Information technologies in tourism article. Classification of information technologies in tourism

Graduate work

Information technology in tourism Kaliningrad region

Introduction ………………………………………………...................... 3
Chapter 1. The concept and essence of information technology in tourism ……………………………………………….. 6- 14
1.1. The concept and essence of information technology in tourism 6
1.2. Information is the connecting link of tourism activities… 11
Chapter 2 Information technologies in tourism of the Kaliningrad region …………………………… 15 - 33
2.1. Redundancy systems ………………………………………. 15
2.2. Workflow automation systems ………………… 18
2.3. The use of the Internet in the field of tourism ………………… 22
2.4. The concept of the use of information technology in the development of tourism ………………………………………………...
Chapter 3 Travel agency website project……… 34-40
3.1. Choosing a domain name and title …………………………... 34
3.2. Information and navigation ……………………………………… 37
3.3. Costs of creating a website …………………………………. 39


Tourism is one of the largest, highly profitable and most dynamic sectors of the world economy. The successful development of tourism has an impact on such key sectors of the economy as transport and communications, trade, construction, agriculture, production of consumer goods, etc. Thus, the creation of a developed tourism industry is of great importance as one of the effective directions for the structural restructuring of the Russian economy. For its rapid growth, tourism is recognized as an economic phenomenon of the past century and a bright future is predicted for it in the coming century. According to the forecast of the World Tourism Organization (WTO) in the XXI century. the growth of the tourism industry will be irreversible, and by 2020 the number of international tourist visits will be 1.6 billion units.

In its current form, tourism is a course in history, architecture, aesthetics and gastronomy, accompanied by the delight of discovery associated with travel. Its social, cultural, educational and cognitive significance is exceptionally great. Thanks to him, a modern person can realize the desire to learn new things, to overcome great distances in order to see “what is beyond the horizon”, to see with his own eyes the “living history” accumulated over millennia. This is on the one hand. And on the other hand, tourism is a highly profitable business, since the experience of the most successful states in this respect shows that people willingly spend their big or not so much money on travel. The world turnover of the tourism industry today totals 4.4 trillion dollars, and by 2010 it will increase, according to experts, to 10 trillion dollars.

The spontaneous Russian market of tourist services that has developed in recent years, in general, in the absence of a coordinating beginning, is in a crisis state, and Russian objects, despite the huge recreational potential of the country, are still not included in permanent international tourist chains. One of the reasons for this contradiction is in the absence of reliable and reliable information about the state of the market and the service familiar to a Western client, based on all the possibilities provided by modern means of communication. Today, the process of forming and sending tourist groups abroad and, conversely, without the use of information technology is not effective enough even in Moscow and St. Petersburg, not to mention the Kaliningrad region. Features of the implementation of the tourism product do not allow us to talk about a full-fledged market without appropriate information support Kaliningrad tourism companies and tourism management bodies entering the international market face the problems of mastering new information technologies in their activities, which are a necessary condition for international integration and the modern concept of tourism business as an information-saturated sphere. In this regard, at present, the analysis of existing information systems in tourism, the study of the main areas of application of information technology and the development of recommendations for tourism management on the use in formational system is particularly relevant.

The subject of this work is a set of modern improvements in the methods and mechanisms that are used to collect, process, analyze, store, disseminate and use information in the field of tourism. The object of this work (i.e., what her attention is directed to) is the functioning of reservation systems, teleconferencing systems, video systems, computer systems, information management systems, electronic money transfer systems, telephone networks, mobile means of communication that make up a complex of information technologies in tourism. This complex is considered in all the interaction of its constituent systems and at the same time in a broad sense (applicable to tourism in general) and in a narrow sense (applicable to tourism in the Kaliningrad region).

The purpose of this work is, firstly, to develop proposals for the management of Kaliningrad tourist organizations on the choice of various information and computer systems in the field of tourism, and secondly, to develop a travel agency website based on modern requirements: ease of domain name, memorability corporate identity, information content and interactivity of the site, advertising of the brand in the network. The achievement of the stated goals was carried out, firstly, on the basis of the study of specific information technologies, the main trends in the development of the tourism business and the influence IT on the effectiveness of the organization's activities And, secondly, as a result of the use practical advice and taking into account the methodological recommendations of recognized masters of design, advertising and promotion of sites on the Internet Artemy Lebedev (, Dmitry Kirsanov (, Timofey Bokarev (http://www., etc.

The novelty of the study is as follows: a) the position is substantiated that at the present stage of development of society, information technologies should be considered as a strategic resource for the development of business activity of a tourist organization; b) based on the analysis of domestic and foreign experience in the use of information systems in tourism, recommendations and ways of using computer technologies by enterprises have been developed various types tourism industry; c) the main requirements for the information systems of tour operators for the formation of a flexible package of services are formulated; d) on the basis of the study, recommendations were developed on the use of electronic networks for organizations of various types of the tourism industry.

The main theoretical provisions and conclusions can be used in teaching the course "Information technologies in tourism", in training specialists in the field of application of information technologies for the tourism and hotel business, as well as in research and development on the problems of using information technologies in the travel industry. The results of the study can be used to create a tourist information system in the region in order to promote local tourism products to the international market. In addition, the proposed recommendations will allow the management of travel companies to choose ways to use the information systems offered on the market, and to understand the flow of computer technologies that appear in the Russian market.

Chapter 1. Information technologies in tourism, their role in tourism activities

1.1. The concept and essence of information technology in tourism

Information technology is a term used to refer to the latest improvements in the methods and mechanisms that are used to collect, process, analyze, store, distribute and use information. Information technologies are spoken of as the technologies of the century, which can have a serious impact on production activities, the service sector, employment of the population and the life of mankind as a whole, thanks to advances in the field of microelectronics. It was microelectronics that created the basis for developments in the field of design and production using a computer; flexible production systems; robots; personal computers; automated systems management (ACS); video text; teleconferencing, etc.

The very concept of "information technology" arose in the last decade of the twentieth century in the process of the formation of informatics. Main Feature information technologies is that in them both the subject and the product of labor is information, and the tools of labor are means computer science and connections. Moreover, today information has come to be regarded as a very real production resource along with other material resources. The production of information and its upper level - knowledge has a decisive influence on the modification of existing and the creation of new technologies. Ten years ago, information technology and tourism seemed to be incompatible partners. And today these two concepts are so closely interconnected that even the new kind tourism - "alternative tourism" or "electronic tourism".

As you know, tourism is a trade in services. Moreover, firstly, it is a complex and diverse service, both from the point of view of the manufacturer and the consumer. Secondly, it is an invisible, changeable and integrated service. And, finally, thirdly, it is an information-rich service. It is these characteristics of tourism that make it an ideal industry for the application of information technology. The structure of the tourism industry is very similar to the structure of any other economic activity. Producers of tourism services operate within a well-defined managed structure, consisting of government and commercial organizations, trade associations (for example, hotels, air transport, travel agents, etc.). Producers of tourism services are classified into well-defined categories of providers (airlines, hotels, car rentals, services in a tourist destination), wholesalers (tour operators) and retailers (travel agents). Consumers (tourists) are the last step of the entire tourism system.

As for the regulation of the activities of enterprises in the industry, advertising, promotion and taxation, here information plays an important role in the process of connecting tourism service providers into a single socio-economic system. It is information that is the link that links various suppliers into a single whole within the framework of a single tourism industry. Moreover, the most important feature of tourism is that the relationship between producers and suppliers is carried out not by goods, but by information flows.

These information flows are not only specific data flows, but also services and payments. Services such as hotel accommodations, aircraft seats are not physically displayed or inspected when sold at the destination. The only guide to product availability and quality is information. Therefore, it can be concluded that the provision of reliable information and the speed of its dissemination is just as important for the survival of the tourism industry as the actual provision of its services to consumers.

Note that the introduction of information technology in the tourism industry included several stages. The first stage is "Data Creation". His the main objective was to improve the efficiency of the operational activities of enterprises through the automation of processes based on information. This period began in the 1960s. and it was characterized by the use of minicomputers. The second stage is "Information management systems". It was a stage in the development of such information technologies that contributed to an increase in managerial efficiency through the improvement of requirements for the direct organization of information transfer. They were introduced in the 70s. and used already specific industry methods of enterprise management related to information resources. During this time, information technology was generally applied to the needs of internal marketing and administrative functions.

In the early 80s. the stage of the "Strategic Information System" began, the purpose of which was to improve the competitiveness of the company by changing either the very nature or behavior of the tourism business. Various types of integrated networks have been introduced in order to increase competitiveness: to improve direct activities, to coordinate activities along functional and business lines, as well as to establish links with external organizations. And finally, in the early 90s. the fourth stage has come - the “Stage of networks”. At this stage, there was a connection of networks of all levels: enterprises, regional and global.

The main characteristics of this stage are an increase in the capabilities of information technology, a decrease in the size of equipment, a decrease in the cost of acquiring it with a simultaneous increase in reliability, and the interconnection of terminals located in different parts of the world. All this contributed to the fact that information technology has become an important tool in the activities of all tourism organizations. As a result, in the mid-90s, all enterprises, regardless of size, product offered and geography, experienced a serious process of business reorganization.

In general, analyzing the role and importance of information technologies for the current stage of the development of society, one can draw well-founded conclusions that this role is strategically important, and the importance of these technologies will increase rapidly in the near future. It is these technologies that today play a decisive role in the field of technological development of the state. The arguments for these conclusions are a number of unique properties of information technologies (efficiency, accessibility) that put them in a priority position in relation to industrial and social technologies. In list distinctive properties information technologies, which are of strategic importance for the development of society, it seems appropriate to single out the following, the most important ones.

Firstly, information technologies make it possible to activate and effectively use the information resources of society, which today are the most important strategic factor in its development. Experience shows that the activation/dissemination and efficient use of information resources (scientific knowledge, discoveries, inventions, technologies, best practices) make it possible to obtain significant savings in other types of resources: raw materials, energy, minerals, materials and equipment, human resources, social time.

Secondly, information technology makes it possible to optimize and, in many cases, automate information processes which in recent years have taken an increasing place in the life of human society. It is well known that the development of civilization takes place in the direction of the formation of an information society, in which the objects and results of the work of the majority of the employed population are no longer material values, but mainly information and scientific knowledge. At present, in most developed countries, most of the employed population in their activities is to some extent connected with the processes of preparing, storing, processing and transmitting information and therefore is forced to master and practically use the information technologies corresponding to these processes.

It should be said that information technologies play an extremely important role in ensuring information interaction between people, as well as in the systems for the preparation and dissemination of mass information. These funds are quickly assimilated by the culture of society, since they not only create great conveniences, but also remove many industrial, social and domestic problems caused by the processes of globalization and integration of the world community, the expansion of domestic and international economic and cultural ties, population migration and its increasingly dynamic moving around the planet. In addition to the already traditional means of communication (telephone, telegraph, radio and television), electronic telecommunications systems, e-mail, facsimile transmission of information and other types of communication are increasingly being used.

In turn, network information technologies represent an actual and promising direction in the development of information technologies. Their goal is not only to ensure the exchange of information between individual users of information and computing systems, but also to create for them the possibility of cooperative use of distributed information resources of society, obtaining reference, documentary and other information from various kinds of specialized information funds. Recently, the Internet has become the central topic of publications not only in the computer press, but also in mass publications, attracting the attention of information technology specialists, businessmen, ordinary users and the entire civilized world.

The real boom of the Internet came in the early 90s, when the first navigation programs like Mosaic appeared, allowing owners of ordinary computers to surf the net. At the same time, the Internet is not just one computer network, but tens of thousands of local and global national networks connected to each other. Among the Russian computer networks, Relcom, Glasnet, and many others are connected to the Internet. Currently, the World Wide Web has over 40 million subscribers in more than 100 countries on all seven continents. The popularity of the Internet is evidenced by the fact that the number of network subscribers doubles every 10 months. The exchange of information through the network is growing almost 10 times every year. Over 4,000 electronic messages are sent over the network every second.

The World Wide Web is developing so rapidly that the number of its subscribers and the volume of information resources almost double every year. It is obvious that the tourism business does not remain aloof from this boom. Only in 1996, thousands of independent sections of travel agencies, hotels, airlines, dozens of travel booking systems appeared on the Internet. According to experts, by 2003, tours and related services worth about $200 billion will be sold via the Internet. Therefore, agencies should hardly ignore the Internet in their work. In the time we are considering, the Internet cannot be considered as a competitor in business, since the World Wide Web has an invaluable informational assistance and adds to the traditional new channel realization of tourist services - electronic.

Already, half of all revenue that is generated through the Internet comes from the travel and tourism industry. 62% of internet users look for hotel and airline rates and availability. What are the benefits of the global network? First, the widest coverage of the audience. It allows 35,000 customers to visit the most popular travel server TravelWeb, which features more than 17,000 hotels. Secondly, relatively low overhead costs and effort for sellers and buyers. The cost of booking via the Internet is on average $1.7, while through GDS it is $3.5. The traditional fax method draws out the buyer's wallet $ 10. The third convenience is round-the-clock access to the network for private users. These advantages of the Internet, as well as the ability to update information in a matter of time, are also used by travel companies, for which the network opens up significant opportunities for the sale of tourism products on-line and their advertising, as well as sales promotion.

Kaliningrad travel agencies did not stand aside from using the Internet. According to the catalog "Internet Guide" in the Kaliningrad Internet space, the following are firmly established: the travel agency "Russian Baltic Tour" (, the travel agency "Rush Hour" (http://www.chaspik .ru), Brizen agency (, Ariola agency (, Mik-Avia agency (http:/ /, agency "Baltma Tours" (, agency "Alvis" (, agency "Aturi" (, etc., and in total 26 firms are registered in the Internet catalog mentioned. We also note that in the Kaliningrad segment of the Internet there is a special site covering the issues of regional tourism with the same name "Tourism in Kaliningrad" at

1.2. Information is the connecting link of tourism activities

As you know, the basis of the tourism industry is made up of tour operators and travel agents involved in tourist trips, selling them in the form of vouchers and tours; providing services for the accommodation and meals of tourists (hotels, campsites, etc.), their movement around the country, as well as authorities, information, advertising for the study of tourism and training for it, enterprises for the production and sale of goods of tourist demand. Other industries also work for tourism, for which serving tourists is not the main activity (enterprises of culture, trade, etc.). Tourism is an information-rich activity. There are few other industries in which the collection, processing, application and transmission of information is as important to daily functioning as in the tourism industry. A service in tourism cannot be displayed and considered at the point of sale as consumer or industrial goods. It is usually bought in advance and away from the place of consumption. Thus, tourism in the market is almost entirely dependent on images, descriptions, means of communication and information transfer.

The structure of the tourism industry is very similar to the organization of any other economic activity (Scheme 1). Travel agent - physical or entity acting as an intermediary for the sale of tours formed by the tour operator. Tour operator - a tourist organization that organizes tours.

Scheme 1. Organization of the tourism industry.

However, a feature stands out - the connecting center that holds various manufacturers within the tourism industry is information. It is information flows, not goods, that provide links between tourism service providers. They come not only in the form of data flows, but also in the form of services and payments. Services, such as overnight stays, car rentals, package tours and airline seats, are not forwarded to travel agents, who in turn do not store them until they are sold to consumers. Information about the availability, cost and quality of these services is transmitted and used. Similarly, real payments are not transferred from travel agents to travel suppliers, and commissions are not transferred from travel suppliers to travel agents. In fact, information about payments and receipts is translated (Scheme 2).

Scheme 2. Information is the connecting material of the tourism business.

There are three characteristic features of tourism. First, it is a diverse and integrated trade in services. Secondly, it is a comprehensive service, both from the point of view of the manufacturer and the consumer. Finally, tourism is an information-rich service. Therefore, tourism - both international and domestic - is an area of ​​growing use of information technology. The information technology system used in tourism consists of a computer reservation system, a teleconferencing system, video systems, computers, management information systems, electronic information systems of airlines, electronic money transfer, telephone networks, mobile communications, etc. At the same time, it should be noted that this system of technologies is deployed not by travel agencies, hotels or airlines individually, but by all of them. Moreover, the use of each segment of the tourism system of information technology is important for all other parts. For example, hotel internal management systems can be connected to computer wide area networks, which in turn provide a basis for communication with hotel reservation systems, which, in the reverse direction, can be accessed by travel agencies through their computers.

Therefore, here we are dealing with an integrated information technology system that is spreading in tourism. From the foregoing, it becomes clear that not computers, telephones, or video terminals per se are spreading in the tourism industry - a system of interconnected computer and communication technologies is functioning here. In addition, the individual components of the tourism industry are closely interconnected with each other - after all, many tour producers are vertically or horizontally involved in each other's activities. All this allows us to consider tourism as a highly integrated service, which makes it even more receptive to the use of information technology in organization and management.

Chapter 2. Information technologies in tourism of the Kaliningrad region

2.1. Redundancy systems

As you know, a tourist product is a complex of various services for a traveler, and a travel company - an implementer is only one of the links in a large chain of partners in organizing a tour. The speed of information, operational communication between them are of paramount importance, so information technology in tourism plays a huge role. Airline booking systems began to appear in the late 50s of the 20th century. In the early 90s, a large-scale introduction of electronic technologies into the hotel industry began, a little later - into travel companies. About scale modern systems booking is evidenced by statistics: in the offices of travel companies and airlines that use the services of booking systems around the clock, about 600 thousand terminals are installed. In recent years, computer reservation systems, in connection with the growth in the scale of application, have received a new name - Global Reservation Systems.

Computer reservation systems are actively used by regional travel agencies - without them, it is impossible to imagine the daily planning and management of operations. GDS regular customers include such Kaliningrad agencies as Alvis, Anyuta, Aturi, Daddy, Vremena Goda Plus, Septima and many others. It should be said that in general, computer reservation systems have a huge impact on the entire tourism industry. Thus, about 90% of travel agencies in the US and UK are connected in GDS, since reservation systems provide not only air services, but also overnight stays in hotels, car rentals, cruise trips, information about the place of stay, exchange rates, weather reports, bus and railway message. Such systems allow you to reserve all major segments of the tour - from hotel rooms and air travel to theater tickets and insurance policies.

In fact, they constitute a universal information system offering the most important distribution networks for the entire tourism trade. With a single modem connection to servers having an appropriate database, travel agencies gain access to information on the availability of possible services, cost, quality, arrival and departure times for a diverse range of travel services from their suppliers. Moreover, travel agencies can contact these databases in order to make and confirm their booking. The operation and effectiveness of these systems require that travel service providers acquire at least a minimum level of technology (eg personal computer and networking skills in travel agencies) in order to access and be represented on such systems.

The largest computer reservation systems in the international tourism market are Amadeus, Galileo, Worldspan systems. Today there are about 1500 terminals in Russia Amadeus. The average booking volume is about 100,000 segments per month. By the end of 2002, the representative office plans to increase booking volumes to 120,000 segments per month, and the number of terminals in Russia to 2,000. Russian agencies are offered 3 options for connecting to Amadeus. The first one is the telephone version of DialUp, which does not require additional equipment except for a computer (from 486) and a modem, suitable for small agencies with monthly sales of 200-400 tours.

Medium-sized agencies will be more satisfied with the standard version installed in the office and including, in addition to software, special computers and printers for printing tickets, software. For large agencies that have their own local computer networks, a client-server system is installed. Through gateway, server local network, the agencies communicate with the Amadeus central server. Thus, each agency terminal has access to the booking system. Moreover, the fee for connecting to Amadeus for each subsequent workplace is very insignificant. Subscribers to the Amadeus reservation system are such Kaliningrad travel agencies as Ksenia Tour, Mik Avia, Universal Tour, Rush Hour, Yunona, etc.

Worldspan is considered the youngest computer reservation system, but the roots of the system go very deep. To date, the Worldspan system allows you to book air tickets in 487 airlines around the world, arrange car rental in 45 companies (providing services in approximately 15,854 locations around the world), book a room in one of 35,000 hotels. The Worldspan system is considered the most dynamically developing of all global reservation systems in the world and for almost 7 years this reservation system has been presented on Russian market. Today, Worldspan subscribers are about 700 agencies in Russia and the CIS countries. The total booking volume is about 70,000 segments per month. Of the total number of agencies connected to Worldspan, more than 60% work with the telephone version of the system - DialLink. This is a fairly democratic system, since it does not require strict booking volumes, but its cost is quite high, about 800 USD. for the software, plus you have to pay 14 USD. for every hour of work.

One of the world's leading GDSs, Galileo, has only recently opened its representative office in Moscow. Nonetheless, this system represents a serious competitor to both Amadeus and Worldspan, since Galileo's position in the world is very strong. The Galileo reservation system is one of the most advanced reservation systems in technical terms. It was Galileo who was one of the first to provide agencies with a Windows version of the reservation system. The Premier program allows agencies to fully automate their customer service work. For example, maintain client databases, create your own screen forms and menus, save the most frequently repeated requests, etc. The Galileo reservation system is used by such Kaliningrad travel agencies as Alvis, Brizen, Verona Tour, Globus Tour, etc.

It remains to be added that the above reservation systems differ from each other only:

The completeness and efficiency of the information provided - a set of services and the number of owners of various types of resources that have an agreement with a particular GDS, and the level of accessibility to their databases;

Ease of generating booking requests, friendliness of the software used in the GDS and installed on the personal computer of the travel agency;

The reliability of the technology and means of communication between the agency and the GDS data center;

The amount of payment for the use of information services and the procedure for its formation.

2.2. Workflow automation systems

Today, when its computerization has become one of the most important achievements of the tourism sector, the computer revolution that has occurred in tourism has simultaneously acquired its characteristic features that are worth paying attention to. Each of them talks about the use of computers in the field of management, directly or indirectly gives recommendations to managers of tourist companies who have encountered difficulties in using computer technology. The vast range of economically promising computer programs that exists today (Voyage Office Pro, Turwin-MultiPro, Edelweiss, etc.) available to most travel companies is often limited by insufficient training of personnel working directly with computers, as well as insufficient leadership initiative.

At the same time, the heads of travel companies have already begun to realize that for the most fruitful use of computer technology in the future, it is necessary to improve the skills of employees today, as well as inform employees about the vast possibilities of the computer. In particular, in the Yunona travel agency, when combining all computers into single network the employees underwent a special training course, which significantly increased the evaluation criteria for labor productivity. Obviously, at the same time, the quality of customer service has increased, since managers have been able to compose a tour faster and more accurately, each of them can display information about various tours, hotel occupancy, air travel, etc. on the screen of his computer.

It should be noted that the existing tourism management software allows you to solve various tasks, such as compiling a business plan, effectively arranging proposed tours, or, say, managing a hotel, while the manager has the ability to correct a wide variety of factors using a computer. These programs save time, improve the quality of the project, but it must be remembered that only the correct use of the electronic version gives positive results. Unfortunately, at this stage of tourism development in the region, special computer programs are used in the work of only a few Kaliningrad travel agencies (Alvis, Anyuta, Onyx-Tour, and a number of others). This is due to many factors: high cost technological products, the lack of need for computerization of this area, the fear of allowing any degree of failure in the process of implementation or use, etc.

Until now, we have to state that the number of Kaliningrad travel companies that use computers for their intended purpose still does not exceed a few percent. For the vast majority of travel companies, the computer remains a typewriter and an accountant's tool. However, an agency and, moreover, an operator that is seriously working in the tourism market will not be able to seriously increase its productivity by ignoring the latest tourism management software packages. We managed to see one of these software products in action in the office of one of the most successful regional travel companies Brizen (Svetlogorsk), although, as it was possible to establish during the survey, similar programs are used in the work of other companies Alvis, Baltma Tours ”,“ Juno ”, etc.

The Samo software package used in Brizen is perhaps the most famous among Russian travel companies. More than 30 companies in different cities of Russia work with it and its modifications: Troika Tourism, Detour, Roza Vetrov, Orient in Moscow, Tourservice in St. Petersburg, Sibinturservice and "Advance" - in Novosibirsk, "Sirocco" - in Chelyabinsk, "Flight Tour" - in Astrakhan and many others. Conventionally, the working functions of the complex can be divided into six groups: conducting tours, working with clients, maintaining payments, maintaining directories, preparing output documents, and service modes. The "Tours" section allows you to independently package programs (transport + accommodation + additional services) for tour operators or enter ready-made operator programs for agencies into the database.

The client part of the program allows you to maintain a database of tourists, accept orders and calculate the cost of the tour, taking into account individual and group discounts. The accounting section of the program allows you to automatically prepare all types of payment documents (incoming and outgoing cash orders, invoices, etc.). The Samo-Tour complex can work in conjunction with the Parus accounting program. An integral part of any computer agent program is reference databases. "Samo-Tour" maintains about 20 different directories (customers, hotels, carriers, partner companies, embassies, etc.). In the "output documents" mode, the complex allows you to automatically receive as standard forms - various lists of groups (for a tour, with an airline, for excursions), vouchers, tour packages (including TOUR-1 forms), questionnaires to embassies (on letterheads of embassies ), and create your own forms using the report generator. The service functions of Samo-Tour are very useful in practical agency work: displaying graphical statistics (for example, on the saleability of a particular tour, selecting information of interest according to any criteria), maintaining a system log, archiving data, and others.

Registration of applications can be accelerated if you use the offers of tour operators obtained from the Internet. In this option, you can choose a tour package for processing an application using the following criteria: travel dates, hotel category, type of accommodation, trip duration, tour operator, price. On the basis of the specified services in the order card, their total cost is determined, then statistics on order payment are kept (it is allowed to pay in stages). Depending on the amount paid, each order is assigned a status determined from the set: "Ordered", "Paid" or "Unpaid". Immediately after payment, you can print the Receipt Order (Invoice), Agreement or Voucher. This complex allows you to generate and send requests for booking tours (hotels) to tour operators, and also automatically receive booking confirmations.

The next program of this review is "TurwinMultiPro". It is used, probably, by the only travel company in the Kaliningrad region - "Sinilga". The program was first introduced by the computer company "Arimsoft" in 1995. Since then, it has been tested in many Russian travel companies, both agency and tour operators. Turwin MultiPro provides functionality, which allow you to quickly and efficiently manage a travel company, responding to rapid changes in supply and demand, which allows you to achieve better results in a shorter time than before. The value of "Turwin MultiPro" for the travel company lies in the integration with office suite MS Office programs, while the efficiency of using personal computers in the company's local network increases several times.

The convenience of the program lies in the fact that the user can independently and quite easily - since "TurWin" works in Windows environment- create new types of documents and output reports. Moreover, all the generated documents can be output to a printer, fax modem, or sent with a single keystroke for further processing in such programs as Word, Excel. The standard delivery contains up to ten standard output documents. In addition, the cost of the program includes the free development of three output documents at the request of the buyer. "Turwin MultiPro" has a convenient and intuitive interface (like standard Windows windows), which allows you to quickly understand the output data even for a person who is not very computer savvy (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Fragment of the Turwin MultiPro program window

The main features of "Turwin MultiPro" are as follows:

Ability to create guides for any segment of the tourism product;

Formation of tours in one country or countries. Automatic generation of tour packages and price list printing. Making an order. Flight and hotel load control;

Unlimited number of output documents. Built-in report generator;

Strict accounting of movement Money, printing of basic accounting documents (invoices, invoices, incoming cash order, cash report, etc.);

Reliable work in the local network (the number of jobs is not limited);

Organic use in conjunction with the programs included in the Microsoft Office suite.

Turwin MultiPro is both network and single user at the same time. You just need to specify in which access mode, open data files and where they are physically located (on some computer disk or on a network server disk) and the program itself will take advantage of single-user or network data exchange. The cost of the program does not depend on the number of computers in the network.

It remains to add that at present the Turwin MultiPro program is used in their work by both large and medium-sized Russian travel companies. Among them are Lanta Tour, Solvex, Nita, Aerotour, Exotour, BSI, Mondo Type, Concord Travel, Surgug Intour, TsSTE-Intour, etc. Since September 1997, the Russian International Academy of Tourism has been conducting laboratory classes for the study of the TurWin MultiPro program for its students.

2.2. Internet use in tourism

Although many travel agencies are still skeptical about the Internet, the benefits of using the World Wide Web are becoming more and more obvious. Those Russian travel agencies that have connected to the Internet have already appreciated its information capabilities (they include Kaliningrad agencies), since the Internet offers a huge amount of information necessary for the work of travel agencies - from hotel addresses and flight schedules to visa and customs rules and offers Russian and foreign tour operators. And any in volume - from price lists to entire catalogs. It is important that information on the Internet is available to users - agencies or clients 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

There was a time when no one could have imagined that in 1961 a man would go into space, that computers would be able to reduce the work of several years to a few seconds, that science and technology would be applied on such a scale as they are now. During this period, in the most developed countries, total investment increased by less than 3%, but investment in research and development increased to 6-15% per year. Tourism turned out to be one of the sectors of the economy where modern computer technologies began to bring big profits. These are systems for booking and booking hotels, air tickets, tickets for other vehicles, cruises, etc. Today, such major systems as Ata-deus, Gabriel, Saber, Word Span, Apollo and others have their own representations on the Internet. In addition, Internet technologies allow travel companies to save huge amounts of money by reducing the cost of international telephone calls and faxing.

For example, the cost of sending one fax page to Turkey is about 2.5 dollars (the cost of 1 minute) and 0.1 dollars - for the same page by E-mail. There is another way to use E-mail channels: remove mailbox email for $5 per month and receive unlimited quantity information for a fee from 1 (in Russia and CIS countries) to 5 (worldwide) cents per kilobyte. Taking into account the cost of registration ($20) through Relcom, expenses of this kind can be reduced by more than 25 times, and in some cases, with good organization of work and skillful selection of the most suitable systems, by 100 times or more.

From year to year, more and more travel agencies use systems for booking and booking hotels and air tickets. Such systems allow you to book places in hotels around the world, get up-to-date information about the conditions of booking, prices, discounts for the minimum time without leaving your office. It used to take a lot more time and money. The Alean system is a project that appeared on the Russian Internet using the global computer network, united travel agents, tour operators, as well as accommodation facilities into a single technological network, which allows you to directly book places in accommodation enterprises in various regions: Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, Moscow Region, central Russia.

The system is equipped with a convenient information retrieval system that allows you to answer almost any question of the client in a few seconds. Changes in holiday homes and boarding houses are immediately entered into the system. Availability data is automatically updated after each booking, which is especially important during the peak season. Agencies included in the system use the latest, fresh information, and not last year's booklet. Participants of the Alean system do not need special expensive software, because it is based on standard Internet technologies. Other examples are the Worldhotel system, which allows you to book hotels around the world, and the ABC Travel Center system, which contains information about airlines, virtual ticket agencies, train timetables and metro maps of various cities around the world, as well as information about car rentals, cruises, and much more. . Often, in such systems, you can buy a last-minute ticket or air ticket for 10-50% cheaper. This leads to the fact that now even large, recently stable and successful organizations are making significant changes in the philosophy of long-term planning.

As mentioned earlier, Kaliningrad travel agencies are widely represented on the Internet. Several dozen firms are registered in various regional Internet directories. Against the background of those firms that only registered and have, as a rule, only e-mail for communication, those that have their own website stand out noticeably. These are already mentioned: “Russian Baltic Tour” (, travel agency “Rush Hour” ( (see Fig. 2), agency “ Brizen (, Ariola agency (, Mik-Avia agency (http://www.mik-avia .ru), Baltma Tours agency (, Alvis agency (, Aturi agency (http://www. and a number of others.

Figure 2. A fragment of the website of the agency "Rush hour"

It is worth noting that if earlier, literally a year or two ago, a business site in the Kaliningrad segment of the Internet was one or two pages of an earthy color (this applied not only to sites of travel companies, but also to all others), then the current, although not loud, carriers of promoted brands, but well-made - representative electronic business cards. It is clear that local travel agencies are not up to the level of recognized leaders, say the pioneer in this field,, which is expected to grow from half a billion dollars in 1996 to $12 billion by 2002, which is widely known its Web site to serve business travelers. And yet. Moreover, Kaliningrad travel agencies can offer some services on-line right now. Firstly, their website provides various information about the tours offered, as well as about the so-called. "Last-minute trips", which often attracts at a price. And, secondly, on some sites some elements of interactivity are implemented, i.e. two-way communication, when a potential tourist, having filled out an electronic form, sends an application to the company for the proposed trip (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Fragment of the website of the agency "Aturi"

It remains to find out what kind of people and for what purpose go to travel sites? Any travel company with a website would like these people to be travel agents or potential tourists. But distinguishing them from those roaming the World Wide Web is not so easy. Moreover, for those who go on individual and business trips, the main thing is not prices, but the quality and speed of service. It seems that the very struggle between the relevant agencies should unfold in an effort to master Internet technologies. Clients and managers of such agencies mainly "walk" on tourist sites, since Russian business people are unlikely to stick their credit card into the Internet slot today. And therefore, after extracting information from the site, they then turn to the travel agencies of the same name in order to agree on solid ground.

2.3. The concept of the use of information technology in the development of tourism

In light of the pace of scientific and technological progress, it must be recognized that the world of modern business has changed so significantly that organizations created to work in the old conditions cannot adapt to the new environment without improving the principles of operation and structure. It is in this context that the concept "reengineering" business, which is defined as “a fundamental rethinking and a radical redesign of the business process to achieve fundamental improvements in today's key performance indicators such as cost, quality, services and speed. Information technology is what gives a real opportunity for reengineering and obtaining significant competitive advantages.

It is obvious that harnessing the potential of technology to change a company's business processes and significantly outperform competitors is not a one-time event. It takes a pragmatic eye and creative thinking to see the potential of a technology that may at first seem to have no obvious application in a company's operations, or to see innovative uses for information technology beyond the obvious ones. If companies (from Kaliningrad, Tver or Moscow) want to succeed in an era of constant technological change, they need to consider the ability to use information technology as one of the key skills.

The use of information technology requires serious investments, which must be used to achieve strategic goals, be able to assess and control costs, apply proven methods to improve the efficiency of their use. General recommendations for each specific occasion cannot be given. Another important thing is to understand the general methodology, philosophy, which, being refracted in a special way in each specific business, will allow extracting from information technology the unique thing that it gives - leadership in world markets. The technological race is not for everyone, therefore, there are many ways to improve the efficiency of information systems: focus on end users, independent development of application software, transfer of their information resources to companies specializing in information processing, etc.

The strategic goal of information technology is to help the management of the organization respond to market dynamics, create, maintain and deepen competitive advantage. This task requires building information technology systems that have the following attributes a) maximum accessibility - each person can access IT resources at any time and from any place; b) any information object should be available simultaneously to many; c) application agility - a transition to a network architecture is needed, which leads to serious changes in the organization and work of IT departments.

The travel industry is one of the largest consumers of telecommunications technology, and has one of the highest levels of computing power in the business world. This stems in part from the nature of the information that is used in the travel industry. Firstly, this information is very time sensitive, as different dates change very often - events, schedules, etc. Secondly, information about tourism products should be available in a timely manner from various points in the world. Thirdly, the tourist product consists of a large number of components - transport, accommodation, entertainment - which also require the rapid delivery of information in order to coordinate their satisfactory delivery.

The largest and most important information systems in the travel industry are the GDS computer reservation systems. They provide access to travel planning and booking information for most industry sectors, including accommodation, cruises, transport, tours, currency exchange and entertainment. Unlike GDS, hotel reservation systems and car rental systems cannot be used travel agent directly, but only indirectly through airline reservation computer systems or by telephone. Marketing of travel agency services is provided using a telemarketing system. Travel companies use office support systems to deal with the operational aspects of the business. Electronic networks, in particular Internet, currently provide not only the opportunity to obtain certain information about tourism products, but also to make reservations on airlines, hotels, etc.

Undoubtedly, the spread of information technology in tourism depends on a number of additional sociocultural, economic and political factors. By themselves, information technology cannot create "new combinations" of tourism services. Only the connection of technologies with a number of social, institutional, sociopolitical and cultural factors will lead to the creation of new combinations of goods and services, methods, markets, etc. The use of telecommunications networks and increasingly user-friendly interfaces are making computer systems directly accessible to the traveler. In the case when the system is correctly applied, IT provide high quality service, thereby meeting the requirements of customers to a greater extent. However, it requires maintaining a certain balance between high technology and due personal attention.

Considering the role of information technology in the field of regional tourism, it should be remembered that the proposed developments and plans for the development of tourism should provide answers to the following questions:

1) how to assess the state of the tourism sector and the main problems of its development;

2) what are the main areas of tourism most of all meet the interests of the region, where and in what it is most effective to invest money;

The development of the tourism industry contributes to a decrease in the level of unemployment in the region, a significant increase in revenues to local budgets, and improvement of territories. However, the development of tourism in the regions Russian Federation(and in particular the Kaliningrad region) is hampered by the poor state of the tourist infrastructure, the lack of a targeted policy, socio-economic instability, especially since the upcoming introduction of a visa regime by the closest neighbors does not add popularity. The existing problems of information support for tourism business at the regional level could be resolved through the use of tourism (TIS) and geographic information systems (GIS) in tourism planning and management. One of models building a tourist information system in Kaliningrad could rely on the existing opportunities for information support in the city. This includes the presence of various tourist servers in the international network Internet (they could be, for example,"Tourism in Kaliningrad" ( or "Kaliningrad on-line" (; high level computerization of tourist companies of the city; telecommunications opportunities offered in the Russian market of computer services. The main tasks to be solved by the proposed system are:

Providing the traveler with detailed and up-to-date information on a wide range of topics;

Enabling small tourism organizations to inexpensively and effectively market their services and offers

Provide an inexpensive way for any organization to disseminate information through electronic networks;

Proposal of an alternative marketing system and information dissemination channels;

Creation of an open economic system for the sale of tourist services in electronic form.

An analysis of international experience in the creation and operation of tourism and geographic information systems shows that these systems can be considered as a kind of statistical package - an indispensable tool in the tourism business in the region for planning, research and marketing. In addition, TIS and GIS provide a reliable basis for decisions taken at the state and regional levels to attract public and municipal investment and private capital in tourism development.

The almost complete absence of Russian Federation of Statistics at the regional and local levels makes it difficult to develop plans for regional tourism development planning. A strong information and analytical service, such as in the Yaroslavl and Nizhny Novgorod regions, can help not only in collecting and analyzing the necessary information, but also in the formation of its own regional information and advertising product.

There are certain problems on the way of adapting to such information systems, such as resistance to new technologies, high implementation costs, seeming unimportance, lack of trained personnel, etc. When systems and scientific laboratories move into the practical world, problems arise in technologies and the search for potential users. Nevertheless, these systems are successfully functioning in some Western countries, and the first steps have already been taken towards their application in tourism planning in Russia.

Since Russia has become a full-fledged participant in the world information technology market, therefore, in any project, you can use the entire range of available developments in the world, and the only limitation will be the cost of a particular product. Model TIS is designed to solve a number of problems related to the lack of information about Kaliningrad in the international tourism market, as well as to provide medium and small tourism enterprises with the opportunity to inexpensively and effectively promote their services and offers on the market. The TIS model and the project implementation scheme can serve as a basis for the development of the Tourism Information Center in Kaliningrad. The tools used to create marketing material and links in TIS could be used for other purposes such as managing archives and establishing local links in tourism industry organizations.

As an integral part of the implementation of TIS in the region, one should consider the development of proposals for the use of standard tools and technologies by tourist companies and, based on an analysis of the Russian market of computer services. Comparative characteristics of computer systems show that application software developers recognize the heterogeneity of the Russian tourist market and, consequently, the existence of various needs of travel industry organizations.

Most travel companies are already equipped with computers that usually work offline. With the phased construction of a unified regional information network in tourism, one of the intermediate steps may be the implementation modem communication between different and project participants. An analysis of the Russian information technology market in the tourism industry shows that at present there are opportunities not only to automate various aspects intra-office operations, but also the creation of local computer networks and remote reservations.

Proposing a new strategic approach to the formation of a tourist product, which is characterized by greater flexibility and attractiveness for the consumer, we note the following. The direct sale of tourist services to the consumer is characterized, firstly, by flexibility in time, and secondly, by independence from preferences. travel agent and thirdly, the ability to compare the services offered in terms of price and quality. For suppliers, the attractiveness of selling services directly, bypassing travel agents and tour operators, is to reduce operating costs associated with the sale of the tourist product. Tour operators provide tourist products that consist of several types of services: hotel accommodation, flight car rental All this the consumer can purchase directly from service providers - airlines, hotels, car rental companies. The main value that tour operator traditionally adds to these separate services, consists of the following components:

Electronic networks are an important communication channel that more and more organizations are using. However, tourism enterprises are still far from fully exploiting all the possibilities that the electronic network offers. In contrast to traditional tourism information systems ( GDS), electronic networks are already available to all categories of consumers and tourism organizations, provided that they have the necessary equipment. Activities in the tourism market are divided into two phases according to the decision-making process, the pre-decision phase and the post-decision phase. Traditional redundancy systems provide some information necessary at the first stage, but it is assumed that electronic networks can support both phases. The information needed by the tourist at the stage before making a decision can be divided into static and dynamic.

Static information is:

General information about the intended area of ​​stay i.e. geography, history, transport, etc.;

News (in the country, region, city); seat availability; political situation, etc.;

Special offers ("burning tours »);

- "cascading offers";

Detailed information of an individual property .

The use of electronic networks can bring the consumer closer to the offer by providing a fast, cheap, organized, two-way, direct and independent information channel. The examples discussed above demonstrate the possibilities of an international network Internet when planning a trip. Currently, most of the tourist information supplied to electronic networks is static. For this reason, tourism companies that use the Internet in their business cannot yet profit from existing benefits electronic networks Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize that in the period before making a decision, the dynamic part of the information about the place of the proposed vacation for the traveler is much more important.

For the development of tourism in the Kaliningrad region, the implementation of all its social and economic functions, the transformation into a genuine industry, a significant increase in the efficiency of activities and interaction of all links in the production chain and bringing the tourist product to the consumer is necessary. One of the means to achieve this goal is the informatization of the tourist services market based on telecommunication and computer systems similar to those used in Western countries. However, the main point of the above is not to demonstrate all the advantages and possibilities of existing information technologies in tourism. The real power of information technologies is not that they allow old business processes to function better, but that they enable the organization to create new ones. ways of working, and play a significant role in improving efficiency and competitiveness. Kaliningrad travel companies in their work should not only rely on foreign experience in the use of information technologies, but also be able to respond in time to the dynamics of market changes and introduce new information systems into their activities. Those who can recognize and use the possibilities of new technologies will have a permanent and growing advantage over its competitors.

Summing up some results, we note that, in general, the leaders of Kaliningrad tourist companies hold different views on the introduction of the latest information (in particular, computer technologies). Some warn that under the influence of programmers, managers often blindly believe in the omnipotence of global information systems, which allegedly automatically supply all the necessary data for making any management decisions. Others argue that even a properly used computer can only provide a gradual improvement in the output process for acceptance. management decisions. Of course, every company needs information systems, but managers need to rely on their wits, common sense and logic, to know a lot that no computer will ever be able to tell them. After all, only then will they be able to respond flexibly to changes in the external and internal environment of the company and make appropriate decisions.

Chapter 3. Travel Agency Website Proposals

Initial data:

Travel agency "North wind" ("North wind") is a middle-income company that sells inexpensive tours to European countries, and also organizes the reception of foreign tourists in the Kaliningrad region. Provides their accommodation in hotels in the city of Kaliningrad and the region, carries out bus tours on the territory of the Kaliningrad region.

The creation of our own website (representation on the Internet) is due to the interest in visiting the territory of the Kaliningrad region, partly Russian, but mostly foreign tourists (in particular, German citizens). Requirements for the future website: easy search on the Internet, information content, interactivity. Acceptable price in resource support.

3.1. Choosing a domain name and name

A memorable, easy-to-pronounce, tourism-related domain name will play an important role in promoting a travel agency on the Internet. If our future website has a short and easy-to-pronounce name, a potential client will easily remember it when they see the Internet address on a business card or billboard. Such an address can be easily dictated by telephone. An interested visitor to the site, even after a week, will easily remember his address and recommend it to his friends. And so on. It's probably not easy to remember but is much better. Moreover, in the navigator line, you can also type the usual It is difficult to forget or type incorrectly.

The coincidence of the website address with the name of the company will make an additional contribution to the promotion of the name (brand) of our company on the Internet. If a network user already knows our company a little, then the first thing he will do when trying to find a website is to type either English-speaking users), or Russian speakers) although today it is not so clear. It is bad if such a domain is not registered by anyone, even worse if it is owned by competitors or porn server holders. It is desirable, if funds allow, to register several domain names corresponding to the most likely spelling of the company name.

An instructive example is the story of the server of the largest automobile company General Motors. At the very beginning of the formation of the WWW company, an easy to pronounce and remember But for some reason, this large company, which could afford to register a hundred domain names, did not bother to appropriate the obvious -, which was later prudently taken over by an American student. And what he puts there is very far from cars and is called: Welcome to Freedom Links! Now GM has such an alternative: pay a tidy sum to the student or pay it for a lawsuit to return the name to himself. AT this moment The parties came to certain agreements. The page redirects to after a certain amount of time, but this situation could have been easily avoided.

A short and sonorous Internet address will strengthen the image and solidity of our agency, because if our company claims that it has been successfully engaged in tourism activities for a long time and has solid orders, etc., but at the same time, the address of our web page, then a potential buyer will think ten times and make detailed inquiries before starting any cooperation with such an agency or even just providing his phone number. The lack of a site's own domain name is often interpreted by server visitors as a lack of funds for registration by its owners or as their frivolous approach to business. The address issued by free hosting services can greatly spoil the initial impression of the server.

Paid hosting, on which we intend to place the website, makes our agency independent of the provider and protects the investment in the website. By registering the domain name, in this case it will be possible to open mail server and assign each employee a postal address like - postal addresses are informative and easy to remember. In addition, it is possible to assign a number of business addresses, such as [email protected] , [email protected] etc.

It has already been said that - the name should be easy to remember; - be short enough; - be simple in writing, in order to avoid user errors when typing it; - easy to pronounce; - contain either the name of our company, or indicate the scope of its activities, the main product or service, etc. Of course, it is often not possible to fulfill all these conditions, so you can rely on the criteria that will be most important in a particular case or register several names for the server at once.

Since our business assumes that we must be open to any contacts, the most promising option for this is to register our site in the international zone .com, .org, .net, however, the choice of names in these zones is significantly limited. On the other hand, registration in the will immediately make it clear to visitors georeferencing our business. The server with the will be freely indexed by Russian-speaking search engines. Consequently, it was desirable to register the proposed website in two zones at once - and, .net, .org. However, for a middle-income company, this is somewhat expensive.

In the Russian segment of the Internet, domain names are usually formed in one of the following ways. First, the name of the company or server in English letters. Of course, it is desirable that this name could be written in English in an unambiguous way. If the name of the company is rather complicated and long, ambiguous in English letters, an abbreviated name should be additionally registered (although this is not necessary at all for a middle-income company). For example, the domain of the travel agency "Northern Wind" may look like this or like this (Fig. 4).

Figure 4. An example of an address in the Internet agency "Northern Wind"

Secondly - the English name of the subject or concept associated with the activities of the company or the direction of the Internet project. In this case, it is desirable to use fairly simple and frequently used English words. For example, the address of our agency www. n almost any Russian network user will dial without error. At the same time, a user who has already forgotten English a little since school may not understand that the site is a jewelry server, and for sure will not be able to correctly type its address in the browser the first time, having heard the name on the phone.

3.2. Information and navigation

The information posted on our website can be conditionally divided into two groups. Firstly, this is general advertising information about the cities of the Kaliningrad region, directly about the city of Kaliningrad, the resort cities of Zelenogradsk, Svetlogorsk, etc. allowing potential guests of the city to obtain information about cities in general, their location, views of the city, transport, reliable weather conditions, safety of recreation; and secondly, special background information about the travel agency "North Wind"

General information includes:

Daily weather report in Kaliningrad, Zelenogradsk, Svetlogorsk (air temperature, sea water temperature);

Types of cities of Kaliningrad, Svetlogorsk, Zelenogradsk;

Museums, exhibition and concert halls;

Excursion routes;

Cultural program for a week (month);

Conducted conferences, symposiums, fairs;

Transport (schedule of trains, planes, buses from railway and air terminals), etc.

Special reference information includes:

Information about the agency (license, work experience, etc.)

Agency location;

List of services provided by the agency, etc.

The choice of navigation tools depends on the volume and segmentation of information on the site. The most important requirement for a navigation system is that it be intuitive for users of any skill level. It should not only allow the user to quickly find exactly what he needs and immediately give an idea of ​​what the site consists of and what else useful can be found here. There is a whole range of navigation aids. It is considered good form to have on the site several diversified navigation tools duplicating each other at once, each of which will be more convenient both for a certain circle of users and for different types search on the server. Among the mandatory elements of the navigation system, the project site of the travel agency "North Wind" will include:

Menu- a list of the main sections of the site (possibly with drop-down submenus), located on the main page or on all pages of the site at once;

Drop-down list- does not have a clear menu, where all sections are immediately visible, but very compact;

site `s map- the most useful, from my point of view, tool - a special dedicated page on the server containing complete structure site;

Search engine on the server- required for very large sites with a complex structure, but in our case it will be useful. Searches for documents containing user-entered keywords or expressions.

The website will be completed in HTML format(hypertext document description language) with programming elements in PHP language 4.0 for interactive forms for submitting data, a guest book or a forum and contain both graphic (Gif, Jpeg, Png format images) and textual information. The pages will have a tasteful, artistically attractive design, without frills but also without unnecessary rigor. An example to follow is the Deol website (Fig. 5).

Figure 5. Fragment of the main page of the agency "Deol"

Another example of a successful combination of design and functionality is the website of the RiodelSol travel agency (Fig. 6)

Figure 6. Fragment of the main page of the agency Rio del Sol"

3.3. Website creation costs

The sources of funding for the website will be deductions from the profits of the travel agency, received as a result of daily activities.

Cost table for creating and maintaining a website (one-time costs):

Cost table for creating and maintaining a website (one-time costs):


In terms of technological advances, the computer revolution in Russia's tourism industry has surpassed all expectations. From the point of view of economic costs for the introduction of computer technologies, it should be noted that each company allocates different funds for these purposes. Nevertheless, almost one in two of the twenty-three managers of Kaliningrad travel agencies surveyed avoided answering the question: how much was spent on the corresponding software. It is obvious that success in the application of computer technologies is not unambiguously related to the level of spending on them. Some companies consider such expenses unjustified; others, on the contrary, make big expenses using the latest software in their work.

The results of the survey showed that in terms of profitability, computerization in almost all companies faces real difficulties. Most agencies have already successfully computerized the bulk of their routine office work and bookkeeping. Many travel agency executives point out that computers have had a profound effect on the key activities of companies. Many companies have advanced to the computerization of manufacturing operations. As an example, let's refer to the Baltma Tours company, which uses in its activities a specialized software product for travel agencies, which is called SAMO Travel Agent. It is the most successful computer program in existence. of this type which is - the management of the activities of a travel agency or a network of travel agencies. The program is necessary as the most modern tool for organizing and conducting work with clients and partners of the company, as well as for obtaining statistical and analytical data on the activities of a travel company. When working with the program, you can use the following modes:

- Working with a client: selection of a tour from the list of "service packages", selection and calculation of an individual tour for a client, booking a package of services, conclusion and maintenance of contracts and additional documents, statistics of client payments.

- Working with partners: purchase of services - hotels, airlines, etc.; automatic formation of company price lists based on the terms of the contract with service providers; a system for selling a “package of services” to agent firms; preparation of standard and individual "service packages" for each partner, control of receipt of applications and payment from agents; the use of several methods in the calculations (prepayment, payment after the fact, etc.).

- Description: routes, hotels, services provided, etc.

- Company database management: complete accounting of information about partners or clients (questionnaires, contracts, tourist applications, details of partners, etc.).

- Tours calculation: is made taking into account all the nuances (seasonal discounts, surcharges, special conditions, etc.).

- Obtaining analytical reports on the work of the company: occupancy and profitability of flights, destinations, etc.; the overall profitability of the firm.

Obviously, the desire to keep up with the times encourages the management of travel companies to purchase the latest software, thereby increasing investment in computerization. What is going wrong? Considering the current development of computerization, it can be argued that its main goal is to reduce general and administrative costs. However, for most companies, this was the result of a decrease in revenue. Many executives began to realize that it was time to change their strategy for introducing computers. "How can I keep investing in computerization projects when I don't see any return on the latest innovations?" - many heads of the tourist companies ask a question.

This becomes a little clearer when one considers that a typical financial plan would typically account for the bulk of computer spending, but since the organizational structure, staffing, and pay of computer staff vary widely from company to company, attempts to formulate standard criteria for including expenses on computerization in the company's estimate, can lead to inefficient results. The amount of funds that each particular company allocates for the implementation of computer systems will never be revealed by examining the average statistics or items of expenditure of competing firms. The amount of funds can only be determined by taking into account the specific situation, strategy and resources of the company, including the depth and versatility of its experience in the field of computerization.

For tourist companies in the Russian market, computer costs are a fairly constant value in the distribution of costs. Approximately 35% of total computer costs are spent on hardware; 30 - to pay staff; 15 - to adapt the software and maintain it in working order. The remaining 20% ​​is spent on developing new software and training staff to work with it. These funds are subject to operational control by managers. The impact of investments on the future of the company is enormous: in fact, they are the key to strategic success or failure in the field of computerization. If managers do not separate these funds into a separate item and do not understand the nature of the resources they invest, the development of computerization will not have clear goals and the company's position in the market will be easily vulnerable.

More specifically, the problem of managing the process of computerization in the form in which it is faced by the leaders of tourism companies today lies more in the right choice of the direction of development than in the assessment of current efficiency. The key question should not be “how are we doing now?” but “where are we going in the future?”. Previously, advances in computerization had been limited mainly to improvements in accounting, and it didn't seem to make sense for business executives to bother developing computer software specifically for tourism. If an employee was doing his job, then no one outside of his department cared about how he was doing his job. Now that the process of introducing computer technologies into accounting has long been completed, the question has become especially relevant - "what next?". Many of the proposed alternatives seem complex and expensive enough to merit executive approval, as their effectiveness remains uncertain. There is no real guarantee of profits or evidence that the proposed measures are the best at the moment. In my opinion, the management should seriously question any proposal for the development and implementation of computer systems, since it is responsible for making the final decision that can fundamentally change the future of the company.

Computer technology has received a high rate of development over the past few years. From the computer standing alone, the movement goes to folding corporate networks, which reflects the general trend. More and more impressive (from a technical point of view) projects are presented to the management staff of the company. Moreover, special attention is paid to the program for their implementation, which contains three separate issues. From a technical point of view, is it possible to apply this project within the framework of available technologies and own technical resources? From an economic point of view - what benefits does this project promise, what will be the ratio of income and expenses in the implementation of the project? And in terms of operational capability, if the system is successfully developed, will it be used effectively and will managers apply the system in their activities or will they ignore it and even oppose it?

At the time of a project proposal, few can provide a definitive answer to these key questions, especially when it comes to implementing particularly complex and ambitious computerization plans. Therefore, there is a constant assessment of the likelihood of technical and economic risks, as well as the effectiveness of deductions, which play a large role in maintaining the project at the proper level. An important factor is a preliminary analysis, which can prevent significant economic losses if scarce computer resources are misused. In fact, the best argument for making a decision is that with the help of computer technology it is possible to provide the necessary impact on costs, but at the same time, benefits can only be realistically assessed by those managers who understand what policies and what actions affect the result.

The main problems currently plaguing managers involved in the introduction of computers owe their origin to the past. But today the situation is very different: the fields of application of computers have become more complex, and their influence on various fields of activity has increased due to the increase in the growth rate of computer progress. However, many managers neglect their own responsibility for leading the development of computerization. Today, more than 50% of Russian tourist companies have not developed a comprehensive computerization plan. And many companies (even those with such a plan) have not set adequate short-term goals against which to measure the progress of individual computer projects.

It is no secret that computerization has radically changed the course of development of companies. With the correct application of technology, not only increases the productivity of workers, but also has an impact on the size of the company's profits. It was found that cooperation between managers and professional programmers becomes a real incentive to introduce new profitable programs. Employees at the Kaliningrad travel company REM K once realized that computers could help forecast sales and set preliminary cost reduction schedules at the start of each season. Such computer forecasts proved to be the best and are now taken into account by the company in the development of its business plans. The Partner Tour company computerized the reporting system using the TourOfficePro program. According to management, with the help of a computer, data is better and faster compared and analyzed.

Programmers and managers have made a joint contribution to the development of the above computer systems. With the support of managers, programmers began to study the possibility of creating the same systems, only using graphic editors. It should be noted that many travel companies use a centralized data processing and storage system, as well as a planning and control system in an increasingly complex economic policy. Using such systems reduces the amount of data processed in the field and increases the level of labor productivity. For example, the company "Vismant" coordinates its activities in branches of several countries and, in order to comply with orders, transfers the necessary data directly to the central computer.

Every company should use profitable computer programs in their work. But at the same time, it must be taken into account that each company has its own development strategy, management system, etc. Therefore, the software must be applied taking into account all the specific factors of the company. Naturally, there is nothing surprising in the fact that a computer system that is unacceptable for one company can be effectively used by another. Many companies take advantage of computers to make decisions through simulation models.

Computer methods have also shown their value in risk analysis of investments. Risk analysis, made more precise by computers, has proven the importance of evaluating strategic plans with simulation models. To exploit the full potential of computing, all large quantity heads of tourist organizations considers it necessary to supplement the staff of managers with specialists - programmers. Undoubtedly, the capabilities of the computer will someday eliminate the need for a large staff. But whether a computer will ever be able to evaluate strategic options or make decisions is unknown. The most important factor here is the flexibility of adapting computer systems to the needs of management.

Practice shows that the creation of various computer information systems can result in significant profits for companies, even at high costs for experiments. But you should not introduce the program into your management system without first weighing all the factors, including the cost of training and retraining of personnel or assessing the degree of risk when applying innovations in areas where the greatest effectiveness of the software used has been found.

As already mentioned, electronic networks are an important communication channel that more and more organizations are resorting to. However, tourism enterprises are still far from fully exploiting all the opportunities offered by the electronic network. Unlike traditional tourism information systems (GDS), electronic networks are already available to all categories of consumers and tourism organizations. The use of electronic networks can bring the consumer closer to the offer, providing a fast, cheap, organized, two-way, direct and independent information channel. In this regard, the website, of course, is a sought-after and most important marketing tool. The success of the business of a developing tourist organization, the return on ongoing on-line and off-line promotional activities depends on its competent implementation. In other words, what could be more relevant than making money.

Obviously, the success of a travel agency website, and ultimately the agency itself, will depend on a variety of conditions. On the Internet, as in no other medium of mass media, it is important to capture the attention of users as quickly as possible, since other sites of similar subjects or competitors' sites are just a click away. Already by home page the user must understand what the website is and what will be interesting / useful. Here, on the main page, you should place news announcements, notify about new products and marketing programs. Such information will be useful for repeat or regular visitors: if they meet something new every time, this is a good incentive to return to the site again. In addition, such mobility is an indicator of the dynamic development of the company and the site.

Due to the lack of attention, a pyramidal structure for presenting information is often practiced on the Web: first the main thing, below are the details. The news feed also consists of a headline and a brief announcement - if interested, click on the "more" link and read the full text. It is desirable to break the information into small portions. Few users read very long files from the screen. At the same time, it is recommended to make "printable versions" of a "normal" size, and not be crushed into small pieces. Page size is also very important. You can’t afford to lose a visitor just because he couldn’t wait until the end of the site loading. It is advisable not to make the size of the main page more than 70 kilobytes; for all other pages, the size requirements are even tougher. Do not abuse graphics and other elements that have a large volume. And the graphics that are used should be optimized as much as possible.

Separately, I would like to note the possibility of personalizing content. With the help of personalization tools, the user can himself form the composition and form of submitting information to him on a particular site, include only news that is interesting to him, receive this news in a format that is convenient for him, etc. The perception of the site as a whole, as well as directly the information posted on it, is significantly influenced by the design - the graphic embodiment of the Internet resource. The design should organically complement and enhance the overall concept. There are a number of design techniques that make the information on a website easy to read and focus on certain parts of it.

Obviously, having your own website will allow the travel agency to bring itself closer to the end customer, and even more so to the agency that is oriented to the Western market, in which, as you know, the use of a computer is akin to using a ballpoint pen in Russia. I believe that all of the above developments are of undoubted interest not only for individual tourist organizations located in Kaliningrad, but far beyond its borders. The stated concept of the use of information technologies in tourism, with the appropriate interest, can objectively influence the development of the tourism industry in the Kaliningrad region, increase the attractiveness of recreation in the Russian resorts of the Baltic coast of the Kaliningrad region.

List of used literature

1. Bystryantsev S. Kuznetsova G. Information technologies in the advertising of a tourist product // Competition and the market. 2002. No. 2 (13)

2. Birzhakov M.B. Introduction to tourism. - St. Petersburg, 1999.

4. Introduction to the information business. Textbook, ed. V.P. Tikhomirova, A.V. Khoroshilov. - M.: Finance and statistics, 1996.

5. Gulyaev VG New information technologies in tourism. Tutorial. – M.: PRIOR, 1999.

7. V.A. Kvartalnov. Strategic management in tourism. Modern management experience. – M.: Finance and statistics, 2000.

8. Kvartalnov V.A. Tourism. Textbook. – M.: Finance and statistics, 2000.

9. Kravchenko V.F. etc. Organizational engineering. – M.: PRIOR, 1999.

10. Kohl O. Information as a real production resource // Newspaper for travelers. 2002. June.

11. Kotler F., Bowen J., Makenz J. Marketing. Hospitality and tourism: Uch. for universities / Per. from English. ed. R. B. Nozdreva. – M.: UNITI, 1998.

12. Marinin M.M. Branch of national importance // Economics and life. 1996. No. 50.

13. Puzakova E.P., Chestnikova V.A. International tourism business. - M .: Expert Bureau, 1997.

14. Rodigin L.A. Information technology in the hotel and tourism business. – M.: RMAT, 1999. – 138 p.

16. Shirokova G.V. Problems of information support for regional planning of tourism development. / Actual problems of tourism development at the present stage: Abstracts of reports and speeches of the Second Scientific and Practical Conference. - SP6GU. 1998.

17. Shirokova G.V. Tourism business in Internet./ Investment policy of Russia in modern conditions: Abstracts of reports and speeches of the All-Russian scientific conference. - SP6GU 1997.

18. Shirokova G.V. The use of the Internet in the travel industry // Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University. Series Economics 1997. No. 26.

19. Shirokova G.V. Information technologies in tourism business management // Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University. Series Economics. 1995. No. 19

20. Walker J.R. Introduction to hospitality. - M., 1999.

21. Filippova T. Nothing brings such income as selling impressions // Business people. 1996. No. 3(64)

22. Fityimmons J. A, Strategic Role of Information in Services / Perspectives in Operations Management: Essays in Honor of Elwood S. Boofa, R. V. Sarin (ed.) KluwerAcademicPublishers. norwell. Mass., 1993.

23. Hammer H., Champy 3. Reengineering the corporation: A manifesto for business revolution // Harper Business. 1993.

24. Chebotar Yu.M. Tourism business: A practical guide for travel agencies and their clients. – M.: MDK, 1997.

25. Economics of modern tourism / Ed. Dan. G.A. Karpova. – M.: Gerda, 1998.

See V.A. Kvartalnov. Tourism. Textbook. - M.: Finance and statistics., 2000. P. 18

See Bystryantsev S. Kuznetsova G. Information technologies in the advertising of a tourist product // Competition and the market. 2002. No. 2 (13)

According to Internet services ( and (

Hammer H., Champy 3. Reengineering the corporation: A manifesto for business revolution // Harper Business. 1993. P. 32.

See Shirokova G.V. Problems of information support for regional tourism development planning. / Actual problems of tourism development at the present stage: Abstracts of reports and speeches of the Second Scientific and Practical Conference. SP6GU. 1998, p. 18

See Shirokova G.V. Problems of information support for regional tourism development planning. ..FROM. 21

See Shirokova G.V. The use of the Internet in the travel industry // Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University, Series Economics. 1997. No. 26.

See Economics of modern tourism / Ed. Dan. G.A. Karpova. – M.: Gerda, 1998. S. 83

Currently, competitive advantages in tourism are largely formed in the information field. Information technology is a modern innovative resource for increasing competitiveness in tourism. They allow you to create new competitive advantages at all levels of activity in the field of tourism. This fully applies both to individual tourism enterprises and to increasing the competitiveness of tourist destinations.

Information development is becoming an important factor in competitive success in tourism at all levels. It involves an increase in the amount of information in the system, which allows you to better adapt to changing external conditions. Information development is associated with the process of dissemination of information-oriented innovations, which lead to both an increase in the amount of information and organizational diversity. Such innovations are digital technologies, computer equipment, telecommunication systems, including e-mail, Internet.

The successful activity of any company in the tourism business market is currently almost unthinkable without the use of modern information technologies. The main resource that is used in the tourism business at the stage of developing an idea and creating a tourist product is represented as information flows. At the same time, the specificity of modern technology for the development and implementation of a tourist product requires such information systems that would provide up-to-date and adequate information on all components of the tourist product as soon as possible, including information on the availability of vehicles, the availability of tickets, the possibilities of accommodation for tourists, etc. It is necessary ensure quick reservation of places, as well as automation of solving auxiliary tasks in the provision of tourist services, including the formation and printing of documents, the provision of settlement and reference information, etc. This is achievable with the widespread use of computer technologies for processing and transmitting information. The modern tourism industry has undergone very significant changes in recent years due to the introduction of new computer technologies.

Information technologies used in modern tourism business can be divided into two groups.

To first group should include technologies that contribute to automation and increase the efficiency of intra-office business processes, they can be called back office technologies. They allow you to ensure the rapid and high-quality formation of a tourist product using modern booking systems, create and maintain up-to-date databases of hotels, partners, customers, form the necessary documentation base of tourist enterprises, provide electronic document management, etc. This group includes global booking systems, such as Amadeus, Galileo, Saber, Worldspan, systems for booking tours or individual tourist services, automation programs for tour operators and travel agencies, programs for automating the management of hotel complexes.

Second group information technologies implements interaction with the end consumer, in connection with which they can be called front office technologies. This group may include Internet technologies, which provide end user access to information about tours, accommodation facilities, tourist resources, etc. The modern tourist product is becoming more flexible and accessible to the consumer, including through the introduction of information technology in the tourism business.

It should be emphasized that some information technologies can be used by both professional employees of the tourism business and end users. Thus, booking systems for tourist services provide a variety of opportunities and degrees of access for various subjects of the tourism market. For professional participants of the tourism market global network provides effective communication, search for partners, new marketing tools for promoting a tourist product, conducting marketing research, creating a virtual tourist office, providing e-commerce and other opportunities. For the end consumer of tourism services, the Internet provides the ability to search for a variety of reference information, use electronic catalogs for countries, tourism resources, tourism products, accommodation facilities, timetables for various modes of transport, obtain operational information on tariffs and prices of hotels, restaurants, carriers, etc. Statistical data indicate that the number of travel bookings via the Internet is increasing, for example, in the US travel industry, the share of online bookings is more than 50% of all sales.

The development of information technology leads to an increase in the number of tourists and in many ways contributes to the ongoing process of globalization. In the context of the globalization of the tourism market, the role and importance of the quality of information exchange between all participants in the tourism market is increasing. First of all, this applies to information processes. travel agent - tour operator - receiving tour operator. To ensure the competitiveness of a tourist enterprise, it is necessary to create a single information space supplier - seller of a tourist product. Quality and relevance information exchanges directly affects the quality of the tourism services provided, since any inconsistency or inaccuracy of the information provided to the end user, for example, about the accommodation facility, additional services, may have a negative impact on the impressions and tourism experience that the end user will receive. In addition, in modern conditions, the quality of a tourist product is determined not only by the quality of the basic services provided, but also by the availability and level of information support and information communications.

In the tourism business, the quality of information exchange and the information provided directly affects the competitiveness of not only tourism enterprises, but also the competitiveness of tourist destinations. The processes of globalization, characteristic of the current stage of tourism development, have led to a significant expansion of the geography of tourist flows. Competition is growing not only between individual tourism enterprises, but also between individual countries and regions (tourist destinations). Under these conditions, each destination is interested in providing the most complete and comprehensive information about the presence of unique and attractive tourist resources in it, about the level of development of tourist infrastructure, about the specific features of culture and customs, etc. Moreover, this information is necessary for both tourism business professionals and end users, and advertising on the Internet has become one of the most effective tools to attract tourists. Traditional printed advertising media are usually limited both in terms of the amount of information they provide and in terms of its relevance, so the Internet is the most effective information source in this case. Most foreign tourist destinations create and maintain their own websites that provide comprehensive information in several languages.

Modern computer technologies are being actively introduced into the tourism business, and their use is becoming an essential condition for increasing the competitiveness of any tourism enterprise. To date, tourism uses quite a lot of the latest computer technologies, including GDS (Global Distribution Systems) global computer booking systems, integrated communication networks, multimedia systems, management information systems, etc. These information technologies are used with varying degrees of activity and have unequal distribution. The degree of their influence on the competitiveness of tourism enterprises and the development of the tourism industry also differs.

Modern computer technologies have the greatest influence on the promotion of a tourist product. First of all, this concerns the possibility of forming new marketing channels for the promotion and sale of the tourist product. So, in the field of advertising, direct sending out tourist information e-mail(direct mail). In addition, tourism industry enterprises create their own websites and use banner ads.

Currently, the tourism market is beginning to actively penetrate electronic commerce. Electronic tourist offices already exist, allowing anyone with a credit card to purchase a tour, book a flight or hotel, purchase tickets for entertainment events, and book car rentals anywhere in the world. The websites of many hotel enterprises provide the possibility of booking and paying for services online. Thus, computer technologies provoked the creation and application of fundamentally new electronic marketing channels for the promotion and sale of tourist products (Table 7.2).

Table 7.2

Directions of influence of information technologies on competitiveness in tourism

Sphere of influence

Direction of influence



Creation of a tourist product

Acceleration of the procedure for creating a new tourism product

GDS and other booking systems, Internet


tourist product

The emergence of fundamentally new ways and technologies of promotion in tourism

Internet, webinars, multimedia technologies, GDS


Formation of new marketing channels for the sale of tourist products

Internet, booking systems, e-commerce


Improving management technologies for tourism industry enterprises

Specialized software products for the management of tourism industry enterprises

To date, technologies are intensively developing that make it possible to use mobile phones for e-commerce.

Directions for using the Internet in the field of tourism include many areas, including:

  • obtaining access to the use of modern communication systems, in particular e-mail, digital telephone communication, which significantly reduces the costs of tourism enterprises for negotiating, business correspondence, direct mail, etc.;
  • obtaining various reference data, in particular, on countries, tariffs, prices, weather forecast in various parts of the world in real time, which contributes to the formation of a high-quality tourism product;
  • gaining access to global booking and reservation systems;
  • the possibility of forming new marketing channels for the promotion of tourist services, in particular, the creation of company websites, virtual tourist offices, e-commerce, etc.

All of the above makes it possible to form a single tourist information space, which makes it possible to work at the level of modern international standards and technologies in the field of tourism and hotel business.

The current level of development of the tourism business and the high level of competition attach particular importance to information systems that provide intra-office automation of management processes. The functionality of automation systems for managing enterprises of the tourism industry should provide input, editing and storage of information about customers, tours, hotels, provide for the output of information in the form of various documents (questionnaires, vouchers, group lists, descriptions of tours and hotels), calculate the cost of tours taking into account the exchange rate , discounts, ensure payment control and financial reporting, etc. These systems can reduce the cost of a tourist product by choosing the best option for delivering customers, accommodation, etc.

Along with the automation of travel companies, a similar development is underway. automation programs for the activities of hotels, restaurants and other tourism businesses. The use of information systems in this area leads to significant changes in management, and also improves the quality of service.

The use of information technology implies an appropriate level of training of personnel working in the field of tourism. The lack of highly qualified personnel in a tourist destination or tourism industry can never be filled by the high quality of the physical infrastructure, such as hotels and their equipment. Such a competitive weakness of a tourist destination, such as low qualification of staff or lack of professional staff, can be successfully overcome by using modern innovative technologies training, in particular, using information video communication technologies.

Based on this, it can be argued that it is necessary to form a competitive advantage for Russia as a tourist destination based on knowledge. One possible way to solve this problem is use of distance technologies for training employees of tourism enterprises and providing the necessary information on tourist destinations to foreign outgoing tour operators and travel agents.

One of the specific factors in the activities of the outgoing tour operators is their territorial remoteness from the destination where the tours are formed. In this regard, there are difficulties in training personnel with reference to a specific tourist enterprise and destination.

One of the most effective ways to solve this problem is the use of modern video communication technologies, in particular video conferencing and webinars. Webinar is a kind of web conference, conducting seminars over the Internet in real time. It's comfortable and effective method communication in conditions of territorial disunity, as visual and verbal contact is provided, which, to the maximum extent, allows preserving the traditional psychological interaction between its participants.

The most commonly used webinar features are:

  • VoIP - audio communication through a computer in real time using headphones or speakers;
  • real-time video contact via webcam or digital video camera;
  • slide presentations;
  • text chat, used for real-time question-answer interaction, it is possible to ask questions and receive answers online, while both group (messages are visible to all participants) and private communication (a conversation between two participants) are possible;
  • voting and polls that are used when discussing a problem and allow you to hear and take into account the opinion of the webinar participants.

The webinar provides an opportunity for information exchange in the form of personalized visual contact and the usual conversation of webinar participants.

Technology Benefits communications using webinars are as follows:

  • wide coverage of the audience, participation in the process of geographically distributed participants who have only access to the Internet;
  • the formation of groups of webinar participants is possible not only on a territorial basis, but also on the basis of direction (topic);
  • management of the presentation, presence and rights of participants by the presenter;
  • the possibility of interactive voting, polls, testing during the webinar or based on the results;
  • the ability to transmit and listen to sound in real time - audio communication through a computer in real time using headphones (speakers) and a microphone.

Webinar technologies allow you to use additional functions:

  • recording a webinar with placement at a unique web address for later viewing, which will ensure the possibility of using it at any convenient time;
  • the ability to share files between webinar participants.

The technology of personnel training for the tourism sector using webinars provides for:

  • video and audio conferencing sessions;
  • joint teleconferences and Internet video broadcasts to mass audiences;
  • webinars and TV lectures for distance learning and trainings to prepare and improve the skills of tourism personnel;
  • distributed scientific and practical conferences, press conferences, round tables, etc.

Technological features webinars:

  • the number of webinar participants - several dozen or more, including individual and group;
  • on the screen of his computer, the presenter sees a photograph of the audience;
  • on the screens of the webinar participants, images of all participants are visible, as well as broadcasting of the presenter and up to six participants connected by him in the video conferencing mode (VC);
  • main mode of operation - broadcasting from the host's webcam to all participants of the videoconferencing;
  • to transfer the participant's webcam to the active mode, a function is provided to contact the host, who has the right to activate the image of the discussion participant in the videoconferencing mode or disconnect it from the videoconferencing;
  • in interactive mode, the moderator selects up to six participants for discussions, activating their image for videoconferencing with the broadcast of active windows to all participants in the seminar.

A webinar using video conferencing provides modern opportunities for participants to communicate with the host, while the dynamics of conducting classes using audio and video contact is much higher than with traditional remote technology, and can be in no way inferior to full-time seminars.

The use of online webinar technology is effective in conducting discussions that require brainstorming from the audience and public discussion of the problem, and it does not matter that the audience of participants is dispersed over a long distance.

The innovative possibilities of webinars can be used with high efficiency in the training and retraining of personnel for the tourism industry. The main directions of their use, in our opinion, are as follows:

  • effective training with the help of webinars for various categories of listeners (trainers, experts, volunteers, etc.);
  • conducting master classes of leading experts in the tourism industry and providing consulting (consulting) services;
  • the possibility of a virtual display and study of the object where the tour will be formed, including an individual one;
  • the possibility of preliminary selection of the tourist resources of the destination that are of interest to the tour operator.

The use of video communication technologies seems to be very promising for the training of foreign tour operators sending tourists to Russia, since this technology will provide consulting services when organizing travel of foreign citizens to Russia.

Webinar technologies allow you to conduct training and directly broadcast live from the tourist site that is included in the travel itinerary. With the help of webinars, it is possible to carry out retraining and advanced training of tourist personnel who are trained to work in a specific tourist destination with reference to the object, which will significantly reduce the adaptation period upon arrival of personnel at a real tourist object.

Thus, at present, innovative webinar technologies seem to be one of the most effective tools to provide training for foreign sending tour operators working with Russia, which will increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of our country as a tourist destination.

Control questions and tasks

  • 1. What is the role of tourist information centers in the formation of the tourism information base?
  • 2. How does it affect Information Support tourism on its competitiveness?
  • 3. Give examples of successful experience of tourist information centers.
  • 4. Describe the main features of geographic information systems.
  • 5. What is the essence of multilayer GIS building?
  • 6. What role do geoinformation systems in tourism?
  • 7. How is a joint information project implemented by remote executors?
  • 8. What is one information space tourism?
  • 9. List mobile applications used in tourism.
  • 10. What is the role of webinars in shaping the information space of the tourism industry?

Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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aim work is the development of proposals for the management of tourism organizations on the choice of various information and computer systems in the field of tourism, filling the gap in scientific research on this issue in domestic science. The applicant achieved this goal based on the study and analysis of specific information technologies, the main trends in the development of the tourism business and the impact of IT on the efficiency of the organization.

Information is processed data suitable for decision making. Information exists only on a specific (request) user. Thus, if there is no user, then there is no information.

A system is a large number of systems that are interconnected, functioning to achieve a specific goal.

The purpose of a system is the reason for which it is created.

An information system is a set of related software and hardware, information resources, management personnel that carry out information processes to prepare decisions.

Information technology is an initially given sequence of procedures and operations that are automatically performed on the original data.

Information technology consists of technological procedures and operations performed in a specified sequence. Typical operations are collection, registration, transfer, accumulation and processing of data.

The purpose of information technology is the production of information, upon analysis of which, a person will make a decision to perform actions.

Domestic sociologist, V.P. Konetskaya understands communication as follows: “Communication is a socially conditioned process of transmitting and perceiving information in conditions of interpersonal and mass communication through various channels using various communication means (verbal, non-verbal and others)” .

Communication is a connection in some way interacting with each other by means of transferring to each other and perception of information.

The purpose of communication is the exchange of information of various kinds and in various ways.

A communication system is a connection of individuals participating in the communication process in a certain way with the help of information flows.

The purpose of a communication system is to transfer information from a communicator to its end user.

Information system managers - information managers - should carefully examine the acquisition strategy adopted by their suppliers. For example, some dominant corporations such as Cisco and Microsoft have come to the conclusion that it makes more sense to acquire ideas for next generation information products from start-ups than to generate them themselves. By analyzing a company's acquisitions and the fate of the technology they have purchased, IT administrators can gain insight into the vendor's ability to take advantage of the new asset. Buying rather than creating new technology is a legitimate and even effective approach, although it probably still indicates that such a company tends to immediately extract commercial benefits from the future, instead of creating this future in-house.

Of course, such an approach can be successful if information product manufacturers retain their core staff and fund continued development.

CIOs, business leaders, and organizations tend to underestimate the need to review their innovation strategy when choosing vendors.

However, the problem of innovation in the field of informatization always arises when implementing development programs in various fields of activity. Moreover, with the development of any field of activity, it is almost inevitable to carry out innovative measures for informatization.

The process of introducing new information systems in a company is a complex organizational task.

Given the specifics of the field of information systems and the need for decision-making in the plane of company management, this task is the task of an information manager. It is information management specialists who must implement the implementation project in such a way that the automated information system naturally and, if possible, painlessly “fits” into the organizational structure of the enterprise.

The modern tourism industry has undergone very significant changes in recent years due to the introduction of new computer technologies. The successful functioning of any company in the tourism business market is almost unthinkable without the use of modern information technologies. The specificity of the technology for the development and implementation of a tourist product requires such systems that would provide information on the availability of vehicles and accommodation opportunities for tourists in the shortest possible time, ensure quick reservation and reservation of places, as well as automate the solution of auxiliary tasks in the provision of tourist services (parallel execution of such documents, such as tickets, bills and guides, provision of settlement and reference information, etc.). This is achievable provided that modern computer technologies for processing and transmitting information are widely used in tourism.

The tourism industry is so many-sided and multifaceted that it requires the use of a wide variety of information technologies, ranging from the development of specialized software tools, providing automation of the work of a separate travel company or hotel, to the use of global computer networks.

At present, the formation of a tourist product involves the use of global distribution systems GDS (Global Distribution System), which provide quick and convenient booking of tickets on transport, hotel reservations, car rental, currency exchange, booking tickets for entertainment and sports programs, etc.

In the tourism industry, video text is also widely used, combining the capabilities of computer reservation systems, e-mail, telex, and electronic newspapers. In the UK, about 90% of travel agencies use the Prestel visual data system, which is maintained by British Telecom. This system contains information about tourism and travel, as well as offers from tour operators, rail lines, ferries, hotels and airlines, easily accessible to consumers. The system is also regularly updated with the latest news and changes in all these areas. The main components of the Prestel system are a TV that acts as a display, a keyboard for data entry, and an adapter that allows the travel agency to communicate with the central computer, bypassing the telephone lines. Videotext technology is also gaining ground in France, where the Minitel system is being used. At the same time, the use of video text is limited in the US.

The tourism business, being one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy, is a highly saturated information industry. In other words, the collection, storage, processing and transmission of up-to-date information is the most important and necessary condition for the functioning of any tourism enterprise. The success of business in some sectors of the economy directly depends on the speed of transmission and exchange of information, on its relevance, timeliness of receipt, adequacy and completeness. In this regard, the successful development of the tourism business involves the widespread use the latest technologies both in the field of creating a tourist product and its promotion to the service market.

Modern computer technologies are being actively introduced into the tourism business and their application is becoming an essential condition for increasing the competitiveness of any tourism enterprise. The tourism industry allows you to use the whole variety of computer technologies, ranging from specialized software products for managing a separate travel company to the use of global computer networks. Today, tourism uses quite a lot of the latest computer technologies, for example, global computer reservation systems, integrated communication networks, multimedia systems, Smart Cards, management information systems, etc. The information technologies listed above are used with varying degrees of activity and have unequal distribution. The degree of their influence on the development of the tourism industry also differs.

Modern computer technologies have the greatest influence on the promotion of a tourist product (distribution and sales). First of all, this concerns the possibility of forming new marketing channels for the promotion and sale of a tourist product. So, in the field of advertising, direct mailing of tourist information by e-mail (direct-mail) has become widespread. In recent years, most tourism enterprises have created their own websites on the Internet, and also use banner advertising. Although the effectiveness of these channels for the distribution of the tourist product in Russia is not very high, this direction should be considered as very promising.

In the West, there is already an electronic attack on the traditional tourism business. In particular, e-commerce is beginning to actively penetrate and take root in the tourism market. Electronic travel offices already exist, such as Microsoft's Expedia travel agency, which allows anyone with a credit card to purchase a tour, book a flight or hotel, purchase tickets to entertainment events, and book car rentals anywhere in the world. According to German experts, about 25% of all sales of tourist products can be realized through e-commerce in the near future. Thus, computer technologies have provoked the creation and application of fundamentally new electronic marketing channels for the promotion and sale of tourist products.

Computer reservation systems CRS (Computer Reservation System), which appeared in the mid-60s. XX century, allowed to speed up the process of booking air tickets and carry it out in real time. As a result, the quality of services has improved by reducing customer service time, increasing the volume and variety of services offered, etc., as well as opportunities to optimize the loading of airliners, implement a flexible pricing strategy, apply new management methods, etc. The high reliability and convenience of these redundancy systems contributed to their rapid and widespread adoption. Currently, 98% of foreign tourism enterprises use booking systems. The Russian market is represented mainly by such global backup systems as Amadeus, Galileo Worldspan. The Amadeus computer booking system has been operating on the Russian market since 1993, and at the moment there are more than 600 travel agencies in Russia using the system.

One of the main areas of application of information technologies in tourism is the introduction of multimedia technologies, in particular directories and catalogs. Currently, tourist guides and catalogs are published in book form, on video cassettes, on CD-ROM laser discs, and on the Internet. Electronic catalogs allow you to virtually travel along the proposed routes, view these routes in an active mode, get information about the country, objects along the route, information about hotels, campsites, motels and other accommodation facilities, get acquainted with the system of benefits and discounts, as well as legislation in the field tourism. In addition, these catalogs usually contain information about the rules for issuing tourist documents, tourist formalities, models of tourist behavior in extreme situations, etc. The client can plan the tour program, choose it according to the given optimal parameters (price, benefits system, transport system, season, etc.).

The use of multimedia technologies promptly provides a potential client with information about any tour of interest to him, and thus allows you to quickly and accurately select the appropriate tourist product. At the same time, the tour operator (travel agent) has the opportunity, if necessary, to make changes to this tour or create a new exclusive tour, make reservations and sell the tourist service created online.

In the field of management in the tourism business, there have also been dramatic changes. The current level of development of the tourist business and fierce competition in this area attach particular importance to the information systems of travel agencies. The functionality of these systems should ensure the input, editing and storage of information about tours, hotels, clients, the status of applications, provide for the output of information in the form of various documents: questionnaires, vouchers, lists of tourists, descriptions of tours, hotels; calculate the cost of tours taking into account the exchange rate, discounts, control payment for tours, generate financial statements, transfer export-import data to other software products (Word, Excel, accounting programs) and other features. These systems not only speed up the process of calculations and the formation of documents, but can also reduce the cost of services (tour package) by choosing the best option for the delivery of customers, accommodation, etc. currently there is no particular need for this, as there are a number of well-established software products. Several Russian companies are currently developing specialized software products for the tourism business: Megatek (Master-Tour program), Arim-Soft (TurWin, Charter, Ovir programs), Samo-Soft (program "(Samo-Tour"), "Tourist Technologies" (complex automation program "Tourist Office"), "Intur-Soft" (program "In-tour-Soft"), ANT-Group (ANT-Group system), "Rek-Soft" (complex "Edelweiss", "Barsum", "Reconline"), etc.

There are several computer systems on the software market that allow automating the internal activities of a travel company. As a rule, these systems ensure the maintenance of reference databases on clients, partners, hotels, transport, embassies, as well as the conduct of tours and accounting of payments, the acceptance of orders and work with clients, the formation of output documents, etc. Almost all software systems provide the formation financial statements and often export-import of data into specialized accounting programs, such as 1C, etc.

Along with the automation of tourist firms, a similar development of programs for the automation of the activities of hotels, restaurants and other tourist business enterprises is being carried out. The use of information systems in this area leads to significant changes in management, and also improves the quality of service.

The emergence of multimedia technologies has found rapid application in the field of social and cultural services and tourism. The main feature of a multimedia computer is the presence additional devices, such as CD-ROM drives, sound card, speakers, 3D accelerator, etc. Currently, most of the computers on the market are multimedia and these devices are included in the standard package. Multimedia technology provides the ability to work with sound and video files, which opens up new areas of using computer technology in the field of socio-cultural services and tourism, in particular the development of virtual tours of museums and travel.

Virtual tours and travels are presentations that allow viewers to see the main objects of interest to them (museums, attractions) even before actually visiting them. These can be arbitrarily moving panoramas of objects of any size (exhibits of museums and art galleries, hotel rooms, city streets and buildings, park alleys, bird's-eye views, etc.). Panoramas are interconnected by simulated longitudinal movements inside the object in such a way that an illusion of real movement along and inside the object is created with the possibility of stopping for a circular inspection in the most interesting places. The viewer can arbitrarily change the direction of movement, use the zoom function, move forward and backward, right and left. It is possible to voice the presentation, embed explanatory inscriptions in it, integrate geographical maps and floor plans into the virtual journey with the possibility of orientation to the cardinal points.

One of the most common ways of using multimedia technologies in the field of social and cultural services and tourism is the creation and use of encyclopedic, reference and advertising discs. At present, a large number of information and reference materials have been developed for museums and various tourist destinations, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, Sochi, etc. Since 1998, Adaptive Technologies has been releasing CD-directories "Hotels of the World": "All Spain", "All Switzerland", "All Cyprus" and others. "Tourist companies".

Many enterprises in the field of social and cultural services and tourism, most often museums, travel agencies and hotels, create their own disks containing reference and information and advertising information. The cost of developing a CD directory depends on its volume and components (availability of multimedia clips, 3D models) and ranges from several hundred to several thousand dollars on average.

To date, their CD-reference books are released mainly by metropolitan tour operators. The discs usually contain country overviews with descriptions of the programs offered, hotels, etc.

Typically, multimedia catalogs do not contain frequently changing information, such as price data, and the functionality of CD directories is significantly less than directories of specialized Internet servers. Nevertheless, CD reference books are popular for a number of reasons:

  • they are the most convenient means of obtaining information if the user does not have access to the Internet;
  • CD-ROMs allow you to get reference information often much faster than searching for similar data on the Internet;
  • one CD-disk, as a network resource in the local network, can be simultaneously used by several users-managers of travel agencies;
  • CDs are easily transferred from one computer to another, and they are convenient to use both at presentations and at other promotional events;
  • CDs are the ideal promotional material for distribution to partners and customers.

The Internet and social media resources will soon be the most promising platform for placing the marketing budget of a social and cultural service enterprise. The main trend of recent years has been the strengthening of the role of the Internet in the process of making a decision about a trip and purchasing a tourist product. Now the Internet has become the main source of information for travelers, and in the first place - social networks and review systems where users share their opinions about trips and travel services.

An effective method of promoting a tourism product on the Internet is to participate in international exhibitions and fairs online. All the most famous tourist exhibitions have already opened their information pages on the Internet, which provide statistics, conditions for participation, accreditation and visiting exhibitions.

The most important exhibitions include:

  • Madrid exhibition FITUR (;
  • Milan exhibition BIT (;
  • Berlin ITB Exhibition (http://www/

The possibility of direct and reverse audio-visual communication via the Internet allows:

  • significantly reduce the cost of promoting a tourist product in the market of tourist services;
  • exclude in some cases the costs of participation in expensive tourist exhibitions and fairs;
  • save on transportation costs, business trips, rental costs and installation of stands, etc.

Thus, fast, reliable communications in the global world network make it possible to promote the tourism product with greater efficiency.

In Russia, social and political restructuring, the formation of a market economy objectively led to the need for a significant change in information relations in society. Despite the recent significant expansion of the market for information services and products, the information support of government bodies, business entities and citizens remains at a low level. The possibility of access to information, as a rule, is limited by its departmental affiliation and is often determined by the official position and social status of the consumer. The problem of access to geographically remote information resources has not been solved. The majority of the population receives information in the traditional way - print, radio, television.

Information and telecommunication systems function mainly in the interests of government agencies power and, as a rule, disunited. This state of affairs leads to duplication of work, redundancy of primary information, an increase in the cost of development and operation of systems. In addition, as noted, departmental disunity complicates the exchange of information and access to it.

Information services, resources and software products (information potential) are extremely unevenly distributed throughout Russia, and they are mainly provided by the central regions. This distribution corresponds to the concentration of the main scientific and information centers of Russia and does not take into account the needs of the population and government. That is why the task of equalizing the information potential needs to be solved as soon as possible.

These problems can be solved only through the formation of a single tourist information space in Russia.

We can distinguish the following properties of the information space, characterizing the level of its development.

First, integrity, interpreted as the unity of all objects and subjects within the economic space. The main factor of integrity, consistency of the subject is the manifestation of its economic activity. The information space, functioning in the form of a set of socio-economic, public and information relations of the subjects of the economic space, is a measure of their involvement in social relations.

The second criterion for the development of the information space is communication, which manifests itself in the form of interrelated processes of integration and differentiation, occurring both within the subject and in interaction with the external environment.

Due to the fact that there is a constant increase in the number of interactions of subjects per unit of time within the economic space, and information about these interactions is reproduced and replicated in an increasing volume within the information space, it is logical to highlight one more property of the information space - dynamism.

The following properties of a single information space are the constant expansion of boundaries, due to the increasing complexity of economic entities and their information interaction, and the increase in the density of the information space, which occurs due to the growth of relationships between the subjects of economic activity, its internationalization, cooperation and the growth in the number of elementary information exchanges per unit of time.

The main features of a single information space in the field of tourism include:

  • operation of common principles and general rules for all subjects of information interaction when combined state regulation and self-regulating principles in the formation and development of a single information space;
  • ensuring secure information interaction between the state, organizations and citizens;
  • the fullest possible satisfaction of the information needs of subjects throughout the territory;
  • equal accessibility of subjects of information interaction to open information resources and their legal equality;
  • maintaining a balance of interests for entering the global information space and ensuring national information sovereignty.

Thus, having studied the use of information and communication technologies in the field of tourism, we can conclude that in our days of widespread computerization and informatization, all travel companies and agencies, enterprises and firms abroad and the vast majority of Russian enterprises use international computer information as a working source of information. Internet. The use of information technology in the field of tourism allows users to easily find information about the conditions of recreation, prices, services provided, more detailed information about the organization. No type of advertising can also be compared with advertising on the Internet in terms of the completeness, quality and efficiency of the information provided.

Thus, the creation of a single regional information tourism space is of undoubted interest not only for individual tourism enterprises, but in general can affect the development of the tourism industry, contributing to the increase in the attractiveness of tourism in the region.


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