Appdata: Can this folder be deleted. How to delete deleted files

As you know, in any version of Windows operating systems, a huge amount of so-called computer garbage accumulates during operation. Sometimes even the system directory overflow (Windows) can occur. Some users, not without reason, are seriously asking questions about what can be removed from Windows folders without damaging the system. We will talk about this and many other things in more detail, and also consider the practical steps for cleaning this directory, but only those that allow you not to harm the entire system as a whole.

What can be removed from the Windows folder and should I do it?

Let's start with the most basic concepts. By and large, it is better not to make any changes in the system directory without special knowledge, including manual deletion of some objects in the form of files and folders. It is clear, after all, that such rash actions can only lead to the fact that Windows will stop working, after which it will not be possible to restore the system by any known means, but it remains only to reinstall it. If deleting such objects is not recommended, at least you can get rid of their contents.

If we are talking about what can be deleted from the Windows folder in relation to the directories nested in it, in most cases we mean temporary files that appear as a result of some system processes, as well as windows updates, and this also applies to the saved files of the old Windows versions. The files present in the main folder, unless they are the remnants of viruses (which is unlikely), cannot be deleted!

What folders can be deleted in the Windows folder without damaging the system?

To begin with, let's just find out which directories are not system directories and do not contain important components for the functioning of Windows. Just open File Explorer or any other file manager and set the view menu to show hidden objects. After that, carefully go through the folders, moving the cursor from one to another, in order to find empty directories.

When in doubt about a folder, look at the date it was created. If there is some nonsense in the name or if it is revealed that the directory was created much later than the installation of the system itself, you can try to delete it. That's just manual removal should be used only when you are sure that given object It has absolutely nothing to do with mandatory system directories. This also applies hidden folders, however, we repeat, it is better not to touch them (for now).

The system folder contains several subfolders that often contain files that are often unnecessary for the user and subdirectories that take up a lot of space. In this case, the following directories are meant:

  • Temp;
  • SoftwareDistribution with subfolder Download;
  • Windows.old (if there is one in the system);
  • WinSxS.

Next, let's look at each directory and see what they can store and how to clean up their contents. Please note that you cannot delete such folders in any case, but sometimes you can rename them.

Temp directory

So, first of all, let's see if we can remove Temp folder on Windows or not. No! Despite the fact that it is used to store temporary files that accumulate during work, it is not recommended to touch it. But delete the contents of the directory as much as you like, however, provided that the system allows you to do this. Indeed, some files will be deleted, but for others, notifications will be issued about prohibitions or impossibility of deletion. Why? Yes, because the files in this moment can be used by programs or system processes, and to remove them, you just need to stop active services.

However, there is a much more effective way. In the same "Explorer" use the properties of the system partition and click the disk cleanup button. In the list, simply check the temporary files item, after which the active processes will be completed by the system itself, and the cleaning will be completely painless.

SoftwareDistribution and Windows.old directories

With these directories, not everything is so simple. The SoftwareDistribution directory contains cached update files that are downloaded during the search for and installation of important Windows updates. It is impossible to get rid of this directory manually (such actions are prohibited). But after entering the Download directory, located directly in this directory, from empty folders you can get rid of.

To delete all content, you first need to go to the services section (services.msc), stop the Update Center, set the start type to disabled and restart the computer. After that, the objects can be deleted.

In passing, it is worth noting that sometimes it is required to rename the directory, giving it the name SoftwareDistribution.old, and this can be done just when the main service is turned off. Deleting such a folder is also not recommended, but a new directory with the original name will be created automatically upon reboot.

Now let's see if the Windows.old folder can be deleted. You can, but only through disk cleanup.

WinSxS folder

Another directory related to storage installed updates(rather than downloaded packages or cached data) is present as a WinSxS folder. You can also clean it up, but not manually, but again using disk cleanup.

Only in this case, it is necessary to mark the removal of system updates in the list, and along the way, you can also get rid of backups. All these operations are available only when you go to the item to clean up system files.

Installer folder

Is it possible to delete the Installer folder on Windows? The question is not idle, since there is no ban on actions with it. You can get rid of the directory in no time, but then problems with deletion will begin installed programs, because it stores data about all applications. Thus, it is better not to touch it. By the way, even when using specialized uninstallers, in most cases the standard uninstallation procedure launched at the beginning will also be impossible.

Automatic cleaning

But, if you are so worried about the problem of what can be deleted from the Windows folder, it is best to use not manual actions, but to apply either own funds systems, or programs for cleaning up computer debris (CCleaner, ASC, etc.), which will cope with this task much better and safer.

If you want to remove the programs "embedded" in the system (for example, the same "Notepad" that is present in Windows directories as executable file Notepad.exe), the most relevant tool is the use of uninstaller programs like iObit Uninstaller, which has a special section.

Order in the computer is the key to user well-being - no glitches, maximum performance. Yes, and it is clear visually where which file lies, what programs are installed, what they are for.

But if, on the contrary, chaos reigns on PC disks ... - this is definitely a problem. But, fortunately, fixable. Any obscenity (files and folders, unnecessary programs) can be removed from the computer manually and using special utilities. For information on how to properly and quickly carry out "cleaning" on hard drive drives, read this article.

All in one fell swoop out of sight…

Before globally deleting everything that is on the computer, I clean it up, of course, you must first review all sections once again. All of a sudden, somewhere in a folder, something useful was lying around: photos, videos, text files with passwords and logins, reports, or some other valuable documents.

When you are 100% sure that you do not regret anything from the available data in the directories, start cleaning.

Option number 1: if the disk is not a system one

If you need to quickly "unload" a disk partition that does not have a system, that is, delete everything from it completely, do not bother painstakingly dragging files to the trash, but simply take it and format it.

1. Right-click on the drive you want to delete all files from.

2. In the system menu that appears, click the "Format" item.

3. In the formatting settings panel, in the "File system" option, set the value to "NTFS", in the "Cluster size" - 4096 bytes.

4. Click the "Start" button.

5. In the additional window "Attention! … "confirm the launch of the formatting function: click "ok".

That's all! Now the disk, as they say, from a "clean slate". No files, no folders - nothing.

You can also perform this procedure on the command line:

1. Open the console.

  • Windows 7: open the start menu; type cmd in the line and press "Enter".
  • Windows 8: right-click on the Windows icon (the very first icon in the taskbar).

2. At the command line, enter the command:

(for example, to format drive D, you need to enter - format d:)

3. Press "Enter".

4. In the prompt line "Start formatting ...", type the letter Y (Yes) and press "Enter" again.

Option number 2: formatting drive C (system partition)

The partition on which Windows is stored cannot be deleted using the method described above. Disk C is formatted using a special utility from the installation disk of the operating system and then, accordingly, the OS is installed.

1. Insert the installation DVD into the DVD drive Windows disk.

2. In the "Start" panel, in the "Shut down" menu, launch the "Restart" function.

3. While the computer is restarting, hold down the "F8" key.

4. Select the option to boot from DVD from the menu that opens.

Note. The boot setting on your PC can be activated by another key (for example, "F2" or "F11").

5. In the window " Windows installation» select the interface language "Russian". Click next.

6. Click the mouse in the list to select the drive on which the system is installed.

7. In the control panel, click "Disk Settings".

8. Select the "Format" command.

Upon completion of the operation, all files, programs and other elements from drive C will be deleted, and you can immediately start installing the OS clean.

How to remove everything unnecessary from the C drive?

Selective cleaning of the system partition should be carried out regularly. This requirement is primarily related to the specifics of Windows operation. (During its operation junk files in separate directories are accumulated arbitrarily, without user intervention). And then, you run less risk of losing useful content and valuable data (that is, deleting something very necessary from the C drive during the formatting process).

Method number 1: activating the regular function

1. Run the system computer cleanup utility.

  • Windows 7: open "Start"; in the search bar, enter "disk cleanup"; select drive C from the drop-down menu; click "ok";
  • Windows 8: right-click on the shortcut "Windows" (in the taskbar); click "Find"; in the panel that opens, type "disk cleanup"; in the menu, click "Free up disk space ...".

2. Wait for the directory analysis to complete (on average, the utility takes 2-3 minutes to complete this task).

3. In the settings window, on the "Disk Cleanup" tab, check the boxes by clicking the mouse next to the elements that need to be deleted or cleaned.

4. In the window that opens, click "Delete Files".

Advice! Can get rid of control points OS recovery (if you don't plan to use them!). Go to the "Advanced" tab and in the "Recovery ..." block, click the "Clear" button. Confirm the launch of the function in the additional window.

Method number 2: cleaning up the disk with cleaner utilities

There are a huge number of programs that free drive C from "digital trash" in automatic and semi-automatic mode. In this short tutorial, we will look at the most popular solutions.

1. In vertical menu program with a mouse click, activate the "Cleaning" section.

2. On the Windows and Applications tabs, indicate which items to remove or clean up.

3. Click the "Analyze" button.

4. After the scan is completed, click on the "Clean" command.

1. Select Disk Cleanup from the vertical menu.

2. In the adjacent panel, click the "Scan" button.

3. Wait a moment: the utility will analyze the directories of the partition.

4. When the procedure is completed, click "Perform cleaning".

We destroy useless media content

Remember Plyushkin from the book "Dead Souls" by N.V. Gogol? Well, mountains, or rather tens and hundreds of gigabytes of seemingly useful, but seemingly useless content on the disks of your PC clearly indicate that you are very similar to this literary hero...

Books, movies, TV shows, huge software distributions, games that are not really needed take up precious free disk space. And they also burden the user with the need to constantly increase it when you need to download something else.

1. Right-click on the file or folder you want to destroy. And then click "Delete" in the context menu.

2. Don't forget to empty the Trash when cleaning is complete. Also, hover over it, right-click and select "Empty Trash".

Get rid of unnecessary programs

Standard uninstall

1. Open the system Start menu. Go to "Control Panel".

2. Click on the "Uninstall a program" section.

3. In the list of software available in the system, right-click the unwanted program.

4. Click the Delete option that appears.

5. Follow the instructions of the uninstaller.

Removing software with special utilities

(instruction for using Soft Organizer)
If a useless application for some reason cannot be removed from the PC in a standard way, or you want to perform a more thorough cleaning of the disk directories, it is more advisable to use uninstaller programs (for example, Revo Uninstaller, Uninstall Tool). They not only remove software elements, but also neutralize their remnants in other folders, in system registry.

Consider the option of uninstallation using the Soft Organizer utility:

1. Click in the software catalog to select the application that you want to remove.

2. Click the Uninstall a program button.

3. Perform a standard uninstallation, and then remove the remnants of the application (follow the prompts of Soft Organizer).

Happy cleaning! Do not be lazy, your diligence and efforts will pay off handsomely. The computer will work faster, you will spend a minimum of time searching for useful data in the directories of disk partitions.

The concept of "memory", as such, is inherent not only to man: computer technology, for example, is equipped with a storage device (HDD, SSD), the functionality of which is primarily designed to record, store and manage the received data. After a certain time free space the hard drive is getting smaller, and the user is simply forced to erase some of the information. Most likely, not every one of you thought about it. Nevertheless, the actual essence of the issue requires detailed consideration. After all, the “Delete” button used only creates the illusion that the information being erased has been destroyed, in fact, everything remains in its place ... The material presented will help you answer a number of questions regarding the multifaceted process of deleting various files from a computer hard drive.

How does this happen?

The file system only changes the attribute previously assigned to the remote file, and later (actually filled) disk space can be overwritten. We will not go into technical terms and touch on the first part of the question of how to delete deleted files. For this, we resort to a simple example: you must have paid attention to how quickly a file is overwritten, which, by the way, has a considerable “weight”, say, 100 MB. However, the process of copying the same amount of data to the hard disk takes a relatively longer period of time. This is because before getting to the HDD, the file is given a name, and the necessary disk space is reserved, and of the appropriate size. Then the system reads the data from the storage medium and, following a certain algorithm, copies it to your hard drive. It is worth noting that the speed of saving (the process of writing to the HDD) can be radically different relative to the same action performed on other hard drives. The reason for this is primarily: the type of drive, poor readability of the drive (disk drive), wear and other factors that no less affect the process. But the second part of the question is solved, paradoxically as it may seem, by the same recording method, however, in a slightly different guise.

Like Files: Concrete Solution

That is why the efficiency work hard disk is so high - the system does not spend time on the complete destruction of the erased information. All Windows does is put a “sign” of deleted in the file attribute, that is, it makes disk space free for subsequent recording. However, considering the unreliability of such a method of “utilization”, it is worth remembering that if you erase personal information in a standard way, it can always be used by intruders or ill-wishers, simply restoring unreliably “buried” data from your hard drive. However, we are getting ahead of ourselves a little ... So, in order to permanently delete information, it is required to overwrite exactly the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe disk several times in which the file that is undesirable for detection is located. And not just by filling clusters with new data or zeroing HDD sectors, but by confusing the path of finding (definition markers) “rejected” zeros and ones, resorting to complex renaming algorithms.

From theory to practice

Only shredder programs specially created for such operations can help you with the solution of the issue (the English word translates as shred, grind, in general, destroy). But the variety and specification of the use of these utilities is not always “friendly” in understanding, and some of which are not very practical to use, so given the fact that you are not a secret agent after all, it is prudent to use one of the two methods below.

Option #1: “Insanely” Reliable

When you sell your old hard drive or just decided to say goodbye to an obsolete drive forever, wiser and easier way to protect yourself from unwanted leakage of information is simply not found.

  • Download the Darik's Boot and Nuke utility from the official website.
  • The boot image can be written to a flash drive, CD or DVD.
  • Of course, the program runs under DOS.
  • You will be offered six cleaning methods. It is advisable to use the third from the list: DoD Short.

Option #2: File Shredder

"And how to delete unnecessary files permanently, without resorting to the total method of "large-scale cleaning"?" perhaps, you ask. In order to erase all signs of the existence of "unwanted data", install the free program "Eraser", then follow the instructions:

  • Use the "Erase Schedule" tab.
  • Click on the "triangle" icon, select "New task" from the drop-down menu. Or just press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N.
  • Now specify the directory in which the “dropout contender” is located. It is quite easy to do this: activate the "Add Data" button.
  • Now use "Browse ..." opposite the "File" checkbox. And select the file to be deleted.
  • In the initial window of the program, right-click on the directory you specified.
  • Now, by resorting to the “Run Now” command, you will overwrite the data “without the right” to be restored.

Having knowledge on how to permanently delete a file is certainly useful. However, it is imperative for the user to be aware of other ways to free up free space on the drive being used. Perhaps we'll start.

Basic Removal Methods

The built-in Windows cleanup tools allow you and me to perform, with some comfort, data “utilization” operations that have become uninteresting for us, and to some extent just distracting material. The Recycle Bin is an integral element of almost any OS, whether it's Win or Mac OS. How to delete a file ceases to be a question if there is an icon on the monitor screen that resembles a tank, reservoir or other container for garbage. Nevertheless, sometimes the user has a desire to delete some files, but, oddly enough, he does not have the opportunity, since not everything can be subjected to the destruction process, and the “caring system” prevents us from doing this, especially when it comes to OS components.

Does the SyS extension limit us in some way?

In the struggle for free space, the user can afford to disable some OS services and even remove non-critical system components. However, before you do anything, you need to understand the possible consequences of your sometimes thoughtless actions. The question "how to delete the SyS file" is solved in different ways. However, not everyone knows that by sending system component to the basket, the user can deprive himself of the pleasure of listening to music, watching videos, enjoying the full operation of his own OS. After all, drivers also have Sys extension. Another question is when we want to “reduce the powers” ​​of Windows in order to prevent the system from using disk space at its discretion:

  • paging file (pagefile).
  • Hibernation mode (hiberfil).
  • System configuration (config).

For example, when deleting, you should understand that you will have to rely only on RAM. And if your RAM does not cope with current tasks, you will simply “freeze”. If you disable data backup for sleep mode, you will not be able to use the hibernation feature. In general, in the first place you can harm yourself. And yet, how to delete unnecessary files (if you are really sure of it) in order to save space on the HDD?

When there is enough RAM

If your RAM copes with its “obligations”, you can delete the pagefile.sys file:

  • We go to the "Control Panel".
  • Find the "System" icon.
  • On the left side of the interface, click on the "Advanced Options" item.
  • In the window that opens, in the "Performance" section, click the "Settings" button.
  • Then we activate the "Advanced" tab.
  • Now click "Change".
  • In the upper part of the window, select the system disk.
  • Then we put a marker on the item “Without a paging file”, opposite this item, click on the “Set” button.
  • Completion: "OK".

After reboot pagefile.sys will be deleted.

File that is open

You may have encountered a problem when you could not delete a picture, video or text. All this is because the OS blocks operations on open files. You probably watched a video and forgot to close the player or text editor, in which they used a “candidate for destruction”. In the case when the question "how to remove open file"torments you and is not amenable to logical resolution, you must end the corresponding process. The task manager is a great help in this. However, you can resort to an elementary reboot and log into the system through safe mode. Which is elementary achieved as a result of short-term pressing of the "F8" key. Using this entry option, it is highly likely that the file can be eliminated without much difficulty, so to speak, using standard OS tools. However, sometimes these tips are ineffective. But there is always a way out of a difficult situation! Read on.

Program Unlocker

With the help of this software, you will not only get a practical answer to the question of how to delete an open file, but you will also be able to solve a lot of other difficulties when it is not possible to get rid of the “fastidious guest” of your system by any of the methods known to you. It is worth noting that the program is free, easy to use and absolutely "weightless", that is, it takes only a few MB of disk space. Nevertheless, the performance and efficiency of its functionality will significantly save your time and nerves. By integrating into Explorer, Unlocker will be available in any action scenario. By the way, this program will perfectly cope with the solution of your question "how to delete protected files". However, more on this in the next chapter.

System Owner: Claiming Your Rights

It may happen that, having downloaded or "dumped" a file on your PC, you will not be able to delete it later. All just because you will not have the rights to perform such an operation. Of course, programs do not always effectively solve the complications that have arisen in a given situation, nevertheless, there is still a trouble-free way. So, how to delete a pdf file or other data format that the system perceives as protected. Elementary: become the owner of the information and manually “rewrite” all the rights to yourself.

  • Right-click on the selected file to call the submenu.
  • Select "Properties".
  • Then go to the "Security" tab.
  • Next "Advanced".
  • Now the 3rd tab on the left, click on the right "Owner", where you need to click on the "Change" button.
  • Now we point to our administrator rights and become the full owner of the “pseudo-protected” file.

Practical user

Maybe for some users this information will become not just a guide to solving a previously impossible task, but a kind of revelation of opening opportunities. As a rule, many standard means Windows: media player, browser, various editors or other integrated applications - rarely used. Many of us install on PC more convenient and much more efficient software solutions. Naturally, there is a desire to get rid of the "imperfect" software of Microsoft Corporation. But not everyone knows how to delete Windows files, because the OS initially prevents the destruction of “its own property”. But this “short-sightedness” of Windows developers can be corrected. To do this, we will resort to the already known method - we will become the owners of system files. However, we will slightly expand the resolution of our influence on the operation of the OS.

  • We repeat all the steps of the previous paragraph.
  • After a notification pops up that you have become the owner of the file, click "Properties".
  • Then: "Security".
  • The next click on the "Edit" button will open a window in which you need to put markers in front of the corresponding items.
  • Now nothing limits you. The system file may have been deleted.

Of course, you should not get carried away, as you can “demolish” critical components of your OS. Be prudent and extremely careful in your choice. By the way, the next chapter will help you in solving a fairly common question "how to delete a video file that does not want to free up the occupied disk space, and besides, it cannot be opened by any software tool."

Omnipotent Windows

The problem of unreadability of one or another data format can be solved without sometimes difficult searches and installation of special software. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the standard function of the Microsoft OS family—checking the HDD for errors. Often users have a question "how to delete a corrupted file", the answer to which, by the way, is simple, but still needs special explanation. The fact is that the system cannot delete what it cannot read, and this is a fact! You need to scan the disk (partition) in which the unreadable file is located, and you can do this in the following way:

  • "My computer".
  • Click on the drive that contains the corrupted file with the right mouse button.
  • Now "Properties".
  • Then "Service".
  • And in conclusion - "Perform verification".

It is worth noting that in rare cases the system refuses to perform this action through the above service. A variant of the console launch of the utility is possible:

  • Start menu.
  • Run - "cmd"
  • Then on the command line we write: chkdsk with: / f

Where (c:) is a disk partition, and (/f) is an option to fix an error.

Attention: if you are checking the system partition of a disk, a message may appear stating that the check will be performed at the next OS boot. However, you should agree to this offer and enter the letter "Y", which will be a confirmation of your actions.

Another important point in the decision is when “wounded information” is not deleted. You can try to change the file name, that is, rename it. Also, it will not be superfluous to try to change the extension of the “forced uninstall” object. For example: change avi to txt.

Attention: the system is in danger!

Now you know how to remove system files and that protection can be bypassed. However, you should always remember that by personally trimming Windows, you will not be able to foresee, much less prevent erroneous changes in the operation of the OS. Possessing superficial knowledge and not understanding the severity of the consequences, mindlessly amending and destroying executable files, dll libraries or disabling critical operating system services, the user endangers the functionality and full performance of the OS software. Therefore, always remember the good old saying: measure seven times - one ...


Within the framework of this article, the basic techniques for deleting files were considered. Nevertheless, sometimes you should not resort to complex options for the implementation of the process of destroying certain data ... Basically, the Unlocker program copes with various “misunderstandings” quite competently. And yet, no one is immune from the penetration of the virus into Windows environment, and it is the “malicious code” that can be the cause of the undeleted file. However, this is a topic for another article. May unsolvable problems be removed from you!

In order to ensure complete deletion of files from a hard drive, certain knowledge is required, and when working with USB and SSD drives, you can fall into a trap. Do you consider the file permanently deleted? No matter how: most of the documents that you have erased lately are safely in their original form on your drive. In this article I will tell you how to get rid of them forever.

When you want to securely and securely delete information from the media, you should do a little more than simply pressing the "Delete" key.

The essence of the problem complete removal files from your hard drive as follows: operating room Windows system is extremely sensitive to all files when it comes to deleting them. To protect against user error, after pressing the "Delete" key, the operating system moves the file being deleted to the Recycle Bin. It can be deleted from the Recycle Bin manually, or after it is full, the oldest files are automatically deleted first. The size of the Recycle Bin can be set independently by the user for each hard disk available in the system. It should be remembered that both after cleaning it and after deleting a file, bypassing the Recycle Bin (using the keyboard shortcut Shift + Delete) the contents of the document still remain on the hard drive. The reason is simple: the file is physically erased only after the area occupied by it on the hard drive is filled with other data.

Obviously, such a deletion would take the same amount of time as it takes to copy a file normally. This is why Windows simply marks the entries in the Master File Table that correspond to the erased data as deleted. This table concatenates filenames with physical blocks on the hard disk. Thus, the contents of the file remain recorded on the hard drive, although the operating system has already “forgotten” about it.

The same thing happens when you format the media. In this case, the OS completely replaces the main file table and other file system metadata with clean versions. In the data area, all files remain unchanged. The only difference between normal and quick format is that in the latter case, the media is not checked for physical errors.

Why doesn't WIndows completely delete files?

Windows stores information about each file in the Master File Table. it hidden file, which can only be accessed by the operating system. It contains filenames as well as metadata such as the username and permissions for the file. In addition, the MFT indicates where each file is stored on the hard drive and whether it is fragmented (that is, whether it is located in several blocks in different sectors of the disk). When you delete a file, it is only marked as deleted in the MFT. The content of this file remains on the hard drive in its original state, and special utilities, examining the hard disk for the presence of the structure of known file types, allow you to restore it without loss. That is why it is important not only to delete confidential data, but also to overwrite the disc using specialized utilities. This alone will make recovery impossible.

Today, the methods of destroying information developed in the 1990s are considered obsolete. Among them, for example, the method of Peter Gutmann, which provides for 35-fold overwriting with random and structured data. This algorithm should provide a multiple change in the polarity of the magnetic carrier at each point, so that even a magnetic microscope could not detect the remnants of the original polarity of the hard drive. This is great, but a HDD with a capacity of one terabyte will be cleaned in this way for five days, while consuming the resources of the mechanical and electronic systems.

For hard drives manufactured after 2001 and with a capacity of more than 15 GB, Peter Gutman recommends a single overwrite with random data as the most reliable method. Scientist Craig Wright conducted tests in his laboratory, taking readings from the surface of magnetic plates using special measuring instruments. During the experiment, he found out that on modern hard drives, simply overwriting free space with zeros does not allow you to recover deleted files. He was able to determine with a 56 percent probability the original content of the deleted bit at a predetermined position. The probability of recovering a byte (that is, a single letter) in text document while equal to 0.09%. If the bit position is unknown and the file size is large, then the probability of recovering the file is almost zero.

Optical rewritable drives such as CDs or DVD-RWs must be cleaned like hard drives before being disposed of, that is, the free space on them must be filled with random data. If we are talking about non-rewritable discs, then they should simply be broken into a large number of small parts (for example, using an office shredder). If technical means Since there are no optical discs to destroy, you can simply scratch the side of the disc on which the inscriptions are printed to the maximum possible depth and on the entire surface. The fact is that under the layer of varnish on it there is a reflective layer that contains the recorded information, and its destruction makes it impossible to read the data.

For daily use, a simple utility is required that would ensure reliable file deletion in practice. Open source software developers source code called Eraser set out to create just such a tool. After installation, the utility is integrated into the Explorer context menu. By right-clicking on the desired file, you must select "Eraser | Erase", after which the contents of the file are overwritten with a random set of data. The file deletion method can be selected from the "Settings" menu in the main window. Quick method called "Pseudorandom Data (1 pass)" is quite reliable, so that even the special services are unlikely to be able to cope with the recovery of a deleted file.

SSDs and USB Drives: Fragments of Information Remain

Due to the fact that the memory cells of flash drives have a limited number of rewrite cycles, manufacturers integrate more memory into SSD hard drives than indicated in the passport. During operation, the controller distributes access to the cells in such a way that all of them are used evenly. This misleads the Eraser program, because instead of the necessary sectors, the controller slips completely different cells into it.

In principle, the contents of the freed cells can only be erased if you manually set the Trim command to your SSD. This is possible only when using utilities from the manufacturer. But even in this case, you will not be able to fully control the process. Thus, for the final elimination of a single file, you will have to clear the entire SSD hard drive. In this case, data will be deleted not only from those cells that Windows sees, but also from all flash memory, including spare areas. This can be done using utilities from the manufacturer of the SSD hard drive, such as, for example, Intel SSD Toolbox or OCZs Firmware Update and Toolbox.

If there is no such utility available for your SSD, you can practice using command line in a DOS program called HDDErase. To do this, use UNetboot to create a bootable USB flash drive with Free-DOS and copy the HDDErase.exe program to it. After that, in the BIOS, switch the SATA controller to IDE compatibility mode and start the computer from the bootable external media you created. Please note that the bootable USB flash drive will not be detected as drive A: - the letter of this drive will most likely be C: (but it may be some other). After running the HDDErase program, you should specify the correct letter of the drive to be cleaned. Both the utility from the manufacturer of the SSD hard drive and HDDErase transmit SATA commands to internal SSDs and hard drives, thanks to which their controllers allow you to completely and reliably overwrite the entire memory. A side effect of this "low-level wiping" is that the old solid state drive. If your SSD is not equipped with technologies to maintain high performance(commands "Trim" or "Garbage Collection" - the procedure for assembling and deleting unused data), then after a long time it starts to slow down. The procedure for overwriting memory cells allows you to speed up the drive to the level of a new one.

If you want to save the installed operating system and (or) programs, then before starting to clean the media, you should create its image (it is described how to create it). Please note that for this purpose it is necessary to use an application that accepts only files visible to the operating system. Suitable, for example, True Image from Acronis.

So, after cleaning the SSD, transfer the previously created image to it and work as before. If you install on solid state drive new operating system, we recommend that you immediately create an encrypted container for confidential files - for example, using the TrueCrypt program.

We clear the SSD in the Windows system

In order not to leave parts of deleted files on the SSD, there is a simple, but not very recommended method for technical reasons. It is only suitable if your SSD hard drive has only one partition that occupies the entire disk, and it is at least 10% free. So, first delete all files by pressing the "Shift + Delete" combination. After that, run the Eraser program and in its settings set the default free space erasing method, that is, in three passes. Then, in Explorer, right-click on the letter of the SSD drive and select from context menu Eraser | Erase Free Space. After that, the program will write random data to the overwritten solid state drive, including working memory and spare cells. Thus, many spare cells will be overwritten. The remaining data, which are located in separate memory cells, of course, can be restored, but the result of this procedure is completely unpredictable. After all, for full recovery file, it would be necessary to read the entire amount of memory of the SSD drive, including the backup cells that the controller diligently hides from the operating system. I want to warn you right away that this method should not be used too often, as it reduces the life of the solid state drive due to the total overwriting of cells.

Deleting files from NAS and deletion problems on Windows

Along with the risks described above, there are other issues related to the reliability of deleting files. So, you do not access hard drives installed in your home network storage (NAS) directly, but through a network interface, which makes it difficult to guarantee the erasure of information. The file systems of such storages (based on Linux) partly work with special data recovery logs. Thus, in order to be absolutely sure that the files are deleted, you should remove the disks from the storage before selling them and clean them using any of the methods described above, and then install them back.

Regardless of the media type, the Windows operating system sometimes refuses to delete certain files. In this case, caution is needed, since the reason for the "strike" of the OS can be either the need for this file of the system itself, or running program, which refers to the file being deleted. In Windows 7, the error message contains information about which application opened given file. If this utility does not close or its window has disappeared from the monitor screen, then look in the Task Manager (launched with the Ctrl + Shift + Esc key combination) for a functioning process and end it forcibly. If this does not help, you will have to restart your computer and try to delete the ill-fated file after restarting. The Eraser utility has a corresponding option for this called "Erase on Restart".

In case of failure, use the Unlocker utility. Right-click on the name of the file to be deleted and select the "Unlocker" menu item. The program will show which process has locked the deleted file. You can "kill" it immediately or select the action you need for the file from the drop-down list (delete, rename or move). This action will be performed immediately after clicking on the "OK" button. By default, this utility moves the deleted file to the Trash, so then it must be cleared using the Eraser program.

Complete deletion of files using a USB flash drive

Darik's Boot and Nuke is a utility that specializes in cleaning up the hard drives of a computer that no longer starts due to a software glitch. When software stops working, clear hard drives computer will help this particular utility. To do this, unzip the archive to any folder on your working PC and run the program for creating a bootable USB flash drive - Universal USB Installer. Select DBAN 2.2.6 from the top drop-down menu, and the letter of an empty USB drive from the bottom drop-down menu and click the "Create" button. After that, start the computer from the created bootable media by pressing the "F8" or "F12" key after turning on the PC. If nothing works, then BIOS settings you must select the USB drive as the first boot media. Immediately after launch, a menu will appear, and if you want to clear all the hard drives in the system at once, then set the autonuke command, press the "Enter" button and let the program work out its own. This may take several hours.

If you only need to clean up a specific hard drive, then after starting DBAN, press "Enter". An interactive menu will appear in which you can select the hard drives from which the data should be completely erased.

Verifying Complete Deletion of Files

Most The best way to check the effectiveness of one or another method of deleting files is an attempt to recover deleted information. There are many different utilities for this purpose.

Program for deleted files

Install the program PC Inspector File Recovery . Then delete the files from the media (it must have file system FAT or NTFS) by pressing the key combination "Shift + Delete". After that, launch PC Inspector File Recovery. Select the "Search for lost data" tab in the window that appears and start the search procedure with the preset parameters. You'll be surprised how many files you've deleted can be recovered afterwards. Control documents should appear in a folder called "Deleted Items". Recovery desired file is done by right-clicking on it. During our testing, PC Inspector was unable to recover data from formatted media, as was its competitor, NTFS Undelete.

Another utility called DiskInternals NTFS Recovery found a number of files on the formatted media, but did not determine their names. PC Inspector is a free program, while NTFS Undelete and DiskInternals NTFS Recovery are paid.

  1. Tell, how to remove everything from computer without a trace? I decided to sell my system unit along with hard drive and buy a new one based on a quad-core processor. Everything before sale hard drive removed by simple formatting, then advertised in the newspaper. While I was waiting for the buyer, I came across your section about and imagine, I restored most of the files with the programs described there, among the recovered all personal photos and home videos! I formatted the hard drive several times in a row, but still some of the files are not completely deleted. Came to the conclusion that HDD it's better to keep it for yourself, but on the other hand, why do I need an old 250 GB SATA 2 screw? Tell me, there are free programs that can delete files from a computer without the possibility of recovering them.
  2. Hello, please help to completely delete all data on the laptop before selling it? The laptop contained a lot of confidential data, which I deleted and then reinstalled the operating system, but the familiar wizard says that this is clearly not enough and all files can be restored with special utilities.
  3. Hello admin, I read your articles about a program that removes soft-bads on a screw, but I want to say what else exists Acronis software Drive Cleanser designed to remove user information from hard drives without the possibility of recovery, it also forcibly writes to hard disk sectors random numbers in several passes and it has a double effect. Firstly, the complete deletion of information on the computer, and secondly, the treatment of the hard disk from bad blocks, personally, after using this program, there were fewer sectors with a large read delay.

Hello friends! Of course, there is more than one such program. In today's article, I suggest using the utilities:

1. Acronis Drive Cleanser- specially designed by a renowned developer for permanent deletion files from your computer. Acronis Drive Cleanser is installed with the program Acronis True Image Home 2015 and works in trial mode for 15 days. Importantly, the program Acronis True Image Home 2015 can create a bootable flash drive and boot a laptop from it, then also delete all data using the utility Acronis Drive Cleaner. Boot disk Acronis does not have any time limits.

2 . The second program we are considering, also includes a special tool for the complete removal of data and is completely free.

Most of the deleted information can always be recovered

All experienced users know that regular formatting does not completely delete your files, information about them remains in the HDD sectors for more for a long time. Files are simply marked as deleted, and most data recovery programs will easily restore information that you think is completely erased.

What Acronis Drive Cleanser does

The program repeatedly overwrites all sectors on the hard disk with random numbers in 35 passes using special algorithms, which completely erases previously existing information and makes it impossible to restore files on such a media by 100%.

In addition to the official U.S. data deletion standard, U.S. Standard, DoD 5220.22-M Acronis Drive Cleanser uses its own efficient data destruction algorithms.

  • Note: As the author of the third letter correctly noted, numerous overwriting of information on the hard disk, in some cases, can reduce the number of problem sectors (with a large read delay), including bad blocks.

Go to the official website of the program

We press Try for free.

Download the installer and run it

Run trial version

Tools. More Tools.

Choosing a tool Drive Cleanser

You cannot make mistakes in this window, otherwise delete the data from the wrong drive.

In my case, three are connected to the computer hard drives, you need to delete all information without the possibility of recovery on the first hard disk with a capacity of 250 GB.

Acronis Drive Cleanser can destroy data separately on any section you mark. I want to delete everything, so oh I mark all available partitions on the HDD

The program offers several ways to completely destroy information, for a simple user, the first domestic method will be enough - the Russian standard, GOST R50739-95.

The most reliable, but rather long way to delete files using the Peter Gutmann algorithm in 35 passes.

Check the box Delete selected partitions permanently and click Start.

Hover the mouse over the program icon in the tray and find out how much time is left before the operation is completed. But looking ahead, I’ll say that it took 20 minutes to get a 250 GB hard drive.

bootable flash drive Acronis True Image Home 2015

If you need to delete all data from a laptop, then we create and boot a laptop from it, select:

Tools and Utilities->Acronis Drive Cleanser, then everything happens the same way as in the previous case.

AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition

Fully free program with the same tool.

Friends, I will not repeat myself, read our other detailed article on how to download and install.

After installing the program, in its main window, select the hard disk we need with the left mouse, then click on the button Erasing a hard drive.

Select the desired number of passes and click OK.
