Why do you need an orientation sensor in a smartphone? What sensors are in our smartphones, what are they for? What is a hall sensor

What are the accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer and GPS for and how do they work.

Your smartphone is a real piece of engineering art. It combines the features of at least a dozen different gadgets. And for the most part of its amazing capabilities, it owes a variety of sensors. But what exactly and how are they arranged?

How does the phone count your steps? Does GPS consume your traffic? What sensors should you pay attention to when choosing a new phone? Here's everything you need to know about the modern smartphone.


One of the clearest examples of the work of the accelerometer is animated Snapchat stickers

The accelerometer monitors the change in the speed of the device and its rotation around its axis. Such sensors are installed not only in phones, but also in fitness trackers - it is with their help that a smartphone can count your steps, even if you do not have any wearable gadgets.

By analyzing accelerometer data, apps can determine which way the phone is pointing, a technology that is gaining ground with the rise of augmented reality.

Exist Various types accelerometers, but the most common is piezoelectric. In such accelerometers, the sensor is a microscopic crystal that deforms under the action of acceleration forces. At the same time, the crystal produces electricity. By analyzing the strength of the current, the system determines how fast and in which direction your phone is moving. That's why Snapchat adds a funny car sticker to the map when you use the app while driving.

The accelerometer is one of your phone's most important sensors: without it, you wouldn't be able to enjoy automatic screen rotation, and navigation apps wouldn't be able to determine your current speed.


The gyroscope provides accurate data on the position of the smartphone in space, which is useful in games and when creating 360-degree photos

The gyroscope helps the accelerometer to determine exactly how your phone is oriented in space with much higher accuracy. That's why 360-degree panoramas look so impressive.

Whenever you run a racing simulator on your smartphone and tilt the screen to turn the steering wheel, it is the gyroscope that helps the app understand what you are doing. Since you are not moving in space, these conditions would not be enough for the accelerometer to work.

Gyroscopes are not only used in phones. They can be found in aircraft, where they help determine altitude and position, and in stabilization systems, which allow cameras and camcorders to capture smooth motion pictures.

Older gyroscopes still found in aircraft altimeters use the mechanical movement of a flywheel, but the gyroscope in your smartphone is a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) - a tiny inertial sensor that can fit on printed circuit board.

For the first time, MEMS gyroscopes were used in the iPhone 4 in 2010 - and made a splash: never before has a phone been able to determine its orientation in space with such accuracy. Today we take it for granted.


It is thanks to the magnetometer that the compass in your phone works.

The last of the three main sensors responsible for determining the position of the phone in space is the magnetometer. Its name speaks for itself: it registers magnetic fields and thus can determine which direction is north.

When you turn on the compass mode on Apple Maps or in Google Maps, it is the magnetometer that determines how to unfold the map. There are also individual applications, which emulate the operation of a compass.

Magnetometers can also be found in metal detectors - they can detect magnetic metals. There are even metal detector apps for your smartphone!

By itself, this sensor is not capable of much, but when combined with data from the accelerometer and the GPS module, you can accurately determine your location, which is very useful when building routes.

GPS satellites always know where your phone is.

Ah, GPS, where would we be without you? Probably would have wandered somewhere in the wilderness, cursing the day when they decided to change paper maps, compass and sextant to electronic devices.

The GPS module in your phone communicates with satellites in orbit to determine exactly where you are on the surface of the planet. It doesn't even need cellular network: If your phone has lost signal, you can still see your location, although you may not be able to download a detailed map.

In fact, the phone communicates with several satellites in turn, and then calculates where you are based on the signal delay. If the satellites cannot be contacted - for example, when you are indoors or under very dense clouds - you will not be able to determine your position.

GPS does not consume data, but satellite communications and calculations can take a big toll on battery power, so many guides recommend turning off GPS navigation to stay connected longer. For the same reason, the GPS module is usually not included in smaller devices - for example, in most smart watches.

GPS not the only way determine your position on the map: it can be approximated by the distance to cell towers. However, high accuracy cannot be achieved without it. Modern GPS modules combine data from satellites with compass readings and network signal strength to determine your location to within a few meters.

The best of the rest of the sensors

If you like, your phone will adjust the screen brightness according to the ambient light.

Hello dear readers! In order for the smartphone to perform its functions properly, and also to have a wider range of capabilities, it is equipped with different sensors. One of these is the Hall sensor. We offer to figure out what it is and why it is needed in the phone.

What is a Hall sensor?

Hall sensor is a device designed to measure the strength of a magnetic field. It works on the basis of the Hall effect, which was discovered in 1879 and named after the physicist Edwin Hall.

The effect itself is that by placing a energized conductor in a magnetic field, the electrons in the conductor are deflected in a direction that depends on the polarity of the magnetic field. Thus, on the one hand, there is an accumulation of a negative charge, and on the other, a positive one. The essence of the sensor is just to fix the difference between these potentials.

Some may understand the above theory, some do not. Not scary! To make it clearer, let's take a practical look at how the Hall sensor is used in smartphones.

Hall sensor in the phone

Since the phone is a compact portable device, it is obvious that all its details must be made in a reduced version.

So, the Hall sensor in the phone is just a microcircuit, which in such a mini format performs a limited list of functions, but it still remains indispensable. We list its main tasks:

  • Automatically adjust the brightness of the smartphone display depending on the lighting.
  • Lock the screen when you close the phone cover and activate it when you open it. Typical for foldouts.
  • Provides automatic screen rotation with appropriate movements that change the gadget's vertical position to horizontal and vice versa. As well as reading the direction of movement during the game.
  • Works as digital compass, gives the exact position in .
  • Interacts with a magnetic case (if any), thus saving the battery of the device.

Magnetic case

Have you noticed book-shaped cases that automatically lock the screen when closed and turn it on when opened? How does this happen?

The answer is simple: this happens due to the fact that such covers change the magnetic field due to the flip (magnet), to which the Hall sensor reacts.

Often on sale there are magnetic cases with a window. It usually displays the most important information in the smartphone (time, missed calls, unread messages etc.), which can be recognized without opening the case. How is it that part of the screen remains on? And here again the Hall Sensor appears. In this case, he will automatically determine whether to block the display partially or completely. In fact, it is very convenient and practical, since battery consumption is reduced due to the fact that all the necessary information is “at a glance”, and thus, it frees you from frequently using your smartphone to check alerts.


It is worth noting that the operation of the magnetic case does not negatively affect the operation of the smartphone itself.

And another tip: despite the fact that the Hall sensor is very useful in gadgets, not all manufacturers resort to its help. This means that before buying the same magnetic case, you need to try on a “suit” to make sure that the phone reacts to it and that the sensor is built into it!

Good luck to all!

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Built into modern smartphones and tablets a large number of controllers and blocks. One of these is the Hall sensor.

In this article, we will tell you why it is needed in the phone and how it is generally used in smart technology.

They can be both the main details of the phone (, memory module), and auxiliary (positions, approximations and other elements).

Built-in meters not only allow you to simplify the work of the gadget, but also complement its functionality.


Definition and working principle

Hall Sensor- This measuring device, the purpose of which is to determine the presence and all related parameters of the magnetic field. It got its name in honor of the so-called "Hall effect" and the scientist Edwin Hall, who discovered the effect back in 1879.

The scientist in the laboratory studied the properties of electric current.

As a result, a direct relationship between the current and the magnetic field was determined: after the elements electrical circuit were placed in the zone of action of the magnetic field, the voltage in the conductor varied depending on the intensity of magnetic radiation.

In fact, this device detects the presence of a magnetic field. The field voltage is not measured by it. As a result, a smartphone or other gadget can easily interact with space, replacing the usual compass and other devices.

Helpful information:

The first Hall devices were used in the field of mechanical engineering: in cars and factory installations. In cars, I measured the angle of the camshaft / crankshaft.

In older models of cars, the device made it possible to determine the moment a spark appeared.

With the passage of time and scientific and technological progress, sensors began to be used in many items found in everyday life: proximity switches, liquid level devices, and others.

Also, the result of the Hall sensor is the basis of the apparatus.

The device is used in the field of security- to organize the protection of the perimeter. The sensor measures any changes in the magnetic field, constantly monitoring the security of the protected facility.

Application in smartphones

In smart technology, the sensor is used as a controller, which is part of the display module.

Thanks to the Hall device, the user can carry out contactless control of the phone. The chip is in almost all flagship devices.

Also, it is used in game consoles.

Thanks to him, the games Stars Dance, Guitar Hero and other games that are controlled only by scanning the user's gestures work.

Sensor Capabilities may not be fully implemented in a smartphone. It all depends on the class and its target audience.

Cheaper gadgets may also have a built-in controller, however, with its help, the user will be able to use the smartphone as, for example, a compass. The implementation of the possibilities also depends on the size of the smartphone, since hardware component requires a lot of space under the lid.

Device tasks in a smartphone:

  • Built-in digital compass function . The device can be used software. All navigation applications or other types of utilities use the capabilities of the sensor to improve the positioning of the smartphone in space. Also, using the built-in microcircuit and the effect of the device, you can determine the direction of movement of the phone. Such an opportunity is useful in games, when creating;
  • Interaction with accessories . The properties of the sensor allow you to expand the functionality of your smartphone if you have a magnetic case. With it, the owner can lock or access the desktop without opening the flip case;
  • On flip phones it is used for automatic start and turning off the display when the gadget's lid changes position;
  • Screen Auto-Rotate Operation possible thanks to the Hall microcontroller;
  • Automatic Image Correction in shooting mode or at different times of the day.

Distribution and controller types

Sensors there are three types:

  • Unipolar;
  • Bipolar;
  • Omnipolar.

The first option responds to only one magnetic pole.

Unipolar are used in modern microprocessor systems (smartphones, tablets, and other gadgets).

To activate the operation of the Hall sensor, it is enough to bring one pole of the magnet to the device. The phone will not respond to the other pole.

To deactivate the work, it is enough to remove the magnet from the device.

Bipolar magnets are used in automobiles, rocket technology, aviation. The principle of operation of a bipolar sensor is that it reacts to both poles of a magnet. After bringing one pole to it, it will continue to work even after it is removed. You can turn off the controller only with the help of the opposite pole.

Digital Omnipolar Controllers can be switched on and off from either the south or north pole of the magnet.

How to check availability in a smartphone?

The first way to check the presence of a sensor is a description of the characteristics of the phone. They can be found in open access in the Internet.

However, not all online stores or forums may mention the Hall sensor as one of the built-in modules. As a rule, such a characteristic is not included in the number of main ones.

If you haven't purchased a phone yet, go to the manufacturer's website and download electronic instruction on using a smartphone.

It always describes in detail all the hardware components. Also, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Read reviews about the gadget. Perhaps other owners indicated the presence of a sensor;
  • Ask a question to the administration of the online store through which you plan to buy the goods;
  • Find thematic groups that are dedicated to the phone model, and in them ask the question of interest to the owners of similar phones;
  • Watch video reviews of the gadget on YouTube. As a rule, they are complete and mention all hardware and software features phone.

If you have already bought a phone and want to check for a Hall controller, there is no need to follow the above steps. Take a magnet of any size and attach it to your phone screen. A gadget with a built-in sensor will instantly turn off and work again only after you remove the magnet.

The video below clearly demonstrates a simple way to determine the sensor in a smartphone:

The principle of operation of the cover is that when it is opened and closed automatically.

The user does not need to press any keys to access the screen.

There are magnetic cases have a special window to quickly view the time on the smartphone screen.

The user just needs to press the side key to unlock or double-tap on the display to make the gadget's screen light up. In this case, you can not unlock the desktop.

Note that frequent use of the sensor is the reason rapid loss battery charge, however, the use of magnetic covers significantly extends battery life.

Thematic videos:

Gadgets are equipped with a variety of sensors that open up new features and make using phones easier and more comfortable.

We have already compiled the ones that smartphones are equipped with, but did not mention the Hall sensor. What it is, what it is for and how it works - all this can be found in this article.

Why do you need a Hall sensor?

This sensor is able to determine the position and is based on the Hall effect, which was discovered in 1878. The scientist-physicist managed to make a discovery by measuring the voltage of the current in the conductor, which was in a magnetic field.

Our gadgets use a simplified version of the Hall sensor. It is able to determine the presence of a magnetic field, but does not calculate the field strength along different axes. Along with it, smartphones often use a magnetic sensor, which is responsible for the operation of the compass.

Hall sensor in smartphones

Hall sensor can be found mainly in flagship smartphones, for which special cases with a magnetic latch are available - these are often referred to as smart cases or Smart Cases. The sensor is able to determine whether the cover of the case is closed or open, and in accordance with this, turn on / off the display of the device.

It should be noted that not all manufacturers indicate the presence of this sensor in the characteristics of the device. You can be sure of the presence of this sensor if Smart Case is available as an accessory for the gadget.

Hall sensor helps navigation software measure location faster. Previously, it was used in flip phones and helped to activate the screen when the gadget was opened, and turn it off when the device was closed.

Other application

Initially, Hall sensors were used on cars, where they were responsible for measuring the angle of the crankshaft position. The sensor determines the moment when a spark has formed in the car. True, this applies to old cars. Later, proximity switches and liquid level meters began to be equipped with a sensor. They were also used in magnetic code reading systems and even in rocket engines.

What components can be noted when considering the body of a smartphone? This is, first of all, a rather large display, a few keys under it, a microphone and several camera windows. In addition, at the ends of the device, there is probably a microUSB port, a volume rocker, a headphone output and a lock key. But do the device components end there? Of course not. Inside it there was room for several processors, many circuits and, most importantly, several different sensors. Which of them can be found in modern devices? Let's find out.


According to our colleagues from phonearena, the accelerometer is one of the most common sensors. According to the classical definition, its task is to calculate the difference between the true acceleration of an object and the gravitational acceleration.
You have probably heard about how to use it. Without an accelerometer, smartphones would hardly change from portrait to landscape orientation and do without user clicks in all sorts of racing simulators.


The gyroscope also provides data on the position of the device in space, but it does this with much greater accuracy. It is thanks to his help that the Photo Sphere application learns how many degrees the smartphone was rotated, and in what direction it was done.


That's right, a magnetometer is designed to detect magnetic fields. Without it inside the smartphone, the compass application would hardly be able to understand where the north pole is.

This sensor is a combination of an infrared diode and an infrared detector. The principle of its work is incredibly simple. The diode emits radiation invisible to the human eye, and the detector tries to catch its reflection. The smartphone blocks the display exactly when the beam hits back.

Light sensor

Changing the brightness of the display on your own is something else, right? Whether it's the auto-brightness function, which changes the brightness level of the screen depending on the ambient radiation. Perhaps this, as you probably already guessed, thanks to the light sensor.
It is worth noting that some representatives of the Galaxy line from the South Korean manufacturer Samsung use an updated light sensor. Its main feature is the ability to measure the proportion of white, red, green and blue light to further adjust the picture on the screen.


No, this is not a mistake. Some smartphones do have a built-in barometer to measure atmospheric pressure levels. Among the first devices with this feature were Motorola XOOM and samsung galaxy Nexus.
The barometer is also used to measure altitude, which increases the accuracy of the GPS navigator.


You may be surprised, but the thermometer is in almost every smartphone. The only difference is that the latter is designed to measure the temperature inside the device. However, there have been exceptions. Galaxy S4 had a thermometer to measure the temperature overboard.

Humidity sensor

In this, by the way, the fourth representative of the Galaxy S line also succeeded. Thanks to this sensor, the fourth Galaxy reported the level of comfort - the ratio of temperature and humidity.


Despite the rather obscure name, the task of the pedometer is to determine the number of steps taken by the user. Yes, just like most smart watch and fitness bracelets. One of the first devices with a real pedometer was the Nexus 5.

Fingerprint's scanner

Of course, you have heard about this. Thanks to the fingerprint scanner, you can not only shorten the unlock time of your smartphone, but also securely protect your data. Among the most popular devices with the notorious scanner are, HTC One Max and .

Heart rate sensor

Since we are talking about the current South Korean flagship, we cannot fail to mention the heart rate sensor, designed to measure the pulse. However, many users frankly doubt the need for its implementation.

Harmful radiation sensor

It is quite difficult to believe, but in this world there really is a smartphone with a built-in sensor for harmful radiation. The Japanese Sharp Pantone 5 can boast of its presence. After launch special application the latter demonstrates the ambient level of radiation. Unexpected, isn't it?

As a result, as many as 12 sensors were obtained. Which of them do you use the most?
