Why do you need windows 7 system restore. Startup repair tool does not work

If Windows stops loading, then you can use standard utilities to restore correct operation.

One of the main nightmares of lovers computer technology is to encounter a situation where the device cannot be turned on. The operating system starts to load, but eventually displays a message like: “Failed to configure windows updates, changes are being canceled, do not turn off the computer.” After that, nothing new happens anymore - the software fails to recover, and the download stubbornly does not help.
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System recovery tools

Before the release of Windows 7, this situation turned into numerous dances with a tambourine, and often even a complete reinstallation. operating system. Now everything is different, and often the problem is solved by standard tools from Microsoft, which do not even need to be specially installed. The task comes down to being aware in principle that such tools exist, as well as to banal mindfulness about it when the “irreparable” suddenly happened.

The trick is to boot the computer, before the icons appear Windows boot, have time to get into the advanced options of this very boot, where it will be possible to run diagnostics and, if necessary, restore the system to the selected checkpoint. In Windows 7, when loading, you had to press function key F8, then select the “Troubleshooting” option (although in rare cases the “Last Known Good Configuration” option saved).

Additional Windows 7 Boot Options

Once in the “System Recovery Options” menu, in most cases one of the first two options became the salvation. “Startup Repair” could save the operating system in automatic mode, and System Restore required you to manually select a checkpoint to roll back to.

Windows 7 System Recovery Options

In order to be able to restore it to its initial state in the event of a malfunction of the operating system, it is necessary to make a recovery disk in advance.
Microsoft would change itself if, with the update of its offspring, it would leave all the useful tools in the old way. Windows 10 system recovery is carried out by pressing “hot keys” Shift+F8, and, unlike the “seven”, you need to press this combination very, very quickly, since the operating system itself began to load much faster.

changed and appearance rescue menu. By selecting “Diagnostics”, in “Advanced Options” there are already familiar to us “System Restore” and “Startup Repair” (only in a different order). There is also an option to "Revert to a previous build" if you upgraded to Windows 10 from a previous version of Windows.

If Automatic Repair Didn't Work

Restoring a Windows system to one of the past checkpoints is not a difficult task. It is only important that these points themselves exist in the system, because sometimes users themselves manually disable their creation, at the same time deleting the existing ones. It really makes sense to clean out old checkpoints from time to time, as they take up a lot of space. But abandoning restore points altogether is a risky business.
How to navigate the Internet without picking up viruses? Secure DNS servers will help.
To make sure that restore points are automatically created for you or to make changes to the corresponding settings, you need to select the display of icons in the “Options” window. Large icons” (or Small, but not Categories) and select “Restore”. There, already select “System Restore Settings”, check whether protection is enabled and, if necessary, use the “Configure” button. Here you can manually create a point for subsequent recovery.

If we have recovery points, then using the method described earlier, that is, using the built-in Windows tools to restore the system, you can quickly roll back to an earlier state of the computer without losing important files.

As a last resort, you will have to restore the system to its original state or according to a previously created image of the system. “System Image” and “System Recovery Disk”, it is desirable to create in working condition operating system, after you have installed all the applications you need. This is all done through the same “Control Panel” (they are also “Settings”), when browsing by “Categories”, selecting “Backup and Restore (Windows 7)”. Here you can also restore the operating system to a previously created image if the computer is still booting, but has already stopped working as it should.
With each release of the operating system, Microsoft asks users for more and more information. But you can moderate her appetites.

Restoring a laptop to factory settings

If a standard means do not help, and you do not have a disk or USB device with a recovery image, then laptop owners can use the “hot keys” to launch the built-in recovery utility. Some models may even have a separate key for these purposes, for example, Lenovo's OneKey Recovery, but this is rather an exception. In other cases, it is important to know which hot key” for your laptop, as it tends to differ between manufacturers.

Hot Keys for Notebook Manufacturers:

  • F3– MSI;
  • F4– Samsung;
  • F8– Fujitsu Siemens;
  • F8- Toshiba;
  • F9- ASUS;
  • F10- Sony VAIO;
  • F10- Packard Bell;
  • F11- HP Pavilion;
  • F11- LG;
  • F11- Lenovo ThinkPad
  • Alt+F10- Acer (before that, select in the BIOS - Disk-to-Disk (D2D));
  • Ctrl+F11- Dell Inspiron;
  • Hold down [ alt] - Rover.

The factory utility will restore the device to its original state, as if it were fresh from the store. This will delete all programs with settings, all files, including favorite photos, which it is for such cases that it makes sense to store in cloud services. However, the device will be able to work again, and in some cases this method will simply help prepare the laptop for subsequent resale or transfer to relatives.

Quite often, computers use recovery Windows startup 7 after the errors occurred. This may or may not be good for your operating system. Today we will talk about how to manage System Startup Recovery.

What is a recovery tool

The Windows 7 Startup Repair tool repairs the OS. It can fix a number of problems that prevent proper Windows. At the same time, this process starts scanning the computer, thereby determining the presence of problems and errors, trying to eliminate them and ensure the correct and efficient operation of your "iron friend". By default, every Windows operating system has the " Automatic recovery systems." You can turn it off if you wish. But without special knowledge of your own computer, you do not need to do such manipulations - let the machine be checked, restored and functioning normally. Although there are times when restoring the launch of Windows 7 is long and annoying. This is already a signal to think about checking the hardware. Of course, Windows 7 startup repair does not give a 100% guarantee that the system will work correctly - there are such errors that recovery tools cannot handle. We will talk about them further.

What recovery tools can't do

The Windows 7 Startup Repair tool cannot fix some problems. As a rule, system files that have been damaged, deleted or not installed at all are subject to recovery. Not capable of more recovery. So, it cannot eliminate the failure of the equipment - for example, hard drive or memory incompatibility. Also, Windows 7 Startup Repair cannot protect your computer from viruses.

Restoring will not help with system installation problems either. So, if the operating system initially got up “crooked”, then there will be no sense in the recovery tools. Personal files (photos/videos/documents) cannot be returned or "repaired". In order to save your data, you need to do archiving.

If recovery doesn't help

In order to resolve problems that System Restore cannot resolve, you must locate the problem. In any case, you will see a summary of the error and some documentation on the screen. In this way, it will be possible to understand what is the matter and take appropriate measures. As a rule, if recovery does not help, then you need to “fix the hardware” or reinstall Windows.

Restoring the bootloader manually

There are several ways to restore Windows bootloader 7 manually, using programs, automatically and using a system rollback. Now we will talk about how to "manually" restore the system.

In order to answer the question: "Windows 7 bootloader recovery - what to do for manual recovery?”, you need to be patient and, of course, Windows 7. Now let's proceed directly to the recovery process.

  1. Customize BIOS settings so that your disk drive is in the first place of loading and reading.
  2. Insert into computer installation disk with Windows 7 and reboot your device.
  3. You will see the already familiar system reinstallation window. At the bottom left you will see System Restore. Click on this button.
  4. After that, the "System Recovery Options" window will pop up in front of you. Select the one you want to restore, click "Next".
  5. Next, select "System Startup Repair" - "command line".
  6. Write in the window that opens: "bootrec.exe".

Bootrec keys

At manual method recovery after the implementation of the last item, you will see a window with the so-called keys. They explain how Windows 7 system recovery will be carried out. Now we will see which keys are responsible for what.

FixMbr - Windows 7 compatible MBR is written to the system partition. This option is used when the main boot records or you need to remove non-standard codes from it. The existing partition table is not overwritten. Startup Repair Windows 7 can bother you for a long time because of these entries, but with FixMbr you will get rid of the problem once and for all.

FixBoot - a new boot sector compatible with your operating system is written to the system partition. Use this key for:

Replacement boot sector non-standard options;

Damage to the boot sector;

If it was launched previous version Windows.

After you select the desired Windows 7 startup repair tool, write it and press Enter. Wait for the process to complete. Done - the Windows 7 bootloader is working again and restoring the system. When this happens, the system will boot up and restore the system to be in a healthy state.

recovery programs

In order to “return” the system startup, you can use various Windows programs, the restoration of the Windows 7 startup will be carried out almost automatically. This method is perfect when you don't have original disc Windows. What programs can be used for recovery?

Heren's Boot CD

As a rule, salvation in the absence of the original Windows 7 disk will be the so-called liveCD, which can be written anywhere: even to a disk, even to a USB flash drive. There are many such programs. The easiest and most convenient way is to use Hiren's Boot CD. There are a lot of various Windows recovery utilities on this disk, but today we will talk about the most convenient and common ones. Before you get started, you need to burn a liveCD, and then boot it through the BIOS. When this is done, it will be possible to move on to the next steps.

Option 1 - Paragon HD Manager

One of the most popular system recovery utilities is Paragon Hard Disk Manager. In order to restore the Windows 7 system through it, you must:

Option 2 - MBRFix

Another convenient, fast and popular system recovery utility is MBRFix. It differs little from the previous one. Except your desire. In order for Windows 7 system recovery to go, you won’t have to wait long. It is enough to do the following:

  1. Select "mini Windows XP" when starting the liveCD.
  2. In the menu that opens, find and select "Partition / Boot / MBR" - "Commandline" - "MBRFix".
  3. To restore the bootloader, enter the following entry: MBRFix.exe /drive 0 fixmbr /win7 /yes.
  4. Wait for the process to complete and restart your computer.

Recovery using the command line. This is another good and high-quality way to restore the system. In order to use the command line as a Windows 7 recovery tool, you need to:

  1. Run on computer. Be sure to select the option with command line support.
  2. Sign in.
  3. Write rstrui.exe on the command line.
  4. Press Enter and wait for the processes to complete.

Disabling recovery

Possible with Windows help 7 disable system startup restore. To disable annoying Windows recovery 7 when starting the computer, you need to:

  1. Go to "Start" - "Control Panel" - "System" - "System Protection".
  2. Find the Properties window and open the System Protection tab.
  3. In the "Protection Options" find and select the drive on which you want to disable System Restore, click "Configure".
  4. In the "System protection for ..." in the "Parameters" check the box for "Disable system protection".
  5. Press OK. so simple and fast ways You can perform various manipulations with system recovery. Do not forget that restoring Windows 7 can be done using a system rollback. In this case, your personal data will not be damaged. It is possible to roll back the system only if it can start itself, that is, if the recovery of the Windows 7 bootloader always turns on, which always checks for errors, but the operating system is working normally. It will be necessary to “roll back” the OS to the date when there were no problems. Windows is restored using the standard set included in the package. But if your computer was really prone to some kind of unpleasant errors, then some problems may occur in the process that will not particularly affect the quality of the system - it will simply be unusual and inconvenient for you to work at the computer. The most common problem is the disappearance language bar in system.

Language bar and recovery

The language bar is something that is visible and familiar to everyone. As a rule, there is a panel that shows the keyboard layout and allows you to switch it. Sometimes it happens that she disappears. Then it becomes necessary to restore the launch and operation of the language bar in Windows 7. The easiest way is to turn to the built-in recovery tools. Why exactly you have and for what reasons the language panel “covered” is rather difficult to judge, since there can be a huge number of them. However, everything is easy and simple to fix. Let's start fixing the problem with this panel. There are two methods here.

Method 1 - "folk"

  1. Press Win+r and run intl.cpl. You can also use: "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Regional and Language Options".
  2. Go to Languages ​​and Keyboards.
  3. Open the Change Keyboard menu.
  4. Next, you need to select the language bar in the "Languages ​​and text input services" box.
  5. Check "Pinned in the taskbar" and "Show test labels in the language bar".
  6. Next, you need to accept the changes and click on OK.

The language bar should now appear.

Method 2 - "advanced"

  1. Press Win+R and type regedit.
  2. Find the tab in the registry:


3. Check CTFMon for the appropriate "program". If it doesn't exist, create it.

4. Right-click Run and "create string parameter".

5. Name CTFMon and by right-clicking on it, click on "change".

6. Write: "C:\Windows\system32\ctfmon.exe".

7. Click OK.

It will fall into its place, allotted by Windows 7. Which way to return the panel to its place is right for you - decide for yourself. It all depends on your skills and desires. But do not forget that the computer can be "repaired" to such an extent that in the end it will stop working altogether. Be careful with system files. Well, if you have several computers - on one of them you can always see how to fix this or that error that has arisen in the system.

Only saves in extreme cases complete reinstallation systems without data storage.

It is carried out using the installation Windows drives. Before you completely "demolish" the system, make sure that all recovery methods do not work. If there is no more way out - insert the disk into the drive, configure the BIOS to boot from the disk and get to work. Very often, if the bootloader malfunctions, there may be problems installing a new one. Windows versions or with a waiting time. Try to carefully read everything that the installer writes. Be patient - any computer requires proper, often very painstaking care.

Such simple methods you can fix your system. Starting Windows 7 and the language bar is not that difficult. If you doubt whether you can do everything right on your own, call the master. He will definitely be able to tell you the right and high-quality way to correct the errors that have arisen. Try to carry out all the necessary manipulations to protect and scan your computer on time and regularly. Happy repair!

How does System Restore work?

Those of us who started working long before advent of Windows 7 and later systems, starting with Windows XP, remember System Restore as the weapon of last resort for restoring working settings to a failed but barely working system. The weapon, which, I must admit, worked neither shaky nor rolls. Starting with Windows 7, the situation has changed a bit.

On Windows, System Restore is a terrific and bundled tool that allows the user to sort out problems without involving additional utilities.

Why is it necessary and what can a system restore do?

On Windows, recovery is the perfect utility for rolling back corrupted drivers, rolling back from a state where some software has corrupted the system, and sometimes just reverting back to more acceptable settings on your Windows.

Does System Restore work better in Windows 7?

If you have already run System Restore in Windows XP, then you probably already have an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth. From the moment of installation to hour X, a wave of disappointments awaited many users. However, in Windows 7, you should give the utility a second chance.

Yes, recovery in Windows XP worked on the principle of "copying all the files in a row." However, starting from next versions, the principle of creating a restore point has been changed to the principle of creating a shadow copy. Windows no longer just copies files senselessly - it now takes a snapshot of the disk in the aggregate at a certain point in time, ready to replace damaged files on command. Shadow copying is also used by programs for creating backups systems. This approach does not change files separately, but all settings in one fell swoop.

What files will be affected by System Restore?

It necessarily affects the system Windows files, programs, and registry hives. Changes will be felt by scripts, batch files and other types of executable files. Will get updates. But, for example, the My Documents folder is never touched by system recovery. However, after the recovery procedure, you may notice that some folders and shortcuts are missing on the Desktop, so before the operation, simply transfer to the Shared user directories that the system is not allowed to touch.

There is also a function that will show what exactly will be affected during recovery. Type the command in the search bar rstrui.exe and run the restore utility. If the recovery service is monitoring the computer's disks and valid rollback points are fixed, you will see the recovery window system files and parameters. By the way, this option to start system recovery will work fine in safe mode, if in normal Windows does not start.

At the push of a button Further the manager will redirect you to the selection of rollback points, when selected, you can click on the button Finding affected programs. Over time, you will get a more accurate idea of ​​the programs and files that will undergo changes:

System restore not working?

System Restore in our case takes snapshots according to the approved schedule at the time of Windows startup and weekly at 00.00. The schedule can be changed, however a new restore point will be created whenever you uninstall and install new program. You can create a restore point yourself at any time by directly accessing the function.

If you are about to install a new program, update installed drivers, and if something goes wrong, a system restore will put everything back.

How to use System Restore?

You can look at Windows recovery by following the path:

Start - Computer ( right mouse ) - Properties

AT open window find on the left System protection. The following window will appear, tab System protection will appear automatically. You will immediately see a list of disks that are protected by the utility or not. By clicking on the Configure button, you can manage restore points, properties, sizes. I advise you not to be stingy with the allotted space for future points.

Clicking on the button Create, you can start creating your own point if you start updating the system before installing or replacing something new. Everything is clear here:

You can slightly expand the data about the recovery service for system disks with the command

Vssadmin list shadowstorage

from console cmd commands. It can also be used to change the amount of disk space allocated for system restore points. I prefer to do it from the Windows GUI.

Restoring the system from a checkpoint.

The very first piece of advice for those who have to use System Restore. It will be of little use if you do it "hot". For the utility to work correctly, you will need to work in Safe Mode. To get into Safe Mode, you need to reboot the system and immediately press the F8 button. Select Safe Mode from the menu. You can immediately "program" the computer to start in Safe Mode even from the current Windows session. To do this, call the system configuration window. Press the Win key and type msconfig. Select the tab and check the box next to Safe Mode, activate the button Minimum:

After the reboot, the system will start in Safe Mode. Working already in Safe Mode, you can follow the path you know and perform a system restore by selecting the desired point.

Work restrictions.

Immediately - System Restore will not be able to return deleted documents and programs. Deleted photos, apps, movies don't come back. She only works in the area internal files, system settings and installed but not remote programs. Documents stored on the Desktop will disappear, shortcuts installed files to the restore point will also disappear. But the programs and the documents themselves stored in other directories will remain in their places. Another argument in favor of the fact that only shortcuts to files should be on the Desktop, and not the files themselves.

Let's summarize.

Restoring Windows is not a panacea, but a large number It will save you mistakes for sure. Tip of the Day: Don't disable System Restore or neglect the utility when trying to restore Windows settings.

Greetings, dear readers.

Computers often fail for a variety of reasons. If this problem is related directly to the operating system, best solution there will be a reinstall. But what to do if there are leftovers on the main disk or desktop important files? After all, when you flash everything will be deleted. The solution is a tool like Windows 7 System Restore from Disk. This function allows you to restore the operating system when the latter refuses to boot.

In addition to a malfunctioning computer, we will also need a bootable Windows disk. And it can be both a plastic medium and a flash drive. Moreover, it is desirable that this be the same image from which the current shell was installed. After all, in otherwise due to a version mismatch, the process may not go.

If the element from which the current system was installed is lost, try to find it on the Internet on another computer. Download the disk and save it to your hard drive.

After the system image is on one of the partitions, it must be scanned for viruses using Comodo Internet Security, then correctly written to a portable device. To do this, use one of the many programs. For example, I like Rufus. The application allows you to quickly cope with the task. It has an intuitive interface, so anyone can create a disc.

Procedure( )

There are many reasons why Win 7 can crash so much that it stops loading. To solve the problem, you need to use a tool that allows you to return everything to its place. It starts via BIOS:

    Restart or turn on the computer.

    After the first characters appear on the screen, press " Del". The section we need will load. Sometimes the keys " F2», « F10», « F12"or others - it all depends on the manufacturer motherboard. Appropriate prompts usually appear on the monitor.

    After getting into Right place, go to the tab " Boot».

    Here we need to set "". We make sure that the computer boots from a portable device, whether it be a CD or USB flash drive.

    After that, the system will restart and an inscription should appear on a black screen, which says that you need to use any button to start from the recovery disk.

    After the start Windows installation. We set the language, time and other elements. Press " Further».

    We get to the main installation window. Select the link below System Restore».

    Next, the search for all installed operating systems on the computer will begin. Then a dialog box will appear with various parameters. Press " Further". As a result, we can be offered two options (it all depends on the initial distribution): a tool selection window or system diagnostics will start working.

    The first makes it possible to choose one of several directions for future movements. In the tips you will find all the information you need.

    The second leads to the fact that the tool is launched, trying to fix existing problems on its own. It usually takes some. If everything went well, users can only reboot the device. The reason can be found in advance by clicking on the link " Display Diagnostics...».

Situations when the operating system starts to malfunction and errors, or refuses to start at all, happen quite often. This happens for a variety of reasons, from virus attacks and conflicts software to incorrect user actions. In Windows XP, there are several tools for restoring the health of the system, which we will discuss in this article.

Let's consider two scenarios.

  • The operating system boots, but runs with errors. This includes file corruption and software conflicts. In this case, you can roll back to the previous state directly from the running system.
  • Windows refuses to start. Here we will be helped by reinstalling the system while saving user data. There is also another way, but it only works if there are no serious problems - loading the last known good configuration.

Method 1: System Restore Utility

Windows XP has system utility, designed to track changes in the OS, such as installing software and updates, reconfiguring key settings. The program automatically creates a restore point if the above conditions have been met. In addition, there is a function to create custom points. Let's start with them.

  1. First of all, we check if the recovery function is enabled, for which we click PKM by icon "My computer" on the desktop and select "Properties".

  2. Next, open the tab "System Restore". Here you need to pay attention to whether the checkbox is unchecked. "Disable System Restore". If it is, then remove and click "Apply", then close the window.

  3. Now you need to run the utility. Go to the start menu and open the list of programs. In it we find a directory "Standard" and then a folder "Service". We are looking for our utility and click on the name.

  4. Choose an option "Create a restore point" and press "Further".

  5. Enter a description of the checkpoint, for example "Driver installation", and click on the button "Create".

  6. The next window informs us that a new point has been created. The program can be closed.

It is advisable to perform these actions before installing any software, especially one that interferes with the operation of the operating system (drivers, design packages, etc.). As we know, everything automatic can work incorrectly, so it's better to play it safe and do everything yourself, with handles.

Recovery from points is as follows:

You probably noticed that the window contains information that you can choose a different restore point or cancel the previous procedure. We have already talked about the points, now we will deal with the cancellation.

Method 2: Restore without logging in

The previous method is applicable if we can boot the system and log into our "account". If the download does not occur, then you will have to use other recovery options. This is loading the last working configuration and reinstalling the system while saving all files and settings.
