My data is on the public services portal. Self-registration on the public services portal

Why do I need full registration on the State Services website? In order to simplify the receipt of many documents and mass useful information without long trips to the corresponding state institutions, without queues.

For example, this can be obtaining a passport with an electronic chip (for 10 years) or without a chip (for 5 years), replacing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, replacing a driver's license due to its expiration, registration Vehicle, making an appointment with a doctor, kindergarten, school, as well as issues related to taxes, etc.


The registration procedure on the State Services portal is also called: register, register, register, create (create) a personal account of public services, an electronic cabinet of public services, create your account, create an account.

How to register on the State Services website? The step-by-step instruction below includes 3 (three) steps:

  • simplified Account,
  • standard and
  • verified account.

To have access to all the features, you need to go through all three stages and eventually get a verified account.

The login and password from the verified account on the State Services portal can be used to enter the PFR (Pension Fund of Russia) website.

In other words, once you confirm your account on the State Services website, you can later use the same login and password to enter the PFR website.

You will need an email or mobile phone. If you use e-mail for registration, then any mail that you have, that is, any e-mail, will do.

  • When registering on the State Services portal, you need to enter your e-mail.
  • After that, a letter is automatically sent to the specified e-mail.
  • You need to go to your mail
  • find this letter there,
  • click on the link in the letter, and thereby confirm that you are the owner of this mail.

If you do not have your own mail, you can create it. I wrote more about how to create an account (mail) in Yandex.

Instead of mail, you can enter your mobile phone number. At the same time, you should have a mobile phone at hand, because an SMS with a confirmation code will automatically come to your phone. This code will need to be entered on the State Services website to confirm that you are the owner of the phone.

Simplified account

Rice. 1 Start of registration on the website of the State Services ru

1 and 2 in fig. 1 - To register, enter YOUR real name and YOUR real name. My last name and first name, as shown in Fig. 1, do NOT enter.

Mobile phone number is not required. If you specify a mobile phone number, then this can be a great help in the future if, for various reasons, you suddenly have problems logging into the State Services website. Using a mobile phone number is usually the easiest way to restore access.

3 in fig. 1 - no errors, carefully type YOUR e-mail. If you enter the e-mail with an error, then the letter to confirm your registration on the State Services portal will go to the wrong place.

We press the blue button "Register" (Fig. 1), a message will appear:

Rice. 2 Address confirmation message Email

You should never shelve the confirmation of your registration, as they say, did the job, walk boldly. Therefore, we immediately go to our mail and look for a letter there to confirm registration on the public services website. The letter will look something like this:

Rice. 3 Letter to confirm registration on the website of the State Service

Open the registration confirmation email:

The letter reads, in part:

"A registration application has been submitted on your behalf in unified system identification and authentication of the e-government infrastructure.

To complete registration, you need to confirm your email address and provide a password.

In this letter (Fig. 4), we click on a long link, and thereby confirm that the email is ours and that we have access to the mail.

Password for public services, example

You should not come up with a simple password such as your date of birth or such as 12345, it is hacked instantly. Better to use

Rice. 5.0. We use a password generator on the State Services website. It is better to write down the password in a notebook.

  • check the boxes in the generator above to use numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and specials. symbols (red number 1 in Fig. 5.0);
  • set the number 8 as the password length (number 2 in Fig. 5.0);
  • click on the “Create password” button (3 in Fig. 5.0);
  • we get not one password for the State Services, but password options to choose from. By the way, you can make small changes to the proposed passwords yourself. It is better to write down the password or save it, for example, in your browser.

The proposed options are reliable, but it is impossible to remember such a password if you do not write it down.

Rice. 5. Create a password to enter the State Services website

The same password must be entered 2 times (Fig. 5) and click on the blue “Finish” button. A message will appear: “Registration was successful. After 3 seconds, you will be taken back to the portal."

This password is sometimes called the ESIA code, which means the password for entering the State Services portal. It doesn't need to be told to anyone.

Congratulations, The first step for registration in the State Services has been made! You now have on the portal of public services simplified account. And there was access to services that do NOT require mandatory verification of identity. The number of such services is limited.

Access to information on taxes, pensions and most other necessary services will appear only after identity confirmation, that is, full registration is required on the State Services website.

The State Services portal states that:

Simplified The account allows you to receive reference and information services.
To access additional services, upgrade your account by completing the following fields in your profile:
- floor;
– ;
- passport data.
The data will be checked online (this may take from a few seconds to 5 days), and additional services will become available to you: checking traffic police fines, making an appointment with a doctor, registration trademark and many others

Standard account

After entering the password, the system automatically transfers to the "Filling in and verifying personal data" window (Fig. 6).

If for some reason you were not able to immediately fill out your profile, you will then have to separately enter the State Services portal in your personal account, and then fill out your profile.

To fill in this information you will need:

  • SNILS (insurance certificate pension fund RF) and
  • the passport,

it is advisable to prepare them in advance.

By the way, if you still decide to indicate your mobile phone in your profile, then you will need to confirm it first with the ESIA code - this is your password for entering the State Services website, and then an SMS code is sent to your mobile phone for confirmation.

Rice. 6 (click to enlarge). Filling in and verifying personal data on the State Services portal before identification

  • 1, 2, 3 in fig. 6 - we print our last name without errors, our first name and patronymic, if any;
  • 4 in fig. 6 - click on the triangle in field 4. In the menu that appears, click on "Male" or "Female";
  • 5 in fig. 6 - click on the small calendar, select the month, date and year of birth. You can only enter your date of birth using the calendar. You cannot type it manually “from the keyboard”;
  • 6 in fig. 6 - the place of birth is entered as indicated in the passport;
  • 7 in fig. 6 - SNIL - short for "Insurance Number of an Individual Personal Account", issued in a pension fund (PFR). Below in fig. 7 shows where to look for your SNILS in the Insurance Certificate of the Pension Fund;

Rice. 7 Where to look for SNILS

  • 8 in fig. 6 - citizenship can be entered by clicking on the small triangle in field 8. A menu will appear in which you need to click on the appropriate option;
  • 9 in fig. 6 - click on the triangle in field 9. In the menu that appears, select an identity document;
  • 10 in fig. 6 - we print the series and number of the passport or other identity document. We enter all the numbers (series and number) in a row, without spaces, for example, 4008123456;
  • 11 in fig. 6 - the date of issue of the document must be selected using a small calendar in field 11;
  • 12, 13 in fig. 6 - enter "Issued by" and the unit code exactly as it is written in the passport or other identity document;
  • 14 in fig. 6 - After entering the data, we check everything again, after which we click on the blue “Continue” button.

A window will appear (click on Fig. 8 to enlarge):

Rice. 8. Message that identity verification is in progress

Verification of personal data for the State Services portal takes place in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and in the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation (Federal Migration Service). It can take several minutes, and in some cases up to 5 days. If you do not want to wait for the end of the check, you can close the page. A notification will be sent to the e-mail about the completion of the verification, that is, to the e-mail.

If you do not close the page and wait for the check to complete, then after that in the window in Fig. 8 the message "Verification of your personal data is completed" and the button "Login again" will appear.

If the page is closed, then it will be possible to continue working with the State Services portal using the link in the letter that will be sent to the e-mail after the verification is completed.

Verified account for full registration

Public services full registration will be obtained only after confirmation of identity. First, we make a decision on which method of identity verification to choose from the three options that are offered on the site. Click on fig. 9 to enlarge it, the second click on fig. reduces it.

Rice. 9 Identity verification at public services

Number 1 in fig. 9 – “Contact in person. Confirmation at the time of visiting one of the service centers. Read more about this method below, I chose this option.

Identity confirmation with a code from a letter from the Russian Post

Number 2 in fig. 9 - "Receive a confirmation code by letter."

The code will be sent to you by registered mail via Russian Post.

Before choosing this method, you should keep in mind the following information from the official website of the State Services:

"Attention! For confirmation, we recommend contacting in person! Please note that using the identity verification code from the letter, you will NOT be able to access the taxpayer's personal account on the portal. Also, the letter will need to be received at the post office.

The service is provided free of charge.
Average delivery time is about two weeks.
Re-sending the identity verification code is possible no earlier than 30 days later.

If you choose the option with a confirmation code by letter, then, as can be seen in Fig. 9, you should enter your postal address with an index and click on the blue "Deliver" button. If you forgot the index, click on the link "Do not remember the index?".

The option with a confirmation code means that the postman will drop a notification in the mailbox about what has arrived registered letter. Then, with this notice and with a passport, you will have to go to the post office in order to receive a registered letter. And then enter the received confirmation code on the website of the State Services. If the notification is lost or the letter does not arrive, you will have to re-order the receipt of the confirmation code no earlier than 30 days after the first application for the State Services for the receipt of the code.

As you can see, you still have to go to the post office with your passport, although the postman can drop the letter into your mailbox. I decided that it would be easier and faster to immediately go to the post office with a passport and verify my identity. True, not every post office can do this, more details below.

Identity verification at the MFC, Rostelecom and using CEP

In cities where there is MFC (Multifunctional Centers) or Rostelecom offices, you can get a confirmation code by going there in person.

If you are NOT able to enter the confirmation code received at the MFC or Rostelecom on the State Services website, then

CEP- short for " Qualified Electronic Signature».

Number 3 in fig. 9 - as you can see, identity verification at the State Services can be done using electronic signature on a flash drive or UEC (universal electronic card). The issuance of a UEC card and its issuance are free of charge for all citizens of the Russian Federation. It allows you to use state, municipal and commercial services online, in electronic form.

The advantage of the CEP electronic signature option is that it is an instant confirmation of identity in the State Services, and also that some services require the user to have an electronic signature. The downside is the need to issue and obtain an electronic signature or a universal electronic card.

Confirmation of personal appearance at the Russian Post

It may seem that it is enough to take a passport and come to your own post office. But it's not. In July 2015, the agreement between the Russian Post and Rostelecom ended, and since then, not all post offices have managed to conclude a new agreement. Therefore, you first have to search for a Russian post office or Rostelecom branch, where they provide such a service as identity verification for the State Services portal.

When you register for the State Services and select the confirmation option “Contact in person” (1 in Fig. 9), the State Services website automatically offers available options for your location: the closest option comes first, then the more distant options.

Attention! It makes sense to verify your identity only if your profile on the State Services website is completed, its verification is passed and you have a standard account. With a simplified account, it makes no sense to verify your identity, nothing will work.

To confirm your identity, you need to take your passport with you.

At the post office (or at the office of Rostelecom), you must say that you need to confirm your identity on the State Services portal. After that, they gave me a piece of paper (Fig. 10, click on the image to enlarge it), in which I had to write in two copies:

  • last name
  • document type and number,
  • date,
  • signature.

Rice. 10 Identity confirmation form issued by mail

The postal worker checks the passport, looks on the computer that you have a standard account on the State Services portal and clicks on something. Confirmation by e-mail and by sms on the mobile phone comes immediately. For example, I did not have time to move away from the window in the Russian Post, when I heard an SMS message, I also thought that it was necessary, how quickly everything works.

Rice. 11 (click on the figure to enlarge). Public services full registration: Message on e-mail about account confirmation.

Public services full registration on this completed!

How to enter the State Services after registration

Registration on the State Services portal is carried out once. After that, you will only need to enter the site, but not registration.

Rice. 12 (click on the figure to enlarge). Button "Enter" in the State Services

We click on the "Login" button, we get:

Rice. 13 Enter the phone number or mail, and also be sure to enter the password to enter the State Services

After entering the phone number or mail (e-mail), as well as the password, you will automatically enter your personal account, which will be eloquently evidenced by the surname in the right upper corner on the State Services website (Fig. 14).

How to log out of the State Services website

Rice. 14 Button to exit the State Services website

You must exit the State Services Portal NOT by the red cross in your browser, but by using the special Exit button (Fig. 14). It is located in the upper right corner on the State Services website, next to your last name.

If you bring the mouse to the button (circled in a red frame in Fig. 14), then the pop-up inscription “Exit” will appear. We click on this button, we exit - this is the correct exit from the State Services website.

Where to apply?

When switching to a verified account on the State Services website, some users have problems, for example, that such a SNILS already exists, and there are enough other problems. Where to go in such situations?

In such cases, you should contact support on the State Services website, because that is where the database with customer data is stored. Employees of the State Services website can look at their database to find out what the problem of a particular client is. Most likely, an employee of the State Services can immediately solve the problem or, at least, offer some kind of solution.

Support coordinates ( feedback) is on the website of the State Services, at the bottom, in the basement of the site. In order not to look for them, I give these contacts below:

Feedback on the State Services website by e-mail: [email protected]

If you write email, describe your situation in as much detail as possible so that you are correctly understood and helped to solve the problem.

Can call public services, choose the option that suits you:

8 800 100-70-10 – free phone in the Russian Federation,

7 499 550-18-39 - for residents of Moscow or according to the tariffs of the operator,

115 (for calls from mobile phones) - free of charge in the Russian Federation.

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If you are looking for how to register for public services, then you have come to the right place.

The portal was created in order to allow citizens of the country to draw up official documents and receive qualified assistance via the Internet.

With the presence of such a site, there is no longer a need to stand in queues for a long time.

All operations can be performed from home without too much fuss and save a lot of your personal time.

To register, the user is required to:

  • passport data;
  • E-mail address;
  • cell phone number;
  • insurance certificate, namely the number of SNILS.

In its turn the site will allow:

  • apply for a replacement passport;
  • apply for a passport;
  • change your driver's license;
  • issue a new vehicle;
  • submit documents for schooling;
  • get advice on pension and tax issues.


Step-by-step instruction

You can use it when signing contracts, identity cards and many other online procedures.

In order to complete your registration on the public services portal, you just need to insert it into, and the procedure will be carried out instantly.

However, such a flash drive should be available, and not everyone has it. Therefore, the disadvantage of this option can be considered the need to pre-register an electronic signature.

Registration results

After successfully completing any of the three options, the user is waiting for the final stage of verification, which will take a few minutes.

It will be followed by a message stating that the account is now verified and you have access to the full range of services provided by the portal. To the existing ones will be added:

The main advantage of the public services website is the fact that you do not need to stand in lines and leave your home to carry out a certain operation. If this is the first time you have encountered this portal, then you need to register on it. In this article, we will go through all the registration steps step by step and you can easily repeat them.

All accounts are divided into standard and verified. You will receive the standard status immediately after registration and almost all the functions of the site will become available to you. But there are those for which a confirmed status is required. It belongs to these. But let's not get ahead of ourselves and consider everything in order.

Registration of an individual on the public services portal

Before we move on to the registration process, we would like to remind you that this will require your passport and compulsory pension insurance certificate (SNILS).

1) Open the site and click on the "register" button

2) Enter your real last name, first name, mobile phone and email address.

3) In the next step, for your cellular telephone You will receive an SMS message with a confirmation code. It must be entered in the form below. Now click on the "confirm" button.

4) After that, you need to come up with a password and enter it twice in the window that appears. This is required in order to exclude a password entry error. It is you who will enter it every time on the portal of public services.

5) Now the system will ask you to enter your passport data and insurance certificate number. This needs to be done only once, and in the future this data will be automatically entered when working in your personal account.

6) Uncheck "no middle name" and enter your last name, first name and patronymic. Select your gender and fill in the information about your date and place of birth. In addition, please indicate your nationality.

7) Your passport acts as a document that will prove your identity. Enter its series and number, as well as information about when and by whom it was issued to you. In the last line you will need to enter the SNILS number, which looks like this:

When you have entered all these details, click on the save button.

8) Now you will be taken to your personal page on the public services portal and information about checking your data will be displayed on the right side.

It will take no more than 15 minutes, as the system will request your data from the Pension Fund and the Federal Migration Service. Refresh the page after a while and you will be congratulated on successfully completing this step.

As we said earlier, some transactions will require identity verification. This can be done personally at the service center by ordering a letter or using an electronic signature.

9) If you want to verify your identity at the service center, then click on the "find a service center" button and the system will automatically display the closest ones to you. Click on one of the blue circles and you will see the address of the branch and its working hours.

Do not forget to bring your passport with you, the details of which you entered in the previous steps.

10) The second way to confirm your identity is to order a letter, which will be delivered to you within two weeks. The only disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of gaining access to the site

If you do not plan to use the above site, then fill in the information about your postal address and enter the postal code of the post office closest to you.

11) The third way to verify your identity implies that you have a carrier of your electronic signature key. The system will ask you to connect it to the computer.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in registering on the public services portal. We tried to describe in detail each step that you can easily repeat. If you still have questions, then ask them in the comments.

Many citizens of Russia already know that there is an electronic Portal public services Russian Federation. You can get many tools and functions, as well as the necessary documents remotely, without standing in lines at various government organizations. You will need to create a personal account on the State Services portal - entry, registration will not take much time.

Instruction and entrance to the personal account of the State Services below on the page.

Having an account, you can send all documents for a foreign passport online and pick up the document when it is ready at the passport office. Also, through the office, you can change your driver's license, make an appointment with a doctor at the city clinic and resolve other issues related to taxes, pensions, etc.

Each region of the Russian Federation has its own list of services and functions available here. Setting your location is done at the top of the page. For such Russian cities as: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Voronezh, Perm, Volgograd, Krasnodar, Saratov, Ulyanovsk, Tyumen , Cherepovets, Vologda - the most a large number of online services.

Below is a link to enter the portal user panel and an instruction that includes 3 main steps - this is getting a simplified, standard and verified account. To fully use the capabilities of the State Services website, you will have to complete all three steps.

  • If there is already a registration in the personal account of the electronic portal of the State Services, then there is a direct link to enter:

Public services Moscow - entrance to your personal account

State services St. Petersburg (SPB) official website personal account entrance

Registration in the personal account of the State Services - the creation of a simplified, standard, verified account

Creating a State Service personal account (Portal of State Services of the Russian Federation) - entry, registration is possible using any. The registration procedure is as follows:

  • entering an email address;
  • receiving a letter;
  • proof of ownership mailbox(following a special link in the letter to activate the account);
  • entering personal information (for a standard account);
  • verification of your identity (for a verified account).

To complete the full registration in the personal account of the State Service and receive all available electronic tools and possibilities, you need to go through all the steps to create an account.

The phone should fully work, as it will receive text message with code. It should be entered in a special field on the State Services portal and click the "Confirm" button. This confirms the ownership mobile number. Now more about all the stages of registration.

The initial stage of registration on the website of the State Service - a simplified account

  • Go to the registration page and fill in the required fields.

Here you need to enter your last name, first name and email address. It is not necessary to provide a mobile phone number. But, if this is done, then in the future you can avoid problems if it is difficult to enter the personal account of the State Services. The specified number will receive a message with a code that is required to restore the account.

The email address must be entered without errors. If at least one letter is entered incorrectly or one character is completely missing, then the letter with the registration link will go in an unknown direction.

  • When the data has been specified and verified, you should click the "Register" button. The following message will appear immediately.

You must activate your account no later than the deadline indicated in the message. To do this, you need to enter your e-mail (e-mail) - open the sent letter and click on the "Confirm mail" button.

  • To complete the registration on the site, you need to enter a password. Better to use complex password, which includes numbers and letters written in different case.

The site itself determines the strength of the password when it is entered by the user. The system recommends entering characters until the green “High” inscription appears. A window with recommendations for choosing a password will appear to the right.

After entering a password, you must enter it again. Then click on the "Finish" button. If everything was done correctly, the message “Registration was successful” will appear. There is an automatic transition to the site.

The first stage of registration has been completed, now there is a simplified account in the personal account of the State Service and access to services that do not require identity verification. If you need access to information on pensions, taxes, and other services, you must verify your identity by completing full registration.

Receipt additional services it is possible only after indicating not only the full name, gender, but also the date of birth, passport data, as well as SNILS. The entered information must be checked by the system and a specialist. This takes about one week. After checking, it will be possible to make an appointment with a medical specialist, check for traffic police fines and much more.

The second stage of registration on the State Services website is the creation of a standard account

Once the password has been entered, the "Basic Information" window appears. To indicate all the required information, you need to prepare: a passport of a citizen of the country and an insurance certificate of a pension fund (SNILS). If a mobile phone was used during registration, then it is confirmed by a code that will be sent to the phone in a text message.

  • If there is no time to fill out the profile right away, you can click the “Fill in later” button below.

Such data should be entered:

- indicate your full name;
- choose a gender;
- indicate the year of birth, as well as the month and date;
- enter the place of birth;
- indicate the number of SNILS;
- choose citizenship;
- identify an identity document;
- enter data from the passport or the document that was selected;
- indicate the date of issue of the passport;
Who issued the document.

  • Check if the entered information is correct. If everything is correct, click the ".

  • The following window will appear, which will display information about the status of the profile. If everything is filled in correctly, then “It provides more opportunities for managing public services.

All data received is subject to verification by employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Federal Migration Service. The minimum verification period is a few minutes, but it can take several days. You don't need to keep the page open. As soon as the information is processed, a notification about this will be sent to the e-mail address.

Verified Account - Full Registration

Full registration on the site is possible only after the entered compliance data identities and SNILS numbers will be confirmed by the system. The portal offers to choose one of the ways to verify your identity:

  • contact the Service Center in person;
  • confirmation of identity at public services through a confirmation code (sent by mail);
  • using an enhanced qualified electronic signature (QES) or a Universal Electronic Card (UEC).

Identity confirmation at the State Services at the Russian Post

In 2015, the contract between the Post and Rostelecom was terminated. He was re-contracted, but so far not in all departments it is possible to confirm your identity for the State Services portal.

When registering on the State Services website using the “Contact in person” method, the resource will offer a choice of places on the page where this is possible. The map will show all departments with the ability to select the desired area.

It is worth starting to verify your identity if the profile on the portal has been filled out correctly and its verification has also been passed. If a simplified record is entered, then the need for confirmation disappears.

Be sure to bring your passport to verify your identity. Arriving at the post office or Rostelecom, it is worth mentioning the reason for the visit - confirmation of identity on the website of the State Services. The specialist will issue a form in which you will need to fill in the following fields:

  • passport ID;
  • date of issue of the document;
  • signature.

The employee will verify all the information in the passport, then enter it into the computer. The confirmation procedure is completed if a text message arrives on the mobile. Registration completed in full.

How to make an appointment with a doctor

As mentioned above, the State Services portal allows you to make an appointment with a doctor. In this situation, you need to have a permanent CHI policy. If there is only a temporary policy on hand, then it will not be possible to use it.

If there is an attachment to a medical institution and there is a compulsory medical insurance policy:

  • open the appointment form for an appointment with a specialist and fill it out;
  • arrive at the clinic at the time selected during the appointment.

With absence compulsory medical insurance policy, must be filed as soon as possible. As a rule, the preparation of the document is carried out within 30 days. After that, the entry on the State Services portal will become available.

How to pay a lawsuit

To pay the court debt on the Gouslugi website, the section “ Litigation". You will need to specify your last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth and then click the "Search" button. If there is a legal debt, then information on it will appear right there. If you click the "Pay" button, the portal will offer to make a payment.

Payment Methods:

  • at a bank branch with a printed receipt;
  • using a bank card;
  • by mobile phone;
  • using the wallet payment system Webmoney or Yandex.Money.

How to enroll a child in kindergarten

In order to enroll a child in a kindergarten, you first need to make sure that the possibility of electronic registration is present in your personal account. Click on the button " Enrolling a child in kindergarten in your own region. Fill out an electronic form, if such a service is available. When submitting an application, you can specify no more than three kindergartens at the place of residence.

If everything is done correctly, the application is submitted and the child is in line. To understand what place it currently occupies in the queue, click "Check queue".

How to find out about retirement savings

The State Services Portal, a personal account after entering and registering, allows you to get information about personal pension savings. Press the button " Obtaining information about the status of an individual personal account» and then click " Get a service». Information about pension savings will immediately be displayed on the screen. They can be saved to the computer's memory.

If the data was not received at home or there is no printer to print the statement, then it can be sent to an e-mail address. Using the functionality personal account Public services, you can quickly find out about pension savings.

Pension contributions are taken into account when calculating the pension. The employer transfers them to the FIU from the employee's salary.

Where to apply? Contacts, support service, phones of the State Services portal

  • The Help and Support page provides answers and solutions to FAQ, as well as an electronic online support system. Specialists have access to the customer base and can try to solve the problems that have arisen in real time. Their experience and specialization is enough to solve the difficulty of any nature. So, by contacting the support service, you can be sure that a solution will be found.
  • Send an email to an email address [email protected] stating your problem as clearly as possible. This increases the chance of a quick resolution.
  • You can also contact the experts by phone:

8-800-100-70-10 — free of charge in Russia;

+7 495 727-47-47 — calculation of the cost of a call in accordance with the tariffs of the operator;

115 — for calls from mobile phones (free of charge in Russia).

A computer