Start from Sberbank: convenient offers for business, program features. How it's done

The program is aimed at creating new and supporting existing small innovative enterprises seeking to develop and master the production of a new product, product, technology or service using the results of their own scientific and technical and technological research, which are at the initial stage of development and have a significant potential for commercialization.

Take part in the competition This program can:

1) legal entities belonging to the category of small businesses in accordance with federal law No. 209-FZ of July 24, 2007 and meeting the following conditions:

  • the date of registration of the enterprise is no more than 2 years from the date of filing the application for the competition;
  • leading employees of the enterprise (head of the enterprise, scientific supervisor of the project) should not participate in other projects financed by the Foundation;
  • the enterprise should not have previously received financial support from the Fund/

2) individuals - provided that they do not simultaneously participate (act as the head of the enterprise, scientific supervisor of the project) in other projects financed by the Foundation. If you win the competition, you will need to create a legal entity.

Program directions:

    H1. Digital technologies;

    H2. Medicine and technologies of health saving;

    H3. New materials and chemical technologies;

    H4. New instruments and intelligent manufacturing technologies;

    H5. Biotechnology;

    H6. Resource-saving energy.

The program is implemented in 3 stages:

  • 1st stage of the Program (competition "Start-1");
  • 2nd stage of the Program (competition "Start-2");
  • 3rd stage of the Program (competition "Start-3"). An alternative to the "Start-3" competition is the "Business Start" program, which is aimed at commercializing the results of R&D obtained as part of the execution of contracts for the "Start-2" competition (an analogue of the "Commercialization" program for participants in the "Start" program).
Support options:
Start-1 Start-2 Start-3 Business Start
Grant size Up to 2 million rubles Up to 3 million rubles Up to 5 million rubles Up to 10 million rubles
Grant term 1 year
Extrabudgetary co-financing Not required At least 50% of the grant amount At least 50% of the grant amount
Direction of expenses Conducting R&D. Detailed Commercialization of R&D results.
Members Individual or legal entity Legal entities Legal entities who have completed any stage of the Start program (including Start-3 and Start-NTI).

Expected results:

  • established intellectual property, the rights to which must be registered in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for the enterprise - the recipient of the grant (for the competitions "Start-1", "Start-2", "Start-3";
  • the head of the enterprise must be employed in the staff of the enterprise as the main place of work;
  • The average number of employees of the enterprise should be:
    at least 3 people - for grant recipients in the "Start-2" competition;
    at least 6 people - for grantees under the "Start-3" competition and the "Business Start" program.
  • an enterprise website was created, which, among other things, should contain information about products developed as part of R & D and a link about the support of the project by the Foundation - for grantees under the Start-2 competition;
  • the sale of products created at the expense of the grant has begun (contracts for the sale of products must be concluded, proceeds from the sale of innovative products have been received) - for grant recipients under the Start-2 competition;
  • the enterprise's revenue from the sale of products must be at least the amount of the Fund's funds received for all stages of the project - for grant recipients under the Start-3 competition and the Business Start program.

In case of a significant failure to achieve the planned indicators, the Fund has the right to demand the return of the grant funds.

Detailed information about the program is presented in the section

Applications under the "Start" and "Business Start" programs are accepted constantly, applications are considered 2-3 times a year:

Competition Basic conditions Current status
Start-1 Grant size: up to 2 million rubles. R&D completion time: 12 months. Participants: individuals or legal entities-subjects of small business.
Start-2 (transition) Grant size: up to 3 million rubles. R&D completion time: 12 months. Co-financing: at least 50% of the grant amount. Participants: legal entities that have successfully completed the grant agreement for the Start-1 competition. Applications are accepted until 10:00 (Moscow time) on April 20, 2020.
Start-2 Grant size: up to 3 million rubles. R&D completion time: 12 months. Co-financing: at least 50% of the grant amount. Participants: legal entities that have not previously participated in the Start program. Applications are accepted until 10:00 (Moscow time) on April 20, 2020.
Start-3 Grant size: up to 5 million rubles. R&D completion time: 12 months. Co-financing: at least 50% of the grant amount. Participants: legal entities that have successfully completed the grant agreement for the Start-2 competition.
Business Start Grant size: up to 10 million rubles. Project completion time: 12 months. Co-financing: at least 50% of the grant amount. Participants: the enterprise must have a closed contract for the competition "Start-1", "Start-2", "Start-3" or "Start-NTI".

Reception of applications is over.


Reception of applications is over.

TechnoStart Grant size: 10 million rubles. R&D completion time: 12-18 months. Reception of applications is over.
Start-Digital Technologies Grant size: 3 million rubles. R&D completion time: 12 months.
Reception of applications is over.
Start-Digital Platforms Grant size: 3 million rubles. R&D completion time: 12 months.
The "Digital Platforms" competition within the framework of the "Start" program is implemented in 3 stages:

1st stage (competition "Start-CP-1") - the maximum amount of the grant is 3 million rubles;

Stage 2 (competition "Start-CPU-2") - enterprises that have completed the previous stage of the program can participate in the competition. The maximum amount of the grant is 4 million rubles;

Stage 3 (“Start-CPU-3” competition) - enterprises that have completed the previous stage of the program can participate in the competition. The maximum amount of the grant is 5 million rubles.

Applications are accepted until 10:00 (Moscow time) on April 6, 2020.

Grant funding funds can be used to financially support the costs of R&D as part of the implementation of an innovative project in accordance with the approved cost estimate of the grant funds:

  • a) salary;
  • b) payroll;
  • c) materials, raw materials, components (no more than 20% of the grant amount);
  • d) payment for the work of co-executors;
  • e) other work and services of a production nature performed by third parties;
  • f) other general business expenses (no more than 5% of the grant amount).

Expenses for items "d" and "e" should not exceed 25% of the grant amount in aggregate"

Explanations on expenditure items are presented in the file: Requirements for the preparation of estimates for contracts concluded before November 28, 2018. (download) for contracts concluded after November 28, 2018 (download)

Current program competitions:

Start-1, Start-2, Start-2 (continuing), Start-3 accepting applications until 10:00 (Moscow time) on April 20, 2020.

Video about the program

Application Algorithm

Carefully read the regulations on the program. To fill out the application, go to the system Register and create an application for the competition in the "Actual competitions" section After filling in all the fields of the application, attaching all the necessary documents - click the "Submit" button

The procedure for submitting and verifying reports (download)

Composition of interim reporting documentation

    1 Registration card (RK) It is necessary to register the topic of the current contract (not the topic of the project). RK is attached to the Fund's system with the date, number and stamp of CITIS

    2 Interim scientific and technical report of the relevant stage

    3 Financial report on the costs incurred during the execution of the work of stage No. ...,

    4 Act on the completion of the R&D stage

    5 Information card of abstract and bibliographic information (ICRBS).

    ICRBS can be issued as soon as the NTO is ready, without waiting for its approval. ICRBS is issued for the NTO (Name of the R&D - the subject of the contract, Name of the report - the work of the current stage of the calendar plan / topic of the contract, if the ICRBS is for the final NTO). ICRBS is attached to the Fund's system with the date, number and seal of CITIS

Composition of the final reporting documentation

    1 Final Scientific and technical report

    2 Information card of abstract and bibliographic information (ICRBS)

  • ICRBS can be issued as soon as the NTO is ready, without waiting for its approval. ICRBS is issued for the NTO (Name of the R&D - the subject of the contract, Name of the report - the work of the current stage of the calendar plan / topic of the contract, if the ICRBS is for the final NTO). ICRBS is attached to the Fund's system with the date, number and seal of CITIS
  • 3 Information card of the result of intellectual activity (IKR)

  • For questions regarding the endorsement of forms (IKR, ICSPO, ICSI), please contact the Performance Evaluation Department budget support by the address:
  • 4 Innovation project implementation indicators (IIP table)

    5 Financial report on the costs incurred during the execution of the work of stage No. ...,

  • Report on the costs incurred under the grant agreement in accordance with the approved cost estimate and from extrabudgetary funds, for the last stage of the agreement.
  • 6 Act on the completion of the R&D stage

    7 R&D performance certificate

    8 Report on the intended use of grant funds

Organizational part

If it is impossible or inappropriate to continue the work, the contractors of the contract must promptly apply about this with a letter addressed to CEO Foundation.

If it is necessary to amend the contract, the executing organization concludes with the Fund an additional agreement to the contract on the basis of a letter submitted to the Fund with an explanation of the reasons for the change.

Drawing up an additional agreement

1. In the system, select the tab " contract changes”, select the type of change (tick)

2. In the "request for change" section, fill in the fields:

What changes are expected to be made to the contract *(n for example, adjust the estimate for actual expenses / add an employee / extend the deadline for work / change the actual address of the enterprise / change bank details)

Rationale *(for example, Testing a prototype took longer than planned, in this regard, we ask you to extend the deadline for completing the work of the current stage / it was necessary to attract additional specialists to carry out R & D / work such and such (see estimate) were carried out on our own, without involving third party organization) aboutthe argument must be substantiated!

3. Make changes and attach new documents to the relevant sections of the contract. Sections are opened based on the type of change chosen (schedule, estimate, list of employees, company card, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Charter, certificate from the bank, etc.) Make those adjustments to the system that you ask for in the request. SAVE

4. Press the button "send for approval"

For competitions in 2018 and earlier, documents must be submitted to the Foundation on paper:

Tariff MTS "Smart Business Start" - a good option for later use. It is distinguished by simple and affordable conditions, suitable for many customers. This plan needs to be carefully studied.

Corporate clients especially need a stable connection. Employees often make calls, exchange information. Therefore, it is worth considering the selection of a plan that can satisfy requests.

MTS cooperates with such subscribers and offers Better conditions. You can find a plan that's right for you. There will be no difficulties with the connection, the transition procedure will take a little time.

Who is this tariff for?

  • Employees of the company often communicate with each other, share important information.
  • It is necessary to ensure comfortable interaction of specialists.
  • They often call clients.
  • They need internet access.
  • It is necessary to provide specialists with packages for comfortable use of communication services.
  • The company is small, you do not need a lot of minutes and traffic for employees.

The program is balanced and is an option entry level. You can connect to it immediately when you go to the operator. It is possible to communicate comfortably and access the Internet.

Tariff MTS "Smart Business Start": description

The tariff of MTS "Smart Business Start" is distinguished by attractive conditions. We will provide a description of the program:

  1. The subscription fee is 400 rubles.
  2. Manages to commit unlimited calls between numbers connected under one contract. That is, there are no restrictions on calls within the company.
  3. 400 minutes are provided.
  4. 400 SMS are issued.
  5. There is a 3 GB traffic package.
  6. The plan is valid only on the territory of the home region.

Given all the parameters, we can call the program an excellent solution for many companies. The minimum cost is 400 rubles per month. But for such a sum optimal packages are offered.

Internet traffic in the amount of 3 GB will be enough for many employees. It is possible to communicate in instant messengers, visit various pages, quickly receive information of interest.

Before connecting, you should carefully study the needs of specialists. You need to find out how many minutes and traffic they spend during the month. Based on this information, the best plan can be identified.

A question of cost

Please note that the cost is subject to change. The company understands that customer opportunities vary from region to region. Therefore, the price varies in the subjects of the Federation, taking into account the economic situation.

How can I find out the latest data for the region?

  • Visit the site
  • A special system is able to automatically determine the location of the user.
  • If she made a mistake and the region is incorrectly specified, then click on it. Select your subject from the list.
  • Go to the section with programs.
  • Find Smart Business Start in it.
  • Open a tab.
  • You can study the conditions on offer in the region.

How to connect?

If you are not yet using the services of an operator, you will first need to connect. You can go through the procedure in person in the salon or leave a request.

How to apply?

  1. Call 8 800 250 20 00 .
  2. Inform the specialist about the desire to connect and leave the data.
  3. You can go to the site
  4. Enter your personal information on the form.
  5. Please check it is correct and submit your application.

Specialists will promptly process the request and organize the procedure. An agreement is concluded between the parties, and SIM cards are issued to employees. In the future, it is possible to fully use the services.

Another way is to personally visit the salon of the company. Would need:

  • Find the nearest office. On the operator's website there is a map indicating the location of branches.
  • Set aside time to visit.
  • Come to the salon during business hours.
  • Contact an employee and let them know that you want to become a corporate client.
  • The specialist will request documents and fill in the fields in the database.
  • He will help you choose a plan. You can stop at the Start if conditions suit you.
  • Connection in progress.

How to go?

Already using the services of an operator? You can change the program if you wish. Switching to another offer is easy, the procedure will take a minimum of time for subscribers.

One way is with a team. Queries are widely used to manage various services and are convenient to use. Enough to know the code.

Open the app to make calls. Enter the command *111*184# and press the button to call. The request has been sent to the operator. Within a minute, an SMS with information about the completion should be received.

You can call support. Necessary:

  1. Transfer the call to a specialist.
  2. Wait a bit. The system will indicate the approximate time until the connection.
  3. After the employee responds, let them know that you want to change the plan.
  4. The specialist will help you perform the operation.

The disadvantage is the long waiting time during peak hours. Therefore, it is better to carry out the operation yourself. There are enough other ways to change the plan.

Another method is the Virtual Manager. If you want to go to tariff plan"Smart Business Start" MTS, you will need:

  • Go to the site
  • Enter your phone number and password.
  • The user will be on the main page.
  • Open the section with tariffs.
  • In it you can see the Start.
  • Click on an item.
  • Please read the current terms and conditions first.
  • If you are satisfied with the parameters, then connect.

It is more convenient to use the Virtual Manager. It offers maximum information, it is possible to carefully study the conditions. Personal Area provides ample opportunities for account management.

How to deactivate?

You cannot disable the program directly. The client must have conditions for service. Therefore, do not look for special commands and items.

Shutdown occurs by replacement. Find a different billing plan and connect it. There will be an automatic transition to the new conditions.

The largest supplier mobile communications in Russia MTS provides its services not only individuals, but also to corporative clients. Through active cooperation with the company, businessmen, entrepreneurs and heads of organizations are able to significantly increase the efficiency of their affairs. Favorable rates for voice communication and correspondence contribute to the improvement and acceleration of communication processes. All these requirements are met by the tariff from MTS Smart Business Smart.

Tariff Description

This contract is corporate and is open for connection only to legal entities. The tariff plan has all the necessary tools that will be useful to any modern entrepreneur. According to its main characteristics, it has gone far from the standard offers for private clients of the provider:

  1. The contract is valid throughout the country. Ideal for travel to other regions.
  2. Allows you to communicate unlimitedly and completely free of charge with MTS subscribers from any registration area.
  3. All incoming calls are not charged.
  4. The contract was created only for use on mobile devices, smartphones. When used in a modem or router, the speed network connection drops to almost zero.

The tariff package includes:

  • unlimited calls within the network throughout the country;
  • 300 minutes to all networks within the home region;
  • 400 SMS to all numbers in the home area;
  • 3 GB of traffic.

Service cost

For the use of the contract is set subscription fee 400 rubles. If the entrepreneur's SIM card has a city number, then this amount is increased to 900 rubles.

After connection, the fee is charged every month on the date of activation of the tariff plan. If at this moment there is zero or minus on the personal account, but not more than 300 rubles, then over the next 61 days the subscriber can receive incoming calls, text messages and make calls to service numbers. As soon as the user leaves this time interval and does not replenish the balance by more than 0.01 rubles, the SIM card will no longer be serviced by the operator.

If you did not show financial activity, did not activate services and options, did not make calls, then after 183 days the provider will terminate the contract unilaterally and your SIM card will be automatically blocked.

For corporate clients who use the credit method of payment with the provider cellular communication, in case of bankruptcy, it is possible to switch to the advance method of calculation. Below we will analyze the cost of the main directions of communication of the Smart Business Start contract.


After successfully connecting the contract, the user receives a package of free minutes in the amount of 300 units, which are valid in the territory of his native region on the numbers of all providers. Connections via the internal network of MTS Russia are deducted from the limit. In case of exceeding the established quota, other prices will apply, we will consider in detail:

  1. Conversations with MTS subscribers are not charged and are completely free throughout the country in any quantity.
  2. After going beyond the package, calls to all other contacts at home cost 2 rubles;
  3. Outside the registration region, connections to other networks cost 10.9 rubles. and are not included in the package.

International destinations are calculated as follows:

  • CIS - 35 rubles;
  • Asia and Europe - 49 rubles;
  • other countries of the world - 70 rubles.

Please note that the conditions for providing free minutes do not apply to short numbers phones.


At the disposal of the subscriber is an SMS package of 400 pieces. The limit applies to the numbers of all communication companies, but only in the territory of the native region. This set is automatically updated after one billing period. As soon as you go beyond the quota, the billing will be:

  • 2 rub. for one sending home;
  • long-distance SMS cost 3.80 rubles to all networks and is not included in the general package;
  • sending a message to an international number costs 5.90 rubles.

If you do not have enough of the established norm, then there are additional packages SMS.

In addition to text correspondence, the consumer can send via mobile network photos, postcards and other images using the MMS function. It only works if you have Internet access and a configured access point. For this method of communication, there is a fixed cost of 9.90 rubles.


The Smart Business Start tariff plan provides its customers with a 3 gigabyte free traffic package. It is valid throughout the country. After the expiration of the established norm, an additional set of 500 megabytes for 95 rubles is automatically activated on the subscriber's number. It can be used a maximum of 15 times a month. In other situations, each megabyte will cost 9.90 rubles. If you wish, you can connect special functions to extend the traffic of the required size.

In international roaming, a different tariff will apply, which depends on the specific country. In order not to be unexpectedly left without the Internet, perform a periodic check using the USSD code *100*1#. This command will give the current this moment status of balances in the current billing period.

Starting contract services

By activating the "Smart Business Start" tariff plan, the consumer receives a significant list of options in the kit that will help save money on trips around Russia and the world, as well as turn his mobile phone into a versatile tool.

List of options:

  1. Number identifier. This function automatically decrypts and displays mobile device information about the incoming call and the interlocutor.
  2. Call forwarding. This service is especially useful for corporate clients. It allows you to transfer all incoming calls and instant messages to another specified phone number.
  3. Call waiting and holding. Communicate with several subscribers at the same time, and one of them will hang on the line waiting for an answer.
  4. Mobile office. An application that allows you to send a fax directly to your machine.
  5. Mobile assistant. This is a service for managing all the main functions and characteristics of the SIM card and phone. Dial *111# and you will find yourself in the main menu of the function.
  6. They called you! Don't worry about missed calls. If you could not pick up the phone, were out of network coverage, or your smartphone was turned off, after the resumption of service, you will see information about all missed calls.
  7. Maxi Bit abroad. Travel across network expanses even in other countries. For 700 rubles you get a full unlimited.
  8. International access. Without connecting this service, you will not be able to use your smartphone to communicate abroad.

How to enable/disable the tariff

If you are switching to an offer from the “Business Network / Communication” tariff, then you will not need to pay for it. In other cases, a commission of 100 rubles is provided, but the amount will be debited only if there were transitions from tariff to tariff over the past month. To install, use one of the following methods:

  1. Enter the USSD code sequence on the phone number entry screen - *111*184# . After that, wait for approval from the provider and the corresponding confirmation notification.
  2. Register new account in a personal account. Among the presented contracts, select the one you need and run it.
  3. Draw up an agreement and write an application for the provision of services at any MTS customer service department in your locality. Grab your passport and certificate of registration as a legal entity. If the operator approves the request, the connection will be made.
  4. Write an application in the prescribed form to official resource provider.

To cancel the Smart Business Start contract, please switch to another offer. To do this, contact the provider's specialists by visiting the MTS service center in your city. If you are an employee of an organization and have a corporate SIM card, then you must act through an official representative or manager at your enterprise.

Renewal Options

The corporate rate can be adjusted to any need, for this you can connect additional functions of traffic extension, a package of minutes and messages. Let us consider in detail all such offers from the mobile operator MTS.

Minutes package

For additional savings in mobile communications, you can activate the following features for a corporate tariff plan:

  1. Interregional network. After connecting this service, you get unlimited minutes to talk with your colleagues and workmates. The cost of the option is 350 rubles per month.
  2. Favorable intercity. Pay at a fixed price in any region Russian Federation 3 rubles per minute, and 40 rubles will be debited from your balance per month. To activate, dial the code *111*903# .
  3. Business packages. Connect additional sets minutes. There are two categories:
To local numbers Long distance calls
Set size Cost, rubles Set Price
200 400 100 300
300 500 300 600
500 750 1000 1000
700 850
1000 1000

message package

For lovers of correspondence through instant messaging SMS, a special Business Start service has been implemented, which provides the subscriber with an additional package of free letters in the amount of 500 letters and costs 150 rubles. This set is valid throughout the country. To activate, you will need to enter the code *111*1017# .

Internet packages

Smart Business Start tariff plan allows you to activate additional Internet traffic packages. Consider the main proposals for renewal:

  1. Turbo button option:
Network traffic volume Cost, rub. Combination to run
100 MB 30 *111*05*1#
500 MB 95 *167#
1 GB 175 *467#
2 GB 300 *168#
5 GB 450 *169#
  1. Internet packages:
Name of service Network traffic size, GB Cost, rub. Combination to run
Mini 7 500 *111*160#
Maxi 15 800 *111*161#
VIP 30 1200 *111*166#
Top 50 1600 *111*387#
Premium 100 2400 *111*372#

Roaming options

If you often travel in Russia or around the world, then you need to know about special services, which provide an additional discount in roaming conditions.

Business owners can not only open a current account with Sberbank, but also connect several services that will make managing it easier and more versatile. Many paid and free add-ons waiting for everyone who wants to take advantage of the offer. All this is available through Sberbank. The Sberbank Start management program allows you to use services in automatic mode.

How it's done?

There is nothing complicated in setting up an account. The client only needs to have documents on hand to complete the application. This will take about 5-10 minutes. To register and receive a number, you need:

  1. Select an account type.
  2. Enter organization information.
  3. Submit the form for processing.

Manage your business conveniently and easily!

On the official website of the Credit Organization, you can see the description of the Sberbank Business Start program, choose the rate that suits you, and submit an online application to join the program.

The account number is generated and sent within 5 minutes, immediately after the application is submitted. There are no special requirements. But the client gets a lot of benefits.

Although you can get an account number with Sberbank in 5 minutes, actions on it will be limited for now. After the online opening, it will already exist. But in order to get full access to all functions, the client needs to pass verification, that is, confirm all the data specified in the questionnaire with documents. It is impossible to do this via the Internet: Sberbank does not provide for such an option. To pass verification, you need to visit the bank branch in person.

Advantages of connecting an account with Sberbank

Sberbank promises special service conditions to everyone who connects a business account under the Sberbank Business Start program. Among the many benefits are the following:

  • Expensive bonuses for promotion through online advertising.
  • Connecting mobile banking in the phone.
  • Use of Internet banking and new applications and platforms currently being developed by Sberbank. For example, account management through the clock is already available today.
  • 24/7 customer support via multichannel phone.
  • All necessary business services that can be enabled or disabled at will.

Internet banking and mobile banking for business owners within the framework of the Sberbank Credit Business Start program are connected free of charge. There is also no need to pay commissions for payments to the budget, depositing funds to a current account from any source, obtaining an extract on transactions in Sberbank.

Tariffs within the Start program

There is a rate selection form on the site. You can also select it manually. Filling out the form is a minute of time spent entering general data.

You need to specify the most basic parameters, namely:

When filling out such a form, you can specify approximate numbers, and the final offer will be shown based on the entered data. If you want to evaluate all the options yourself, manually, this is also available.

Sberbank Start Tariff " Minimum” is the simplest and cheapest of those available. At the moment, its cost is 1800 rubles per month. When using it, the client is given 5 free payments. It implies the deposit of funds without commission, if the amount is less than 50 thousand rubles.

Tariff " Basis+"more expensive than just 300 rubles and will cost 2100 monthly. Includes 20 free payments, and commission-free deposits are available for amounts up to 100,000.

Sberbank Start Tariff " Active+» will cost the business owner 2600 rubles per month. Within its framework, you can make 50 free payments, and it is also allowed to deposit money without a commission with an amount of up to 100 thousand.

« Optima» costs 3100 rubles per month. The first 100 payments are free. Depositing funds without a commission in this case is not provided, but the cost is low - from 0.3%, which in itself implies a benefit.

On all Sberbank Start tariffs, at the end of free payments, the cost of each will be from 11 rubles. You can select the desired option with maximum accuracy by clicking on the button " Choose a tariff” or by contacting a bank employee.

Bonuses when opening an account

Bonuses in the amount of 120,000 rubles are available to new customers under the Sberbank Business Start program. Due too short description you might think that this is money given out as a loan; in fact, 120,000 rubles are given to promote the business, but only in the form of additional funds.

You can get them in whole or in part by using one or more of the options listed below:

  • Investing your own money to promote your business through Yandex.Direct makes it possible to increase their number by 4 times. If a client invests 5,000 in an advertising campaign, Sberbank will credit him with another 15,000.
  • Contribution of personal funds for advertising in myTarget. In this case, any amount from 3 to 75 thousand rubles will be doubled by Sberbank. This is an opportunity to get benefits in the form of 75 thousand - the most profitable proposition on promotion.
  • Any payment made for advertising in Google or partners, will be doubled. The maximum amount for an increase is 30,000 rubles.

This offer is equally beneficial for those who have already achieved success in creating such advertising campaigns and for those who just want to try. In the first case, it is obvious that the cost of advertising is reduced by 2 or more times, in the second - training or the opportunity to use the services of promotion specialists with reduced risks.

Additional business products

As part of the program " Start Sberbank » offers clients not only RKO for legal entities and IP, but also additional products. They can be turned off and on at will, as needed. Service fees are determined based on various options business: the larger the processed volumes, the higher the cost, and vice versa. Everything is agreed in advance: unexpected overpayments are excluded.

Products offered to customers:

  • Bookkeeping on a turnkey basis, with individual consultations and insurance against errors.
  • Payroll projects: issuance and maintenance of employee cards, quick payroll, extended social package.
  • Insurance: property, business, health and life of employees.
  • Currency control and complete foreign economic activity. Individual manager and risk protection.
  • Acquiring services with the possibility of ordering the company's website.
  • The possibility of obtaining a loan for business, refinancing existing loans.
  • Online checkout. Remote cash management service available.
  • Leasing with the possibility of using the car for personal purposes.
  • Corporate card with convenient terms of service.

The Start project is suitable for small business owners, regardless of the line of business. They are already used by tens of thousands of people. To try it out, it only takes a few minutes to open an account.

Sberbank business start list of franchises

In 2017, Sberbank, as before, offers its current and future clients a list of the most popular business areas, depending on the region, client experience, amount of own funds invested, etc.

Offers in the field of trade

  1. Clothing Baon, Elis, Ketroy, Serginnetti, Tom Farr.
  2. Lingerie Mademoiselle de Paris, Mibel, Parisienne.
  3. Craftholic, Children's toys Behemoth, Island of knowledge, Stuff to which the handles reach.
  4. Clothes and underwear for pregnant women Newform, I will be a mother.
  5. Women's clothing Levall, Endea.
  6. Children's clothing Choupette, PlaytoDay, Acoola, Orby
  7. Belts, accessories BB1.
  8. Sportswear
  9. Ralph Runger shoes.

Service Franchise:

  1. Education - sales school of Larisa Tsvetaeva, children's club Yasam.
  2. Infolife consultations.
  3. Real estate agency HRISH, MIEL.
  4. Household services, repairs - Euroservice, Sonya.
  5. Beauty Salon Persona Image Laboratory, Lena Lenina's Manicure Studio.
  6. Massage salon Soqi Slim Spa, Wai Thai, Tayrai.
  7. Offsite catering Chocolate dream.

Sphere of catering:

  1. Irish pub Harat's.
  2. Coffee house "Gourmet".
  3. Fast food establishments SUBWAY, Kukuray, Pelmeshki and Vareniki Express, Stardogs.
  4. Bar Killfish Discount Bar.