What is mtp mode. Android from A to Z: What lies behind the MTP abbreviation, and how to properly dispose of it

Hello, dear readers and users of smartphones. Today I will tell you what to do if the error “USB device MTP failure” occurs when you connect your smartphone to a personal computer. Below you can see a screenshot of this error. If you have the same problem, then read on.

The “USB device MTP failed” error can occur for several reasons, here are some of them:

  1. Problem with MTP driver. This sometimes happens, but not on all computers. This problem eliminated very simply and quickly, below I will describe it in more detail;
  2. Incorrect settings in the device itself. As practice shows, such a reason occurs in 1% of cases, but nevertheless, it is possible for you that it is the cause of the error;
  3. Outdated drivers. This problem also takes place, but, like the previous ones, this cause of the error is eliminated a simple update drivers for your operating system.

So, we have analyzed the reasons, now let's start fixing this problem. Let's start in order, with the most working and common method to eliminate an unpleasant error.

Method 1

Now reconnect your mobile device to your personal computer and check if the error that occurred earlier has disappeared.

Method 2

If the previous method did not help, then let's try to delve into the settings of the mobile device. Do the following:

Important: if the development item is not visible, then do the following: go to the “About device” section and click on the build number about 10 times. Thus, you activate the “Development” item.

Method 3

As I said above, this way as simple and clear as the previous ones. It's just a simple driver update.. In order for everything to go as smoothly as possible, follow these steps:

Now try reconnecting your mobile android gadget to a personal computer and check if the usb error.

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Recently, the synchronization of mobile gadgets based on the Android OS with standard computer systems has undergone quite a lot of changes. The basis new technology it was supposed to use the so-called MTP Device driver when directly connecting the device to a computer or laptop via universal port USB.

What is MTP Device?

In general, MTP (Media) technology first saw the light back in 2008 on mobile gadgets with Honeycomb in OS Android Ice Cream Sandwich. At that time, it was considered integral part Windows package Media, but then was standardized as one of the main types of USB devices.

That is why now stationary OS when connecting a mobile gadget and define it as an MTP Device. In fact, the development itself was not something new, since it very much resembles the PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol) protocols, more precisely, it is one of its varieties in the form of additional extensions.

MTP Device Driver as an alternative to USB Mass Storage

As for the functioning of such a system, it is probably clear that without installing a driver, it is basically impossible. However, compared to the usual data exchange through the driver, it works a little differently.

The most important difference, which is also the advantage of the new technology, is as follows. The point is that when using standard connection at USB help Mass Storage creates two partitions (for media files and for applications separately), with one of them always dependent on the other. A situation arises when a smartphone or tablet does not have access to one of the sections, and the computer perceives both. That is why a situation arises when applications installed on an SD card not only do not work, but do not even start.

In the case of using MTP Device, there are no such restrictions. Moreover, there is no need to use file system FAT. And if earlier redistribution free space occurred due to the influence of one section on another, in this case there is nothing of the kind. Simply put, in the past, taking up free space on one partition led to a decrease in the size of another. Now both sections remain unchanged.

Standard driver installation in Windows

Now let's see how the standard driver installation is performed when synchronizing a device with Windows. Let's say we have a Samsung smartphone or tablet.

As a rule, usually when you first connect the device to computer terminal the system displays a message in the system tray that a new device has been found (in our case, MTP Device Samsung). The system itself installs the driver necessary for synchronization without any problems, after which the data transfer can be carried out in the same way as using a regular USB connection, when both the internal drive and the external SD card. Of course, errors may appear (like " Samsung Mobile MTP Device driver not installed”), but we will dwell on them a little later.

General recommendations for installing drivers for most Android devices

Basically, it almost always works. automatic installation the necessary drivers by the Windows operating system itself. However, you can use alternative methods related to the installation of related utilities for a smartphone or tablet.

So, for example, the same Samsung MTP Device driver is installed automatically if there is latest version Kies applications. Note that for each specific model mobile gadget corporation Samsung drivers does not release, so look for them, say, for S6 or for Galaxy Note 2 makes absolutely no sense.

For HTC smartphones you need to use specialized software called HTC sync manager(sometimes you may need to install the firmware via fastboot mode). For LG, you can find a driver on the official website of the manufacturer specifically for a specific model. For Nexus, you need to use the ADB RUN utility and install the driver from the standard Device Manager. In the case of using Sony gadgets, there are two options: installing Sony PC Suite or using FlashTool drivers. In principle, there is no difference, but you need to remember that these are two mutually exclusive programs - when installing one, the other must first be removed.

Usage in Mac OS

Using devices classified as an MTP Device when synchronizing with stationary Macs or Apple laptops is not much different from its counterpart in Windows.

Unless, for complete certainty, you can additionally install android application File Transfer, that's all. The rest shouldn't be a problem.

Installation on Linux (Ubuntu)

AT Linux systems due to their specificity, installing MTP Device drivers is somewhat more complicated. As an example, consider this process for installing a Nexus driver.

So, we use the command window, in which we first write sudo nano -w /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules (installing UDEV rules). Then enter the command SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR(idVendor)=="04e8", ATTR(idProduct)=="6860", MODE="0600", OWNER="<Имя пользователя>", after which we sequentially execute the lines sudo apt-get install mtpfs, sudo mkdir/media/GNexus and sudo chmod 775/media/GNexus.

Next, we connect the gadget to the computer and enter sudo mtpfs -o allow_other /media/GNexus. Everything, now, using Nutilus, you can move any files and folders. Yes, the most important thing. When all operations are completed, don't forget to use the final command sudo umount mtpfs.

Possible errors and methods for their elimination

Unfortunately, the appearance of errors is also not excluded. In most cases, this applies only to operating Windows systems. Let's try to consider the most common failures and the simplest methods for their elimination.

First of all, it is worth checking if the accompanying utilities are up to date with the latest versions. When using them, it is advisable to download the latest distribution kit from the manufacturer's website.

If the driver for MTP Device still does not work, you can try to reinstall it manually. To do this, go to the "Device Manager". In theory, if the driver is not installed or the device itself is not working correctly, it will be marked with a yellow icon. Everything is simple here. You need to find the driver update button in the properties, and then select only compatible devices from the list. If this does not help, you will have to remove it, and then reinstall it in automatic mode. If this does not work, you will have to tell the system the place where the installation distribution kit containing the necessary information is stored.

Sometimes, though, it doesn't help. There can be any number of reasons. In some cases, installing the most recent system on the system can help. Windows versions media player. Probably just have to check the system partition hard drive for errors, but you never know what can be. It also happens that given type errors or failures can be issued by the "native" media player itself (this option, unfortunately, is not excluded). In this situation, if you are using versions of Windows in the form of "seven" and higher, you can try to simply disable the multimedia components in the "Control Panel" program section.

As it is already clear, the reasons for such failures simply cannot be counted. Therefore, it will be necessary to move from the simplest methods of solving the problem to more complex or even cardinal ones, taking into account the specifics of the cause in each specific case and for each specific device.

However, as practice shows, one of the universal solutions can be the use system registry. Here you need to find the UpperFilters key in the main section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE through sequential navigation through the tree (System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class) and delete it. This will not affect the performance of the "OS", but the connection will work as expected. We note right away that in most cases this method can be used for gadgets from Samsung.


Here, in principle, in brief, is everything that concerns the main issues related to the use of a connection using MTP technology. As you can see, you don’t have to strain yourself to install the driver, except perhaps in Linux. Basic errors are easily fixed, but for each case it is desirable to find out the root cause before taking any drastic actions like deleting registry keys. But in most cases, there should be no failures, especially if you install the latest versions of the additional software for your gadget.

In any case, you can simply refer to the official Internet resources of mobile equipment manufacturers. Surely there is a help section with a description of problems of this type. Perhaps the problem is not even in Windows, but, let's say, in the device's firmware or disabled features and settings.

Previous articles covering this topic, were largely dedicated to only one protocol - Mass Storage. This is not surprising, it is he who, either in its pure form or complete with a software shell, rules the market today. Although it was not developed for these players at all, nevertheless, it has received the widest distribution here due to its standardity, simplicity, and transparency in use. Moreover, MSC/UMS is being actively implemented in other portable devices: digital cameras, Cell Phones and smartphones, PDAs.

However, there is a company on the market that believes that the last word in this area has not yet been said. This is Microsoft, which has been pushing hard for three years to instill in the industry a completely different approach to delivering content to portable devices.

Speaking earlier about the circumstances of the appearance of Mass Storage on MP3 players, we mentioned the injustice committed against them by the industry. Portable players were "bypassed" in the distribution of classes of USB devices, mainly due to the shortsightedness, suspiciousness, and inability of the leading companies in the industry to create a truly working copyright protection mechanism.

Now Microsoft is declaring its desire to eliminate this annoying example of segregation. Although, of course, everyone understands that the company does not forget about the possibility of seriously improving its position in the digital entertainment market.

Microsoft's approach to this issue is significantly different from anything that could be seen in the industry before. So, it has nothing to do with Mass Storage, it's a completely different architecture, originally designed for portable multimedia devices.

On the other hand, it cannot be equated with proprietary protocols. It's relative open technology, it is actively licensed by many manufacturers. In addition, in recent years, Microsoft has been actively integrating its support into its operating systems, which, as you know, are installed on most PCs in the world.

Mass Storage was developed in the last century. The first information about Microsoft developments in this direction appeared only in 2003-2004. The new protocol was officially presented on October 12, 2004 as part of a partnership Microsoft programs Plays For Sure (P4S). It is called Media Transfer Protocol (MTP).

PlaysForSure, of which MTP is an integral part, was first introduced to the public at the end of 2004

Zen PMC - one of the first P4S players - did not gain much popularity

At the same time, the first list of compatible devices was announced, in particular, players from Creative, iriver, Samsung.

As part of affiliate program PlaysForSure MTP was far from the main "star". Much more attention was paid to its other components:

  • WMA (audio) and WMV (video) media file formats
  • Windows Media Player 10 shell
  • new Janus DRM system
  • operating system for portable players Portable Media Center (optional component).

Microsoft looked at the prospects of Portable Media Center realistically. Therefore, she preoccupied herself with the introduction of PlaysForSure support into existing varieties of proprietary operating systems for portable players. With most platform manufacturers, she quickly managed to find a common language. The new concept, although not without a scratch and not without skeptical and condemning comments from third-party experts, began to develop.

Critics, not without reason, called PlaysForSure the answer to, or even a clone of, Apple's "iPod + iTunes" combination. Where:

  • WMA = AAC
  • Windows Media = iTunes
  • Janus DRM = Fairplay
  • The stillborn Portable Media Center hoped to become = iPod OS.

MTP, however, was the original element here. Perhaps only a de facto monopolist in the market of operating systems could afford such a thing.

The P4S architecture was obviously created not without looking back at Apple's experience.

The protocol, quite in the tradition of Microsoft, was not created from scratch, but was a modification existing solution. In this case, it was the tried and tested Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP). That back in 2000 was approved as a standard protocol for digital cameras and was included in the number of USB classes under the number 0x06.

MTP is a direct descendant of the Picture Transfer Protocol, familiar to many from digital cameras.

MTP borrowed a lot from him, starting with two letters in the name. By and large, MTP can be called an add-on over PTP: the entire software part that is directly responsible for transporting data has remained unchanged. The set of commands has only been slightly expanded to cover the new content types and how they interact with each other.

The fundamental difference between PTP/MTP and Mass Storage is the concept of "objects". Objects in a TP system may have types and characteristics that may be queried by the protocol. Objects consist of component parts that include links to other objects, metadata, and content itself.

MTP Object Structure

Thus, TP protocols can be called "smart" protocols that can constructively interact with embedded software. portable device or a software shell installed on a PC.

MTP algorithm

In fact, the set of TP-objects already contains a database of information about the content, which in the Mass Storage system has to be created independently either by the player or with the help of a PC, wasting time and device resources. As a result, the user-friendly functionality of portable players, such as displaying metadata and Album Art, a powerful and flexible navigation system, can be implemented with much less "blood", it becomes available to resource-limited developers.

MTP capabilities on the example of Sandisk Sansa e200 - Album Art, metadata navigation, rating system

It has a protocol and other features, such as creating virtual folders.

Media and Data virtual folders in MTP connection mode, Zen Micro Photo player

The “naked” Mass Storage cannot compete in terms of capabilities. In its purest form, the protocol requires a fair amount of power from a portable device and a lot of work on the firmware, few developers go for it. Thus, the main opponent of MTP is Mass Storage with a shell, which offers similar capabilities.

Here, the advantage of MTP should in the future be its greater versatility. If Windows XP gains MTP support only with the installation of Windows Media Player version 10, then in Windows Vista The protocol is already built in. This will allow users to fully use it without any additional installations.

In addition, unlike iTunes and SonicStage, which work exclusively with Apple devices and Sony respectively, the PlaysForSure project is open source. MTP devices can be manufactured by any company using platforms that support the protocol. And at present, the vast majority of platforms are compatible with MTP.

Major Platform Manufacturers Support MTP

MTP can be used with any file system. This allows developers to create dual-protocol players that support both Mass Storage and MTP. Usually, the user can choose which mode the device should operate in through its (the device's) settings. Microsoft, however, looks at this practice very askance. In the latest specifications of PlaysForSure, such feints are completely prohibited. Now MTP has priority, and the Mass Storage protocol is activated only if no Media Transfer Protocol support drivers were found on the PC. Below will be described what troubles this can lead to.

Luckily, no one ties developers to the PlaysForSure specs. This is something that critics of the protocol often forget about: the player manufacturer can "send" both PlaysForSure and Janus DRM without any problems, while maintaining MTP support. This allows them to ignore Microsoft's recommendations and let the user choose the protocol they like.

Choosing between MSC and MTP (from the Sandisk Sansa e200 user manual)

It is curious that the priority of the MTP protocol over the PlaysForSure concept as a whole was unwittingly demonstrated by Microsoft itself when releasing its own Zune player. The latter is not a P4S device, does not support Janus DRM, but still uses MTP.

Having listed a number of obvious advantages of the protocol, however, we cannot turn a blind eye to a number of serious disadvantages that reduce its attractiveness to the consumer.

Perhaps the main root of all troubles is that MTP appeared too late. In 2004, the MP3 player market was six years old. Naturally, by this time, most players on the market somehow solved the problem of choosing a protocol for their devices, preferring Mass Storage in one or another of its variations.

Moreover, the first version of MTP was seriously inferior to MSC / UMS in terms of user friendliness. She forced him to install Windows Media Player 10, had no support in Explorer Shell Extensions and, as a result, did not allow him to see the device from Windows Explorer, copy files by Drag&Drop, use a portable player to transfer data. Finally, in other operating systems, be it MacOS or Linux, protocol support was really bad. Compare this to Mass Storage, for which drivers can be found even for DOS.

For some users, an additional negative factor was the announcement of Janus, a new DRM from Microsoft, simultaneously with MTP. Of the entire PlaysForSure bunch, it was Janus who received the widest promotion. The American company repeated the mistake of the SDMI participants by widely advertising the new DRM as some kind of wonderful advantage of the PlaysForSure architecture. The result was a clear association between PlaysForSure=DRM => and MTP=DRM. And Mass Storage, on the contrary, = Freedom.

Along with Apple's FairPlay, PlaysForSure has received its fair share of slop from the online community.

DRM friendliness is indeed one of the differences between MTP and PTP. Thus, DRM-related information is one of the protocol object types. However, the MTP architecture does not include DRM as a mandatory component at all, it simply makes it easier to implement for those developers who need it. In other words, MTP supports DRM, but MTP does not = DRM. Despite this, it is widely believed that MTP is essentially just a copy protection measure, that it "injects" DRM into copied files, and so on. The controversial reputation of Microsoft contributed to the promotion of these myths - many people expect a dirty trick from the products of this company.

Microsoft has traditionally been one of the corporations that has been particularly harshly criticized for their adherence to DRM. Anti-Windows Vista campaign banner by anti-DRM activists from defectivebydesign.org

As a result, by announcing MTP as part of PlaysForSure, Microsoft did a disservice to the protocol, “hanging” on it all the negativity from other program components: DRM, Windows Media Player. This is despite the fact that of the entire set of P4S MTP, perhaps, was the most successful and viable component.

On the other hand, a certain part of the music is purchased by Western users in online stores using the P4S architecture and Janus DRM. Such tracks will only play on MTP players. Although the future of DRM in music is now rather vague, and whether its support will remain an advantage is difficult to say.

Shortly before its death, Rio Audio campaigned for MTP, illustrating this with diagrams showing the horror of not being able to record PlaysForSure tracks on an MSC player.

Another con is the internal complexity of the MTP architecture. If Mass Storage actually manages with one driver, then Microsoft has erected a whole structure for its protocol. It's an API called "Windows User-Mode Driver Framework (UMDF)", which can be tentatively called "DirectX for Peripherals". Today this architecture is used more widely, but it was developed specifically for MTP and in 2004 was part of Windows installation Media Player 10. Support for the data transfer protocol is implemented here by a whole set of drivers and libraries. This makes the system more vulnerable and unstable.

In particular, there is such a situation. Most of the MTP drivers included in UMDF are installed on the PC. But Windows Media Player version 10 or higher is not available, the libraries responsible for integrating MTP into the standard Windows shell (Shell Extensions) are also missing. As a result, the player is recognized by the system as an MTP device, but there are no options for working with it, the device becomes a “thing in itself”. If the player can be switched to Mass Storage mode through the menu, then it's not so bad. But if it is designed according to the PlaysForSure specification, then, having detected MTP support by the system, it will work exclusively on this protocol, depriving the user of the opportunity to fully use the device. Of course, such phenomena are a consequence of the youth of the protocol, its insufficient prevalence; in the same Vista, this will not happen. However, critics rightly point out the complexity and heaviness of the MTP infrastructure as a disadvantage.

Work on improving MTP is underway, its latest versions already look much more interesting. The protocol has been integrated into Explorer, thanks to which working with an MTP device differs little from using a Mass Storage player (although there is no correct support in alternative file managers yet).

The only significant difference between MTP integration in the Windows shell and regular Mass Storage is that MTP players appear as devices, not drives (screenshot from "dapreview.net")

The PlaysFromDevice standard is being developed - MTP support by third-party equipment, such as stationary audio systems, car radios, etc. Its absence was another serious disadvantage for MTP players. There is already quite a lot of technology that “understands” Mass Storage.

If we ignore the fact that MTP is, first of all, Microsoft's tool for conquering and retaining the market, most of the ideas embedded in the protocol can be assessed positively. In its latest variation, it surpasses the most common system in terms of convenience and capabilities - Mass Storage with a shell.

So, the user is given a full choice between using the software Windows shells Media Player and Drag&Drop via Explorer. MTP players can be used to transfer any data without any problems - the lack of this possibility was one of the main complaints of users. Gradually, protocol support for third-party operating systems appears.

An alternative to working through Explorer - synchronization through Windows Media Player 11

If you imagine a world where all PCs, all consumer audio equipment and other related devices “understand” MTP, then for multimedia players it looks more attractive than Mass Storage.

Error messages that a user of MTP devices may encounter (more info)

With this prospect, Microsoft has already managed to seduce three of the Big Five players: Creative, Sandisk and Samsung. From the "second tier" in the camp of the company from Redmond iriver, Archos, Philips, Trekstor, Cowon, Mpio, many other small companies.

Most secondary producers support MTP

Slowly but surely, MTP is spreading among Chinese companies - some small Asian manufacturers are already claiming protocol support as an advantage of their products. Their full on this protocol looks quite real, tk. most of them work exclusively for Europe and the USA, where people are gradually getting used to MTP.

The Chinese company Meizu is already equipping its players with MTP support

And against the background of a theoretically possible general rejection of DRM, even the use of MTP by Apple does not look completely impossible - nothing prevents integrating protocol support into the iTunes shell.

And yet, there is still a sense that MTP has not yet crossed the line that separates just a widely publicized technology from a technology that has received real public acceptance.

Today, the owner of an MTP player is still sometimes forced to face problems that have tormented users of players with proprietary protocols: lack of transparency, incompatibility with hardware, the need to install additional software.

The position of the protocol is still quite shaky, and without decisive action by Microsoft, it can easily sink into oblivion. In some ways, the situation resembles the situation with the MP3 format and its alternatives. Just like MP3, Mass Storage offers a sufficient level of features and has the widest distribution, so there is no really strong incentive to switch to a new protocol. Similar to alternative audio formats such as WMA and AAC, MTP is implemented "from above", in a "command" order.

Microsoft hopes to improve the situation if it manages to register MTP as a new class of USB devices. This will make the protocol an industry standard. The ambitions of the American company go further - it hopes to “drive” all portable media devices under this protocol - cameras, mobile phones, smartphones - leaving Mass Storage only drives for which it was actually intended.

What's in store for data transfer protocols in portable players in the future? Will MTP become the new industry standard? Or will Mass Storage keep its position? Perhaps there will be new solutions? It is difficult to say for sure: everything in this industry depends too much on subjective factors, in particular, the actions of the largest players. So far, the Mass Storage protocol remains king, primarily in the edition from Apple, with a software add-on in the form of iTunes. "Pure" Mass Storage remains the lot of budget players and devices for enthusiasts, occupying the second step of the podium. MTP, spreading in the middle class of the market, is still third.

Schematic distribution of shares between protocols in 2006 sales.

What changes will the fall of DRM (if it does happen), as well as the spread of wireless technologies- time will tell.

On the Internet, you can often find questions from users with the question "what are the MTP, UMS and PTP modes, how do they differ?".

So, in order to understand why we need different MTP, UMS and PTP modes, let's first deal with each protocol separately.

Connecting devices to your computer

There are only 3 types of connecting devices via USB to a computer:

  • UMS or USB MSC


Media Transfer Protocol multimedia content) or MTP for short. It is one of the protocols for multimedia devices such as Android smartphones and tablets, MP3 players, when connected to a computer or laptop. In order for your Personal Computer corresponded to the following minimum requirements, the OS must be installed on the computer:

  1. Windows XP SP2 or later
  2. Windows Media Player 10 or later

On Apple computers with macOS installed, the MTP protocol does not work.


Universal Mass Storage (universal drive) or UMS for short, aka USB SMC.

UMS is short for Universal Mass Storage. A data transfer protocol commonly found on USB flash drives and external hard drives.


Picture Transfer Protocol (Picture Transfer Protocol) or PTP. Only exists for transferring images to a computer or directly to a printer for printing.

Differences between MTP and UMS (USB MSC)

The main difference between the MTP and UMS(USB MSC) protocols is that it uses different type connections. MTP devices are connected to the computer as multimedia devices, while UMS (USB MSC) devices are connected as removable drives or drives. PTP connection as mentioned is used only for transferring and printing photos.

Android application/vnd.android.package-archive Android application

Android from A to Z: What lies behind the MTP abbreviation, and how to properly dispose of it

MTP (media transfer Protocol) first appeared on devices with honey comb. The protocol is slightly different from the usual USB mass storage (UMS), at which you turn on the USB mod and start moving files. And since MTR became a part of on, it would be nice to find out all the nuances. In the post, we will try to understand as much as possible what exactly this protocol is, what is the need for it, and how to configure it to simplify file transfer.

What is MTR?

MTR is a set of custom extensions for PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol), which aims to transfer files and their associated metadata across USB. Still here? Then let's continue.

Initially part of the structure Windows media, but in 2008 MTR has been standardized as a type USB devices, thereby becoming an established standard. If you have owned iriver or Creative MP3 players, you have probably come across MTR. If you are using digital camera, which, when connected to a PC, is automatically recognized as a device, then the RTR, which is essentially the same as MTR. The thing is old enough, but not for Android.

Why use MTP instead of USB Mass Storage?

Essence of use MTP is that now manufacturers mobile devices no need to create two separate sections, one for applications, the second for media files. Previously, a sin was noticed behind them, which consisted in expanding the second section at the expense of the first, and this very often led to a lack of space for new applications. With MTR both types of files can be stored together.

At USB mass storage there is one big drawback - when you create memory sections, one of them is completely at the mercy of another device. This means that your tablet or smartphone will not have access to this section, but the computer to which the device is connected can dispose of it in every possible way. For this reason, some applications and especially widgets placed on the SD card do not work.

Another advantage MTR is an no need to use the FAT file system for storage. This ultimately leads to faster device performance.

MTP installation

From the time of Windows XPMTPdevices work without problems with. Connect yourGalaxyNexus, choose MTPas a connection type, the operating system of the computer itself finds required drivers, you just need to wait a bit. Moving files between your smartphone and PC is guaranteed without any problems. But what about those users who have preferredlinux and Mac?


Install UDEV rule, opening rules file via terminal

sudo nano -w /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules

Then enter the following line at the bottom of the file (remember to include the username):

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR(idVendor)=="04e8", ATTR(idProduct)=="6860", MODE="0600", OWNER=" "

Then it's time for:

  • sudo apt-get install mtpfs
  • sudo mkdir /media/GNexus
  • sudo chmod 775 /media/GNexus

Then you should connect Galaxy Nexus to the PC and in the same window as before enter:

sudo mtpfs -o allow_other /media/GNexus

This will allow you to drag and drop files using Nautilus, and don't forget to enter the following command when you're done:

sudo umount mtpfs


Alternatively, you can use a combination WiFi File Explorer and QuickSSHd and send files over a wireless connection.

Android from A to Z: What lies behind the MTP abbreviation, and how to properly dispose of it:
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Recently, the synchronization of mobile gadgets based on the Android OS with standard computer systems has undergone quite a lot of changes. The new technology was based on the use of the so-called MTP Device-driver when the device is directly connected to a computer or laptop via a universal USB port.

What is MTP Device?

In general, MTP (Media) technology first saw the light back in 2008 on mobile gadgets with Honeycomb in OS Android Ice Cream Sandwich. At that time it was considered an integral part of the Windows Media package, but then it was standardized as one of the main types of USB devices.

That is why now stationary operating systems, when connecting a mobile gadget, define it as an MTP Device. In fact, the development itself was not something new, since it very much resembles the PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol) protocols, more precisely, it is one of its varieties in the form of additional extensions.

MTP Device Driver as an alternative to USB Mass Storage

As for the functioning of such a system, it is probably clear that without installing a driver, it is basically impossible. However, compared to normal USB MTP Device communication, the driver works a little differently.

The most important difference, which is also the advantage of the new technology, is as follows. The fact is that when using a standard connection using USB Mass Storage, two sections are created (for media files and for applications separately), and one of them always depends on the other. A situation arises when a smartphone or tablet does not have access to one of the sections, and the computer perceives both. That is why a situation arises when applications installed on an SD card not only do not work, but do not even start.

In the case of using MTP Device, there are no such restrictions. In addition, there is even no need to use the FAT file system. And if earlier the redistribution of free space occurred due to the influence of one partition on another, in this case there is nothing of the kind. Simply put, in the past, taking up free space on one partition led to a decrease in the size of another. Now both sections remain unchanged.

Standard driver installation in Windows

Now let's see how the standard driver installation is performed when synchronizing a device with Windows. Let's say we have a Samsung smartphone or tablet.

As a rule, when the device is connected to the computer terminal for the first time, the system displays a message in the system tray that a new device has been found (in our case, MTP Device Samsung). The system itself installs the driver necessary for synchronization without any problems, after which data transfer can be carried out in the same way as using a regular USB connection, when both the internal drive and the external SD card are detected. Of course, errors may appear (like “Samsung Mobile MTP Device driver not installed”), but we will dwell on them a little later.

General recommendations for installing drivers for most Android devices

In principle, the automatic installation of the necessary drivers by the Windows operating system itself almost always works. However, you can use alternative methods related to the installation of related utilities for a smartphone or tablet.

So, for example, the same Samsung MTP Device driver is installed automatically if the latest version of the Kies application is available. Note that Samsung does not release drivers for each specific model of a mobile gadget, so it makes absolutely no sense to look for them, say, for S6 or Galaxy Note 2.

A computer