Lsa 417 how to connect to the matching board. All about antenna amplifiers

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Well, now it's time to write another, rather large TV article, in which I will try to touch on the main points on antenna selection(as well as amplifiers, dividers, cables, etc.), frequent problems and questions, we will definitely talk about Digital DVB-T2 TV, well, and probably draw conclusions from all the material covered.

The purpose of writing this article is to explain to people who have not particularly encountered these systems, "how it works and what it is eaten with." Also, some knowledgeable people can learn something new for themselves, or just find interesting material. All information is mainly taken from personal experience that our company has received over many years of work, and now we want to bring all this information to you. Let's go.

1. This is terrestrial television.

Terrestrial television is, if expressed in plain language- public broadcasting of a certain signal, in this case - television, which is distributed "conditionally" free of charge, and anyone can receive it. Broadcasting is carried out by the main transmitting station "tower" for a certain distance, and which one depends on the power of this very tower. If there is not enough power, then a special TV signal repeaters. Their main task is amplify the incoming signal enough to cover some other specific radius from oneself, it can be 15 km, and 30 km, and even 60 km, depending on the targets and the nearest settlements, or rather, their number.

If on the example of our city - Nizhny Novgorod, then the signal from our city tower can capture coverage of about 70 km., But this is an approximate estimate, and then repeaters come into force, which send a signal somewhere else for 50 km., Which is also an approximate estimate. And even then, you should not deceive yourself too much about these figures, they are just conditional, and real coverage and the presence of a signal at any distance can differ significantly from calculations.

The signal itself from this tower is conditionally divided into two ranges - meter and decimeter. And each of these ranges has its own number of channels. In most cases, the UHF signal is always worse.

2. What you need to receive a signal in the city.

I think that everyone in principle knows this, we need for reception - antenna, preferably all-wave, which will constructively contain reflectors for both ranges.

This, standard antenna, she is called " Delta 311", there are also many of its analogues, the most popular " Alpha 311", and they are identical, only produced different companies. This is the most standard antenna for receiving a signal within the city, which can be found on the walls and roofs of almost every home. It is assembled almost entirely from ordinary iron, and additional plastic elements. Such an antenna can be subject to corrosion, although the average service life with careful use is about 10 years. There are modifications assembled from duralumin alloy, but they are extremely rare, but they do not rust.

red arrow- shows the reflectors responsible for receiving meter channels.

blue arrow- shows reflectors for receiving channels in the decimeter range. Reflectors run along the entire main part of the antenna.

green arrow- shows a special compartment that contains a matching board for both ranges (MV and UHF), and an already agreed signal is transmitted to a television cable connected to this board.

** The antenna itself has its own gain (about 5 dB), which is more than enough. An amplifier in the city in 99% of cases will only worsen the situation.

like this antennas basically enough to receive a signal within the city, and even in its immediate suburban area.

For the countryside are used antennas with active amplifiers, but about them in the next paragraph.

3. What you need to receive a signal outside the city.

If everything is simple in principle with the "city", and there is even a certain antenna model, which will almost always be combined with the current urban signal level, then with the countryside everything is much more complicated. Here, most likely, you will have to do the "Scientific poke" method, as they say, especially if your house is not located in a place that is too populated by people, which means that there is no one to ask about the signal level. In most cases, all suburban antennas go with active amplifiers, which are powered by a converter (Network 220v / output 12v).

In our arsenal there are several antennas that are more popular with customers. I will give you an example of these antennas below, but before I do that, I want you to understand one very simple thing, namely the concept of distance. Those. I will indicate the APPROXIMATE distance for which the gain (hereinafter referred to as "KU") of the antenna is calculated. This is nothing more than a relative concept, but in NO WAY is it part of the declared characteristics of the antenna, and you should not particularly "lean" on it.

Now the antennas themselves. TOP 5 popular antennas.

5th place. Alpha 311 with amplifier.

Service life: about 10 years.

Type: all-wave

Total KU: +-18dB

The simplest modification city ​​antenna, which has a built-in signal amplification board, and the KU is about 13dB. This model is popular among people who live in the region of 30 km from the city, if we again take our example as an example Nizhny Novgorod, then we have such places as: Kstovsky district, Borsky district, Balakhna district and some others.

This antenna got to the fifth place for one simple reason - the probability of replacing the amplifier is very small. Sometimes there are board models that are quite problematic to find. And the build quality of the antenna is not very good.

4 Place. Strong 21/1 with amplifier.

Assembly material: duralumin + plastic elements.

Service life: about 15 years.

Type: all-wave

Total KU: +-26dB

Fourth place goes to our duralumin antenna Strong 21 1, which has a good gain, and an approximate calculation of the distance showed about - 50 km. The antenna, like the previous instance, works with an internal amplification board and needs a 12-volt power supply. In addition to standard reflectors of the decimeter and meter bands, the antenna is also equipped with "reflectors", which, according to the manufacturer, reflects the wrong part of the signal that causes interference. To be honest, there is no sense in this nonsense at all, since even having banal knowledge in this area, we can say that it is very difficult to filter an analog signal, and certainly not in this way. Antenna material resistant to external influences , and corrosion. The antenna has a higher intrinsic gain due to the larger number of elements. At Strong 21/1 in addition to the amplifier, there is also a matching board, which is located in the second compartment.

Why did this antenna get 4th place? And all because she is Chinese. Although it is represented by a Russian company, these antennas are assembled in China. The build quality leaves much to be desired... Sometimes the elements do not converge on the holes, there are backlashes on the boxes, etc. In general, the build quality is far from up to par.

Attention! The attached manual for this antenna contains an error. The antenna uses Locus amplifiers - LSA-417 (LS-421), and not "SWA", as it is written in the instructions.

3rd place. ASP-8 with amplifier.

Assembly material: duralumin + iron + plastic elements.

Service life: about 15 years.

Type: all-wave

Amplifier type: internal board

Overall Gain: Depends on the amp model.

Antenna gets a well-deserved 3rd place, and for a reason. Many people know this antenna, only under the names " Mesh, Grid, Dryer", etc. It has been produced for many years, initially country of origin was - Poland, which is why it is sometimes called the "Polish antenna", although Poland has not been producing them for a long time, but our "favorite" China makes these antennas. She got her place because of her versatility, she can be used at absolutely different distances, depending on the installed amplifier. It uses "SWA" series amplifier boards, which are very easy to find and easy to change. You can even buy several boards with different CUs, and change them depending on your needs.

Amplifiers, series " SWA"have a very large spread in KU, it can be 10 dB, or maybe 60 dB. Accordingly, different configurations can be used on different distance. But this antenna also has disadvantages, one of which is the impossibility of using the antenna without an amplifier at all. Matching boards in this antenna DOES NOT WORK!

2nd place. Locus 35.09 with amplifier.

Service life: about 15 years.

Type: all-wave

Amplifier type: internal board

Total KU: 38dB

This antenna boasts excellent build quality and gain that is estimated to be sufficient for a range of 70 km. The antenna uses a gain board LSA-417, which can be bought in almost any specialized store, including ours. The antenna is so clearly designed that, when properly installed, it does not allow moisture to pass into the departments with the matching and amplification board, which completely eliminates the possibility of a short circuit of the elements.

I did not find any cons for this antenna, all its elements are securely fixed, there is no backlash, the "mustache" is also quite tightly screwed to the body.

1 place. Locus 21.09 with LA-30 amplifier.

Assembly material: iron + plastic elements.

Service life: about 15 years.

Type: all-wave

Amplifier type: external block

Total KU: 38dB

The beauty of this antenna is that it uses pass amplifier outdoor type" LA-30", which is inserted not into the antenna itself, but into the cable break anywhere, but preferably closer to the antenna. Such an installation of the amplifier will allow you not only to get a high KU, but also greatly facilitate the replacement in case of failure. In order that to change, for example, the amplifier in the Locus 35.09 antenna, you need to get to the antenna (and for many this is already an impossible task), remove it, remove the amplifier, or, to be more precise, unsolder the amplifier, then buy a new one and do the same operation, only in reverse order. It's not very convenient... And changing the LA-30 is so easy that even a schoolboy can handle it. All you need to do is unplug the amplifier from the outlet, unscrew the amplifier from the cable and screw the same one, turn on the power. Here and that's it.The light bulb is harder to change

3. Signal amplification.

For signal amplification used a huge variety of different amplifiers, some are universal and fit most antennas, some are individual, while they can only fit one antenna model, or something like it. There are amplifiers amplification boards, are available as plug-in modules, some can even be built into power unit, which is necessary for any amplifier, there are those that amplify only a certain frequency range, there are special "split" amplifiers that do not allow the signal to fade on in large numbers TVs, but incoming signal should be good in the beginning.. In general, there are a lot of options.

Consider the most popular amplifiers of several types.

1. Amplifiers, "SWA" series (777, 555, 7, 3, 49,5000,3000,6000, etc.)

This type of boards can be attributed to the concept of " universal amplifiers "because they are suitable for many kinds outdoor antennas, yes and buy such amplifiers available in almost all stores. The amplifier requires a special power unit, which can also buy in any specialized store. Power supplies are the same for everyone antenna amplifiers. There are a huge number of "SWA" models, some of which I have not even met. The most basic difference between all amplifiers is the signal gain, and for the "SWA" series it can be 8 dB, or maybe 60 dB.

Basically, not knowing the exact technical parameters of the amplifier, K.U. can be approximately calculated by the number of transistors on the board (a small four-pin, and sometimes a three-pin element, black), the more there are, the higher the gain. By average standards, 1 transistor equals 10 dB of gain, respectively, multiply the number of transistors by 10 and get an EXAMPLE C.U. It is "Exemplary" ...

2. Amplifiers, series "LSA, LS" (417, 421)

This type of gain board is used in antennas " Locus" And " Strong"and they differ from each other only in the way they are mounted in the antenna box. Although they are considered interchangeable, for how many with simple changes in the design, any board can be put in any antenna. The average C.U. for such boards is about 30 dB. Like any amplifier, this one also needs a power supply.There is one point, in "Locuses" such boards are used for basic configuration, in contrast to "Strong", in which, according to the instructions, boards of the "SWA" series are generally installed, although this is not the case. When the board "SWA" is installed, the entire circuit immediately shorts out, and protection is triggered on the PSU. Moreover, this the words of the official representative of the company that produces these antennas. The instruction in "Strong" ah "IS NOT TRUE! Be careful.

3. Amplifiers, "LA" series (11, 21, 31, 22U).

This is really universal amplifiers embedded in the "gap" of the cable. Not only can they be used absolutely with ANY outdoor antenna, which has a matching board and no basic amplifier, so they are also more durable than the boards. Even if it is broken, a first-grader can also change it. The numbers in the amplifier marking practically correspond to the number of decibels of amplification. The most important thing in such an amplifier is care during installation. You need to install it, according to the arrows on the case (Antenna passage to the PSU), if you mix it up, then most likely you can run to the store for a new one. Like all amplifiers, it needs a PSU.

4. Amplifiers of the "drawable" type (Alcad AL-200)

Amplifier has a built-in power supply and serves for signal distribution to a large number of TVs. It can be attributed to a more professional part, since it has an adjustment for each range (UHF / MV) and requires some knowledge in this area. Its essence is simple - not to let a good signal fade on a large number of TVs. Note the word "Good" as the initial gain given type practically no amplifier. To use it, the signal must already be good, and the amplifier will make sure that the signal does not lose its quality at a large number of points.

The amplifier itself has one input and two independent outputs, on which you can hang one or several signal dividers. The gain is so high that personally in our practice it was possible to connect about 50 TVs at the tourist base.

If the initial signal is weak, then you can combine 2 amplifiers - Alcad al-200 and amplifiers, the "LA" series, which I wrote about above. Those. you first amplify the incoming signal with an amplifier, the "LA" series, and then amplified signal let on the alcade. Just don't overdo it.

A small postscript to this topic about amplifiers, and indeed about the amplification of the on-air signal in general.

Although I wrote this before, I will not be too lazy to write it again. Regarding signal amplification, remember a few simple rules:

1. Amplifiers do not filter interference, but amplify the entire frequency spectrum ... including interference.

2. In 99% of cases, the amplifier will not help to bypass interference, reflections, etc. If your house blocks the signal, look for ways around.

3. The signal must be amplified in moderation. Overampling the signal will have the opposite effect.

4. Amplifiers do not have the concept of "Kilometers". Don't take this "option" seriously.

5. There are no passive amplifiers in the antennas. And in general, they basically do not exist. Passive amplifier - an amplifier that operates without power.

6. Amplifiers are not needed in urban areas.

7. Any amplifier does not work in passive mode. Those. they cannot be used as termination boards for example.

8. In some models of antennas, an amplifier cannot be installed at all.

9. The power supply on the plug (which is inserted into the TV) has no voltage.

4. Terrestrial digital TV DVB-T2.

A sore subject for the entire population of Russia, well, more precisely, a sore subject for those who are interested in this ... but do not really understand this, and believe me, there are many such people. I have already written quite a lot of information on this topic in general, and it is on the website... but something, I repeat.

And let's start from the very frequently asked question, well, maybe not the most frequent, but very common

"What kind of antenna is needed to receive a digital DVB-T2 signal in the city and beyond?"

And the answer is very simple - the same as for an analog signal. They are no different, and our smart-ass, I apologize for my French ... marketers ... make money on naive people by selling them a "type" antenna for digital TV, although this is an ordinary antenna, decimeter range. Remember once and for all, THERE ARE NO ANALOG AND DIGITAL ANTENNAS. This is an antenna, and it cannot have such concepts at all. This is the same as the red board nails and the "other" blue board nails.

"Reception of HD channels on digital DVB-T2 television"- this does not happen, does not exist, and technically it is impossible. Forget about this nonsense in general.

In general, there are a lot of questions - there are a lot of misconceptions, and as I said earlier, The answers are on our website..

I noticed a very interesting thing here, regarding this topic about terrestrial DVB-T2 television, or rather it was a discussion on some of the forums dedicated to a similar topic, and that's what I read there.
The discussion itself began because someone wrote something like this

"Digital television in a few years will reach new levels, and will broadcast many channels for free, including in HD format. Such a turn will lead to the bankruptcy of all satellite providers and total financial losses some organizations that provide digital TV connection services"

This is how it sounded. And so I also decided to think about this topic, in fact, I didn’t think for a long time ... It was quite easy to guess the logic of the person who wrote this, since it can only be called nonsense written by a very naive user.

We all know that progress does not stand still, and this also applies to television. The gradual transition from analog to digital TV has caused a lot of strange emotions in people. Someone thinks that a complete transition to digital TV will take place in a few years, and we will get all the same channels, only in best quality, some people think that progress has moved sharply, and now everything can be watched for free, and even HD, and for someone in general, "To the light bulb" for all this figure ... and I'm just one of the latter.

And now to the point. A complete transition from analog to digital TV will really take place in a few years, and analog broadcasting will be removed altogether. The fact that there will be the same channels that we can watch now on analog TV is true, or rather there will be even a little more of them, about 25 ... I think. After the full transfer, the introduction of additional PAID multiplexes will begin, the price of which will not be known soon. And about the fact that we will watch everything in HD, pay nothing, etc. - forget these fairy tales, dear. Firstly, no one will allow this to be done, as it was written earlier - this will cause the bankruptcy of many large companies, or simply huge losses. The same "NTV Plus" and "Tricolor TV" belong to the same holding - the Gazprom Company. Do you think Gazprom will provide such services? Free viewing"? Of course not...

Not quite the topic will be said, but when some person, like 10 years ago, invented a device that divides ordinary water into 2 components - oxygen and hydrogen. Those. plain language, he received from the water - fuel. If he sold this device, or his scheme, let's say ... to a large automaker that would start producing cars that run on water, then all oil companies would simply go bankrupt and there would be just a global upheaval of the entire system. There would be real chaos. Since then, nothing is known about the person who succeeded. Either the loan was simply paid very well so that the invention would not go to the masses, or they were "removed" ... we will think about the best option.

5. Consumables. Wiring elements.

In addition to information about the antennas themselves, it will also be useful to know about consumables, and about wiring elements.

1. Cable.

For terrestrial television, and not only for it, the usual coaxial cable, marking RG-6 75 ohm Well, you can and 50 ohms of course, as you like. It is better to take a cable that is always denser, which will be harder to bend by hand, which means that the cable will be more resistant to external influences, due to which a longer service life is guaranteed, this is especially important for street laying. Don't buy cheap Chinese cable, average retail price to which 5-7 p. per meter, it will crack at the first frost, as a result of which moisture will get inside the cable and most likely seep into the TV tuner, which will disable it (maybe not immediately, but over time). And in general, such cables are torn almost by hand, not to mention the impact of strong wind, frost, shock, etc.

2. Connector for switching.

With them, everything is simple. In our time for switching cable RG-6 With dividers, adders, wired amplifiers, plugs, feed-through amplifiers, cable connectors, etc. used here is a little thing called " F connector".

The connector is actually universal, although there is another option for a thin RG-6 cable, but they are rare.

3. Dividers. Adders.

For branching of the broadcast signal into several points special dividers, which have a bandwidth of 5-1000 MHz, and also have certain signal losses, which are also measured in "db". These parameters are usually indicated on the dividers, the more signal output points, the greater the attenuation. It can be from 2 to 8 dB, and in Chinese cheap dividers it can be all 15 dB. You can distinguish them by sight if you have a little experience in these matters, or with the help of a tester, but this method does not always work. We just need to "ring" the divider from the input to the output with the tester, if it "rings", then most likely it is China. Normal dividers (for example, RTM) do not ring, they have a capacitor, unlike Chinese ones, there is a resistor. Yes, and the price of Chinese dividers is usually 50 rubles.

All dividers have a screw connector for the F-connector, which I wrote about above.

The adder is a completely "reverse" device, although it looks the same. Only its purpose is not to separate the signal, but on the contrary - to mix. Adders are used to mix two UHF and MV signals into one. The switching principle is similar to dividers. Adders also have attenuation percentage. In general, any docking of the cable gives attenuation.

4. Other devices.

The rest of the devices include, for example, antennas, the purpose of which is the opposite of amplifiers, namely, signal attenuation. Such devices are needed when you live near a tower, or in its immediate vicinity, where the signal is too strong. The antenna is mounted in the "gap" of the plug.

Well, on this we will probably end our article on on-air television. If you have any questions, ask them on our forum in the "Terrestrial TV" section, just do not forget to read the rules of the section)

On this I say goodbye to you! All the best!) P.S. Ignore the text below, this is for indexing)

On our site you can always buy antenna for home, buy an antenna for a cottage, or for giving, as well as simply indoor antenna with amplifier and without. Choice antennas for the city and for the region we have a fairly large one, and therefore you can always find an option terrestrial antenna for myself. Except analogue television reception, antennas receive And DVB-T2 signal. Terrestrial digital television in Nizhny Novgorod And areas is now gaining popularity, due to which antennas for digital tv will be needed if you still have not had time buy a DVB T2 antenna we advise you buy her cheap. By mime outdoor antennas in Nizhny Novgorod Can buy indoor antenna for digital tv, which will provide a sure reception DVB signal T2 near the transmitting station. In addition to antennas, our store has SWA amplifiers , LA , LSA , Alcad and others. Buy gain boards for antenna Locus, Delta or Alpha You can also do it online or in a retail store. Amplifiers for terrestrial antennas provide stability signal reception in places with unstable signal.

An antenna amplifier is a device that is installed on an antenna in order to amplify the signal and, as a result, improve the quality of the picture on the TV screen. It will be especially relevant in areas far from TV towers. As a rule, these are villages and villages located far from civilization.

Installing an antenna amplifier is necessary to improve signal quality.

There can be many reasons for poor signal reception. Even residents of large cities face such a problem, although it would seem that they are in close proximity to the towers. The most common causes of interference:

  • the signal source is too far from the receiving point;
  • obstacles located on the signal path - trees, high-rise buildings, etc.;
  • landscape gap between the signal receiving point and the tower;
  • weak signal.

The choice of antenna amplifier depends on many factors. However, the first thing you need to understand is which antenna is installed. There are two types of them: passive and active. A signal amplifier is already built into the design of the active antenna by default. If you have problems with the signal, then most likely you are the owner of a passive antenna. Such an antenna should only be installed if the transmitting tower is within sight and there are no obstacles between it and the antenna.

The next thing to find out is the distance to the nearest tower.

ADVICE. Depending on the distance to the tower, a device with a suitable gain should be selected. As a rule, it is worth buying an antenna amplifier only if the distance from the tower to the house is more than 10 km. If the distance is less, then the problem is in an incorrectly selected antenna and the position amplifier will not correct it.

Gain is a characteristic with which to be careful. This is the case when more is not better. With a deficiency, the signal will not be strong enough, and with an excess, noise will appear, which will still interfere with high-quality broadcasting. For this reason, many models of amplifiers with different characteristics are produced for one type of antenna.

For the correct selection of the coefficient, it is necessary to use a special table. There is nothing difficult in this.

Types of amplifiers

We will not go into the intricacies of the design of the antenna amplifier - for the layman, this information will be useless. Let's talk about two types of amplifiers and their purpose.

SWA Amplifier

SWA antenna amplifiers are used in the ASP-4 and ASP-8 lattice antennas, which are often called "Polish" antennas. By themselves, these antennas have a very low gain, and they cannot do without an amplifier.

The two most important characteristics when choosing amplifier SWA will be gain and noise figure. When buying, pay attention to them. We have already talked about the first one above. With the second, it's still easier - the less, the better.

Amplifier LSA

This type of amplifier has a very narrow scope. They are produced to repair failed Locus antennas. Certain LSA models can amplify their corresponding Locus antenna models.

power unit

As a rule, the design of the antenna amplifier is equipped with a built-in power supply. The device connects to the network and, due to its low power, consumes only about 10 watts. There are built-in and external power supplies. Built-in power supplies are small, low-power devices. When unstable electrical network they make little sense. However, if power surges are rare, it will be enough.

External power supplies are large in size and power consumption. They provide stable operation of the antenna amplifier even in unstable network conditions. Such power supplies are designed for different input voltages: 5, 12, 18, 24 V. This parameter must exactly match the supply voltage of your particular amplifier.

Antenna booster installation

Externally, the amplifier is a small electronic circuit. It is attached directly to the antenna itself with bolts and nuts. The amplifier will show greater efficiency if it is installed near the antenna on the mast, between the matching device and the feeder. The signal passing from the antenna through the feeder significantly reduces its level. After installation, you need to check whether the signal has improved. Without equipment, this can be done by simply turning on the TV.

If the antenna is already installed, it will not be difficult to connect the amplifier and, using a special adapter, power the power supply. However, if the antenna is not connected, then you will have to puzzle over the cable to the TV. If you are not sure of yourself, then best solution will call a telemaster who will quickly and efficiently complete this task.

Connecting a TV cable to a TV

The first step is to choose television cable. This is a very crucial moment, since even an expensive TV will not provide you with a high-quality picture without the right wire.

The most common on the market are coaxial cables various manufacturers with a characteristic impedance of 75 ohms grades RG 6U, SAT 50, SAT 703B and DG 113. The grades are listed in ascending order of quality. The marking is applied to the cable sheath along the entire length.

IMPORTANT. We will not describe all existing antenna cables, as this is not possible. However, please pay attention to the following - the cable must have a wave impedance of 75 ohms and the outer diameter of the sheath must be at least 6 mm. By adhering to these two criteria, you will be able to choose the right cable.

After you have chosen the cable, it must be connected to the plug, since bare wires cannot be connected to the TV. In our time, F-plugs are the most widely used. Three plugs available different sizes for cables of different diameters. Be careful when buying - make sure the plug fits your cable. After the purchase, it remains to install the plug. You can do this according to the diagram below.

Antenna ground

However, this is not all. The antenna must be grounded before use. This is a very important and responsible procedure, and it is worth approaching it with all responsibility.

IMPORTANT. Be careful! In the previous stages, the maximum that you could spoil is the cable. When grounding, there is every chance of getting an electric shock - which can be fatal. Therefore, in no case do not try to do the grounding yourself! Call the master who will do everything quickly and efficiently.

If you live in an apartment building, as a rule, the antenna will be installed on a balcony or loggia. In such cases, grounding is not necessary, since it is already provided for when building a house. Grounding will be relevant in a private house or in a summer cottage.

That's all. In this article, we talked about existing types antenna amplifiers and how best to install them. We hope the article was informative and helped you in this difficult matter.

And suddenly I receive a telegram message from my mother that all the channels on the TV have suddenly been charged. I went to see what was the matter. I come home, I look, and the power light on the antenna splitter is off. Here are those on ... Well, I think the power supply of the splitter is covered. Moreover, when pulling out and sticking the splitter power plug into the socket, the light bulb lights up a little but then goes out.

I was already wondering where to buy a new splitter, when suddenly a el_pir, who also helped that day in the construction of the barn. I described the situation to him, and he says:
-And pull out the incoming antenna wire from the splitter!
- Do you think the antenna is short? - I answer and disconnect the wire and, lo and behold, the power light comes on!
I measure the resistance of the antenna amplifier, and it is 43 ohms. el_pir rummaged through his smartphone, and said that the input resistance of the amplifier should be kiloohms (in fact, about 95 kOhm). Well, he's an electronics guy, he's good at it. Then, before it got dark, I climbed onto the roof and disconnected the antenna. I measured the cable - the cable is in order. So it's definitely an antenna.

I have a rather old Locus antenna of the cool Meridian series. But now Meredian is produced only in aluminum, and then it was still possible to choose steel. The body of the amplifier is not flattened, as they do now, but round, like the simplest Zenith series. The amplifier in it is of the LSA-417-04 type. The last number means the modification number, expressed in the way the amplifier is attached to the antenna mustache.

In my magic barn I had a used, but more modern LSA-417-05 antenna amplifier, pulled out of the antenna not so long ago

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An antenna amplifier is a device that is installed on an antenna in order to amplify the signal and, as a result, improve the quality of the picture on the TV screen. It will be especially relevant in areas far from TV towers. As a rule, these are villages and villages located far from civilization.

Installing an antenna amplifier is necessary to improve signal quality.

There can be many reasons for poor signal reception. Even residents of large cities face such a problem, although it would seem that they are in close proximity to the towers. The most common causes of interference:

  • the signal source is too far from the receiving point;
  • obstacles located on the signal path - trees, high-rise buildings, etc.;
  • landscape gap between the signal receiving point and the tower;
  • weak signal.

The choice of antenna amplifier depends on many factors. However, the first thing you need to understand is which antenna is installed. There are two types of them: passive and active. A signal amplifier is already built into the design of the active antenna by default. If you have problems with the signal, then most likely you are the owner of a passive antenna. Such an antenna should only be installed if the transmitting tower is within sight and there are no obstacles between it and the antenna.

The next thing to find out is the distance to the nearest tower.

ADVICE. Depending on the distance to the tower, a device with a suitable gain should be selected. As a rule, it is worth buying an antenna amplifier only if the distance from the tower to the house is more than 10 km. If the distance is less, then the problem is in an incorrectly selected antenna and the position amplifier will not correct it.

Gain is a characteristic with which to be careful. This is the case when more is not better. With a deficiency, the signal will not be strong enough, and with an excess, noise will appear, which will still interfere with high-quality broadcasting. For this reason, many models of amplifiers with different characteristics are produced for one type of antenna.

For the correct selection of the coefficient, it is necessary to use a special table. There is nothing difficult in this.

Types of amplifiers

We will not go into the intricacies of the design of the antenna amplifier - for the layman, this information will be useless. Let's talk about two types of amplifiers and their purpose.

SWA Amplifier

SWA antenna amplifiers are used in the ASP-4 and ASP-8 lattice antennas, which are often called "Polish" antennas. By themselves, these antennas have a very low gain, and they cannot do without an amplifier.

The two most important characteristics when choosing an SWA amplifier are gain and noise figure. When buying, pay attention to them. We have already talked about the first one above. With the second, it's still easier - the less, the better.

Amplifier LSA

This type of amplifier has a very narrow scope. They are produced to repair failed Locus antennas. Certain LSA models can amplify their corresponding Locus antenna models.

power unit

As a rule, the design of the antenna amplifier is equipped with a built-in power supply. The device connects to the network and, due to its low power, consumes only about 10 watts. There are built-in and external power supplies. Built-in power supplies are small, low-power devices. With unstable operation of the electrical network, they are of little use. However, if power surges are rare, it will be enough.

External power supplies are large in size and power consumption. They provide stable operation of the antenna amplifier even in unstable network conditions. Such power supplies are designed for different input voltages: 5, 12, 18, 24 V. This parameter must exactly match the supply voltage of your particular amplifier.

Antenna booster installation

Externally, the amplifier is a small electronic circuit. It is attached directly to the antenna itself with bolts and nuts. The amplifier will show greater efficiency if it is installed near the antenna on the mast, between the matching device and the feeder. The signal passing from the antenna through the feeder significantly reduces its level. After installation, you need to check whether the signal has improved. Without equipment, this can be done by simply turning on the TV.

If the antenna is already installed, it will not be difficult to connect the amplifier and, using a special adapter, power the power supply. However, if the antenna is not connected, then you will have to puzzle out the cable to the TV. If you are not confident in yourself, then the best solution would be to call a telemaster who will quickly and efficiently complete this task.

Connecting a TV cable to a TV

The first step is to choose a TV cable. This is a very crucial moment, since even an expensive TV will not provide you with a high-quality picture without the right wire.

The most common on the market are coaxial cables of various manufacturers with a characteristic impedance of 75 ohms of the brands RG 6U, SAT 50, SAT 703B and DG 113. The brands are listed in ascending order of quality. The marking is applied to the cable sheath along the entire length.

IMPORTANT. We will not describe all existing antenna cables, as this is not possible. However, please pay attention to the following - the cable must have a wave impedance of 75 ohms and the outer diameter of the sheath must be at least 6 mm. By adhering to these two criteria, you will be able to choose the right cable.

After you have chosen the cable, it must be connected to the plug, since bare wires cannot be connected to the TV. In our time, F-plugs are the most widely used. Plugs are available in three different sizes for different cable diameters. Be careful when buying - make sure the plug fits your cable. After the purchase, it remains to install the plug. You can do this according to the diagram below.

Antenna ground

However, this is not all. The antenna must be grounded before use. This is a very important and responsible procedure, and it is worth approaching it with all responsibility.

IMPORTANT. Be careful! In the previous stages, the maximum that you could spoil is the cable. When grounding, there is every chance of getting an electric shock - which can be fatal. Therefore, in no case do not try to do the grounding yourself! Call the master who will do everything quickly and efficiently.

If you live in an apartment building, as a rule, the antenna will be installed on a balcony or loggia. In such cases, grounding is not necessary, since it is already provided for when building a house. Grounding will be relevant in a private house or in a summer cottage.

That's all. In this article, we talked about the existing types of antenna amplifiers and how best to install them. We hope the article was informative and helped you in this difficult matter.

From time to time, various fellow villagers come to me with one problem that is typical for everyone: suddenly the antenna with the amplifier stopped working.

In view of the fact that we have more than 50 km to the city, it is clear that without a good antenna with an amplifier there is nothing to catch here. The vast majority of the local population has LOCUS antennas, broadband, MV and UHF bands, based on a multi-element wave channel, with a built-in amplifier board.

The Ufa television center still broadcasts 14 analog channels, and many residents of our village already use this antenna to receive digital TV, which means that it makes sense to tinker with the repair of this amplifier.

Although the word "repair" in this case is incorrect, rather "replacement with a similar one."

The fact is that the amplifier board from the LOCUS antenna is on sale in some electronics stores, but for about 200 rubles apiece, and for some reason it does not work after replacement for more than a year.

Therefore, leaving quality issues on the conscience of the Chinese manufacturer, I chose other, inexpensive, and, as it turned out, more reliable SWA antenna amplifier boards to repair these antennas.

Here is our hero - the SWA 9999 antenna amplifier board.
It should be noted that the best results are obtained when using the following board models: 9001, 9501, 6000, 3501, 2000, 9999 (listed in descending order of gain quality). SWA boards with other numbers will not work, they are designed for other frequencies and have weaker gain.

And this is a burned-out LSA-417 board from the antenna.

From the native board, we still need side contacts, so we unsolder them.

We solder two single-core copper wires in insulation to the new board.

We solder a thin shielded wire from the decimeter section of the antenna parallel to the output of the balancing coil. Accordingly, the central vein to the input capacitor of the board, and the braid to the ground bus.
The wire from the body of the antenna itself (white) is also soldered to the ground bus of the board.

So that the parts on the board do not touch the antenna mount, we put a piece of plastic between them.

Connect the drop cable and insert new board amplifier in the antenna box.
We solder the wires from the board to the previously saved side contacts, insert them into their original place, then fasten the side vibrators of the MV range to them.

We close the standard cover on the latches and tightly wrap the connection with electrical tape.

We connect the antenna to the TV and check the reception of channels right here on the ground. At least three to four of the most powerful channels should be received (albeit with interference). The local Bashkir channel, for example, is received directly on the ground, in color and without interference. Well, after checking, you can climb up, onto the roof or raise the antenna to the mast.

And suddenly I receive a telegram message from my mother that all the channels on the TV have suddenly been charged. I went to see what was the matter. I come home, I look, and the power light on the antenna splitter is off. Here are those on ... Well, I think the power supply of the splitter is covered. Moreover, when pulling out and sticking the splitter power plug into the socket, the light bulb lights up a little but then goes out.

I was already wondering where to buy a new splitter, when suddenly a el_pir , who also helped that day in the construction of the barn. I described the situation to him, and he says:
- And pull out the incoming antenna wire from the splitter!
Do you think the antenna is short? - I answer and disconnect the wire and, lo and behold, the power light comes on!
I measure the resistance of the antenna amplifier, and it is 43 ohms. el_pir rummaged through his smartphone, and said that the input resistance of the amplifier should be kiloohms (in fact, about 95 kOhm). Well, he's an electronics guy, he's good at it. Then, before it got dark, I climbed onto the roof and disconnected the antenna. I measured the cable - the cable is in order. So it's definitely an antenna.

I have a rather old Locus antenna of the cool Meridian series. But now Meredian is produced only in aluminum, and then it was still possible to choose steel. The body of the amplifier is not flattened, as they do now, but round, like the simplest Zenith series. The amplifier in it is of the LSA-417-04 type. The last number means the modification number, expressed in the way the amplifier is attached to the antenna mustache.

In my magic barn I had a used, but more modern LSA-417-05 antenna amplifier, pulled out of the antenna not so long ago Irina Iakovleva when I changed it to a new one when she had problems with the antenna. But then it turned out not to be in him, but in the power supply, so the removed amplifier was in good condition. Solder it right now before dark and there was no time for dinner at all, especially since it did not quite fit the fasteners, and the antenna also needed preventive maintenance. Then el_pir gave me his antenna temporarily and even a digital television unit to indulge in for a week while he was in the city. I quickly connected his antenna, and everything worked. And even all digital channels! :-)

Having dabbled with digital television, I appreciated its undoubted advantages (image quality and a third large quantity channels - 30 pieces against 19 analog) and cons (increased compared to analog television, the delay when switching channels and the complete disappearance of the channel for several agonizing seconds with interference from an overflying aircraft, and they often fly with us, because Vnukovo is two kilometers away)

The next day I carried out maintenance on my old antenna and changed the amplifier:

As I mentioned above, old amplifier LSA-417-04 (which is on the left) had a different mount than the new LSA-417-05, but I removed the plastic clamping strips with nuts built into them from the contacts of the new amplifier and slightly bent the contacts so that they fell into the recesses of the antenna housing, as if specially designed for this:

Then he screwed the bolts from the outside, pulling the mustache to the body, and pulled the amplifier contacts with nuts screwed on the inside on the same bolts:

I put the antenna in place, and everything worked!
