Select low-frequency queries. Selection of low-frequency queries in Yandex

We recommend promotion for young sites with zero traffic and online stores with a very wide range of products. low frequency requests(LF). LF queries - search words and phrases with a frequency of up to 300 per month. They have low competition and bring stable results.

LF Requests Essentials

Low frequency queries often respond to a specific user request. They consist of several words from three or more. Since 2016, a trend has begun to increase the length of search queries up to seven words. We wrote about this in the article "".

This is due to two factors. The first is the imperfection of issuance. Users cannot quickly find necessary information and are forced to refine the query as much as possible to reduce the search time. The second factor is growth mobile internet. It is widely believed that in mobile search, people enter short queries. It is, but with the help of highlighted search suggestions, the query is increased to five to seven words.

Website promotion for low-frequency queries is laborious. Have to work with large quantity requests. This is difficult to implement and takes a lot of time. However, this promotion:

  • has low competition - the highest competition is for high-frequency requests, but low-frequency ones can also be highly competitive. Check the query before including it in the semantic core;
  • is inexpensive;
  • guarantees an increase in traffic - each new page will bring new users;
  • brings stability of the result - the more pages bring visitors to the site, the more stable the traffic of the site.

promotion strategies

Large request pool. To get an effective result, collect a large pool of keywords. Define the minimum frequency below which you will not use keys. Some experts believe that it is necessary to add keys from 1-2 requests per month, because the frequency of the key may grow further. Others suggest taking keys along the upper bound. We advise you to stick to the middle - select keys within 100-150 requests per month.

Create a separate page, article, product card for each phrase. In one content, combine several low-frequency queries that are similar in subject matter. In the product card, use low-frequency queries in the Title. Create separate pages for navigational or transactional LF queries. What are the types, told in the article "Types of search queries and page content."

Approach the selection of keys to move through the low frequencies sensibly. Select keys that can bring customers. Let's say you sell gyroscooters. You can create a separate page for the request "buy a smart balance wheel scooter" because this is a transactional request. But for the request "tao tao app + for hoverboard" you do not need to create a page.

Conversion landings. Rand Fishkin, CEO Moz offers a landing page promotion strategy. Its essence is that for each low-frequency request, an independent landing page is created. He advises using a similar strategy for commercial sites that sell goods or services. Need to collect keywords with very low competition and frequency of literally 1-2 queries per month. For each key, develop a landing page with a direct link to the site being promoted. In total, there should be from 12 to 20 keys. Choose transactional keys that potential buyers use.

User Content (UGC). When the semantics contains a large number of requests with narrow topics, do not create separate articles or pages for them, because the amount of content is small. Don't write multi-page articles to promote the "how to remove a string from an array" query. Make a separate small block for it on the site. For example, in the form of questions and answers.

Or implement it as UGC content. These are comments, questions and answers on the forum. It is desirable to think over the mechanism for obtaining content from users. Motivate real users to leave comments of a certain volume or chat on the forum. But if traffic is low on a young site, create comments with low-frequency queries yourself and post them to feature articles.

General rules

    Collect a large list of low-frequency queries. Determine to what minimum frequency you will use requests. Clean up the list, remove garbage, combine similar keys. Leave all navigational and transactional queries.

    Check the selected requests for competition. To do this, enter a query in the search bar and see the number of sites. If the LF query has high contention, we advise you not to use it. For automatic competition checks, work with the Mutagen service. It evaluates competitiveness in points from 1 to 25. Leave keys with a service rating of up to 15 points.

    Create articles, pages or product cards or other content under the LF requests in accordance with the adopted strategy. Often a single occurrence, not in a direct word form, is sufficient. Search engines strive to satisfy the information needs of users, so they look for and show everything that even slightly relates to a rare low-frequency request.

    Check the created texts in the service "". It will show spamming, watery text, stylistic errors. Assesses the level of risk of falling under the Yandex filter for re-optimization. The service gives the result in points. The optimal result is up to 5 points. If the service shows 13 points or more, the situation is critical. For example, this article has a score of 3 points.

    Use low-frequency queries in the headings of an article or page. Insert them in product descriptions or titles if it looks natural. Make a description of the image, taking into account low-frequency speakers and write it in alt.

    Do an internal link. We talked about this in the article "".

Promotion Mistakes

Poor quality semantic core. Sometimes optimizers compose the kernel artificially. To do this, they use keyword generation services or formulate queries. This greatly reduces time and labor costs. But with this approach, search suggestions are not taken into account and real user requests are lost, which will bring traffic. It is also difficult to correctly group requests. You can promote a site with an artificial core only in cases of limited time. Further, we recommend expanding the kernel for unaccounted keys.

Poor quality content. To quickly promote low-frequency queries, sometimes seo-specialists order a large number of cheap articles for each low-frequency query. The main value of such materials is only that each text contains a promoted key. Articles have no value for the user. It turns out a site with a large number of pages and a high percentage of failures. Creating high-quality and useful content is expensive, so in cases where the budget is limited, it is better to collect less semantics, but prepare useful and relevant content.

Excessive use of LF requests similar to the previous error. Content can be interesting and informative, but too narrow a division of the topic does not give the reader all the information at once. He often has to switch to different pages for more answers general question. For example, the answer to the query “dracaena leaves dry” is divided into separate closely related articles in the “Dracaena” subsection: “leaves are drying tips”, “leaves wither” and “leaves dry and fall off”. Although logically they need to be combined in one material and give users a detailed answer.


    Low-frequency queries - keywords and phrases five to seven words long and with a low frequency of up to 300 queries per month. LF search promotion is used for young sites and online stores with a large number of products.

    To promote, choose a strategy: a large query pool, conversion landing pages or user-generated content. If necessary, combine elements of different strategies.

    Site promotion begins with the collection of broad low-frequency semantics. Then clean it up, remove junk and requests that are not related to the site. Leave navigational and transactional queries, even if they have a minimum frequency. Check the concurrency of queries in the semantic core. Eliminate highly competitive words.

    Create content on request: a separate page, article or product card. Use queries in the title, image description, product names. Check the text in the Turgenev service. It will show the degree of spamming, the naturalness and readability of the text, the risk of the Baden-Baden filter. Do internal linking of created articles.

    Avoid mistakes. Do not advance on artificially created semantic core. Don't post content Low quality for the sake of using the LF request. Such a page will have a high bounce rate and bad behavioral factors. Do not create unnecessary duplication of articles for closely topical queries. It is better to combine them and use them on one page.

The material was prepared by Svetlana Sirvida-Llorente.

There is no clear boundary between low, medium and high frequency, it is individual for each subject.

To bookmarks

For example:

  • High-frequency request (HF) - buy an iPhone;
  • Mid-frequency request (MF) - buy an iPhone 7;
  • Low-frequency request (LF) - buy iPhone 7 128 GB gold;
  • HF - buy a Christmas tree;
  • MF - buy a white artificial Christmas tree;
  • LF - buy a white artificial Christmas tree 150 cm.

Low frequency requests

it key phrases, which are quite rarely typed in search engines.

Promotion for low-frequency requests is the easiest and easiest way to increase website traffic. It is quite easy to promote low-frequency phrases to the TOP. You just need to make a list of such requests and optimize landing pages for them: write meta tags, place unique text, and if it is an online store, then add a selection of relevant products.

Benefits of promotion for low-frequency queries

Website promotion by low-frequency words has a number of advantages:

  • Fewer competitors. As a rule, there is less competition for low-frequency requests than for mid-range and high-frequency ones, which means that it will be easier to advance on it.
  • Target traffic. A high probability of a conversion action by a user who came to your site on an LF request.
  • Less budget. There is no need to build up a link mass using these key queries and write voluminous unique content.
  • Ease of optimization. Often, just creating optimized pages is enough to get into the TOP for low-frequency queries.
  • Increasing the relevance of the site. By creating pages for low-frequency requests, you increase the amount of useful materials on the site that are relevant to high-frequency / mid-range requests.
  • Fast time to get into the TOP. In practice, it has been proven more than once that the output of a site for high-frequency requests takes longer than for low-frequency ones.
  • There are a lot of low frequency requests. Although each request separately brings not so much traffic, but optimization for a large number of low-frequency requests will allow you to bring a significant total traffic that can be compared with traffic for high-frequency and mid-range requests.

Who should be promoted by LF requests

  • young sites. For them, this is the first step towards attracting search traffic.
  • Online stores with a wide range of products. By optimizing product offers for low-frequency queries, business owners will be able to attract high-quality traffic with good behavioral indicators.

High frequency requests

These are queries that have a high frequency of demand on the Internet.

If a site gets into the TOP of search results for a high-frequency query, it has a strong impact on the growth of traffic and its visibility. But high-volume queries can have blurry intent, and so the query type can change over time. Here, promotion by LF looks better: targeted visitors go to the site.

If you are planning to promote in the HF, first select those requests that are clearly of a commercial type. This is necessary to avoid attracting inappropriate traffic.

How to promote a site for high-frequency requests

If you decide to promote the site for high-frequency requests, then you need to be patient, since promotion for high-frequency requests is the opposite of promotion for low-frequency ones. It means:

  • The expected result will not appear immediately (it happens that it will not appear at all, but you should not stop - you need to analyze and refine your site).
  • It is necessary to have a large budget for writing unique optimized content and link building.
  • You will have to do a lot of work on optimizing internal pages: distributing link weight between important pages of the site, setting optimized meta tags for all pages, building up a large amount of external link mass.
  • Need to work on improvement

The rapid growth in the number of sites that are inexorably fighting for a place in search results, reduces to zero the chances of breaking into the TOP for a beginner or an ordinary average site that is trying to promote its Internet resource for high-frequency queries (HF).

Promotion for low-frequency (LF) queries is considered to be a simpler and less costly strategy for website promotion. In addition, this strategy allows you to get search traffic for young projects.

In this article, we will tell you whether the above statements are true and share our best practices in using the promotion strategy for low-frequency queries.

What is low-frequency promotion?

Low-frequency promotion is a way to promote websites, which is based on targeting to get positions for highly specialized search phrases (keys) with a low frequency of impressions (less than 100 impressions per month).

This method is less expensive in terms of finances (compared to high-frequency promotion), but rather laborious, including:

  • proper selection of key phrases,
  • compilation and distribution of the semantic core,
  • site structure optimization,
  • internal optimization of a web resource,
  • work with content and linking (links),
  • and much more.

What is an LF query or a Long Tail query?

A low-frequency query is also called a “Long Tail query”, since a sufficiently long tail (volume) of competitive keywords is collected to promote the site.

Most often, such requests are generated by matching the main request, for example, "buy a refrigerator", with additional information- tail: "samsung s5100"; "on credit for 10 months"; "safe for children", etc.

Long tail queries are divided into two types:

  • containing more than 3 words (a large purple refrigerator; a green Coolpad mobile case; cool red sneakers with spikes from Nike);
  • containing 1-2 words (but always with a low frequency) - these are usually models of a certain product, for example, Samsung s23422 or Nokia 514 m.

It is important to note that long tail queries are entered in search engines more than 70%. This means that the “tail” of such queries is simply huge and it will not be difficult to find the necessary keywords for the semantic core.

How to search for low-frequency queries

Is free

See search engine suggestions

We enter the query we are interested in

Choosing low-frequency queries

English for a fee

To collect the most complete core of low-frequency queries, we recommend using the service. The process is the same as in the previous method.

Service overview from Igor Shulezhko

Benefits of promoting low-frequency queries

  • Website promotion for low-frequency queries perfectly performs the function of an additional effect - it contributes to the promotion of medium- and high-frequency queries. That is, LF requests are often integral part MF and HF requests. By promoting the site for low-frequency queries, you get the first traffic, and your work on the site leads to the fact that positions improve for higher-frequency queries.
  • The exact wording of low-frequency requests by visitors indicates that they have already decided on the product and are ready to purchase it. Thus, the conversion of the site is much higher than on resources that are based on high-frequency queries.
  • Promotion by low-frequency requests makes it possible to say with confidence that you will not be crushed by the strongest sites, leaving absolutely no visitors. Also, only white methods are used for such promotion, due to which any sanctions from search engines are absolutely excluded.
  • The CTR from search results for low-frequency queries is higher, since contextual advertising may be absent. For high-frequency queries, even in the first place, you will always be under 3-4 results of paid search results.
  • It is also important to note: savings and gradual investment; the ability of content alone to bring the desired result; the opportunity to engage in promotion without having in-depth knowledge.

Disadvantages and difficulties of promotion on low-frequency requests

To disadvantages this method promotions include:

  • Difficulty in predicting costs
  • need permanent job above the site
  • a small number of visitors (to solve the problem, it is important to collect a large number of low-frequency queries “use a wide tail”);
  • difficulty in reaching a large target audience.

Quite often there is a need to redesign the structure of the website - add fresh sections, headings, etc.

It is also necessary to carry out work on the text optimization of all pages promoted on the site.

An impressive amount of work is occupied by the selection of the semantic core for low-frequency queries. It is worth considering the creation of voluminous content material.

Promotion stages

Website promotion by LF can be reduced to six stages:

  1. Composition of semantics. To select a semantic core, you can use both paid and free tools: Serpstat, Google Analytics, Google Adwords Keyword Planner, Wordstat and/or Key Collector. It is important to carefully analyze requests, choosing only the most important and suitable for promotion (for example, exclude all phrases like “download for free” from the request);
  2. Site structure optimization. Checking the resource for duplicate pages in the index, removing or closing duplicates;
  3. Internal site optimization. To do this, you need to fill the sections with high-quality unique content:
  • make a list of all pages with non-unique content and change the texts to unique ones as soon as possible;
  • identify internal pages without texts;
  • find keywords/phrases for these pages;
  • write articles for these keywords.

It is important to create a blog or a special section, for example, " Useful information» to collect informational search queries.

Some progress details:

1. Optimizing every page. It consists of adjusting meta tags, working on site content, internal linking and links.

A personal, unique title (title tag) is created for each page, including keywords.

The description tag (small description) is not so necessary for promotion, but it has a positive effect on the attitude of users to the resource (often, a snippet is formed from the description) and affects the CTR in the search results.

The texts on the page should be written for people - in simple words, competently and correctly.
As for internal linking, these are links that link the pages of the site, opening the way for the visitor from one article to another. They allow you to increase the ranking of each of the pages due to the weight of others.

2. Analytics of changes and statistics. Promotion of the site along the long tail is impossible without tracking any changes and statistics on the site. To do this, you should use Google Analytics. With its help, you can find out: the exact number of visitors, the time they were on the site, on which page they left viewing the resource, etc. Based on this information, you can then adjust the site.

Examples of promotion for low-frequency queries

Promotion of an online store by LF

This is a very common tactic for getting first search traffic in . Read more in our mega guide.

The initial stage of promotion, traffic is 70-100 people / day.

Three months later, the traffic is 300–400 people/day. To achieve the goal it was necessary:

  • conduct a comprehensive internal optimization process;
  • implement CNC, especially for filter pages;
  • block unnecessary filters for indexing;
  • optimize product and page meta tags;
  • carry out a transfer from home page on product pages;
  • implement linking between products;
  • fill in unique content and product descriptions, taking into account keywords;
  • place resources no further than 2 levels of nesting.

Important! The growth is due to the creation of landing pages for a large core of low-frequency queries. Which were subsequently optimized for the corresponding low-frequency requests.

Sergey Arsentiev

How to save 70% of your SEO budget by promoting mid- and low-frequency queries

The client is interested in: "If you promote low-frequency queries, then what's the point? If people don't specifically enter these phrases?" So, there is a sense and a very big one.

Often you can find the concepts: high-frequency and low-frequency requests. What it is?

High-frequency queries are those that are consistently high in popularity among search engine users, and therefore among clients and SEO optimizers. And low-frequency ones are rarely recruited, only a few times a month, but such requests are as accurate as possible.

Typical high-frequency queries usually look like this: " custom-made furniture", "wardrobes in Moscow, "buy laptop". They have thousands of impressions per month and getting into the TOP for such a query dramatically increases the flow of visitors from the search to the site.

Low frequency requests are longer: " order kitchen dvin 2190", "sliding wardrobe 2 meters with a mirror", "lenovo laptop b590 cheap" and so on.

Of course, it's cool to "shoot" on the top 10 words, but this is an unprofessional approach. Why? Yes, because SEO Isn't Buying Places in Search, but rather a complex and multifaceted process in which search engines use highly developed ranking algorithms and banal cheating either simply does not work or does not give stable results.

That is, of course, you can quickly bring it to the TOP for "fat" queries using a massive boost of all factors: behavioral, link, social, and so on. But there is also a very big risk of being caught by the hand and after that fly out of the search for a long time or forever! Search engines monitor the naturalness in the development of the site and perceive any distortions critically

And if a site that was made yesterday suddenly rises sharply on competitive requests alone without proper development, this is a signal to check it for SEO spam, because this does not happen in principle, and different requests are usually promoted on the site, and not just the fattest ones. and profitable.

Therefore, it is optimal when the site promotes along the normal semantic core (read ""), in which there are both frequent competitive queries and less frequent, but less competitive keywords.

Many unscrupulous optimizers take advantage of the client's ignorance of the promotion mechanisms and offer a listing in the TOP for one high-frequency queries. As a result, the site can really rise in the rankings, but how long and stable it will be there is a big question.

In addition, move exceptionally highly competitive requests ultimately strategically disadvantageous. Why?

  1. There is a tough fight for such keys and there are many "strong" rivals with whom you can butt heads for months and years.
  2. Promotion for high-frequency queries today requires the purchase of high-quality links, and this significantly increases the cost of the promotion process.
  3. In addition, search engines are especially nervous about external links with high-frequency keywords inside. And there is a chance to catch the filter before it even starts getting returns.
  4. For successful and most importantly, stable promotion, for highly competitive requests, it is required to high level project. What is the point of bringing a low-quality site made on the "knee" to the TOP with all sorts of lies, so that in a month it will fly out of there forever?
  5. The result of the promotion will not be soon. As a result, time passes, and there are no special orders from the site. Some projects are even closed because of this. Because, of course, the site seems to be growing in search: here it was 78th in terms of a serious key, and now it has become 24th. But people click on the top 10, even the top 5. And as a result, the sites are empty, without visitors and without sales. What does the owner think? That's right: "We need to close this project, it only takes time and money." And all that was needed was to start getting a return on simpler requests and gradually increase momentum.

How to move the site in the search?

In order to quickly, in 2-3 months, begin to receive returns from the site, it is necessary that, for some reason, simple requests has already reached the TOP, and a small stream of customers has gone from it, which after a certain amount of time, depending on the level of development of the project and current competition, may well turn into a stream.

The smooth natural development of the site throughout the semantic core (low-frequency queries, medium- and high-frequency queries) is the key to its stability in the search. The method "from rags to riches" has not worked for a long time, now to get a place in the first places you need to work diligently and start from the simple, not from the complex.

To put it simply, low-competitive requests are that bird in the hands, which in no case should be neglected.

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The biggest piece of the pie is not always the tastiest - there is no point in chasing huge slices if there is not enough toppings in them. Newly minted site owners and inexperienced SEOs often feel that high-frequency (HF) search rankings are something to strive for at all costs. Waste strength, time, money and nerves, but break into the top. In fact, everything is not so simple.

What's wrong with high-frequency search promotion

The fact is that in most cases it is suicide and a useless waste of the budget. But first things first. High-frequency queries are what people are looking for most often in Yandex and Google. For example, "plastic windows". Logically, the more people enter a specific query, the more traffic the site can get. Therefore, RF queries are a tasty morsel for any site owner. Everything is logical. But reality spits in the face of logic, everything is not so simple and obvious. Let's find out how things really are and figure out what's what. Let's look at the pros first.

Benefits of promotion on RF requests

  • Large audience coverage. Everything is simple here. Many requests - many potential visitors. Lots of visitors means lots of sales. Lots of sales, lots of money. A lot of money - a lot of everything else.

And, in fact, everything. Yes, there are topics in which there is nothing besides high-frequency requests, and then promotion on them is justified, because it is almost the only way get clients. But more often than not, high-frequency queries are very vague, and people who search for information on them do not know what they want to find. Let's take a closer look at an example.

Disadvantages of promotion on RF requests

  • Few targeted visitors and low conversion. Even reaching the TOP on demand with a high frequency does not guarantee the appearance of targeted traffic and conversions. Almost always RF queries are very vague and muddy. For example, if a person is looking for a "refrigerator", he does not necessarily want to buy it. Maybe he wants to see them specifications and a set of functions, compare manufacturers or even read how they work. And there are a majority of them - there is a certain percentage of buyers among users who enter an RF request, but it is very small. If a person is going to buy something, he probably knows what he wants. That's why search query be specific, e.g. "samsung refrigerator". And it is more likely to lead a person to a purchase.

  • Long and expensive. If you are promoting on the request “refrigerator”, you will compete with large online stores, Yandex.Market, articles on Wikipedia, and websites of equipment manufacturers. And the search engine trusts all these sites much more than a modest regional store. This means that you need to create a bunch of relevant pages, develop the same large link mass and do a lot of other things. The chance to break into the top will appear only when the search engines begin to trust the site and understand that you are able to solve the problem of users. Therefore, it will not be possible to break into the first positions of the issuance quickly - you will have to pay a lot and for a long time.

  • Lots of empty requests.Sometimes search engines lie to us. Some high-frequency requests turn out to be not high-frequency at all, and progress through them is simply meaningless. Let's take the "refrigerator" example. Of the 3.3 million impressions, only 38,000 fully matched a specific query in a specific word form. All the rest - with "tails". And this is not tied to a specific region.

  • RF requests do not need to be forwarded. In some cases, they themselves pull themselves up to the TOP after - and. This happens when a request with a high frequency is included in the MF and LF requests. For example, if you promote a site for the target low-frequency query “two-chamber refrigerator samsung”, then sooner or later you can be in the top for a more general “refrigerator”. This will happen when the link mass accumulates and begins to transfer weight to the site, and the search engines learn to trust you.

Of course, all this is true only for relatively small sites. If you own any federal company, then you need to be in the top for queries with a high frequency. The same is true for highly competitive topics. Now let's see what to do with it.

A guide for the desperate: website promotion for high-frequency queries

If you want to take a risk or without it in any way, then you need to take into account a number of recommendations. In short, you need to do absolutely everything at the highest level, as if the president will climb your site tomorrow.

Analyze everything you can

Competitors, market, potential demand, target audience, budget and promotion cost estimate. You should always start with this, so you need to immediately figure out what will give you access to the TOP by RF request.

Work with commercial factors

This should be done in any case, but here it is worth paying special attention to them. Working out commercial factors can be an advantage that will bring you to the TOP. Be sure to do:

  • Description, price, product characteristics and the "Buy" button in each card.
  • A block with similar offers and a block “usually buy with this product”.
  • Full details of the company, address, phone, work schedule.
  • Information about payment and delivery.

An example from the store. I took it because it is profile and not very mainstream. large stores household appliances I decided not to take it, because by default everything is in order with them, it’s not in vain that a million people work on their sites.

Internal optimization and website loading time

There should be nothing superfluous in the code, and even more so - errors, all meta tags should be filled in, and the number of “heavy” elements should be minimized. The better the site works, the more convenient it is for the user to study it, the better.

Improve behavioral factors

To do this, you need to analyze user behavior in detail and remove all obstacles to the purchase. The site should solve people's problems and meet their needs. Make a pleasant and convenient design, compare products and prices, block with popular offers, in general, provide them with all the information you can.

Optimize pages for related queries with low and medium frequency

This is important because this way you will attract additional traffic, which is always needed for everything: sales, improvements behavioral factors and so on. The main thing is to choose low-frequency and mid-range requests in such a way that they include high frequencies.

Promotion on highly competitive requests

There is another concept that is not related to . The more sites the search engine finds for the desired query and the higher their quality, the stronger the competition.

Most often, the jackpot falls in the form of a combination of high competition and the frequency of the request. But this is not always the case. Sometimes high concurrency is also found in midrange queries.

In any case, it is difficult to promote them. The methods and techniques here are the same as in the case of high-frequency queries: good links, thorough internal optimization, quality content.

Promotion on high-frequency and highly competitive requests is difficult, long, expensive and not always justified. Most experts do not advise doing this unless you are the owner of some very large and trusted site that needs a lot of traffic. In other cases, LF and MF requests will be more useful, because they are almost always targeted and users who switch from them are more likely to be converted into buyers. And if everything goes well with them, then with a bit of luck and the right approach, the cherished “vecheska” will also pull itself up to the top. If you can’t do without it, read our guide on how to promote your site for high-frequency queries, bring everything to the ideal and storm the top.

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