How to make money on YouTube from scratch - a complete guide. How to make money on YouTube from scratch - a complete guide Payouts will come to you monthly on

Hi all! Today we will talk about making money on YouTube. In order for the article to be as informative as possible for you, I talked with top YouTube bloggers. So, the recommendations below are tips not taken from the ceiling, but proven in practice by many successful video bloggers.

Step by step how to make money on youtube

The scheme of earning on your channel is as follows:

  1. We are looking for an idea;
  2. We record a video (interesting for people) and experiment with compiling titles with previews;
  3. We advertise our channel in promoted channels;
  4. Sign up for an affiliate program
  5. We continue to develop the channel and earn.

But that's not all! Below will be step-by-step instruction how to make money on YouTube and a number of recommendations on creating, maintaining and making money on your channel. I have been looking for all these recommendations from YouTubers on the Internet for a long time and put them together.

Fundamentals of work and monetization

In order to make money on YouTube, you need to start working on video hosting by registering your account on the youtube website. It is free for all users and does not pose any particular difficulties. The main condition is that you must be over 14 years old (but how this information is verified by the hosting management is not known for certain).

  • Go to YouTube and in the upper right corner click "To come in".
  • On the page that opens, you will be asked enter address Email . If you have a Google account, then just sign in.
  • If not, then under the mail line, click " Create an account". I will not describe the full registration process, it is as easy as shelling pears.

The next step is to work on a new channel, shoot and upload original videos. To do this, click on the right upper corner button " Add a video". Select a video on your computer, it loads, and then enter its title, preview (description), keywords (tags), etc.

Users rate their ratings using the "like" or "dislike" signs. Interesting and informative stories make people subscribe to your channel, creating a permanent audience. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality and content of videos, their musical accompaniment and design.

Last preparatory stage becomes monetization, which is the basis for earning income on YouTube. For some countries, it is closed, so the user needs to change the place of residence to the United States in the settings. Participation in the video hosting affiliate program, which significantly increases the percentage of profit, is possible only after a certain number of subscribers and views have been collected.

How to make a preview, title and tags

Many YouTubers don't pay attention to tags, but they pay a lot of attention to the title and preview.

The title should contain the keyword for which you want to promote the video. In the description (preview), this phrase should also be. But besides the phrase itself, the preview should contain a description that will attract the user to view. Someone may notice that cool YouTubers do not have this description, only the title or instead of the description there is an advertising link. Yes, there is. But these people are already moving forward due to the fact that they have a lot of subscribers. Their videos will quickly gain thousands of views anyway, because their active audience will promote the channel. In the meantime, you are still young and full of optimism, add a preview and do it with the main key phrase.

For example, you made a test drive video of Mitsubishi Outlander XL:

The title will be like this Test drive Mitsubishi Outlander XL", but you can dilute it to make it more interesting "The most honest test drive Mitsubishi Outlander XL".

The preview must also contain the phrase "Test drive Mitsubishi Outlander XL" but in context. In the preview, you can also add where the test drive was held, what parameters, etc. But do not stretch his description too much.

Screenshot example:

Search for key phrases

Now we will look at where to get key phrases for compiling headlines, previews and tags. After all, you need to know what phrases to advance in order for your video to be searched and viewed. If your key phrases a small number of views, then this video will be watched a little if it is not viral. There are 2 options here.

First option - Google AdWords Keyword Planner. We pass, we enter under our Google account which you have already registered.

Click on " Search keywords by phrase»

Then, in the expanded window, insert in our case "Mitsubishi Outlander XL", select the country or city that we are targeting and click " Get options«.

And here you see the keywords and the number of their requests per month. These are the ones you can use to compose headings, previews and tags.

The second way is to peep keywords from competitors;)

Everything is simple here. Access related videos through a browser Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. And on the video page, right-click and select " View page code" or " Source pages«.

And in the opened tab with the code, press "Ctrl + F" and in the line that appears, enter "keyword" (without quotes). And you will see such a picture with keywords.

Now you know where to look for keywords and phrases for video optimization. If you do everything right, you can quickly start making money on your YouTube channel. Let's move on to another step.

How to promote your YouTube channel from scratch

According to many Youtubers, the best advertising is advertising in the promoted channels. Therefore, add at least 10-15 videos and start looking for promoted channels for advertising. Negotiate with admins and buy ads. You can buy a link under the video in the description, you can have the author recommend your channel in the video, etc. Each author has their own ad formats.

Many users who want to earn income from their video views should be aware that the YouTube Partner Program only works on popular channels. To monetize videos, the number of views must start from 1000 per day. This means that you will have to promote your channel and attract visitors. different ways. Here are some of these ways to promote a channel on YouTube:

  1. Use Annotations. Small buttons with a call to "subscribe to the channel" appear at the final stage of viewing. An effective and simple method can be configured in a special section and used on all video content.
  2. Using the call in the video itself. You can add call-to-action phrases to your body text and subtly invite viewers to subscribe to your channel.
  3. Mutual advertising. Many novice video bloggers negotiate (or buy) hidden advertising from well-known and established authors. They will offer to pay attention to your channel to their loyal users.
  4. Comments are invitations. An effective way to increase page traffic can be to leave an interesting and unusual comment under other people's videos. It can be a tip, a comment, or a short video response.
  5. Personal invitations to subscribe. This feature is provided by YouTube. It is limited to 40-50 invitations that you can send to users. Given the limited number, you need to first study the audience, identify potential subscribers by analyzing channels with similar topics.
  6. Use other languages. YouTube has no borders, so viewers from other countries can watch interesting and vivid videos. This is a promising sector, where the cost per click is slightly higher. You can translate your videos in many ways or add captions at the bottom.

By constantly developing the channel, you yourself will find the most best options, which will help to constantly increase the audience and profit.

Getting Started with YouTube Channel Monetization

Now let's move on to how to make money on YouTube. Active vloggers have come up with several options to generate income through advertising on their YouTube channels. The most popular and available are:

  1. Placement of links to the site of your customer in the description of the video. The main condition is the coincidence of the theme of the plot and the advertised object, product or service. This can be not only a direct or referral link, but also a “thank you” to the sponsor for helping to create the video.
  2. The presence of contextual advertising(special text message that appears at the bottom of the screen when the video is playing). But for this you need to allow its display in your account in Google Adsense, which we will mention separately.
  3. Placement of small commercials before and after the main video. Clicks from such ads are quite expensive, but they are paid only when viewed for at least 20-30 seconds.
  4. Placing a special banner ad on the channel page itself. Here, payment can be for one transition to the site or 1000 views of the video itself.
  5. Raising start-up capital or orders for a specific product. If you have a unique offer or development, you can shoot several advertising or informational stories. Such self-promotion will help to profitably offer the product to potential buyers and receive the first prepaid orders from channel subscribers.
  6. Participation in the YouTube Partner Program, which will significantly increase the total amount of income. Such a special program is available for many countries, but requires some effort and effort from the channel owner. Next, I will tell you more about this.

As you can see, you can basically earn on YouTube for views. YouTube is a unique online resource that provides a lot of opportunities for creative and entrepreneurial people.

Our Crazy Joker (an interview with whom you will find below) began to monetize the channel with an affiliate program after 300 subscribers. You can start the same or with more. To start channel monetization, the most minimal requirements are:

  • At least 50 subscribers;
  • More than 3000 views per month;
  • More than 10 videos per channel.
  • As well as all the rules of the YouTube service itself.

The partnership itself is called VSP Group.

With it, you will earn money on your channel. Why VSP Group and not directly from YouTube?

There are many reasons!

  • VSP Group has more loyal requirements;
  • No need to wait for 1000 subscribers;
  • Fast and constant technical support;
  • It is a YouTube Certified Partner;
  • You have all the features of a premium YouTube account;
  • Online statistics for your YouTube channel, including ad revenue data;
  • Education, participation in webinars and trainings;
  • Copyright statement and complete protection of your copyrighted video content from plagiarism;
  • Channel Optimization Recommendations
  • And much more.

How much will the affiliate pay you:

  • 70% of income - up to 500,000 commercial impressions on your channel per month;
  • 75% of income - from 500,000 to 1,000,000 commercial impressions on your channel per month;
  • 80% of income - from 1,000,000 commercial impressions on your channel per month.

Payments will come to you monthly for:

  • your bank card;
  • Yandex money;
  • WebMoney;
  • PayPal.

To register, go to the affiliate website, submit an application and within 72 hours you will mail will come answer. If you have completed all of the above points, then the answer will be positive and you can start making money on your channel.

When will your channel have a large number of subscribers, you will be approached by direct advertisers to place ads on your videos. By that time, you will already be an experienced video blogger and will know the value of such advertising. This income can be half or more than half of the total income from the channel.

How to Connect Google Adsense to YouTube

All bloggers and channel owners who want to get a good and stable income from their videos must have a Google Adsense account. This is the company's official service for contextual advertising, which works on many applications and websites. This is the only system on the Internet that gives webmasters and video bloggers more than 65% of its advertising income.

Signing up for Google Adsense is quite simple, but some difficulties may arise:

  1. All data and coordinates are entered only in Latin letters. Especially carefully you need to prescribe the numbers of the cards to which the funds will come.
  2. When registering in the system, you must specify your site, which not all users have. Alternatively, you can quickly open your blog hosted by If you are a "pioneer" and have no experience, simple and clear templates, special articles and literature are offered to help.
  3. After solving this problem, you can immediately proceed to registering with Google Adsense. Get full access and it will be possible to start managing contextual advertising only after checking the account. It can take anywhere from two days to two weeks.

There are other systems that can be used for monetization. But only this official service from Google offers optimal working conditions and security when making payments.

What determines earnings on YouTube video hosting

How do bloggers make money on YouTube? How much can you earn on youtube? These questions concern many of you. If you want to turn your YouTube channel into a profitable business project, you need to study the factors that affect the level of income.

Money Niches

This factor must be taken into account long before creating your channel. The right choice depends on the level of income. The most popular are money niches on the topic of finance and business projects, various ways of earning money, lessons in construction and repair work. The female audience prefers embroidery or knitting workshops, interesting video recipes, or features of growing indoor plants. Recent topics rarely bring real income. The following are considered relevant:

  • video gameplay of popular games;
  • detailed reviews of new gadgets;
  • various master classes;
  • comedy videos.

Many future video bloggers try to choose a niche that they understand professionally. But income depends entirely on advertising, and not on the culinary skills of the author. The most expensive advertising falls on attractive financial niches, so clicks here can cost several times more. If the goal of opening your own channel is to make a profit, you need to carefully study the requirements of the market and the interest of potential subscribers.

Video quality and content

YouTube users are becoming more and more demanding when it comes to the quality of videos and reviews. They choose not only an interesting plot, but also a bright, clear picture. Therefore, when creating videos, you should follow the rule of “less but better”.

To record each new video or master class, you need to carefully prepare:

  • make a plan and think about a clear structure;
  • think over and work out the text, musical accompaniment;
  • make sure that the recording equipment is in good working order.

This will significantly increase the number of views on your channel. Video hosting statistics and numerous user surveys show that it is not the quantity that wins, but the quality of clips and reviews.

Selection of SEO keys

The goal of any author is to increase the number of subscribers and return users to the channel. In just one minute, dozens of videos with a total duration of up to 100 minutes are uploaded to YouTube. So that your videos do not get lost among the new products, you should remember about relevance.

The video hosting search algorithm includes a selection by keywords in the title and description of the video. Properly written tags and SEO keys will help viewers get to your channel. Matching is also important for users: if the title and content in the video do not match, they are unlikely to become regular viewers.

Regularity of adding videos

When searching for information and new stories, users pay attention to the date the content was added to the channel, giving preference to the latest news. It is the regular and systematic publication of videos that shows that you are actively engaged in the development of the channel and take care of your subscribers. Do not upload 10 new videos of dubious quality at the same time.

The best option would be to publish the material evenly at intervals of 2-3 times a week, subject to High Quality pictures and content. Compliance with the measure helps the audience not get tired of your stories, stirs up interest in the following.

Total views

This is the most understandable and obvious factor which is easy to measure. It is the number of views that helps to predict the possible profit. An analysis of the videos that aroused the greatest interest will help you navigate future publications and understand the needs of subscribers.

The number of views and the amount of your income are directly related: the more views a video has, the more expensive contextual advertising for them becomes. When publishing a high-quality and interesting video, you will be able to observe how quickly the number of subscribers grows, and with it the profit.

Ways to monetize content

Video monetization means that the author will receive a certain amount of funds for watching it. To do this, you must first connect to the Google Adsense system. There are many ways to make money on YouTube, some of which we have discussed above. To get a good income, you need to combine different options, constantly analyze the return on video and change tactics if necessary.

Advertising quality

You will not be able to influence the contextual advertising that accompanies the video on the YouTube channel if you allow it to be shown in the settings. Participation in affiliate programs is of great importance for monetization. This type of advertising involves the inclusion of references to a particular product or service in the story itself. It depends on the author how beautifully and ethically it will be implemented.


The level of income on YouTube also depends on the season and time of year. CPC can vary at the beginning and middle of the year, decreasing at the end of the period. This is due to the emptying of the budget of many advertisers, summing up the companies for the year.

How much can you earn on YouTube?

Everyone wants to make money posting videos on YouTube. The question is how much? What numbers are we talking about? Next, I will tell you about it.

The YouTube video hosting audience has more than a billion people around the world and brings huge profits to the creators of the project from advertising. If you want to try your hand at video blogging or creating unique workshops, you need to know the simple math of income distribution.

To start making money on YouTube, you need to have an idea about some numbers. For example, the cost of a click on an advertising link costs $0.4. If 10,000 subscribers viewed a new uploaded video and 10 of them clicked on the link, it is easy to calculate the total profit of $4, half of which is taken by YouTube. This means that 1,000,000 views can bring you $400 in net income. The video works throughout the entire time spent on the channel and does not require additional investments.

The cost per click starts at $0.1 and has no limit. Most video hosting bloggers earn in the range of $500-1000 monthly. Good amounts are collected by videos with millions of views, so you need to be careful about the content, look for bright stories.

YouTube as an additional source of income

If you have your own business project on the Internet, you can use YouTube as effective method convey to your potential customers necessary information. Video hosting has a huge audience and an increasing number of brands, large and small manufacturers use it to find customers. Main effective ways extra income can be:

  1. Drive traffic to your website with videos. This option is suitable for promotion and popularization of online stores, travel agencies and even creative projects. Do not shoot a video with frank and annoying advertising of the product. More attractive to users will be useful product reviews that can help them in their choice and encourage them to make a purchase. The analysis shows an increase in the level of trust in brands that post a lot of free and open information.
  2. Promotion of a new product or service. An excellent way of advertising is suitable for almost any field of activity. Creative individuals can offer excerpts from their performances, present new works, trying to intrigue admirers of talent. An interesting video or master class should unobtrusively invite viewers to purchase the full version, use the new product, or attend a class.
  3. Proposal of goods according to the affiliate program. This simple method does not require additional investments in goods. You can shoot interesting reviews of the proposed novelties of cosmetics, gadgets or share your impressions of attending trainings. Acting as a third-party expert, you steadily increase your rating, get popularity and a significant percentage of the sales of the advertised product.
  4. Creation of a show or entertainment channel. Humor and positivity are highly valued by video hosting users. If you want to declare yourself as a creative person with potential, you can create your own show. The theme of extreme sports, sports or maintaining a healthy lifestyle is used. There are many examples of successful careers after gaining popularity on YouTube. It was with the conduct of their channel that the Russian rapper Bakhti, the American star Justin Bieber or the actor Darren Chris began.

What is the best content to work with?

Using the author's video is a long promotion, but a low percentage of the channel getting banned. It is easy to connect to monetization through Adsense. When working with other people's videos, you can start the project faster due to a well-known name, but there is always a risk of getting banned. In the second option, to make a profit with the help of official system Adsense will be impossible. A news channel can become profitable and legal, the videos for which can be taken from official sources that allow placement.

The most promising niches for work

The analysis of 2015 showed an increased interest in news and humor channels, jokes and video reviews. Recently, the theme of sports and various sets of exercises, master classes related to construction and repair are gaining popularity. If you want to make a high-quality and long-term project, it is better to choose the area in which you have great skills and can offer users useful information.

What to do in case of a ban or strikes?

If the ban was illegal, you can safely write to the support service, explaining the situation in detail. Many channel owners on video hosting believe that no one considers such requests, especially in Russian. YouTube works with many countries, so an answer with an explanation will be required.

If the strikes were from a complainant who does not have legal rights to the video, a counter notice should be filed and challenged. In the event of a conflict of interests with the rightful owner of the video, the right option would be to try to negotiate with him and resolve the conflict mutually beneficial.

What mistakes do newcomers make when promoting a channel?

In most cases - irregular adding of videos, unwillingness to correct shortcomings on time, refusal to constantly monitor and analyze your audience. For successful work, every little thing must be thought out: from design to picture quality.

Can you click on your video?

It is absolutely impossible to do this, otherwise you risk getting a ban on your working account in Google Adsense. This will block all accumulated income that will be impossible to withdraw.

Do not try to cheat the system and try to monetize someone else's content. It threatens with an eternal ban. All new plots added for affiliate programs are checked for authorship and compliance with hosting requirements.

How to develop your channel?

In addition to high-quality video, you need to regularly monitor all the statistics, examine links and carefully read the comments of subscribers. This will help you figure out which sites bring new viewers to you, which stories get more likes, and help you adjust your next steps.

And further:

  • Make yourself a video release schedule and stick to it. At least one video per week!
  • Make all videos and the channel itself a brand. You must have a memorable channel and video. Each video must have a copyright in the form of a logo in the corner or a link.
  • Post only original videos. YouTube doesn't like plagiarism. Moreover, you can be banned in the affiliate program if your videos are stolen.
  • Your videos should be interesting and useful. If your videos are useful or just interesting, then the view count will constantly grow.
  • Make your channel a hobby. If your channel is your hobby, then you will have more optimism, your videos will be more alive, etc.
  • Keep in touch with your followers. Reply to comments on your videos. This gives you more confidence.
  • Use Vkontakte and other social networks. Post your videos and channel links to in social networks. This gives an even greater impetus to its development.
  • Experiment constantly! This is important advice. Try different headlines, different advertising methods, talk about your channel EVERYTHING and EVERYWHERE, work on the channel, put your soul into it and the return will not be long in coming.

Interview with the Mad Joker

Daniel, hi! Tell me something about yourself.

Hello! Youtuber, unemployed.

- Tell us about your channel. How long ago did he appear? What is he talking about? What made him so interesting to people?

My channel " Mad Joker was established in June of this year. The main theme of the channel - Interesting Facts and various tops. People are always drawn to something unknown, most likely this hooked the viewers in my channel, as I often talk about very interesting things.

— How did you come up with the idea to create your own channel and why this particular topic?

I started watching YouTube almost from its very inception, when Russian-language video bloggers could be counted on the fingers. Since then, I have had a dream to create my own channel, which will be watched and which will be interesting to people. Years passed, YouTube changed, many new channels appeared, I stubbornly followed all the trends and YouTubers, gained experience. As a result, my personal channel was created this summer 🙂

How fast is your channel growing? What is the key to his success?

My channel is growing fast enough this moment about 20,000 new subscribers per month. The key to success, I think, is in the videos themselves.

— How do you choose topics for your videos?

Choosing a theme is one of the longest processes of creating a video, along with editing and sounding. Since quite a lot of channels like mine have recently appeared on YouTube, then, accordingly, there are fewer and fewer every day: I can spend hours looking for information for videos, searching various Internet resources, because my main task is not just something then shoot and post it, but make a really interesting release.

— Do you make money on your channel? If not a secret, then how much? And what earning tools do you use? Is it possible for a beginner to make money on YouTube?

Yes, the YouTube channel brings its own penny, unfortunately I can’t give exact numbers, since every month the income is different. But, for approximately 1,000,000 views, a person can receive about $250. This is income from the so-called " YouTube affiliate programs". However, depending on the time of year, this figure floats. In some months, for a million views, you can get 100 dollars at most. The main ways to make money on YouTube are the monetization of videos and external advertising, which the author of the channel himself inserts into the video.

Everyone can make money on youtube!

— Why do you have more income: from an affiliate program or from advertising in a video (direct advertisers)?

Every month is different. Sometimes equally, sometimes, as for example this month, more comes from the affiliate program.

- After how many subscribers did you start monetizing the channel?

At the time of the start of monetization, my channel had about 300 subscribers.

How did you get so many subscribers? Many people can't even reach a few thousand, and you already have more than 80,000.

I have enough viral content that a large number of people watch. I think that's the point.

How to promote a channel on YouTube? What promotion tools do you use?

In the initial stages, I only used advertising from other major channels. In general, a YouTube channel can be promoted in many ways, but the most honest and effective ones are buying ads from major video bloggers and, if you have a lot of money, buying ads on YouTube itself. For those who don't have money — channel optimization, video titles, previews, etc. However, this method requires a lot of time and experimentation.

— How to spell key phrases/words, headings, etc. correctly? They say that a lot depends on it.

Yes, they say a lot depends on it. But from personal experience, I was convinced that keywords play a far from important role in promoting a video.

— How much does the title and description of the video affect the number of views?

The description has almost no effect. Approximately 30-50% of the success of a video depends on the title.

— How do you feel about the promotion of videos in social networks, does it bring benefits? And which social network do you think is better?

Any promotion is already good, but in the social. networks, especially in large sizes, is a huge plus for the development of the channel. The most suitable platform for this is social media. network, where a large number of Russian-speaking audience is concentrated. As many have already guessed - this is VK.

- How do you feel about cheating? Did you use it in the early stages or to this day? And is it necessary to use it at all at the initial stages, while there are no subscribers yet.

I'm more of a bad guy than a good guy. I have not used it myself, but in the early stages it can bring good results. However, this is still prohibited by YouTube itself, and a good cheat will cost you a pretty penny. It is better to buy real advertising with this money.

— What should be the channel to make it interesting for the advertiser? What metrics are most important?

In fact, there are some very strange advertisers on Russian YouTube. Sometimes it seems that they themselves do not understand what and how it works here. Some mistakenly look at the number of subscribers, not realizing that just a “number” will not bring anything. The main factor is the activity of the channel, that is, the ratio of views and subscribers, the number of likes, comments, reposts in social networks, etc.

— Is there any pattern in earnings from the growth of subscribers? Or can a channel with 80,000 subscribers earn like a channel with 200,000 subscribers? What does earnings depend on?

Earnings do not depend on the number of subscribers. YouTube only pays for views. Accordingly, a channel with 80,000 subscribers can earn ten times more than a channel with 200,000.

— What set of programs for recording and editing do you use? What equipment is needed?

Of all the tools that I have are a microphone, a pop filter and a computer. Programs I use: adobe premiere for editing and adobe photoshop for image processing.

- Do you think it is possible for a beginner to create a channel and promote it from scratch? Or is experience, money, specials important here. knowledge, etc.?

All owners of large channels were once beginners. It is quite possible to promote a channel from scratch and even without advertising, the main thing is to understand: how YouTube works, which videos are watched, which ones are not, etc. This can only be done from personal experience or from advanced Youtubers. But, as a rule, to describe all the nuances is unrealistic. Over time, understanding should come by itself.

— How can a beginner choose the subject of his channel? Chasing trends or the theme comes from the heart?

It's all individual. In my case, it was all together: I wanted to shoot something educational, and just at that time, interesting facts began to gain popularity.

— How to choose the most popular and most paid direction?

The most paid direction is where the majority of the audience is made up of adults. The most popular is something entertaining and not particularly annoying.

— What prospects do you see in front of you in the development of your channel? Are you going to expand it or are there a number of channels planned?

YouTube is a constantly bubbling mess that changes and moves up every day, so designing your future is quite problematic. In any case, I will adapt to the situation and try to stay afloat. There are also plans to open new channels with completely different topics.

- And finally, according to tradition, give some advice to those who want to create and swing their own channel and make money on it.

Tips are, of course, all good, but without practice you will never budge. Therefore, if you have a desire to create your own channel - do it, experiment, develop your content and you will succeed 🙂

This is such an interesting interview! The conclusion can be drawn like this.

OK it's all over Now! Now you know how to make money on YouTube. Thank you for your attention. I look forward to your comments.

You can make good money on YouTube and you don't have to be a popular video blogger, you don't even have to make your own videos for the channel. At the moment, YouTube still has a low level of competition, and at the same time, many advertisers began to turn their attention to advertising media formats, to video advertising.

This means that you have a great opportunity to gain a foothold in an actively developing market by creating your own channels and promoting them in certain topics.

How can you make money on YouTube?

How much can you earn on YouTube?

The level of earnings depends on many factors: the number of commercial video views (and ad impressions), the number of clicks, types of advertisements, cost per targeted action, cost per 1000 impressions, video category, seasonality, etc.

There are a number of factors that you can influence and increase yours. Namely:

  • video.
  • Raise scores.
  • Enable all the most effective .
  • Optimize your channel and videos for maximum revenue.

Speaking in numbers, at first your earnings on YouTube will be about , but after 3-4 months you will be able to reach the income level of $ 100 per day. These are not empty words, these are statistically based patterns obtained from personal experience and the experience of my partners.

You can also make money from other people's videos. YouTube's algorithms are far from perfect. And if Google system I learned to determine the source of texts on sites on the Internet with an accuracy of 99.9%, then in YouTube you can determine the authorship of a video and the rights to it only if you use the Content ID, which is available only to a select few (large community members and authors).

Therefore, you have ample opportunities to make money on YouTube, both on your own content and on other people's videos.

Russia ranks third in terms of the number of video views on YouTube in the world (after the USA and England), the YouTube audience has increased several times over the past 2 years, the profitability of channels has increased by more than 100% ().

How to learn to make money on YouTube?

Two factors are important: proven knowledge and practice of working with your channels. I offer you knowledge that you will not find in open access in the Internet. You can use this knowledge in practice and see the results of your work.

Start learning proven strategies today: discover .

Do you like making videos, and maybe about how to make money on YouTube on your channel? Then pay attention to one of the world's most popular video hosting - YouTube.

The video posted on it can bring real income. True, to get really tangible profits, you will have to make some efforts.

Since January 2018, new Youtube monetization rules have been in effect, which are published on the official website. Below is a quote from these rules:

A channel must now have 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months and 1,000 subscribers to qualify for the program.

On February 20, 2018, the new requirements will also come into force for already existing channels YouTube. Thus, preferential rules will be valid for a month. However, after this time, channel owners with less than 4,000 watch hours or 1,000 subscribers will no longer be able to generate revenue from their videos. When the number of subscribers and hours watched on the channel reaches the threshold minimum, the application for participation in the affiliate program will be submitted automatically and subject to strict rules.

What makes money on YouTube

You should not immediately rush to shoot a video, hoping to conquer YouTube with the amount of material shot. It is very important to think about quality. So, first of all, you should understand what factors affect the amount of income.

Here is some of them:

1) Theme

In principle, the video can be of any topic. The main thing is that it should be interesting and / or useful. That is, the video should be able to attract the maximum attention of users.

2) Promotion

Even the most interesting video can remain “in the shadows” if the Youtube channel is not promoted. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to engage in its advertising, leaving links on thematic forums or social networks. Collaboration with other YouTube channels is also effective.

3) Language used on the channel

It has been observed that content recorded on English language able to attract more users. This is due to the fact that there are much more English-speaking Internet users than Russian-speaking ones.

4) Number of rollers

Obviously, the more videos there are on the channel, the more profit you can get. The number of interesting videos affects the quality of the channel.

5) Monetization

There are several options for earning income from videos. If possible, it is better to use them all, below we will talk about one of these options.

On the way to earning

Now it's time to consider the necessary preliminary steps that you will have to go through before making money on YouTube on your channel.

1. Create a channel

All YouTube videos are posted by the user on his personal channel. Therefore, you should take care of creating your channel and its beautiful, competent design. Fortunately, YouTube provides a lot of opportunities for this. If you plan to go beyond the "amateur" level, you can hire professional designers.

But at the initial stage, for the “test of the pen”, the amateur level of your channel is quite suitable just to understand whether you like making videos and whether you will not abandon it at the first difficulty that arises.

2. Choosing a theme

The main thing here is to find a compromise. For example, commercials bring more money but are less popular. And funny amateur “sketches” are very popular with users, but they “cost” less. Trying to find a "golden mean", some users shoot, for example, a review of technical innovations, presenting it in a playful comic form. But, again, it is important to be well versed in the topic that you want to present to the audience.

3. Create a video

You can create videos

  • using a camera,
  • or simply "photographing" the image of the monitor.

For the second method there is special programs, for example, Camtasia Studio Studio is a program for recording video from a computer (or laptop) screen. You will need to master the work with a similar program in order to record video lessons. Then you can create, for example, a manual for working in any service or program.

An example of a video recorded using Camtasia Studio:

If you plan to shoot video yourself (using a camera), be sure to pay attention to the background, lighting and design.

And only when you are 100% satisfied with your work, post the video on Youtube. In general, there is a lot of work to be done.

4. Promotion

The easiest and most effective way is to promote your videos for key queries. Let me remind you that the key query (key) of the video is the query that the user enters in the YouTube search bar.

YouTube searches for a video by the specified key. Then an advertisement is placed on top (1 in Fig. 1), and after it, videos are displayed at the request of the user (2 in Fig. 1):

Rice. 1. User request in the search line on youtube and search results issued for this request

Before uploading your video to Youtube, it is worth picking up a key for it. To do this, you can use any statistical resource, for example, Yandex. True, you will need your account (your mail) in Yandex in order to use the Yandex service.

Let's go to the given link. If the video tells, for example, about the features of caring for an apple tree, you should enter the query "how to care for an apple tree." From the resulting variety of options, you can choose any key and use it in the title of the video on YouTube, in the video itself, in its description or comments to the video.

Another option for promoting your videos is to cooperate with the owners of other advanced YouTube channels.

And finally, for the sake of video promotion, you can do self-promotion.

5. Partner with Google

When the channel gains a sufficient number of subscribers and views, then you can apply for a partnership with the Google advertising network called Google Adsense. After its approval, enable monetization by selecting all types. Then for a large number of views of your videos, you will start to make a profit.

As you can see, it is difficult to make money on YouTube, you need to study and master a lot of new things, but it is quite possible.

How much does a YouTube channel earn?

In this article, we will analyze 6 specific ways that will allow you to make money on Youtube from scratch, both on your channel and your videos, and on other people's content. You just need to promote the video in the search 1 time, and you will DAILY receive a bunch of free traffic, both from Youtube itself and from Google search.

Videos from Youtube in the search results appear next to regular pages, whereby you additionally receive powerful traffic from search engines.

6 ways to make money on Youtube with your channel

Placement of promotional info-inserts directly inside your videos

Grow your YouTube channel wisely:

This way of making money is only gaining momentum on the Russian Internet, in order to use it, you need a really promoted and visited channel.

For each release, you can receive from 5,000 to 100,000 rubles on average, depending on how many views your videos get when you publish them on the channel.

Earn money on YouTube with built-in channel monetization through AdSense

To start making money in this way, just go to your channel settings and turn on monetization of the Youtube channel and you will start earning more and more every day on your videos. All you need to do is gain views and subscribers on the channel.

Explore complete guide for earnings on YouTube HOW TO EARN ON YOUTUBE FROM ZERO

At the same time, you should remember that you will earn money not for views, but for clicks on ads, although it is often customary to consider how much you can earn on views. Looking ahead, let's say that on 1000 views you can approximately earn from 0.5 to 0.8$ through built-in monetization.

  1. Display ads - displayed to the left of the video in the form of banners.
  2. Overlays - popup ad blocks in the style of a standard Adsense ad, but for video.
  3. Advertising hints are a relatively new tool, because and the hints themselves appeared quite recently.
  4. Ads that can be skipped - an analogue of standard TV ads at the beginning of the video, at the end. In addition, you can add additional commercial breaks as you watch longer videos.

Earn money on YouTube through an alternative affiliate program VSP Group

VPS partner network works with large quantity advertisers and top video bloggers work with it. Opportunities when working with this affiliate program:

  1. You get a premium account on Youtube (!)
  2. Payouts up to 80% of advertisers' money
  3. A library of 350,000 songs to provide music for your videos
  4. Referral system to attract new partners and YouTube channels
  5. YouTube video optimization and promotion training

Requirements for connecting to the VSP partner network:

  • Age from 18 years (minimum from 14, but payments are made to older relatives and partners).
  • The age of the channel is from 1 month.
  • You shoot good author's video content.
  • Your channel has existed for more than 1 month.
  • You have a positive reputation on YouTube.
  • From 10 videos per channel.

Promote your products and services through Youtube

The method is quite simple if you or your partners and friends have a physical business. Most business owners do not bother to make a video, they post optimized info articles on the site as much as possible.

At the same time, videos in business topics immediately fall into the main Google search and Yandex and you will have practically no competitors. Considering that people will watch the video first, and only then read the articles, and if they don’t find anything on youtube, you can make good money on it.

Lead generation on order

Perfect for a thematic channel, especially if you do not have your own business. You get a fixed payment for each subscriber or for a click that came from your youtube channel. It is important to note that in the case of YouTube, it is much more profitable to work on a pay-per-sales model and receive a percentage of sales. And that's why.

Don't sleep - promote your account: 7 simple ways promote your YouTube channel for free

Feature - Visitors from Youtube subscribe and buy much better

  • Visitors from youtube come to the site already “warmed up”, they watched the video, which formed trust and interest in the topic.
  • More than 50% of visitors immediately subscribe to a free newsletter.
  • Visitors from Youtube buy about 2 times more often than from other advertising channels.

Cost Per Action Affiliate Programs and Info Course Affiliates

We will definitely talk about the different types of affiliate programs and how to choose them correctly in a separate article, but for now I will say that earning on affiliate programs + using your youtube channel to get traffic is a bundle that allows you to practically earn money on autopilot.

Making money on Youtube on full autopilot

As we said before, if the video is optimized properly and the keywords are well chosen, each video on your channel will bring DAILY free traffic, both from the Youtube channel itself and from Google organic search.

Watch the video on how you can earn on affiliate programs:

Free PDF Book - 10 Secrets Rich People Keep Silent About

In the case of affiliate programs, it is enough to choose 2-3 affiliate offers with payment for % and agree with the owners of the affiliate program on commission. All sales and delivery of goods are organized with the help of partners, and you will receive regular money from each video on your channel.

Unlike pop methods like maintaining a public VKontakte or promotion of your Instagram account, the video does not require the daily publication of a bunch of hackneyed quotes and incomprehensible semi-entertaining info content.

Each new video will give you more and more money, and the effect of earning on YouTube will be cumulative.

How much can you earn on your Youtube channel?

It all depends very much on the specific model chosen. Let's look at a few starting points from which to build:

  1. See how much top vloggers earn
  2. Select related Youtube channels and find out how much do these channels earn
  3. look, how much does youtube pay for 1000 video views

From this information, select related channels and do some simple research:

  1. How many videos are on the channel.
  2. How much does a YouTube channel earn (see above).
  3. How many videos are posted per week on the channel.
  4. How videos are optimized (for keywords or viral titles).
  5. How much a channel earns from 1000 views (average from $0.5 to $0.8).
  6. How many views new videos get in the first week.

For example, here is the statistics of one of the channels that earns on the VSP Group affiliate program:

Download the free checklist: 18 ideas that you can sell on Avito right now to earn money

Using this information, you can easily calculate how much you can earn on YouTube if you become a video blogger. In addition, these statistics do not take into account work with direct advertisers, as well as monetization through partnership programs, so the real income of youtubers can be much higher!

Earn money on YouTube with the help of other people's videos

  1. You find video content in abundance.
  2. Upload to your channel.
  3. Get views or buy video seeding (paid views) to get your video to the TOP for trending or large low-competitive queries (see below).
  4. Turn on monetization from Youtube and embed commercials every 5-7 minutes.

Watch right now our free master class - 5 schemes for making money on Youtube:

How to increase the views of your YouTube videos

Where to get content to earn money by watching other people's videos (a few examples):

  1. Slicing records and full versions TV shows (KVN games, once in Russia, National Geographic video, etc.).
  2. News about Putin with viral headlines, like in teaser networks.
  3. Speeches by other popular personalities (Psaki, Obama, etc.).
  4. Old Soviet films.
  5. Cartoons - Masha and the Bear, Peppa Pig, and so on.

In some cases, there may be a problem with copyright content, so this method requires a lot of body movements with a constant risk of getting banned. We advise you to take a closer look at legal ways to earn money.

Instead of a conclusion - the golden button "BABLO" for making money on Youtube

Now think about which of the methods, in your opinion, is the most profitable when you are paid only 1 time for advertising or eternal 25% from each sale?

Entrepreneur, expert in traffic, business replication and business systems

Video tutorial how to make money on YouTube

Fifth video lesson from the course " 5 secrets of a successful YouTube channel»

In the last 5th lesson of the mini-course on the secrets and nuances of creating a successful YouTube channel
you will see an overview of ways to make money with added videos to the YouTube channel.

And also, examples of earnings on YouTube will be shown, how video bloggers earn,
what methods they use to make money and how profitable and effective
is this or that way .. how costly or difficult is it

How do I get paid to view my videos? What role does the theme of the selected videos play here?
What is the difference between topics, for example, an automotive theme or an entertainment theme?

In this lesson, the prices for video views will be announced and shown,
on how much does youtube pay through its affiliate program to channel owners.

Also, you will see an effective affiliate service SocialBladi .. you can check on it
statistics of visits, views and the number of views, as well as all the ins and outs
any video blogger or YouTube channel.

What is it for? This can be useful for competitor analysis. There you can find out
the amount of earnings, that is, the service will analyze YouTube channel and give an estimate and amount
expected earnings from it.

Well, if your channel will have several tens of thousands of subscribers. then you should think
and search for a permanent major sponsor whose logo or products can be
post as an image.

Do you think that it is impossible for a mere mortal to gain such a number of subscribers? Wrong!
You just need to know and be able to use some chips to promote your channel.

Watch the video tutorial, where the YouTube channel of ordinary guys will be shown on a real example,
who in a short time received a huge, simply fantastic number of subscribers
and found a powerful permanent sponsor.

The rights to this video tutorial belong to Evgeny Popov. All of it

The other day, their big high-quality video course "Master-YouTube" is being released.

There will be questions write
