How to connect a touch light switch. How to choose and connect a touch light switch

Hello, dear readers and guests of the Electrician's Notes website.

About a year ago, I told you about, which I first installed on one of my objects.

The switch showed itself on the positive side and for all this time of operation there were no complaints about it.

In addition, due to its glass panel and backlit sensor, it has a rather pleasant appearance.

In this regard, it was decided to install exactly the same switches throughout the apartment.

This article will focus exclusively on the corridor.

In the corridor, it is necessary to install walk-through switches to control the lighting from two places - in the hallway and at the end of the corridor in front of the entrance to the rooms.

Now you will not surprise anyone with this - this is a common practice. And it's really very convenient, especially in my case the corridor is long enough and, for example, to turn the lighting on or off, you need to return to the hallway every time. Or walking through the entire corridor in complete darkness, stumbling and leaning against the walls, is also not entirely comfortable. Another thing, turned on the light, went through the corridor and turned off the light. Nice business!

As you can see, both in the hallway and at the end of the corridor,. In the first socket in the hallway, a conventional Sensor switch Livolo to control the hallway lighting (2 lamps), and in the second socket there is a Livolo walk-through switch for the corridor (9 lamps). Similarly, at the end of the corridor, in the first socket there will be a conventional touch switch to control the lighting of the room, and in the second socket there will be a pass-through switch.

In addition to the VL-C701R touch switches, two VL-C701S single-line switches from Livolo were ordered.

Two doubles were also ordered. glass frames(panels) VL-C7-C1 / C1-11 white (White).

If you need a similar glass panel, only black (Black), then the code will be VL-C7-C1 / C1-12. The last digit at the end of the cipher determines the color of the panel.

Here is an example of how the VL-C7-C1 / C2-12 panel looks.

In addition to white and black, panels can also be ordered in other colors, such as gold (13) or gray (15). In general, I think it will not be difficult to choose a glass panel for the design of your room.

The body of the VL-C701S single-line feed-through switch contains one sensor, i.e. it can control only one load (in my case, one group consisting of 9 lamps).

For information! In addition to the VL-C701S single-line feed-through switches, there are also VL-C702S two-line feed-through switches on sale, which have two sensors in the housing, and, accordingly, they can control two groups of lamps.

In appearance, the VL-C701S walk-through switches are exactly the same as the conventional VL-C701R touch switches, which I already told you about in detail (link at the very beginning of the article), so I won’t dwell on this now, but I’ll go straight to the diagram their connections.

Connection of Livolo walk-through switches

The fact is that there is practically no information on the Internet on the connection diagram of Livolo feed-through switches, or rather, there is, but the same diagram appears everywhere, which is also included with the switches.

As you can see, the phase (red wire) is connected to the L (In) terminal of both feed-through switches, a jumper is made between the COM terminals of both switches (blue wire), and the switching phase to the load (lamp) is connected to the L1 (Load) terminal of one of the switches. nearby switches.

This scheme is quite clear to me, but home craftsmen or novice electricians may have questions.

In this regard, I will publish my more detailed diagram, and at the same time I will show you, using a good example, the connection, setting up synchronization (pairing) and the principle of operation of Livolo feed-through switches.

So let's go.

As you can see, the Livolo single-line feed-through switch has 3 outputs:

  • L(In)
  • L1 (Load)

For convenience of perception of the scheme, we denote the numbers of the switches: in the hallway, the switch No. 1, and at the end of the corridor - the switch No. 2.

Let me remind you that in this apartment all electrical wiring is made without junction boxes. Go and read in my separate article about the advantages and disadvantages this method electrical installation.

Let's start with the hallway.

There are 3 cables in the hallway socket box:

  • power cable from the apartment panel VVGng (3x1.5)
  • cable to hallway lamps VVGng (3x1.5)

Attention! Initially, I did not quite correctly put the cables into the sockets, because. in the upper socket there should be a hallway lighting switch, and in the lower socket there should be a pass-through switch No. 1 for corridor lighting. Therefore, part of the lived, for ease of connection, I immediately reset from the lower socket to the upper one, and vice versa.

First of all, we connect the zeros (blue) of all three cables with the help and carefully lay it deep into the socket.

Then we connect the phase (white) of the supply cable to the Vago terminal and here we also connect the phase (white) of the cable laid to the feed-through switch No. 2.

Why did I connect the supply phase through the terminal?! Yes, because the clamps of Livolo switches are designed to connect only one conductor, which is why I had to use an additional terminal.

From the phase terminal, we make a jumper to the lower socket to connect it to the L (In) terminal of the feed-through switch No. 1.

The remaining conductor (yellow-green) in the lower socket box is used as a connecting COM conductor between the feed-through switches. We, accordingly, connect it to the COM terminal of the feed-through switch No. 1.

Using the Vago terminal, we connect the PE conductors of the power cable and the cable laid to the hallway lamps, and from the phase terminal we make a jumper to connect the hallway lighting sensor switch.

Carefully put all the terminals into the socket and connect the touch switch.

We connect the phase to the L (In) terminal, and the switching phase of the cable going to the hallway lamps to the L1 (Load) terminal.

Livolo switches are mounted in the socket exclusively on mounting screws (included in the kit) and they do not have any bursting legs.

The base of the switches is made of metal and allows you to use during installation.

And now we take the glass panel and snap it onto both switches at once.

From the side of the hallway, everything is ready.

Let's move on to the second place to control the lighting of the corridor.

As I already showed you, there are also two sockets installed here. On the left is the socket for the touch switch of the next room (do not pay attention to it, because it is connected from a separate line), and on the right is the socket for the passage switch No. 2.

In the socket box we are interested in, there are 2 cables:

  • cable from feed-through switch No. 1 to feed-through switch No. 2 VVGng (3x1.5)
  • cable to corridor lamps VVGng (3x1.5)

We connect the zeros (blue) of both cables using the Vago terminal, and connect the remaining cores as follows:

  • phase from the cable from the feed-through switch No. 1 - to the L (In) terminal
  • yellow-green core from the cable from the feed-through switch No. 1 - to the COM terminal
  • switching phase from the cable of the corridor luminaires - to the L1 (Load) terminal
  • the yellow-green core from the cable of the corridor lamps remains unused

For clarity, I am attaching the resulting connection diagram of the pass-through switches for lighting control from two places. It may sound complicated in words, but in fact everything looks quite simple.

The switch is installed in the same way, so I will not repeat this.

After installing the Livolo walk-through switches, they must be synchronized to work with each other. To do this, it is necessary to press and hold the sensor on the passage of switches No. 1 for about 5-7 seconds until a beep is heard. Then, on the passage switch No. 2, it is necessary to press and hold the sensor until it flashes 2 times. That, in principle, is the whole synchronization.

To reset the synchronization, you must press and hold the sensor for about 10 seconds until a double signal.

Lighting control from two places with Livolo switches

When you press the sensor (circle on the glass panel) of the passage switch No. 1, the corridor lighting is turned on. When you press the sensor again, the corridor lighting is turned off. This is, so to speak, controlling the lighting of the corridor from one place. But after all, we didn’t use pass-through switches in vain ?!

Of course, now the corridor lighting can be controlled from two places. For example, you can turn on the corridor lighting using the passage switch No. 1 in the hallway, and turn it off using the passage switch No. 2 at the end of the corridor, and vice versa.

By the way, I noticed such a feature that when lighting is controlled from the passage switch No. 1, the built-in relay on the passage switch No. 2 always works (clicks), which turns on the corridor lighting. Thus, it switches the load of the relay only through the passage switch No. 2. Here is such a small feature of the Livolo walk-through switches.

For more information about the operation of pass-through switches, you can see in my video:

P.S. On this, perhaps, everything. If you have any questions, then ask them in the comments below the article. And in conclusion, I will add that the range of Livolo does not end there. The site presents a large selection of switches, sockets, dimmers, timers, relays and other devices with different functionality and interesting design.Thank you all for your attention, see you soon.

Using the touch switch, you can control not only various lighting devices, but also use them to control curtains or as a doorbell. Exist different types switches. Below is a list of switches and their connection diagrams.

Important instructions for installing touch switches

Installation of all touch switches is carried out without power connection and glass panel! It is necessary to install the glass panel on a switch to which power is not connected (the machines are turned off). The glass panel can be removed with a flathead screwdriver. To do this, insert a screwdriver into the hole and carefully turn it until it clicks into place.

  1. Unpack the switch.
  2. Connect the light switch.
  3. Screw the light switch flush into the junction box.
  4. Fasten the front panel, there should be a "click".
  5. Turn on the power (automatic).
  6. The switch will work after self-tuning of the sensor for 1 minute.

If you have not followed these instructions, the switch may not respond to touch.

One Livolo touch switch

  • It has one touch button that works in on / off mode.

Connection diagram of a single-touch switch:

Remote control setting for Livolo circuit breakers

Switches that support remote control in the product article they have the letter R. To set up the remote control, it is necessary to program the operation of the switch with the remote control.

  1. Press the sensor on the switch and hold for about 5 seconds. until it sounds sound signal,
  2. Press the remote button remote control(e.g. button A).
  3. You will be informed about the completion of synchronization by a sound signal. Press A to turn on the light, press A again to turn off the light.
  4. Possible programming of buttons on the remote control: A, B and C - ON / OFF, D - turn off everything.
  5. For a dimmer, after synchronization of the remote control, the function of the button is as follows: A - ON, B - brightness increase, C - brightness decrease, D - OFF;

Cancel synchronization, touch the sensor and hold for 10 seconds until you hear a double beep. If you release the sensor after the first beep or after the first flash of the backlight, the synchronization will not be canceled

Video guide for synchronizing the Livolo touch switches with radio control function with the remote control:

It is possible to turn on several switches at once with one button on the remote control. For example, you need to light the way from the room to the kitchen through the corridor. Video guide on programming lighting scenes using Livolo switches with remote and remote control function will help you:

Two touch switch Livolo

  • The switch is used to control two load lines from one location.
  • It has two touch buttons, each of which works in on / off mode.
  • On the reverse side of the switch there are three terminals for connecting a phase and two load lines.

Wiring diagram for a two-sensor switch:

Passage one touch Livolo switch

  • Switches are used to control one load line from two or more places.
  • It has one touch button on each switch, each of which works in on / off mode.
  • Three terminals are used to connect the Main switch: 1) phase input, 2) output of one load line, 3) data COM wire.
  • It is possible to connect up to 8 touch switches in one circuit. There can be no more than 8 sensors in a chain.

Wiring diagram for Livolo walk-through switches:

Connection diagram of Livolo feed-through switches for wiring made for rocker switches

Attention! Function pass switch starts working only after synchronization with the same switch. Without synchronization, the light will only turn on the main switch.

Step 1: Touch the sensor of the main switch and hold your finger until it beeps (about 4-5 seconds). Remove your finger from the sensor area.
Step 2: Touch the sensor of the Secondary Synchronization Switch for half a second. If the backlight flashes, it means the synchronization is complete.

Video guide for synchronizing two Livolo walk-through switches:

Reset sync:
Touch the sensor of the Main switch and hold your finger until the second beep (after about 10 seconds). Synchronization will be reset.

Video guide for synchronizing three Livolo walk-through switches:

To cancel synchronization, hold the sensor on the Main switch for 10 seconds until the second beep. Synchronization will be reset.

Two-sensor switch Livolo

  • Switches are used to control two load lines from two or more places.
  • It has two touch buttons on each switch, each of which works in on / off mode.
  • The circuit uses the Main and Secondary switches.
  • Four terminals are used to connect the Main switch: 1) phase input, 2) output of the first load line, 3) output of the second load line, 4) data COM wire.
  • Two terminals are used to connect the Secondary switch: 1) phase input, 2) data COM wire.
  • It is possible to connect up to 4 touch switches in one circuit. There can be no more than 8 sensors in a chain.

Wiring diagram for two-sensor Livolo walk-through switches:

After connecting the feed-through switches, they must be synchronize for collaboration.

Scheme of connecting double Livolo touch switches through passage to the wiring made for rocker switches

After connection, there will be two unused wires.

An example of the implementation of lighting in a bedroom using Livolo walk-through switches

  1. Realize the control of the general lighting of the room from three places: at the entrance to the bedroom, glory of the bed, on the right of the bed.
  2. Implement sconce control on the left of the bed and on the right of the bed.

Annotation. After connecting and synchronizing, the light control in the room will be as follows:

  • Lamp No. 3 is controlled from switch No. 1, No. 2, No. 3;
  • Lamp #1 is controlled by switch #1
  • Lamp #2 is controlled by switch #2

Connection of two-sensor and two single-sensor Livolo walk-through switches

Task: Implement control of two lighting zones from three places.

The wiring diagram for the Livolo pass-through switches in this case will be as follows:

After connecting the walk-through switches, they must be synchronized to work together. Watch a video example of synchronization above on this page.

  • Lamp No. 1 is controlled from switch No. 1, No. 2;
  • Lamp No. 2 is controlled from switch No. 2, No. 3

Connection of two-sensor and single-sensor Livolo walk-through switches

After connecting the walk-through switches, they must be synchronized. Watch a video example of synchronization above on this page.

Annotation: After connecting and synchronizing, the light control in the room will be like this:

  • Lamp #1 is controlled from switch #1;
  • Lamp #2 is controlled by switch #1 and #2

Touch dimmer Livolo

  • The switch is used to control one load line from one location.
  • It has one touch button that works in the mode of adjusting the brightness of the lamp.
  • On the reverse side of the switch there are two terminals for connecting a phase and one load line.

Sensor dimmer connection diagram:

Video guide for controlling the brightness of lighting with the Livolo touch dimmer:

Control of a touch light switch with a dimmer (dimmer):

1. Briefly touch the switch sensor to turn on/off the light.

2. Keeping your finger on the sensor, adjust the brightness of the lamp.

3. When turned on again, the dimmer ensures the brightness of the lamp that was set before turning it off.


1. Only suitable for dimmable LED lamps, incandescent lamps or dimmable spotlights.

2. The switch is not suitable for fluorescent lamps.

3. The load power must be at least 25W, not more than 500W. A slight heating of the switch is possible.

LED adapter

In some cases, for the correct operation of the touch light switch with LED lamps an LED adapter is required to prevent the lamps from flickering in the off state.

Wiring diagram for LED adapter. The adapter is connected in parallel with the load.

Wiring diagram for LED adapter when using LED strip. The adapter is connected in parallel to the transformer in a 220 volt network.

If there is a zero in the mounting box where the switch is installed, then the adapter can be installed near the switch. The scheme will be like this.

The switch has an intelligent processor. The electronics controls the entire load control process. In the event of an open circuit, the touch switch, with its advanced control circuit, simply turns off, so we have an additional autonomous safety system. Depending on the position of the rotor, the load created by the hood is variable. In some cases, the load tends to zero, which causes the circuit breaker to trip. You can train the switch to work correctly with the hood using an adapter. Connection diagram for the adapter for the hood:

Starting current stabilizer

With the use of the Starting Current Stabilizer, the touch switch will work correctly with motors, such as hoods, or powerful transformers for 12 volt LED strips, LED lamps with drivers that, when turned on, consume current ten times higher than the nominal one - 5A.

Scheme of connection of the Stabilizer and Adapter:

Livolo touch switch for curtains, shutters, gates.

  • The switch is used to control one motorized drive of curtains, blinds, gates.
  • It has two touch buttons that work in the open / close mode.
  • On the back of the switch there are 5 terminals for connecting phases, zero, and two motorized drive terminals.

Video guide for controlling curtains, blinds, gates with the Livolo sensor shutter switch:

Switch with "dry contact" Livolo

  • The switch is used for Smart Home systems.
  • It has one or two touch buttons that work in impulse mode.
  • On the reverse side of the switch there are two terminals for connecting phase, zero and one or two independent lines.

Dry contact switch wiring diagram:


Temperature controller Livolo

Temperature controller with built-in temperature sensor

Thermostat with floor sensor

Temperature controller with built-in temperature sensor for gas heating systems

Switch for smart hood

Connecting a touch switch to an extractor hood with a humidity sensor and a timer

To connect, you need a zero in the socket!

Connecting two touch switches. The first sensor turns on the light, the second is connected to a smart hood with a humidity sensor and a timer

Connecting the Livolo master button

Turning off the light in the whole house from one place.

The household lighting switch has been constantly upgraded over the years of its existence. A new stage in the production of switches was the use of touch control technologies. Any person who has ever used a mobile phone, tablet or payment terminal knows the feeling of convenience of working with touch panel.

However, for us ordinary users, control the lighting in their apartments and houses, using the touch panel is a novelty. And I think it will be interesting for many to get acquainted with how such a switch works and how this miracle of technology works in more detail.

Unlike conventional push-button switches, these switches are equipped with touch and remote control functions. The control is very simple and works on the principle of a sensor on mobile phone or tablet: touch the panel with your finger, the light turns on, touch again - it goes out. True, the sensitivity zone of the sensor is limited and you need to touch it in a specially designated place.

Except beautiful design and elegant appearance, I also liked the radio control function. When ordering switches, you need to keep in mind that the remote control may not be included in the kit and will have to be purchased separately. The radio remote control makes it possible to control the switch within a radius of 30 m.

Touch switch device

To be honest, until recently, I did not even suspect the existence of such interesting lighting control devices. It all started with a part-time job at one facility, it was necessary to complete repairs in a two-room apartment and install new sockets and switches to replace the outdated ones. But the customer was not satisfied with the usual wiring accessories. He wanted something unusual, fresh and in the style of "Hi-tech".

When I was digging on the Internet and looking for exclusive options, I came across Livolo companies. It was a great alternative to a push-button switch (as the customer put it, "a white toggle switch with a button"). Having agreed with the customer, we decided that he likes this option the most and suits the interior of the room very well. After approval, I ordered the following products: 1) one-key touch light switch VL-C701R, 2) two-key touch light switch VL-C702R and 3) remote control for them VL-RMT-02.

I ordered switches and a control panel for them on trading platform Aliexpress. Their cost at the time of the order (December 2016), including delivery, was: single-key - 1372 rubles, two-key - 1670, control panel - 338 rubles. The parcel from China was 24 days.

To begin with, let's unpack the boxes with switches and see in what form they were delivered. Everything came in one common package, since the order was made from one seller. The packaging was a little wrinkled, but all the insides were intact.

Switches VL-C701R and VL-C702R Each is supplied in its own packaging. The tempered glass touch panel is packed in a box separate from the switch. That is, there were four packages in total: two switches and two panels for them. The set also comes remote control lighting VL-RMT-02. I would also like to note that the manufacturer offers a wide range of colors for touch panels that will suit any apartment design. I liked the gray color better, and I ordered a glass panel in this color.

Switches from Livolo are assembled very high quality and meet all European standards for electrical products. The body of the switch is made of heat-resistant plastics, and the tempered glass panel can withstand temperatures up to 300 C. Terminals for connecting wires are made of brass.

The front panel is a sensor that transmits signals to turn off or turn on the lighting to the control module. Touch panel attached to the switch with latches. To install the panel in its place, we present it to the case and gently press it until a characteristic sound is heard.

All touch light switches are pleasing to the eye LED backlight, which changes its color depending on the state of the switch. When the switch is off, the backlight glows blue, and when the switch is on, it glows red.

To turn it on or off, just touch the sensor in the selected area (circled circle) with your finger. The lighting circuit is switched by an electromagnetic relay, so a slight click can be heard when the switch status changes.

The touch switch is equipped with open circuit protection. When might a regime arise? The most commonplace is the burnout of the llama or the shutdown of the circuit breaker in the shield, or the loss of voltage electrical network. When such a situation occurs, the circuit breaker automatically switches to the "off" mode and remains in it even when the power supply is restored. After the fault has been eliminated, the circuit breaker can be turned on normally by touching the panel or using the control panel.

These models of switches have a built-in radio module for remote control. Management is carried out by a single press of the button on the control panel. The control panel allows you to control the switch at a distance of up to 30 meters from any room in the house (not necessarily in the line of sight of the device). The remote control is powered by a 12 volt battery, which is not included in the price.

Specifications of livolo touch switch

Nowadays, touch control is present in almost all household appliances. Everyday use this technology, led to the introduction of such a function in light switches. The front panel of the device is made of optical glass OptiWite has an unusual design, which allows it to find its place in any interior solution.

By their own technical specifications, touch light switch VL-C701R and VL-C702R in no way inferior to the classic push-button switch.

Main technical characteristics:

  1. 2. Maximum load current: 5A;
  2. 3. Supply voltage: up to 250 Volts (frequency 50-60 Hz.);
  3. 4. Own consumption: less than 0.1mW;
  4. 5. Mechanical resource: 100 thousand switches;
  5. 6. Remote control distance: up to 30m;
  6. 7. Ambient temperature: from -30°С to +70°С (humidity 95%);
  7. 8. Dimensions (h*w*d): 80mm * 80mm * 40mm;
  8. 9. Degree of protection of the case: IP20.

What types of lamps can be switched with a touch light switch? Dear friends, as you know, today the problem of flashing LED and energy-saving lamps is very relevant. Blame the backlight, which is used in light switches. I have repeatedly written about this in my articles, if you are not already in the know, then you can read one of them the reason for the blinking of the LED lamp in the off state. It describes not only the cause, but also a way to solve it.

The livolo company assures that it is allowed to use any type of lamps with touch switches of their company, ranging from conventional lamps incandescent and ending with the already familiar LED lamps and ribbons. But there is a fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey.

The only drawback of the VL-C701R(VL-C702R) is the backlighting (or blinking) of the LED and fluorescent lamps low power (up to 15 W), with the switch off. That is, if a lamp (s) is connected to the switch total power less than 15 W, then the lamp may flash in the off state.

As a solution to this problem, Livolo proposes to use special LED adapters. I didn't buy this adapter. We will check this already in the video review - see soon on the YouTube channel.

A little about labeling

How did you notice Dear friends, in the text of this article there are designation markings such as VL-C701R and VL-C702R . All these numbers and letters carry some information, let's try to decipher the Chinese logic.

The marking of each touch switch begins with the letters "VL" - this is a well-encrypted name of the manufacturer's company - " Livolo". Immediately after the hyphen comes the encoding "W, R, C6, C7, C8" - this is the designation of the device series. The numbers following the series in the code (01, 02, 03 ...) are the designation of the number of switched lines (that is, a one-, two-, three-gang switch). At the end of the list is a Latin letter (there may be several). R - possibility of radio control; S - through switch; D - dimmable sensor; T - switch with built-in timer (turns off after 30 seconds).

Setting up the remote control

Touch switches look really very stylish - they will look great in the hall, and in the corridor, and in the kitchen, and anywhere else. And such devices are good because they can be controlled remotely. To do this, you just need to order a universal remote control over the Internet. Price this device, which is a keychain with a carabiner and a metal front panel, is not so great.

There are four buttons on the remote control panel, they are designated in Latin letters - A, B, C, D. This device works on a 27A battery with a voltage of 12 volts. Such a remote control is compatible with a variety of touch switches, in particular, with popular switches brand LIVOLO series C6 and C7.

Setting up this remote control is easy. First of all, you need to press the touch switch button (at the same time, it should be in the “off” position) and hold it until the “Pi” sound signal is heard from the touch device - in time it is about 5 seconds.

Then you should press one of the buttons on the remote control (A, B or C), as a result of which another beep should sound - it means that the “binding” procedure is completed. Now the button that we pressed on the remote during binding can be controlled (disabled, enabled) by touch switches from a distance. All other buttons on the switches are tied to the remote control in exactly the same way.

It is worth noting that several touch devices can be tied to one button of the remote control. That is, several buttons and even several remotes can be tied to one sensor. There is information on the Internet that you can make 8 such bindings (I haven’t tried it myself).

Detaching the sensor from the remote control is also very simple. To do this, touch the sensor and hold it for about ten seconds. After five seconds, the first beep will sound, but this should not be taken into account. And only when one more, second sound signal is heard - all previous settings will be reset.

Operating range of the universal control panel VL-RMT-02 is 30 meters. This is quite enough for everyday use - the remote control will properly perform its functions throughout the entire territory of an ordinary apartment.

Connecting a single-key touch switch Livolo VL-C701R

So, let's figure out how to connect a 220 Volt touch light switch. In fact, it is no different from the connection diagram of a single-gang switch.

There are two terminals on the switch body marked as "L-in" and "L-load". Terminal "L-in", the literal abbreviation of which sounds like - "live line terminal". If you use electrical translation, it means something like this: “live line” - live line, “terminal” - contact, contact screw. In general, this is a contact for connecting a PHASE wire (the one that came from the junction box).

The “L-load” terminal in the instruction manual is called “lightin terminal”, it translates something like this: “lightin” - lighting devices, “load” - load. That is, this is a contact for connecting a wire that goes to a lighting load (a wire that goes to a lamp or chandelier).

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this “electronic miracle”, everything is like in a conventional switch, there are two terminals “phase-input”, “phase-output”. We strip the wires to the desired length and connect to the terminals.

If you install touch switch instead of the old one, just unscrew the wires from the old one and connect it to the new one. The main thing is to decide where the phase is and connect it to the desired contact of the touch light switch (“L-in” contact).

The only thing I would advise, if you use a cable with a stranded core, use NShVI lugs. The touch switch has screw-type terminals, and if you push a bare stranded core there when tightening, you can easily crush it.

And this is what the Livolo switch looks like from the side

How to connect a two-key touch light switch Livolo VL-C702R

The VL-C702R switch is designed to switch two independent lighting lines (as evidenced by coding 02), simply speaking, a two-button switch. And there is no difference between its circuit and the connection diagram of a two-gang switch.

On the back of the sensor, you can see not two, but three terminals for connecting wires: "L-in", "L1-load" and "L2-load". The terminals "L1-load" and "L2-load" are connected to wires going to a group of fixtures (each to its own group).

We fix the mechanism in the socket

Regarding the installation of the sensor. Installing a touch light switch carried out in a conventional socket. There are no spacer tabs for fixing on it, so the switch support is attached to the socket with screws. By the way, the screws are included with each sensor.

Touch switches are, of course, a new word in household lighting control technologies. Their convenience and comfort are obvious, and their cost is gradually decreasing. All this suggests that soon sensory devices and remotes for them can massively replace the usual push-button switches.

Technological progress does not stand still and eventually affects all spheres of human life. Home improvement is no exception. For example, a touch light switch, which appeared recently, has already managed to occupy a worthy niche in everyday life.

The device increases not only the level of comfort, but also increases the operational life of lighting fixtures, and also refers to stylish design elements.

Let's take a look at the principles of operation and design features of these devices together. What points you need to pay attention to when choosing and how to properly install the touch switch.

Appearance The classic model of an electronic switching device is almost identical to a touch panel and is a screen made of a glossy electrochromic material (crystal glass) with markings applied to it. A wide variety of design options, colors and instrument configurations are presented.

Regardless external characteristics and the number of connected consumers, structurally the sensor device consists of the following main parts:

  1. Controller or control unit. Behind the decorative front screen is the active surface of the sensing element, which reacts to various stimuli. Based on the type of touch switch, the stimuli are: touching the object of influence, in some models, approaching, clapping, voice command.
  2. Semiconductor Converter. In the previous block, a signal is generated, which in this section is converted into an electric one of sufficient power for operation.
  3. Switching part. By means of the switch, the main actions in the electrical circuit are carried out: opening, closing or smooth regulation of the degree of load supplied to the lamp.

Based on the design of the electronic product, its principle of operation is obvious: by lightly touching the panel with your fingers, a signal is produced that is converted and causes the relay to turn on.

Additional functions built into a universal touch-type switch are often used to equip a smart home system: control of the operation of heating devices, opening / closing window shutters, and others

Distinctive features of the touch device

The electronic device belongs to a high-tech generation of devices, the main purpose of which is illumination control. The principle of its operation is based on the regulation of current using a microcircuit, in conventional switches, sliding contacts of a standard type are used.

Due to such a board, the formation of a short circuit is excluded. This means that the service life of the lamps is significantly increased, as well as the resource of the switch itself.

Household modifications of electronic switching devices are used in networks with a voltage of 220 V. They are used to connect a wall lamp, control and adjust the backlight or main illumination

Maximum ease of control of lighting devices is the main advantage of the touch (electronic) switch.

It differs from the usual one by the presence of a special sensor, which served as the basis for the name of this species. The sensor, located in the structure, captures the radiated heat of the hands, reacts to touch or to a sound signal.

Sensory mechanisms can be found in Everyday life almost everywhere. This state-of-the-art sensor allows you to monitor various activities

Since the sensory sensing element itself is not capable of reproducing signals sufficient to start adjusting lighting technology directly, amplifying devices are used in the device. Such conductors are transistors or other alternative elements.

For the distribution of amplifiers, the cascaded placement method is used:

  1. The first place in the circuit, immediately after the sensor, is occupied by a transistor with high sensitivity and low power.
  2. Next in oscillatory circuit there is a similar mechanism, but with a lower susceptibility, but with sufficient power to transfer a large load to the element.

Quite often, electronic switches use galvanic isolation of the control circuit, where the control signal is sent through optical radiation - optocouplers. Thus, the fragile part of the mechanism, namely the sensors, is separated from the power part.

It is also possible to use the radio range, where commands are sent through the air protocols of the involved wireless network such as BlueTooth or Wi-Fi.

The sensor has a current strength of only a few milliamps, which is insufficient even to transmit a signal to the base of the transistor. Therefore, amplifiers are used to send a command in the touch switch.

Food active elements, which are part of the electronic switch, can be carried out using batteries or the mains. However, for the second option, it will be necessary to perform certain manipulations to straighten the mains voltage, followed by cutting it to the required level.

The simplest example is a Zener semiconductor diode. In rare cases, you can find a built-in full-fledged impulse block nutrition.

Types of electronic switching products

Despite the fact that touch switches are divided into six main types, only three are used in everyday life, namely: capacitive, optical and high-frequency. Let's consider them in more detail.

Capacitive devices - overkill or necessity?

The capacitive type works as a light sensor and is able to register the presence of an object at a set distance. The device is mounted instead of standard light switches, however, it does not require pressing a push-button / key mechanism for its operation.

The essence of the work is based on the following algorithm of actions: when the hand approaches the sensitive area touch screen, mainly by 40-50 mm, the device executes a given command - it adjusts lighting equipment, turning it on or off. Some options require a light touch on active panel switch.

The Chinese company Suntruth Electrical is one of the few market representatives specializing in the production of touch switches installed in place of conventional

For some, such functionality will be perceived as overkill, but many consumers, especially their female half, appreciate the essence of such a mechanism.

For example, if during the cooking process in the kitchen it is required to turn on additional lighting, then a slight movement of the hand, whether it is wet or dirty, controls the electronic switch without any problems.

The main representatives of capacitive electrical accessories for lighting control are produced by Jung, Berker, Livolo and Steinel. Despite the popularity, many developers abandoned this kind of products and reoriented production to separately installed types of devices.

Comfort and economy of optical switches

The switch, equipped with an infrared sensor, perceives only thermal radiation in the infrared range emanating from the body during movement. His alternative title is a motion or presence sensor.

Optical models with a pyrodetector are designed for the action of infrared radiation with a wavelength of not more than 9 microns. Devices from the Delta reflex series from Siemens are universal. They can be installed both on the ceiling and on the wall and even on the street.

The operation of this device is based on the operation of a sensitive pyroelectric element. The optical system redirects heat rays to a semiconductor receiver surrounded by a plastic storage lens.

The last element is divided into segments. Due to this, the area in front of the IR sensor is divided into sequentially located sensitive and insensitive zones, and, accordingly, visible and blind sectors.

The principle of operation of the device is as follows: as soon as a moving thermal object enters the zone controlled by the lens, a voltage pulse is generated in the pyrodetector. Through the amplifier, this signal increases, and the switch switches on the lamps.

The most convenient for use in everyday life are infrared switches with a sensitive narrowly directed element placed on a hinged loop, with one, two or three free phases. This makes it possible to set required level lens viewing height and tilt

Relatively recently, Siemens presented new series optical touch switches Delta Reflex. These are universal devices mounted in any areas of the room, including outdoor ones, with a degree of protection against external adverse factors IP 55.

High-tech models are equipped with a control panel, through which the programming of various functions is reproduced, for example, setting the time delay timer or simulating presence in a given period.

Convenience and practicality high frequency devices

High-frequency touch switches are represented by active type (illuminance) and volume sensors. Structurally, these devices are quite similar to the previous version, but the principle of response is significantly different.

The operation of the detector is based on the use of photodiodes. At the moment of contact with the photosensitive area of ​​light quanta, the device turns off the lighting equipment. At the same time, there is a special regulating mechanism in its body, with the help of which the required level of illumination is set.

Such intelligent mechanisms are mostly used for façade lighting. At dusk, they turn on the lights in the area, when it gets light, they turn them off.

Despite the high degree of protection, light detectors may not work correctly when snow sticks - having decided that dusk has come, the device turns off the lighting, so the snow must be constantly removed

Popular models include sensors from German firms Steinel and Osram. Both products installed in place of the old light bulb and separate devices are presented.

Installation is carried out in a break in the electrical circuit that supplies power to lighting fixtures. The device has a high degree of protection, not less than IP 44.

The principle of operation of the volume sensor is based on the emission of weak high-frequency pulses reflected from various pieces of furniture and decor, floors and walls.

Having created a complete picture of the room in the field of reflected microwaves, the light control device inspects it with a certain frequency. If a new object appears in the zone, a command is generated and the light turns on, if nothing changes, then the device remains in the off mode.

The main manufacturer of such devices is the same firm Steinel. They are produced as switches installed instead of standard or, more expensive models, in the form of table lamps.

Marking and subtleties of connection

We will analyze the marking using the example of an electronic switch model VL C701R from Livolo. The modification of the device is indicated by the Latin letters C6, C7, etc. Next is a two-digit number indicating the number of connected lamp groups: 01, 02 and 03.

Deciphering the marking of the VL C701R model: VL is the abbreviated name of the manufacturer; C7 - series; 01 - one controlled line; R - radio remote control

The last letters will indicate the additional functionality of the touch switch:

  • R - radio control;
  • D - dimmer mechanism that allows for smooth regulation of the degree of illumination;
  • S - function of the pass switch;
  • T - off timer.

The connection diagram of the touch switch is the same as for or dimmer.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

If you decide to turn your home into an intelligent one, you should take advantage of the tips for choosing electronic models. About it in the story:

Having defined the model and desired functions it is important to figure out how to reproduce the connection:

Despite the high price category, touch switching devices are equipped with such powerful functionality that is quite enough to equip a smart home system. By choosing and purchasing a suitable model that meets your needs, you can connect on your own.

Do you have personal experience with light touch switches? Please share it with our site visitors. Tell us about the advantages and disadvantages of such devices that you noticed. Write comments in the block under the article.

Hi all!
The idea stuck in my head to install touch-sensitive light switches in the apartment. I put off this idea for a long time, but finally decided and purchased one such device.
I want to tell about him.
The thing is new to me, I have not seen any of my friends and have not personally used it. Inspired by the reviews and reviews of people from the Internet. It was decided to purchase one copy for, so to speak, a sample. The location of one of the switches (I was going to replace it) in my apartment defies any logic and convenient use has nothing in common. Therefore, the ability to control the new switch from the remote control was a big plus for me.
And here is the package with the device on my desk.

Inside is a small box with a designation of the switch configuration. From the information about the manufacturer, only the inscription Made in China.

The contents of the box are fully consistent with the list on the site. It includes: the switch itself, a remote control, an element connected to electrical circuit(optional) and instruction sheet in English and Chinese.

Rated voltage: AC 110-240
Max load: 3-300W, 800W total
Operating Temperature: -20°C ~ 70°C
Relative humidity: 10% ~ 93% (non-condensing)
Working frequency: 50/60Hz
Power Consumption: 0.02W
Number of inclusions: 100,000 times
This switch works with one consumer, there are also versions for working with two and three. (I mean connection lines).
The appearance is as I expected, considering the photo on the store's website. The workmanship is quite decent, everything is also assembled evenly and neatly.

The main dimensions of the device (in mm).

After a cursory glance at the instructions, he proceeded to dismantle the old switch. But everything turned out to be not so simple. The recess in the wall turned out to be gouged and the mounting box also required replacement. As a result, collected, so far, everything is as it was. And in order to satisfy my interest, I connected the switch to table lamp. There were no difficulties here. The switch works from the slightest touch in the area where the control LED is lit, the switching occurs completely silently. I noticed that the sensitivity of the sensor is enough to trigger when the finger is at a distance of about 3-4 mm from the switch. By the way, the brightness of the LED (which shines in the off state) is just enough to see the location of the switch in the dark.

We remove the decorative cover, which is a Plexiglas plate glued to a plastic frame.

The white area is the sensitive element that responds to touch. Next, remove the top board with the sensor. It is connected to the bottom through the "block" of contacts.

Individual photos.

The bottom board is attached to the base of the switch with three self-tapping screws. Unscrew and take out.

Back view.

I'm not good at electronics, so detailed description I can't give. As I understand it, the aluminum plate is designed to remove heat and is screwed to the element that is responsible for switching. I can’t measure the temperature of the plate and other elements, but tactilely for 2 hours of operation with a load of a 60W incandescent lamp, nothing has heated up.
Here is what is under the plate itself.

Remote control.
The switch is equipped with a remote control operating at a frequency of 433 MHz. Remote control design in the form of a moped alarm keychain.

Assembled quite well. The remote has four programmable buttons, which are covered with a curtain to avoid accidental pressing, although they are still tight enough to accidentally press. When pressed, the blue LED lights up. Most devices of this type are equipped with such remotes (as I understand it, in order to reduce their cost), and some generally need to be bought separately. It is possible to purchase a more "home" remote control.
Having unscrewed 3 self-tapping screws, the remote control is decomposed into 3 parts, the chrome insert is made of metal.

Power comes from a 27A battery.

Pleasantly surprised by the range of the remote control. In the apartment, he worked from anywhere, which is sufficient for me. I decided to go outside to test the range (I live on the second floor), moving away from the house I continued to turn on and off, at a distance of about 50 m everything works (then the window disappeared from the view around the corner). I think this range will find application in the private sector.
Learning the buttons on the remote control is quite simple. The buttons can be configured to three modes of operation:
1. Turn on-off,
2. Only turn on,
3. Just turn off.
To adjust the initial position of the switch - off. We touch the sensor and wait for a single beep, then press the desired button on the remote control, hear the control beep and you're done - the button is set to the first mode of operation. For clarity, I made a video in which you can see the settings of the buttons for different modes.

I note that I used the switch only with an incandescent lamp and there are no problems when working with it. I read that when connecting some housekeepers, false positives sometimes occur. To do this, the manufacturer completes the switch with such an element (interference suppression capacitor)

which is connected to the circuit according to the instructions

and is designed to eliminate the problem of false positives.
In general, I liked the switch, now I plan to buy another one of the same only for 2 lines, and perhaps some more aesthetic remote control.
That's all. Thanks to all. I hope the review is useful to someone. I plan to buy +27 Add to favorites Liked the review +23 +50