Download Beeline Helper for free, installation and configuration. How to disable paid services on Beeline? Beeline helper personal account

In recent years, the Internet has become an integral part of work, a way of interaction in society for anyone. modern man. Despite the fact that the service has long been mobile and used on wireless electronic devices, corporate clients and users connecting the Internet at home prefer to run the cable indoors. The advantages of the method are high speed and fairly low cost. Let's look at how to set up Beeline Internet via cable step by step, using automatic system, and manually.

Installing the necessary program for automatic configuration

In order to freely access the Internet through the Beeline network, you must not only enter into a service agreement with the provider and pay for the option, but also configure the equipment correctly. For this you will need official program communication provider.

We present to your attention step-by-step instructions on how to set up Beeline Internet via cable using a special automatic program"Settings Wizard":

  • To begin the setup steps, you need to go to the resource of the official representative of the corporation -, or download it directly from us, the link is located just above.
  • After the site is open, you need to find the “Settings Wizard” tab, go to it, click on the download link. This program does not take up much space on your computer, its weight is no more than 50 megabytes. It is intended for VPN network connections.
  • After the download process is completed, you need to activate the installation by double-clicking on the preview. All work must first be stopped third party programs- this will allow the system to complete the installation, avoiding unnecessary overload and freezing of the device.
  • The installer himself will tell you each subsequent step - the operation will not take much time.

After completing the installation process, it is better to restart the computer, only then launch the Setup Wizard. Subsequent manipulations involve authorization in the program using an individual login/password. If you do not know these, please contact your provider’s technical support specialists for advice.

Did the launch complete successfully? The program will offer you two options for setting up the Internet - using wi-fi router and without it (the cable connects directly to the device). If you do not understand such nuances, click on the “I don’t know what to configure” button. IN otherwise make a choice according to your case and complete the setup in a few clicks. This setting option is intended only for the operating room. windows systems.

Step-by-step instructions for manual setup

Let's consider the sequence of actions when self-configuration manually for users connected to windows.

  • First of all, make sure that your PC or laptop is not overloaded with other tasks. Click on the “start” button (lower left corner of the monitor).
  • Go to the “Control Panel” tab, then “Network and Internet”. View the current status of tasks and network.
  • Open the settings for a new connection, select the clickable link “connect to a workplace”, completing the action with the “next” button.

Now you need to follow the link “use a VPN connection”, enter the following data in the appropriate fields: name – beeline, address – Be sure to check the box in the same window that suggests not connecting now. Complete the operation with the “next” button. Further connection to the workstation involves entering the user’s login/password, saving the data and clicking on the final active “create” button. The connection is almost set up.

Go back to the control center, open the adapter settings to change them. Find the data you just saved. Select the Beeline connection, then use the right side of the mouse to bring up the “properties” window. Double-check the server address (

Finally, visit the “Security” tab and enable Chap password verification.

Connect to the Internet by double-clicking the left mouse button and use the purchased service at the maximum speed provided by your tariff.

We looked at how to set up Beeline Internet via cable in two ways - using the program and in manual mode. Even if you do not consider yourself a technical genius, do not stop in the face of difficulties - the World Wide Web has long contained instructions for all occasions, this allows you to carry out any manipulation, clearly following step-by-step instructions.

Detailed video instructions - how to set up Beeline Internet.

Such an unpleasant situation can happen to anyone when money is suddenly debited from a mobile account, while the subscriber did not call or write to anyone. What could it be? Probably connected to your subscriber number Additional services Beeline, for which a fee is charged.

Any free and paid options from the Beeline operator can be disabled; there are several ways to do this, which we will tell you about. The ranking will be organized by popularity and ease of use.

  1. To get started, you can call the operator at toll free number 0611 . Contact technical support, they will explain to you in detail what services you currently have connected, you will select unnecessary ones, and the manager will turn them off in a matter of minutes. However, there is some inconvenience in this method: getting through to the manager can be very difficult, and you need to use the voice menu for communication.
  2. The second method that will help you disable paid services on Beeline - use of a personal account on the official website mobile company. Here you can not only disable unwanted options, but also see all the details of transactions and write-offs Money from your number. This method Quite simple and popular, but requires an Internet connection.
  3. Don't have internet at hand? Then dial the number *111# , make a call and receive a full list of connected services and instructions for disconnecting as an SMS message.
  4. Any Beeline company services can be disabled using the “My Beeline” application, but first you need to familiarize yourself with this application in detail.
  5. So, how to disable paid services on Beeline yourself if the above methods do not work for you? You have the opportunity to send a request to short number *110*09# and press the “call” button. After the request has been processed, the subscriber will receive an SMS message indicating full list currently connected services and options.

At the same time, when you know the full list of connected options, disabling them is not difficult. Each of the services has a personal number by which you can manage the option. You can find out more about each of the services on the operator’s website. In this article we will only tell you how to disable the most popular paid services on Beeline.

How to disable paid services on Beeline - commands

So let's look at the specific commands you can use to disable it.

To disable the “Stay informed” option, dial the code *110*400# and press the "call" button. A similar service, but with an extended spectrum, called “Stay informed+” can be disabled using the number *110*1062# . To disable the “Chameleon” option, dial a special number *110*20# and refuse voicemail by number *110*010# . If you decide to turn off Internet notifications, then use the combination *110*1470# . To turn off mobile service AntiAON dial combination *110*070# . If you do not need the service of your own dial tone, then call the number 067409770 . Another common service is “On-Screen Balance”. It is disabled using the number *110*900# . If you want to disable an option such as “Answering machine”, use the number *110*010# , then don’t forget to press the “call” button.

Using the above combinations, you now know how to disable paid services on Beeline yourself. The list of paid services is not complete - these are just some of the most popular. In general, there are more than 90 of them, and you can find out more information about disabling some other option on the official Beeline website.

However, in addition to the operator itself, content providers can also connect paid options to your number. Often, to connect them you need to send a message to specific number phone, however, it is not so easy to clarify what exactly you have connected. This type services are not reflected in your personal account, and money will continue to be debited. You can only help by contacting Beeline technical support with a request to disable them. You can also set a ban on connecting to any third-party subscriptions to avoid unnecessary charges. This is done absolutely free of charge when you contact a Beeline manager.

If you still have questions on the topic “How to disable paid services on Beeline?”, then ask them in the comments to this article. We will answer all your questions!

This program will be needed by those who need to install vpn connection to the Beeline network via L2TP protocol.

She also knows how to configure routers and diagnose connections. You just need to download it from this site, run it and select the action that it needs to perform.

Attention: This wizard will only work on Windows 2000 and newer versions of operating systems from Microsoft.

To begin installing and repairing your network using the wizard, follow these steps:

1. Click on the button above "Download Settings Wizard". Once the file download is complete, run the file and click Next. Follow step by step instructions installer

2. Once the installation is complete, a shortcut for the VPN connection will appear on your desktop. Run Settings Wizard(a desktop shortcut will be created automatically).

The main program window will immediately open; if you need to set up a VPN connection to the Internet or configure a router, click the Set up connection button.

Frequently asked questions about using the Beeline Setup Wizard:

?: Why do I need this program?
!: Beeline Setup Wizard will be needed to establish an Internet connection on a new computer or on a new operating system. For or diagnostics network problems on the computer.

?: I don’t understand what type of connection I need to configure in order to have a stable connection to the Internet. What should I do?
!: You can click on the “I don’t know what to configure” button. In this case, the wizard will be able to automatically determine the type of connection and then suggest the necessary network settings.

?: What models of routers can this program configure?
!: The wizard will be able to configure: D Link DIR300(NRU), TRENDnet 432 BRP, D-Link DIR300A(C1), WiFi router"Beeline", SmartBox "Beeline", "Beeline" D150L(D2.0). This list is constantly updated with new brands and models of routers.

?: My Internet stopped working, how can I restore it using this Setup Wizard?
!: After starting the program, click on the “Repair Internet” button in the menu, then select the suspected faults from the list shown. The program will independently diagnose the network settings and offer the necessary method to restore the Internet connection.

Program features: 1. Automatic setup VPN connections allow you to set up an Internet connection in one click; 2. Instructions for manual VPN settings, download manual settings to connect to the Internet; 3. Instructions for setting up routers, go to the official website of the Service, with the ability to download instructions for Wi-Fi settings routers; 4. Quick access to local network connection settings; 5. Quick access to Internet at Home Service sites; 6. Information on news and promotions, additional services; 7. Information on tariff plans; 8. Information on local resources; 9. Instructions for eliminating number errors; 10. Section "Frequently asked questions"; 11. Information on voluntary blocking; 12. Contacts; 13. Payment methods and options; 14. Access to the advanced settings page; 15. Ability to check password. When using the "Profile" button, there is no need to use "Notepad" to check the correctness of the password; 16. Network tools- a set of tools for simplified checking of network settings; 17. "Disconnect" button - allows you to correctly disconnect the VPN connection 18. Bottom information panel, provides various current information 19. “Network cable” indicator - reports the status network cable(connected/not connected);
