How to create your own culinary blog? Making money from culinary recipes - everyone chooses how to work for themselves.

If you find yourself on my site, you definitely like to cook. For you, preparing dinner or dessert is not a daily chore, but a kind of creative vacation - an opportunity to spin around in the kitchen, conjure up the next dish, meditate on food. And that's great!

Disclaimer: This page contains affiliate links (meaning, if you purchase a service or product through this link, I will receive a small commission). However, I provide links only to those resources that I use myself and therefore I can safely recommend them to you.

So, 3 Steps to create a food blog:

  1. Install WordPress
  2. Customize template

Let's start in order.

  1. Register domain and hosting

The first thing you need to think about is what your blog will be called. I chose this name because

a) it is easy to remember;

b) it is easy to reproduce by ear;

c) it is speaking;

d) this domain was free.

Think about your name. Come up with as many options as possible and then check to see if anyone else has come up with these names before you. You can check if the domain is free on the

It is very desirable that the domain name is free in the RU zone, but if you really like the domain name, and in the zone .RU it is already taken, other options can be considered. If the name is available, you can immediately register it in your name, but it is more convenient to do everything in one fell swoop - registering a domain, hosting and WordPress installation. Below I will tell you how to do this.

About hosting. This is the virtual place where your website files will be stored. I use hosting from the same registrar REG.RU

This is one of the leaders among Russian domain name registrars and hosting providers. It provides reliable hosting, prompt support and convenient service. For example, he has a packageReady WordPress siteTo find out how to register it, see point 2.

  1. Installing WORDPRESS

WordPress is software, which allows you to manage the content of the site. In my opinion, this is the simplest, most convenient and easiest way to create and maintain your blog (although, probably, there will be those who want to argue with me). Unlike popular website builders, WordPress has more flexibility and offers a huge number of tools for website promotion and monetization.

If you choose the hoster described above, there will be one less problem. On this tariff plan WordPress installation is done for you. You need to select the “Personal Blog” section.

At the next stage, you need to choose a hosting plan (its price depends on the validity period from 1 month to 36 months) and select a suitable theme (template). There are about 10 standard free templates here, and they look a little plain. Don't be scared by this. Templates can be changed or modified: change the background, colors, fonts, add widgets and make your blog truly beautiful and convenient. If you are serious, it is better to purchase a paid template, but we will talk about this later.

In the next step, you can connect your existing domain (if you have already registered it) or purchase a new domain.

After this, you need to enter information about DNS servers. Click the “Use registrar servers” checkbox.

After this, you will be redirected to the payment page.

After payment to your email You will receive emails with registration data, links and passwords to your new site.

  1. Set up a template (theme)

In WordPress developer terminology, a theme is a website design template. The template determines how your blog will look externally - colors, block layout, sliders, widgets and the like. Each of the themes can be further modernized (change colors, width of blocks, arrangement of elements), but it’s still better to immediately choose the one that suits you and which will require the least amount of modifications.

There are millions of paid and free themes from different developers. What is the difference?

The most obvious and visible advantage of paid themes is their design. Thoughtful color schemes, fonts, icons, block arrangement immediately makes the site much more attractive to users.

The second point is functionality. These include social buttons, widgets, various filters, special plugins for culinary sites, the presence of basic shortcodes, built-in online stores, the ability to customize closed access for some users. In addition, the vast majority of these paid templates adapt perfectly to different browsers And mobile devices, which cannot be said about free themes.

To select premium themes, I prefer to use the resourceThemeforest.There are a huge number of options for every taste - from $23 to $68.

Free templates also have a right to life. Although they are not so beautiful, their functionality is limited, and sometimes even malicious code. However, with their help you can create a convenient, functional blog. And if you don't know where to start, you can download and install a free theme fromofficial WordPress websiteor use the one that comes pre-installed.

Please note that any theme (both paid and free) will require additional settings to suit your needs (you may need to translate the template into Russian or install plugins). You can do this yourself or seek help from specialists (the most convenient and accessible in my opinion is the serviceWorkzilla).

I hope that now you have seen that there is nothing fantastically difficult about creating your own blog. The longest road begins with the first step (c).

Good luck to you!

All people love to eat delicious food and many know how to cook well. Today we will talk about those who love to cook and at the same time collect various recipes from various sources (the Internet, cookbooks, magazines). Thus, over a long period of life, such people accumulate thousands of different recipes. Our idea is to bring together all the accumulated materials and recipe secrets and create your own culinary website.

Culinary website - creation, promotion and earnings

To implement a business idea to create a culinary website, we will need:

  1. Creation of a website- this can be in the form of a blog or website. We will post our recipes on this resource and share them with our readers. I would like to give one piece of advice - make the site subject highly specialized. This is explained by the fact that on the Internet a large number of resources about all the recipes, and you are unlikely to be able to compete with them. But if you have a lot of time and a huge amount of money, then you can try. And if there is no such “wealth”, then choose a narrow niche and act. For example, create a resource about meat dishes, desserts, salads, or what you like best. Remember that a highly specialized topic is easier to promote in search engines according to various requests.
  2. Second step - promotion and promotion. To promote your own website, you will need knowledge in SEO, and if you don’t have it, we advise you to contact specialists who offer website promotion services. It requires financial investments, because without website promotion, you will not achieve business growth. The more visitors and readers on your site, the more popular it is and the higher your earnings.
  3. Now we have a website that we have promoted and ensured that the resource is visited by a large number of visitors from search engines. The next step is to create e-book recipes based on your experience and knowledge. Creating such a book will not take you much time. It is best created in Word program, after which the created text file with illustration must be converted into PDF format. This format is very popular among e-book readers.

Once a book is created, we can offer it on our website. The profitability of this type of business will depend on how well your site is promoted and on the number of visitors to it. If you can sell 3-5 books a day, you can get good source earnings, given that such books cost between 400-1600 rubles.

What does it take to start a culinary business?

  • Created a website with interesting content;
  • A large number of visitors to your resource;
  • A large collection of interesting recipes for creating an e-book;
  • Daily attraction of new visitors to the site;
  • Presentation of your cookbook. Here you can share some unique recipes from the book to attract more customers;
  • Attracting advertisers to your resource;
  • As soon as you become familiar with this topic and the project begins to generate good income, create similar projects on other topics. And thus, you can create an excellent business that will generate serious income.

But here’s an interesting video: “Chefs and self-taught chefs: which culinary sites taste better?”

Do you think a culinary website is a profitable way to make money?

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Probably each of you has thought about creating a culinary website and promoting it. Is it easy nowadays to promote such a project and make money from it? How much do they earn on websites in the culinary and culinary niche? Let's discuss all the intricacies of promotion and monetization.

Choosing a culinary theme

The choice of culinary theme must be approached very carefully. The fact is that there is a lot of competition in this topic and without large cash injections, it becomes almost impossible to promote your website. Beginners make a very big mistake when they pretend to be large culinary portal.

When choosing a culinary topic, you need to rely on a narrower subgroup. It is necessary to find a narrow culinary niche, touch on certain products or recipes for specific dishes. You may think that this is too small and there will not be enough visitors to the site, but this is not so.

Culinary topics are developing at the speed of light.

Gather semantic core For such niches, one should rely on the MFZ and LFZ (medium-frequency queries and low-frequency queries).

Believe me, even in narrow culinary niches, there are a large number of key queries and problems with traffic should not arise. Subsequently, you can always expand your topic gradually.

Why can't you do a big project right away? Because with this approach you will have to create many categories and fill them all. If you have created many sections, like on large culinary sites, and they have two recipes, then this is very bad. You will need an incredible amount of effort and resources to fill these sections. It will be more profitable to move in one direction and then gradually expand.

What narrowly focused culinary topics can be developed?

  • Niche according to need (recipes for weight loss, for diseases), etc.
  • Niches by area (Salads, snacks, baked goods, cakes, drinks), etc.
  • Niches by product (Potatoes, chicken, fish, vegetables), etc.
  • Niches for specific dishes (Charlotte, Olivier salad, pizza recipes), etc.

For specific dishes, this is rather a losing strategy, with some exceptions. The fact is that it will be very difficult to find a large number of recipes for one salad. But with pizza recipes it’s a little easier. You can come up with endless pizza recipes.

But be very careful when choosing narrowly targeted niches. Be sure to evaluate the competition in a particular topic. It is possible that similar sites already exist, which have been occupying TOP positions for a long time and are constantly developing.

In cooking, low-competition requests are very important.

How competitive is the request for this or that request - use Mutagen

Mutagen is real good tool to determine competition in niches. 5-6 out of 25 possible in a mutagen is a very good indicator and promoting a key request with such competition will be quite easy. The only problem is that there are fewer and fewer keys with such indicators. But they say that they still exist, in any niche. Moreover, culinary topics are very dynamically changing trends and something new always appears.

If you get into the trend, then your site can do very well. Remember the advent of the multicooker. Recipes for them could only be found in the books that came with it. Those who quickly got their bearings and saw the potential of a multicooker now have large websites and good earnings.

Seasonality of culinary themes

In a niche culinary recipes there are a lot of seasonality, one replaces another:

  • New Year;
  • Maslenitsa;
  • Easter;
  • Healthy Eating Day;

Collect the semantic core a month before the start of these holidays. Each of these holidays sees a surge in key queries in culinary niches. This also has its downsides. It turns out that you write out articles for a year in advance.

Features of the cooking theme

  • Promotion by categories;

The most trusted culinary sites promote entire sections. For example, when you search for “chicken salads,” you will most likely receive links to specific categories. Very often these pages are not big amount text, but with a lot of links to specific recipes. With such queries, the search engine understands that there should be many recipes, not just one. Therefore, such requests are promoted only rubrics, keep this in mind.

In the following screenshots you can see the results for the request “Chicken Salads”. As you can see, in the TOP search results there is a category in which there are many recipes.

  • Photo and video;

If you have the opportunity to take unique photos and videos, then be sure to do it. Photos can be ordered from photo stocks. But many don’t bother, download other people’s photos and are in the TOP 10. Be sure to take pictures of step-by-step preparation. Such pictures with descriptions have a very good effect on behavioral factors, which play a big role in promoting a culinary website.

  • Micro markup;

Many cooking sites don't do this, but it is a very important tool for optimizing your site. The micro markup indicates the recipe photo and ingredients.

Such micro-markup is done by various plugins and is done mainly for the Yandex search engine. This method greatly increases the click-through rate of your website.

  • Seasonality.

Try to make recipes for next season. Suppose the following New Year It will be the year of the dog. Optimize your recipes accordingly. “Dog salad, hot dish for the year of the dog”, etc. Look for new ideas and collect them keywords. It is clear that you will write such recipes in advance, and it will be impossible to collect semantics for them. Improvise. Try to understand what requests will be for the upcoming new year and optimize your articles and recipes.

If you prepare in advance for the upcoming season, then your recipes will work very well this season.

Culinary website content

When it comes to culinary websites, content is usually divided into 2 categories:

    • Articles;
  • Articles can be very different: How to properly peel potatoes, how to work with a knife in the kitchen, etc.
  • Recipes.

With recipes, everything is much more complicated. I doubt that you will prepare all the dishes yourself, take pictures and post them on your website. Most recipes are purchased on specialized websites and exchanges:

  • Advego Exchange;
  • Exchange ETXT.

For little money, people prepare dishes, photograph the cooking process and put them up for sale.

Links, social networks

  • Buying links;
  • Recruitment of subscribers in social networks;
  • Selection of simple and interesting recipes;
  • Push and Email newsletters.

To send notifications to your subscribers, I recommend using If you have less than 2500 subscribers, send up to 15000 letters per month completely free.

This is very good way force registered users to return to your site. To install it on your website, just embed the necessary code.

All that remains is to figure out how to motivate people to subscribe to your website’s newsletter. A simple sidebar notification will have very little conversion. Perhaps it is worth motivating them with some gifts. (Booklet in PDF format: weight loss secrets or secret recipes). Presents are limited only by your imagination.

Monetization and profitability of culinary sites

  • Contextual advertising by Google and YAN
  • Teaser network "Oblivki";
  • Teaser network "Nest" (culinary teasers);
  • Teaser network "TizerNews" (culinary teasers);
  • The profitability of cooking is 25-30 kopecks per visitor (approximately, depending on the project);

Common mistakes when monetizing a culinary site

  • Same advertising for web and mobile versions;
  • Lack of advertising on some pages or versions;
  • No advertising in paragraphs;
  • Lack of advertising experiments.

Big culinary sites and ambitions.

If you plan to create a large culinary portal in the future, then you must adhere to the following principles:

  • Interesting idea;
  • Useful services;
  • Articles are not only turnkey.

Many people create regular websites. They form the core and begin to systematically fill the site with texts, guided by the finished core. This is of course a good method, but you should always look for new steps in development. Nowadays, almost anyone can create a culinary website. Making a culinary project more interesting than others is not for everyone. Don’t get hung up on ordinary articles, develop and achieve more from the site. Make the project as useful and convenient for people as possible.

Evaluate your competitors' websites and think about what you don't like and irritates about them. What would you make more functional and convenient for visitors? What do you miss in such sites and implement these ideas on your project.

Thank you for your time and good luck in developing and promoting culinary sites.

Everyone can get good money without leaving home, since now everyone has an Internet connection. The World Wide Web significantly expands our capabilities, and to make money, it is best to launch your own project. It is not necessary to look for a new idea; you can enter an already occupied niche and try to get ahead of your competitors.

Making money on culinary sites is an excellent option, despite the fact that competition in this area is high. Resources with recipes appear frequently, but only a few of them become popular. Yes, promotion and promotion will take a lot of time, but the prospects are serious.

How to make a culinary website?

Even a beginner will not have any difficulty developing such a resource. You don't have to add any complex features; you can use a regular blog format to launch a recipe site. Alternatively, use WordPress, download culinary website templates, pay for hosting (100 rubles per month) and buy a domain (100 rubles per year). Having completed the necessary steps to install the engine on the hosting, you will receive a ready-made website, and you can start filling it out.

If you don’t have enough knowledge or simply don’t want to start from scratch, go to the exchange and buy a ready-made resource. On this exchange, hundreds of sites are put up for auction every day, including culinary sites:

The cost depends on the quality of the project. Be sure to compare several options; sometimes sellers significantly inflate the cost. From a huge number of ready-made resources, you will definitely find something interesting and suitable for your price.

Where can I get recipes?

The easiest way is to compose them yourself, but it takes a lot of time, and ideas may eventually run out. Then you can take any culinary recipes and rewrite articles from them; rewriting is not prohibited, but your texts must be highly unique.

If you have money, you can simply buy ready-made recipes. The exchange has a lot of unique and spell-checked materials, and some are even accompanied by photographs:

The more voluminous the material and the more photographs it contains, the more expensive it is. On this moment The Advego database contains over 1,500 ready-made texts on culinary topics; this is an excellent option for filling your resource with unique content.

How to beat your competitors?

The online cooking niche is highly competitive, so simply adding interesting recipes is not enough for successful development. You will need to come up with your own trick, how you can attract the attention of a large audience. What could it be?

Your own cooking show (start a YouTube channel);

Detailed video instructions;

Cooking exotic dishes;

In fact, there are many options; you need to use brainstorming and write down all the thoughts that come to mind. It would be great if you found a source for recipes, for example, by agreeing with a restaurant to spend time in their kitchen. The photos will turn out great, the work is done every day, so you will get excellent content.

Micro markup in Yandex

Not all owners of culinary sites use micro markup. Yandex has special rules for adding recipes to the general database. If they are designed correctly, the site’s position will definitely be increased. It’s not difficult to use micro markup, just take it ready-made template and fill the page with information.

This is an example of microdata for recipes. You just copy this code and substitute your values ​​into it (look for an example on Markup will not only show that you intend to make a quality resource, but will also improve your snippets. Using this method takes more time, but the chances of outperforming competitors increase.

How to make money on culinary sites?

In terms of monetization, culinary resources are no different from other platforms. You can use any advertising network, partnership programs and so on. Do not forget that the target audience of such platforms are girls and women, therefore, you need to select best ways conversion of such traffic.

For example, you can use the Ladycash teaser network or find suitable offers on. Shocking advertising also shows a good click-through rate, but now Yandex views sites with such advertising negatively, so it is better not to use it.

Some people have even started building businesses with small cooking websites. For example, you can offer the delivery of ingredients for a specific dish or the preparation of recipes presented on the site. Link the site with services in real life somewhat more complicated, but many times more profitable.

Whether you decide to make money on culinary sites or not, don’t discard the idea right away. The option is excellent, especially for those who know how and love to cook. And for an effective start, try to find an old book with recipes; if the texts in it are unique, you can launch your own website based on this.

About how to get extra income on the Internet, save money, or find added value where, at first glance, there is none.

What will always be in demand, no matter what happens - a crisis, war or natural disaster? Food. You can also make money on the Internet. One of the options - culinary blog. It can bring in about $250 per month with minimal time investment.

In Anna Mishchenko's family, her mother and grandmother took care of the food. Therefore, the girl started cooking only at the age of 18, becoming a law student. Her first independent dish is a slightly burnt scrambled egg. Now she is one of the most popular bloggers who is seriously considering whether to leave her job for a profitable hobby.

From show to business

Mishchenko developed a love for cooking when she was visiting her relatives in the United States. She enjoyed watching cooking shows on the FoodNetWork channel. Mishchenko tried to cook according to the recipes she heard even after returning to Ukraine. One day she treated her friends to cupcakes (cakes the size of pastries). After tasting the goodies, her friends advised her to make cooking a business. At first, the girl was inspired by the idea of ​​opening a coffee shop. But, after studying the market and calculating the amount of starting investments, she decided that at the age of 19 she could not compete with large chains. And I decided to start small - I started a blog to share my culinary discoveries with others.

So, five years ago, her first culinary blog appeared - “I brought interesting recipes from the USA or translated them from American websites. I bought pictures from Shutterstock or borrowed them from American blogs,” recalls Mishchenko. The blogger’s husband, an SEO optimizer, was involved in search engine promotion and blog promotion. The price of such services in web studios starts from $100 per month.

Over the years, has accumulated more than 100 recipes, tips for housewives and articles about cooking. Users actively discuss recipes, share cooking features with each other, and scold the author if the recipe fails. “Now is a stable source of income. And this despite the fact that I haven’t added new recipes for more than a year,” says Mishchenko. has GoogleAdsense contextual advertising, banners and teaser advertising installed. According to open sources, you can earn from $250 per month on such a blog.

Find your niche

A little less than a year ago, the girl created another culinary blog - “I don’t want to fill this blog with advertising. I made it for the soul,” shares Mishchenko. But recently she received an offer from a kitchen equipment manufacturer. The company is ready to equip Mishchenko’s kitchen in exchange for indirect mention of the brand in recipes and photo illustrations. Now the blogger publishes three to four recipes a month on Fridays. “At the end of the week people relax. They also search on the Internet for something delicious to cook on the weekend,” explains Mishchenko. She provides each recipe with personal recommendations and photographs. “I try to write recipes in a way that is accessible to everyone, regardless of culinary skills,” says Mishchenko.

The girl is also promoting her blog on social networks. Promotion in search engines and technical support(fixing bugs and writing code) is still done by her husband.

Mishchenko devotes one hour a day to working on the blog. now only makes links to the new blog. Mishchenko’s passion for cooking is not limited to blogging. The girl participates in themed fairs and festivals and cooks to order. However, cooking is still a hobby for her. Mishchenko is a manager for work with distance students at Edinburgh Business School Eastern Europe. “It happens that I go to bed at 3-4 in the morning and get up at 6 o’clock. Living in such a rhythm is very difficult both physically and emotionally,” says Mishchenko. The food blogger understands that sooner or later she will have to make a choice - either cooking or work.

Tips for new food bloggers

To create a culinary blog and make money from it, you need:

1. Choose a blog topic

You can run either a highly specialized blog or a large-scale one. Now Mishchenko has a blog with a variety of recipes. But in the future she wants to create another blog with a narrow focus. For example, a blog about muffins or cakes. “I know a lot of girls who blog about one dish. This is a promising direction and can become a feature of your resource,” the blogger shares.

2. Come up with an interesting name for the blog

The name should be concise, understandable and catchy. “I was dissuaded for a long time from calling the blog (there is no waffle). But it hooked me - it was short and succinct,” says Mishchenko.

3. Purchase a domain and hosting

Hosting is the place where all blog content will be stored. Now the price for hosting is from 50 UAH. per month. A domain is the name of the site under which it will be visible in search engines. A domain can be purchased from 80 UAH. per month.

4. Select a system for creating a website and a template (appearance)

Popular free systems for creating a website (engines) - Joomla, MadeSimple and WordPress. Most bloggers create websites on Wordpress. This system is easy to use, and plugins (extensions) are regularly developed for it. They are constantly working on it and releasing new and improved versions.

“I don’t recommend using standard templates. If your budget allows, it’s better to buy or order a unique template for your blog,” advises Mishchenko. To design her first blog, the girl used free template. I bought an English template for and translated it myself. The cost of culinary templates starts from $50. The price for a professional translation of a template is about $1 thousand.

5. Understand the technical details

To install the selected system on hosting, as well as the template, you will need special knowledge. You can get them for free on the Internet: watch videos on Youtube or read blog articles. You can also contact your hosting provider. They often help their clients. “I advise you to create mail with domain name your website,” says Mishchenko.

6. Come up with your own trick. Without it, you'll get lost in the blog stream.

This may be an unusual blog section. For example, Mishchenko has an “Interview” section on In it she publishes interviews with chefs and restaurateurs. “I’m not a journalist, and it’s very difficult for me to persuade people to give an interview. But I understand how interesting it will be for the reader,” says Mishchenko.

7. Create blog pages on social media. networks and publish regularly on them

Mishchenko has following pages on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. “Make yourself a plan to work with social networks every month. For example, on Mondays I wish my subscribers a good week, and on Fridays I post links to recipes from my blog,” advises Mishchenko. She also looks for funny food-themed pictures throughout the week.

8. Take beautiful photos

A food blogger will need a good camera to take high-quality photographs of cooked dishes.

9. Be friends with food bloggers

Subscribe to your competitors' updates, read them and comment. Keep track of what dishes are currently in fashion. This will help you plan interesting blog posts.

10. Choose earning tactics

Common ways to earn money for a blogger are contextual, teaser and banner advertising; posts with links and affiliate programs. For Mishchenko, food blogging is an additional promotion channel, and not a way to make money. Cooking is her lifestyle, which includes a blog, participation in fairs and festivals, communication with restaurateurs and chefs, and cooking food to order. “I know people who actively combine online and offline cooking. With this lifestyle, you can earn from 3 thousand UAH. clean per month,” shares Mishchenko.
