Antennas to boost the 4g lte signal. Cable requirements for the Kharchenko antenna

Mobile Internet provides enormous benefits to the user. For example, if you have a 3G or 4G modem, you can access the Internet at home, in a car, on a train, on the beach, in a hotel, etc. The speed of mobile Internet is lower than that of wired Internet, but you can use it still with relative comfort. Some of the disadvantages of 3G and 4G modems are mainly that they do not always receive an Internet signal. After all, towers are mostly located only in cities and large towns.

Fixing the situation with poor mobile Internet in our time is not too difficult. To do this, you just need to purchase a suitable LTE antenna. There are many varieties of such devices on the market today. Modern LTE amplifiers can differ in design, installation location, or received frequencies. When choosing such a device, therefore, you have to take into account a lot of different factors.

What is LTE technology

Actually, the LTE technique itself is the next stage in development cellular communication. This standard covers all technologies that allow receiving a signal at a speed of more than 10 Mbit/s. When using such techniques, data is transmitted in packets. This is what provides a significant increase in speed.

To ensure a smooth transition from 3G to 4G, such complexes provide continuous transmission systems from LTE to 3G. In principle, the range of action of such towers can be 30 or 100 km. However, in cities and towns you can most often see complexes that are not too high, spreading the signal no more than 5 km.

In most cases, a distance of 5 km is quite sufficient for the operator’s potential consumers. But sometimes it also happens that the Internet is needed in a more remote area. In this case, you have to use a special device - an LTE antenna. With its help, you can significantly strengthen the signal coming from the tower in a given specific location and, accordingly, stabilize the Internet, making it faster.

What varieties exist

There are many models of LTE antennas on sale these days. When choosing such a device, you should pay attention to several factors. By design, for example, antennas are:

    conventional and MIMO;

    external and built-in;

    directional, omnidirectional or sectoral;

    broadband and narrowband;

    panel, irradiators or Yagi.

Based on the location of installation, all such devices are classified into external LTE antennas and internal ones.

Conventional and MIMO amplifiers

Using simple LTE devices allows you to increase mobile Internet speeds up to 50 Mbit/s. But today there are even more advanced antennas on sale that provide signal reception of approximately 100 Mbit/s. These models are called MIMO. A special feature of their design is that it includes two LTE antennas mounted in one housing on a short distance from each other. Both devices receive and transmit the signal to the receiver simultaneously, but through two separate cables. And this, in turn, ensures high speed mobile Internet. The abbreviation MIMO stands for "multiple input, multiple output" in English.

You should only purchase an LTE MIMO antenna for 3G Internet if you are sure that the 3G BS operates in this mode as standard.

External and internal antennas

Both of these types of devices can help strengthen the 3G and 4G signal. Internal antennas are cheaper and are installed in the apartment. When choosing such a model, among other things, you need to pay attention to the length of the included cable. Such antennas are usually placed on the windowsill and directed towards the nearest tower. The cable should be long enough so that it can be conveniently connected to the USB port of the computer. It is also advisable to make sure that the LTE antenna comes with a cable complete with interference suppressors.

Internal antennas amplify the signal quite well if the tower is not too far from the house. For very remote areas, it is better to use external devices. Such antennas are hung on the roof of a house or on a tree. Choice specific model external device depends primarily on the strength of the operator's signal. The weaker it is, the more expensive an LTE antenna for the Internet you will have to buy.

Outdoor and built-in models

In most cases, antennas designed to amplify the LTE signal are separate independent devices. However, sometimes such equipment can be part of a modern Internet center. Such complexes can be used to receive both 4G and 3G signals. In addition to the built-in LTE antennas, the design of the Internet center usually includes the modem itself, telephone ports, connectors for external signal receiving devices, routers, etc. Such systems can be used simultaneously for several computers.

LTE antennas can also be built directly into laptops. For example, a similar module is available in some devices from HP, Sony, Fujitsu LIFEBOOK. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to buy a simple inexpensive work laptop with such an addition. In most cases, only elite, very expensive devices are equipped with LTE antennas.

Directional, omnidirectional and sector antennas

Each of these three amplifier categories has its own strengths and weak sides. Directional models are designed to receive a signal from only one station. The design of LTE antennas for 4G and 3G modems of this type is good primarily because it significantly reduces the amount of unnecessary interference.

The disadvantage of directional models is, first of all, that they are very difficult to install. After all, such an LTE antenna must be installed strictly “at the rate” of the selected station. In addition, the disadvantage of such devices is that if the tower stops working for some reason, the Internet in the house will immediately disappear.

Sector antennas, in comparison with directional ones, are devices that are simpler to operate and install. Such models can pick up signals from several stations at once. If one of the towers suddenly goes offline, the user’s Internet will not disappear. The LTE antenna will simply start searching and will likely eventually pick up signals from other sources. The design of such a device allows it to monitor the quality of communication from different stations and select best option automatically - without human intervention. In terms of Internet speed, sector antennas are quite comparable to directional ones. However, such models, unfortunately, are somewhat more expensive.

Omnidirectional antennas, in fact, are universal models. Devices of this type are able to select the highest quality signal from the least loaded one. this moment tower time. Moreover, during operation, such a stationary 3G, 4G LTE antenna, unlike a sector one, “looks around” at 360 degrees. The advantages of such models include the fact that they do not require any manual setting. The disadvantage of omnidirectional stations is the rather weak signal amplification, in comparison with simple directional and sector models. Constructions of this type are used mainly only at a short distance from the towers.

Broadband and narrowband

As you know, 3G and 4G signals are transmitted by stations at a certain frequency. Today, both narrowband and broadband antennas are available on the market. Devices of the first type are capable of detecting a signal at only one frequency. Therefore, it is better to choose a broadband antenna for the home. Such designs can also receive an LTE-A signal, divided by range. In addition, the use of devices of this type makes it possible to eliminate long interruptions in 3G and 4G communications (which are often unstable). If necessary, the LTE antenna will transmit the currently available 3G, 4G or 2G signal.

“Omnivorous” broadband antennas can thus be considered devices that are somewhat more convenient to use than narrowband antennas. However, such models still have one rather serious drawback. With a sufficiently stable signal (in this case, the modem does not switch to another standard for a long time), such a device will catch not only the Network itself, but also various types of interference (for example, created by GSM voice communications).

What LTE 4G frequencies do Russian cellular operators operate on?

If home owners decide to purchase a narrowband 4G antenna, they should definitely take into account the parameters of the closest communication stations. Such an amplifier should be selected in accordance with the frequencies at which these towers operate. Currently in Russia, services for providing mobile Internet to consumers are provided by 5 major large operators:



Operator "Iota" in all regions of the Russian Federation operates at a frequency of 2500-2700 Hz (conditionally 2600 Hz). Thus, the LTE 2600 Hz antenna is perfect for the clients of this company. Unfortunately, the situation with other cellular operators is more complicated. They can operate at frequencies of 2600 Hz, 800 Hz, or even 1800 Hz. As already mentioned, it also happens that the same operator can distribute 4G Internet in several frequency ranges. To determine specific indicators in a particular place, testing should be carried out. The easiest way to do this is to use a regular 3G modem.

Testing is performed using this device approximately as follows:

    the modem is connected to the computer;

    open the program for setting it up;

    go to the “Network” menu;

    select in the “Network type” item - “LTE only”;

    select one of the ranges in the list proposed by the program;

    press the ok button.

After this, the modem will begin attempting to connect to the network in the selected range. If his “efforts” are crowned with success, it means that the operator is working on this frequency. In exactly the same way, you can check all other items on the program list.

Testing using a modem should be carried out exactly at the point where the antenna will presumably be installed in the future. It’s easy to check your Internet settings using your iPhone. You can also simply call your mobile operator and try to get information about the bands used directly from them. According to the rules, employees of such companies are not required to answer questions about signal parameters. But usually they meet their clients halfway, providing them with all the necessary information.

Difference between 3G and 4G antenna

Both of these types of devices work on approximately the same principle. The main difference between them is that they receive signals of different frequencies. For 4G, this is, as already mentioned, 2600, 800 or 1800 Hz. The LTE 3G antenna receives a signal at a frequency of 2100 Hz or 900 Hz.

Also, the difference between these two devices may be the number of outputs. The 3G model is, in most cases, just one antenna. A 4G device often has two incoming cables. That is, in fact, this model is one of the types of LTE MIMO antenna.

Panel, irradiator or Yagi?

In this case, antennas are selected depending on the location of the nearest tower in relation to the house. Irradiators are usually used only when the distance to the station is very large (at the border of the service area), but it is in direct visibility. The design of such antennas, among other things, includes a parabolic mesh reflector. This element is designed to convert a spherical wave front into a flat one. The parabolic LTE antenna receives the signal very well. But at the same time, such a device is quite expensive. In addition, models of this type are very difficult to install. Their installation is usually left to specialists.

Panel antennas and “Yagi” (wave channel) are also directional devices that are difficult to connect. The gain for both of these models is approximately the same. The advantages of Yagi antennas include low weight and windage. Such amplifiers can be raised to very high heights. The LTE panel antenna itself receives a slightly better signal. Such amplifiers usually don’t go particularly high. The only disadvantage of such models is that they cost more than the Yaga.

Input impedance

This indicator is different models antennas can be 75 or 50 ohms. In the first case, the device is usually equipped with an N type connector, in the second - F. The choice of a specific model for this parameter depends primarily on the characteristics of the feed line. The input impedance of the latter must match the same value of the antenna.

The feeder itself is the system of adapters and cables laid between the amplifier and the receiving device. The 50 ohm line option is much more expensive than the 75 ohm line option. But in most cases, modem and router manufacturers advise using just such a cable. Accordingly, an antenna to strengthen the LTE signal when using it will need to be purchased with an input voltage of 50 Ohms.

Cable selection

There are several important factors to consider when purchasing this system element. Best choice For any LTE antenna the following cable is considered:

    with a dense wicker screen;

    with foamed central dielectric;

    made of copper.

Also, when choosing a cable connecting the antenna to the receiving device, you should pay attention to its thickness. The higher this indicator is, the better.

How to choose an antenna: gain parameters

The design of such devices, therefore, may be different. Deciding which LTE antenna to choose for your home is quite difficult, but still possible. Besides the actual design features, when choosing a model, the average consumer should focus on its specific parameters. First of all, you should look at what gain the antenna provides. To choose the device that is most suitable for this parameter, you should first study the coverage map of your mobile operator(most likely can be found on the official website). It is believed that:

    at a distance of 1 to 3 km from the reliable reception zone, an antenna with a gain of 14 dB will be sufficient;

    from 3 to 8 km - 18 dB;

    from 8 to 12 km - 20 dB.

In the latter case, you will most likely have to purchase an expensive parabolic model or a MIMO antenna. The first equipment option has a maximum gain of 27 dB, the second - 20 dB.

What brands of antennas exist on the modern market?

Many companies produce such products. But the most popular among consumers are LTE antennas of the REMO brand. If you wish, you can buy, for example, the “Volna” model from this manufacturer, “Berkut” or the inexpensive Connect.

Gellan brand antennas are also quite popular among consumers. The head office of this company is located in St. Petersburg. This company supplies only 3G, 4G and MIMO panel antennas to the market. If desired, you can also purchase equipment intended for mounting amplifiers from this manufacturer.

Very often there are also LTE models on sale, produced by the company NPP Anteks. This company was founded in 2006. The company produces models designed to receive both 3G and 4G signals. The head office of this company is located in the city of Yekaterinburg.

Some cellular operators also supply LTE antennas to the market. For example, if you wish, today you can purchase the “Iota” amplifier in a specialized store. It is designed specifically for modems from this operator.

REMO brand antennas

As already mentioned, amplifiers from this manufacturer are the most popular in our country. REMO products are manufactured by the domestic company of the same name, whose head office is located in Samara. This manufacturer assembles antennas of several varieties at once. For example, the REMO LTE MIMO INDOOR model is very popular among consumers. This antenna is installed directly in the apartment. In most cases, it helps strengthen the Internet very well. The advantages of this device also include compactness, stylish appearance and low price. The disadvantages of this model are a slightly bulky stand and not very reliable connectors.

Other models from this manufacturer have also earned excellent consumer reviews. If they have any shortcomings, they are in most cases minor.

Connecting an LTE antenna to the modem

The location for the amplifier, both outdoors and in the house, should be chosen as high as possible. The fact is that the LTE signal is subject to:

    attenuation due to various kinds of obstacles (trees, mountains);

    reflection (from roofs of houses, walls of buildings, other obstacles).

Having chosen the highest accessible point on the site - a tree, roof ridge, etc., you should decide on the direction of the LTE antenna.

Inexperienced consumers often think that it is best to turn the amplifier towards the nearest tower. However, this is not entirely correct. The tower may, for example, be used by another operator or transmit only a 3G signal. Therefore, when choosing the direction of the antenna, you need to be guided by the speed of the 3G, 4G Internet itself. The latter indicator is usually determined simply by the testing method. After placing the antenna on the roof of a house or on a tree, you should connect it to the modem and periodically check the Internet speed by turning the device 15 degrees. Thus, by scrolling the model 360 degrees, you can find out from which side the highest quality signal is coming.

The LTE antenna can be mounted, for example, on a TV or a separate mast, or simply on brackets - to the wall. Last method best suited for tall two- and three-story cottages.

Best Cable Brands

Actually, LTE antennas on the modern market are presented in a fairly wide range. However, choosing a good receiving device to strengthen the signal of a cellular operator is not enough. The cable connecting the antenna to the modem must also be of high quality. When choosing this element of the reinforcement system, you should pay attention not only to the resistance indicator, thickness, etc. You should definitely look at the brand of wire.

What specific characteristics distinguish cables from the best manufacturers can be found in the table below.

It is believed that the lower the -Db value, the better the cable and the less signal is lost in it. This applies to the choice of both a 4G device and an LTE 3G antenna.

What else you need to know

Some internal antennas connect directly to your laptop or other device. They come with a special connector for the modem itself. This design is quite convenient. But more often it happens the other way around - the amplifier antenna is connected to the modem. In this case, the cable is inserted into the latter’s special connector. Such an element is found in almost any modern modem. Only older models do not have a connector. Of course, it will not be possible to connect an LTE antenna to such a modem. In this case, you will have to buy a new model.

The connectors themselves in modern modems are of two types - CRC9 (on Huawei) and TS9 (on ZTE). Structurally they are very similar. However, the TS9 still has a slightly larger diameter than the CRC9. When purchasing a modem, you may therefore also have to purchase a special adapter for the cable.

Our company offers to buy antennas for 3G/4G modems with delivery throughout Russia. You can place an order on our website or by phone.

Why do we need antennas for 3G/4G modems?

3G/4G modems are used, as a rule, in the following cases:

  • The geographical location of the object does not make it physically possible to install the Internet: for example, we are talking about a settlement that is located far from the city limits or on an area separated by water or gullies.
  • The need for high-speed Internet arises not only at stationary facilities, but also among users with high dynamics of movement. For example, for work that requires constant travel or moving around the city, mobile Internet is simply irreplaceable.

And in both cases, natural obstacles often arise that impede reception - the range of the BS tower or terrain features that screen the signal.Signal quality is the primary factor affecting Internet speed.However, this problem can be easily solved with the help of an antenna for 3G/4G modems.

Types of antenna amplifiers for modem

External antennas, used to strengthen the 3G/4G signal are of two types: directional and omnidirectional.

Directional antennas for modems

Classic directional antennas for modems are installed on the roof or facade of a building and pointed at the operator’s base station, directly at the source of the waves. Directed antennas for modemssuitable for both outdoor (beam type) and indoor use (panel antenna type).
Directional antennas for modems andhave a fairly high gain and are used for most wireless networks, while their cost is relatively low. The only disadvantage of directional antennas for modems is that they require stationary installation and orientation exactly towards the operator’s base station.
Among the main advantages of directional antennas for modems are the lightness and strength of the design, convenient mounting of the antenna on a mast or bracket, and a wide radiation pattern (relevant for panel antennas)

Omnidirectional antennas

Omnidirectional antennas for 3G/4G modems have a circular radiation pattern, therefore they are able to work correctly even with a reflected signal, in the absence of direct visibility of the base, on moving objects. Omnidirectional antennas for modems andThey have a lower gain, but also relatively small dimensions. Installation of directional antennas for modems is quite simple and does not require additional mounting devices to be pointed at the signal.

How to choose an antenna for a modem?

To choose the right antenna for 3G/4G modem, it is necessary to determine the operating frequency range. Mobile operators 3G/4G operate at different frequencies:


  • 3G operates on UMTS frequencies: 1935-1950 (UpLink) and 2125-2140 (DownLink);


  • 3G operates on UMTS frequencies: 1920-1980 (UpLink) and 2110-2170 (DownLink);
  • 4G works on LTE frequencies: 2530-2540 (UpLink) and 2650-2660 (DownLink).


  • 3G operates at UMTS frequencies: 1920-1980 MHz (Uplink) and 2110-2170 MHz (Downlink);
  • 4G operates at LTE frequencies: 2550-2560 MHz (Uplink) and 2670-2680 MHz (Downlink).

Uplink – communication channel from mobile device to the tower;
Downlink – communication channel from the tower to the mobile device.

Universal option– this is the installation broadband antenna for modem. These are amplifier antennas operating in a wide frequency range (1700-2700 MHz) in the following standards: 3G UMTS 2100, 4G LTE 2600. Models:

In the online store GSM-Repitery.RU you can buy antennas for reception and amplification cellular signal 4G standard ( mobile communications and fourth generation Internet).

In order for the 4G antenna to work (receive, transmit and amplify the signal), it must be connected to the appropriate 4G equipment. In a classic 4G signal amplification system, its role will be played by a 4G repeater (repeater). If you need to boost the signal directly on a 4G router or 4G modem, you will only need to connect the 4G antenna to the appropriate connector of the router or modem (if such a connector is present).

Which 4G antenna should I buy?

In our assortment you will find 4G antennas of all possible types (circular 4G antennas, parabolic 4G antennas. Directional 4G antennas) and characteristics (with different signal amplification rates). From us you can even buy unique 4G antennas with built-in Wi-Fi and Ethernet router. All 4G antennas designed for outdoor installation have a high degree of protection from the external environment and temperature changes. Also in this section of our catalog you will find 4G MIMO antennas, differing from conventional 4G antennas by separate channels for receiving and transmitting 4G signals. MIMO technology allows 4G antennas to achieve data transmission and reception speeds that are approximately twice as fast as conventional 4G antennas.

To make the process of choosing a 4G antenna easier, we recommend contacting our specialists. In a matter of minutes, they will be able to select for you exactly the 4G antenna that will work most effectively with your 4G equipment.

Now in amateur radio practice, antennas for amplifying 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi signals of the “Biquadrat” type are very common.

Such an antenna has a directional effect, which may not always be an advantage, but even a disadvantage. An example is this: you need to strengthen the signal of your router so that you can catch it in any part of your house. If you use a directional antenna, the signal will most likely be well accessible only within the field of action of this antenna. Surely there will be only one room where it will be directed. It is good to use such an antenna only for long-distance communications, provided that you know where to point it.
To strengthen your WI-FI signal in all directions, an antenna is suitable, which I will show you. In its directional characteristics it is close to whip antenna, except for greater sensitivity.
In structure, it is actually the same biquadrate, only twice directed in opposite directions. Plus, this antenna is many times simpler than a classic biquad antenna, since it has neither a stand nor a reflector.

How to calculate an antenna?

Just please don't be scared, fifth grade math. We only need to calculate one arm since the antenna is square. But first we need to find out at what frequency we will make the antenna. Personally, in the example I will do it under WI-FI. It is known that the Wi-Fi frequency is approximately 2.4 GHz or 2400 MHz (there is also an even more modern Wi-Fi - 5500 MHz). If you do it under 3G - 2100 MHz, and 4G (YOTA) - 2600 MHz.
We take the speed of propagation of radio waves (300,000 km/s) and divide by the desired frequency (2400 MHz) in kilohertz.
300.000/2.400.000 = 0.125 m
This is how we got the wavelength. Now divide by four and get the length of the arm of the square.
0.125/4 will approximately turn out to be 0.0315 m. Let's convert it to millimeters for convenience and get 31.5 mm.

Making a simple DIY Wi-Fi antenna

Brem thick wire 2-3 mm thick. And a template cut from a piece of aluminum. You can, of course, do without it, but it’s easier with it.

We bend two loops from one wire and two from the other. The gap should be between the squares.

Then, I temporarily fix the squares crosswise with masking tape to make soldering easier. And I solder the middle on top so that the structure becomes rigid.

Now you need to take a thick piece of cable with a connector (you can take it from the same whip antenna).

Insert the antenna inside and solder it. The middle wire goes to the top, and the lower arms of the squares go to the common wire.

The antenna is ready. To finish, you can fill the solder joint with hot glue and paint it.

Antenna tests

Let's compare the signal strength with the whip antenna that originally came with the router.

Whip antenna:

Now in comparison. The first one is pin and then our omnidirectional biquad.

It can be seen that our antenna receives and amplifies the signal 30% better. Here is the result of the work.
A good signal level is the key to high Internet speed, and therefore the key to stable operation. 30 percent is a very high figure, considering the fact that nothing had to be changed radically.
Make your own simple antenna for 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi and no longer suffer with an unstable and weak signal.

Despite all the convenience mobile Internet, often the signal strength received from cell towers is not enough for normal operation and stable connection. This problem can be solved using a 3G/4G antenna - a special device for receiving and amplifying the signal to an acceptable value.

In what situation might you need to buy a 3G/4G antenna?

If, when using an LTE modem, the speed of access to the Network leaves much to be desired, connections are constantly interrupted and it is not possible to connect every time, the reason is most likely insufficient signal strength. This can happen for various reasons, for example:

  • You are at the very edge of the coverage of the nearest GSM communication tower;
  • The signal does not reach you due to the terrain (for example, if there are hills along its route or your house is in a lowland);
  • The problem is caused by the reinforced concrete or plaster elements of the building you are in.

Which type of 3G/4G amplification antenna to choose

There are three main varieties.

Directional - they provide maximum gain compared to other types - sometimes they allow you to establish a connection where this cannot be done in any other way. However, to achieve optimal communication quality, they must be accurately aimed towards the communication tower. Often used outside the city limits.

Omnidirectional (or circular)– work in all directions and do not need to be installed on a specific operator’s base station, however, their gain is noticeably lower than that of directional ones. Most models of this type are not fixed in a specific place and are easy to move - although there are also stationary ones, for example, for installation on cars.

Panels are a kind of intermediate option. They are easier to point at a base station, but are generally not as effective as directional ones. Separately, it is worth noting their subtype of 3G/4G signal amplification antenna MIMO (multiple input, multiple output), increasing the speed increase due to reception in two planes.

If you are not sure which type and specific model is needed in your case, we recommend that you contact us using one of the methods suggested on the “Contacts” page. Our consultants will help you make the best choice and purchase exactly the option that will solve the problem of slow Internet once and for all.
