Connect a paid number for free. How to make a paid mobile phone number? How to make money on a paid number? Successful business on paid numbers

Make your cell phone for incoming calls. Connecting to such a service costs from RUB 3,000 (per year)+ subscription fee from 600 rubles/month, depending on the chosen tariff for the cost of a minute of conversation with you. Tariff from 15 rubles to 350 rubles. in a minute. The income is tangible! 70% goes to you, 25% to the operator, 5% to the intermediary. keyno=0

Make your own cell number paid for incoming calls.

How SMS scammers make money using paid phone numbers!

Now I will tell you how SMS scammers use phone numbers. can deceive almost every owner mobile phone. In this post, you will read a story that happened to me, and then you will learn how scammers deceive gullible citizens using numbers with increased tariffs for all incoming calls.

But first you must know and remember that there have always been and will be scammers, and in order to deceive their victims, they are always improving, coming up with new ways to deceive gullible citizens.

And with the advent mobile communications, SMS fraud has also begun to flourish.

How to make incoming paid

Many mobile users are interested in how to make incoming calls paid. Can other subscribers pay them for calling? And how legal is it?

It should be noted that incoming paid calls can only be organized when purchasing/renting short calls from the operator itself. Simply buying a smartphone in 2014 is clearly not enough for this. Payment for such calls will be credited to your bank account.

The law does not allow connecting this service for the purpose of making a profit fraudulently.

How to make paid incoming calls?

Paid incoming calls, the cost of which will be transferred to the required bank account, can only be made by purchasing or renting a short one from a telecom operator. You should not do this for fraudulent purposes, because anyway, your name can be easily calculated from the database.

To get a short number, you need to contact the operators cellular communications. He will tell you about the package of documents that is needed to receive such a service, and will also inform you about the time frame for obtaining the number.

How to make a paid number?

What is paid? This is a phone number for incoming calls to which money is charged from the caller’s account and, accordingly, it generates income for its owner. Most often, such numbers are used to provide private consultations over the phone.

It is very difficult to obtain a number for a landline telephone and, as a rule, it is only provided legal entities after completing a significant number of documents.

The situation is completely different with mobile communications.

How to make your phone number payable

The newspaper contains a tempting offer to sell a car. You call the specified number; detailed information is recorded on the answering machine tape. specifications cars. But they don’t suit you or the price turns out to be too high. And after some time the bill arrives for the call to pay phone

There are several options for toll scams. For example, you receive a message asking you to urgently call the specified phone number.

Paid mobile phone number

In this article I want to propose a business idea with a paid mobile phone. Many people have probably seen a program on TV in which a beautiful girl asks you to guess a word from combinations of letters that are randomly arranged on a small stand.

The person who guesses the word must call the specified mobile phone (paid number) and say the answer, after which he will receive a valuable prize or a sum of money.

Thus, having “talked” or, as a rule, listened to the answering machine, for example, for 5 seconds, the cost of a full minute of conversation, that is, 80 rubles, is still written off from your account in favor of the show organizers.

Toll phone number

Paid numbers are those numbers for which calls or SMS are charged at higher rates than numbers belonging to regular telecom operators. For example, when calling some numbers with code 090, you can spend more than 60 UAH. per minute of conversation. Shareware can be divided into two main groups:

The main weapon for emptying your wallets.

Your business on a paid number

With the advent of mobile communications, this type of earnings appeared as paid ones. Something similar can be observed on the usual TV quiz shows, where viewers answer for a fee. The company that provides communications receives up to 50% of the profit from this.

When a subscriber (or client) calls a paid number from landline phone, it is redirected there by some intelligent platform.

  • So, almost anyone can start such a business, and the threshold for entering it is from 1,000 to 9,000 rubles.
  • This amount includes connecting your number to this tariff plus advertising costs.
  • After this, all incoming calls (you indicate the mobile phone number in the contract with the company) to this number for subscribers will be paid.
  • The cost of a one-time payment for connecting to such a tariff ranges from 1,000 to 2,500 rubles, in some cases 4,000 rubles.
  • Having concluded an agreement with a company providing such a service and paying the specified amount, all you have to do is figure out how to attract customers to make calls to your number.
  • At the beginning of the article, I talked about how a company, I don’t remember the name, was able to solve the problem of incoming calls.

Paid numbers - ideas for making money on incoming calls


    Here you need to understand that the more visitors come to your site, the greater the number of participants will be. You can find out exactly how to do this right now on the pages e-book“Successful technologies for increasing sales”, and by purchasing and installing the “Tell a Friend” script on the site, you will forever forget about what it means to have no visitors on the site and where to get them. Detailed information You can find out about these books (after reading a brief summary of each) on our website in the section Electronic Book Store.

    Kindergarten for adults When people retire, they lose the most important thing - communication, on which in most cases our health depends.

    As a solution to this problem, in order to compensate for the lack of communication, we propose to organize an unusual business - “Kindergarten for adults”.

    How to make a paid phone number

    How to connect a paid number for free? Is this even possible? In this article we will analyze this. But first we need to figure out why we need a paid one. voice number? Naturally, you can use it anywhere; these numbers are often used by scammers, and it should be noted that fraud on paid numbers is only gaining momentum. If it were not for the high cost of connecting a number, then every fifth person could connect a number and earn good money.


    These numbers are not only used by scammers. For example, you can organize consultations in different directions. For example, legal advice to users, this type of consultation is quite popular, but still, if you approach this issue correctly, and if you know your business, you may well commit a crime. Naturally, there is one almost insurmountable problem.

    This is the difficulty of accessing a paid number.

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    • As another example of how to create such a business, I offer the following:
      1. Let's say you entered into an agreement with one of the companies that offers to receive mobile phone numbers with paid tariffs for all incoming calls, and now you have such a “magic” number.
      2. Next, you create a website on which you post several questions. The answer to the questions will be words that will be located, for example, in the center of the crossword puzzle. In order to answer each of the many questions, the visitor will need to solve a crossword puzzle, which will be tied to each question (crossword puzzles and questions should change, for example, every 2-3 days).

    How to make a paid number?

    Price incoming call from 35 to 380 rubles per 1 minute. When a subscriber calls, the call goes to the intelligent platform, from where it is forwarded to your phone number through which the telephone service is directly provided. If the Subscriber calls from a mobile phone, the mobile operator deducts the cost of the call from his account in accordance with the tariff, as well as the cost of an outgoing call from the local telecom operator.

    The service is a simple and convenient tool for organizing a variety of information and reference services, for providing consulting services in many areas of human activity, such as employment, real estate rental, private conversations, paid consultations, voting, paid advertisements, and everything you can come up with to develop your business on a paid number. It is necessary to advertise the number, otherwise there will be no calls to it.

    Business ideas from scratch

    But if you take short numbers, for example 0000, and without a prefix, then such a number can be connected completely free of charge. The price per minute in this case depends on the tariff, tariffs range from 5 rubles per minute and up to 80 rubles per minute. Your royalty percentage is about 40% - not bad at all, considering that this number is provided completely free of charge.

    It can be forwarded to your number, you can also use special program, which is located on the very service that I just wrote about. I also want to say, dear users, that I will not provide any other information about the company. If you need, write, I will provide all the information in person.
    If everyone uses this, it’s not clear what will happen.

    Paid mobile phone number.

    To do this, you need to carefully prepare, monitor various changes in the chosen area, create an example of a cold call. How a paid number works A paid number is how you make money on incoming calls. Average prices in Russia are 35-400 rubles per minute.

    By dialing the specified number, the subscriber is directed to the platform, from where he is redirected to a registered paid number, through which the information service is provided. From the caller's account mobile operator debits money in accordance with the established tariff. Making money on paid numbers may be relevant for women who do not know what to do to earn money while on maternity leave.
    This idea is also relevant for private conversations, when searching for information from advertisements (rent or sale of real estate, cars, etc.).

    How to connect a paid number for paid consultations?

    To do this, anyone who wants to make money on incoming calls must provide their details (if it is a legal entity) or a copy of their passport (for individual). After agreeing on the terms and signing the contract, you need to pay a monthly subscription fee (the cost depends on the operator and tariff). Earnings from incoming calls are approximately 50% (average prices in Russia) of the expenses of customers who called a paid number.

    The registration procedure also costs a certain amount of money (about 30-35 thousand rubles). As we can see, this idea is relevant only for those who can foresee a specific volume of calls and provide in-demand cell phone services. The reputation of the company providing calls is also important.
    Only experts in their field should give paid consultations, so that the subscriber would want to use the service again and recommend it to their loved ones.

    How to connect a paid mobile phone number

    You can get a stable and high income from incoming calls only with competent advertising of your services. You need everyone to know about the existence of your company. To do this, you can use outdoor advertising, advertise in print sources, and promote services online.
    The big advantage is that there is no need to rent space for work. You can receive incoming calls at home or go to a coworking center. Save the article in 2 clicks: Making money on paid calls is a simple and relevant tool for organizing a small business.

    The information services sector has always been in high demand. The main thing is to find an area of ​​activity that will be in demand and interesting to many people. Only then will calls be received to the specified number, and the entrepreneur’s wallet will be replenished with the treasured profit.

    How to connect a paid cell phone number

    Making money on driving calls is quite real, but you can get good money only if the service provided is really in demand among the general population. Such a service is relevant in narrow specialized areas - information consulting, legal services, technical support, educational courses, medical services. Nobody will spend money on toll calls, if the proposed service is not truly useful and interesting.

    Exists a large number of companies that base their earnings on incoming calls by dishonest means, trying to quickly earn millions of rubles. To do this, they provide incorrect information (for example, a lottery with money withdrawal), misleading the client, or hide information that they will have to pay for the specified call.


    This company provides numbers with the 809 code, in this case you can connect a paid number for free. There is a small subscription fee. Well, in this case, there is one drawback: if you suddenly violate the terms of the contract, or you are caught in fraud, you will receive a fine of approximately 200,000 rubles, and of course, you will no longer be able to engage in this activity. There are, of course, a couple more options. You can connect a number by paying only 3,000 rubles, 1,500 for the number itself, and 1,500 monthly subscription fee.

    In this case, you do not need to open an individual entrepreneur; this company provides numbers to individuals. You will have to send your passport details. And describe your future project, that is, tell your employees what you need the number for. And you can do all this with the PAYY SMS aggregator.

    I also want to note that I provide all the necessary information completely free of charge, you contact and receive the service address, and I will describe the procedure for obtaining the number below. For those who haven't noticed, there is a form to contact me feedback Online. For those who really want to connect a paid number for free, it will not be difficult to contact me.

    Procedure for obtaining a number As I indicated above, on this service you can connect a paid number for free. What is needed for this? In addition, how can you contact me for the service address? You will have to describe your project as transparently as possible, what and how are you going to do? If these are consultations, then in what direction and how are you going to advertise your service?

Paid numbers for earning money enable users cell phone generate income from incoming calls.This service can be used by individuals and legal entities. You may have seen a TV program in which a girl asks you to guess a word. Whoever guessed this word calls the specified number to say their answer and receive their winnings. The number people call is a toll number. Incoming calls are charged at a specific rate. On average, a minute of conversation can cost from 50 rubles and more.

What are paid numbers used for?

and toll number fraud


The program organizers make the task simple. Therefore, the audience guesses the word very quickly. They do this to ensure that there are a lot of calls. During the broadcast of this program, there are a large number of people who want to guess the word and receive a prize. When people call the specified number, they hear an answering machine. It is important to note that from the second second of connection, money is withdrawn. If a person listens to the answering machine for a few minutes, he will lose a couple of hundred rubles.

It’s very easy to connect paid numbers to earn money.Must be connected to a SIM card additional number, which connects to a paid line. Calls will be charged at the specified rate. The principle of making money on a paid number is simple, as many of you will think. After the number is connected, you can place services and specify the phone number.

Then the person will call you and you will receive a percentage of the amount that was withdrawn during the call. Earnings depend on how long the conversation lasted. At first glance, everything is quite simple. But actually it is not. This income has many nuances and difficulties. The most common pitfalls: the paid number procedure is expensive, half of the money must be given to the mobile operator.

What services are used most often to connect to the paid number 8809xxx?

It is quite possible to make money on a paid number, but to do this you need to have a popular service. Then a large number of people will call you. Such a service is always relevant in a narrow specialized activity:

  • Medical service;
  • Information consultation;
  • Legal services;
  • Educational courses.

If the service is not interesting and useful, then no one will waste money to call a paid number. There are many companies today that are doing business the wrong way. They are not honest with people. Such companies want to make millions in a short time. They mislead people. Nowhere does it indicate that calls to their number are paid. Therefore, for many people, paid numbers evoke only negative emotions. Where can a paid number be used? These could be gaming services, quizzes, entertainment services, hotlines and much more. Benefits of a paid number:

  • Simple and memorable mobile number;
  • Connecting a number in a few minutes;
  • Forwarding to other numbers;
  • Change tariffs at will;
  • Multi-level voice menu;

To summarize, we can say that a paid number can be used to earn money Money. But in order for a large number of people to call, you need to interest them in something. For example, an interesting quiz, information consultation, legal service. Then your earnings will be big. You can connect such a number without any problems. After which you can start earning money.

Important to know about use

paid numbers type 8809xxx | Think about it...

Dear users, you may have already heard stories about how unscrupulous owners of such numbers deceive people.For example, they give false advertisements indicating a number in the format 8809..., or they meet on dating sites and, when communicating, give this number so that the potential victim will call it. And then those calling these numbers receive huge bills.

So, perhaps you also want to purchase this number for the purpose of making money fraudulently. Just stop and think!

Believe me, sooner or later such actions will turn out to be against the owners of such numbers in the event of fraudulent activities.

There are so many working schemes for making money on the Internet now,You just don’t need to look for easy ways, as most people do. They are looking for somewhere to download it for free, etc. the main thing is for free, but at the same time, it works and brings them money. This is destiny! Think about why you don’t have money now or are constantly short? Yes, because you always purchase (download, etc.) some free course schemes for making money in open access, and accordingly they have no value and do not bring any benefit. Finally, remember free cheese, only in a mousetrap. Nowadays, you have to pay for everything.

I'm a little worried about the scam for paid numbers. Theoretically, the topic should still live, so we will analyze it here. I wonder who will say what.

Necessary materials:
1. Domain + hosting + any engine, including website builders. It is not so important what we will use to create the site.
2. Separate domain for the blog.
3. Accounts from VK + a program for spamming in VK, preferably one that can spam groups.

So, let’s say we bought a domain and hosting for a blog. Now for your consideration I present an article about how you can make money on paid numbers, which we will later post on the blog. And one more thing: you will also need to fill your blog with other articles about making money on the Internet.
From this blog we will send people to buy a paid number, it turned out to be something like a gasket) And one more thing: if you decide to work on this topic with a blog, then stir up activities on the blog so that the patient thinks that everything is real and more than works.

The moment everyone has been waiting for has arrived! In this article, I will tell you how you can make money on a paid number and how you can connect it. Today we will look at connecting and making money on a paid number in the service - deception

In general, what is a paid number? - the name speaks for itself, I’ll explain without any fuss: you purchase a paid number, then they call you and a certain amount is debited from the caller, depending on how long he spends on the phone talking to you and how long his balance will last. Typically, 1 minute of an incoming call will cost him an average of 200-250 rubles, but 90% of this amount is credited to your account, i.e. 180-225 rubles. Not bad, right?

We asked ourselves: will I get anything for such things? - no, there will be no questions for you! You just skim the cream off the caller and move on.
How much can you earn on a paid number?

It all depends on how long your phone will be turned on. On average, if you take even 10 minutes of general chat, it comes out to about 2,000 rubles! In 10 minutes!

It is realistic to collect more than an hour of incoming calls per day. So, turn on the calculator and calculate: 1 hour - 60 minutes. 60 x 200 = 12,000 rubles per day!
Where and how to get traffic for incoming calls

We go to Avito, to the “rent/buy” apartment section. We advertise that you are renting an apartment, knowingly set a low price, take the Moscow region so that there will be a lot of calls, put up a beautiful apartment and wait for calls. We accept calls.

Is it necessary to communicate with the client directly?

When a person calls you, you can either chat with him yourself, telling him a little about the “apartment for rent,” or turn on the answering machine. On average, a caller will wait about 20 seconds on the answering machine. 20 seconds - 70-80 rubles. And the main feature is that the answering machine can take several calls at once. Those. 5 or 10 people can call you at once. 5 people x 70 rubles = 350 rubles. 350 rubles in 20 seconds! Everything ingenious is simple!

How to connect a paid number

What exactly is a paid number? - This is a number that will be issued to your main phone number, but when a client calls you, he will be automatically redirected to a paid number, like 8130, 8300, 8915. Example: 81303495920 (call me, I’ll take over your balance. Heh)

You can also buy a separate SIM card so as not to be constantly bombarded with incoming calls. And in general, I think that you need your number, there are many contacts of your relatives there, what if your friends call you? You will then put money back into their balance sheet. Heh

The paid number is connected on the official website of the dealer ( deception), which provides these services. When I started working in this direction, the number cost 1,500 rubles, now it costs 700 rubles for 1 month of use. The number will pay for itself within next hour. It takes them from 1 to 3 hours to connect.

How to withdraw balance? The balance is displayed upon application on the dealer’s website. They withdraw to automatic mode to electronic wallets WebMoney,, Payeer and QIWI. You can also order a payment to your bank card. Withdrawal to a bank card is processed in a semi-automatic mode.

The domain "TTLE.RU" has not yet been registered, but there will be something like this site - nonsense
At first glance, the topic should burn out, don’t you think?

A mobile phone number can be made payable for completely different purposes. As a rule, owners manage to earn income based on such a service. However, paid numbers are often used by scammers, counting on gullible citizens. This is why most potential consumers are distrustful of such services.

What is this?

A paid mobile phone number is one in which when calling, the interlocutor pays money, which flows into the owner’s account. As a rule, this opportunity is used to organize private consultations.

This is convenient for both parties. The consumer does not need to look for the possibility of transferring money to the contractor; it is enough to simply top up the balance of his own phone. Subscribers with a postpaid system will have to pay the operator. For the performer, such a system is also convenient, as it allows you to immediately receive funds. The convenience of both parties is that they do not need to independently calculate the duration of the consultation, since everything happens automatically.

How to make a paid number?

In practice, it is difficult to charge a landline telephone line. As a rule, such an opportunity on the part of operators is provided exclusively to legal entities, subject to the provision of a package of documents.

However, with mobile everything is much simpler. Unfortunately, this opportunity is often used not only by conscientious citizens, but also by scammers in search of easy money.


If you are interested in how to make a paid number, all the necessary steps come down to the following fairly simple points.

  • Find an operator providing the service.
  • Enter into a contract.

However, each of the above points needs clarification.

Find an operator

So, answering the question of how to make a paid number, you cannot ignore the search for a company that provides the corresponding service. Nowadays, a considerable number of operators offer a similar service for their own clients.

Typically there are several available tariff plans, which differ in cost. The funds that the operator receives for the “Paid Number” service are transferred to the client automatically. For example, to a bank card or online wallet. Cash payments are also possible. It all depends on the conditions of a particular operator.

Before contacting an operator, try to collect as much information about him as possible. Otherwise, there is a possibility of becoming a victim of scammers who are unlikely to help those who are interested in how to make a paid number. And even if you manage to conclude an agreement, there is a high probability that the funds for the service will not be transferred to you.

Enter into a contract

Some companies provide the opportunity to conclude an agreement for a paid number on the website without visiting the office. However, you may prefer standard way and contact the operator’s office in person. This option is also acceptable for those users who do not plan to use the services of intermediaries.

To connect a paid number, you will need to have the necessary list of documents with you. Clarify its best in advance using remote methods communication with the operator.

If you are interested in how to make a paid number for incoming calls, you need to know one interesting feature. She stands in that Russian operators may ask the potential subscriber for the reason why he requires a separate number. It is possible that the company will need some time to consider the application, during which you will have to wait for a decision on your own request.


Before you create a paid phone number, you need to decide on the service that you plan to provide to potential clients in this way. It is equally important to take care of advertising and determine your own target audience to which the offer will be sent.

Ideally, such activities should be officially registered. Otherwise, it is possible that the operator will refuse to provide a paid number if the potential subscriber applies as an individual, and not as an entrepreneur or representative of a company. The reason is that paid numbers are often used by scammers to deceive some customers. That's why companies carefully monitor those who register paid numbers.

Before contacting a specific operator, collect as much information as possible about the companies that offer to connect to a paid number. Find out the conditions, tariffs, cost of service, etc. This is very important. For example, some companies may offer inexpensive connections, but in the future they will compensate for their own financial losses high monthly fee set for the subscriber. In addition, some operators claim a share of the profit that the paid number will bring to the owner.

How to make money on a paid number?

It seems incredibly easy to make money from incoming calls. It is enough to place an advertisement, wait for calls from subscribers and make a profit.

However, such a simple scheme is only in theory. In practice, as often happens, everything turns out to be somewhat more complicated. This method of earning money is fraught with a considerable number of pitfalls.

First of all, registering a paid number is quite expensive. In addition, part of the profit has to be paid to the operator who provides the service. The payout percentage varies from forty to eighty points. It must be said that such a condition significantly reduces the expected profit for those who plan to use paid incoming calls.

However, this way of earning money is quite realistic. But only those who provide in-demand services can count on receiving sufficient profits. It is unlikely that subscribers will make paid calls if they do not receive interesting or useful information. This is why it is so important to identify services that are in demand among the population.

We cannot ignore the fact that many companies make money using a paid number in dishonest ways. To this end, they promise to pay winnings for answering simple questions or deliberately hide the fact that a fairly high fee will be charged from the subscriber for an outgoing call. This is why there is a low level of trust among subscribers in such services. However, this does not exclude the fact that you will be the one who will be able to earn money using a paid number.
