Money is withdrawn from the phone megaphone what to do. Where does the money go on MegaFon: we analyze the costs of communications and the Internet

Several times I heard from friends that their operator mobile communications"steals money" In each of these stories, the operators were different, and people could not clearly explain anything, calling this phenomenon “they write off I don’t know why.” I thought that the reason was not in the operator, but in the subscribers themselves, who simply did not familiarize themselves well enough with the terms of service or connected some tariff option forgetting to turn it off later.

But a few months ago, I myself was faced with such a situation: the Megafon operator, against my will, for my own money, provided a completely unnecessary service to me.

History of one write-off.

Our retired granny has cellular telephone. The SIM card is in my name. Prudent relatives through Megafon's "Service Guide" turned off all services, options and paid entertainment services that could lead to write-offs. In general, the granny uses voice communication and sometimes checks the balance.

One day, granny announces to us that the balance of funds on her personal account has strangely decreased, and she thinks that, they say, this is “probably collected to help flood victims in the Far East.” We ask granny if she sent any SMS: she replies that she didn’t send anything, she only checked the balance in the morning, “but the phone was lying next to the TV when the news was about the flood.”

Of course, we laughed, and decided that the granny simply did not get along with the debit and credit, she messed up something, or maybe she chatted with a friend from the village along the long distance.

But just in case, I looked into the details through Megafon's "personal account". What I saw surprised me:

Among other things, the list of services included mysterious services for 20 rubles - a number, an access point "400". The cost, of course, is not high, but what if they continue to withdraw 60 rubles a day like this? Neither I nor my grandmother connected such a service. There is not a word about her on the Megafon website. All paid entertainment services are disabled. you ist das?

Is Megafon stealing money? Let's figure it out.

One of the Megafon offices is located nearby, so without thinking twice, I send a letter there asking why the money was debited, what is the outgoing premium ussd and how to turn it off. The text went something like this:

Today, October 3, 2013, there was a write-off from the personal account of subscriber number 927******* Money in the amount of 60 rubles. for the following services:

03.10.2013 7:49 400 Outgoing USSD premium 20

03.10.2013 7:50 400 Outgoing USSD premium 20

According to the person using this subscriber number (elderly person), the operation “checking the balance” was performed with the phone at the indicated time, the combination *100# was dialed. I do not exclude the possibility that, due to the advanced age of the user, a different combination could have been erroneously dialed on the phone.I find the write-off of funds and the fact of the provision of the service erroneous, since the service "USSD-premium" I did not connect. In addition, the service "Prohibition of sending entertainmentSMS". In view of this, I ask you to cancel the write-off of funds.

Also, in order to prevent such write-offs in the future, I ask you to clarify what user actions can lead to such write-offs of funds.

Please send the answer by mail to the address specified in the contract for the provision of communication services.

Megafon today is among the leaders of Russian mobile operators, which provides roaming in Ukraine, Turkey and a number of other countries. It is not uncommon for the organization's specialists to receive statements from clients about unauthorized withdrawals of funds from the account. Today, any subscriber of a mobile operator can find out for what money was withdrawn on Megafon on their own or with the help of company specialists, it is enough to know about the existing opportunities.

Is it possible to find out why the money was withdrawn on Megafon

It is not difficult to check for what and why the money was withdrawn today. Each Megafon subscriber has the right, if necessary, to find out such information by using the account detailing service to obtain information about when and for what the mobile operator debited the account. Data on completed transactions can be obtained for a period of not more than 3rd years from the date of application. The company offers the opportunity to get 4 types of detail:

  • one-time - information about all actions of the subscriber, including SMS and MMS, you can get it for the last 6 months in your personal account, for a longer period you will need to visit a communication salon with a passport;
  • monthly detailing - allows you to find out about the subscriber's actions for the month, which can be received periodically by mail, by courier delivery or by e-mail;
  • monthly invoice - a summary of the expenses incurred by the client during the month can be received by the 10th day in the form of a fax, postal receipt or letter to email;
  • last write-offs - when typing a command on the phone to the smartphone receives an SMS notification containing information about the last 5 actions of the client.

The last two types of detailing are provided to the client free of charge. In order to receive and find out the monthly details, you will need to pay 90 rubles. The cost of obtaining a one-time list depends on the period of provision:

  • day - 3 rubles;
  • week - 21 rubles;
  • month - 90 rubles.

When using the personal account service, the client has the right to receive details once a day for free. All subsequent requests within a day are provided by the operator with debiting the amount from the account.

Why take money from the phone

To get information about the last 5 charges on the phone, the client can dial the SMS command in the form *512#) . An SMS notification will be sent to the smartphone containing information about the five actions of the subscriber. The client will be able to see recent calls, messages, Internet sessions, time and cost of any paid actions.

How to disable unnecessary services

If you find a problem with withdrawing money, it is recommended to check and, if necessary, disable all unnecessary paid services and subscriptions on the company's official portal, using mobile application. You can check the list of services and subscriptions available on your phone by dialing the following combination:

  • *105#;
  • the number 3, which means services;
  • number 1, to form a list of signed ones.

Information comes in the form of SMS, which reflects a list of existing subscriptions. Similar information can be obtained by sending an SMS from the phone with the word "STOP" to number 5051 or by making a USSD request in the form *505#.

Owners of a personal account or mobile application have the ability to disable unnecessary subscriptions using the systems service. To do this, just go to the "Service Management" section and select those that require deactivation from the list. You can turn off unnecessary services at the branch of the company or by calling hot number operator with the help of a call center specialist. The latter methods involve an identity card, so passport data will be required.

What to do if money continues to be debited

The company's specialists recommend that you first use the help of a customer support center specialist and first call the operator's hot number. If it is impossible to solve the problem remotely, you must personally visit the company's showroom to find out the nuances of debiting funds.

If the money continues to be debited, and the client cannot independently determine the reason, then it is necessary to visit the nearest branch of the mobile operator and contact a company employee. To identify the cardholder, you will need to present a passport. This method is not the fastest and will require some time to communicate with a company specialist. The company's specialist will help in the following matters:

  • check the details of the client's actions;
  • explain the reasons for the write-off;
  • help to disable unnecessary services or explain the reasons for withdrawing funds;
  • will provide the necessary advice.

Contacting the branch of the mobile operator gives the greatest guarantee of a full check to exclude the situation of debiting funds in the future.

Precautionary measures

The company's specialists say that in the vast majority of cases, the fact that funds are written off without the consent of the owner is associated with the payment of a subscription fee for subscriptions and services provided on a paid basis. You should not visit sites of a dubious nature, follow the links sent, open items from unknown recipients.

To effectively get rid of the risks of connecting content mailings in the future, it is recommended to use the Stop Content operator service, which allows you to cancel the opportunity automatic connection. To do this, the subscriber needs to send a USSD request in the form of *105*801 command.

It is worth paying attention to the issue of owning several numbers, when there is a possibility of debiting funds from one number to replenish the balance of another.

When signing a contract for the provision of services mobile operator You should carefully read all the clauses of the agreement. Often, customers do not pay special conditions for debiting funds according to the tariff plan, which causes misunderstandings. If desired, the subscriber always has the opportunity to change the current tariff to any other from the line of offers of the operator.

You found out that money is leaving your mobile account, but you do not have paid services And under the terms of the tariff there are no such costs? Don't be too quick to blame the cellular network. cellular will not risk reputation, and withdraw money unnecessarily. So, how to determine where the funds from the mobile account go?

Let's try to figure it out, having dealt with all the features of the connection. Cellular networks in Russia are not ideal, but they will not steal funds from the account, as they have many different methods of how to make money on clients. Usually the main reason is hidden services which you may not even be aware of. To eliminate this, it is enough to know which services are activated and block the unnecessary. But there may be other reasons as well. First of all, we will deal with the main reasons for the loss of funds.

Cost Details

There are several methods to determine why funds are leaving the number:

  • Visit your personal account;
  • Contact the operator 0500 ;
  • Go to the operator's sales office.

The simplest of them is to order details through your personal account. In your office you will have the opportunity to display the details on the display or on the printer. This service does not require payment and is always available. In the provided report, you will see all the expenses of funds associated with your number. If at least one penny was spent, then you will find out when and for what it was spent.

If any paid services that have not been ordered are activated, you can disable them in the " Service management". You can go to and read a separate article about these methods. But if there are connected subscriptions from third-party sites, then this is already a problem.

How to find out where the funds go, except for details

As a rule, you can sort out your spending of money without outside help, having received the details of the calculations. But in rare cases, you won't be able to. And then we recommend that you contact the support center or come to the operator's sales office for help.

But before you decide to visit the office, first call the support center 0500. After dialing this number, follow the instructions of the robot and contact the operator. When you are connected to a specialist, try to find out why the money is leaving. The reason is in incomprehensible tariff conditions or money is debited for another number. In general, you will receive an answer with explanations.

If for any reason you were not satisfied with the operator's response, and the write-off was illegal, you can visit the nearest communication office to you. Arriving there, write a statement. If you can prove that the withdrawal was not your fault, then the money will be returned to your account. But it won't be an easy task. If the money was debited from the account due to the fact that you did not correctly understand the terms of the tariff, then the blame for this falls on you. We need to take a closer look at the contract. In any case, you can always switch to another network while keeping your number and get better conditions.

Small precautions to avoid unnecessary spending:

  1. Carefully study the terms of services and services;
  2. Never subscribe to dubious services (horoscopes, news, jokes, movies, tunes, etc.);
  3. If you got on a file sharing service, then do not connect paid access to it. Otherwise, you will be connected paid subscriptions and funds will be regularly debited from the account;
  4. Do not help in connecting dubious accounts, do not make requests and commands;
  5. Do not participate in TV lotteries and other dubious pranks.

By regularly checking the SIM card balance, you can avoid such situations when you urgently need to call the account or order services, but there are no funds on the account. You can also avoid additional costs associated with paid services and subscriptions.

For those who do not check the balance, they can be active for years before the person knows about it. And these are all additional and sometimes useless costs. To avoid such problems, we offer you several ways to find out the latest Megafon charges in order to control costs.

Money is debited for sent sms, mms, traffic, data packages ordered by the user, some incoming calls if they are made from paid or international numbers and outgoing.

There are still a lot of options where the money goes: options and services, subscriptions, frequent changes in tariff plans, and much more. To determine the costs, the Megafon operator has created several options, including the billing details for the day, which can be received 1 time per day for free in your personal account, expenses for 1, 6 months, which can be controlled in your personal account by paying for it.

Ussd-commands can also control the details, as well as using sms. If the subscriber needs to know the costs that date back more than 6 months, then he only has to visit the Megafon office to write an application.

Then the procedure will be performed. As convenient options for detailing the account, you can use special services"SMS Check" "The balance of loved ones", "Live balance".

How to find out write-offs for the last week on Megafon?

Weekly expenses will be shown if you use one of the following methods:

  • creating a ussd request in the format * 113 # , by sending which you will receive an mms message, which will contain a whole list regarding each transaction that has occurred in the last 7 days with the date, amount and specific time of debiting;
  • having received data by e-mail: if it is inconvenient for you to read expenses on the phone, because this information is always voluminous, then create text message, in the body of which write your email address by sending it to number 5039, this option is paid and will amount to 21 rubles. (may vary by region)
  • in personal account by logging in to the site using your phone as a login and a one-time password, which you need to receive upon request * 105 * 00 #; then visit the section "My account", in which select the column, then a page will open indicating the given month and year, at the bottom of which there will be a button "Order call details"; after selecting the time period, click "Order", and now a list of all expenses for the specified period will appear on your screen.
  • get information on the screen by sending a text message to 5039, leaving the "text" field empty, as a result of which you will receive an mms, which will contain a list of transactions, time, amount, date for the previous 7 days.

How to find out write-offs for the last month on Megafon?

There are several options for obtaining details, but almost all of them are paid. If you want to know the costs for a short period of time, then you do not have to pay for it, but if for a month or more, then such a procedure will be paid.

Free options:

  • In order to find out what the last 5 paid actions were made, you can use the free command * 512 #. By sending such a request, you will receive an SMS in which you will receive information about 5 debits of funds in the form of date-time-type of operation-duration and quantity-cost.
  • Personal Area allows you to see where the money has been spent. After logging in here under your phone, indicating it in the "Login" line and a one-time password, which is easy to get by command * 105 * 00 #, click "Login".

Go to the column "My account"in which you need to find "Expenses, Replenishment and Detailing", then a page will open indicating the month and year (current), at the bottom there will be a button "Order call details". You must select the time period by clicking "Order". As a result, information on costs for a specific period will appear on the screen.

Monthly report

Service "Monthly report" available to every Megafon user. You can connect it in your account in the "Services" section. To do this, first log in using your login, which is a phone number, as well as a password.

You can get it by sending a request * 105 * 00 # from your mobile. Next, you will be directed to home page office. Here select the section "Services, options", then "Statistics and Detail". To place an order for the option, you must specify your email address, file parameters by clicking "Connect".

The option is provided for a fee and its cost varies depending on the region of registration of the number, for Moscow 90 rubles. Connection is also carried out via sms at 0500 and in the Megafon communication salon.

Now you will receive monthly invoice details for the entire period. You will always know where the amount went, what calls were made and how much traffic, sms, mms, subscriptions, paid options cost you.

Full details of MegaFon paid services

Full detail is information about changes in the account for a long period of time more than 1 month. In order to obtain such data, you must contact the operator or consultant. There are several ways to do this:

  • call one by one free number 0500 , listen to the voice menu, select the section of communication with the consultant, wait for the specialist's answer and request invoice details, indicating the time period; information will be delivered to your phone;
  • contact any Megafon communication salon in your city, where you need to present your passport to the consultant and write an application for detailing the costs, in which you will need to specify the period, as well as the email where the information will be sent.

other methods

You can control communication costs not only by ordering a detailing service, but also regularly with special options from Megafon. We present the most useful to your attention.

sms check

Absolutely free option, with which you will control the transfer of funds to the balance. You will always know how much your account was replenished and at what time. After the money is credited, you will receive an SMS with information about the date, the amount of replenishment and the current balance.

You can activate the option in your personal account in the "Services, options" section, as well as by command * 313 * 1 # by sending a text message to 5013, in the body of which indicate the word "YES".

Living balance

An option that provides the opportunity to find out after each paid option how much you have spent. For example, after sending a message or a call, a sign will appear on the screen with the amount of funds spent on this action and the remaining funds in the account.

Live-balance is available in roaming and in Russia, on a smartphone and tablet. Information will pop up on the screen without sound notifications, just look at the information in time.

To activate the option, go to your personal account "Services, options", where you will find the appropriate one, or create a short request * 134 * 1 #. After connecting, you will be notified by SMS.

The balance of loved ones

If you always replenish the account of your children, parents, relatives, you will no longer have to ask how much money they have left, there is special option "The balance of loved ones" which is provided free of charge.

The guardian is the one who controls the balance, and the ward is the one who controls the balance. The ward must first dial the command * 438 * 1 * tel # , where instead of "tel" indicate the number of the guardian. Now the person with this number will be able to see how much money you have in your account. To view information, the guardian must dial the command * 100 * ward number# . Management is possible by number 000006 .

other methods

You can order bill details by courier or by e-mail by contacting the Megafon communication salon in your city with a passport or by calling short number 0500 . When the specialist asks for your data, dictate it and inform that you want to receive the details for the n-th period of time by courier / by mail.

How to find out write-offs for the required period of time on Megafon?

The easiest way to get information about your expenses is to find out about the most recent actions. It won't cost you money, everything is free. Send a request * 512 # for information about the last 5 paid actions.


All services are provided at different prices:

  • Live balance will cost you 1.5 rubles per day.
  • Ordering details in your personal account - 0 p.
  • Detailing for 7 days on command - 21 rubles.
  • Ordering detailing from the operator or in the salon - 3 rubles. per day, for example, 100 days 300 rubles.
  • The balance of loved ones is free.
  • SMS check is free.

Choose for yourself the ways to receive a complete expense report from the ones listed above. Some of them are free.

Every day we make a large number of calls, send SMS and consume network traffic. Sometimes money from the balance is spent too quickly and it is not clear for what purpose. And the user may not even notice it. We will find out for what they can withdraw money on Megafon.

When money is withdrawn without the knowledge of the subscriber

For correct operation mobile device it is necessary to periodically replenish the account and it becomes unpleasant if the amount of expenses increases, and the terms of provision and characteristics tariff plan do not change. Funds can be withdrawn from the account without the consent of the consumer for several reasons:

  1. On the telephone number the user has installed information or entertainment subscriptions, additional paid content. Moreover, these applications may not apply to the Megafon network. Usually, their presence is indicated by constantly arriving advertising notifications in the form of SMS.
  2. On the SIM card, services that work in a paid mode are active.
  3. The presence of debts to the provider on other SIM cards that are registered for one consumer.
  4. Poorly selected contract.
  5. Hidden restrictions and tricks from the operator when changing the tariff plan. For example, a subscriber activated a contract, within the framework of which a certain function was provided for a promotion, completely freely. But when the promo period ended and the conditions changed, earlier free service will begin to charge a commission every day. Often the client himself launches a certain option, and then simply forgets about it.
  6. Mobile device may be infected viral program and scammers steal money.
  7. Smart phone operation. Going to unknown resources and opening suspicious links.

Controlling expenses in your personal account

To enter your personal account, please register by entering your phone number and security code. In the main menu of the resource displayed useful information, the current state of the balance, the volume of balances of package data in the current month and much more.

If you want to know why the extra money was withdrawn from the balance, look at the information about all installed options on your mobile device. To do this, open the "Services" section. Here you can control the appearance unnecessary applications, useless paid content and subscriptions. Deactivate them if necessary.

To find out specifically the time interval and function due to which funds were lost, go to the "Expenses" tab and you will see information about all paid activities in the current monthly period. If you need statistics for several months or a longer period of operation, fill out the details or order an invoice.

The first request for one-time detailing is free of charge, for subsequent requests, you will have to pay 3 rubles per day. There is periodic reporting, it costs 90 rubles. After activation, you will receive full statistics every 30 days. You can request an invoice to your e-mail for zero rubles. or at mailbox for 90 rubles per month.

Attention! To use the personal account service, you need a stable internet connection.

Help from Megafon employees

If the received detailing and personal account did not help, use the qualified help of specialists. You can choose two paths:

  1. Call on hotline technical support consumer 0500, ask the operator to disable connected services.
  2. Contact the service provider's salon.

USSD requests

In order not to be unexpectedly left without money on the balance sheet, it is necessary to periodically control your expenses. Here is a list of USSD combinations:

  1. *105# . The team provides remote access to the personal account service.
  2. *100# is the main command for checking the balance status at the current time.
  3. *583# - displays information about all subscriptions and connected paid services Oh.
  4. *512# is a simplified version of the detail. It displays data on the latest paid transactions on the user's SIM card.

The use of all listed combinations is not subject to billing in the territory of the home region and in any part of the world.

SMS service

If you want to know where the money was spent from your account, use the SMS service from the provider, which will promptly provide the necessary information:

  1. Write SMS to the number "000105612" - "Last 5 calls".
  2. SMS to "000105611" - "Last expenses".
  3. SMS to "000105613" - "Last 5 SMS".

As a result, you will receive a response notification from the operator with the requested information. Sending a message in the home area is free of charge.

Precautionary measures

To avoid trouble and unforeseen expenses, a number of preventive measures should be observed:

  1. Before connecting a tariff plan or a specific service, carefully study the features of the provision and conditions in the contract, especially under the small print and footnotes.
  2. Don't subscribe to useless subscriptions.
  3. Check your balance daily.
  4. Do not visit suspicious websites and online resources, especially do not leave your personal data on them.
  5. Do not reply to unknown messages, do not open links and unverified files to avoid viruses infecting your mobile device.
  6. Do not participate in dubious television lotteries.

To ensure that the account balance is always under control, install the Live Balance service from Megafon. It will display up-to-date information about the amount of money on the smartphone display in the form of a widget. Charged for use subscription fee 1.5 rubles per day. To activate, dial the code *134# . Some phone models may not support this option.
