Is it possible to amplify the wifi signal. Weak WiFi signal, what to do and how to improve reception: optimizing router settings

Usability wireless technologies led to the spread of gadgets in which WiFi is integrated. Of course, traditional LAN ports do not lose their relevance, but already as a secondary means of accessing the network. Especially when on the street or in a public place given port and not required at all. However, the use of wireless Internet access tools has its drawbacks in the form of interference or insufficient coverage. Therefore, the question arises of the means by which it is possible to strengthen the WiFi antenna for its more efficient operation.

First of all, users turn to equipment manufacturers, who note the dependence of reception quality on factors such as the radius of network coverage, the type of access point, and the characteristics of the antennas themselves. Of course, the listed factors directly affect the signal quality, but if they do not allow you to achieve the required communication quality, then do not despair - there are many ways to solve this problem.

Correct device location

Before tampering with the settings and experimenting with device upgrades, it is worth analyzing the location of the device itself in terms of optimal reception. First of all, it must be taken into account that the access point should provide the maximum possible coverage of the potentially used area - for example, in an office or apartment.

Also in response to the question of how to strengthen the antenna, the signal of the WiFi router and the overall reception quality, the importance of free space for the passage of radio waves should be noted. That is, interior partitions act as a rather serious barrier and can impede signal transmission. Moreover, this also applies to modern cellular concrete walls with plasterboard finish, and even more so brick reinforced structures. You can solve the problem by choosing a point for the location of the router so that it can be easily accessed.

Coincidence of channel frequencies - what to do?

Software methods of amplifying the signal, unfortunately, are the least popular among users, while a lot depends on the settings. To start improving the operation of wireless devices at the software level, one should analyze the frequencies at which the equipment operates. For example, if there are 10-15 networks in the house, then it is obvious that you will have to forget about good quality, since the signals are more likely to intersect and interfere with each other.

If you choose the right channel for broadcasting radio waves, then all questions about how to amplify WiFi antenna-router, will disappear by themselves. But to select a channel, you need special program- for example, you can use the InSSIDer system. This software must be used in parallel with the WiFi adapter. The InSSIDer program installed on the computer will display data on all available channels, identifying busy and free channels. In accordance with the information received, it remains only to reconfigure the adapter's operating mode to a suitable frequency.

Increasing the power of the router

An unsatisfactory reception signal of the device may be due to the fact that the settings themselves impose restrictions on it. Actually, this is an elementary way to improve the quality of the network. To understand how to increase the power of the WiFi router antenna, you need to understand the settings specific model devices. Usually, power adjustment is present in the "Advanced Settings", on which the network operation parameters depend.

In one of the tabs there should be an inscription mentioning the transmission power. For example, on English language it could be the string Wireless Transmit Power. The adjustment indicator itself can be presented in different ways, in percentages or levels such as “Low”, “High”, etc. Thus, in order to get high router power and strengthen the WiFi antenna, you should set the maximum value of this parameter. True, in modifications of the SOHO level, such settings may be absent, and then only special firmware will help, for the integration of which it is advisable to turn to professionals.

Tuning by standard and range

Again, many users are not familiar with the standard their device is running on. At the same time, two network standards are relevant today: 802.11ac and 802.11n. The first is not yet available to a wide range of consumers, and the second is considered one of the most powerful. If you plan to strengthen the WiFi antenna due to the fact that the device does not perceive the signal at all, then it is possible that the equipment simply works on a different standard.

Transferring a gadget to the 802.11n format is usually done in the main settings - in essence, this is a choice of operating mode parameters. Here it is worth mentioning at 5 GHz, with which devices that support the 802.11n standard work. Unlike the more common 2.4 GHz band, the 5 GHz channels are still more or less free and not cluttered, so the quality of work in this format is an order of magnitude higher.

Disabling Power Saving Mode

During operation modern computers food savings issues have become especially relevant. This mainly applies to portable devices, which should work for a long time without a charge. Unfortunately, only under the condition of improving performance can you improve WiFi reception on your tablet.

The antenna will operate at the lowest power settings if the device is switched to power saving mode. This does not mean that it is necessary to set the maximum performance format for the computer, but it is better to avoid the minimum level of power supply. The best option- use a balanced mode that will not interfere with the full operation of WiFi.

Antenna refinement

This is a favorite way to improve the reception quality of different antennas among craftsmen. Its essence lies in the fact that the working element of the reception is additionally equipped with metal devices in the form of pieces of foil, tin elements and cans. Since it is possible to amplify according to this scheme without harm to the device itself, it makes sense to experiment with different designs. Although some users note a good effect from such improvements, you should not expect a serious result. At least, this method of solving the problem significantly loses to the elementary replacement of the antenna with a more powerful model. However, the coverage area should be increased when using metal add-ons.

Repeater application

The installation of a WiFi repeater also leads to a direct increase in signal strength. The principle of operation of this device is that it is connected to the network as a regular client, but later plays the role of a distributor of the received signal, expanding coverage in accordance with the capabilities of its own antenna. The repeater is identical in size to a standard power supply, so it won't take up much space. Also, its acquisition is beneficial in terms of simple settings and service in general.

With the help of a repeater, you can not only amplify the signal of the WiFi antenna, but also expand the coverage using WDS technology. That is, the device will allow you to combine different access points without the need to use wired contacts. Price budget models repeaters varies on average from 700 to 1000 rubles. More productive and reliable devices with advanced functionality can cost 2000-3000 rubles.

Adapter extensions

To save yourself from problems with signal reception via WiFi, it is recommended to initially purchase powerful adapters and, most importantly, with an external antenna. In this regard, receiver models integrated into tablets and laptops are less efficient. Nevertheless, for such devices it will not be superfluous to provide an extension cord. With it, you can move the modem in search of the optimal place for reception. If the question is how to strengthen the WiFi antenna on a laptop, then this option will be even more advantageous, since the mobility of the device itself will expand the possibilities for finding the best location. By the way, the length of cables for USB devices can be up to 3 m.


Rarely is it possible to significantly improve the quality of WiFi signal reception by using one or even two methods. The fact is that the implementation of all recommendations can be nullified if, for example, the minimum power level is indicated in the device settings. And vice versa, if all program parameters are focused on the optimal mode of operation of the equipment, then interference in the form of an interior partition will also potentially spoil high quality reception. Therefore, a WiFi antenna can be significantly strengthened only with an integrated approach to analyzing its settings and estimating its location. As practice shows, the most effective solution in terms of increasing the reception power is still the purchase of more technologically advanced modern equipment. In particular, the latest models open up the possibility of working in new ones providing high and stable data transfer.

Hi all! In this article I will tell you how to increase the signal of a wifi router in your home or office.

WI-FI today is very popular in demand in the field of computer technology. Around WI-FI exists a large number of problems. If the speed of the Internet connected to the wireless wired connection, very low, then in my article you will find 10 tips that will help you strengthen the signal of the router, and thereby increase the speed of the Internet.

Why is the wifi signal very weak?

If your internet speed improves when you reboot your router, you can use this tip. When conducting an in-depth study, you can find out what the problem is, most often the situation is in overheating of iron or old firmware. But you shouldn’t get hung up on this, you can just do it about once a day (or more often).

You can reload using DD-WRT firmware or timer. If you set up automatic reboot router, you don't have to do it manually every time.

Increasing wifi signal with DD-WRT firmware

Significantly improves the signal WiFi router DD-WRT firmware. With this firmware, you will not only have additional functions, but also improve the stability of the router.

Of course, this can damage the equipment, but large quantity routers easily tolerate power increases up to 70 mW. Do not forget that radio emission is dangerous for the body, and therefore you should not leave the router to work for increased power too often.

Restrict other internet connection

If anyone in your home network often sits in video chats, downloads movies and music or plays online games, then this, of course, significantly affects the speed of the Internet for other home network users.

If you have just such a case, then increasing the signal strength will be useless, in your case, you should configure the “Quality of Service or QoS. It will prioritize speed direction for more important programs that you need to work with.

Setting a good wifi password from neighbors

If a password is set on your router, this does not mean that it is. To do this is not so difficult. There are methods that will help you discover all the users who are connected to your Wi-Fi. But this will not really do anything, it is better to completely deprive neighbors who love "freebies" from the opportunity to use your Wi-Fi.

How to amplify the signal of a wifi router by extending the antenna

Install the router in the center of the room!

It often happens that the router does not fit into the design of the apartment, but you should not hide it too far, for example, in a closet. To strengthen the signal of the router, place it in an open and free place.

It is better to install the antenna in a vertical position. The higher the router is installed, the better. In order for the signal to cover the entire apartment, it is advisable to put the router in its center.

Buying a modern router (expensive)

This method is not only the simplest, but also the most reliable. The meaning of this method is to use the most modern equipment.

That is, buy a router with the longest signal transmission range. It will be expensive, but you will forget about how to strengthen the wifi signal of the router.

Installing a wifi repeater (repeater)

If all the tips I listed below did not help you, then you need to install a WiFi signal repeater in the house. It won't take you much money, and if you still have an old router at home, you can use it, which will allow you to increase the wireless coverage area.

It is necessary to flash the old router using the DD-WRT firmware mentioned above. There is a possibility that the speed will not be as high as the speed of the main router, but it is much better than not having it and it is completely possible to connect to wireless Internet in the far corners of the apartment.

After doing everything that I advised you in this article, you will learn how to increase the wifi signal of the router and the speed, reliability and security of your wireless internet. Recently I told a very interesting moment, you can read it very interestingly, and you can also read about it. That's all for me, I wish everyone great health!

With Uv. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

You bought a WiFi router, installed it and used it for a while. As a result, you were not completely satisfied with the performance of its wireless network: low speed data transfer, poor Wi-Fi reception in the apartment, unstable signal and constant disconnections. What to do? Is it really only a replacement for a more powerful one that will help and you will have to spend a lot of money again ?!
Do not rush to run to the store for a new one. In most cases, this problem can be solved independently! Moreover, the tips and tricks below will help to strengthen the WiFi router signal even for beginners.

The first step is firmware updates.

Despite the fact that manufacturers of network gadgets are improving and trying to ensure the good quality of their products, out of the box, most routers come with semi-working software, on which some of the functions work crookedly. For example, Wi-Fi may be unstable. That is why software updates are the first thing to start setting up. network device. Fortunately, this is done very quickly and simply. We go to the official website of the manufacturer, in the "Support" section, download latest version firmware for your device model.
After that, open the web interface of the router and find the menu section Software Update(Firmware update).

Everything is simple here: first you need to click on the "Browse" button and select the file with the firmware. And then click the "Update" button and wait until the process is completed. Usually this takes a few minutes.

Note: on the latest models routers from Zyxel, D-Link and a number of other manufacturers have already integrated the function automatic update firmware.

The user only needs to click on one button to check for updates on the site, and then another to install the update on the device.

The second step is to properly configure the WiFi hotspot.

Most users, after buying a Wi-Fi router, do not really think about the settings and leave most of the parameters at the default value.
In some cases this is sufficient. But if you want high speed and the largest WiFi coverage area, then you need to set some parameters correctly.

The first is the mode being used. The highest speed and best quality in the normal 2.4 GHz band can only provide 802.11n. We force it.

The second is the channel width. On most Wi-Fi access points, the default width is set to 20 MHz. High speed will be only at 40 MHz.

The third is WiFi Multi-Media - WMM. This parameter is responsible for quality control for different types traffic and without turning it on, it will not be possible to develop the maximum data transfer rate in WiFi networks.

The fourth important parameter is responsible for the strength of the signal emitted by the router Transmit Power.

On some models, the power is initially underestimated by up to 40%. This is enough for one room, but not enough for the whole apartment. To maximize the Wi-Fi signal of the router, set the parameter value to 100%.

Not on all devices, the power of the router is explicitly regulated. For example, on TP-Link routers this is done in the advanced settings of the WiFi network, the "Operating mode" parameter:

There are three settings available - high, medium and low power. First, set the average value and check the result. There is not enough Wi-Fi coverage - set the power to high and check again.

The third step is the correct location of the access point

Yes, yes, the quality of the Wi-Fi network directly depends on where the router is located. There are a few common mistakes people make when installing an access point.

The first mistake is when wireless device put under the table system unit. There are even two mistakes here - it should be placed on the contrary higher and a little further from the PC or laptop. If the client is too close to the access point, poor quality WiFi signal.

The second common mistake is to install a router in the outermost rooms of the apartment, while it should be done as close to the center as possible. It's all about spherical wave propagation.

The Wi-Fi coverage area extends in all directions in a circle due to the fact that omnidirectional antennas(narrow-directional ones are not installed on ordinary home routers). That is why if the device is placed at the neighbor's wall, then a significant part of the coverage area will be wasted on the neighbor's apartment. We don't need this!

The fourth step is the use of additional equipment

In some cases, it is impossible to improve and strengthen the WiFi signal in an apartment without the use of additional equipment and devices.
In a private house, you can strengthen the Wi-Fi signal by replacing the antennas of the router with more powerful ones, since they are on sale.

These are special devices that connect to your wireless network and enhance the Wi-Fi coverage area, expanding it with their radio module.

P.S.: I almost forgot to consider one more case - when there are a lot of WiFi routers and neighboring access points in the usual 2.4 GHz band. The fact is that the number of free channels in this case is only 13 pieces, of which only 3 do not affect the operation of each other - 1, 6 and 11. All the rest affect the operation of devices in neighboring channels. In large cities and metropolitan areas, when searching for a wireless network, you can observe something like this:

There is no need to wait for a good quality of work from a wireless network - the signal will be unstable and the connection will often break. Yes, and the speed will be low and change abruptly. On many Internet forums and blogs, they begin to advise you to play with the radio channels of the access point, change antennas, etc.
Unfortunately, all this will be in vain. The only way out of the situation is to replace the Wi-Fi router with a dual-band one that supports 5 GHz, and then switches to other frequencies. There will be no such problem here - neither you nor the neighbors will influence you!

The performance of a Wi-Fi network causes inconvenience in two cases. First: a weak and unstable signal. Second: low data transfer rate. Both are easily solved even by a person with a humanitarian mindset, if he reads our article or puts a case of beer to an IT neighbor.

The option with beer is certainly better and brings a revival to the economy of the Russian Federation, and also gives a tangible increase in GDP. But this option often has an incorrigible drawback: the IT neighbor may not exist. And then, willy-nilly, you will have to read what we wrote to you here.


The most important. Make sure that at the center of your Wi-Fi network is a modern full-fledged wireless router(aka router). Keyword- modern. The fact is that communication equipment is developing as actively as the entire IT industry. Those standards, protocols and speeds wireless transmission, which were the norm 5-7 years ago, are now hopelessly behind. For example, not so long ago, a channel of 50-60 Mbps was considered a decent option for a home, for a family, for show-offs. And now inexpensive devices for a couple of thousand rubles claim theoretical 300 Mbps.


In his personal diaries, Captain Obvious has repeatedly noted that walls and partitions are the main obstacle to a Wi-Fi signal. In addition to walls, any shielding barrier with metal content can become a serious obstacle to the Wi-Fi signal - most often it is a mirror, an aquarium or a steel statue of Darth Vader. Demolition of all walls in the apartment is optimal solution all your problems, but it's troublesome, yeah It's easier to think about finding the optimal placement point for the signal source. Your wireless router should be as close to the center of the room as possible and not lie on the floor, but be at least a meter from the floor.


Starting a network search, you probably noticed more than once that a couple more, or even a dozen other people's Wi-Fi signals are walking around your apartment. For some reason, few people think about the fact that other people's networks operate in the same frequency range as yours, and there is nothing good in this. According to the standards, 13 frequency channels have been allocated for the operation of Wi-Fi networks in Russia. We stole from the instructions for the popular ZyXEL router Keenetic Lite a screenshot of the configuration menu - it shows how, in the "Network Client" mode, the router shows the channels occupied by neighbors. There are also individual programs, which do the same, such as inSSIDer. You just have to study the received list, choose the freest of the 13 channels and set it in the router by default.


Many craftsmen manually pump router antennas by hanging tins, foil, and so on on them. In fact, the game is clearly not worth the candle - it is better to buy a suitable high-power antenna. There are a lot of them on Wi-Fi equipment sites, and some of them look very exotic. Antenna gain is specified in isotropic decibels (dBi). A standard antenna from a home router has a power of around 2 dBi, but finding and buying an antenna with a gain of 10-20 dBi is not a problem, and this radically solves the situation with signal availability! But it also makes sense to tame foil - recently a particularly virtuoso life hack with reflectors from has been invented, causing increased interest.


Many modern router models are equipped with a pair of antennas, and in top models there may be even more. Usually this provides a good signal, but if not, then it will be expensive to change two antennas at once. In such a situation, it is better to put an additional signal distribution point in the apartment - such devices are called a “repeater” (Wi-Fi repeater). They cost about inexpensive router and easy to set up.


Often, the problematic element in a home network is not the router, not the layout of the apartment, but the receiving device itself. We must once and for all kill two things on our noses. First, if you have powerful computer for games and multimedia, it is still better to connect it to the network with a wired connection (there are a million reasons for this, and all of them are important). Second: if you are going to receive Wi-Fi through an adapter, choose not a tiny device the size of a fingernail (it is only suitable for gatherings in a coffee shop), but a receiver with a large antenna. Buying a Wi-Fi adapter with a heavy antenna helps even when your laptop picks up a signal lousy, but in some corner of the room it is much better. You can plug a Wi-Fi adapter into your laptop, and place the antenna from it in that very happy corner.

If something can be done, that something can be done easily! Telegram channel MAXIM: Life hacks

Running around the apartment in search of a Wi-Fi signal is not a pleasant experience. What worsens data transfer from the router and how to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal in the apartment using software and technical methods, we will tell in our article.

What affects the strength of a Wi-Fi signal?

Wireless digital streaming technology, abbreviated as Wi-Fi, was invented in 1991. Today we give preference to it even when there is a LAN port on the device. But the trouble is that the coverage area of ​​the router is often insufficient, and there are places in the house where the signal does not reach.

The term "Wi-Fi" was originally coined as a play on words to attract the attention of the consumer with a "hint" of Hi-Fi ("High Fidelity" - "high fidelity"). While some WECA press releases initially featured the phrase "Wireless Fidelity", this moment this wording was abandoned, and the term "Wi-Fi" is not deciphered in any way. Wikipedia

To turn off the Wi-Fi signal in the apartment can:

  • walls. Plasterboard coating, partitions made of aerated concrete and foam blocks are a significant barrier to radio waves. If the wall is cast concrete and reinforced with metal reinforcement, the signal is shielded and loses its power. Mirrors, aquariums and stained-glass windows have the same effect;
  • Appliances. Devices whose operating principle is based on radio wave radiation ( microwaves, cordless phones, radios, etc.), can distort the Wi-Fi signal;
  • nearby access points. Clogged channels negatively affect the data transfer rate.

Try to minimize the influence of the above factors, this will help to some extent boost Wi-Fi signal in the apartment. The location of the router is also important. It should be in the center, then the coverage area will be maximum.

Ways to amplify the signal using settings

If you are unhappy with the signal quality, do not rush to purchase additional devices. Your wireless network may not be configured correctly. Therefore, check the settings listed below and change the settings if necessary.

Frequency matching

Often there are several wireless networks in the house, the frequency channels of which may coincide. As a result, the quality of data transmission is significantly degraded even over short distances. Therefore, you should check and reconfigure the channel. Install the inSSIDer program on a computer that has a Wi-Fi adapter, open it and in the table that appears on the screen, look at which frequency channels the nearest wireless networks(column "Chanel").

After finding out which channels remain free (usually used from 1 to 13), reconfigure yours by following the instructions:

Low router power

A low-power transmitter on the router can also degrade the signal quality. In advanced network settings, this setting is called Wireless Transmit Power. Opposite it, you need to set the maximum power (in some models it is indicated as a percentage, in some - with words denoting low, medium and high power) and press the save button.

Wireless Standard

The 802.11n standard is able to provide maximum coverage today. To reconfigure the network for it, select Wireless Mode in the web interface settings in the Wireless menu and set it in the opposite column: 802.11n. Then save, reboot and reconnect the device. A prerequisite is that this standard must be supported by both the router and the computer.

frequency range

Some modern router models are dual-band, that is, they can operate in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. Switching to 5 GHz will provide better signal quality as it will not be blocked by radio waves emitted by other household appliances(they operate at a lower frequency).

Ways to amplify the signal using devices

You can also make a number of technical improvements to increase the Wi-Fi signal in the apartment.

Antenna refinement

The first way is to amplify the antenna. Some "kulibins" try to do this with the help of improvised means - foil or tin cans. In the video you can see the principle of manufacturing such "amplifiers":

However, according to those who have already experienced this method, you will not get a tangible effect. It is better to replace the antenna with a more powerful one: you will have to pay about $ 8, but the coverage area will increase significantly (provided that a 2-3dBi antenna of an 8dBi device is installed in place).

Repeater installation

The repeater is able to significantly expand the radius of signal propagation.

GSM repeater is a radio signal repeater and amplifier designed for local expansion of its coverage area. It is a complex active radio electronic device operating complete with antennas and RF cables. Wikipedia

Outwardly, it resembles a small power supply that plugs into an outlet. Such a device costs about $25, but you are guaranteed to be able to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal in the apartment.

Going to rest in the Crimea and want to know where the nearest Wi-Fi points are located? Look for their list in the material "Wi-Fi points of Crimea".

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