Development of SEO reporting - from positioning to market analysis. What is included in the monthly work of an SEO optimizer?

Hello! Sometimes you want to very clearly study the site’s statistics with the usual understandable indicators without unnecessary gestures. Some people are generally not well versed in Yandex Metrica and do not know what needs to be done to see the necessary information.

Also, sometimes someone needs beautiful reports on SEO promotion for your clients. Someone needs it. And there is very good decision- automatic generation of SEO reports. Moreover, this can be done for free.

Most likely, some of you know who Ilya Rusakov is. He is better known as SeoInSoul with his blog. Old people in the blogosphere know him for sure; he was very popular back in the era of the peak popularity of SEO blogs. And back in 2011, I met him personally on.

One day Ilya knocked on my email so that I could become a tester of his new service. was needed Feedback, so that I write about what is missing, some of my ideas for improvement, improvement of the service.

I really liked the service right away. The truth came to me again: why haven’t I created my own service yet? In general, I'm a fool. 🙂 Not ripe, probably. I know that someday the time will come when I will invite you all to my cool service.

About the SEO-Reports service

The main purpose of the SEO-Reports service is to create SEO promotion reports for clients. But you can also use it for yourself as visual statistics. Moreover, you can work with the first project absolutely free of charge.

It is not necessary to create reports for someone else; you can generate them for yourself to see understandable and clear pictures. Run your site through SEO reports, give it a try. You will get a lot of information in 3 minutes. For free.

  • a report can be created in a few clicks, which saves a lot of time;
  • data is “pulled” from Yandex Metrics or Google Analytics;
  • you can export the report to PDF or Word files;
  • those who have created simple customer reports can increase customer loyalty by using this service. As a result, they will work with you longer.
  • integration with position parser;
  • possibility of branding reports;
  • detailed visual statistics for the entire project;
  • and etc.

Example of reports in SEO-Reports

The report looks something like this, I’ll show you block by block (screenshots can be enlarged by clicking on them).

Attendance/Behavioral Factors:

Traffic distribution by channels:

Popular search phrases:

Achieving goals according to Yandex Metrica:

Link mass graph from Yandex Webmaster:

Completed and planned work:

And all this can be exported either to Word document, in order to correct something later, or in a PDF file:

How to work with SEO-Reports

  1. Go to settings:
  2. Connect Yandex Metrica or Google Analytics:

  3. If Yandex or Google asks for permission to your account, allow it. Next, click on the “Plus” sign opposite “Connected sites”:
  4. Select the required site from the list, check the box and click on the “Connect” button. The site will be added to your panel of connected sites:

    Here you will see the name of the site, its URL, whether it is virus-free or not (by the way, it happens when a site is hacked and has viruses, and you don’t even suspect it; convenient.), TCI, how many pages are indexed in Yandex.
  5. To generate a report, click on the “eye” on the right side of the panel:
  6. Next, in the first part, select dates to create a comparison of periods, goals from Yandex Metrics, if you have them:

  7. Below we list the work done and what remains to be done:

  8. You can enter it manually, or use templates:

  9. It's a pity that this moment You can’t create your own templates; after all, everyone does their job differently. But in the future, I’m sure something similar will happen. Below, click on the “Report Structure” button:
  10. There we select the items that need to be included in the report. You can exclude what is unnecessary (if necessary, you can add comments to the block):

  11. Click on the "Generate" button:
  12. And we get the same type of report that I demonstrated above (in the paragraph “Examples of reports”). You can brand your reports (add a logo) and add your contacts in the settings:

  13. In the report they will come out quite nicely in the cap of each PDF pages or Word document:
  14. SEO-Reports is so easy to use, but at the same time very useful, it saves a lot of time.
  • Effective reports with economic indicators - average price per customer by channel, ROI, etc.
  • Integration with other services for reading positions - Allpositions, Seolib. I’m really looking forward to integration with , since I work with it.
  • Additional modules for links and indexing.
  • And many many others.


After seeing a report like this from SEO-Reports, clients are more satisfied. Here are clear numbers of traffic growth/decline. So many additional information, which is really interesting and useful.

But in any case, do not forget, the best report is a real indicator of the effectiveness of your work. First of all, the result is important. And if it doesn’t exist, no services for creating beautiful/similar reports will help you. This tool is an addition for you, improving the quality of the services provided.

Try this service, is it convenient for you? What do you lack that you would like to change? I will tell Ilya and together we will make the service even better and more convenient.

The question is ambiguous.

  1. Each specialist may have his own idea of ​​the necessary work (depending on experience and knowledge) and its cost.
  2. This greatly depends on the site being promoted. If you have an online store, then I can say that it usually requires a lot of work.
During promotion, the work can be completely different - this includes analytics, and work on technical optimization, and work with the semantic core, and many other things.

To simplify, then:

  • Before promotion begins, a site audit is usually carried out to identify existing shortcomings and prepare recommendations for developers (what needs to be corrected).
  • Going to semantic core Based on the range of goods and demand in a particular region, changes to the structure of the site can be made based on the core.
  • The websites of the main competitors are analyzed based on the prepared core (their methods of promotion, etc.).
  • Technical optimization of the site and basic optimization of the site pages are carried out.
  • Analytics systems are configured (goals in metrics and Google analytics).
  • After this comes Full time job to improve the site - texts are changed, product cards and categories are worked out, various useful and convenient features are introduced.
The full list of works is quite large, I don’t see any point in turning my answer into an abstract, especially since different works may be required.

If you estimate the costs, then it’s good the bulk of them- this is the labor costs of a specialist. Yes, there are still guys who consider the budget for promotion solely the cost of links, but I don’t recommend contacting them.

You can agree with the contractor on a certain fix + additional budget for texts and links (if necessary).

Usually, specialists are not very welcoming of the customer’s desire to describe everything point by point without payment, draw up a strategy, etc., since most customers after this either remain silent, or think for a long time, or simply go where it is cheaper.

If you want to take the issue seriously, order a preliminary analysis, in which you ask to outline the approximate work (after analyzing the site) and discuss the limits of additional costs. Try to communicate with the performer and make sure of his competence.

What to require from a SEO specialist
These could be reports on the work done for a specific period (so that if you have questions, you can ask for an independent assessment from third-party specialists), or think for yourself how it is more convenient for you to track efficiency and, depending on this, discuss the reporting form.

P.s. In the first months (especially if the store is young), you should not expect explosive growth in sales. SEO is a long-term investment, and not as many people imagine, “I want to get to the top in 2 weeks, pay 500, and make a profit of $10,000.”

The process of personalizing search algorithms in the future will deal a significant blow to one of the most popular services of SEO optimizers - bringing sites to the top in search engine results. SEO companies will switch to a number of other factors, however, without a specific system for assessing performance search engine promotion this may turn into a serious problem for which a specific solution has already appeared.

Not long ago, Yandex announced the emergence of personal search, for which a new ranking mechanism “Kaliningrad” was launched. It opened new era in the history of search resources - from now on, search engines will be able to formulate answers to user queries taking into account their personal preferences in order to show everyone individual search results. Yandex noted that the new development has already affected 60-80% of requests. Simply put, eight out of ten search results received by two users will be different. For a long time, SEO service providers offered a specific result to their clients - they brought sites in the top 10 for certain queries. The long and large-scale war of Yandex with paid links, as well as the lack of firm guarantees of results, did not greatly shake the current situation. SEO promotion services are still in demand in the old format. This suggests that until now the main result of the work will be considered the position, and the report of most companies is presented in the form of tables with site positions in different search engines.

When the possibility of personal search results appeared, the use of site positioning data for certain queries ceased to serve as a definition of the effective work of an SEO company, because it became impossible to determine exactly how many users the site received in the top 10 search results. It is clear that alternative solutions for assessing the effectiveness of SEO promotion have been updated.

How to keep a report to customers?

After a study using the “mystery shopping” technique, which covered 15 SEO companies from the top ranking list, interesting data was obtained. It turned out that along with the typical “positioning by request” metric, SEOs also offer a number of additional points - the overall flow of traffic to the resource, traffic from search engines, user achievement of the target page, including “leads” - targeted actions. Judging by experience, the use of these methods in isolation from system-wide analysis gives rise to some disadvantages: problems with determining the most significant indicators from the standpoint of influence on sales, low marketing orientation and complex interpretation of information collected from different sources.

AIDA method, analysis of SEO results

Our company uses the AIDA reporting method, which allows us to successfully evaluate the effectiveness of SEO data. It combines indicators that are important from a marketing and marketing point of view. statistical information, collected on the Internet.

When user interaction occurs, the site will be able to solve two different types tasks – commercially and information oriented. The commercial task solves issues of raising the level of sales and sales promotion, and the information direction will prepare the client to take an effective action, that is, to purchase or order.

The solutions implemented in the AIDA model are based on the fact that the procedure for the visitor to perform a key action - purchasing goods and services - occurs after a certain chain of contact points with the site has been completed, in which commercial and communication functions are involved. There are 4 basic points in communication:

    capturing attention;

    generating interest in products or services;

    a desire to buy a product;

    purchase of goods.

Using these points, you can measure how effectively communication functions are performed and monitor how they move the visitor towards making a positive decision – a purchase.

How to assess user attention

To do this, you need to use several indicators of site visitor activity:

    the total number of visitors for the reporting period - in order to assess their attention, you need to analyze site traffic for each day, taking into account weekends and holidays. It will be convenient to display the results in the form of a graph, where you can get information about the number of visitors to the site per month who paid attention to the links in the search engine results;

    change in the number of visitors over time - if you present the data in the form of a diagram reflecting the number of visitors during the reporting period, you can determine how the dynamics of contact at the point of “attention” is developing. And if you use a long period of time, then you can conduct an analysis based on the seasonal factor;

    the ratio of new visitors to “old” ones - with the help of this factor you can evaluate the activity of attracting new users, which is of great importance at the “attention” point, since this means the appearance of those visitors who have taken the “first steps” in the contact chain using the AIDA method;

    a set of search phrases that provide an influx of traffic to the site - this list will help you understand which visitors’ attention was attracted from the search engine. Search queries allow us to evaluate what is information need visitors, that is, you can see how relevant the attracted audience will be to the goods or services offered on the site;

    source of visitors - after analyzing where users come from, we can conclude what contribution certain sites make to the formation of total traffic and what their ratio is.

The result of the overall assessment of the “attention” indicator will be the creation of a visible picture of the entire mass of traffic, its parametric features, which will allow assessing the reach and sources of a new audience.

Assessing user interest is an important factor in user communication with the site. Studying this factor provides information about the number of consumers who have expressed specific interest in the products or services offered. IN this group includes several points:

    correlation of pages viewed to visits - let’s take it as an axiom that the number of page views by users is proportional to the growth of interest in the site and product offering (of course, not without exceptions). With this indicator we estimate the average number of pages viewed by each user. Dynamic changes reflect changes in the degree of “interest” of the attracted audience;

    number of failures – specifies users who have not progressed further home page site. When the failure rate approaches 90%, this means only one thing – the site is not interesting to most users. Note that this factor is not the same when studied using different statistical systems. For example, Yandex.Metrica considers as a refusal those cases when the user viewed only one page in a period of time of no more than 15 seconds, and Google Analytics recognizes viewing only one page as a “refusal”. This indicator is important because its dynamics can be used to evaluate marketing interest rather than absolute values;

    popular content on the site - a list of the most popular columns site will be a way to assess what content of the site is interesting to users, and how the audience of visitors relates to the marketing task facing the site. It will be useful to study popular content and the number of bounces on these pages. For example, an excessively increased bounce rate for important website pages responsible for a marketing task will indicate that there may be a so-called bottleneck in the sales funnel;

    the total number of pages viewed in the “catalogue of goods and services” - this indicator may also contain data for sites not related to commerce. With its help, you can analyze users who not just visit the site, but view the product catalog. It happens that the result of search engine promotion will be visitors who come to sections of the site with text content without the presence of sales elements. A situation will arise where the number of site visitors will increase, but its effectiveness from a marketing point of view will not improve. To exclude such precedents, you need to carefully monitor the dynamics of pages that generate direct interest in purchasing goods;

    direct traffic, return of visitors - the indicator of change in this factor will be a good reflector of the public’s interest in the site. If users access the site repeatedly, using their bookmarks or entering the address in the browser, this has a positive effect on traffic dynamics. But, of course, careful filtering is needed here, for example, to cut off visits from the staff of your own company, who often visit the site on work issues;

    the ability to evaluate the user’s desire - the “desire” item almost always indicates the loss of the visitor’s connection with the site. All manipulations performed by visitors on the site can end at this step. A person may want to place an order, but something distracted him, he left the site, and then ordered a product from a competitor. An adequate analysis of the “desire” point will eliminate such unproductive reasons and bring the visitor to the key “action” point.

Viewing target site content

The target value can have almost any significant pages, which for different sites will have an individual character, determined by the characteristics of the business or forms of service provision. Typically, landing pages include the following categories: “contacts”, “delivery”, “write to us”, “request a call back”. Studying the dynamics of visiting these pages will allow us to assess which of the total number of visitors is included in the target group and shows interest in the products offered.

Analysis of statistics on filling out forms

For many sites, target users include those who have made certain information requests by filling out a request form - cost, commercial offers etc. By analyzing such mechanisms, you can identify your key visitors and track them dynamically. This will help strengthen the point of loss of contact at the “desire” point.

We evaluate user actions

Action is the main result of a long communication chain. It is very important to take seriously the tracking of effective communication endings. After all, the effectiveness of promotion in economic terms directly depends on this. The main factors of this point include two indicators: performing an effective action and recruiting keywords effective action:

    performing an effective action - on almost all commercial websites, the “action” item is associated with an event on the site that has economic importance. This could be consent to purchase, to receive a newsletter, or download a price list. The positivity of this trend, considered with an eye to seasonality and market conditions, shows that visitors attracted to the site confidently went through all the steps of the “sales funnel” and became real customers;

    a set of effective keywords - you need to analyze the dynamics of the “keywords” that ensure the influx of visitors to the site. This will help you allocate your budget more intelligently and adjust the forms of attracting visitors to increase the number of effective actions.

Aggregate assessment of indicators

As a result of a detailed analysis of all indicators along the path of visitors’ contact with the site, it will be possible to create an integral funnel that reflects the most key indicators that create conversion.

Bottom line

With the development of search engines, the market for SEO services will seriously change. The introduction of personalized search will significantly increase the importance of developing marketing methods for analyzing the effectiveness of SEO direction. The AIDA model and Internet statistics indicators will help build a general system scheme for conducting analytical studies of the results of SEO promotion, highlight the most important points affecting sales, combine and interpret the entire mass of statistical data.
