Programs for searching files on the computer. Internet search secrets and unusual search engines How to download the desired file from the Internet search

Sometimes it happens that you want to download a free music album from 2007 released by an artist who knows three and a half people. You find a torrent file, launch it, the download reaches 14.7% and ... that's it. Days and weeks pass, and the download stands still. You start looking for the album on Google, scouring the forums and finally finding links to some file hosting sites, but they have not been working for a long time.

This happens more and more often - copyright holders constantly close useful resources. And if popular content is still not a problem to find, finding a seven-year-old TV series in Spanish can be extremely difficult.

Whatever you need on the Internet, there are a number of ways to find it. We offer all of the following options solely for familiarization with the content, but in no case for theft.


Usenet is a distributed network of servers between which data is synchronized. The structure of Usenet resembles a hybrid of a forum and Email. Users can connect to special groups (Newsgroups), read or write something in them. As with mail, messages have a subject that helps define the subject of the group. Today Usenet is mostly used for file sharing.

Until 2008, the major Usenet providers kept files for only 100-150 days, but then the files began to be stored forever. Smaller providers leave content for 1,000 days or more, which is often enough.

Around mid-2001, copyright holders began to take notice of Usenet, forcing providers to remove copyrighted content. But enthusiasts quickly found a workaround: they began to give files confusing names, protect archives with passwords, and add them to special sites that can be accessed only by invitation.

In Russia, almost no one knows about the existence of Usenet, which cannot be said about countries where the authorities are diligently fighting piracy. Unlike the BitTorrent protocol, on Usenet it is impossible to determine the user's IP address without the help of a service provider or Internet service provider.

How to connect to Usenet

In most cases, you will not be able to connect for free. You will have to be content with either a small file storage time, or low speed, or access only to text groups.

Providers offer two types of paid access: a monthly subscription with an unlimited amount of downloaded data or time-limited tariffs with limited traffic. The second option is for those who only occasionally need to download something. The largest providers of such services are Altopia, Giganews, Eweka, NewsHosting, Astraweb.

Now you need to figure out where to get NZB files with meta information - something like torrent files. For this, special search engines - indexers are used.


Public indexers are full of spam and , but they're still good for finding files that were uploaded five or more years ago. Here is some of them:

Free indexers that require registration are more suitable for finding new files. They are well structured, the content has not only titles, but also descriptions with pictures. You can try the following:

There are also indexers only for certain types of content. For example, anizb is for anime fans, while albumsindex is for those looking for music.

Downloading from Usenet

Take Fraser Park (The FP) as an example, an obscure 2011 film that is nearly impossible to find in 1080p. You need to find the NZB file and run it through a program like NZBGet or SABnzbd .

How to download via IRC

You will need an IRC client. Almost anyone will do - the vast majority support DCC. Connect to the server you are interested in and start downloading.

The largest servers with books:

  •, room #bookz;
  •, #ebooks room.


  •, room #moviegods;
  •, room #beast-xdcc.

Western and Japanese animation:

  •, room #news;
  •, room #cartoon-world.

You can use the !find or @find commands to find files. The bot will send the results as a private message. If possible, prefer the @search command - it runs a special bot that provides search results in a single file, rather than a huge stream of text.

Let's try downloading How Music Got Free, a book about the music industry written by Stephen Witt.

The bot responded to the @search request and sent the results as a ZIP file over DCC.

Submitting a download request.

And accept the file.

If you found a file using the indexer, then you don't need to search for it in the channel. Just send a download request to the bot using the command from the indexer site.


In a DC network, all communication takes place through a server called a hub. You can search for specific types of files in it: audio, video, archives, documents, disk images.

Sharing files in DC++ is very simple: just check the box next to the folder you want to share. Due to this, you can find something completely unimaginable - something that you yourself have long forgotten about, but that can suddenly come in handy for someone.

How to download via DC++

Suitable for any client. For Windows the best option is FlylinkDC++ . Linux Users can choose between and AirDC++ Web .

Search and download are implemented conveniently: enter a query, select a content type, click "Search" and double-click on the result to download the file. You can also view a list of all files opened by the user and download all files from the selected folder. To do this, right-click on the search result and select the appropriate item.

If you didn't find something, try again later. Often people turn on the DC client only when they themselves need to download something.


The built-in search only finds files in online user lists. To find rare content, you need an indexer.

The only known variant is , as well as its mirror . The results are presented in the form of magnet links, when clicked, the files immediately start downloading through the DC client. It should be taken into account that sometimes the indexer for a long time unavailable - sometimes up to two months.

eDonkey2000 (ed2k), Kad

Like DC++, ed2k is a decentralized data transfer protocol with a centralized hub for finding and connecting users to each other. In eDonkey2000 you can find almost the same thing as in DC++: old series with different voice acting, music, programs, games, old ones, as well as books on mathematics and biology. However, there are also new releases.

(Yu.A. SHAFRIN, Informatika newspaper, No. 9 2009)

1. Statement of the problem

Searching for information on the Internet is an extremely indefinite concept: due to the infinite variety of materials on the Web, both in content, in the form of presentation, and in structure data structures).

Therefore, the goals, methods and forms of information (data) search can be very different. In order not to occupy your attention with general words, we will give a couple of specific examples.

1. Let's say you want to find all the materials on the Internet about a particular person by his last name. This surname can simply be typed as a request in the input field of any search engine, - for example, "Rambler" (as this name is pronounced in the company). Search results will entirely depend on how common this surname is in society, and on the popularity of this person (precisely popularity, not scale!). For example, if you type Ferdyshchenko, you can hope for success, or you will find something, or you have not heard anything about such a person on the Internet. Another example: let the person you are looking for have the surname Kulik. If you type it in the search field, you will get thousands of documents with Igor, Andrey, etc. Kuliks, with Kulikovs, Kulikovskys, etc. If, fortunately for you, your Kulik's name is, say, Nikifor (a rare name), then requesting Nikifor&Kulik will drastically increase your chances of success. Therefore, the formulated query should define the narrowest possible scope of the search. Homonyms should be treated with special care. For example, you want to get information about chemical element boron Typing this word in the search field is useless, since boron is a drill, coniferous forest, element, physicist Bor. If you type the query Element&boron, the search area will narrow dramatically.

2. Suppose you are interested in some topic (heading). In this case, you may not need a query language and keyword search. If you have elementary experience, intuition, then, starting with a more or less general topic (for example, "Science and Education" in Fig. 1 on p. 34) and using hyperlinks, you can get to the documents you need (for example, first "Abstracts ", then "Collections of abstracts, term papers, diplomas", etc.). With a certain degree of confidence, it can be argued that in general case searching the Internet is more about art, experience, horizons and intuition of the client than the use of browser tools and search engines. A clear distinction should be made between the different Internet search mechanisms described in the article:

1) search for documents by keywords using universal search engines;

2) specialized search (for example, people);

3) search on the current (displayed) page.

The latter mechanism, in turn, is divided into two types - contextual search of text fragments on a page and search in structured databases of the site represented by this page (products, vacancies, services, firms, etc.).

2. General information

The World Wide Web on the Internet is millions of documents with unstructured textual information (as well as graphics, audio, video). To find necessary information, the client of the Web often has to go through hundreds of web pages (sometimes without much success), spend a lot of effort and nerves (as well as money).

Since the early 1990s, there has been an intensive development reference services. Internet services that help users find the information they need, and these services can be divided into two categories: universal and specialized.

AT universal services uses the usual principle of searching in unstructured documents - by keywords.

A document keyword is a single word or phrase that somehow reflects the content of the document.

For example, programming literature is characterized by the keywords "Conditional branch", "Macro", "Interrupt handling", etc.

Universal search service ( search system) is a set of programs and powerful computers, which performs the following functions.

1. Special program- search robot- continuously browses the pages of the World Wide Web, selects keywords and builds a database indices. This database includes keywords and addresses of documents in which these words are found. Using links to other documents, the robot "downloads" these pages, finds links in them, and so on, until it bypasses the entire section of the Web that interests it. When the search engine crawler comes to website(for example, on, it first of all checks if there is a service file in the root directory of the site robots.txt(in our example en/robots.txt- the name of the robot is written in lowercase letters!). If the robot detects this document, all further actions for indexing the site are carried out in accordance with the instructions robots.txt

2. The web server receives from the user request to the search, transforms it and passes special program - search engine.

3. The search engine scans the database of indexes, compiles a list of pages that satisfy the query conditions (more precisely, a list of links to these pages), and returns it to the web server.

4. The Web server formats the results of the query in a user-friendly form and sends them to the client machine.

Specialized reference services are subject catalogs containing more or less structured intelligence about addresses servers on a particular topic. Unlike universal bases indexes thematic catalogs are compiled by specialists and provide the client with more rigorous, reliable and systematized information about the documents of the Network. The level of "garbage" in these directories is much lower than in automatically compiled indexes, but they are also updated much more slowly. Previously, search engines were divided into universal (with index databases) and "hybrid" (index databases and thematic search). Such a classification is to a certain extent outdated: today, most search engines can be considered "hybrid" - they search both in index databases and by subject headings. Here is a small list of the most famous search engines today with their URLs. home pages:

  • MSN Web Search search engine msn);
  • Excite-;
  • Yahoo! -;
  • infoseek-;
  • Lycos-;
  • Lycos-;
  • Alta-Vista-;
  • Google-;
  • Rambler ("Rambler") -;
  • Aport ("Aport") -;
  • Yandex ("Yandex" or "Yaps1ex") -

Note that among Russian users, the most popular are Russian-speaking Google systems, Yandex, Rambler and Aport. Almost all searchable pages have a Help button. Click it and print the system manual.

3. Microsoft Integrated Search Engine

In general, to start a search, you can call one of the search engines or one of the subject directories known to you. However, developers Internet Explorer for the convenience of the client, most often they build into the next version of the browser a kind of interface with favorites on this moment search engines. Internet Explorer itself is not engaged in search: it receives a request from the user, processes it and passes it to the appropriate search engine.

Click on the browser toolbar button Search.

On the search panel, in the input field, type a query (logical expression) and click the button Search(in different systems - Search, Find!, Search). After a while, a list of hyperlinks to documents that satisfy the entered query appears below the input field. When you hover over a hyperlink, a tooltip (either a summary of that document, or just its URL) will usually appear. With a mouse click, you can open any document.

The width of the search bar can be changed by dragging its right border with the mouse.

4. General search mechanisms on the Internet

So, when searching by keywords (in index databases), you type in the input field a query that is a logical expression, which is formulated according to the syntax rules given search engine.

Methods for searching for the necessary data in the vast ocean of Internet resources can be divided into three groups:

  • "intuitive-heuristic" techniques based on erudition, experience, outlook and intuition of the user;
  • usage search servers, which provide, to a certain extent, formal (instrumental) search mechanisms for keywords;
  • search in thematic (categorized) catalogs.

1. Heuristics. Role request in a particular case, a single word can play (for example, Adjika). And this word can play the role of a starting point, starting from which you will not only reach a specific information, but also get a lot of useful information about objects directly or indirectly related to your task. This tactic provides a very effective indirect search if it is difficult to achieve something "on the forehead". Let's give some examples.

1) Suppose you typed some rare but famous surname as a query, for example, Ktorov(A.P. Ktorov (1898-1980) - the great actor of the Moscow Art Theater). In this case, you will surely receive not only information about Ktorov, but also many interesting documents directly related to the theater, to the performing and dramatic arts. Starting from the issued register, you can, for example, find actors with a common surname (for example, B.A. Smirnova) or a bibliography of rare books about the theater.

2) Type the word "Refrigerator" and you will be taken to a very visible circle of data related to household appliances: in online stores selling not only refrigerators, but also other household goods, get information about the design of the units, their consumer properties, prices, manufacturing companies, etc.

3) Type in "Ajika" (a food item) and you'll be able to research tons of recipe material, cookery books, and maybe even celebrity culinary enthusiasts.

4) The word "Avisan" (medicine) will almost certainly lead you to the remedy you are looking for; along the way, it will provide you with the opportunity to get to the diseases, their symptoms, recommendations for treatment. It will probably be even more valuable for you to access many very useful medical sites - for example, the universal pharmacy site in Moscow, where you can research prices and drug substitutes, find other drugs that you have already thought about, but which would require additional effort to find.

As already mentioned, with this approach, the effectiveness of searching the Web largely depends on the experience and outlook of the user. When you are looking for materials on a certain topic, you should never rely on the "intelligence" of the machine: you yourself must take into account the peculiarities of the lexicon of specialists on this topic, possible combinations of terms, etc.

2. Query languages. At the heart of queries for searching and retrieving information is the apparatus algebra of logic. As an example, consider the elements of the Yandex search engine query language used for strict search in index databases. Essentially, this is the syntax boolean expressions , and it differs little from the syntax of other Russian-language systems (for example, Rambler and Aport). To search for documents containing a certain word, type it in the search field and click the button Find. The search area can be narrowed down: News, Products, Encyclopedias(the composition of these buttons, as well as the view home page , may change). If the request contains several words, the following rules must be observed:

1) logical AND (AND) - search for a combination within a sentence: natural silk (separator - space) or natural&silk;

2) logical AND (AND) - search for a combination within the document: natural&&silk;

3) search for the phrase - "Golden Orpheus" (straight quotes!).

In addition, you can search by the distance between the given terms (specified in words or sentences), search in the title, in the text of links, in the description, in image captions; look for links to given URL(for example, #link="*"), etc. Yandex searches not only for a given word, but also for its word forms. For example, if you specify the word "newspaper", then documents that contain the words "newspapers", "newspaper", "newspaper", etc. will be found.

3. Thematic search. The thematic rubricator of the Yandex system allows you to find a lot without the help of logic algebra. Other search (and not only search) systems have the same headings (but with a different content), for example, Rambler and Aport.

5.Specialized search

Internet technologies are developing rapidly. New search tools are systematically emerging. The original (and, apparently, promising) specialized search system is offered by the Lycos company: (literally "Who? Where?").

First, you can search for a person's first and last name by their email address, phone number, web pages that mention this person (drop-down list Search Type: (Search type)). Conversely, you can search for a person by his E-mail address or phone number.

Secondly, in the main part of the window there is a kind of rubricator, using which you can search for people of a particular circle, occupation, etc.:

  • people in the field of entertainment and hobbies: directors, musicians, athletes;
  • people and money: investors, brokers, buyers, officials;
  • people "like you" (sharing your interests, close to you in age, worldview, intellect, etc.): women, children, families, travelers;
  • people who can help you: consultants for future occupations, employers, etc.


Recently, a system of communication between people called ICQ (pronunciation "I seek you" - I'm looking for you) has gained wide popularity. The system works with the help of special software. Each addressee is assigned an individual number, which can be entered in notebook user. The connection is established by selecting the appropriate entry from the notebook.

7. Search for data on the displayed page

So far, we've looked at searching unstructured Web documents for keywords in index databases, as well as subject searches.

1. At the same time, the browser provides a contextual search on all displayed (current) pages.

To do this, select the command whole word and Case sensitive.

2. Many sites and portals have their own structured databases in which you can search for any section of the database (on the subject of this site). For example, on the Moscow pharmacy website There are two mechanisms for such a search:

1) alphabetically: you click, say, on the letter "P", and the site gives you a list of all medicines with the letter "P";

2) in the standard search field, you type the name (for example, Avisan) and click the button Find(or Search). The site search system will find you all the pharmacies that have the selected drug, indicating prices, addresses, phone numbers and delivery methods. Search mechanisms (more precisely, its details) can change on different sites (including on the same site), but it is very easy to understand them.

When searching for many goods, vacancies, services, firms, etc. (in hierarchical structures) the search area can be gradually (or immediately) narrowed down by specifying in several input fields, for example, the model of a consumer product, the desired price, city, age, and much, much more.

Briefly about the main

1. Internet resources contain almost all the information accumulated by mankind, and rubricators of this information can be found on many sites and in all search engines (for example, digital libraries, individual articles, museums, theaters, etc. etc.).

2. To search the Internet, you can use special search engines that have strict query languages ​​based on logic algebra. In addition, these systems and many sites that cannot be considered search engines make it possible to conduct thematic and specialized searches. Now in Runet the most popular systems are Google, Yandex, Rambler, Aport and others.

3. Internet Explorer most often has a built-in search engine that allows you to conveniently use the services of search engines.

4. There are various specialized search systems (for example, people in the field of entertainment and favorite activities: directors, musicians, athletes).

5. The browser provides the ability to contextual search on all displayed (current) pages. To do this, select the command [Edit-Find on this page...] and in the window that appears, type the desired text fragment. Checkboxes allowed whole word and Case sensitive. Many sites have built-in search mechanisms for the subject of this site (alphabetical products, vacancies, etc.).

Professional search on the Internet requires specialized software, as well as specialized search engines and search services.

PROGRAMS - a program designed to study arrays of textual information in order to identify entities and relationships between them. The result of the work is a report on the object under study. - Sentinel Vizualizer is one of the world's best connection and relationship visualization software. The company completely Russified its products and connected hotline in Russian. - "Web Content Extractor" is the most powerful, easy to use web site data extraction software. It also has an efficient Visual Web spider.

SiteSputnik unparalleled in the world software package, which allows you to search and process its results in the Visible and Invisible Internet, using all the search engines necessary for the user.

WebSite-Watcher - allows you to monitor web pages, including password-protected ones, monitor forums, RSS feeds, newsgroups, local files. Possesses powerful system filters. Monitoring is automatic and delivered in a user-friendly way. The program with advanced features costs 50 euros. Constantly updated. is the most popular platform in the world and increasingly used in Russia for hosting various kinds of documents, books, etc. for free access with a very convenient search engine for names, topics, etc. - is the most powerful and effective tool available for individual users, small and even medium-sized businesses for qualitative information analysis. The program is multifunctional and therefore useful. It combines the possibilities of creating a single information environment for working with various text, spreadsheet, audio and video files as a whole, as well as tools for qualitative analysis and visualization.

Ashampoo ClipFinder HD - An increasing proportion of the information flow is video. Accordingly, competitive scouts need tools to work with this format. One of these products is the free utility. It allows you to search for videos by specified criteria on video file storages such as YouTube. The program is easy to use, displays all search results on one page with detailed information, titles, duration, time when the video was uploaded to storage, etc. There is a Russian interface. - the program is made seo optimizers, but it is quite suitable as an Internet intelligence tool. Plagiarism shows the degree of uniqueness of the text, the sources of the text, the percentage of text matching. The program also checks the uniqueness of the specified URL. The program is free. - includes an add-on for combining Google search and Yandex, and also allows for competitive analysis based on evaluating the effectiveness of sites and contextual advertising. Implemented as a plugin for FF and GC. is a universal solution for obtaining any data available on the Internet. Setting up cutting data from any page is done in a few mouse clicks. You just need to select the data area that you want to save and Datacol will select the formula for cutting this block.

Capture Saver- professional tool internet research. Simply irreplaceable working programm, which allows you to capture, store and export any information on the Internet, including not only web pages, blogs, but also RSS news, email, images and more. It has the widest functionality, an intuitive interface and a ridiculous price. - web monitoring system at more than affordable prices. - software for work, including in the "Invisible Internet". - the program allows you to search using more than 90 search engines, more than 10 parameters. Allows you to merge results, eliminate duplicates, block broken links, show the most relevant results. Comes in free, personal and professional versions. Used by more than 20 million users.

Maltego is a fundamentally new software that allows you to establish the relationship of subjects, events and objects in real life and on the Internet.


new- web browser with dozens of preinstalled tools for OSINT.

is an effective search aggregator for finding people in the main Russian in social networks. is an efficient email detection and verification service. is an easy to use yet effective scanner to discover what is working and not working on a website and what are the security holes. Also implemented as a plugin for Chrom. is an American low-cost market and competitive intelligence platform on the Internet. - host locator. - a simple and convenient service for determining someone else's IP. is a powerful new product for economic security workers and corruption investigators. Processes and visualizes huge arrays of unstructured information from financial sources. is an English-language online platform for competitive intelligence and monitoring. is the first operating system for translating information into knowledge and visualizing unstructured information. Currently supports English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese. - forecasting and analytical services of Andrey Masalovich. - a complete set of stand-alone programs for professional work on the web 1. - extensions for Maltego. - search engine for hosting, IP addresses, etc. - analysis of applications based on reviews, ASO optimization, positions in tops and search results for the App Store, Google Play and Windows Phone Store. is a service implemented as a plugin for Chrom that allows you to get a lot of valuable information about any electronic resource. - free service, collecting and structuring key information on industries and companies. It is possible to use information panels based on text analysis. - collection of factual data from publicly available sources on the Internet. - CI platform that collects and analyzes information on companies of interest to customers. There is a demo. - a specialized application with an API for searching by geolocation of any device connected to the Internet. is a service for monitoring sites and, first of all, the photos and images on them. Even if the photo appeared for a second, it will be in the subscriber's email. Has a plugin for Google Chrome. is a research tool that allows you to carry out a deep analysis of any Internet resource. - the service allows you to track advertising campaigns for certain segments of goods and services, or for specific organizations. - Artem Ageev's instructions for using Windows programs for the needs of competitive intelligence. - open source tool source code for researchers who trace networks of connections between persons and organizations in politics, economics, crime, etc. Allows you to connect, analyze and visualize information obtained from various sources, as well as show significant relationships. - service for extracting metadata from graphic files and work with them. - a small online scanner for checking security holes in websites and other resources. - search service for primary sources by a fragment of text in English is an effective tool for conducting competitive intelligence in Western, primarily European and American markets for goods and services. is a service that allows you to automatically collect new information from monitored resources on the Internet. Service services are free. is a kind of Rapportive for the Web. It is not a replacement for Rapportive, but gives additional tools. Unlike Rapportive, it gives a general profile of a person, as if glued together from data from social networks and mentions in web. - a service that allows you to automatically collect new information from monitored resources on the Internet. Service services are free. is an addon for Firefox. Keeps track of web page updates. Useful for websites that don't have news feeds (Atom or RSS). is an aggregator of news and media portals. Used by marketers, analysts, etc. to analyze news flows on certain topics. is an automated web service for monitoring prices for selected product groups, specific online stores and other parameters. is a convenient and relevant service for analyzing links and backlinks to an Internet resource. is a powerful data analysis and visualization tool implemented as an online service based on cloud computing. is a service under the slogan “Learn everything about your competitors”. Allows you to get competitors' websites in accordance with search queries, analyze competitors' advertising campaigns in Google and Yandex. – the service allows you to identify sites with the same characteristics, including those using the same Google Analytics statistics service identifiers, IP addresses, etc. - a line of products for competitive intelligence, information flow management and transformation of information into information assets. It includes both complex platforms and simple cheap services that allow you to effectively monitor along with information compression and getting only the results you need. is a competitive intelligence platform for businesses of all sizes from startups and small companies to Fortune 500 companies. Designed as saas. is a Google add-on that allows you to search Google without fixing your IP address. Fully supports all search engines Google features, including in Russian. is a unique service that is very useful for a competitive intelligence officer. Connects geolocation with an online media search engine. Those. you choose the region or even the city or language you are interested in, see the place and the list of online versions of newspapers and magazines on the map, click on the appropriate button and read. Supports Russian language, very user-friendly interface. is a very convenient, distinguished by first-class selection, quite accessible for any wallet, the Infostream news monitoring system from one of the classics of Internet search D.V. Lande. is a very simple and effective tool for saving the necessary web pages. Can be used on computers, iPhones, iPads, etc. - allows you to automatically extract all information from web pages, download the vast majority of file formats, automatically enter data into various forms. Downloaded files and pages are stored in databases and perform many other extremely useful functions. Works under all major platforms, has a fully functional free and very powerful professional versions. - having several tariff plans and available even for small businesses, a web service for multifunctional web monitoring and delivery from selected sites of the information necessary for the user. - the service allows you to automatically monitor everything that happens on the sites of competitors. - and this is if you have foreign competitors. is a service for monitoring the Runet, created by Internet search professionals, which includes all the main providers of information, news, etc., and is capable of individual monitoring settings for the needs of the user.


https://www .idmarch .org/ is the best search engine for the world archive of pdf documents in terms of quality. Currently, more than 18 million pdf documents have been indexed, ranging from books to classified reports. is a unique search engine that allows you to search for owners and top management by full name, company name, position, or a combination of them. The search results contain not only the desired objects, but also their relationships. Designed primarily for English-speaking countries. is a free-access photo search engine with reference to geolocation. is a public domain search engine that describes itself as the most advanced analytics tool for law enforcement and security and intelligence professionals. Allows you to search for photos posted on various sites, social platforms and in social networks in relation to specific geolocation coordinates. There are currently seven data sources connected. By the end of the year, their number will be more than 450. Thanks to Dementy for the tip. is a search engine for seven million financial, economic and social databases. - search engine for tenders and government orders with additional paid features

Website-Finder - makes it possible to find sites that are poorly indexed by Google. The only limitation is that for each keyword it only searches 30 websites. The program is easy to use. is the most powerful search engine that allows you to process terabytes of text. Works on desktop, web and intranet. Supports both static and dynamic data. Allows you to search in all MS Office programs. The search is conducted by phrases, words, tags, indexes and much more. the only available system federated search. It has both paid and free versions. - searches, filters and aggregates company information from tens of thousands of web sources. Searches for the USA, Great Britain, the main countries of the EEC. It is highly relevant, user-friendly, has free and paid options ($14 per month). is an unusual search engine. Immediately after the appearance, he received the nickname "Google for hackers". Looks not for pages, but determines IP addresses, types of routers, computers, servers and workstations located at a particular address, traces chains DNS servers and allows you to implement many other interesting features for competitive intelligence. - search engine for websites and open bases all public institutions USA. The bases contain a lot of practical useful information, including for use in our country. – Visualization is increasingly being used to present data. It is the first infographic search engine on the web. Along with the search engine, the portal has powerful data visualization tools that do not require programming skills. - search for discussions of topics, events, objects, subjects in real or custom time. The previously highly criticized search in works very efficiently and gives interesting, relevant results.

Zanran is the first and only search engine for data that extracts data from PDF files, EXCEL tables, data in HTML pages. is one of the world's best search engines for competitive intelligence on the deep web. Extracts almost all kinds of files in all formats on the topic of interest. Implemented as a web service. The prices are more than reasonable. - Efficient search and professional information analysis, media archive since 1990. The online media library offers a wide range of information services: from access to electronic archives publications of the Russian-language media and ready-made thematic press reviews to individual monitoring and exclusive analytical studies based on press materials.

Cluuz is a young search engine with ample opportunities for competitive intelligence, especially on the English-speaking Internet. Allows not only to find, but also to visualize, establish links between people, companies, domains, e-mail, addresses, etc. is the search engine of tomorrow. For a search query, it issues statistical and factual information available on the request object, including visualized information. universal search according to databases of public procurement, tenders, auctions, etc.

Sometimes it happens that you want to download a free music album from 2007 released by an artist who knows three and a half people. You find a torrent file, launch it, the download reaches 14.7% and ... that's it. Days and weeks pass, and the download stands still. You start looking for the album on Google, scouring the forums and finally finding links to some file hosting sites, but they have not been working for a long time.

This happens more and more often - copyright holders constantly close useful resources. And if popular content is still not a problem to find, finding a seven-year-old TV series in Spanish can be extremely difficult.

Whatever you need on the Internet, there are a number of ways to find it. We offer all of the following options solely for familiarization with the content, but in no case for theft.


Usenet is a distributed network of servers between which data is synchronized. The structure of Usenet resembles a hybrid of a forum and e-mail. Users can connect to special groups (Newsgroups), read or write something in them. As with mail, messages have a subject that helps define the subject of the group. Today Usenet is mostly used for file sharing.

Until 2008, the major Usenet providers kept files for only 100-150 days, but then the files began to be stored forever. Smaller providers leave content for 1,000 days or more, which is often enough.

Around mid-2001, copyright holders began to take notice of Usenet, forcing providers to remove copyrighted content. But enthusiasts quickly found a workaround: they began to give files confusing names, protect archives with passwords, and add them to special sites that can be accessed only by invitation.

In Russia, almost no one knows about the existence of Usenet, which cannot be said about countries where the authorities are diligently fighting piracy. Unlike the BitTorrent protocol, on Usenet it is impossible to determine the user's IP address without the help of a service provider or Internet service provider.

How to connect to Usenet

In most cases, you will not be able to connect for free. You will have to be content with either a small file storage time, or low speed, or access only to text groups.

Providers offer two types of paid access: a monthly subscription with an unlimited amount of downloaded data or time-limited tariffs with limited traffic. The second option is for those who only occasionally need to download something. The largest providers of such services are Altopia, Giganews, Eweka, NewsHosting, Astraweb.

Now you need to figure out where to get NZB files with meta information - something like torrent files. For this, special search engines - indexers are used.


Public indexers are full of spam and , but they're still good for finding files that were uploaded five or more years ago. Here is some of them:

Free indexers that require registration are more suitable for finding new files. They are well structured, the content has not only titles, but also descriptions with pictures. You can try the following:

There are also indexers only for certain types of content. For example, anizb is for anime fans, while albumsindex is for those looking for music.

Downloading from Usenet

Take Fraser Park (The FP) as an example, an obscure 2011 film that is nearly impossible to find in 1080p. You need to find the NZB file and run it through a program like NZBGet or SABnzbd .

How to download via IRC

You will need an IRC client. Almost anyone will do - the vast majority support DCC. Connect to the server you are interested in and start downloading.

The largest servers with books:

  •, room #bookz;
  •, #ebooks room.


  •, room #moviegods;
  •, room #beast-xdcc.

Western and Japanese animation:

  •, room #news;
  •, room #cartoon-world.

You can use the !find or @find commands to find files. The bot will send the results as a private message. If possible, prefer the @search command - it runs a special bot that provides search results in a single file, rather than a huge stream of text.

Let's try downloading How Music Got Free, a book about the music industry written by Stephen Witt.

The bot responded to the @search request and sent the results as a ZIP file over DCC.

Submitting a download request.

And accept the file.

If you found a file using the indexer, then you don't need to search for it in the channel. Just send a download request to the bot using the command from the indexer site.


In a DC network, all communication takes place through a server called a hub. You can search for specific types of files in it: audio, video, archives, documents, disk images.

Sharing files in DC++ is very simple: just check the box next to the folder you want to share. Due to this, you can find something completely unimaginable - something that you yourself have long forgotten about, but that can suddenly come in handy for someone.

How to download via DC++

Suitable for any client. For Windows best an option is FlylinkDC++ . Linux users can choose between and AirDC++ Web .

Search and download are implemented conveniently: enter a query, select a content type, click "Search" and double-click on the result to download the file. You can also view a list of all files opened by the user and download all files from the selected folder. To do this, right-click on the search result and select the appropriate item.

If you didn't find something, try again later. Often people turn on the DC client only when they themselves need to download something.


The built-in search only finds files in online user lists. To find rare content, you need an indexer.

The only known variant is , as well as its mirror . The results are presented in the form of magnet links, when clicked, the files immediately start downloading through the DC client. It should be borne in mind that sometimes the indexer is unavailable for a long time - sometimes up to two months.

eDonkey2000 (ed2k), Kad

Like DC++, ed2k is a decentralized data transfer protocol with a centralized hub for finding and connecting users to each other. In eDonkey2000 you can find almost the same thing as in DC++: old series with different voice acting, music, programs, games, old ones, as well as books on mathematics and biology. However, there are also new releases.

Set file search parameters in the FileSearch search engine

The FileSearch search engine, specially designed for searching files, is available at Once on it, you must enter the name of the file you are looking for. You can specify an extension through a dot. In the second field of the search query, you must select what kind of files you want to search. By default, the search is performed by the names of all files and by the names of folders (directories). Instead, you can choose:

  • Music.
  • Images.
  • Video.
  • Server.

By and large, you can not specify the type of file you are looking for, but simply specify its extension.

In the third list field, you can specify which specific domains you want to search for: com, ru, org, and so on. By default, the search is performed on all domains.

AT search query wildcard characters can be used: "*" (asterisk) - replaces an arbitrary group of characters, and "."" (question mark) - stands for one arbitrary character. For example, if you specify *.avi in ​​your search query, all files with the avi extension will be found for you.

If you specify da*.avi, you will find all files whose names begin with the letter combination da (then any arbitrary number of characters in the name) and have the avi extension. If you set da??.avi as a search criterion, then you will search for files with four letters in the name, the first of which is da, and with the avi extension.

Finding files using Rambler

The well-known search engine Rambler, among other things, has the ability to file search.

Moreover, Rambler searches for files quite well. To take advantage of this opportunity, you should either immediately go to the link, or to home page search engine Rambler among the list of services, select File Search. Further, the search is carried out in the same way as it is done in FileSearch (this was described in the previous paragraph).
