Scratches on phone cover. How to remove scratches from phone case

Plastic in modern world surrounds us everywhere, whether it be car panels, window sills, sunglasses or a mobile phone. Distribution is due to the fact that it is light in weight and easy to handle. Nevertheless, it is prone to damage, so sooner or later the question arises of how to remove scratches from plastic on one thing or another.

Most often, damage can appear on car parts, for example, a dashboard or doors, this may be due to the careless location of keys, phones and other items on it. In addition, it is quite easy to scratch glasses that have a plastic base when they are casually placed on a table or in a bag.

How to remove scratches from glossy plastic at home

To remove scratches on plastic, use one of the following quick methods:

  • Apply a few drops of machine oil to the damaged surface, then carefully polish it with a flannel cloth. It is worth noting that the plastic should not be painted, in otherwise this type of polishing is unlikely to give meaningful results.
  • An indispensable tool in every household is GOI paste, it can also help in solving this problem. It is enough to apply it to the fabric and carefully rub the substance and the plastic base.

GOI paste copes with almost all scratches on plastic surfaces.

  • Good results are obtained by using special felt-tip pens that can mask a scratch on a painted surface; in addition, textile paint can be used for this purpose. In conclusion, treatment of the damaged area with a paste containing wax is required.
  • There is a special dye in hardware stores that removes scratches on a glossy surface. It is applied to Right place with a thin brush or toothpick, and after drying, polish with a cloth dipped in machine oil.

If it was not possible to remove the scratch, apply other methods:

Heating with a hair dryer. A fairly simple solution to the problem, hot air quickly levels the plastic surface and eliminates the smallest defects. Removing scratches is as follows:

  • remove debris and dirt from the processed part of the plastic;
  • clean with sandpaper with a not too large cell;
  • remove dust with a damp cloth and degrease the surface;
  • then heat the plastic by pointing the included hair dryer at it to a temperature of 300 degrees;
  • it is important to move the device in the direction of the scratch, not lingering in one place, in order to prevent streaks from appearing;
  • when the surface is hot, leave it alone for 15-20 minutes;
  • in conclusion, a primer and painting of the plastic element is required.

Polishing with a special product that can be purchased at an auto supply store.

  • First, clean the areas where the scratch is located with a soapy solution.
  • Dry the element.
  • Apply the paste with a sponge and leave to act for the period indicated in the attached instructions.
  • After waiting for the paste to acquire a light shade, proceed directly to polishing. It is allowed to use both a special device and ordinary sandpaper;
  • Shake off the dust from the surface, evaluate the result of the work.

Pencils used to paint over scratches on a plastic surface are able to fill in the damage and make it invisible to the eye:

  • first, carefully select the shade of the pencil so that the scratch becomes truly invisible;
  • then wash the plastic and dry it;
  • now shade the scratch with a pencil, and after drying, remove its excess and polish the surface.

How to remove deep scratches on plastic

To remove deep scratches on plastic that completely spoil appearance any thing:

  • melt a small piece of plastic that will be exactly the same as the area being repaired;
  • dissolve it in White Spirit;
  • now that the substance has taken a liquid form, rub it into the crack;
  • finally polish the surface.

Special tools hide deep scratches.

You can remove large plastic-based damage by using a special Displex tool, which is sold in hardware stores, packaged in tubes. It is worth noting that this substance contains microparticles of a plastic nature, so they fill deep scratches in the most accurate way and make them invisible to others.

You need to use this tool as follows:

  • apply the paste to the scratch using a cotton pad, flannel or other cloth;
  • you need to rub the product, making circular movements, for 2 minutes;
  • in the case when the scratch has not disappeared after one procedure, repeat the manipulations several more times.

As a rule, Displex does an excellent job with deep damage, but in the case when all the effects were ineffective, it makes sense to turn to specialists. For example, if the scratch is in the car, use special service damage removal service that most car washes offer.

How to remove scratches on a plastic window sill

COSMOFEN 10 perfectly restores the gloss of a glossy plastic surface.

A plastic window sill, of course, is superior in many ways to its wooden counterparts, but scratching it is easy. It is not uncommon for damage to be left by an awkwardly moved flower pot or by the hostess who cleans it using a brush with stiff bristles. It is worth noting that scratches can become a source of additional dirt that will get into them, and removing it will not be too easy.

Of course, the ideal option would be to completely replace the window sill with a new one. But if this method does not work, try to repair the damage yourself:

Using sandpaper, you can remove all the bumps from the windowsill.

  • if it is supposed to treat small scratches, then this remedy can be applied immediately to them;
  • in the case when removal is required for deep damage, their surface must first be cleaned with sandpaper.

It is worth noting that waxing gives excellent results, because it tolerates sunlight and water perfectly. And also has the ability to repel dirt, protecting the surface of the window sill.

How to remove scratches from transparent plastic

Transparent plastic is prone to scratches no less than matte or colored. As a rule, there may be many objects in the house that have a surface made of such plastic. Quite often, plastic lenses of glasses, most often sun glasses, are scratched. It should be noted that such damage can impair vision, and simply make their use uncomfortable.

Small scratches on transparent plastic are removed using improvised means:

  • Jewelry polish. Apply to glass, then buff with a microfiber cloth.
  • If you mix petroleum jelly and a wood polish, you can remove scratches on a transparent surface. It is important to continue polishing until all traces of Vaseline are completely gone.
  • A mass that removes scratches from computer disks works well, it is applied to the surface of the glasses with a microfiber cloth.
  • Glass cleaner and abrasive for them do a good job with this kind of damage. In addition, they are great to help solve the problem of fogging.

Removing scratches from plastic surfaces is a task that every person faces sooner or later, because objects made of this material fill every home and surrounding space. It is worth emphasizing that the removal of minor damage is quite realistic at home, and deeper ones are best removed using professional tools or the help of specialists.

To easily remove scratches and scuffs on any plastic surface, you need to act as carefully as possible and follow the instructions for finished compositions, since not all polishes are suitable for plastic. There are many ways to restore a damaged surface to its original ideal appearance. Some of them will only help to mask scratches, while others will get rid of them completely.

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    Use of specialized tools

    On sale there are a lot of different tools designed to repair damage to plastic surfaces. They can be found both in auto shops and in salons. cellular communication.Choose a tool should be based on the nature of the damage:

    • Minor scratches and abrasions are easily removed with polishing compounds.
    • Deep damage requires the application of a primer and subsequent filling of the scratch with a special paste.

    It should be noted that for large scratches, colored pastes to match the surface are suitable, which allow masking the damage without a trace. Minor scratches can be eliminated with colorless compounds.

    Methods for polishing watch glass from scratches and other damage at home

    How to polish scratches

    To polish small scratches, the following tools are suitable:

    • Polish for CDs "Disc Repair".
    • Display polish mobile phones"plexDis". Also suitable for watch displays, PDAs, etc.
    • Paste for polishing plastic car parts (with the smallest grit).

    Before polishing, the surface should be degreased with alcohol. Polish with a cotton cloth until the scratches are gone.

    How to remove scratches in a car interior

    To remove scratches from surfaces in the car, there are several methods:

    • the use of a building hair dryer;
    • the use of polishing compounds;
    • processing scratches with a special pencil;
    • overhaul of plastic parts.

    The choice of a specific method depends on the severity of the damage and the characteristics of the affected surface.

    Troubleshooting with a hot air gun

    First, thoroughly wash the surface with a detergent. After the plastic has dried, you need to turn on the hair dryer, setting the minimum power on it, and direct it to the problem area. If nothing happens to the surface, then the power of the apparatus must be increased so that the plastic begins to melt slightly.

    As a result, the damage will either disappear completely or be significantly reduced and can be eliminated by polishing.

    This method is suitable not only for car interior parts, but also for plastic parts of a moped and other products.


    For polishing, you will need an abrasive paste designed for plastic.

    Compositions designed for paint and varnish coatings are not suitable for this purpose.

    To remove scratches from plastic, you should:

    1. 1. Thoroughly wash the surface and dry completely.
    2. 2. Apply abrasive paste to problem areas and wait certain time indicated in the instructions, the paste should turn into a hard coating.
    3. 3. Polish the surface in a circular motion with a special cloth until the paste disappears completely.

    At the end, the plastic should be gently washed with a soft cloth.

    special pencil

    This is the simplest and fast way elimination of scratches from plastic in the cabin and on the bumper of a car or plastic parts of a scooter. If a pencil is purchased for the restoration of colored plastic, it is necessary to choose its tone correctly.

    Scratch removal algorithm:

    1. 1. Problem areas must be thoroughly cleaned and dried.
    2. 2. Fill in all the scratches with a pencil and wait a certain time (according to the instructions).
    3. 3. Remove excess, polish the surface.

    Repair of plastic parts

    If the plastic part is badly scratched and worn, you can resort to a major overhaul. To do this, the damaged panel must be removed from the car, washed and sanded with sandpaper (if the surface of the part is embossed, then it does not need to be sanded). Further:

    1. 1. The part should be coated with a special primer, which is available in the form of a spray. It is applied in 2-3 layers with breaks for drying.
    2. 2. Next, level the primed surface with fine sandpaper.
    3. 3. If the scratches are very deep, they must be filled with putty.
    4. 4. After that, the part should be coated with paint of a suitable shade.

    How to remove scratches from your phone

    If your phone screen is damaged, it's best not to risk trying to fix the display with home remedies. It is necessary to use special compositions for polishing displays. But they will not help to mask only minor scratches.

    To remove scratches from the plastic parts of the phone, you can use toothpaste:

    1. 1. A small amount of paste or tooth powder, diluted with water to a state of gruel, should be applied to problem areas and rubbed in a circular motion.
    2. 2. Wait until the paste is completely dry.
    3. 3. Wipe the screen with a cotton pad soaked in clean water.

    Another effective way- use a car polish: apply the product to a soft cloth and rub the plastic until the scratches disappear.

    If there is significant damage to the phone, it is better to contact the service center.

    Removing scratches from laptop plastic surfaces

    In some laptops, the lid is made of glossy plastic. Micro-scratches often appear on such a surface.

    You can deal with them at home as follows:

    1. 1. Gently wipe off dust from plastic surfaces, wipe with a damp cloth and then with microfiber.
    2. 2. Apply a small amount of Displex or Digitex to the scratch and wipe with a soft cloth or cotton. If the damage has not completely disappeared, the product should be reapplied and polished.

    This method cannot be used to process LCD screens. Polishing paste particles can damage the LCD matrix.

    How to remove scratches on glasses

    The following tools will help eliminate scratches on glasses:

    1. 1. Polish for silver products. A small amount of the product should be applied to the glasses and wiped with a fiber cloth until the defects are eliminated.
    2. 2. Furniture polish and petroleum jelly. You should purchase a composition for polishing wooden furniture and wipe the lenses with it. After that, apply a little Vaseline to a soft cloth and treat the surface.
    3. 3. Means for automobile glasses. The composition should be treated with damaged areas using a soft cloth. It will make scuffs invisible, and the lenses will fog up less in the future.

    These methods allow only to make the damage invisible, but not to remove them completely. You can finally get rid of minor defects only with the help of an abrasive for glass, which is used in painting. Due to the presence of hydrofluoric acid in the composition, this product completely eliminates scratches. With this treatment, the anti-reflective coating of the glasses is destroyed, but the lenses themselves are not damaged.

    The abrasive is applied as follows:

    1. 1. Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands.
    2. 2. Put the lenses in a container and fill it with abrasive.
    3. 3. Wait 5 minutes, then rinse the lenses under the tap.
    4. 4. Items that the abrasive has come into contact with should be thrown away immediately.

    As a result, the lenses will become perfectly smooth, and visibility will improve.

Ten years ago, a mobile phone was an oblivious dream for many. The world of technology rushes forward by leaps and bounds.

Nowadays, a modern smartphone with a huge screen does not surprise even in the hands of a first grader. The telephone has become an integral part of many people. It has replaced the clock, alarm clock, computer, organizer, books and more. As a result of continuous use, small scratches appear on the screen.

Mechanical damage to the phone can be of varying severity. Broken screen and cracked case needs to be replaced. But scratches are not a serious problem. It turns out that you can remove scratches from the phone screen using a trite simple means. These include:

  • paste GOI;
  • polish;
  • a piece of suede;
  • dentifrice;
  • baking soda;
  • baby powder;
  • vegetable oil.

Below we will tell you in more detail how to remove scratches from the phone screen using the suggested means.

This paste was developed by the staff of the State Optical Institute and used for grinding various surfaces: from plastic to glass. GOI paste can still be purchased at optics stores. It is sold in the form of small black sticks of thick paste.

With the help of paste, you can get rid of superficial and deep scratches on the body and screen of a mobile phone. Apply 1 drop of machine oil to the worn surface. Add a tiny piece of paste and start rubbing the mixture into the surface of the display or other part of the smartphone.

Be patient: you need to rub for up to 60 minutes. The main thing is that oil and paste residues completely disappear from the surface. If the result does not suit you, you can repeat the procedure: add another drop of oil and a little paste. For polishing you need to use a piece of felt.

Despite the duration of the operation, polishing with GOI paste has the following advantages:

  • paste can be used to remove scratches from the screen, camera, aluminum and plastic case;
  • cheapness;
  • the ability to mask even deep scratches and cracks.

It is advisable to use car polish only for rubbing glass screens and metal case. This method is not practical if you don't have your own car. Apply a small amount of gel on a piece of velvet fabric or on a cotton pad. Rub the surface in a circular motion touch screen until shine appears. The procedure can take up to 30 minutes.

Instead of car care products, you can use furniture polish (for example, Pronto). The purchased product will be useful in everyday life. The procedure for rubbing the screen or case may take longer, as furniture polish is less professional.

The most correct option is a special polish for removing scratches from computer screens, TVs and phones. It can be purchased at computer stores. It helps to hide minor minor damage to the glass. You need to polish the screen with a napkin to wipe the lenses of the glasses. On average, the procedure will take no more than 5 minutes.


An ordinary piece of suede fabric can be used to mask small, barely noticeable scratches on the screen or camera glass. You will need a small piece of suede. The main condition: it must be perfectly clean and dry. The surface must be rubbed to a shine. Perfect specularity will hide minor mechanical damage.


You can use regular toothpaste, but it is tooth powder that has proven itself in masking scratches on a smartphone.

The beauty of this method is that in this way you can hide cracks both on the screen and on the phone panel.

Take a cotton pad or piece of soft, clean cloth. Dampen a tissue and dip it into the tooth powder. Rub into the affected area in a circular motion. Leave the applied liquid on the surface of the screen or cover until completely dry.

After that, take a clean, dry cloth (felt, velvet). Rub the dried powder into the glass or plastic surface with light circular motions. After 5 minutes, remove the remaining paste with water.

At home, soda is used to clean pans, pots and polish the ironing surface of the iron. It can be used to clean clothes, furniture and even plumbing. Baking soda is used as a phone polish due to its abrasive structure. It noticeably smooths out small bumps.

Prepare a slurry of baking soda and water. It will take about 1 tsp. soda and 2 tsp. water. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting mixture and rub it in a circular motion into scratches and dents. Leave until completely dry. After that, take a clean and dry piece of cotton wool or cloth and quickly polish the screen or cover surface in a circular motion.

Baby powder

From ordinary children's care cosmetics, you can prepare a decent polish. This is due to the fact that the composition of any powder includes talc. It is the basis of the polishing mixture.

Recipe: 0.5 tsp. powder must be diluted with a couple of drops of water. The paste should be thick and homogeneous. Apply it to the scratched surface. You need to polish with a piece of felt or a napkin for wiping glasses. Talc clogs into irregularities, giving the impression of surface integrity.

Vegetable oil

Any vegetable fat will do. Spread a drop of oil in a thin layer over the entire screen or back cover. Take a cotton pad and polish the treated surface until it shines. This procedure will hide minor damage. The gadget will look "like new".

The best way to protect your smartphone from scratches, cracks and punctures is to treat it with care. The presence of a protective film and a durable case is a guarantee of the durability of your phone.

A mobile phone that has just been bought in a store has a sparkling appearance at first. A few months pass, and the factory pristine shine becomes dull, and the screen is covered with small scratches and scuffs that reduce the aesthetics of the appearance of the gadget. You can use several proven methods that allow you to restore the shine and beauty of a mobile phone without visiting a repair shop. In this article, we will look at how to remove scratches from the phone case at home.

If your mobile phone is still under warranty, then you can visit a service center with a similar problem. They can replace the screen and return you an updated device. If the warranty is over, the screen replacement procedure will be very expensive.

Important! But in the service center they do not always meet you halfway, but they may find you guilty of the damage that has occurred. In this case, the repair becomes paid service. Therefore, this method is not efficient. But it's always worth a try.

If unable to resolve this problem when visiting service center, it is advisable to read all the information about the structure of your phone screen. This recommendation allows you to apply the safest polishing option. Without preliminary theoretical preparation, you can not save the gadget, but only aggravate the situation.

How to remove scratches from phone case or screen?

Modern smartphones are constantly exposed to unintentional influences. Somehow, they fall into one pocket with the keys, then they are thrown into a bag, where there are many other little things, then they accidentally fall. As a result, after some time, the screen and the body are covered with small scratches, and this makes the gadget look sloppy. In order not to replace scratched surfaces and save your budget, you can apply several proven methods that help you fix cracks on the screen and panel of your mobile phone on your own.

Important! Most effective method protecting your smartphone from cracks and scratches is a careful and accurate attitude towards it. A protective film and a durable case can also extend the life of the gadget.

The discovery of minor scratches on the body of a smartphone is not yet a cause for frustration. Most problems of this nature are solved through the use of simple improvised means.

Polishing with toothpaste

The use of dentifrice is one of the available ways scratch removal.

Important! In this case, ordinary tooth powder or white paste is used, and not a gel-like multi-colored mixture.

How to remove scratches from the phone case with toothpaste:

  1. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to a cotton pad, piece of cotton or soft cotton cloth.
  2. With gentle movements, rub the substance into the damaged area of ​​​​the screen.
  3. This procedure should be done within 4-5 minutes.
  4. To remove any remaining toothpaste, wipe the screen with a dry soft cloth.

Done, the appearance of our gadget has improved significantly, the scratches have disappeared!

Important! This method allows you to hide scratches both on the smartphone case and on the gadget screen.

Baking soda

In household use, soda is used when you need to clean pots, pans and polish the ironing surface of the iron. It also perfectly cleans furniture, clothes, and in some cases plumbing.

Ordinary baking soda successfully helps to polish the smartphone screen, as well as eliminate small cracks, thanks to the abrasive component of its structure. In addition, the use of such a substance helps to smooth out minor irregularities.

In order to get rid of scuffs on a mobile phone using baking soda, you must perform the following steps:

  1. In a deep container, we prepare a solution consisting of soda and water in a proportional ratio of 2: 1.
  2. The resulting composition is applied to a cotton swab or a piece of cotton fabric, with gentle movements we wipe the damaged area of ​​​​the surface of the mobile phone.
  3. Then wipe the display with a damp soft cloth, check for scratches.

Done, the device has its original appearance!


You can also use sandpaper, but it should have the finest grained structure. Before using this method, it is imperative to try to process any similar surface with the selected sandpaper. With a positive result, you can start polishing the damaged body of the gadget.

Important! Using this method You need to be as careful as possible so as not to create new scratches on the body of the device.

Baby powder

Ordinary baby powder can also help with minor scratches on the phone's surface. The composition of baby powder contains talc, which serves as the basis for the polishing mixture.

How to remove scratches from a phone cover with baby powder:

  • We prepare a product consisting of powder and water in a 2: 1 ratio. Cooked pasta should have a thick and uniform texture.
  • We apply the resulting composition to a cotton swab or a piece of cotton fabric and rub the damaged area of ​​​​the gadget.

Important! The polishing process can also be done with a piece of felt or a napkin that is used to wipe glasses.

  • When polished, the talc is driven into the irregularities, while creating the impression of an integral surface structure.
  • After the end of the process with a damp cloth, remove the remnants of the paste.


You can also apply a regular piece of suede fabric, which helps to mask small scratches on the smartphone screen. For this you need:

  1. Take a small piece of suede, which should be very clean and dry.
  2. Rub the damaged surface to a shine, since the presence of an ideal

Vegetable oil

There is a way to remove minor cracks and scratches using vegetable fat. For this procedure, any vegetable oil is used.

How to remove scratches on the phone cover with vegetable oil:

  1. We distribute a drop of the selected product over the entire screen or the back of the lid. The layer must be very thin.
  2. With a cotton swab or a piece of cotton cloth, you need to polish the damaged surface to a shine.

This procedure hides microscopic damage, and the mobile phone returns to its original appearance.

Fixer varnish

You can also use a lacquer fixer. For this method, prepare:

  • varnish fixative or drying;
  • ordinary alcohol;
  • clean napkin.

To remove scratches from a phone case:

  • We wipe the scratched screen with alcohol, let it dry.
  • After - carefully apply a varnish fixative and polish the surface.

Computer polish

Virtually every computer store and hardware store sells computer polish. This tool helps to hide minor and minor damage on the smartphone screen.

Important! Computer polish is ideal for removing scratches on touchscreen models when they are not very deep.

How to remove scratches from the phone cover at home using computer polish:

  • We apply this product on a cotton swab, a piece of cotton cloth or on a napkin for wiping glasses. With light movements, polish the damaged area of ​​​​the touch screen.
  • Rub the rest of the computer paste with a damp soft cloth. This procedure takes no more than five minutes.

car polish

You can also use car polish. It is advisable to use such a tool only for polishing touch screens and a metal case. In the absence of your own car, this method is not practical.


  1. On a cotton swab or a piece of soft cloth, apply a small amount of gel.
  2. With light movements we rub the damaged surface of the touch screen.
  3. The rubbing procedure should be performed from 20 to 30 minutes until a shine appears.

You can also use a furniture polish such as Pronto. Such a tool after purchase is successfully used in everyday life. The process of rubbing the touch screen or housing takes a little longer.

Important! The most effective option is to use a special polishing agent to eliminate minor scratches from the screens of mobile phones, TVs and computers.

Paste GOI

GOI paste was developed specifically for polishing and grinding all kinds of damaged surfaces at the State Optical Institute. You can buy such a tool at any optics store, and at a low price.

Important! This method is ideal for the option when deep scars and large scratches have formed. If you try to remove microscopic minor cracks with such a tool, then the result is completely opposite - the screen becomes dull, as if dirty and with shiny cavities.

How to get rid of scratches on the phone cover with GOI paste:

  • On the screen you need to drop a little machine oil.
  • Then, with a small piece of paste, using a small cloth, lightly rub the damaged surface.

Important! Such a procedure is quite long, since polishing the screen will take from 30 minutes to one hour. It depends on the depth of damage to the scratches and on the applied effort.

  • The procedure must be carried out until the paste and oil completely disappear.
  • Add another drop of oil and a little paste and continue to polish until the final result.
  • At the end of the polishing process, we apply a regular polishing agent for mobile phone screens to a clean soft piece of cloth, and clean the glass surface for 2-3 minutes.

Important! If a protective film is pasted on the touch screen, but there are still minor damage to the screen, then you can apply scratch removal to remove scratches. this method.

Using an electric shaver

You can also eliminate scratches on a damaged smartphone surface by using an electric razor with a linear drive. How to remove scratches from a metal phone case with an electric razor:

  • First of all, you need to remove the protective mesh from the razor blade.
  • A piece of soft cloth or a napkin must be folded in the shape of a semicircle and placed on the razor blade.
  • It is necessary to fix a soft cloth or napkin, while carefully straightening the edges so that there is no crumpled tissue in the process of polishing the case.
  • Next, you need to turn on the electric razor and polish the damaged surface with gentle movements for several minutes.

At the end of the procedure touchscreen phone has a pristine appearance.

Phone scratch prevention

To prevent scratches on the phone case, you must:

  • Acquire protective film. For several months, it will reliably protect the screen of your mobile from various mechanical damage and reduce the risk of minor scratches.
  • Wipe the screen as often as possible. If there is no accumulation of dust particles, then scratches and microscopic cracks are much less likely to form.

Important! Wipe with special wipes. Otherwise, you yourself can scratch the screen with your actions.

Carry in special pockets or use protective covers. You can’t let your smartphone just lie in a bag where there are many small items at the same time.

Buy a phone with a restoring display. Such a device is equipped with a plastic coating that can smooth out minor damage. But this option does not always solve this problem. With inaccurate use, more or less significant cracks will be visible even on such a display.


Of course, it is possible to eliminate scratches and cracks on the surface of the phone. But removing them permanently and effectively will not work in every case. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully and carefully treat new gadgets. Then the appearance of the touch screen and the case will be for a long time make you happy without any extra effort.

Worried about scratches on your iPhone 5? There are several ways to get rid of them.

The easiest of them is to install a new case on the iPhone 5. However, this method is for the lazy. You don't consider yourself lazy, do you?

Find out how else you can remove scratches from iPhone cases 5 from our article and without buying a new case.

3 ways to get rid of scratches on iPhone 5

You can easily remove scratches on your iPhone 5 using items that are in every home. Remember that all actions must be performed with great care so as not to damage your gadget. We are not responsible for your actions.

The safest way to get rid of scratches on iPhone

Suitable if:

  • your iPhone is not scratched too badly
  • you are afraid to ruin your phone by more drastic methods

So, to get rid of scratches on the iPhone 5, arm yourself with toothpaste. It contains abrasive elements that can remove small damages on the paint of the phone case.

Squeeze a small amount of toothpaste onto the surface of the iPhone, then rub the problem areas on the case thoroughly with a soft cloth. Then leave for a couple of minutes and safely remove the composition with soft wipes, for example, to clean monitors.

What's the catch?

Make sure that the paste does not get on the case connections or in the holes of the device connectors. It will be difficult to remove the remaining paste from there and you may need to disassemble the iPhone.

Less crazy, more dangerous way

If you do not believe in the magical properties of toothpaste, this method is for you.

Now we will tell you how to get rid of scratches on iPhone 5 using ordinary sandpaper. This method is similar to the previous one, you will also have to carefully treat the surface of the case by rubbing it. The difference is in the amount of time needed and the degree of danger to your device.

It will take about half an hour to completely remove scratches from an iPhone. It is very important to choose a fine-grained sandpaper so as not to scratch the phone even more. In the process of processing the phone, do not put pressure on the sandpaper, all actions must be very careful. Your job is to polish the paint, not remove it. If you still managed to erase the paint, you will have to proceed to the third method.

The most radical way to get rid of scratches on iPhone 5

With this method, you will remove all the paint from the phone case and the problem of scratches on it will disappear by itself. In addition, the famous image of an apple and all the inscriptions will disappear on your device.

This method is the most difficult and time-consuming, it should be used only in the most emergency cases, when the scratches are very deep or there is no paint at all in some places.

So, the essence of the cardinal method in wet grinding. In the end, you will have a shiny, beautiful iPhone that has no paint on the body, but looks very nice. It is almost impossible to carry out grinding on your own. So think again if you need such a deep cleaning, and then start looking for a master, or buy a new iPhone 5 case.
