How to update android. Android update: how to upgrade to a new version, rollback? Guide in detail

Android update not coming over the air? Is it possible to update the device, is there a new official firmware for it and how to install it yourself? You will learn the answers to all these questions from this article.

It seems that updating Android is the simplest action that even a person who does not understand the system can handle. In general, this is true, but there are several important nuances that even many professionals have not heard of.

How do smartphones and tablets get updates?

Users often ask the question: how often do updates come? Unfortunately, there is no universal answer - it all depends on your manufacturer. Only gadgets of the Google Nexus line are updated regularly and in a timely manner.

All other devices are simply unrealistic to update in such a short time - you need to wait until the manufacturers create their firmware based on new version Android will test them and only then start updating. Usually this process can take from 1 month to six months.

Often, many versions are simply “skipped”, that is, the device does not receive everything in order: for example, not Android 5.0, 5.1, 5.1.1 and 6.0, but only 5.0 and then 6.0. You must understand that each manufacturer has to support up to 30 models at the same time and, purely physically, company developers cannot have time to roll out new updates for each smartphone or tablet.

How long will your gadget be updated? Only the manufacturer knows the answer to this question. It is impossible to predict this when choosing a new device. It is logical that the more popular the model, the more advantageous it is in terms of updates. It is beneficial for the manufacturer to satisfy large quantity users so that they, in turn, remain loyal to the brand and buy its products again next time.

But how can you find out about the release of new system updates for your smartphone or tablet before the corresponding notification appears on the device? Just follow the thematic sites, forums or groups on social networks, and also check the official website of the manufacturer for new images for manually updating the device (this process is described later in this article).

Checking and installing Android updates

After the announcement of the system update, it may not “fly” to you immediately. Usually this process takes from 2-3 days to 2 weeks. The fact is that the manufacturer sends out updates gradually, which is why it turns out that your friend with the same smartphone got the update instantly, and it only reached you after some time.

When it's your machine's turn, a notification will appear on a new Wi-Fi connection prompting you to update the system.

Select System Update.

Click the "Check for Updates" button.

And if an OTA update is available for the device, a “Download” button will appear.

System Update will be downloaded to your phone, tablet, after which you will need to click on "Restart and install".

The installation process will begin, after which the device will reboot with the updated system.

How to speed up (force) the receipt of OTA updates

If the owners of your device have been updated for a long time, and the update still comes to you, you can resort to a method that few people know about.

Go to "Settings" → "Applications" → tab "All". Open "Google Services Framework". Select the "Erase Data" option.

After that, check for updates again according to the instructions above and most likely you will be pleasantly surprised. Sometimes it does not work the first time, and sometimes it takes several minutes before the OTA update appears.

How to update Android manually

In order not to wait for an update over the air (and it happens that it does not come at all), I recommend installing official firmware manually through Recovery.

At first ZIP archive with this very firmware, you need to download it from the official website of the manufacturer to a smartphone, tablet and place it in any convenient place in memory. After that, go to the Recovery menu and follow the instructions.

1. To enter the Recovery Menu, first turn off the machine.

2. Then turn it on, but while holding down a certain keyboard shortcut. Depending on the manufacturer, this combination is different, but the most common are (in general, it is better to find information on the Internet on how to enter Recovery on your particular model):

  • Volume up + power button
  • Volume down + power button
  • Volume up / down + power button + "Home"
  • Volume up + volume down + power button

Moving around Recovery (if it is not touch) is carried out using the volume keys, and the selection is made with the Power / Lock button.

The option names may vary slightly, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.

3. Select "Apply update".

4. Then select "Choose from internal storage" if you saved the archive with the firmware during internal memory or "Choose from sdcard" if on a memory card.

5. Then go to desired folder where you saved the firmware and select it.

The update installation process will begin.

Once completed, return to main recovery menu and select "Reboot system now". Your device will reboot with the updated firmware.

That's how I told you everything you need to know about the Android update. If you have any questions about this topic, ask them in the comments.

We decided to devote today's material to answering the burning question of many users of Android smartphones: where to download and how to update Android? The operating system, developed by the giant Google, appeared recently (some 10 years ago), but is developing rapidly. Now Android is one of the market leaders in terms of prevalence, it receives updates with enviable regularity and has a lot of advantages that attract users.

How to find out what version of Android is on your smartphone

Before you start looking for fresh updates, you should find out which version of Android you are using.

The version is indicated by the manufacturer in a separate item in the device settings - "About phone". Here you need to find "Android Version", where you will see the version used. Also in this menu you can find out which shell and date are preinstalled by the manufacturer. latest update security systems.

How to update Android

There are two ways to update the system:

  • through OTA updates (over-the-air updates) provided by the device manufacturer;
  • using custom firmware developed by ordinary users.

First way android updates preferred, as it provides ease of installation and stability of the device on the new version of the system, which cannot be said about custom firmware. However, OTA updates are usually relevant for flagship smartphones, whose manufacturers take care of the release of upgrades for a long time after the release. But the budget class often has to be content with a couple of updates, after which the manufacturer simply forgets about the device. Customs are ready to help out in this case.

Don't neglect backup before updating the operating system. Even in the case of an over-the-air update, errors are possible that will lead to the loss of photos, contacts and other information. Therefore, we recommend making backups of important data manually or using third-party software, which is presented in abundance in Google Play(as an example: CM Backup - Secure Cloud, App Backup Restore Transfer, G Cloud Backup).

Update Android "over the air" (OTA update)

The easiest way to update an Android phone or tablet, which requires a minimum of skills and knowledge from the user.

As already noted, official updates are more often released to popular devices. In addition, some smartphones (usually those ordered from China) can be flashed by the seller with custom firmware, which does not provide for over-the-air updates at all.

If you are one of the lucky ones, then:

  1. go to device settings;
  2. at the very bottom, find the item "About phone";

A number of manufacturers bring a tool to update Android to the desktop to make this process even easier for the user.

  1. in a new window, at the very top, there is a button "System Update", which is what we need. Click on the button;
  2. in the menu that opens, click "Check for updates";

On most devices, the factory default is set to automatic update when the phone or tablet is downloading updates in the background (usually when the device is connected to WiFi networks), offering to install them afterwards.

  1. it will take some time (depending on the speed of the Internet) until the available Android updates are found (or not found);
  2. if there are system updates, you will be prompted to download them, and then install them;

Be sure to fully charge your device before you start installing updates!

  1. now you just need to follow the instructions of the assistant and wait until the installation of updates is completed and the smartphone reboots.

As a result, you will receive a device with fresh updates, while personal data will be preserved, as well as installed applications.

Updating Android using custom firmware: where to download, how to install

Due to the abundance of phone models in the lines, manufacturers often do not have time to update all devices officially, and therefore enthusiasts take up this business, who collect firmware based on the latest versions of Android for a particular device. Custom firmware is distributed free of charge, installation requires additional software and some skills.

Note! Not every custom firmware is suitable for your device - only those that were developed for it. In exceptional cases, a firmware from a smartphone may be suitable, which is identical in characteristics to yours.

So let's start with the search. Download updated version Android can be on the forums dedicated to the topic of flashing various devices. The most visited are the resource forums, where using the search bar you can easily find a topic dedicated to your smartphone. Here you can choose the firmware you like (based on which version, from which developer, with what improvements), as well as learn more about it from the visitors of the topic.

It will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the instructions for installing the firmware, which are located in the topic headers and are constantly supplemented by users. The fact is that all smartphones, albeit slightly, differ from each other, as well as the process of their firmware, so you should pay attention to the instructions.

When the firmware image is loaded into the memory of your phone or computer, you can proceed to the installation itself, but there are some nuances here. First of all, you have to choose the installation method custom firmware:

  • through applications that are installed directly on Android;
  • by using personal computer, special software and custom recovery.

Here it is worth warning you that you install custom firmware at your own risk. In addition to the fact that the firmware may simply not suit your device, there may be other problems: errors in operation, inoperability of some functions, complete failure of the device, etc.

Updating android firmware using the app

An easier way to install firmware on Android, but it does not always guarantee success. To update we need:

  • (not required, but desirable);
  • install an application on the device (recommended: Android Update Manager, ROM Manager);
  • download firmware (save to SD card).

When all of the above is ready, we move on to updating Android:

  1. run the installed application;
  2. the application will require you to install ClockWorkMod Recovery (custom recovery for installing third-party firmware), agree with the offer;
  3. click on "Install ROM from SD card", then specify the path to the firmware image;
  4. a new window will open, in which you should click "Keep current ROM" (in case unexpected errors) and "Reboot and Install";
  5. all that remains is to wait (about 10-15 minutes) until the smartphone appears before you with an updated interface and functionality.
Updating Android firmware using a computer

This option is somewhat more complicated, but with more flexibility and guarantees for success. It will take a little more time and different software:

  • naturally, downloaded firmware;
  • a client for installing the firmware (for each smartphone model it is different, so look for your device in the relevant sections of the forum);
  • ADB-driver for your device, the download link of which can also be obtained on the forum.

Now, in order regarding the update:

  1. we take the smartphone in hand and go to "Settings", where at the bottom we look for the item "For developers";

It may not be there in the first place. In order for it to appear, you need to go to the "About phone" menu and click on the "Android version" item several times.

  1. in the "For Developers" settings, check the box next to "USB Debugging";
  2. install the ADB driver on the PC (so that it can recognize your device), and then connect the smartphone via a USB cable;
  3. run the client to download the firmware to the smartphone;
  4. we indicate to the client the location of the firmware and proceed to the update process;

Each client is different, so you should familiarize yourself with its features in advance.

  1. we wait while the client installs updates without disconnecting the wire;
  2. the end of the update will be notified by the client, as well as the smartphone, which will start to turn on.

The process of switching on for the first time can take quite a long time, don't worry.

What to do after updating Android

So we figured out how to install Android, installed the latest version of the operating system with a bunch of new features (or with a minimum of these features), what should we do next?

If you updated using the regular means of a smartphone, then you don’t have to do anything: you will have all applications, all SMS messages and other data (unless, of course, an error occurred during the update process). That is, you can continue to use your device without bothering with reinstalling applications.

In cases where the device is reflashed, all data disappears. Like it or not, you will have to re-login to your accounts, install desired applications and re-download your favorite music. Therefore, we always recommend making a Backup, which will greatly simplify these tasks.

How to turn off Android updates

Along with the question regarding the installation of new updates, many users are interested in how to disable them. Some people just don't need them, others are already used to old version Android and do not want to change anything in their smartphone. So that the system does not pester with constant offers to get updates, and also does not spend traffic on downloading them, you need to:

  1. go to the "Settings" of the phone or tablet;
  2. go to "About phone", then - "System update";
  3. uncheck the box next to "Auto-update".

Now, only after your request, the system will start searching for new versions to download.

Also, many users, as we have noticed, are hindered by automatic application updates, which often change the familiar messenger or client beyond recognition. social network and spends gigabytes of traffic. Here, too, everything is turned off in a few simple steps:

  1. launch Google Play Play market);
  2. making a swipe from the left side of the screen, we get to the side menu, where we find “Settings” at the bottom;
  3. go to "Auto-update applications";
  4. Select "Never" from the list provided.

In the future, only manually you can update the necessary applications.


Android update is a very useful thing. Regular updates fix bugs, bring a lot of innovations to the system, and simply make it more enjoyable to use. Updated smartphone much less afraid virus attacks, "smarter" than their counterparts on older versions of the OS. In addition, the update process is not as complicated as it might seem initially. Just thirty minutes of work and you have an updated device that can work with all relevant applications.

The market for mobile products is arranged in such a way that as new versions of the Android OS are released, smartphone manufacturers introduce their support into their own, both recently released and already proven models. How it works? At the time of purchasing a new mobile product, it is available basic version system installed by default. After a certain period of time, Google releases a new release of Android. Six months later or a little later, depending on the geographical region, when the new version becomes run-in and stable, you can install it on your smart phone. As a result, you get a new, modern interface, support for new applications and more settings and customization. In this article, we have compiled a detailed guide for you, how to update android phone.

What is a software update on Android and why is it needed

You need to be aware that as a result of updating or rolling back the operating system, all data stored on the phone will be irretrievably lost. Be sure to do backups all the data you need address book, notes, photos) to a secure external storage device before doing any of the steps in this guide. It could be external drive, hard drive on a PC (as a last resort, a memory card, but not desirable).

One more nuance. Since the update of the operating system will require certain time(from 5 to 10 minutes, and sometimes more), be sure to charge the phone to 70-80% of the total battery so that the update procedure is not interrupted due to problems with the phone's battery.

Android auto update

Here we go to the item "Software Update". On your device, this section may be located somewhere else, so you may have to go through the settings.

Now we tap on the “Update” button, having previously set the option to download updates only via Wi-Fi, so that the update does not “eat” all your money from the account.

Option in the settings menu to automatically update the OS

When all the data from the manufacturer's server is downloaded, in the menu that appears, tap the "Install" button and wait until the device reboots.

Since you can only update a mobile device to a minor release build in the manner described above, you should also use special utility from the manufacturer (Kies for Samsung gadgets, PC Suite for LG, etc.) or update "over the air" (most of the companies that produce smartphones or tablets have such a proprietary feature).

Latest Android update, if it is already available on the server, at any time you can download it to your device using just such a program.

Updating Android Firmware Manually

Almost all service centers use this method, but we can easily update ourselves, using only improvised means. Used for updating system application Odin. You can download it on many web resources (for example, on the same Using this technique, you can only install a new version of the official firmware, but not custom.

1. download the Odin program. We need version 1.83 (or newer) - it is very popular among technical specialists and is suitable for the vast majority of products

2. we find and download the archive with the firmware we need on the network. After extracting the contents from the archive (you will first need to download the archiver for Android), you should have 3 files on hand: PIT, PDA and CSC

3. connect the smartphone to the PC. It is critical that the phone is correctly identified in Windows

4. run Odin. If the connection of the device was successful, the program yellow the port name will light up in the corresponding field

Indication of successful connection of the device to the PC for updating in Odin

5. turn off the mobile device and transfer it to Download Mode by pressing the home key, power and volume down at the same time

6. confirm the activation of Download Mode by holding down the "Volume up" key

7. in the central window of Odin, select the downloaded files to match the PIT, PDA and CSC objects

8. In Odin, press the Start button and wait until all files are updated.

If the Android system update went smoothly, the application screen will display a field with the inscription PASS in green.

Successful system update via Odin

Rollback to a previous version

Perhaps you upgraded to one of the latest versions and were not satisfied (the phone is slow, errors often appear, a reboot is necessary, etc.). If necessary, you can roll back to any version you need. How to roll back?

1 way

Suitable for those who wish to return the basic official factory firmware installed in the machine at the time of purchase from the store. It's pretty easy to do this. Go to the device settings and select the item responsible for resetting the settings (it can be "Privacy" or "Backup and reset"). On the test phone, this feature was available in the "Backup and Reset" menu in the "Personal" category.

Section in the options menu designed to reset the device to the factory state

  1. We go into this section of the menu and stop at the item "Reset settings".
  2. A form pops up with a warning about deleting all data from the gadget. If the backups are already saved in a safe place, feel free to click "Reset phone".
  3. The phone starts rebooting. After 5-10 minutes, it will boot up again, already with a clean basic system on board.

Method 2 - reset to factory settings (hard reset)

  1. turn off phone/tablet
  2. Press and hold the Volume Up, Home (bottom center) and Power buttons at the same time. The Recovery menu opens.
  3. using the volume keys, mark the item "wipe data / factory reset".
  4. press the power key to confirm your choice
  5. in the next menu you need to confirm your decision. Select "Yes - Delete all user data" using the keys designed to adjust the volume
  6. press the power button again. The main menu pops up in front of you again.
  7. using the power key, mark "reboot system now"

All is ready. Next time, the factory version of the OS will boot.

How to rollback if a custom version of Android is installed (Cyanogenmod, MIUI, Paranoid Android)?

If you installed a custom ROM, you can return the official firmware in the same way as manual update, - using the Odin program already mentioned in the review. You will first have to search the network for files with the firmware you need, suitable individually for your smart model. Perhaps the best resource to look for is mobile portal, here you can find any firmware for almost every phone model.

  1. connect mobile device to PC
  2. launch Odin
  3. turn off the phone and enter it into Download Mode. To do this, press the home key, power and volume down
  4. when the phone is booted, press the volume up key to activate Download Mode
  5. on the main Odin form, select the uploaded files as a match for PIT, PDA and CSC
  6. in Odin, press the Start button and wait until all files are updated.

The successful completion of the rollback procedure will be indicated by a green field with the inscription PASS at the top.

Information about successful rollback to the previous version through Odin

How to update Play Store on Android

When you first boot a fresh system, you have to set everything up again: account, language, mail, time zone, network, etc. The same goes for the Google Play Store. The update of this module will become available immediately after setting up a Google account on a mobile device.

An offer to connect a Google account to the system

Once you enter your authentication details account Google, Play Store components will appear in the notification panel, which can be updated exactly like any other application.

Updates for Play Market components

If you are using custom firmware, you need to go to the store itself at least once to update. The service update will then appear on the display.

Answers to questions from readers

When will the new Android update be available?

Answer. Since a certain time passes between the immediate release of a new version of Android and the physical possibility of installing it on a gadget (from 2-3 to 6-8 months), you need to be patient and follow the announcements of companies. Among the first products with Marshmallow support are the Nexus and android one. As for the Samsung brand, this month they promise updates to 6.0 for the following models mobile devices: Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy S6 edge+; in January 2016 - Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 edge; in February - Galaxy Note 4 and Galaxy Note Edge.

Now for other brands. Sony has announced an update for all current devices in the Xperia lineup today, from the Xperia Z Ultra GPE released in 2013 to all models of the Z5 series (both Premium and budget). LG devices are limited to G4, G3 and G Flex2. HTC, in turn, limited itself to only the last two generations of devices of its own production: One M9/E9 and One M8/E8. In addition, companies such as Motorola, Xiaomi, Huawei, Asus, OnePlus and ZUK are promising to equip their flagship and mid-range devices with Android 6.0. This list is not yet final. Subsequently, we will keep you updated with the latest announcements.

I have huawei phone U9500, and I did not know or did not understand that I needed to update the version. Now I have Android 4.0.3, how to update the firmware to the new version, please help!

Answer. The Huawei firmware update process is described. In short, there are two ways to update Huawei U9500 firmware.

  1. We take out the battery, hold down the volume buttons on the phone. After that, the Android update process will begin.
  2. Go to Settings -> Memory -> Software update -> SD card update, launch the Android OS update.

I have an MFLogin3T tablet and until that moment I did not know that it was possible to update the system. I read on different sites, tried, it does not work. I have Android 4.4.4. How to update the Android version?

Answer. The easiest way to update your phone is through Settings - Options - About device - Software update. IN different versions Android OS partition location may vary. Thus, a standard update to Android is performed, official software is downloaded. This is the safest and easiest way.

I have Samsung Duos, version 4.1.2 cannot upgrade the operating system to a larger version. Please help me update my android phone!

Answer. First you need to find out if it is possible to update Android on your phone to version 5.x. It turns out not. The fact is that specifications your phone does not allow you to install newer android versions.

On the other hand, you can download the Android update from the forum, where modified firmware is posted. But we would not advise setting on enough old phone similar updates if you do not have the necessary skills and are not ready for a drop in the performance of your mobile device.

Lenovo A1000, Android is not updated. I'm trying to update version 5.0 to the newest one. At first everything goes well, but then he writes "Error" and shows the opened Android with a red triangle hanging above it with an exclamation point. What should I do? How to upgrade OS to latest version?

Answer. Why is Android not updating? The fact is that Android 5.0 is the latest version of the OS to which you can officially update the firmware on your phone. At least that's what users of the forum say. Of course, you can update the phone by installing custom firmware, but no one guarantees stability after such an update.

Acquired NTS one m7. Can't update Android 4.4.2. The machine does not find the software update, how to solve this problem? How to update it?

Answer. HTC one m7 can be upgraded to at least Android 5.1. If it fails to install official update, try to download custom firmware on forum. Instructions for updating on this device are also collected there (see). In this topic, you will find solutions to the problem if the Android OS is not updated.

I have Moto x play, I don’t want to update the system, the message “Android 6.0.1 software is available” constantly appears, which is wildly annoying. Please tell me how to remove this message so that it does not appear again. I even contacted the support service of the smartphone manufacturer itself, all the instructions given to me by them did not bring results.

Answer. To disable firmware updates, go to android settings, section About phone - Software update and disable updates by unchecking the corresponding item.

A year ago, the memory on my device flew away (the phone stopped turning on), it was replaced, but the firmware was installed not native (no different, only the yellow Kernel inscription appears on the startup screen in the corner). There are no updates for this firmware, of course. Can I roll back Android through Kies (put my own) and update it?

Answer. In order to roll back the update, you need to restart your phone in recovery mode, select wipе data/factory reset, wipе cache partition and reinstall the firmware from the zip-archive previously downloaded to the memory card. You can find the official firmware both on the official website of the manufacturer and on the forum, in the section with the corresponding name of your mobile device.

Acer tablet Iconia A1-810. I do not have firmware updates ... I click system update and writes "an update is required for your device." How can I "force" - (update the android system forcibly) or update it myself?

Answer. This model The tablet came out about 5 years ago, it does not support new versions of Android, so the manufacturer does not post updates for firmware. You can search for custom (unofficial) firmware on the forum, but we don’t recommend installing them - it’s better to purchase new tablet than to experiment with firmware to the detriment of the stability and speed of the device.

Build number not opening on Android. I clicked for a long time. How to be?

Answer. The Android build number is initially available for viewing in the “About smartphone” (“About tablet”) section. If you want to enable hidden settings (section “For Developers”), you can activate them just by clicking on the build number, it is enough to make 4-7 clicks on this line.

How to upgrade any phone to android latest versions - all the most effective ways in one article! The world does not stand still and this fully applies to software mobile gadgets. For operating systems updates are regularly developed that are designed to eliminate the identified shortcomings of the outdated system. Below is the update guide for Android devices.

Inexperienced owners mobile devices the procedure for performing an OS upgrade is often neglected, which leads to instability of the device, a decrease in the number of supported programs, etc. Therefore, the answer to the question: “Should I update the android?” Is obvious. Yes, if it is possible and the hardware capabilities of the phone or tablet meet the requirements of the new shell.

It should be noted that most of the programs are “sharpened” for current Android modifications. IN outdated versions OS, a significant number of software may not function correctly or not start at all.

Manufacturers of mobile equipment regularly carry out planned work to identify and eliminate shortcomings in early modifications of the OS, as well as supplement the system with new features that make it easier for the user to use the gadget and provide energy efficiency.

But not only the manufacturer is working in this direction. Third-party specialists also release custom firmware, which sometimes outperform official software in terms of speed and conciseness of external equipment. The main disadvantage of third-party firmware is the removal from warranty service device by the manufacturer immediately after the installation of unofficial software, as well as cases of “bricking” the gadget after the procedure performed by inexperienced users are not uncommon.

Among the disadvantages of updating with licensed firmware modifications, it should be noted that parallel installation a large number utilities that are not needed by the owner of a phone or tablet. Without root rights, it is not possible to remove them from the system. Also, after the upgrade, some icons on the main screen may disappear, but this means that you just need to install their more advanced counterparts from the market.

Preparatory measures before the procedure

Before updating the version of Android, you must complete the following preliminary steps:

  • Save important information for the user from the device’s memory on external media or make a full backup of the OS;
  • Fully charge the device;
  • Decide on the version to be installed (official or from third-party developers) and download it.

Updating Android is easy, but how do you know which modification is the latest? There are many ways to do this, from reading information on thematic forums on social networks to studying news from official sources.

Find out the version of Android on your device

To this end, you will need to do the following:

Enter the "Settings" section by tapping the icon of the same name in the general menu;
Or just lower the curtain and click the "gear" icon;
Next, tap on the line "About phone";
Ready. In the drop-down menu there will be the information you are looking for;
Sometimes the information is stored a little deeper and you still need to enter the "Software Information" tab.

Note: If you touch the line with the name of the OS modification about 10 times, then a small gift from the developer may start.
For example, an interesting toy from Google opens in Android 6.0.

Is it possible to lose data and contacts when updating Android?

When updating the OS, all data stored in the device will be irretrievably lost. Therefore, before proceeding with the solution of the question of how to update Android on a tablet or phone, you need to save data and contacts from the internal memory of the device to external media or cloud storage in the Internet.

Note: All users of gadgets on Android have a Google account and access to a free amount of memory of 15 GB on Google Drive.

The following steps are required:

  • Open the settings tab and click "Phone details";
  • Then "Software Update";
  • Touch the line "Update";
  • Wait for the download process to complete;
  • Click "Install";
  • Wait for the installation process to finish and restart the gadget;
  • Ready.

Important: You should make sure that the device has access to the Internet. It is recommended to use a Wi-Fi connection, as the amount of downloaded data may exceed the daily mobile traffic granted mobile operator connections.

At first glance, it may seem that the solution to the problem of how to update Android on a phone or tablet is absolutely simple and not worth detailed consideration, but there are some nuances that are obvious to specialists, however, are unknown to users who have only recently become owners of a mobile device.

Usually, the system notifies you when updates are available. Next, you just need to follow the instructions of the update wizard and the latest version of the OS will be successfully installed in the gadget. But if such a message does not appear, then the procedure is available to carry out independently.

To do this, do the following:

  1. Open the settings menu;
  2. Next, in the "About device" tab, check the "System Update" subsection;
  3. The display of the inscription "Download" here indicates the presence of an actual modification of the OS available for installation in the device;
  4. Tap "Download";
  5. Wait until the process is completely completed;
  6. Then click "Restart and install";
  7. Wait for the end of the process and automatic restart of the gadget;
  8. Ready.

Update with third party apps

If you cannot use the built-in system tools, then updating will help third party application ROM manager. After launching the application, the user will see a recommendation to install "ClockWorkMod Recovery" (CWM). You must agree and install.

  1. Save the firmware file on the gadget's SD card (it is better to download it from the manufacturer's resource);
  2. Click "Install ROM from SD";
  3. Activate "Save current ROM";
  4. The program will display a warning in which you need to confirm the firmness of your intentions;
  5. Wait for the end of the process;
  6. Ready.

If it turned out to be impossible to install using the above program, then CWM will come to the rescue.

You will need to perform the following steps:

  • Save a file with the latest OS version to SD;
  • Run " CWM Recovery” (it quickly starts from the “ROM Manager” menu);
  • Specify "wipe data / factory reset" (performed using the volume keys);
  • Then select "wipe cache";
  • Select "install zipfrom sd card" and press the physical "Home" key on the device or the "On / Off" key;
  • Then show the application the location of the downloaded file from the fresh OS;
  • Click "Yes - Install / sdcard /";
  • Wait until the end;
  • Click "reboot system now";
  • Wait for the completion of the restart process of the device;
  • Ready.


  1. Download the Kies application from the Internet (it is free);
  2. Connect the android device to the PC, it is recommended to use a cable connection;
  3. Run "Kies";
  4. The application will automatically monitor the availability of up-to-date software for the device;
  5. The application will recommend to make an upgrade, with which you must agree;
  6. Wait for the process to complete;
  7. Ready.

Manual Android update

In the absence of an exit global network from an android device, you can manually update its OS by first saving the firmware file in the gadget’s memory.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Enter the recovery menu. To do this, turn off the gadget and press the button combination that is indicated in its instruction manual, for example, the "Off" button and one of the volume keys;
  2. Go to the "Apply update" tab;
  3. Specify the location of the archive with the latest firmware in the gadget's memory;
  4. Wait for the end of the process;
  5. Ready.

Custom firmware for Android - how to install and where to download?

This requires the authority of "Root", so through the "PlayMarket" install the utility "z4root".

Having provided yourself with extended powers, install the "Team Win Recovery Project".

Next, download the version of custom firmware you like, for example, from the resource: Or just download on request in a search engine: AOKP, CyanogenMod, PAC ROM, MIUI, Paranoid Android or Illusion ROMS.

Now all that remains is to follow these few steps:

  1. Enter "Recovery" (how to do this is indicated in the previous paragraph of this instruction);
  2. Open the "Wipe" tab;
  3. Delete sections "/ data" and "/ system";
  4. Go to the main menu and enter the "Install" tab;
  5. Specify the location of the file with the firmware;
  6. Wait until the end of the process;
  7. Ready.

For example, when a gadget uses a modification of Android 2, it is not always possible to upgrade to 4, since this requires the device developer to make special changes to the software.

Also, users who use programs in the device that are not supported by current software modifications are in no hurry to switch to a more recent version.

After the update, utilities are often additionally installed that the owner of the device does not need, but only clutter up the device’s memory. Such applications are protected from uninstallation by the user.

Updating the software and a large number of applications in it leads to an increased consumption of traffic, and hence the financial resources of the owner of the mobile device.

If the device has been used for a long time, then the new version of the software may not correspond to the hardware components of the gadget.

Turn off automatic updates for Android

You need to do the following:

  1. Enter settings;
  2. Go to the "About device" tab;
  3. Next, open the "Software Update" section;
  4. Uncheck the box "Auto-update";
  5. Restart the device;
  6. Ready.

How to return the previous version of Android?

Sometimes the owner of the updated gadget is not satisfied with his work. In this case, you can resort to the following algorithm:

  1. After entering the settings, tap the "Privacy" item;
  2. Next, go to the "Reset settings" tab;
  3. Click "Reset phone settings";
  4. Wait for the end of the process and restart the gadget;
  5. Ready.

One of best apps has already been described above in this manual "ROM Manager". However, on the Internet, you can find decent programs that are superior to ROM Manager in some respects, for example, "Android Update Manager". It is supported by all modern Windows versions and allows you to update Android via PC without much hassle.

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