Is the iPhone warranty. Apple Worldwide Warranty

Despite the outstanding reliability of devices with the apple logo on back cover, sooner or later there is a need to visit service centers. For such cases, you should always be prepared in advance. As the saying goes, get your sleigh ready in the summer. And if such a need arises, we want to prepare you for this and help you save your money. At first sight Apple warranty looks complicated, but in fact everything is easy and understandable.

Due to increasing questions about the warranty for Apple products and the conditions for its provision for this equipment in Russia, we decided to tell you all the nuances of warranty cases and put all the information on the shelves.

1. Warranty service in Russia is subject to any Apple products that are not prohibited for sale in our country. You can find out the range of Apple products supplied to the territory of our country on the official website of the company.

2. The warranty period for the product is calculated from the moment of its purchase and is confirmed by the purchase document. The warranty period for Apple products is 12 months (1 year). You can extend the term to three years if you purchase and activate the Apple Care Protection Plan (more on that later).

3. Warranty support is provided only by Apple Authorized Service Providers. Their list can be found in the Support section on the official website of the Cupertino company.

4. Separately, you should know about the situation with the warranty on the iPhone. Apple Authorized Service Providers do not accept warranty iPhone service. The phone is not covered by worldwide warranty. iPhone is only eligible for warranty service in the country in which it was originally sold. That is, having bought it in the UK, only there it will be guaranteed. In our country, for iPhone warranty issues, you need to contact the seller or mobile operator from whom the phone was purchased. So, an iPhone purchased on the territory of our country from OSS MTS will be guaranteed only on the territory of the Russian Federation and from OSS MTS. Don't forget it.

5. When new Apple products are launched, products will only be covered under warranty from the moment they are officially launched in each country.

6. Authorized service center Apple has the right to refuse warranty repairs to you if you do not have documentary or actual evidence that you purchased the product in the country in which it was shipped by the manufacturer for sale.

7. The product is recognized as a warranty product and must be repaired free of charge if documents on the purchase of the product in the country of sale, issued by a private person, are provided. In this case, the person is regarded as temporarily arriving abroad at the time of purchase of the product, or temporarily located in the territory of the Russian Federation. In the first and second cases, the product is covered by Apple's worldwide warranty.

8. When buying new Apple equipment, be sure to check for a document describing the warranty conditions for a particular product. Warranty conditions for all Apple products can be found.

9. Detailed explanations regarding support and warranty, can be found in a special section on the official Apple website.

10. To check the warranty of your device, you can follow the link and enter the serial number of the device. If it is in the database, then you can safely go to an authorized Apple service center.

Apple Care Protection Plan

All Apple products come with 90 days of free phone support and one year of Apple Authorized Service. By purchasing the AppleCare Protection Plan, you extend your warranty coverage to three years from the date of purchase.

There are situations when a phone of such a well-known brand as an iPhone breaks down and such a problem arises as to change the iPhone under warranty for a new one. Often there are questions of this kind: is it possible to exchange it within the country or is it impossible? How to get a refund for an iPhone under warranty?

The popularity of the iPhone is gaining momentum more and more, it has become an indispensable means of communication. Users appreciated its functionality, there are positive reviews. People are willing to pay a lot of money. The shops household appliances and electronics (for example, Eldorado, Euroset, MTS) offer a large selection different models iPhone. The realization that this is not a cheap purchase makes people try to be more careful with a new phone. But anything can happen, I didn’t like the color, the brand. Or if it turns out that expensive purchase spoils, breaks, there is an ambiguity - to return, to repair it or not. Then how much money will it come out?

How to change an iPhone under warranty for a new one? It is not always possible to keep track of your gadget so that nothing happens to it. For example, a child can take the phone to play - he decided to check how it swims in an aquarium with fish. The guy was walking down the street somewhere, talking on an iPhone, did not notice the steps and stumbled - the phone fell and crashed. Or six months after the purchase, new iphone got a little dumb - Charger does not "see", spontaneous switching off and on. Very embarrassing moments. A swarm of questions appears in my head - what to do, where to go? Buy new phone Or take it in for repair? Is it possible to exchange? etc.

Buying a new iPhone to replace the old one is no longer affordable for many. If you give it in for repair, then there is also a snag here - you can’t buy original spare parts. And if you try to order from Chinese sites, it will only get worse. So, you should try to pass it. And how and where, to hand over the iPhone under warranty? The correct solution would be iphone replacement under warranty for a new one in the service center.

It is mistakenly believed that it is long and dreary. Literally - he came, gave away a broken, faulty iPhone (if it is under warranty), they handed him a new and whole one, of the same model, and even for free. You don’t have to give anything else with it - no headphones, no charger, no box. Yes, everything is so simple, fast and economical. In Russia, this is all an innovation, in Europe or the USA it is already a common thing.

The main thing is not to run into scammers - phones can be imported by unofficial suppliers. The risk is that the warranty that applies to all these iPhones imported into Russia legally does not apply. This means that this simple algorithm does not exist, on the contrary, there will be more problems.

Also, keep in mind that there are certain limitations. They are connected with the fact that not every broken phone can be returned.

If the cause of the breakdown was the cases listed below, then the iPhone is not subject to free replacement:

  • iPhone manufacturer is an American company;
  • the iPhone was misused;
  • water has entered the device;
  • the phone was stolen, any other accident;
  • the serial number of the phone is not read;
  • repaired not in the service center.

If there was a defect from the above, then, unfortunately, a working device can be replaced only if money is paid.

Also, if the battery was faulty, the battery does not hold well; chips, dents in the case or any protective coatings are out of order - the iPhone is also not subject to warranty replacement.

Phone exchange period

When a breakdown is detected, they rack their brains - the iPhone broke under warranty, where to go? No need to go to the store to return it, where they took it - it will take a lot of time, and also in vain. You must immediately contact the service center - it is better to take the phone there. They will exchange it as soon as possible.

It's important to know:

  1. After buying an iPhone, the warranty is 1 year, during which you can exchange for a working device for free.
  2. After the iPhone has been returned free of charge under warranty, the replaced iPhone receives a warranty period for another 1 year.

In fact, the buyer has a 2-year warranty in stock. The exchange of the phone takes place as soon as possible. By law, this is 14 days, and at the service center this time is reduced, almost by half - very quickly and efficiently.

Trouble happened - your favorite iPhone broke under warranty, what to do?

Replacement of a non-working iPhone under warranty with a new one can be carried out:

  • during the warranty period free of charge;
  • during the guarantee for a fee;

A free replacement is carried out on the condition that the phone has only a manufacturing defect (pixels have moved away, the front camera has shifted or a chip on the glass). If it was the fault of the owner of the phone, then you will have to replace it and pay a little extra for this replacement from your own wallet. The amount is not very large, so this service can be used.

For example, Katerina has an iPhone 7 plus. He was a little beaten - the screen is in the "web". Here it is possible to fix it. Replacement in progress glass iphone 7 plus under warranty for a new one, paying for the repair.

In general, they can refuse to replace only if the phone is completely broken (the case is bent, the display is all disfigured). They will also refuse to replace it if the iPhone's "insides" are outsiders, not "iPhone".

All actions that are associated with exchanging a phone for another are slightly different, depending on:

  1. iPhone of good quality, no manufacturing defects.
  2. The iPhone is of poor quality, with defects (arising through no fault of the buyer).

In both cases, there will be no recalculation - changing the color of a phone of exactly the same brand does not change its value. It may happen that the seller does not have exactly the same brand, but there are other iPhones, the cost of which is different. Here you will have to recalculate the cost, or the buyer has the right to refuse to buy another phone. The seller will return the money paid.

But sometimes there are cases when a person bought an iPhone for 30 thousand rubles, and later, when he came to change it, the price changed either upward or downward. That is, the price changes to the same smartphone.

In the case of a markdown, the buyer exchanges his old iphone for a new one, and the seller must return the money that makes up this difference in price. If the phone cost 30 thousand rubles, it was bought for this amount, and it became 25 thousand, the seller gives new smartphone and 5,000 on top.

If the price has risen, then the actions are exactly the same, but already on the part of the buyer. The phone cost at the time of purchase 23 thousand rubles, when the buyer came to exchange it, it began to cost 25 thousand rubles. The buyer pays the missing 2 thousand rubles.

When returning an iPhone, the buyer must, in addition to the phone itself, grab the following documents:

  • your passport;
  • purchase receipts (if any).

If checks or other documents confirming the purchase of a smartphone were not saved, then according to the Government Decree “On the Rules for the Sale of Certain Types of Goods”, the buyer can refer to witnesses. If there are none, then you can ask to show video from CCTV cameras - this will also be evidence.

In addition to the passport and checks, you need to provide a warranty card if the smartphone under warranty was of inadequate quality.

If the phone was purchased from an online store

More and more people are using the internet. And the purchase of different things, from the smallest and most insignificant, to large and complex in their own way. technical specifications, becomes commonplace.

The phone was bought on the Internet online, but due to the fact that something did not suit the buyer in it, there is a need to return it. Provided that it works properly, there are no defects, then you can refer to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Approval of the Rules for the Sale of Goods by Remote Method”.

According to this law:

  1. The buyer has the right to refuse any product (except for individual orders), i.e. return the phone at any time before handing it over to the buyer.
  2. If the phone has already been transferred, then this can be done within 7 days.
  3. You can return the iPhone if its presentation has been preserved, the box has not been thrown away, all the documents are in place, and the receipt for payment for the goods has been preserved.

Given these provisions, do everything right, then the return of the iPhone will be a hassle-free process.

How to exchange your iPhone under warranty for a new one? Sometimes you have to deal with such sellers to whom you can’t prove anything - they stubbornly do not want to do anything. It becomes very problematic to come to the store and exchange the phone for another one. Be that as it may, the seller does not care, they will have to accept the phone. Or exchange for another color if it is fully functional, or for subsequent verification if it is defective.

A check must be done in order to find out whether the human factor is to blame here or whether this malfunction arose during the assembly of the phone at the factory. This check is called expertise.

In doing so, it must be taken into account that:

  • the seller is required by law to accept the phone;
  • the buyer has the right to be present at the examination;
  • in case of disagreement with the results, the buyer has the right to write a claim.

The results of the check can either be positive, i.e. here there is a manufacturing defect and the seller must exchange the phone. If the answer is no, then the buyer will have to pay for the repair of his smartphone out of his own money.

But for some reason, the seller may not agree with the results of the check. He does not believe people that the phone has manufacturing defects. In this case, he can send the phone for additional examination.

If the seller's doubts are confirmed, then the buyer will have to pay money for an additional examination. Plus, you also have to pay for storing the phone with this seller.

The seller even after checking refuses to exchange the iPhone? You can write a complaint to the store manager. Write, sign, make a copy. The original remains in the hands of the seller, and on the copy, ask him to put his signature.

If the seller does not agree to sign, then you can cheat - send this application through the Mail ( by registered mail). In any case, store employees will have to sign for the delivery, thereby confirming the validity of the claim.

One of the means to restore justice is to go to court. Because the sellers in the store may begin to refer to the fact that no breakdowns were detected during the diagnostics and the buyer is blatantly lying.

So, it's time to go to court to complain about the actions of the store. It is best to hire a good lawyer for this. Then, for sure, the store will be obliged to issue another iPhone, instead of the old one.

If the seller does not agree to return money for a phone whose warranty has expired or has not been installed

In a situation where a defect has appeared in the phone, moreover, of a manufacturing nature, and the warranty for it has ended, it seems that nothing can be done.

But what you really need to do is:

  1. An examination is carried out at the expense of the buyer, because the warranty has already ended, the buyer will have to prove that the malfunction in the phone is not his fault.
  2. If the seller, in case of confirmation of a manufacturing defect, refuses to replace it, write a claim, then, if it doesn’t help, file a lawsuit with the court.

The procedure is exactly the same as when replacing a phone under warranty. If the warranty for the smartphone has not been established, then it is established by law - it is 2 years.

The specifics of the work of the global Apple company operates with the basic rule: in case of a breakdown, do not repair phones, but replace them with new ones. Now, if the camera or glass is damaged, the client needs to contact the company's offices in his city for support. Below we will tell you how to change an iPhone under warranty for a new one, and other nuances and subtleties of this procedure.

The first step in solving this problem is to switch to official page companies in the maintenance section. The main question that worries all lovers of apple products is how the return and warranty period work after applying and receiving a new phone model certified in Russia.

According to the feedback from customers who have already successfully carried out this type of service, many of them had a warranty expired at the time of applying. The screen often displayed an inscription that said that now technical support over the phone is provided on a paid basis (in some moments it is necessary to apply the values ​​​​of the law on consumer protection).

In view of this, it was decided to call and consult with Apple specialists on the warranty extension period and also how to properly repair and restore the breakdown. Representatives of the company said that according to legal documentation, within a year a person can apply for help after issuing a new phone. This is a definite plus, as it resets and extends the maintenance period under the owner's warranty.

It is also worth carefully studying the amount of information presented on the official website, but just in case, double-check it every time through phone call support operator.

If there was an accident with the phone, then many people have an urgent question: “The iPhone broke under warranty, where should I go?”. It's always a good idea to get help from a support representative in your city, submit a ticket and have it repaired or get a new one.

You can also contact a specialist in any convenient way. Remember that all data on the device is necessarily resaved, that is, they can be returned to new version phone. And further replacement is carried out absolutely free of charge and without extra surcharges.

To on personal example to understand whether your phone is subject to warranty service and replacement for another, you need to look at the "Device Information" section. The serial number of your device must contain the following Latin designations: q3-q9 qc, qd, qf, qg, qh, qj.

That is, let's consider the case in practice. If your phone needs an iphone 7 plus glass replacement under warranty, there is no need to run to a dubious store for a purchase or place an order through websites. You can just contact the nearest service center or the one where the purchase was previously made.

So, here you can replace the battery with a new one for free after providing the necessary set of documents prepared in advance. More detailed information the above actions will be discussed below.

The condition for the commission is a preliminary service check, if its malfunction is confirmed under warranty, then it is changed free of charge.

You also need to extend the period of the new phone received, which, according to the company's rules, will be one year from the date of its receipt. And if you speak correctly, then confirm the veracity of this fact with the employees of the company.

If you do not cover your accident with the phone, it is better to go and pay money to another service center to shorten the waiting period for a mobile phone repair.
Application procedure

The general order of treatment can be conditionally divided into four stages:

  1. After a breakdown, you must first carefully prepare all the necessary documents (otherwise the case to the customer support call center will not be considered successfully completed). Along with this, it is worth preparing the device for exchange for a new version. Before shopping Apple Store try to go through the steps below with the device turned off.
  • creating a backup copy: for the safety and security of all data on a mobile device;
  • identification of the ID password: phone repair in some cases requires complete removal all files and disable Find My iPhone when using a passcode;
  • the presence of a sales receipt: if necessary, confirm the current fact of purchase of a mobile device;
  • availability of a government-issued document: to confirm identity: passport, driver's license, etc.
  1. Bring your phone to a valid and certified Apple service center (you can also contact your carrier). On the official website of the manufacturer, you can increase the chances of quickly fixing a broken phone: select the brand of the mobile device by clicking on the appropriate section. Next, you need to select the topic of the problem: physical damage, battery or cellular. When expanding the bottom window about certain areas of repair Apple iPhone shows common questions and short solutions to solve them. If the problem you have stated is not presented on the site, it is worth requesting a personal communication directly with a mobile equipment repair expert to complain about the serviceability.

Then, after a while, a specialist will contact you in any way convenient for you ( email address, chats social networks etc.).

  1. Waiting for Apple phone repair
  2. If the device is delivered to the company's service center, the repair may take no more than 7 days, according to the rules specified in the application.

Important! In some cases, the correction of errors in the operation of the device can occur on the same day, and the client receives a replaced phone in his hands.

  1. If you refer mobile phone operator, then here the issue of timing should be negotiated directly with the representative.

Required documentation

To exchange telephone sets, the buyer should proceed as follows, submit the documents according to the list:

  • the serial number of the iPhone brand phone (you can see it on its box);
  • personal serial number of the phone, by which all the subtleties and nuances of the process are determined;
  • and most importantly, it is a password that will make it possible, if necessary, to enter the platform of your personal account.

Features of the procedure

According to the resources of documents published on the pages of the global Internet, there are a number of requirements for defects mobile devices. That is, in order for the company to repair or replace the device, it must be “broken” in the right way. So, the following phone models are subject to warranty service, as well as exchange for a new version:

  • a narrow crack on the glass “without cobwebs”, which should be in the corner;
  • apparent effect front camera, its displacement from the right place;
  • the presence of unnecessary elements under the screen or “broken” pixels (upon prior request to the user).

What to do if the client is really to blame?

Non-warranty repairs include the following types:

  • confirmed ingress of liquid into the device by the user;
  • corrosion of the device inside;
  • serious mechanical deformation of the display;
  • a crack from which many small cracks and other types of cracks diverge;
  • the presence of garbage, which is extracted in a complicated format;
  • worn glass surface, button or case;
  • screen removal (the exception is a swollen battery, it is covered by the warranty);
  • a heavily clogged speaker or microphone of the phone.

Attention! Each case of liquid contact with Apple device considered on an individual basis. Since some cases are not subject to coverage and payment for repairs at the expense of the guarantee and are repaired for partial payment by the client (screen corrosion after liquid or personal confirmation from the owner of the phone about what happened). You can't make a phone float for a long time, and then oblige the company to replace it with a new one for you.

If iPhone user will show a dry phone without visible elements of corrosion and the presence of a white or gray beacon, it is possible to remain under warranty. In the case of a red indicator, such a moment is not possible.

There may also be isolated cases when it is not fully paid for by warranty funds, but it is still changed to a new version. Handing over the phone in case of any error or malfunction is the direct responsibility of the client. The company's employees themselves will determine the means of resolving the problem: they will clarify exactly how it broke down, what can be done about it, whether it is necessary to buy another model or is it possible to issue a new version, etc.

Attention! Please note that these rules do not apply to AppleCare+ members. For this reason, phones can be repaired or exchanged even if there is obvious mechanical damage.

Due to Apple's soft policy, they almost never have cases where dissatisfied customers would go to court. Usually the whole matter is resolved at the stage of implementation of the coupon for contacting the warranty center.

Remember that if you have iPhone malfunction before the end of the warranty period, you can rightfully contact a service center or a specialized store. After providing a set of documents and drawing up a valid contract, you will be replaced by a damaged device with a new one.

Hi all!
My story, but I need to make a few clarifications:
1. At my own peril and risk, I swam with X in the pool at Luzhniki and was fully aware of the possible consequences :) It lasted about two hours, plus there was a very heavy downpour. I took pictures / videos underwater, dived with the phone, in general, I used it very actively. At the same time, from JBL Flip 4 music was playing (by the way, the column survived both immersion and prolonged exposure to rain).
1.1. By the way, about the consequences: for two hours the phone behaved well, with the exception of the speakers that got wet and refused to work. About half an hour after leaving the pool, FaceID refused to work (later I thought that the sensor might be normal, and not working due to moisture on the lenses). Half an hour later, the screen went green stripes, then the whole thing turned green (by the way, I wonder why it was green), while the phone was clearly working (there was a vibration response when switching silent mode) and managed to recruit into the rescue service. Then it turned off (the charge ran out, it was less than 10%).
2. I had no illusions about the warranty, but first I decided to dry the phone on my own. It would be possible to take it to unofficials for normal drying, but after their work no ASC will pick up the phone, so for three days the phone was dried at home in a warm, ventilated room. In addition, after the “drying”, sooner or later there will be consequences, although it was important for me that the phone survived until the release of the next iPhones in September))
3. The phone was in working condition all the time. I was even able to recharge it and managed to connect it to a PC to make a copy, but the phone was blocked, the screen behaved inappropriately (sometimes it worked, sometimes it was covered with green stripes), so I broke off with the copy (fortunately, I put 12b3 for two or three weeks back and made a copy then).
4. The phone went into cyclic reboot, when on the third day of drying I decided to reboot it in the hope that FaceID would recover. I didn’t recover, and the phone didn’t turn on anymore: an apple appeared for 5 seconds and went out again, and so on endlessly :)
5. On the 7th I arrived at McLabs. While driving, I tried to dry the phone in the duct nozzle. By the way, the method seemed effective to me, but I had little time. At the reception, the girl immediately noted that my phone was flooded (everything is clear from the lenses in the photo in the article). At the same time, no one looked at the indicator of moisture ingress: I blunted it, but the girl-receptionist - I don’t know :) In the act of acceptance it is written: signs of liquid damage. The girl immediately said that it was extremely unlikely that they would do something, no one would be doing repairs, so my only promising option would be a complete replacement for the money. It did not upset me, but I left the phone for the experiment.
6. Periodically requested the status of the repair through the site. They answered me in the mail twice and both times they said that they were waiting for the delivery of a new device from Apple. On a counter question, whether my case was recognized as a guarantee, I did not receive an answer. However, in a chat on the site, a service employee assured me that if nothing was said separately in the letter, then my case was obviously under warranty. On the evening of the 13th, I received confirmation that I can go to the service for the phone.
7. On Tuesday, the 14th, I rushed to Chongarsky in McLabs. There, the young man kindly gave me a new one, sealed in films X, took an autograph and went about his business, leaving me in complete misunderstanding of what had happened and a new phone in my hands.
8. Instead of an epilogue: the phone is not a PCT, so the warranty continues to be valid (apparently, this is Apple's policy, but I don't mind at all) until 11/30/2018. In the act of issuing a new device, the reason says: "When restoring via iTunes, error 4013." And that's it. There is no mention of liquid ingress or anything like that.

Hello! No technique can be insured against factory defects, and the iPhone, unfortunately, is no exception. Everyone has problems - there is no escape from them. That is why, in matters of warranty service, the way the manufacturer solves these very defects comes to the fore. This is where the true face of the company is revealed ... At Apple, in my opinion, everything happens on its own highest level- repairs are almost never made, and in most cases, the user receives a new gadget instead of a defective one.

Great? Yes, I think so. But after all, this replacement still somehow needs to be “come”. And although there is nothing special and complicated in the process of handing over an iPhone to a service under warranty, there are still some important points in this whole business that you absolutely need to pay attention to.

What are these moments? And this is what we'll talk about today. Let's go!

So, your iPhone is broken, and the warranty period () has not yet ended.

Where to carry the iPhone under warranty - to a store or service?

The very first thing is to decide where we will take our iPhone for warranty repairs. Here the choice will be small:

  1. To the store where the device was purchased.
  2. To an authorized service center.

The buyer has full right go where it is more convenient for him. But even if the iPhone is handed over to the store, in the end it will be sent to a service center. And it will be convenient only in one case - when it is not possible to visit the ASC on your own (for example, but it is very far away).

In all other cases, it is better to take the iPhone to a service center on your own. Why?

  1. In 99% of cases it is much faster. By law, the store has 45 days to fix a defect in your smartphone. As a rule, this is the number of days you will be without an iPhone (well, maybe a little less). Yes, you can ask for a replacement phone, but not everyone knows about it. And they do not always give it, preferring to pay a fine.
  2. In the service itself, all issues are resolved much faster.
  3. In the store, you can explain and swear at the sellers for a long time about why you brought your iPhone back. In some cases, they won’t even want to accept :) For example, today they don’t work - a program, a printer, there is no person who does this, you need to bring a check, an application, an invoice, a bunch of other papers, etc. The service in this sense is simpler.

Of course, everything that is written above is highly exaggerated, but the general meaning, I think, is clear. Therefore, if possible, then it is better to hand over the iPhone for warranty repair directly to the service - it will turn out faster (that's for sure) and spend less nerves (this is in question).

What to bring with you and do I need a purchase receipt?

Here again, a lot depends on where you go with your broken iPhone. If you go to the store, you may need anything:

  1. Full set.
  2. Check cash and commodity.
  3. The passport.
  4. Anything else:)

It is clear that the same check and complete equipment are not needed when handing over for repair - article 18 of the RFZPP:

The absence of a cash or sales receipt or other document certifying the fact and conditions of the purchase of goods by the consumer is not a basis for refusing to satisfy his requirements.

But again, a lot depends on the seller and the store.

If you take it directly to the service center, then we take with us:

  1. The device itself.
  2. The passport.

Just bring your iPhone (without purchase receipt, headphones, box, charger, stickers, instructions) and that's it. In the service look at serial number Is the warranty still valid and take the phone for repair ().

There are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. If this is not the first time you have used this device and a “repair by replacement” has already been done for it, then a receipt for the previous contact may be required to validate the warranty.
  2. If you are applying for a second year of warranty (and this happens!) And the first year has already passed, then the receipt will still come in handy (as proof of the date of purchase). Another thing is that, with this very second year of service, everyone got confused - including Apple itself. It won't be easy to get it.

What should I do with my iPhone before going to a service center?

No supernatural action is required. Minimum manipulations:

  1. Just in case, do backup your data. Perhaps the iPhone will be updated software- the information will be lost. If the iPhone is replaced, then your photos, videos, etc. "leave" to the factory along with the old device.
  2. For the same reason, if there is any confidential or very personal data, it is better to erase it in advance. It is possible through .
  3. Disable Find My iPhone and remove the password on the lock screen - if this protection is activated, then the device simply will not be accepted at the service center.
  4. Remove jailbreak. – Modified software may void the warranty.

Covers, films and glasses (suddenly you can reuse them) are also better removed.

Will the service accept an iPhone with physical damage?

It would seem that everything is ready - you can safely go and change the iPhone under warranty. But we look at the device and see that it has a few scratches and even a small dent. How to be now? Will our gadget be accepted or “deployed”?

You need to understand that the service center has special instructions for this. And this is called the natural wear of the device. No one expects you to bring your iPhone in perfect condition for repair. Some things are quite acceptable and are not a reason to refuse warranty service.

I met a similar instruction a very long time ago (back in iPhone times 4 and 4S) and remembering, I can note that even minor cracks were discussed there (as the minimum damage passable for warranty repair), and not just about “ordinary” scratches and scuffs.

Therefore, if a nail does not stick out on the screen of your iPhone, then it may well be accepted for warranty repair and subsequently changed to a new one ().

That's all the main points that you need to know before you return the iPhone under warranty to a store or service center. But if I forgot something or have questions, welcome to the comments. Let's try to figure it out together.

P.S. By the way, it’s absolutely not forbidden to put a “like” or click on the social network buttons (below the article). I think they even work. But here you need to check - you can not do without your help!
