Irbis program for libraries description. Abstract Library and information system "Irbis"

Library automation system IRBIS: overview of corporate interaction tools

The tools that provide corporate interaction that exist today in the IRBIS system are presented.

Key words: IRBIS library automation system, library technologies, automation, corporate interaction, communication formats, borrowing technologies, consolidated electronic catalogues, distributed catalogues.

IRBIS is a family software products, designed to automate library technologies. Among these products we distinguish basic and additional ones. The main ones are, first of all, three generations of Library Automation Systems - IRBIS32, IRBIS64 and IRBIS128. focused on automation of traditional technologies associated with the creation and maintenance of electronic library catalogs.

IRBIS32 is addressed to small libraries, IRBIS64 - medium and large, and IRBIS 128 is designed to create corporate systems, that is, such associations in which groups of libraries or departments and branches of one library participate.

The main products also include IRBIS64-Full-text databases - a system designed to create not bibliographic databases (which are electronic catalogues), but full-text ones. This product can be considered as a tool for creating a digital library.

Additional products of the IRBIS family include software solutions that represent a specialized “add-on” to the main products. This is, for example, IRBIS-Image-catalogue. designed for retroconversion of large card catalogs, i.e. for creating EC based on scanned images of catalog cards and their texts, recognized automatically.

As additional IRBIS products, databases of library classification systems (BBK, UDC, SRNTI) on CDs are also offered.

The IRBIS system is standard, universal and designed for use in any libraries, regardless of their scale and profile. Among the hundreds of users of IRBIS (more than 3 thousand - national libraries, federal, regional, district, city central libraries, inter-settlement and village) according to the acquisition profile there are universal and specialized (medical, pedagogical, for the visually impaired, children's, spiritual, etc.). A significant part of IRBIS users are libraries of universities, schools and other educational institutions.

For all its versatility, the IRBIS system also offers solutions focused on specific types of libraries: for example, solving the problem of book supply for university libraries.

We can talk a lot about individual system modules, their characteristics and functionality, but in the context of the topic under consideration, we should dwell only on those capabilities of IRBIS that are associated with its ability to integrate into corporate systems and technologies, i.e., allow interaction with other library systems and resources.

The corporate capabilities of IRBIS are based on two main characteristics:

support for communication formats, including RUSMARC based on two-way data conversion;

support for web technology and Z39.50 protocol.

Let us reveal in a little more detail the specific corporate capabilities of IRBIS.

The simplest of them is file exchange of bibliographic data in a communicative format. This is an elementary opportunity, and it makes no sense to talk about it in detail - it should only be noted that in addition to the export/import modes in the RUSMARC format, IRBIS has the ability to load and unload bibliographic data in the UNIMARC and MARC21 formats. It is also possible to import data from specific library systems, such as Library 2 and MARK (those versions of these systems where uploading in the RUSMARC format was not implemented).

The most important, primarily from the point of view of everyday library work, corporate technology in IRBIS is borrowing technology: it allows you to borrow ready-made bibliographic descriptions from external Internet resources directly in the cataloging process.

The IRBIS system offers various borrowing technologies: first of all, borrowing from electronic catalogs available via the Z39.50 protocol (these are catalogs of all the largest libraries in Russia and the world); The regime of borrowing from the IRBIS corporation opens up wide possibilities (this is a virtual unification into a single information resource of electronic catalogs of all libraries working on the IRBIS system and not objecting to such a merger) and, finally, it is an opportunity to borrow from LIBNET resources (contractual relations are assumed with this organization ).

The IRBIS system implements the reverse technology of borrowing - this is the online transfer of ready-made bibliographic descriptions to external corporate resources, these can be databases accessible through the IRBIS web gateway or via the Z39.50 protocol. In particular, union catalogs can be maintained based on this technology.

The corporate capabilities of IRBIS include the ability to work in local system modules (“Cataloguer”, “Complete”, etc.) with “foreign” databases. “Foreign” refers to databases located on the servers of other libraries that use the IRBIS system: a cataloger in a particular library can work with the databases of other libraries in the same way as with its own.

The IRBIS system offers tools for creating consolidated and distributed catalogs, which are the essence of many corporate systems. It was the capabilities of IRBIS that were used to create a prototype of a consolidated catalog of university libraries under the project “Development of an information system for access to electronic catalogs of libraries in the field of education and science within the framework of a single Internet resource.”

The ability to build distributed catalogs was implemented, in particular, during the creation of the IRBIS corporation. Using the same scheme, distributed catalogs can be built that unite any groups of libraries working on the IRBIS system. The presence of a Z-server that provides access to the IRBIS database via the Z39.50 protocol allows IRBIS user libraries to participate in the creation of distributed catalogs in a heterogeneous environment, i.e., in library associations that use various automation systems. An example of such an association is the Corporation of Moscow Public Libraries, among which, in addition to IRBIS users, there are libraries that use LIBER and mapk-sql.

Completely new opportunities for corporate interaction are opening up in the latest generation of IRBIS - IRBIS128, which, as already mentioned, is focused primarily on corporate technologies. In addition to building consolidated and distributed electronic catalogs, IRBIS 128 provides such an interesting opportunity as combining various databases - both “Irbis” and any others available via the Z39.50 protocol, at a logical level, when “on the fly” not only the actual data, but indexes, and at the same time a single information resource is created for both search and data entry. That is, the end user, for example, a cataloger who enters data, can work with a database, which is actually the result of the addition of IRBIS’s own database and several databases of other libraries available via the Z39.50 protocol. IRBIS128 has the ability to write providers for databases accessible via other protocols.

Speaking about the corporate capabilities of IRBIS, we should also mention the recently implemented feature that provides support for access to the IRBIS database through government service portals.

These are, in brief, the means for ensuring corporate interaction that exist today in the IRBIS system.

// NTB. – 2-12. - No. 11. – P. 57-60.

IRBIS 64- for Windows 2000/XP and higher in client-server architecture - for medium and large libraries - integrated automation system consisting of a TCP/IP database server and seven workstations

Databases of classification systems on CD-ROM in the environment of the Universal Automated Workstation of Systematizer

UDC table databases

Databases are presented in the search interface of the IRBIS Library Automation System.

Each database entry contains an index, heading name, links and guidelines. Abridged version entries have representative rubric extensions.

Searching in databases can be carried out both by a full-depth graph, and by indexes of individual tables and by keywords. In the full database, a search for excluded indexes has been introduced, with information about replacement indexes provided.

Database of complete UDC tables

The database is a complete electronic edition of the UDC tables, corresponding to the complete 4th printed edition of the UDC tables - Universal Decimal Classification / VINITI RAS. – Complete 4th ed. in Russian language – M., 2001-2009, including Changes and additions. Vol. 1-6 – M., 2001-2013, as well as the Universal Decimal Classification. – 4th ed. in Russian language, corr. and additional Volume 1. – M., 2011.

Database of abbreviated tables UDC

The database is an abbreviated electronic edition of the UDC tables, corresponding to the abbreviated printed edition of the UDC tables - Universal Decimal Classification. Bookkeeping Worksheets. – M., 2002, updated in accordance with the full tables of the UDC, issued after 2002. The tables are an abbreviated version of the UDC, equipped with comments and links, and are intended to provide a unified approach to the systematization of publications as an intellectual product in publishing houses, libraries and bookselling enterprises and to facilitate the process systematization, which causes difficulties due to the large volume of complete UDC tables. Compared with full version UDC simplified the main and auxiliary tables, methodological and reference apparatus, emphasis was placed on comments that reveal the content of divisions and their terminological content.

BBK table databases

Databases are presented in the search interface of the IRBIS Library Automation System.

Each database entry contains an index, heading name, links and guidelines.

Searching in databases can be carried out both by a full-depth graph, and by indexes of individual tables and by keywords.
The interface is equipped convenient means selection of tabular indexes and construction of an index for a publication, followed by its transfer to a bibliographic record created using any automated library information system.

BBK Average Table Database

The database is an electronic edition of the LBC Average Tables, corresponding to the following printed editions of these tables: Library and bibliographic classification: Average tables: a practical guide / Russian. state b-ka, Ros. national b-ka, b-ka Ros. acad. Sci. Vol. 1. 60/63 S/T Social sciences in general. Social science. Story. Historical sciences. – M.: Liberea, 2001. Additional. issue Tables of typical divisions of general use. – M.: Liberea, 2003. Issue. 2. 65/68 U/C Economics. Economic Sciences. Policy. Political science. Right. Legal sciences. Warfare. Military science. – M.: Liberea-Bibinform, 2005. Issue. 3. 4/5 P/R Rural and forestry. Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. Healthcare. Medical Sciences. – M.: Liberea-Bibinform, 2007. Issue. 4. 7 H Culture. The science. Education. – M.: Pashkov House, 2011. Issue. 5. 80/84 Ш Philological sciences. Fiction. 85 Ш Art. Art history. 86 E Religion. 87 Yu0/8 Philosophy. 88 Yu9 Psychology. – M.: Pashkov House, 2012. Issue 6. 3 F/O Technology. Technical science. - M.: Pashkov House, 2013.

BBK Abbreviated Tables Database

The database is an electronic edition of the Abbreviated LBC Tables, corresponding to the printed edition of these tables - Library and Bibliographic Classification: Abbreviated Tables: A Practical Guide. – M.: Pashkov House, 2015.

Database of BBK tables for children's and school libraries

The database is an electronic edition of the LBC tables for children's and school libraries, corresponding to the printed edition of these tables - Library and Bibliographic Classification: Tables for children's and school libraries. – 4th ed., rev. and additional – M.: Liberea-Bibinform, 2008.

OKSO database (All-Russian Classifier of Specialties by Education)

The database was prepared on the basis of OK 009-2003. All-Russian Classifier of Specialties in Education (OKSO). Adopted by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated September 30, 2003 No. 276-st. Entered into force on January 1, 2004. As amended by Amendments 1/2005 OKSO, approved by Rostechregulirovanie and introduced on October 1, 2005, Amendments 2/2010 OKSO, approved by Order of Rostechregulirovanie dated March 31, 2010 No. 48-st and introduced on June 10, 2010 The All-Russian Classification of Specialties by Education (OKSO) covers higher and secondary vocational education and is based on the lists of areas of training and specialties of higher and secondary vocational education approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

The objects of classification in OKSO are specialties of higher and secondary vocational education. Three levels of hierarchical classification of objects are distinguished: enlarged groups of specialties and areas of training; areas of training; specialties. The block of additional classification characteristics contains information about the qualifications assigned in the field of training and/or specialty.

SRSTI database

The database is a complete electronic publication of the State Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information (GRNTI).

Each database entry contains a heading code, heading name, links, UDC index and VAK code corresponding to the SRNTI heading.

A search in the database can be carried out using the full depth graph of the State Scientific Research Institute, as well as by heading codes, UDC indexes, HAC codes and keywords. The interface is equipped with convenient means for selecting SRSTI heading codes and then transferring them to a bibliographic description created using any automated library and information system.

Special software- IRBIS64 connector - XEROX DocuShare

Federal Agency for Education

St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics

Department of Computer Science

Discipline: “Information retrieval systems”
Topic: “Library and information system “Irbis””.

Completed by: 3rd year student 89u of specialty group 080502u “Economics and Enterprise Management” Pronina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
Record book no.: gr. 9.03.035
Checked by: Myagkova Yu.A.

Velikiy Novgorod

1. Introduction...................... ......................... ..... .............................. ............... .......3

2.Description of the workstation system Reader.................................................... ........ ........5

3.Search……………………………………................................. ...... ..............10

4.View……………………………………..... ............................... ... ........eleven

5. Literature used…………… …………………………………..13

1. Introduction.

IRBIS is a library automation system (Integrated Library Information System), which is one of the recognized leaders among software products of this kind in Russia and the CIS countries.

The developer and distributor of this system is the International Association of Users and Developers of Digital Libraries and New Information Technologies.

Currently, IRBIS is used in hundreds of libraries of different sizes and different profiles. Its distinctive feature is that it is aimed at ordinary users who are not high-level specialists in computer technology.

The use of IRBIS, of course, greatly expands the possibilities for serving library readers. It implements all standard library technologies: acquisition, systematization, cataloging, reader search and book lending.

The system has five types of automated workstations: “Collector”, “Cataloguer”, “Reader”, “Book Issue”, “Administrator”.

Main characteristics of the system:

    Work in local computer networks any type without limiting the number of users.
    Full integration into corporate library systems and technologies based on: means of supporting Web technologies and the Z39.50 protocol; fully compatible with international formats UNIMARC, MARC21 and the Russian communication format RUSMARC.
    Support for an arbitrary number of databases that make up the electronic catalogue.
    Technology for automatic generation of dictionaries with the implementation of quick search for any elements of the description and their combinations.
    Tools for maintaining and using authoritative files, thesaurus and alphabetical subject indexes for UDC and LBC.
    Support for traditional “paper” technologies: from printing order sheets and summary books to printing all types of index cards.
    Support for technologies for automatic identification of library documents and library cards based on barcoding.
    Support for full texts, graphic data and other external objects (including Internet resources).
    Tools for translating user interfaces into other languages.
    A wide range of service tools that provide convenience and clarity of user interfaces, simplify the input process, and eliminate errors and duplication of information.
    Wide possibilities for adaptation to the operating conditions of a particular library, including tools for creating unique working profiles for all categories of users.
    The openness of the system, allowing the user to independently make changes within a wide range: from changing input and output forms to developing original applications.
The integrated library and information system "Irbis" is designed to automate basic library functions. The system can be implemented as follows: local network, and on the Internet. The system is a set of interconnected automated workstations (AWS) of the following types:
Administrator - to work with system databases as a whole (ensuring safety and keeping up to date);
Acquisition - a program that allows you to perform functions of acquisition and accounting of library collections;
Cataloger - for creating electronic catalog databases (reader databases and alphabetical subject index databases), performing searches in bibliographic databases with subsequent correction, copying, viewing and printing of found documents;
Book lending - workplace a library worker who performs the functions of issuing literature in accordance with formed orders and returning it. Orders generated at the Reader workstations are automatically sent to the Book Issue workstation.
The reader is the workplace of the end user of the electronic catalogue.

2.Description of the automated workplace system Reader.
The IRBIS system is focused on working in a local area network (LAN) and is a set of interconnected automated workstations (AWS) of five types:
AWS "COMPLETETOR" - is a workstation of a library worker who performs the functions of acquisition and accounting of library collections on the basis of maintaining a special database (DB);
AWS "CATALOGIST" - is a workstation of a library worker who performs operations of cataloging and systematizing publications, i.e. functions for creating Electronic Catalog databases;
AWS "READER" - is a workstation for the end user of the Electronic Catalog and is intended for a comprehensive search in the Electronic Catalog, viewing/printing the information found and generating an order for the issuance of the found literature;
AWS "BOOK ISSUE" - is a workplace of a library worker who performs the functions of issuing literature in accordance with formed orders and returning it;
Workstation "ADMINISTRATOR" - is a workplace of a specialist who performs system operations on databases as a whole, aimed at keeping them up to date.
Let us dwell in more detail on each of the automated workstations.
AWS "COMPLEKTOR" - provides solutions to the following tasks based on maintaining a special database:

    initial entry of brief bibliographic information and order data, preparation of subscription documents (subscription cards and order sheets); the possibility of centralized subscription is provided (to different addresses, recipient details are entered into the database once by the user);
    transfer of the record to the EC after receiving the first issue of the issued publication with subsequent registration of the next receipts;
    automatic preparation records for the next order for the next subscription period (replacing the year/half-year value) with the preservation and accumulation of data on previous orders of the publication; correction of changed details (price, frequency, etc.) is carried out by the user.
In the future, when the Rospechat Catalog appears on the market, as well as Publishing House Plans and other catalogs on machine-readable media, they can be used for the initial input of publication descriptions and automatic correction of changes in subscription details.
    entering brief bibliographic data and processing order documents for books and other publications (order cards, envelope letters addressed to the relevant publishing, distributing or bookselling organizations, the details of which are entered by the user once into the database);
    tracking order fulfillment, monitoring unfulfilled or underfulfilled orders;
    control of the receipt of literature in the library, entering data for the Book of Summary Accounting (KSU) about the incoming batch, obtaining a document for accounting;
    automatic transfer of records for cataloging - to the Electronic Catalog database - upon receipt of the first (or all) of the ordered copies (documents for individual accounting - sheets of the Inventory Book and/or sheets of registration - are prepared automatically after the completion of cataloging the received batch of books);
    obtaining other standard output forms, in particular when writing off and moving literature.
The technology for entering/correcting and searching for records in the acquisition database uses all the capabilities implemented in the CATALOGIST workstation.
AWS "Cataloguer". In LAN conditions, the system ensures the functioning of an arbitrary number of Catalogizer workstations with the ability to simultaneously change/replenish one database.
To create a database of the Electronic Catalog, the Catalogizer workstation offers a technology in which the following main characteristics can be distinguished:
    Bibliographic description structure based on the international UNIMARC standard. It is possible - in accordance with the user's requirements - to change this structure (both in the direction of simplification and in the direction of addition);
    A wide range of worksheets (screen forms) aimed at Various types bibliographic description;
    An original technology for describing serial publications (magazines), which ensures, on the one hand, the presence of a summary description of the publication as a whole, including information about the receipt of all its issues (volumes), and on the other hand, the presence of a description of a separate issue, which may contain information about its constituent articles;
    Automated technology for linguistic processing (systematization, subjectization, indexing) of publications, including a thematic navigation apparatus for the SRNTI Rubricator, a dictionary of Subject Headings and/or a thesaurus;
    Special technology for copying data, eliminating the need for re-entry when creating similar bibliographic descriptions, in particular, when processing multi-volume (continuing) publications;
    A wide range of data entry service tools that simplify the entry process and reduce the likelihood of errors, in particular, directory menus, dictionaries, nested worksheets (eliminating the need to enter special data element separators);
    A system of formal-logical data control both at the level of individual bibliographic elements and at the level of description as a whole - significantly reducing the likelihood of errors in the input process;
    An original technology for automatically checking for doublets, eliminating re-entry into the Electronic Catalog database of the description of a publication already present in the database;
    Ability to connect to bibliographic descriptions of graphic data and full texts of source documents;
    A wide range of output forms for presenting bibliographic descriptions. Automated technology for obtaining a complete set of catalog cards - implemented directly in the process of creating (entering) a bibliographic description;
    A wide range of search tools designed to search for documents (bibliographic descriptions) for the purpose of their further correction or copying.
In addition to forming the Electronic Catalog database, the Cataloger workstation is also used to create and maintain a Reader database.
AWS "Reader". In LAN conditions, the system provides the ability to simultaneously search in the same databases of the Electronic Catalog by an arbitrary number of users, i.e. simultaneous functioning of an arbitrary number of Reader workstations is ensured.
It is necessary to note the following main characteristics of the Reader automated computer:
    Comfortable, user-friendly interface designed for a user who does not have any special knowledge;
    Taking into account different levels of user experience, i.e. the same result can be achieved both by performing a sequence of simple operations designed for a novice user, and by performing one non-trivial operation designed for a trained user;
    Availability of a wide range of search tools that provide quick (by direct access through dictionaries) search in the Electronic Catalog database for all the main elements of the bibliographic description and their combinations. In addition, the user is given the opportunity to view graphical data and full texts - if used - associated with the retrieved documents;
    Ability to work with several databases that make up the Electronic Catalogue;
    Availability of paperless technology for placing orders for issuing literature.
AWP "Book Issue". In LAN conditions, the system provides work with a queue of generated orders for delivery in real time, i.e. orders generated on the “Reader” workstations are automatically sent to the “Book Issue” workstation.
The following main characteristics of the automated workstation “Book Issue” can be noted:
    A simple and convenient technology for maintaining a queue of orders for issuing literature and recording their execution, based on the menu;
    Availability of operational - updated in real time - information about free copies of ordered literature;
    Availability of operational - updated in real time - information about issued literature and readers who have it in their hands;
    A simple technology for recording the fact of the return of literature and the release of the corresponding copy;
    Recording of all information about the issuance/return of literature in individual cards (documents) of readers;
    Possibility of obtaining statistical information about the functioning of book lending - in particular, about debtors, literature detained by readers and the number of issues (literature circulation);
    Special technology for book issuance based on barcoding of copies.
AWS "Administrator". This workstation is used to perform operations on the system database as a whole, which are aimed at maintaining their relevance and safety. Almost all modes of operation of the Administrator workstation are associated with significant transformations of databases - up to their complete emptying - therefore only a responsible and trained employee should be allowed to work with this workstation.
The system provides the user with configuration tools, which, in particular, allow you to determine the user level of each specific workstation (PC), i.e. determine which workstations are available at a given workplace, and thereby determine the type of the Main Menu of the system (for the DOS version).

AWP Reader is used to search library databases, view, print found documents and generate an order for the issuance of found literature.
When you start the AWP Reader program, a registration window appears in which you need to enter the reader’s ID or full name.
Having filled out the card correctly, you can start working with the library catalogs.
Functionally, the AWP interface consists of two main working planes: Search and View. As can be seen from the figure, working with the base is simple and straightforward. In order to find a book or information that interests us, we need to create a current request.
Main characteristics:

    User-friendly interface designed for a user who does not have any special knowledge
    Availability of a wide range of search tools that provide a quick search in the DBElectronic catalog for all the main elements of the bibliographic description and their combinations
    The presence of an “advanced user” mode that provides information search based on any characteristics present in the Electronic Catalog or their arbitrary combinations.
    Possibility of access to workstations via the Internet.
    Availability of paperless technology for generating an order for the issuance of literature with its automatic transfer to the storage facility.
    The ability to work with the entire list of found documents, including combining query results, searching in the found ones, storing lists of documents in the system database, printing lists.
    Ability to print requirements in a given format.

3. Search
The Search working window contains the following components:
database - select the database in which the search is supposed to be conducted;
type of search - selection of an element of the bibliographic description and the corresponding dictionary in which it is intended to search in installed base data;
dictionary - working with a dictionary corresponding to the selected type of search in order to select search terms for the current request;
current request - formulation of a request for the next search;
completed queries - accumulation of information about completed queries and their use in the current query for the purpose of clarification or merging.
So, first, let's define the search form. It can be produced according to various parameters:
thematic rubricator;
type, type of document;
nature of the document;
team, event;
subject headings;
geographical headings;
country of publication;
the year of publishing;
magazine for the year;
publishing organization;
document code;
physical storage medium, etc.;

Naturally, each type of search has its own characteristics. When you select one or another type of search, a dictionary is automatically generated containing a list of key terms (for of this search), and also displays information about how many documents contain the corresponding keyword.
Based on the type of search we are interested in, we select keywords from the dictionary, compose a query, and click the Execute button. Then, in the Completed requests field, reflect

Experience with AIBS

Library AUTOMATION refers to the implementation of computer hardware and software and its development in library technologies and library practice. More broadly, library automation involves the transfer to computer technology of all processes that will gradually free library employees from routine operations, manual forms of work, and outdated equipment, as well as create an effective and comfortable service for readers that provides search and receipt of information and publications from the library’s collections. The key element of library automation, which allows you to transfer traditional library technologies to an automated platform, is special software called an automated information library system (AILS). Such a system makes it possible to improve the quality of service to readers, ensure the creation of an electronic catalog, automated issuance of books, effective management of the library collection, and a reduction in routine manual work. AIBS is built on a modular principle. Each of its modules is an automated workstation (AWS) and provides automation of a certain number of processes in library activities. As a rule, automated workplaces perform the following functions: Collector, Cataloger, Reader, Book Issuer, Administrator. All types of workstations are interconnected and represent a single integrated library system. Thus, today AIBS is being introduced into all library processes that a library user (reader) encounters (registration, catalog search, book lending, use of electronic resources), and into internal library processes in which library employees take part (collection of collections, processing publications, creation of thematic indexes, painting of collections and periodicals).

In 1999, our non-state school “European Gymnasium” acquired for its school library the library automation system IRBIS (integrated information and library system), developed by the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia. In choosing this AIBS for the European gymnasium, the following were decisive: 1) the system was developed specifically by the library, which avoids significant shortcomings and inconveniences inherent in AIBS created by developers who are not directly related to library science; 2) the ability to constantly update the AIBS due to the regular appearance of more advanced versions; 3) provision of powerful technical support to the State Public Library for Science and Technology, including through the Internet; 4) the ability to operate AIBS in a local computer network and on the Internet.

AIBS IRBIS is designed to automate traditional information and library technologies and is a set of interconnected automated workstations of five types.

The “Complete” workstation is a workstation of a library worker who performs the functions of acquiring and accounting for library collections on the basis of maintaining a special database. In a local computer network, the system ensures the functioning of an arbitrary number of Komplektator automated workstations with the ability to simultaneously replenish (adjust) one database.

The “Cataloguer” workstation is a workstation for a librarian who performs all the functions of creating (replenishing and updating) electronic catalog databases. In a local computer network, the system ensures the functioning of an arbitrary number of automated workstations “Catalogizer” with the ability to simultaneously replenish (adjust) one database.

The “Reader” workstation is a workstation for the end user of the electronic catalog (library reader) and is intended for a comprehensive search in the electronic catalog, viewing (printing) the information found and creating an order for issuing literature. In a local computer network, the system provides the ability to simultaneously search in the same electronic catalog databases for an arbitrary number of users (readers).

The automated workplace “Book lending” is a workplace of a library worker who performs the functions of issuing literature in accordance with the orders generated and returning it. In a local computer network, the system provides work with a queue of generated orders for delivery in real time, i.e. orders generated on the “Reader” automated workplace are automatically sent to the “Book Issue” automated workplace.

The “Administrator” workstation is a specialist’s workplace that performs system operations on databases as a whole, aimed at keeping them up to date.

Information basis The systems comprise six databases.

Database acquisition contains preliminary (short) bibliographic descriptions of the literature planned for acquisition, as well as special order and subscription data.

Database electronic catalog contains a bibliographic and technological (special) description of the literature on the library collection.

Database readers contains details of registered readers and information about the issue (return) of literature.

Database orders contains a queue of current orders for issuing literature.

System the database contains system data and the main thematic classifier.

Database alphabetical subject index for UDC/BBK.

As already noted, the IRBIS system has been operating in the school library of the European Gymnasium for about nine years. It can be noted with satisfaction that at the same time, the European Gymnasium did NOT face two serious problems, the presence of which, unfortunately, significantly complicates the use of AIBS in many Russian schools: 1) extremely insufficient computerization of schools in general, and especially school libraries; 2) very weak for use computer equipment professional, psychological preparedness of teachers and school librarians.

The European gymnasium is very well equipped with computers. In both buildings (it should be noted that the specifics of the European Gymnasium include the presence of two buildings since 2001 - a primary school and a secondary school) each teacher has his own personal computer in his office. Computer classes are equipped with a significant number of computers intended for students' classes. All administrative services of the gymnasium are also computerized. The local computer network is functioning. In this regard, all teachers and staff, without exception, are able to successfully use information technology in their work. This also applies to librarians. Especially for effective use AIBS in the school library librarians were trained in the “Computer Technologies” program (72 hours in short-term advanced training courses at one of the state technical universities in Moscow). Both school library premises (in both primary and secondary schools) are equipped with the necessary number of computers and office equipment. The high school library has three computers, a printer, a scanner, and a copier. Two of these three computers are intended for library workers. With the help of one of them, located in the storage facility, cataloging is usually carried out. With the help of another, located in the reading room, books are mainly issued. The third computer is for library users. With its help, they can use the Reader workstation, view documents on non-traditional media, search for information on a local computer network and on the Internet. Library primary school equipped with a computer and copier. The installation and subsequent use of IRBIS at the European Gymnasium was carried out in close collaboration between librarians and system administrators and computer science teachers, which significantly reduced the difficulties when working with AIBS.

The first stage in the development of the automation process in the library using AIBS is the creation of an electronic catalogue. The creation of an electronic catalog means: 1) cataloging of new arrivals; 2) retrospective conversion of existing card catalogs into machine-readable (electronic) form. In the first years of the existence of the European Gymnasium, given the insufficient space of the library and the absence of a full-time librarian, card catalogs were not compiled at all. Therefore, retrospective conversion was not carried out, and the electronic catalog became the first school library catalogue. By the start of work on creating an electronic catalog, the library collection numbered over 12 thousand copies. Due to such a significant volume, it was decided to transfer the existing collection gradually, over a significant period of time, and carry out electronic cataloging of new acquisitions to the library immediately. In total, due to the heavy workload of librarians, cataloging the already existing collection took six whole years - from 1999 to 2005. During this time, a total of more than 16 thousand titles and more than 28 thousand copies of documents were entered into the electronic catalogue. Today, the unified electronic catalog of the European Gymnasium Library contains more than 20 thousand titles and more than 35 thousand copies of documents (including written-off ones). Without exception, all documents of the fund, regardless of their type, type and physical media (books, periodicals, audio and video cassettes, electronic disks, filmstrips, slides), are included in the electronic catalog and have their own unique identification features.

As already noted, in AIBS IRBIS cataloging is carried out using the “Cataloguer” automated workplace. After the division of the European Gymnasium library into two buildings (secondary and primary schools) in 2001, and due to the fact that the acquisition and accounting of the entire library collection is carried out centrally by secondary school librarians, electronic cataloging of new acquisitions was carried out only in the secondary school, and cataloging already existing documents – in both secondary and primary schools. After complete completion of cataloging, subsequent entries into the electronic catalog are carried out only in the secondary school library.

Electronic catalogue, i.e. a machine-readable library catalogue, working in real time and made available to readers, is devoid of a number of significant disadvantages inherent in traditional library catalogues. Card catalogs take up significant space in the library, which has a particularly negative impact on school libraries, which usually have a very small area. The electronic catalog, so to speak, does not exceed the size system unit computer. Filling out traditional index cards is quite time consuming, especially when there are large numbers of new arrivals. You can enter data into the electronic catalog extremely quickly. If you need to change the information on the index card, you must remove it and fill out a new one. Correcting an electronic catalog entry takes just a few keystrokes. And most importantly, the electronic catalog makes it possible to combine in one one a number of traditional catalogs, allows you to search simultaneously using a significant number of parameters, thereby significantly facilitating and speeding up the work of library staff and servicing its readers. Thus, the electronic catalog AIBS IRBIS combines the following traditional library catalogues: author, title, systematic, subject, thematic, numbering, chronological, publishing, language, geographical, periodicals. The electronic catalog also includes card indexes: articles, new arrivals, personalities, works of employees of the European Gymnasium. The electronic catalog allows you to enter and search for documents using a significant number of parameters.

By last names of authors, editors, compilers etc. Moreover, the number of names related to one document can be unlimited, i.e. You can search, for example, by the fifth author. In addition, when searching for documents in a foreign language, surnames (and initials) can be indicated in both foreign and Russian languages, for example, Stevenson R.L. and Stevenson R.L.

By name of the group/event.

By title. This refers to the titles of both books (audio cassettes, video discs) and individual works (articles, sound recordings, films) included in them. Parallel titles in different languages ​​can be entered, for example "Treasure Island" and "Treasure Island".

By the title of magazines and newspapers.

By series title.

By keywords. Possibility of searching by ten words contained in the title. It has important in the event that the librarian or user does not know the exact title of the document. For example, to search for the fairy tale “The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio,” you just need to enter “Pinocchio.”

By type/type of documents. Allows you to find out how many books are in the library: books in general, single volumes, multivolumes, issues of magazines and newspapers in general, individual articles from magazines and newspapers, sound recordings, video documents, electronic documents.

According to the nature of the document. Allows you to determine: the number of textbooks, workbooks, teaching materials, fiction, educational literature, cartographic materials, etc.

For the intended purpose. Indicates the age of the person for whom this document is intended. For example: preschool children, young people, adults.

By physical storage medium. This refers to a non-printing media: audio cassette, video cassette, electronic cassette, filmstrip, slide, CD, DVD.

According to the publishing organization.

By country of publication. The library of the European Gymnasium contains documents published in more than 40 countries.

By language. This function extremely relevant for the European gymnasium. In addition to documents in Russian, the library contains 2846 titles of documents in English language, 423 in French, 409 in German, 59 in Spanish and another 43 in fourteen other languages.

By year of publication.

According to magazines and newspapers for a certain year. Allows you to determine the number of periodicals for a specific year.

According to UDC/BBK/other classification. In order for the user to immediately determine whether a particular document belongs to the collection of educational literature, the “Uch” index is specially highlighted in the “other classification” heading. For example, Uch - textbook, Uch-rt - workbook, Uch-dm - didactic material, Uch-kh - educational reader.

By personalities.


According to the document code. After entering new entry into the electronic catalog IRBIS automatically encrypts it. The cipher includes UDC/BBK/other classification, the author's sign of the two-digit author's table and a six-digit unique number.

By date of entry.

Where the copy is stored. This function, due to the presence of two buildings at the European Gymnasium, is extremely important, since it allows you to determine which library (secondary or primary school) the document is stored in.

By book batch/book inventory number. The entry number in the summary book, as well as in the inventory book, is determined.

By individual barcodes. Allows you to accurately identify each copy of a document when entered into an electronic catalog and when subsequently issued to the user. Barcodes are produced by librarians at the European Gymnasium themselves, using a special printer. All three library office computers are equipped with barcode scanners. To facilitate statistical calculations, the barcodes of educational and non-educational literature collections are somewhat different from each other.

Based on individual barcodes of written off documents.

It should be especially noted that local computer networks both buildings of the European Gymnasium have been connected to each other via the Internet since 2006, essentially in single network. This allows, for example, when a new entry is entered into an electronic catalog in a secondary school, information about this operation is immediately transferred in real time to the office computer of the elementary school library. It should also be said that some of the documents most in demand by users, mainly related to project activities and intra- and interschool conferences, are posted in in electronic format on the gymnasium server. Information about these documents is reflected in the electronic catalog and the path to their search on the local computer network is indicated.

It is also important to dwell on the capabilities of AIBS IRBIS to combine different search terms in a query. To do this, use the “Logic” switch, designed to indicate logical operators that combine search terms, which determines the presence of the specified search terms in the searched documents. Three types of logical operators are offered:

“Or” – defines the requirement for the presence of at least one of the search terms in the searched documents. For example, a query combines the search terms “French” and “CD.” There are 423 titles of documents in French in the library, and 384 on the CD. Using the logical operator “Or” the result is 779: 423+384–28 (excluding the number of CDs in French).

*“AND” – defines the requirement for the presence of all specified search terms in the searched documents. For example, “French” and “CD” are again combined. In this case, the result obtained will be 28 - the number of CDs in French (excluding the number of CDs not in French).

“No” – defines the requirement for the presence of the first and the absence of all other search terms. For example, if you combine the terms "French" and "CD", the result will be 395, i.e. 423–28 (excluding the number of CDs in French).

The number of search terms when using the “Logic” switch is unlimited.

It is also important to use the “Truncation” switch to expand search results. It is used to indicate whether search terms are right-truncated or not-truncated, which determines how the terms are compared with corresponding document elements.

If truncation is not applied - the “No” indicator is turned on, the comparison gives a positive result if the search term completely matches the corresponding element of the document. For example, the search term “machine gun” will only match the document element “machine gun”.

If truncation is applied - the "Yes" indicator is turned on, the comparison gives a positive result when the search term matches the beginning of the corresponding document element. For example, the search term “automatic” will match the document terms “automation”, “automatic”, etc.

If the “Cataloguer” workstation is intended exclusively for official use by library employees, then the “Reader” workstation can be used by all registered readers of the school library, i.e. all students, teachers and staff of the European Gymnasium without exception. The Reader workstation provides the ability to: 1) search for documents in an electronic catalog using a wide range of search tools designed for both beginners and advanced users; 2) electronic, i.e. paperless, formation of an order for the issuance of literature. Searching for documents and creating an order can be done from any computer in both buildings of the European Gymnasium. For students, working with an electronic catalog is very important, since it gives children the immediate opportunity to independently search for the literature they need. At first, the child uses the library’s electronic catalog only as a simple “search engine.” However, over time, students begin to understand that AIBS allows not only to search for information, but also to independently develop its strategy and algorithms (from the question “What exactly should I look for on a topic that interests me?” to “How to correctly use the information I have received?”). The ability not only to search for information, but also to synthesize, analyze and process it certainly contributes to improving the information culture of students. In a narrower sense, a child’s thoughtful and creative use of an electronic catalog leads him to the ability to independently use the library’s reference and search apparatus and carry out reference and bibliographic services in the “question-answer” mode. Librarians encourage students to work with the electronic catalog as much as possible and promote it in every possible way. Every year, practical classes are conducted with each class on the study and use of the electronic catalogue, and with the eighth grade, theoretical classes are conducted in computer science lessons as part of the study of databases.

Form with information about issues/returns

The automated workplace “Book Issue” allows you to completely abandon paper reader forms. When a new reader enrolls in the library, an electronic form is created for him. Information similar to that entered in the traditional reader's form is entered there. The difference is in the reader’s unique electronic identification number. Using this number, the library produces a library card with a barcode. This barcode allows you to instantly identify the reader.

Thanks to the fact that the user can make a preliminary order in electronic form via a local computer network, the library’s work becomes much more efficient. Pre-orders allow the librarian to find the required documents in advance and prepare them for checkout. The pre-order system also helps avoid crowds of readers in the library. Pre-orders are especially convenient when picking up literature in another building. For example, an elementary school teacher can place an electronic order for teaching materials located in the secondary school fund, and then, having received (again in electronic form) confirmation that the order has been completed, come to pick it up.

The issuance and delivery of literature is significantly speeded up by the presence of barcodes. When scanning a barcode, information about the document is immediately entered into the reader’s electronic form and the document becomes issued. This is very convenient when issuing and handing over a significant amount of literature to one, and even more so, several readers. In addition, a barcode allows you to clearly and unambiguously determine the “belonging” of a specific document to a specific reader. The electronic reader’s form extremely clearly and clearly demonstrates to the librarian the titles of the books issued, the date of their issue, the timing of the expected return, as well as information about the reader’s debts. In addition, the “Book Issue” automated workplace allows you to instantly find out who exactly owns the issued copy of the document, which is completely impossible with traditional paper forms. It is also very important that the reader can independently view his electronic form and, thus, be aware of his debts. The library of the European Gymnasium generally does not accept questions from students about what debts they have or whether the book they have belongs to the student. The student should be able to answer such questions himself.

The use of AILS in school libraries, of course, should develop in the direction of expanding their further capabilities and increasing the effectiveness of the capabilities of existing ones. Undoubtedly, in the near future, a complete transition to automated acquisition of school libraries and electronic accounting of funds is desirable. The placement of electronic documents on local computer networks of schools should continue. The system will receive the necessary development remote access to electronic resources of school libraries via the Internet - so that each student from his own home computer could turn to the school's AIBS and familiarize himself with the contents of the document he was interested in. And, I think, the AILS of school libraries should be united into common computer networks to create consolidated electronic catalogs and shared access to information resources. The time of global informatization of the educational process is just around the corner, and school libraries should not passively wait for its onset, but keep pace with it. This is their main task.

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