watch can be used as a companion. To do this, you need to install the FunFit program on your Android phone. The easiest way is to scan the QR code from the instructions, it contains a link to the program that was posted on the Play Market. There is one BUT. As of 09/12/2017, this program crashes at startup for many smartphone owners, including me. I have Android 7 installed on my smart phone, and there are rumors that this program is very cool! . I tried a bunch of options for connecting these two universes - large and small devices on a bucket, none of them worked properly. There is one solution, but I will say right away - these are crutches. I won’t describe here what needs to be done, I’ll just throw a link, there are necessary programs. This option did not suit me, I could not make this watch a companion to my smartphone.

But as a separate device, this smart watch is very good!

First of all, I connected them to my WI-FI networks. It was hard even for me to type the password on such a small keyboard, even though I have small hands. Since a full-fledged Android is installed on this watch, you can install programs from the Play Market on them. In the end, such necessary programs in everyday life as WhatApp (preinstalled, but most likely will have to be updated), Youtube, Y. Weather (weather widget on android data did not want to work for hours), Gmail, Opera Mini and something else.

However, it is worth paying special attention to the fact that some programs will not be so easy to install, since they are not designed for such a small screen. For example, WhatApp was able to install immediately, even agree to the required permissions, but there were problems with agreeing to the terms of service. The reason was that the "Agree" button got out of the screen. The Big Font Widget program from Harald Weber helped, changing system fonts. They suggested here. There were problems with other programs, it was impossible to even install them, since it was not possible to agree with the requirements of the program to allow it at least something to work. Everything was solved by the same program. By the way, after all the font sizes should be returned, otherwise you will also have to buy a microscope.

Now, as promised, about the battery. The fact is that I connected with Tele2, which in Default-city only works in 3g / 4G networks. When I switched the network mode in the watch to 2G, the network naturally turned off, but this led to the fact that the watch worked for a full 2 ​​days and a little more. True, it was only necessary to connect automatic selection 2G / 3G network mode, the operating time was drastically reduced to less than 1 day with data turned off.

This phone requires a Nano SIM-card, now this is not a problem, modern SIM-cards are "matryoshka". They can also cut off the old SIM, but there can be problems with old cards, and it is possible that the SIM card will have to be exchanged at the nearest communication store.

I tried the watch as a phone, spoke through a Bluetooth headset. I want to say that the quality of communication is good, I did not have any problems or complaints. The watch does not have a headphone jack, so without a headset you will be talking into the watch, and your interlocutor will suddenly be heard by the whole street. True ... A strange feeling will overcome that you are talking to the clock))))))

And yes, you can’t insert a memory card here, this watch does not have a separate slot for it, although it is completely present in cheap watches from AliExpress for 600 rubles.

Hypothetically, this device can be used as a mobile access point. That's just how many minutes it will live without recharging)))).

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Smart watches are not the achievement of the last 5 years, the first ones were developed in 1982 by Seiko. For 2017, more than 40 manufacturers produce such gadgets, and this is not the limit. Choosing the right device with such a variety is not easy. Consider how to choose a smart watch for android so that it benefits its owner, and we will also review the best of them.

Design, wearing comfort

The first opinion about a person is formed on the basis of appearance, the presence of appropriate accessories plays a decisive role here along with neatness. Wristwatches in this case are not just a gadget, but also an addition to the overall image. That is why special attention should be paid to the design - it must match the style of clothing, otherwise the person will look ridiculous.

For the office, devices that mimic ordinary classic watches are more suitable. For sports jogging, fitness bracelets of a sports design with bright inserts are chosen. And for women, it is better to choose models with a curved or rounded display, they look more elegant on a thin and elegant hand. There is also a smart watch that fits any style of clothing, strict and versatile.

Ease of wearing is also the main advantage of the gadget, as some watches are so bulky, heavy and uncomfortable that in the evening you want to take them off as soon as possible. And if the user wants to monitor sleep phases and activity at night, they need to sleep with them.

Screen protection, moisture resistance

With a watch on his hand, a person walks all day, including for lunch at work or in the kitchen at home. The moisture protection function will be just a godsend, as it is inconvenient to constantly remove the device when washing hands. When choosing a smartwatch, look at the protection standard, depending on it, the watch can:

  • get caught in the rain and wash your hands, take a shower, dive to a depth of 1.5 m for up to 30 minutes (IP67);
  • swim calmly in the pool(IP68).

The best smartwatches based on android wear

Some of the smartwatches are aimed at athletes, while others focus on working in isolation, without a smartphone. Thirdly, a bet was made on stylish appearance. Consider the best smartwatches of 2018 on android platform wear by category.

The most budget

The average price category for android wear watch is $250-350. Moreover, watches with the ability to use mobile communications are estimated at over $350. The manufacturer ZTE Quartz managed to create a smartwatch with a 3G SIM card worth $192. Even if such a function is not needed, these are the cheapest of the representatives of this OS.

ZTE Quartz can please with clear sound of music, metal case compact sizes. The most significant drawback is the difficulty in acquiring the device. Also missing is heart rate monitoring and NFC. But, if the lack of these features does not scare you, and you need an inexpensive model, the ZTE Quartz will be a great purchase.

The best watch for fitness

Initially, each Android Wear watch has the Google Fit app installed, which keeps statistics on the user's activity. But not every model is aimed specifically at sports. The best smartwatch for android was chosen. There is:

  • heart rate monitoring;
  • battery saving mode for long hikes.

This is a very nice watch from a good brand, with a round screen and a leather strap. There have been no official sales in Russia and so far (perhaps they will be a little later), but in the "gray" retail they can be found for less than 10,000 rubles. This applies to the version with a leather strap (there is also a Moto 360 Steel with a steel bracelet, but it is a little more expensive).

Perhaps the most a budget option on Android Wear is the first LG G Watch. They are just in official retail, the remains of the first batches are now sold for 8,000 rubles or so (this was the price at the start of sales, in the summer of 2014, even before the fall of the ruble). However, we like the appearance of the LG G Watch much less than the Moto 360, the screen there is rectangular, with a low resolution, the strap is silicone ... In general, the main reason to buy them is the price. Although if you are a developer and want to try Android Wear, or if you are interested in smart watches as a technological toy, and not as a fashion accessory, then feel free to take the LG G Watch - there are almost no functional differences from more expensive models on this OS (even the latest ones) find.

Android Wear watches are great if you have an Android smartphone. iPhone owners can also use them - notifications will work, but you won't be able to install third-party applications. If this is important for you, pay attention to the Pebble line. They are equally compatible with both Android and iOS, many applications have been written for them, and recently Pebble began to support Cyrillic out of the box (before, Cyrillic had to be added using custom firmware, which crashed with any update).

Pebble's main feature (besides a full-fledged OS) is the non-fading E-Paper screen. Only the very first model with a black-and-white rectangular display and a plastic case falls into the price category up to 10,000 rubles, but in terms of functionality it is not inferior to the more expensive Pebble options.

From 10,000 to 20,000 rubles

This is the most fertile price category for smartwatches, if you strive to find best option in terms of price, functionality and design. True, not a single Apple Watch falls into it, but otherwise the choice is very wide. What should you pay attention to first of all?

We really liked the first Asus ZenWatch on Android Wear. good screen with a spectacular rounding, metal, leather strap - this is a worthy unisex option. Moreover, its price in official retail is very acceptable: about 15,000 rubles (that is, less than $ 200).

The second generation model is also very decent, and there is an option here smaller targeting women. But we liked the larger version less in appearance than the first generation ZenWatch. But when ordering from the USA, you can get it even cheaper than 15,000 (if you take the option with a silicone strap).

In addition to models on Android Wear, do not forget Samsung models on Tizen, but only if you have Samsung smartphone, and not very old and not cheap. There are two current options here: Samsung Gear S and Samsung Gear S2 (the latter, however, is already on the border of the next price category).

Samsung Gear S is, in fact, a full-fledged smartphone: you can insert a SIM card into it and use it for calls without a smartphone. Another trump card is the huge curved SuperAMOLED screen. He looks really impressive! Of course, the model is quite bulky, and the need to make calls on the watch is very doubtful, but this model really stands out from a number of other smartwatches both in functionality and design. Moreover, in a year and a half it has not become outdated at all (none of the competitors has yet presented anything like this).

The Samsung Gear S2 is also innovative in a way. Firstly, there is an excellent round screen without “dead zones”, secondly, the operating system interface is fully optimized for this screen (which Android Wear round watches do not have), and thirdly, an original control mechanism is used here: a rotating bezel . The Samsung Gear S2 Classic option looks the most impressive, but only Samsung Gear S2 (the so-called sports version) falls into the price category up to 20,000 rubles.

On the border between this and the next price category, there is another model with a round screen, but already on Android Wear: LG Watch Urbane. Previously, it was much more expensive, but now it has fallen in price to acceptable values.

Here, too, an OLED screen without “dead zones” (unlike the first generation Moto 360 IPS screen with a “dead zone” at the bottom), but with a leather strap and a large steel case. This model left us with mixed impressions, as it seemed too bulky and unambiguously masculine. And I didn't like the gold color. But the silver version looks quite nice and probably many will like it.

From 20,000 to 30,000 rubles

Now we move on to the category of stylish fashion devices. Well, first of all, it's the Apple Watch Sport. True, only the 38 mm version and only with a silicone strap, because the larger 42 mm and all options with leather and metal straps are already more than 30 thousand. That said, even the cheapest Apple Watch still looks great, especially with the right band color.

Of the options on other operating systems, we can recommend the Samsung Gear S2 Classic (their design is much more attractive than that of the sports Samsung versions Gear S2, while the functionality is similar) and, with a stretch, Huawei Watch, which, firstly, pass through the upper limit of this price category, and secondly, are still a model for an amateur. They are very heavy and thick, but with a round screen without “dead zones”, an all-steel case and a leather strap (there is also a version with a steel bracelet, but it is more expensive).

A model of a completely different plan, however, also capable of serving as an adornment to its owner and pleasing his gaze - Withings Activite. These are classic pointer clock, but with built-in accelerometer and Bluetooth module. The accelerometer allows you to track your activity throughout the day, and via Bluetooth, the collected information is transmitted to a smartphone application (iOS, Android), where you can set goals. The percentage of goal achievement is displayed throughout the day on an additional mini-dial, using a separate miniature hand.

Of course, this watch does not have an operating system and does not display notifications. But they have a very elegant classic appearance, a leather strap, and in the kit there is also a silicone strap that can be worn before training or swimming. Yes, yes, you can swim in the watch - it has a high degree of moisture protection and allows you to track the duration of your workout in the pool.

More than 30,000 rubles

The niche of expensive watches (above 30,000 rubles) was almost completely occupied by Apple. Of the models on other operating systems that are officially sold in Russia, here is only Huawei Watch on Android Wear (option with a steel bracelet). In general, if you want to demonstrate your status, love beautiful gadgets and are not limited in money, while you own an iPhone, then you can choose from a variety of Apple Watch options. In general, we talked about Apple Watch lines in a previous article, and in this article you can find details about the varieties of Apple Watch, straps and new features of watchOS 2. Here we will recommend specific models.

Firstly, even if you are a girl or the owner of a small hand, then if you have enough money, you should take the option with a 42 mm screen. It is really more comfortable with it than with 38 mm, while the watch does not look bulky. Secondly, in terms of appearance and feel of materials, the Apple Watch is, of course, more advantageous than the Apple Watch Sport. We were especially pleased with the sapphire crystal on the Apple Watch - after a few months of use, not the slightest scratch appeared on it (whereas the screen of the iPhone 6s Plus is already covered with many traces of use over the same period). In terms of strap options, we have three favorites.

The first is a leather strap with magnets inside. Very comfortable, elegant and original solution!

The second is a Milanese mesh bracelet. It is much cheaper than a steel block bracelet, but at the same time it fits almost any hand and is generally more comfortable for everyday wear.

The third option is exclusively for women. This is a soft granada leather strap with an original butterfly clasp. But it exists only in the 38 mm version. So if you stop on it - consider this moment. The skin is really beautiful, very delicate, there are wonderful colors. In general, a perfect surprise for March 8!

Well, for men who want to please themselves, their beloved, and prefer brutal conservative solutions, the option with a steel block bracelet is suitable. The peculiarity of the Apple block bracelet is that each link there is very easy to remove without materials at hand, so that you can flexibly adjust the length of the bracelet.

True, in our opinion, with all the advantages of the Apple Watch with a block bracelet, this option still seems unreasonably expensive to us. Unlike another purely masculine gadget, the Garmin Fenix ​​3 GPS watch.

In principle, the GPS watch niche is a bit away from smartwatches like the Apple Watch, because the tasks here are completely different, but the Garmin Fenix ​​​​3 model deserves to be mentioned in this article, because, like the smartwatches described above (except Withings Activite) , it displays notifications and calls, syncs with your smartphone, and even has a color screen that doesn't require a backlight!

Nevertheless, this is a professional sports watch with many sensors (in addition to GPS / Glonass and an accelerometer, there is also an altimeter, a barometer and a compass), an almost indestructible case (especially note the variant with sapphire crystal, which will survive even the most extreme hikes) and the ability to fix various nuances of your achievements, and not just the number of steps - for example, the effectiveness of swimming technique.

Of course, this brutal monster is very expensive, but here it’s just clear why you have to shell out that kind of money. Especially when it comes to the version with sapphire crystal. If the sapphire glass of the Apple Watch is intended, first of all, to amuse the owner's pride (since this is a traditional attribute of elite mobile devices) and protect its appearance, then in Garmin Fenix ​​3 Sapphire glass will be really useful if you use this watch for its intended purpose, that is, not in the “home-work-home” format, but in mountain river rafting, intensive outdoor training , climbing mountains, etc.


Well, it's time to sum up our study, which consists of two articles (we recall that you can find the first one here). First of all, the smartwatch market has already become quite mature, and today the consumer can choose from a variety of models, some of which are very worthy (moreover, in all price categories). We will not encourage you to buy smart watches - in the end, we tried to tell you why they are needed and what they are, and it's up to you to decide whether you still need a smart watch or not. But if you decide that you need them, then now is the time to buy them. Why? Because, on the one hand, some models are still available in Russian retail at the old, pre-crisis prices, and on the other hand, the watches of 2014 have not yet become obsolete. However, among the new models there are a lot of interesting things - often also at a very attractive prices(even with the rising dollar).

In addition, in 2014-2015, a lot of smart watch models appeared on the market for every taste and budget. There are elegant female options, and brutal male, and universal unisex devices. In terms of functionality operating systems and materials of the case / straps, the spread is also very large, so if you wish, you can choose according to individual characteristics and needs.

In the first article, we tried to help you navigate all this diversity and understand some general principles choice of smart watches (what you need to pay attention to and what not). In the second article, our task was to give specific recommendations depending on the budget and based on our experience. We have actually tested all the models described in this article and can vouch for their quality, many of them have received our design awards, failed devices we left behind the scenes. So feel free to use this article as a buying guide. But remember that a smartwatch is an even more personal product than a smartphone, so listen to your taste first.

Choose best smart watch 2019 is harder than ever given the breadth of designs and models offered by renowned manufacturers.

What is needed and how to choose a smart watch in 2019, we do not tell in this article, but for those who are already determined to purchase this gadget, we offer a rating of smart watches to help you decide which ones you can buy and what price.

Apple Watch Series 4

The best smartwatch of all time

  • beautiful appearance
  • good sound
  • fall detection sensor
  • enlarged display
  • improvements in watchOS 5
  • expensive
  • battery life remained unchanged
  • no built-in sleep tracking
  • only compatible with iPhone

This is the first time that Apple has redesigned its lineup with the launch of the new Apple Watch Series 4 smartwatch. It offers much more larger display than previous versions, an updated digital crown with haptic feedback, a new S4 chip, and a host of technologies and options that we've come to expect from the company.

The speaker in the new model is 50% louder and more powerful, and the heart rate tracker has an ECG function, which will allow you to track some abnormalities in the work of the heart and consult a doctor in time. Unfortunately, support for this feature is only available in the US.


The Watch Series 4 is available in two sizes: 40mm (with a 1.17” display) and 44mm (with a 1.5” display). In addition, there is a steel case (LTE version) and aluminum, where there is no LTE.

Here you can also change the straps by choosing the appropriate one from the range of previous versions.

Capabilities and sensors

Smart watches have a fantastic array of fitness and health features. They track things like:

  • UV index
  • physical activity
  • calories burned
  • distance
  • heart rate
  • training time

Thanks to the fall sensor, the user can call for help in an emergency, and improved water protection will allow the gadget to be used in the pool while swimming.

Sensors and technologies:

  • GPS / GLONASS / Galileo / QZSS
  • WiFi
  • Bluetooth
  • optical heart rate sensor
  • electric pulse sensor
  • water resistance 5ATM
  • Apple Pay
  • accelerometer
  • gyroscope
  • ambient light sensor


  1. 40 mm Apple version Watch Series 4 - from $399.
  2. 44mm version - from $429.

The cost affects the material of the strap. The price of a steel model with LTE starts at $699, although in our country it is useless.

The best premium option for Samsung smartphone owners

  • waterproof
  • great build
  • autonomy
  • Beautiful design
  • multifunctional
  • can answer calls and answer messages (in conjunction with a smartphone)
  • there is a payment module
  • the ability to install third-party applications
  • limited iOS support
  • Bixby in English
  • proprietary charger

samsung galaxy Watch is currently in second place in the top smartwatch of 2019 and is rightfully the strongest competitor to the Apple Watch.

The model is compatible with both Android and iOS smartphones, and the process of connecting to the phone pleasantly surprised users, because. takes only a few seconds.

Elegant looks, excellent build quality, choice of colors and sizes, interchangeable straps and a wide range of functions and options captivated Samsung fans from the first acquaintance with this watch.


A distinctive feature of the Galaxy Watch, as in previous version Gear is a rotating bezel around the screen that makes it easier to interact with the device's touchscreen. It's a really cool way to work with content.

Available in two case sizes 42 mm and 46 mm and three colors offered: black, silver and pink gold. The second option is definitely a women's smartwatch, and the Rose Gold model is also included in our top smartwatches for women.

Capabilities and sensors

The array of third-party apps that can be downloaded directly to the Galaxy Watch is impressive, as is the versatility of the watch itself.

In total, they offer 39 exercises and 6 exercises with automatic data tracking. In addition, they are able to track sleep and show notifications from all possible sources information of your smartphone:

  • messengers
  • social networks
  • Email
  • calendar reminders
  • note notifications
  • third party applications

It should be noted the important ability of hours to make and receive phone calls using the SIM card of your smartphone if they are connected to it via Bluetooth (or Wi-Fi). There is also an LTE version, but it is not available in our country.

Thanks to NFC, contactless payments are made using Samsung Pay. The watch can be safely used while swimming, as it has water protection and a special swimming mode.

The heart rate sensor reads the pulse quite accurately, and the GPS will delight cyclists and outdoor runners with the ability to record tracks.

In total, the following sensors and technologies can be distinguished:

  • Bluetooth
  • WiFi
  • NFC/Samsung Pay
  • accelerometer
  • gyroscope
  • barometer
  • light sensor
  • heart rate monitor

The 1.15 GHz dual-core processor guarantees fast device performance, while 4 GB internal memory allow you to store pictures and music directly in the watch.

Battery life provides 2 to 4 days of use, although time may vary depending on watch settings and usage. All in all, we recommend that you seriously consider the Samsung Galaxy Watch, especially if you're looking to invest in a premium smartwatch that comes with numerous features.


  1. Galaxy Watch Silver 46mm – from $350.
  2. Galaxy Watch Black 42mm – from $330.
  3. Galaxy Watch Rose Gold 42mm – from $330.

Depending on which option you prefer: a men's watch of a larger or smaller size, or an exclusively female model, how much a smartwatch costs will also depend. But in any case, the price is justified by the quality and functionality of the device.

Smart watch review:

Apple Watch Series 3

Ideal for iPhone Users

  • high performance
  • fitness features
  • built-in cellular
  • heart rate monitoring
  • Variety of bracelets and cases
  • LTE version is not available in CIS countries
  • short battery life

It's still one of the top picks and the top seller of 2018. Apple has introduced not one, but two new watch models in its third-generation lineup. First - standard version Apple iWatch with updated hardware and GPS. The second is a standalone GPS + Cellular smartwatch with cellular (LTE) support.

Watch Series 3 branded Cellular, in addition to GPS, uses the so-called eSIM card, which is one hundredth the size of the original SIM card, and it works great for data transfer over the air.

Advantages of the version with LTE

With the Cellular model, the user has the following options:

  • make and receive calls using your watch without changing your phone number
  • receive sms without iphone
  • use the Maps app directly on your wearable device
  • use chat apps like WeChat and Snapchat
  • play music from gadget without iPhone
  • hear Siri voice feedback through the speaker


The shape and dimensions remained unchanged compared to the second generation model. The LTE version is distinguished by the red color of its digital crown.

The Series 3 GPS is available with stainless steel aluminum cases in space black and silver with an Ion-X glass screen and Sport and Nike+ straps.

The Cellular variant retains all previous Series 2 cases, in addition to Sport and Nike+ aluminum cases. This includes features such as:

  • stainless steel
  • white and gray ceramics
  • Hermes steel

The attachment for detachable straps has remained unchanged, so you can still use bracelets of any of the versions (38 mm and 42 mm) on your watch.

Capabilities and sensors

Despite the fact that this is not a fitness tracker, the company also took care of the health of users, making it possible to track physical activity indicators and receive a number of data:

  • swimming
  • calories
  • pulse
  • distance
  • training time
  • distance
  • inactivity notifications

The smart watch is able to notify wearers if their heart rate rises at least 3 times within 10 minutes while the wearer is in a sedentary position. Elevated heart rate while sitting at a desk may indicate a heart condition such as a panic attack. This can alert a person to an illness.

The watch has a set of sensors and technologies:

  • barometric altimeter
  • water resistance 5ATM
  • heart rate sensor
  • accelerometer
  • gyroscope
  • ambient light sensor
  • Apple Pay

average price

  1. Apple Watch Series 3 - from $279 with aluminum case 38 mm.
  2. Series 3 Cellular pricing starts from $379.

The most modern sports watch

  • incredible array of data
  • tracking almost every sport
  • learning opportunities
  • one of the accurate heart rate monitors
  • water resistance
  • watch version for small wrists
  • small glitches during workouts
  • high price


With the Fenix ​​5 line, Garmin has designed and customized each of the devices with their customers in mind. The 5 S version is great for women or wearers with smaller wrists, the basic Fenix ​​5 will suit most wearers, and the larger 5 X for those who need maps right on the watch display.

In the image, you can see the design variations of the three copies of the ruler.

The straps are detachable with a choice of different colors and materials.

The display in the watch is not touch-sensitive, so you need to figure out how to use the physical buttons. They are located on both sides of the case and help you navigate through the menu and perform programmed commands and actions. This allows you to use the smart watch with wet fingers or without removing gloves.

Brief video review of smart watches:

Capabilities and sensors

Given that this is a smart watch for sports, it will provide you with a training program to help you train, which includes the following functions:

  • summary of physical activity
  • intervals
  • goal setting
  • study calendar
  • virtual partner (as a data field to view this feature)

Sports that the smartwatch tracks every day include:

  • a ride on the bicycle
  • swimming
  • golf
  • Skydiving

Heart rate is read by the heart rate monitor every 1-2 seconds.

In addition to fitness, using this device, you can control your “smart” home:

  • regulate lighting
  • control the TV
  • kitchen appliances
  • many others

The Fenix ​​5 is great for building a pre-planned route in new terrain. The clock allows you to add GPX maps. The user can create their own routes in the Garmin Connect app, which are then downloaded to the smartwatch. By setting waypoints, the user can be notified by the watch when a particular destination is approaching.

The device contains the following sensors and technologies:

  • Bluetooth
  • WiFi
  • gyroscope
  • compass
  • altimeter
  • barometer
  • thermometer
  • heart rate monitor


  1. Fenix ​​5S - $456 .
  2. Fenix ​​5 Sapphire - $555 .
  3. Fenix ​​5X Plus Sapphire - $839 .

Featured in our top picks, the Garmin Fenix ​​5 is one of the most popular multi-sport smartwatches with the most detailed metrics in one device.

Great companion for sports training

  • lightness and convenience
  • comprehensive fitness opportunities
  • detailed sleep monitoring
  • swim tracking
  • quality assembly
  • good battery life
  • bright display
  • built-in storage for music 2.5 GB
  • open platform for developers
  • incomplete software
  • Unable to answer calls and messages
  • limited selection of third-party apps
  • Fitbit Pay is useless

The Ionic is a hybrid watch that combines smart and fitness features with an open SDK and superior timing battery life. These strengths devices make it more competitive with the Apple Watch than other more fitness-friendly Fitbit devices.


The design of the watch has a square form factor, on the back of the case there are three LEDs in addition to the optical heart rate sensor. This addition deserves special attention. Unlike other fitness trackers that use a classic green light to measure heart rate, the Ionic's row of LEDs of different colors allows you to read heart beats more accurately, on a medical level.

The 1.42-inch display has a resolution of 348 x 250 pixels and a maximum brightness of 100 nits.

Capabilities and sensors

The fitness watch has extensive abilities as a companion for workouts and health monitoring. They are capable of multi-sport tracking of activities such as:

  • stroll
  • bike
  • hike mode
  • swimming
  • other

Its capabilities include automatic sports tracking using smart technologies:

  • breath control
  • control the level of cardio training
  • personal trainer
  • sleep monitoring
  • timer
  • music storage
  • weather tracking

The FitBit Ionic features built-in GPS, Bluetooth, 2.5GB of storage for music, and their own pair of Flyer headphones that can be paired with both a watch and an Android and iOS smartphone at the same time.

Thus, smart watches offer such sensors and technologies:

  • Bluetooth
  • WiFi
  • accelerometer
  • gyroscope
  • altimeter
  • light sensor
  • heart rate monitor


The average price of the device is quite high - $219 .

These smartwatches are at the top of the Fitbit product line and offer battery life that Apple Watch owners can only dream of.

The best budget smart watches with high autonomy

  • fitness tracking
  • always-on display
  • high battery life
  • heart rate monitor
  • water resistance
  • receiving notifications
  • can be used standalone
  • compatible with Android and iOS
  • unable to install applications
  • stopwatch and timer not working in the background
  • limited number of watch faces
  • Can't fully read notifications and reply to them

Xiaomi Amazfit Bip, manufactured by Huami, has an affordable price and a fantastic battery life. Therefore, they position themselves as the best budget smartwatch for everyday use.

They are often compared to the once most popular Pebble smartwatch. Despite the fact that the device has a number of missing features and capabilities, compared to, for example, the Fitbit Ionic or the Apple Watch Series 4, in terms of convenience, the Amazfit Bip surpasses some important basic aspects of these models.

And the most weighty argument in favor of the model is the long battery life: from 2 weeks to 45 days.


The Amazfit Bip Smart Watch uses a transflective square-shaped color display. The brighter the light, the better the content on the screen is visible. In bright sunlight, the clarity and brightness of the display are perfect. Indoors, you can use the backlight by raising the brush.

Externally, the device looks like an Apple Watch, although it is several times inferior to the functionality and capabilities of the Apple Watch. The case is very light and thin.

Available in 4 different colors of the case and straps, which can also be replaced with others.

Capabilities and sensors

Amazfit Bip promises the full performance of a smartwatch, including features such as:

  • heart rate tracking
  • touch screen
  • multiple dials
  • smartphone connection
  • protection from water with the possibility of using in the pool

With built-in GPS and heart rate sensors, it acts as a fitness tracker to track your workouts, providing all the fitness data you need. They also track sleep. With a Bluetooth connection to your smartphone, you can receive notifications from your smartphone directly to your watch.

Without being connected to a phone, Amazfit Bip can work autonomously, collecting activity statistics and offering a number of useful features:

  • time
  • alarm
  • pedometer
  • pulse reading
  • stopwatch/timer


The price of Xiaomi Amazfit Bip is on average $63 .

On Aliexpress Amazfit Bip costs $72 .

Compared to the high-tech smartwatches we're used to seeing today, Bip's are basic. They are designed specifically for those users who do not want to pay for additional features that come standard with a smartwatch, such as fancy graphics, NFC, music storage, and offline apps.

Xiaomi Amazfit Stratos is a mid-range premium multisport smartwatch with 5ATM water resistance, VO2max analysis, heart rate sensor and color touch display.

Not only will they be a beautiful accessory for the athlete, but also a useful gadget on the track, in the gym and even in the pool, offering route tracking and a number of special sports modes.

Amazfit has also included a "smart notifications" feature in the Stratos, which will allow you to receive alerts for calls, text messages, emails and other apps on your smartphone.


When you first get acquainted with this watch, the good build quality of the device does not leave you indifferent. The frame around the display is made of polished ceramic with a scratch-resistant screen under Corning Gorilla glass. The physical stainless steel buttons are very comfortable to press, and the silicone strap can be changed to another one.

Watches are sold in two versions: Standard and Premium. The difference between these models is only in the materials, when the functionality of the versions is identical.

Capabilities and sensors

Stratos is able to track various sporting events, there are more than 12 of them, including:

  • walking
  • bike
  • swimming
  • mountaineering
  • elliptical trainer
  • triathlon
  • tennis
  • football

In addition, there is Firstbeat technology, which uses a set of gadget sensors to collect information about the state of the body for the purpose of transmitting data in real time or for recording.

As a rule, such a function is inherent in high-end fitness watches, and therefore Amazfit Stratos can be considered one of these devices.

The sensors and technologies embedded in the watch include:

  • WiFi
  • Bluetooth
  • heart rate monitor
  • accelerometer
  • gyroscope
  • barometric sensor
  • light sensor
  • removal from smartphone
  • PPG heart rate monitor


Amazfit Stratos available from $166 before $241 , depending on the material of the case and strap. Many will consider such a cost too high, but given that these smart watches offer advanced functionality, their price is quite fair.
