LAN design rules. LAN design rules SC cabinet designation on the diagram

2.1. Structured cabling system (SCS) is a complete set of cables, cable components and switching devices.
2.2. A digital channel is a data transfer path between active network equipment.
2.3. A permanent link is a data transfer path between two connectors on the same cable.
2.4. Port - switching unit of SCS.
2.5. Telecommunication socket - a connecting device for 1-2 ports, placed at the workplace or at the installation site of the terminal equipment.
2.6. Cross-panel is a multi-port passive connecting device.
2.7. Knot working group - a place for consolidating cables or switching digital channels coming from telecommunication sockets.
2.8. Floor node- the place of switching of permanent lines or digital channels coming from workgroup nodes.
2.9. - the place of switching of permanent lines or digital channels coming from storey nodes.
2.10. Demarcation point - a place for placing switching equipment of external networks and equipment of telecom operators.
2.11. Horizontal subsystem - part of the SCS from the socket at the workplace to storey node.
2.12. The backbone subsystem of the building is part of the SCS from storey nodes before .
2.13. Backbone subsystem of the campus - external optical networks ending at the demarcation point or at .

3.0. Principles of SCS organization.

3.1. SCS (see topological diagram on the right) is a strictly ordered set of cables, cable components and switching devices, including:

- (connects distribution node of the building and floor nodes );

- (connects storey nodes with nodes of working groups, a workgroup nodes - With telecommunication sockets).

3.2. One e tie knotserves its own floor and two adjacent floors.

3.3. One workgroup node serves up to 96 ports (48 telecom sockets with two ports).

4.0. SCS structure.

4.1. The figure below (in the Compliance... section) shows hierarchical structure of the building cable system according to the standardwith reference to ISO/IEC 11801 and ANSI/TIA/EIA-568.

5.0. Compliance OSSIRIUS SCS 702 R Russian GOST R 53246-2008 and international standards ISO/IEC 11801 and ANSI/TIA/EIA-568.

5.1. GOST R 53246-2008 was developed on the basis of "own authentic translation of standards” (see page II) ISO/IEC 11801 and ANSI/TIA/EIA-568. OSSIRIUS SCS 702 is fully within the framework of these same international standards.

5.2. Those provisions of GOST R 53246-2008 that set any restrictions in OSSIRIUS SCS 702 are noted in the relevant Notes.

5.3. The main designations adopted in OSSIRIUS SCS 702 correspond to the following designations in accordance with GOST R 53246-200 8 (page 5).

Distribution node of the building - MS.

6.0. Compliance with OSSIRIUS SCS 702 LAN principles.

6.1. The main and most important application for SCS is the local computer network(LAN). proceedingfrom this the OSSIRIUS SCS 702 standard definesSCS as an accessory to the LAN .

6.2. When designing an SCS according to the OSSIRIUS SCS 702 standard, one should take into account and understand the principles of the LAN device and its division into the following levels (see the figure on the right):

1. Access level(Access Layer).

At this level, setvayutsyaL2-workgroup switches . ATOSSIRIUS SCS 702 dos leveltupa corresponds to the levelworkgroup nodes .

2. Distribution level(Distribution Layer).

At this level, setL3-switches connectingworkgroup switches with a network core switch. OSSIRIUS SCS 702this level corresponds to the levelstorey nodes.

3. Kernel level(core layer).

At this level, oncefits L2 or L3-network core switch, being the center of the LAN. The network core switch aggregates traffic from the switchDistribution level agentsI.In OSSIRIUS SCS 702, the LAN core level corresponds to thedistribution node of the building .

4. Level server switches (Server Farm).

The server switch is housed in a server cabinet and communicates directly with the core switch. This is given by the fact that most management systems (ERP, CRM, etc.) are based on the “ client-server” (they are not distributed), which, in turn, determines high requirements for network performance and server availability.

To connect the core switch and server switches between
and a server cabinet are organizedpermanent lines, the number of which is set with a margin for the development and aggregation of channels.

5. demarcation point(Demarcation Point).

To protect the LAN from external influences, it is organized demarcation point , where equipment is located that supports the operation of external networks and active equipment of telecom operators.

Between building distribution center anddemarcation point organizedpermanent lines, the number of which is set with a margin, for development and for new telecom operators.
6.3. The rules for building a LAN allow for the merging of adjacent levels. With this in mind:

6.3.a. Among others, core switches are produced with a basket for installing distribution and access level expansion boards. The installation of such a switch in a compact wall cabinet is difficult, therefore, if there is a reasonable need, namely, at the categorical requirement of the customer, it is allowed to place the core switch in a floor cabinet at the level of the distribution node of the building;

6.3.b. If at one of the SCS levels the total estimated number of switch ports is less than the unoccupied estimated capacity of the ports of the switches of the next level, it is allowed to combine neighboring SCS levels;

6.3.c. Partial merging of SCS levels is not allowed.

6.4. SCS nodes according to the OSSIRIUS SCS 702 standard provide for the possibility of installing network switches vertically, with ports down. When choosing a specific switch model, you should clarify whether such an installation option is provided by the manufacturer.

7 .0 Horizontal subsystem.

7.1. Conditional chain of elementshorizontal subsystemin OSSIRIUS SCS 702 (figure below) contains three switching points -storey node, working group node and port telecommunications outlet.

7.2. When passively switching cross-panel ports in workgroup node total length of organizedpermanent line subsystem is limited to 92 meters.

7.3. When organizing digital channelwith the help of active equipment, the length of each section can be up to 92 meters (fromstorey node before workgroup node and from workgroup node to the data port).

7.4. Note. According to p.p. 5.1. 2 GOST R 53246-2008 length permanent linemust not exceed 90 meters.10 meters is allotted for hardware and patch cords, which is too much for small wall cabinets.

7.5. The SCS designer should take into account that the deviation of the cable operating temperature by 25°C from the normal temperature (usually it is equal to room temperature, 20°C) leads to a deterioration in its characteristics by 10% and a decrease in the maximum length permanent line(or plot digital channel) by 9.2 meters.

7.6. To build a horizontal cable subsystem, unshielded UTP cables are used. At the same time, hardware cords (patchcords) and cables in telecommunication sockets are cut according to option "B" (T568B).

When cutting a UTP cable in a socket, you should strive for the minimum development of pairs of conductors and the shortest length of conductors without a cable sheath. Fix the cable in the outlet only by its sheath.

7.7. Note. Connecting active equipment directly toworkgroup node , as to the point of consolidation, is prohibited under clause R 53246-2008. Cables coming fromworkgroup node to workplaces or to terminal devices, must necessarily endtelecomnication sockets.

8.0. Backbone subsystem of the building.

8.1. The job backbone subsystem integratesstorey nodes With building distribution center .

8.2. Shielded FTP cables (STP, SFTP) are used to organize the backbone subsystem.*

8.3. The use of shielded cables requires potential equalization of the signal grounds. For this:

8.3.a. Equipment power supply storey nodescarried out from one shield located in close proximity todistribution center of the building, a p abouteach node is connected by a separate cable;

8.3.b. According to the radial potential equalization scheme (GOST 50571.21), from distribution node of the building to each storey nodeare laid copper wires in a yellow-green insulating sheath with a cross section of at least 4 mm 2 connecting the signal grounds of the cabinet equipment.

8.4. The length of the cables of the backbone subsystem of the building must not exceed 92 meters. In cases where the SCS is built in buildings with a height or length that requires a greater length of backbone cables, the building is divided into sectors equipped with separatedistribution nodes of the building .

8.5. Cutting the cables of the main subsystem of the building is carried out according to option "B" (T568B), similar to cutting the cables of the horizontal subsystem - clause 7.6.

* FTP - Foil Screen, STP - Woven Screen, SFTP - Combination Screen.

9.0. Backbone subsystem of the campus.

9.1. For organizationsingle-mode (Single Mode) optical cables are used.

9.2. Campus Backbone Subsystemends atdemarcation point or in building distribution center on the optical cross-panel.

9.3. To connect an optical cross-panel with a data medium converter, it is recommended to use connectors and connectors. These are SC-type cords.

9.4. The connection of the optical cable to the port of the optical cross-panel is carried out by welding.

10.0. Device of SCS nodes.

10.1. Any compact wall-mounted cabinets are suitable for organizing SCS nodes according to the OSSIRIUS SCS 702 standard, allowing you to simultaneously place 1-2 switches, a cross-panel and an uninterruptible power supply.

10.2. To organize SCS nodes with a high port density (with small dimensions), OSSIRIUS SCS 702-1 wall cabinets (Figure below) have been developed, the design and layout of which are an integral part of the OSSIRIUS SCS 702 standard.

10.3. The OSSIRIUS SCS 702 standard allows installation instorey nodes and workgroup nodes network switches without intermediate cross-panels. To do this, OSSIRIUS SCS 702-1 cabinets are designed in such a way that in their lower part there is space for laying the ends of UTP cables in half rings (figure below).

This greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of SCS, while removing any restrictions associated with the categories of SCS switching components (these components simply do not exist).

10.4. When using the cabinet OSSIRIUS SCS 702-1 in workgroup nodes it is possible to install two 48-port switches (figure below, for clarity, the switches in the figure are turned upside down). Thus, one node can serve 96 ports. Special universal fasteners are produced for installation in a cabinet of switches that do not allow turning of the ears.

10.5. Distribution node of the building (picture below) must contain a cross-pane linked to a cross-panedemarcation points , if the latter is provided for in the SCS. It is also possible to install a cross-panel for communication with the cross-panel (panels) of the farm (farms) serfaiths, categories, respectivelymeeting network performance requirements.

10.5.a. When deleting a server farm from
distribution node of the building more than 30-35 meters, it is advisable to use a shielded cable and appropriate cross-panels to connect the latter.

10.5.b. When using shielded cables (according to clause 10.5.a), ensure that potential equalization of signal grounds.

10.5.c. If necessary, in building distribution center you can use one cross-panel to communicate with both the demarcation point and workgroup nodes.

10.6. AT demarcation pointit is allowed to install a variety of equipment, including those that do not have any fasteners.

10.6.a. For the installation of IDC 110 or Krone plinths, a lower ingshelf (picture below).

10.6.b. A horizontal shelf can be used to install equipment without fasteners (figure below).

10.6.c. It is possible to mount the equipment on a DIN 35 rail using a vertical shelf (figure below).

10.6. To organize, for example, an access server, the SCS 702-25 chassis can be used (figure below).

10.6.d. For the installation of non-standard equipment, special fasteners can be designed and manufactured. Below is an example of a shelf with fixtures for an IP controller.

10.7. To protect the equipment from overheating, the OSSIRIUS SCS 702-1 cabinet has a place for a fan (picture below), and for dust protection - a place for a filter.

10.8. When installing OSSIRIUS SCS 702-1 in an unguarded area, in addition to the standard lock, the locker can be equipped with an anti-vandal lock (picture below).

11.0. Redundancy rate of sockets/ports in SCS.

11.1. The construction of SCS according to the OSSIRIUS SCS 702 standard involves installation on each conditional workplace at least one outlet with two ports. At the same time, one socket port (odd, left or top) is initially allocated for LAN, and the second (even, right or bottom) for telephony, but each of them can be both, depending on the real needs of SCS users.

11.2. The calculation of the required number of outlets in the SCS is based on the area of ​​​​the room (typical value - 1 outlet per 10 sq.m), the linear length of the walls (typical value - 1 outlet per 1.5 meters of wall), or the actually required number of jobs and a given reserve ( typical value - 30%).

11.3. Premises that were not originally intended to accommodate a large number of workplaces can be equipped with a significantly smaller number of sockets than provided for in clause 11.2, but at the same time, they should be located in close proximity to workgroup nodes . So that when re-equipping / re-profiling the premises, it is not necessary to organize new extended cable routes.

11.4. When designing workgroup nodes located in a low-density area, 25% of the switch ports should be left unoccupied.

11.5. To increase the density of Ethernet ports, mounted in the area (or in place) can be used telecommunications sockets.

11.6. When designing SCS, in addition to sockets at workplaces, it is necessary to lay sockets for various terminal and additional office equipment in those places where the latter are most likely to be placed. In the corners and niches of office premises - for network printers, faxes and MFPs. In the corners from the windows and on the walls opposite the entrance, in the ceiling area - for video cameras. In the area of ​​doorways - for access control equipment (ACS). In open space centers - for wireless access points.

12.0. IP telephony and IP video surveillance in SCS.

12.1. The OSSIRIUS SCS 702 standard was developed taking into account the fact that almost the entire telecommunications space of a modern building is occupied by Ethernet. At the same time, within a LAN built using Ethernet technology, any IT applications, including IP telephony and IP video surveillance, can work.

12.2. When building IP telephony and IP video surveillance in SCS, there are a number of points that must be taken into account, namely:

12.2.a. IP-cameras are placed significantly above the installation level of telecommunication outlets of workplaces. To install an IP video camera in the workplace area, you can use a mini-box (see the figure below), or at the design stage, additional sockets for IP cameras should be laid in the ceiling area;

The figure above shows an example when the workplace socket port module is recessed inside the box (it can also be recessed into the socket block), and a video camera is connected to it with a hardware cord. At the same time, the regular power cable is extended from the power supply unit through the freed port window to the video camera. As a result, the camera power cable and the hardware cord are neatly covered with a miniature cable channel;

12.2.b. IP cameras and IP phones need uninterrupted (redundant and independent from other applications) power. To ensure this, sources should be placed in SCS nodes. uninterruptible power supply, and in workgroup nodes – PoE switches (below, on the left, there is a conditional diagram for connecting IP cameras and IP phones and their power supply from a PoE switch, and on the right, an example of a diagram for connecting a phone to an SCS with switches without PoE, through a PoE injector and without power backup). It is also allowed to install one uninterruptible power supply of sufficient power in the areadistribution node of the building and power supply from it to all nodes of the SCS;

Cameras that do not support P
oE, can be connected viaPoE splitters (picture below).

13.0. Analog/digital telephony (NOT IP) in SCS.

13.1. Modern digital telephony is not inferior to IP telephony in terms of communication quality and the number of service functions, and analog telephony outperforms IP telephony in terms of price. This makes possible the long-term presence of non-IP telephony in the telecommunications equipment market. Therefore, the OSSIRIUS SCS 702 standard provides support for analog and digital telephony (see figure on the right).

13.2. To support non-IP telephony in workgroup nodes standard(8C8P) cross-panels (T568, for switching "RJ45"), connected by multi-pair cables with telephone cross-panels (IDC110, Krone) of a separate locker (telephone cross),which also houses telephone cross-panels connectedfrom a private branch exchangeamphenol cables (with TELCO connectors).

L The lines coming from the telecommunication sockets are connected either to the network switch or to the cross-panel.

As a result, connection withappropriate pairs of telephone cross-panels placed in a separate locker (telephone cross), it is possible to connect specific ports of workplaces with specific lines of the PBX.

13.3. Initially, unless otherwise required, workgroup node every second port of telecommunication sockets is connected to the cross-panel, and every first port is connected to the network switch.

13.4. When switching to IP-telephony inworkgroup nodes additional network switches are installed, to which the lines previously connected to the cross-panels are switched.

13.5. To support system telephones operating on 2 pairs of conductors, a cross-panel cutting scheme can be used workgroup node given below, which makes it possible to avoidwithout doubling the number of pairs in the cable.

14.0. cable channels.

14.1. When installing cable routes in an industrial room, under a false ceiling and in a control room, wire trays should be used (figure below). Thanks to the Faraday cage effect, wire trays significantly reduce the effect of electromagnetic interference on cables.

14.2. To organize cable routes in the workplace area, plastic boxes (cable channels) and appropriate accessories can be used (figure below).

14.3. The best coefficient of allowable filling with cables (up to 0.7 (70%)) is possessed by plastic mini boxes with sockets mounted in installation boxes from the outside (figure below, two pictures on the left). In boxes with built-in sockets, the cable fill factor is 0.4 (40%).

14.4. In rooms where non-stationary workplaces are located on a large open area, it is reasonable to place cable routes in the space under the floor. Cable routes organized under the floor are built using grounded wire or metal closed trays. The use of grounded trays is explained by the possibility of static voltage draining from the raised floor.

Information outlets in this case are placed in special service blocks mounted directly in the raised floor panel or in service racks (figures below).

14.5. In rooms without wall partitions, service racks can be used in combination with a cable route placed above the suspended ceiling (figure above and on the right).

14.6. The organization of cable routes closed with a concrete floor screed is not provided for by the OSSIRIUS SCS 702 standard.

14.7. Equipment cords - connecting the data port and equipment at the workplace - that are in the aisle can be covered with a floor box (figure below).

Using a floor box to organize a cable route horizontal or backbone subsystems not allowed!

14.8. To eliminate crosstalk between cables, UTP cables in cable channels are laid randomly (not in parallel).

14.9. Bundling of cables with winding is not allowed.

15.0. Internal conduits, external conduits and urban entry.

15.1. Into the aisles cable channels metal pipes are laid through the walls and interfloor ceilings - conduits (bank of conduits, figure below). The spaces between the pipes are filled with material corresponding to the material of the walls and ceilings (for example, they are concreted). The edges of the ends of the pipes are rounded. The distance between the pipes should be 0.75 of their diameter.

15.2. Optical cablecampus backbone subsysteminserted through an external conduit and laid up todemarcation points or distribution node of the building without any intermediate devices. In this case, a 3-5 meter supply of cable is made in the form of rings. Shown below are ways to bring cables into a building using different external conduits.

15.3. Wall passage and conduit arrangementtrequires coordination with the person responsible for the fire safety of the building (in some cases it is necessary to install fire barriers), and with the designers of the building (damage to the reliability of the building structure should be excluded).

15.4. To accommodate equipment (switching nodes, couplings, cable stock, lightning protection, etc.) of operators of external applications, at the border of the SCSThere is a special territory - the city entrance (Entrance Facility). It can be a place on the wall or a separate room.

15.5. Urban input is organized above ground level, in a room with a normal environment and room temperature, isolated from water supply, sewerage and heating systems. A demarcation point is located on the territory of the city input, if the latter is provided for in the SCS.

16.0. Working and executive documentation. Symbols in SCS.

16.1. Working documentation is carried out before the start of installation work.

16.2. Working documentation should contain: a) room diagrams, indicating the locations of telecommunication sockets, cable routes and conduits; b) schemes for organizing cable routes of the building as a whole; c) layout of equipment in SCS nodes; d) a complete list of installed equipment and Supplies(specification); blank cable log tables and connection tables (for notes).

16.3. Schemes of working documentation should be exhaustively complete. References to other documents, including terms of reference, any standards, separate explications of premises, orders, etc. are not allowed.

16.4. The design of working documentation (frames, stamps, information about the developer, style elements) should not affect its usability. Schemes of working documentation should occupy the maximum part of the sheet area.

16.5. Where possible, work documentation schemes should be divided into A4 sheets so that they contain information related to a specific stage of work in a particular area.

16.6. Below are the accepted OSSIRIUS SCS 702 conditional designations.

16.7. In order to fulfill the Executive Documentation, changes are made to the Working Documentation upon the fact of the work being done, and tables of the cable log and connections are drawn up for finishing. The resulting material is filed into a folder (several folders) along with:

title page;
- Explanatory note;
- List of documents and materials;
- Descriptions of the installed active equipment, operating instructions, passports;
- CD / DVD media with drivers and software for active equipment;
- CD/DVD media containing electronic versions all executive documents.
- Certificate of SCS;

16.8. The explanatory note of the executive documentation must contain a description SCS and links to documents that determined the key points of its structure (TOR, requirements, corporate standards, etc.).

17.0. Marking of cables and SCS equipment.

17.1. The OSSIRIUS SCS 702 standard allows a simplified marking (for a system with a single node) indicating only the workplace number and a full marking indicating the cable destination (two digits for the cabinet number, one digit for the switch/device number and two digits for the port number).

17.2. Cable marking is made from left to right from each end of the cable, as well as at the points of separation of the main groups of cables (figures below).

17.3. When marking a cable laid between nodes, the assignment to the ports of both nodes is indicated. When labeling an aggregated cable and cable groups, the ports with the smallest number are indicated (figure below).
The node that is higher in the hierarchical structure is marked with the letter "M".

18.0. Cable magazines and connection tables.

18.1. For every th SCS nodea separate cable magazine is started containing comprehensive information about all the cables included in it. A fragment of such a log is given below.

Port, Group

Cabinet (shield) No. 21,
Location: Room 323 (Working Group Node)

Cable marking

Purpose of the cable

Cable type, length

Room, Wardrobe

Socket / Device

Port (group), couples

Device #3 (Cross panel 568)





21324 М31711

Floor node, M31

Device No. 4 (Socket block 220V)

21401 M32406

18.2. Data about each connection inside the locker is entered in the connection table (see below). Each patch cord is assigned a number containing the number of the switched device (of two devices, the device with the lower number is selected) and the port number of this device involved. The node number is discarded (for example, a patch cord connecting port #12 of the 3rd device to port #24 of the 0th device is designated as "024").


Device to be connected
with minor number

Device to be connected
with senior number

Port, couples

Port assignment

Port assignment

Port, couples

room, 324, socket 21301

network switch

room, 324, socket 21302

network switch

room, 324, socket 21303

network switch

19.0. SCS certificate.

19.1. The quality of SCS installation and the accuracy of following the OSSIRIUS SCS 702 standard certifies SCS certificate.

20.0. Service life of SCS.

20.1. The warranty period of the certified SCS is 10 years.

20.2. The average service life of the SCS, ascompletedobject (before modernization) - 5 years.

20.3. The maximum estimated service life of the components used in the SCS is 20 years.


ATTENTION: official documents (laws, regulations, orders, standards) posted on the site are intended for informational purposes only. You should not use the information from the site as an official document, as I do not guarantee that it is free of errors. If you require an official copy of these documents, please contact government agency authorized to distribute them.

GOST R 53246-2008.
Structured cable systems. Design of the main components of the system. General requirements

3. Cable system

3.1. Functional elements of a structured cabling system

The structured cabling system described in this standard consists of the following functional elements:

Main cross (MC);

Cables of the main subsystem of the first level;

Intermediate cross (IC);

Cables of the main subsystem of the second level;

Horizontal cross (HC);

Horizontal subsystem cable;

Consolidation point (CP);

Multi-user telecommunication socket (MuTOA or MuTO);

Telecommunication outlet (TO).

The functional elements listed above are combined into groups that form subsystems.

3.2. Structure of Structured Cabling Systems

This section defines the ways of connecting the functional elements of the SCS in:

horizontal subsystem;

backbone subsystem;




City input;


Schematic models of various functional elements that make up the SCS, the relationship and interaction between them when creating a complete system are shown in Figures 1 and 2. The SCS structure includes subsystems and additional elements.

Figure 1. An example of the topological arrangement of SCS elements and subsystems in a campus environment

Symbols for figures 1 and 2:
MC - main cross; IC - intermediate cross; HC - horizontal cross; TO - telecommunication socket;
TR - telecommunications; ER - control room; EF - city input; WA - workplace;
CP - consolidation point; DP - demarcation point; |x| - cross;
I - main subsystem of the first level; II - backbone subsystem of the second level
Figure 2. An example of the topological arrangement of SCS elements and subsystems in a building

Floor plan

To date, a domestic set of GOSTs has not yet been developed, which determines the composition and content of documents when designing local area networks (LANs). Network design can be viewed from two different perspectives. On the one hand, the LAN can be considered as one of the automation tools as part of the automated control systems of industrial and other facilities. In this case, the design falls within the scope of standards for automated control systems, concentrated near GOST 24.302-80. On the other hand, the LAN can be considered as an integral part of the so-called. structured cabling systems (SCS) buildings – Structured Cable Systems (SCS) –. In this case, the international standards, systematized in Fig. 5:

Figure 5 - International Standards for SCS

In general, for network graduation projects, the regulatory documents of the ACS were primarily reflected in the structure of the explanatory note, and the regulatory documents of the SCS were reflected in the drawing material. SCS drawings can be combined with construction drawings of various categories.

Floor plans are the main drawings of network graduation projects. They display the so-called. horizontal subsystem of SCS, i.e. contain a graphical representation of the location of the cables and installed equipment within the floors.

Key points to pay attention to:

1. The plan should reflect the actual architecture of the floor at the chosen scale and level of detail.

The plan shows walls and ceilings, window and door openings, and other architectural elements. In addition, the sizes of various elements can be specified. Sections of load-bearing structures are usually monotonously hatched. It is not recommended to overload the plan with "details" that have nothing to do with the SCS.

Rooms can be numbered, with the numbers usually placed within the rooms in a fixed size circle with numbers.

2. SCS components are depicted in the form of symbols.

Cables and conduits - horizontal segments are depicted as a solid thick line; vertical segments are depicted as "filled" squares with a width approximately three times greater than the line thickness; splices are shown as filled circles of the same size; segments are accompanied by complex callouts, above the shelves of which the structure or designation of the bundle is indicated (for example, “5 UTP”), the type of conduit (for example, “box 38x16”) and other information (for example, “5 m descent”); different types of cables (twisted pair, coaxial cable, optical fiber, etc.) and conduits (duct, gyrotube, angle, etc.) can be represented in different ways (for example, by different lines);

Floor shafts, openings, etc. - are depicted as rectangles of the appropriate size, crossed out diagonally;

RJ-45 sockets - depicted as filled triangles, which can be combined into blocks, selected using rectangles; outlets are usually labeled in complex ways (for example, "1-2-03" where 1 is the floor number, 2 is the room number, and 03 is the outlet number);

BNC connectors, terminators, etc. - are depicted as the corresponding form of filled figures of a fixed size with symbols.

Communication cabinets, racks, etc. - are depicted as rectangles of the appropriate size with callouts containing definitive inscriptions; different types of equipment can be distinguished by different shading.

3. When cables or conduits pass through load-bearing structures, their images are superimposed on images of walls and ceilings. Perforations and other holes that are additionally required in connection with the installation of the LAN may be marked in a special way.

4. Equipment that does not have a fixed location (for example, a computer at the workplace) is recommended not to be depicted on the plan.

5. In accordance with the requirements of GOST 24.302-80, the plan must have a list of symbols placed at the edge of the drawing field (the need for a list is due to the insufficient degree of standardization of symbols to avoid misinterpretations).

These issues are discussed in more detail in the relevant standards.

        Functional diagram of SCS

The functional diagram of the SCS is designed to display the functionally significant horizontal and vertical parts of the SCS in the complex. Unlike floor plans, which show the "physical" placement of the SCS, the functional diagram reveals the "logical" structure of the SCS. Simplified version functional diagram SCS is a block diagram of SCS. The difference between these diagrams and the poster depicting the structure of the LAN is that they consider the network from the point of view of the SCS.

An example of a functional diagram of the SCS is given in Appendix C.

        Layout of equipment in distribution points

Distribution room layouts, as their name implies, show the location of network equipment mounted in communication cabinets and racks within these cabinets and racks. The placement of the cabinets and racks in the rooms is shown on the floor plans.

The scheme is drawn arbitrarily using symbols from standard graphic libraries.

        Cable Connection Diagram

The cable connection diagram shows the connection of cable bundles and individual cables located between distribution points and terminal equipment, for example, between a patch panel and sockets to which client and server equipment is connected via patch cords.

The cable connection diagram is usually a table, the columns and rows of which determine the “points” for connecting the cable ends.

An example of a cable connection diagram is given in Appendix D.

        2.3.13. Cable connection diagram

The cabling diagram shows the connection of cable assemblies and individual cables within distribution points, for example, between patch panel ports and switch ports inside a wiring closet.

A cable connection diagram, like a cable connection diagram, is usually a table, the columns and rows of which define the “points” for connecting cable ends.

        Communication ground diagram

The communication grounding scheme or the general electrical scheme displays a part of the SCS that ensures the safety of the LAN operation by means of grounding, grounding, and other methods.

The communication grounding scheme is drawn according to international standards, and the general electrical diagram is drawn according to domestic ones.

        Job organization scheme

The workspace organization scheme can complement floor plans, displaying, for example, the recommended location and connection of client computers, printers, and other equipment.

The scheme is drawn arbitrarily using symbols from standard graphic libraries.

        List of equipment, products and materials

Each network graduation project must include a list of equipment, products and materials, which contains a complete list of everything necessary for the formation of SCS and, in general, the installation of a LAN. The list is attached to the explanatory note as an appendix.

In general, when compiling a list of equipment, products and materials, the approaches are the same as those for any specifications, for example, for a list of elements of a circuit diagram.

The main points to pay attention to (in comparison with the list of elements of the circuit diagram):

1. A list of equipment, products and materials is also compiled on an A4 sheet containing the main inscription in form 2 or 2a, but the document designation is “independent”.

2. The list of equipment, products and materials is also drawn up in the form of a table, but with other columns. Due to the lack of domestic GOSTs that clearly define the composition of the table and the width of the columns, it is recommended to include the following columns of suitable width in the table:

- "Pos." - indicates the serial number of equipment, product or material in the group.

- “Name and technical characteristics” - the name of this type of equipment, product or material is indicated, including the Russian name, additional technical characteristics, etc. (for example, “Plastic box 50x50, plank 2 m”).

- "Type, brand, designation" - indicates the full industrial marking of this type of equipment, product or material (for example, "MTRS50").

- "Manufacturer" - indicates the manufacturer of this type of equipment, products or material (for example, "Marshall Tufflex (USA)").

- "Unit. rev.» - the unit of measure for the quantity of this type of equipment, products or material is indicated (for example, “pieces”).

- "Col." - indicates the total amount of this type of equipment, products or material according to the unit of measurement.

- "Note" - additional information may be indicated (for example, "it is allowed to replace it with a similar one in agreement with the customer").

The text in all columns must be centered, except for the text in the column "Name and technical characteristics" - on the left (with the exception of group names).

3. All equipment, products and materials are divided into groups.

The name of the group is given in the center of the line in the column "Name and technical characteristics", underlined (for example, " Active network equipment”) and is placed directly above the specification of the first equipment, product or material from the group.

4. The list is filled in in a strictly defined order based on the names of equipment, products and materials, taking into account the division into groups.

First, the groups are sorted - in the Russian alphabet, and then the equipment, products and materials are sorted in groups - also in the Russian alphabet.

5. Groups must be separated by blank lines and, in addition, "reserve" blank lines can be entered into the table.

Any SCS includes tens of thousands of different components. Building local networks and structured systems is complicated by a huge number of individual elements and devices on the basis of which they are created. To prevent system management from turning into chaos, visual and unique marking of individual groups of components is used.

It is difficult to accurately calculate the damage to the company from downtime during testing and repair of SCS, when the engineer "blindly" tries to find a damaged cable. The installation of SCS and LAN can be significantly improved with a clear segmentation and separation of all used elements and parts.

To simplify the orientation in the cable industry, an international system of marking individual parts of the cable network is used, which is an "international language" that allows you to quickly navigate in a structured cable network

General requirements for marking SCS elements are formulated in the current TIA / EIA-606 standard, which describes in detail the groups of network components accepted for indexing: cables, cross equipment, cords and sockets, permanent connectors, trays, boxes and grounding elements.
According to the standard, the marking component must comply with the requirements of the UL969 test, namely, it must have a field for applying inscriptions of a certain length and color. Marked components can be various types and size, have high mechanical strength and resistance to environmental influences. The classification of the used cable network marking elements is quite simple. Marked cables installed at the stage of SCS creation are called technological elements.

Markers used already during the operation of the cable network are called finishing. The lack of final marking makes the network management process difficult, so the cable system is not put into operation without the marking and identification process. There are regular marking elements that are included in the delivery of many SCS solutions, for example, panels or sockets.

In modern structured cabling networks, various types of additional tags are widely used, which are produced by specialized companies. Additional tags are available in a variety of colors and good quality performance, which allows you to identify individual links and functional blocks of the enterprise cable system.

The most popular and widespread element of labeling today are adhesive labels, which are used as elements of technological and finishing labeling. Labels are used to identify various components of the SCS: cable and switching equipment, boxes, cabinets, ground plates.

SCS structure

Structured Cabling System (SCS) should consist of any or all of the following subsystems:

These subsystems include the following functional elements:

  • Main Distribution Point (GRP)
  • Territory backbone cable
  • Distribution Point Buildings (RPZ)
  • Main building cable
  • Floor Distribution Point (RPP)
  • Horizontal cable
  • Transition point (TP)
  • Telecommunication Connector (TP)

Horizontal subsystem

The horizontal subsystem is the part of the telecommunications cabling system that runs between the telecommunications outlet/connector in the workplace and the horizontal distribution box in the telecommunications closet. It consists of horizontal cables and that part of the horizontal distribution box in the telecommunication cabinet that serves the horizontal cable. Each floor of the building is recommended to be served by its own Horizontal Subsystem.

All horizontal cables, regardless of the type of transmission medium, should not exceed 90 m in the section from the telecommunications outlet at the workplace to the horizontal cross. At least two horizontal cables must be laid for each workplace.

For voice and data applications, four-pair UTP/ScTP and fiber optic cables must be run in a star topology from the telecommunications closet on each floor to each individual data outlet. All cable paths must be agreed with the customer before cable laying.

Each segment of the UTP / ScTP cable between the horizontal part of the cross-country in the telecommunication closet and the information outlet must not contain sleeves.

Backbone subsystem

The cable route within the building that connects the cabinet to the cabinet or to the equipment room is called the Backbone subsystem of the building, connecting the main cross-section in the equipment room with intermediate cross-sections (IC) and with horizontal cross-sections in telecommunication cabinets (TC). It consists of a medium in which information is transmitted along the highway between these points, and the corresponding switching equipment that terminates this type of medium.

The backbone subsystem should include a cable installed vertically between storey telecommunication cabinets, a main or intermediate cross-section in a multi-storey building, as well as a cable installed horizontally between telecommunication cabinets, a main or intermediate cross-section in an extended one-story building.

All vehicles must have or be available for reuse adequate cross-sectional area of ​​the main route so that no additional routes need to be created. All trails, if intended for use in telecommunication systems, must have fire plugs, whether the trails are used or not.

Backbone cables should be run topologically in a star pattern, starting at the main distribution frame and running to each telecommunications closet. There may be an intermediate cross between the main and horizontal crosses. Such a system is called a hierarchical star topology.

All telecommunications cabling systems and equipment must be grounded in accordance with relevant codes and regulations.

Highways between buildings

When the distribution system spans more than one building, the components that provide communication between buildings constitute the Backbone subsystem between buildings. This subsystem includes the medium through which trunk signals are transmitted, the corresponding switching equipment designed for terminating of this type environment, and electrical protection devices to suppress dangerous voltages when exposed to lightning and/or high voltage electricity, the peaks of which can penetrate the cable inside the building. This is typically a layer 1 backbone cable running from the main distribution box in the control room of the central building to the intermediate distribution box in the control room of the field building.

The trunk subsystem should include cable laid between buildings, in a tunnel, buried directly in the ground, or in any combination of these methods, and passing from the main distribution block to the intermediate distribution block in a system consisting of several buildings. Backbone cables must be installed in a star topology, starting from the main cross-connect to each telecommunications closet in the field building. All cables between buildings must be installed in accordance with relevant regulations.

Workplace subsystem

This subsystem connects the information socket (telecommunication socket) and the active device (computer/telephone). The subsystem defines the requirements for hardware cords and telecommunications sockets at the user's workplace.

Telecommunication connectors are located on the wall, on the floor or in any other area of ​​the workplace. It all depends on the design of the building. When designing a cabling system, telecommunications connectors should be placed in easily accessible places. The high density of the connectors increases the flexibility of the system in relation to changes. In many countries, connectors are installed on the basis of: two connectors for a minimum of 6 square meters. m. and a maximum of 10 sq. m. of working area. Connectors can be installed both separately and in a group, but each workplace must be equipped with at least two connectors.

Each telecommunication socket must be marked with a permanent, highly visible label for the user. Attention should be paid to the marking of each duplex pair: all marking changes must be recorded in the documentation.

Placement of a control room or telecommunications cabinet

The control room subsystem consists of electronic communications equipment for collective (general) use, located in the control room or in a telecommunications cabinet, and the transmission medium necessary for connection to distribution equipment serving the horizontal or backbone subsystems.

Telecommunication cabinets must provide all the necessary conditions (space, power, environmental conditions, etc.) for passive elements and active equipment installed in them. Each cabinet must have direct access to the main cables.

Grounding of telecommunications equipment must be carried out in accordance with local and national regulations.

The equipment includes cross-connect fittings, patch panels and racks, active telecommunications equipment, as well as fixtures and devices for testing. It is also necessary to provide a grounding trunk based on the connecting conductor to ensure direct connection hardware and telecommunication cabinets. These elements are part of the grounding infrastructure (a system of telecommunications routes and rooms in the building structure) and are independent of equipment or cabling. The equipment room must not be used by other building services that directly or indirectly may interfere with the functioning of the telecommunications system.

Subsystem Signal carrier type Recommended use
Horizontal cables Voice, data
Optical fiber If needed (1)
Trunk cables Shielded or unshielded twisted pair Voice and low-speed data transmission medium
Optical fiber High speed data transmission medium
Trunk cables of the territory Optical fiber For most applications. The use of optical fiber solves many of the problems associated with sources of interference.
Shielded or unshielded twisted pair If needed (2)

(1 ) Under certain conditions (safety considerations, environmental conditions, etc.) the use of optical fiber for horizontal cables may be considered

(2 ) UTP or FP can be used by the backbone subsystem of the territory, if the distance allows and at the same time, the high bandwidth inherent in optical cables is not required.

Today the world has accepted TIA/EIA-606-B standard on SCS, in which the mandatory requirement is the marking of system components: cables, patch panels, workplaces (modules), cabinets, cross equipment. Since the use of marking greatly simplifies not only installation, but also the daily tasks of administering the cable system.

Requirements for SCS marking are described in paragraphs 9.6.3 and 9.8 of GOST R 53246-2008, which states that all markers must be mechanically printed, clearly visible, and securely in place throughout the lifetime of the system (15-20 years or more).

We would like to point out that so far Most of the time there is no marking at all., and in other cases there is a marking made "by hand" on short-lived materials using household writing instruments. The consequence of the application of this marking technology is the lack of unambiguous identification (readability) of information during the operation and maintenance of equipment.

The lack of correct marking inevitably leads to difficulties in scaling, administering and reorganizing the communication network. Confusion occurs, complicating the work of personnel servicing the cable system, and increasing the time it takes to identify and eliminate faults in the system. And the company's budget bears monetary losses due to equipment downtime.

But, there are solutions for creating high-quality markings according to the European standard TIA / EIA-606-B and Russian GOST R 53246-2008, offered by Brady Corporation, based on the technology of thermal transfer printing on polymer materials for various operating conditions. Namely, using the capabilities of thermal transfer printers is the most effective way creating durable and wear-resistant marking labels.

The technology of thermal transfer printing lies in the fact that the ink composition from the ribbon (ink ribbon) is transferred to the label material by means of instantaneous point heating of the ribbon at the points of contact with the material. The inscriptions applied in this way are particularly resistant to external influences, do not fade and are not erased.

As part of solving the problems of marking and administering SCS systems in accordance with GOST R 53246-2008 and the TIA / EIA-606-B standard, BRADY offers a new portable thermal transfer printer BMP 21-PLUS. Universal, small-sized device that performs a full range of tasks for marking electrical and telecommunications equipment, equipment for data processing and transmission systems, in production, in laboratories, as well as in the office and at home.

Fully Russified. It has comfortable ergonomics and a particularly durable design: cartridges with the "Insert, fix, print" system, protective rubber shock absorbers on the body, screen backlight. All this provides all conditions for fast and comfortable work.

But the main thing in the printer BMP 21-PLUS that it is the only device on Russian market, with which you can create marking of the entire SCS system according to the TIA / EIA-606-B and GOST standards thanks to a new expanded color palette and new sizes of marking materials. The color palette of the labels includes all the SCS colors prescribed by the standard (violet, yellow, brown, red, etc.). And the new material size of 6mm allows you to accurately and accurately create patch panel markings. In addition, the new printer has the ability to mark cables of all categories used in the installation of SCS (including categories cat5, cat 5e, cat6, multi-pair and optical cables).

Also, using this portable printer, you can mark: power supply systems; active equipment; telecommunication premises and telephone lines.

Printer BRADY BMP 21-PLUS prints at a resolution of 203 dpi, which allows you to vary the font size without losing the clarity of the applied characters. This is especially useful when you need to fit a long ID number into a small box.

In addition, the printer has a useful serial printing function. It is enough to specify the necessary parameters so that it quickly prints the required number of markers in compliance with the logical sequence you specified. The minimum font size is 6 pixels.

Printer BMP21-PLUS provides complete freedom of action. Allows you to select materials for labels in accordance with the external conditions in which they will be used, as well as with the color code required by GOST.

On a portable printer BRADY BMP21-PLUS you'll create a label that will last for years and provide quick and easy system identification.
